God’s Grace to Unfaithful Jerusalem1 Then the word° of the LORD° came° to me, saying°, 2 “Son° of man°, amake° known° to Jerusalem° her abominations° 3 and say°, ‘Thus° says° the Lord° IGOD° to Jerusalem°, “Your origin° and your birth° are from the land° of the Canaanite°, your father° was an Amorite° and your mother° a Hittite°. 4 As for your birth°, aon the day° you were born° your navel° cord° was not cut°, nor° were you washed° with water° for cleansing°; you were not rubbed° with salt° or even wrapped° in cloths°. 5 No° eye° looked° with pity° on you to do° any° of these° things° for you, to have° compassion° on you. Rather you were thrown° out into the Iaopen° field°, IIfor you were abhorred° on the day° you were born°. [2] aIs 58:1; Ezk 20:4; 22:2
[3] IHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD, and so throughout the ch [4] aHo 2:3 [5] ILit surface IILit in the loathing of your soul aDt 32:10 6 ¶ “When I passed° by you and saw° you squirming° in your blood°, I said° to you [while you were] in your blood°, ‘Live°!’ Yes, I said° to you [while you were] in your blood°, ‘Live°!’ 7 I amade° you Inumerous° like plants° of the field°. Then you grew° up, became° tall° and reached° the age° for fine° ornaments°; [your] breasts° were formed° and your hair° had grown°. Yet you were naked° and bare°. 8 ¶ “Then I passed° by you and saw° you, and behold°, Iyou were at the time° for love°; so I aspread° My skirt° over° you and covered° your nakedness°. I also bswore° to you and centered° into a covenant° with you so that you dbecame° Mine,” declares° the Lord° GOD°. 9 “Then I bathed° you with water°, washed° off° your blood° from you and aanointed° you with oil°. 10 I also clothed° you with aembroidered° cloth° and put° sandals° of porpoise° skin° on your feet; and I wrapped° you with fine° linen° and covered° you with silk°. 11 I adorned° you with ornaments°, put° abracelets° on your hands° and a bnecklace° around° your neck°. 12 I also put° a aring° in your nostril°, earrings° in your ears° and a bbeautiful° crown° on your head°. 13 Thus you were adorned° with agold° and silver°, and your dress° was of fine° linen°, silk° and embroidered° cloth°. You ate° fine° flour°, honey° and oil°; so you were exceedingly° beautiful° and advanced° to broyalty°. 14 Then your afame° went° forth° among the nations° on account of your beauty°, for it was bperfect° because of My splendor° which° I bestowed° on you,” declares° the Lord° GOD°. [8] ILit your time was aRu 3:9; Jr 2:2 bGn 22:16-18 cEx 24:7, 8 dEx 19:5; Ezk 20:5; Ho 2:19, 20
[9] aRu 3:3 [10] aEx 26:36; Ezk 16:13, 18; 26:16; 27:7, 16 [11] aGn 24:22, 47; Is 3:19; Ezk 23:42 bGn 41:42; Pv 1:9 [12] aGn 24:47; Is 3:21 bIs 28:5; Jr 13:18; Ezk 16:14 [13] aPs 45:13, 14; Ezk 16:17 b1S 10:1; 1K 4:21 [14] a1K 10:1, 24 bPs 50:2; Lm 2:15 15 ¶ “But you atrusted° in your beauty° and bplayed° the harlot° because° of your fame°, and you poured° out your harlotries° on every° passer-by° Iwho might be [willing]. 16 You took° some° of your clothes°, made° for yourself high° places° of various° colors° and played° the harlot° on them, Iwhich should never° come° about nor° happen°. 17 You also took° your beautiful° Iajewels° [made] of My gold° and of My silver°, which° I had given° you, and made° for yourself male° images° that you might play° the harlot° with them. 18 Then you took° your embroidered° cloth° and covered° them, and offered° My oil° and My incense° before° them. 19 Also aMy bread° which° I gave° you, fine° flour°, oil° and honey° with which I fed° you, Iyou would offer° before° them for a soothing° aroma°; so it happened°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°. 20 “Moreover, you took° your sons° and daughters° whom° you had borne° to aMe and bsacrificed° them to Iidols to be devoured°. Were your harlotries° so° small° a matter? 21 You slaughtered° aMy children° and offered° them up to Iidols by bcausing them to pass° through° [the fire]. 22 Besides° all° your abominations° and harlotries° you did not remember° the days° of ayour youth°, when you were naked° and bare° and squirming° in your blood°. [15] ILit to whom it might be aEzk 16:25; 27:3 bIs 57:8; Jr 2:20
[16] ILit things which had not happened nor will it be [17] ILit articles of beauty aEzk 16:11, 12 [19] ILit and you...offer it aHo 2:8 [20] ILit them aEx 13:2, 12; Dt 29:11, 12 bPs 106:37, 38; Jr 7:31; Ezk 20:31; 23:37 [21] ILit them aEx 13:2 b2K 17:17; Jr 19:5 [22] aJr 2:2 23 ¶ “Then it came° about after° all° your wickedness° (‘Woe°, woe° to you!’ declares° the Lord° GOD°), 24 that you built° yourself a ashrine° and made° yourself a bhigh° place° in every° square°. 25 You built° yourself a high° place° at the top° of aevery° street° and made° your beauty° abominable°, and you spread° your legs° to every° passer-by° to multiply° your harlotry°. 26 You also played° the harlot° with the Egyptians°, your Ilustful°° neighbors°, and multiplied° your harlotry° to amake° Me angry°. 27 Behold° now, I have stretched° out My hand° against° you and diminished° your rations°. And I delivered° you up to the desire° of those who hate° you, the adaughters° of the Philistines°, who are ashamed° of your lewd° conduct°. 28 Moreover, you played° the harlot° with the aAssyrians° because° you were not satisfied°; you played° the harlot° with them and still° were not satisfied°. 29 You also multiplied° your harlotry° with the land° of merchants°, Chaldea°, yet even° with this° you were not satisfied°.”’” [24] aJr 11:13; Ezk 16:31, 39; 20:28, 29 bPs 78:58; Is 57:7
[25] aPv 9:14 [26] ILit great of flesh aJr 7:18, 19; Ezk 8:17 [27] aIs 9:12; Ezk 16:57 [28] a2K 16:7, 10-18; 2Ch 28:16, 20-23; Jr 2:18, 36; Ezk 23:12; Ho 10:6 30 ¶ “How° alanguishing° is your heart°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°, “while you do° all° these° things°, the actions° of a Ibbold-faced° harlot°. 31 When you built° your shrine° at the beginning° of every° street° and made° your high° place° in every° square°, in adisdaining° money°, you were not like a harlot°. 32 You adulteress° wife°, who takes° strangers° instead° of her husband°! 33 IMen give° gifts° to all° harlots°, but you agive° your gifts° to all° your lovers° to bribe° them to come° to you from every° direction° for your harlotries°. 34 Thus you are different° from those women° in your harlotries°, in that no° one plays° the harlot° Ias you do, because you give° money° and no° money° is given° you; thus you are different°.” [30] ILit domineering aPv 9:13; Is 1:3; Jr 4:22 bIs 3:9; Jr 3:3
[31] aIs 52:3 [33] ILit They aIs 57:9; Ezk 16:41; Ho 8:9, 10 [34] ILit after you 35 ¶ Therefore°, O harlot°, hear° the word° of the LORD°. 36 Thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “Because° your lewdness° was poured° out and your nakedness° uncovered° through your harlotries° with your lovers° and with all° your detestable° aidols°, and because of the blood° of your sons° which° you gave° to Iidols, 37 therefore°, behold°, I will agather° all° your lovers° with whom° you took° pleasure°, even all° those whom° you loved° [and] all° those whom° you bhated°. So I will gather° them against° you from every° direction° and cexpose° your nakedness° to them that they may see° all° your nakedness°. 38 Thus I will ajudge° you like women who commit° adultery° or shed° blood° are judged°; and I will bring° on you the blood° of bwrath° and jealousy°. 39 I will also give° you into Ithe hands° of your lovers, and they will tear° down° your shrines°, demolish° your high° places°, astrip° you of your clothing°, take° away your IIjewels°°, and will leave° you naked° and bare°. 40 They will Iincite° a acrowd° against° you and they will stone° you and cut° you to pieces° with their swords°. 41 They will aburn° your houses° with fire° and execute° judgments° on you in the sight° of many° women°. Then I will bstop° you from playing° the harlot°, and you will also° no° longer° pay° Iyour lovers°. 42 So I awill calm° My fury° against you and My jealousy° will depart° from you, and I will be pacified° and angry° bno° more°. 43 Because°° you have anot remembered° the days° of your youth° but Ihave benraged° Me by all° these° things°, behold°, I in turn° will cbring° your conduct° down° on your own head°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°, “so that you will not commit° this lewdness° on top° of all° your [other] abominations°. [36] ILit them aJr 19:5; Ezk 20:31; 23:37
[37] aJr 13:22, 26; Ezk 23:9, 22; Ho 2:3, 10; Na 3:5, 6 bEzk 23:17, 28 cIs 47:3 [38] aEzk 23:45 bPs 79:3, 5; Jr 18:21; Ezk 23:25; Zp 1:17 [39] ILit their hands, and they IILit articles of beauty aEzk 23:26; Ho 2:3 [40] ILit bring up an assembly aEzk 23:47; Hab 1:6-10 [41] ILit a harlot’s hire a2K 25:9; Jr 39:8; 52:13 bEzk 23:48 [42] a2S 24:25; Ezk 5:13; 21:17; Zc 6:8 bIs 40:1, 2; 54:9, 10; Ezk 39:29 [43] ISo with ancient versions; Heb are angry against aPs 78:42; 106:13; Ezk 16:22 bIs 63:10; Ezk 6:9 cEzk 11:21; 22:31 44 ¶ “Behold°, everyone° who quotes° aproverbs° will quote° [this] proverb° concerning° you, saying°, ‘ILike mother°, Ilike daughter°.’ 45 You are the daughter° of your mother°, who loathed° her husband° and children°. You are also the asister° of your sisters°, who° bloathed° their husbands° and children°. Your mother° was a Hittite° and your father° an Amorite°. 46 Now your aolder° sister° is Samaria°, who lives° Inorth° of you with her IIdaughters°; and your younger° sister°, who lives° IIIsouth° of you, is bSodom° with her IIdaughters°. 47 Yet you have not merely walked° in their ways° or done° according to their abominations°; but, as if that were atoo° little°, you acted° bmore° corruptly° in all° your conduct° than° they. 48 As I live°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°, “Sodom°, your sister° and her daughters° have anot done° as you and your daughters° have done°. 49 Behold°, this° was the guilt° of your sister° Sodom°: she and her daughters° had° aarrogance°, babundant° food° and ccareless° ease°, but she did not Ihelp°° the dpoor° and needy°. 50 Thus they were haughty° and committed° aabominations° before° Me. Therefore I bremoved° them Iwhen° I saw° [it]. 51 Furthermore, Samaria° did not commit° half° of your sins°, for you have multiplied° your abominations° more° than° they. Thus you have made° your sisters° appear arighteous° by all° your abominations° which° you have committed°. 52 Also° bear° your disgrace° in that you have Imade° judgment° favorable° for your sisters°. Because of your sins° in which° you acted° amore° abominably° than° they, they are more° in the right° than° you. Yes°, be also° ashamed° and bear° your disgrace°, in that you made° your sisters° appear righteous°. [44] ILit Her a1S 24:13; Ezk 12:22, 23; 18:2, 3
[45] aEzk 23:2 bIs 1:4; Ezk 23:37-39; Zc 11:8 [46] ILit on your left III.e. environs; so through v 55 IIILit from your right aJr 3:8-11; Ezk 23:4 bGn 13:10-13; 18:20; Ezk 16:48, 49, 53-56, 61 [47] a1K 16:31 b2K 21:9; Ezk 5:6; 16:48, 51 [48] aMt 10:15; 11:23, 24 [49] ILit grasp the hand of aGn 19:9; Ps 138:6; Is 3:9; Ezk 28:2, 9, 17 bGn 13:10; Is 22:13; Am 6:4-6 cLk 12:16-20; 16:19 dEzk 18:7, 12, 16 [50] IMany ancient mss and versions read as you have seen aGn 13:13; 18:20; 19:5 bGn 19:24, 25 [51] aJr 3:8-11 [52] ILit mediated for aEzk 16:47, 48, 51 53 ¶ “Nevertheless, I will restore° their captivity°, the captivity° of Sodom° and her daughters°, the captivity° of Samaria° and her daughters°, and Ialong° with them IIyour own° captivity°, 54 in order° that you may bear° your humiliation° and feel° aashamed° for all° that you have done° when you become° ba consolation° to them. 55 Your sisters°, Sodom° with her daughters° and Samaria° with her daughters°, Iwill return° to their former° state°, and you with your daughters° will [also] return° to your former° state°. 56 As [the name of] your sister° Sodom° was not heard° from your lips° in your day° of pride°, 57 before° your awickedness° was uncovered°, Iso° now° you have become the breproach° of the daughters° of IIEdom° and of all° who are around° her, of the daughters° of the Philistines°those surrounding° [you] who despise° you. 58 You have aborne° [the penalty of] your lewdness° and abominations°,” the LORD° declares°. 59 For thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “I will also do° with you as you have done°, you who° have adespised° the oath° by breaking° the covenant°. [53] ILit in their midst IILit the captivity of your captivity
[54] aJr 2:26 bEzk 14:22, 23 [55] IHeb includes will return...state after Sodom also [57] ILit as at the time of IISo with many mss and one version; M.T. Aram aEzk 16:36, 37 b2K 16:5-7; 2Ch 28:5, 6, 18-23; Ezk 5:14, 15; 22:4 [58] aEzk 23:49 [59] aIs 24:5; Ezk 17:19 The Covenant Remembered60 ¶ “Nevertheless, I will remember° My covenant° with you in the days° of your youth°, and I will establish° an aeverlasting° covenant° with you. 61 Then you will aremember° your ways° and be ashamed° when you receive° your sisters°, [both] your older° and your younger°; and I will give° them to you as daughters°, but not because° of your covenant°. 62 Thus I will aestablish° My covenant° with you, and you shall bknow° that I am the LORD°, 63 so that you may aremember° and be ashamed° and bnever° open° your mouth° anymore° because°° of your humiliation°, when I have cforgiven° you for all° that you have done°,” the Lord° GOD° declares°. [60] aIs 55:3; Jr 32:38-41; Ezk 37:26
[61] aJr 50:4, 5; Ezk 6:9 [62] aEzk 20:37; 34:25; 37:26 bJr 24:7; Ezk 20:43, 44 [63] aEzk 36:31, 32; Dn 9:7, 8 bPs 39:9; Ro 3:19 cPs 65:3; 78:38; 79:9 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
Under the similitude of a wretched infant is shewed the natural state of Jerusalem.1 ¶ Again the wordº of the LORDº came² unto² me, saying,ºª 2 Sonº of man,º cause² Jerusalemº to knowºª² her abominations,º 3 And say,ºª Thus² saithºª the Lordº GODº unto Jerusalem;º Thy birthº and thy nativityº [is] of the landº² of Canaan;º thy fatherº [was] an Amorite,º and thy motherº an Hittite.¹² 4 And [as for] thy nativity,º in the dayº thou wast bornºª thy navelº was not² cut,ºª neither² wast thou washedºª in waterº to suppleº [thee]; thou wast not² salted¹ª at all,ºª nor² swaddled¹ª at all.ºª 5 None² eyeº pitiedºª² thee, to doºª anyº of these²² unto thee, to have compassionºª upon² thee; but thou wast cast outºª in² the openº field,º to the lothingº of thy person,º in the dayº that thou wast born.ºª [2] Is 58:1; Ezk 8:9; 20:4; 22:2; 23:36; 33:7; Ho 8:1.
[3] Gn 11:25, 29; 15:16; Dt 20:17; Jsh 24:14; 1K 21:26; 2K 21:11; Ezr 9:1; Ne 9:7; Is 1:10; 51:1; Ezk 16:45; 21:30; Mt 3:7; 11:24; Lk 3:7; Jn 8:44; Ep 2:3; 1Jn 3:10. [4] Gn 15:13; Ex 1:11; 2:23; 5:16; Dt 5:6; 15:15; Jsh 24:2; Ne 9:7; Lm 2:20, 22; Ezk 20:8, 13; Ho 2:3; Lk 2:7, 12; Ac 7:6. [5] Gn 21:10; Ex 1:22; Nu 19:16; Is 49:15; Jr 9:21; 22:19; Lm 2:11, 19; 4:3, 10; Ezk 2:6. God's extraordinary love towards her.6 ¶ And when I passedºª by² thee, and sawºª thee pollutedºª in thine own blood,º I saidºª unto thee [when thou wast] in thy blood,º Live;ºª yea, I saidºª unto thee [when thou wast] in thy blood,º Live.ºª 7 I have causedºª thee to multiplyº as the budº of the field,º and thou hast increasedºª and waxen great,ºª and thou art comeºª to excellentº ornaments:º [thy] breastsº are fashioned,ºª and thine hairº is grown,ºª whereas thou² [wast] nakedº and bare.º 8 Now when I passedºª by² thee, and looked¹ª upon² thee, behold,² thy timeº [was] the timeº of love;º and I spreadºª my skirtº over² thee, and coveredºª thy nakedness:º yea, I swareºª unto thee, and enteredºª into a covenantº with² thee, saithºª the Lordº GOD,º and thou becamest² mine. 9 Then washedºª I thee with water;º yea, I throughly washed awayºª thy bloodº from²² thee, and I anointedºª thee with oil.º 10 I clothedºª thee also with broidered work,º and shodºª thee with badgers' skin,º and I girded¹ª thee about² with fine linen,º and I coveredºª thee with silk.º 11 I deckedºª thee also with ornaments,º and I putºª braceletsº upon² thy hands,º and a chainº on² thy neck.º 12 And I putºª a jewelº on² thy forehead,º and earringsº in² thine ears,º and a beautifulº crownº upon thine head.º 13 Thus wast thou deckedºª with goldº and silver;º and thy raimentº [was of] fine linen,ºª and silk,º and broidered work;º thou didst eatºª fine flour,º and honey,º and oil:º and thou wast exceeding¹ beautiful,ººª and thou didst prosperºª into a kingdom.º 14 And thy renownº went forthºª among the heathenº for thy beauty:º for² it² [was] perfectº through my comeliness,º which² I had putºª upon² thee, saithºª the Lordº GOD.º [6] Ex 2:24; 3:7; 19:4; Dt 9:4; Ps 105:10, 26; Is 14:19; 51:23; Ezk 20:5; Mi 7:10; Mt 5:13; Jn 5:25; Ac 7:34; Ro 9:15; Ep 2:4; Tit 3:3; He 10:29; Rv 14:20.
[7] Gn 22:17; Ex 1:7; 3:22; 12:37; Dt 1:10; 4:8; 32:10; 33:26; Ne 9:18; Jb 1:21; Ps 135:4; 147:20; 148:14; 149:2; So 4:5; Is 61:10; 62:3; Ezk 16:10, 16, 22; Ho 2:3, 9; Ac 7:17; Rv 3:17. [8] Ex 19:4; 24:1; 32:13; Dt 4:31; 7:6; Ru 3:9; 1S 12:22; Is 41:8; 43:4; 63:7; Jr 2:2; 31:3, 32; Ezk 16:6; 20:5; Ho 2:18; 11:1; Mal 1:2; Ro 5:8; 9:10. [9] Ps 23:5; 51:7; Is 4:4; Ezk 16:4, 6; 36:25; Jn 13:8; 1Co 6:11; 10:2; 2Co 1:21; He 9:10; 1Jn 2:20, 27; 5:8; Rv 1:5. [10] Gn 41:42; Ex 25:5; 26:14; 28:5; 39:27; Ps 45:13; Pv 31:22; Is 61:3, 10; Ezk 16:7, 13, 18; Lk 15:22; 1P 3:3; Rv 7:9; 18:12; 19:8; 21:2. [11] Gn 24:22, 47, 53; 35:4; 41:42; Ex 32:2; 35:22; Lv 8:9; Nu 31:50; Jg 8:24; Es 2:17; Jb 42:11; Pv 1:9; 4:9; 25:12; So 1:10; 4:9; Is 3:19, 21; 28:5; Lm 5:16; Dn 5:7, 16, 29; Ho 2:13; Rv 2:10; 4:4, 10. [13] Gn 17:6; Dt 8:8; 32:13; 1S 12:12; 2S 8:15; 1K 4:21; Ezr 4:20; 5:11; Ps 45:13; 48:2; 50:2; 81:16; 147:14; Is 64:11; Jr 13:20; Lm 2:15; Ezk 16:14, 19; Ho 2:5. [14] Dt 4:6, 32; Jsh 2:9; 9:6; 1K 10:1, 24; 2Ch 2:11; 9:23; Lm 2:15; 1Co 4:7. Her monstrous whoredom.15 ¶ But thou didst trustºª in thine own beauty,º and playedst the harlotºª because² of thy renown,º and pouredst outºª² thy fornicationsº on² every one² that passed by;ºª his it was.² 16 And of thy garmentsº² thou didst take,ºª and deckedstºª thy high placesº with divers colours,ºª and playedst the harlotºª thereupon:² [the like things] shall not² come,ºª neither² shall it be² [so]. 17 Thou hast also takenºª thy fairº jewelsº of my goldº² and of my silver,º² which² I had givenºª thee, and madestºª to thyself imagesº of men,º and didst commit whoredomºª with them, 18 And tookestºª thy broideredº² garments,º and coveredstºª them: and thou hast setºª mine oilº and mine incenseº beforeº them. 19 My meatº also which² I gaveºª thee, fine flour,º and oil,º and honey,º [wherewith] I fedºª thee, thou hast even setºª it beforeº them for a sweetº savour:º and [thus] it was,² saithºª the Lordº GOD.º 20 Moreover thou hast takenºª² thy sonsº and thy daughters,º whom² thou hast borneºª unto me, and these hast thou sacrificedºª unto them to be devoured.ºª [Is this] of² thy whoredomsº a small matter,º 21 That thou hast slainºª² my children,º and deliveredºª them to cause them to pass throughºª [the fire] for them? 22 And in all² thine abominationsº and thy whoredomsº thou hast not² rememberedºª² the daysº of thy youth,º when thou wast² nakedº and bare,º [and] wast² pollutedºª in thy blood.º 23 And it came to pass² afterº all² thy wickedness,º (woe,º woeº unto thee! saithºª the Lordº GOD;)º 24 [That] thou hast also builtºª unto thee an eminent place,º and hast madeºª thee an high placeº in every² street.º 25 Thou hast builtºª thy high placeº at² every² headº of the way,º and hast made² thy beautyº to be abhorred,ºª and hast openedºª² thy feetº to every one² that passed by,ºª and multipliedºª² thy whoredoms.º 26 Thou hast also committed fornicationºª with² the Egyptiansºº thy neighbours,º greatº of flesh;º and hast increasedºª² thy whoredoms,º to provoke me to anger.ºª 27 Behold,² therefore I have stretched outºª my handº over² thee, and have diminishedºª thine ordinaryº [food], and deliveredºª thee unto the willº of them that hateºª thee, the daughtersº of the Philistines,º which are ashamedºª of thy lewdº way.º² 28 Thou hast played the whoreºª also with² the Assyrians,ºº because¹ thou wast unsatiable;¹ª²²² yea, thou hast played the harlotºª with them, and yet² couldest not² be satisfied.¹² 29 Thou hast moreover multipliedºª² thy fornicationº in² the landº of Canaanº unto Chaldea;º and yet² thou wast not² satisfiedºª herewith.º 30 How² weakºª is thine heart,º saithºª the Lordº GOD,º seeing thou doestºª² all² these² [things], the workº of an imperiousº whorishºª woman;º 31 In that thou buildestºª thine eminent placeº in the headº of every² way,º and makestºª thine high placeº in every² street;º and hast not² been² as an harlot,ºª in that thou scornestºª hire;º 32 [But as] a wifeº that committeth adultery,ºª [which] takethºª² strangersºª instead² of her husband!º 33 They giveºª giftsº to all² whores:ºª but thou² givestºª² thy giftsº to all² thy lovers,ºª and hirestºª them, that they may comeºª unto² thee on every sideº² for thy whoredom.º 34 And the contraryº is² in thee from² [other] womenº in thy whoredoms,º whereas none² followethº thee to commit whoredoms:ºª and in that thou givestºª a reward,º and no² rewardº is givenºª unto thee, therefore thou artºª contrary.º [15] Ex 32:6; Nu 25:1; Dt 32:15; Jg 2:12; 3:6; 10:6; 1K 11:5; 12:28; 2K 17:7; 21:3; Ps 106:35; Is 1:21; 48:1; 57:8; Jr 2:20; 3:1; 7:4; Ezk 16:25, 36; 20:8; 23:3, 8, 11, 12; 33:13; Ho 1:2; 4:10; Mi 3:11; Zp 3:11; Mt 3:9; Rv 17:5.
[16] 2K 23:7; 2Ch 28:24; Ezk 7:20; Ho 2:8. [17] Ex 32:1; Is 44:19; 57:7; Jr 2:27; 3:9; Ezk 7:19; 23:14; Ho 2:13; 10:1. [18] Ezk 16:10. [19] Gn 8:21; Dt 32:14; Ezk 16:13; Ho 2:8. [20] Gn 17:7; Ex 13:2, 12; Dt 29:11; 2K 16:3; 2Ch 33:6; Ps 106:37; Is 57:5; Jr 2:34; 7:31; 32:35; Ezk 8:17; 16:21; 20:26, 31; 23:4, 37, 39; Mi 6:7. [21] Lv 18:21; 20:1; Dt 18:10; 2K 17:17; 21:6; 23:10; Ps 106:37. [22] Jr 2:2; Ezk 16:3, 43, 60; Ho 2:3; 11:1. [23] Jr 13:27; Ezk 2:10; 13:3, 18; 24:6; Zp 3:1; Mt 11:21; 23:13; Rv 8:13; 12:12. [24] Lv 26:30; 2K 21:3; 23:5, 11; 2Ch 33:3; Ps 78:58; Is 57:5, 7; Jr 2:20; 3:2; 17:3; Ezk 16:31, 39; 20:28. [25] Gn 38:14, 21; Pv 9:14; Is 3:9; Jr 2:23; 3:2; 6:15; Ezk 16:31; 23:9, 32; Rv 17:1, 12, 16. [26] Ex 32:4; Dt 29:16; Jsh 24:14; Is 30:21; Ezk 8:10, 14; 20:7; 23:3, 8, 19. [27] Dt 28:48; 2K 24:2; 2Ch 28:18; Ps 106:41; Is 3:1; 5:25; 9:12, 17; Jr 34:21; Ezk 5:6; 14:9; 16:24, 37, 47, 57; 23:22, 25, 28, 46; Ho 2:9; Rv 17:16. [28] Jg 10:6; 2K 16:7, 10; 21:11; 2Ch 28:23; Jr 2:18, 36; Ezk 23:5, 12; Ho 10:6. [29] Jg 2:12; 2K 21:9; Ezk 13:14; 23:14. [30] Jg 16:15; Pv 7:11, 21; 9:13; Is 1:3; 3:9; Jr 2:12; 3:3; 4:22; Rv 17:1. [31] Is 52:3; Ezk 16:24, 25, 33, 39; Ho 12:11. [32] Jr 2:25, 28; 3:1, 8, 20; Ezk 16:8; 23:37, 45; Ho 2:2; 3:1; 2Co 11:2. [33] Gn 38:16; Dt 23:17; Is 30:3, 6; 57:9; Ho 2:12; 8:9; Jol 3:3; Mi 1:7; Lk 15:30. Her grievous judgment.35 ¶ Wherefore,² O harlot,ºª hearºª the wordº of the LORD:º 36 Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Because² thy filthinessº was poured out,ºª and thy nakednessº discoveredºª through thy whoredomsº with² thy lovers,ºª and with² all² the idolsº of thy abominations,º and by the bloodº of thy children,º which² thou didst giveºª unto them; 37 Behold,² therefore² I will gatherºª² all² thy lovers,ºª with² whom² thou hast taken pleasure,ºª and all² [them] that² thou hast loved,ºª with² all² [them] that² thou hast hated;ºª I will even gatherºª them round aboutº² against² thee, and will discoverºª thy nakednessº unto² them, that they may seeºª² all² thy nakedness.º 38 And I will judgeºª thee, as women that break wedlockºª and shedºª bloodº are judged;º and I will giveºª thee bloodº in furyº and jealousy.º 39 And I will also giveºª thee into their hand,º and they shall throw downºª thine eminent place,º and shall break downºª thy high places:º they shall stripºª thee also of thy clothes,º and shall takeºª thy fairº jewels,º and leave¹ª² thee nakedº and bare.º 40 They shall also bring upºª a companyº against² thee, and they shall stoneºª thee with stones,º and thrust thee throughºª with their swords.º 41 And they shall burnºª thine housesº with fire,º and executeºª judgmentsº upon thee in the sightº of manyº women:º and I will cause thee to ceaseºª from playing the harlot,ºª² and thou also² shalt giveºª no² hireº any more.² 42 So will I make my furyº toward thee to rest,ºª and my jealousyº shall departºª from² thee, and I will be quiet,ºª and will be no² more² angry.ºª 43 Because²² thou hast not² rememberedºª² the daysº of thy youth,º but hast frettedºª me in all² these² [things]; behold,º therefore I² also² will recompenseºª thy wayº upon [thine] head,º saithºª the Lordº GOD:º and thou shalt not² commitºª² this lewdnessº above² all² thine abominations.º [35] 1K 22:19; Is 1:10, 21; 23:15; 28:14; Jr 3:1, 6; Ezk 13:2; 20:47; 34:7; Ho 2:5; 4:1; Am 7:16; Na 3:4; Jn 4:10, 18; Rv 17:5.
[36] Gn 3:7, 10; Ps 139:11; Jr 2:34; 13:22; Lm 1:9; Ezk 16:15, 20; 22:15; 23:8, 10, 18, 29; 24:13; 36:25; Zp 3:1; Rv 3:18. [37] Jr 4:30; 13:22, 26; 22:20; Lm 1:8, 19; Ezk 23:9, 22; Ho 2:3, 10; 8:10; Na 3:5; Rv 17:16. [38] Gn 9:6; 38:11, 24; Ex 21:12; Lv 20:10; Nu 35:31; Dt 22:22; Ps 79:3; Jr 18:21; Ezk 16:20, 36, 40; 23:45; Na 1:2; Zp 1:17; Mt 1:18; Jn 8:3; Rv 16:6. [39] Is 3:16; 27:9; Ezk 7:22; 16:10, 24, 31; 23:26, 29; Ho 2:3, 9. [40] Jr 25:9; Ezk 23:10, 47; 24:21; Hab 1:6; Jn 8:5. [41] Dt 13:11, 16; 22:21, 24; 2K 25:9; Jb 34:26; Is 1:25; 2:18; 27:9; Jr 39:8; 52:13; Ezk 5:8; 23:10, 27, 48; 37:23; Ho 2:6; Mi 3:12; 5:10; Zc 13:2; 1Ti 5:20. [42] 2S 21:14; Is 1:24; 40:1; 54:9; Ezk 5:13; 21:17; 39:29; Zc 6:8. [43] Dt 32:21; Ps 78:40, 42; 95:10; 106:13; Is 63:10; Jr 2:32; Ezk 6:9; 7:3, 8; 9:10; 11:21; 16:22; 22:31; Am 2:13; Ac 7:51; Ro 2:8; Ep 4:30. Her sin, matching her mother, and exceeding her sisters, Sodom and Samaria, calleth for judgments.44 ¶ Behold,² every one² that useth proverbsºª shall use [this] proverbºª against² thee, saying,ºª As [is] the mother,º [so is] her daughter.º 45 Thou² [art] thy mother'sº daughter,º that lothethºª her husbandº and her children;º and thou² [art] the sisterº of thy sisters,º which² lothedºª their husbands¹² and their children:º your motherº [was] an Hittite,¹² and your fatherº an Amorite.º 46 And thine elderº sisterº [is] Samaria,º she² and her daughtersº that dwellºª at² thy left hand:º and thy youngerº sister,º that dwellethºª at thy right hand,º² [is] Sodomº and her daughters.º 47 Yet hast thou not² walkedºª after their ways,º nor doneºª after their abominations:º but, as [if that were] a veryº littleº¹ª [thing], thou wast corruptedºª more than² they¹ in all² thy ways.º 48 [As] I² live,º saithºª the Lordº GOD,º Sodomº thy sisterº hath not² done,ºª she² nor her daughters,º as² thou hast done,ºª thou² and thy daughters.º 49 Behold,² this² was² the iniquityº of thy sisterº Sodom,º pride,º fulnessº of bread,º and abundanceº of idlenessºª was² in her and in her daughters,º neither² did she strengthenºª the handº of the poorº and needy.º 50 And they were haughty,ºª and committedºª abominationº beforeº me: therefore I took them awayºª² as² I sawºª [good]. 51 Neither² hath Samariaº committedºª halfº of thy sins;º but thou hast multipliedºª² thine abominationsº more than² they,¹ and hast justifiedºª² thy sistersº in all² thine abominationsº which² thou hast done.ºª 52 Thou² also,² which² hast judgedºª thy sisters,º bearºª thine own shameº for thy sinsº that² thou hast committed more abominableºª than² they:¹ they are more righteousºª than² thou: yea, be thou confoundedºª² also,² and bearºª thy shame,º in that thou hast justifiedºª thy sisters.º 53 When I shall bring againºª² their captivity,ºª² the captivityºª of Sodomº and her daughters,º and the captivityºª of Samariaº and her daughters,º then [will I bring again] the captivityºª of thy captivesº in the midstº of them: 54 That² thou mayest bearºª thine own shame,º and mayest be confoundedºª in all²² that² thou hast done,ºª in that thou art a comfortºª unto them. 55 When thy sisters,º Sodomº and her daughters,º shall returnºª to their former estate,º and Samariaº and her daughtersº shall returnºª to their former estate,º then thou² and thy daughtersº shall returnºª to your former estate.º 56 For thy sisterº Sodomº was² not² mentionedº by thy mouthº in the dayº of thy pride,º 57 Before² thy wickednessº was discovered,ºª as at² the timeº of [thy] reproachº of the daughtersº of Syria,º and all² [that are] round aboutº her, the daughtersº of the Philistines,º which despiseºª thee round about.º² 58 Thou² hast borneºª² thy lewdnessº and thine abominations,º saithºª the LORD.º 59 For² thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º I will even dealºª with² thee as² thou hast done,ºª which² hast despisedºª the oathº in breakingºª the covenant.º [44] 1S 24:13; 1K 21:16; 2K 17:11, 15; 21:9; Ezr 9:1; Ps 106:35; Ezk 16:3, 45; 18:2.
[45] Dt 5:9; 12:31; Is 1:4; Ezk 16:3, 8, 15, 20; 23:37; Zc 11:8; Ro 1:30. [46] Gn 13:11; 14:8; 18:20; 19:24, 29; Dt 29:23; 32:32; Is 1:9; Jr 3:8; 23:14; Lm 4:6; Ezk 16:27, 48, 51, 53, 61; 23:4, 11, 31; 26:6; Ho 11:8; Mi 1:5; Lk 17:28; 2P 2:6; Jde 1:7; Rv 11:8. [47] 1K 16:31; 2K 21:9, 16; Ezk 5:6; 8:17; 16:48, 51; Jn 15:21; 1Co 5:1. [48] Mt 10:15; 11:24; Mk 6:11; Lk 10:12; Ac 7:52. [49] Gn 13:10; 18:20; 19:9; Dt 32:15; Ps 138:6; Pv 16:5, 18; 18:12; 21:4, 13; Is 3:9, 14; 16:6; 22:13; Ezk 18:12; 28:2, 9, 17; 29:3; Dn 4:30, 37; 5:23; Am 5:11; 6:3; 8:4; Ob 1:3; Mi 3:2; Lk 12:16; 16:19, 20; 17:28; 21:34; 1P 5:5. [50] Gn 13:13; 18:20; 19:5, 24; Lv 18:22; Dt 23:17; 29:23; 2K 23:7; Jb 18:15; Pv 16:18; 18:12; Is 13:19; Jr 20:16; 49:18; 50:40; Lm 4:6; Am 4:11; Zp 2:9; Ro 1:26; 2P 2:6; Jde 1:7; Rv 18:9. [51] Jr 3:8; Mt 12:41; Lk 12:47; Ro 3:9. [52] Gn 38:26; 1S 24:17; 1K 2:32; Jr 23:40; 31:19; 51:51; Ezk 16:54, 56, 63; 36:6, 15, 31; 39:26; 44:13; Ho 10:6; Mt 7:1; Lk 6:37; Ro 1:32; 2:1, 10, 26; 6:21. [53] Jb 42:10; Ps 14:7; 85:1; 126:1; Is 1:9; 19:24; Jr 12:16; 20:16; 31:23; 48:47; 49:6, 39; Ezk 16:60; 29:14; 39:25; Jol 3:1; Ro 11:23. [54] Jr 2:26; Ezk 14:22; 16:52, 63; 36:31. [55] Ezk 16:53; 36:11; Mal 3:4. [56] Is 65:5; Zp 3:11; Lk 15:28; 18:11. [57] Gn 10:22; Nu 23:7; 2K 16:5; 2Ch 28:5, 18; Ps 50:21; Is 7:1; 14:28; Jr 33:24; Lm 4:22; Ezk 16:27, 36; 21:24; 23:18; Ho 2:10; 7:1; 1Co 4:5. [58] Gn 4:13; Lm 5:7; Ezk 23:49. [59] Ex 24:1; Dt 29:10, 25; 2Ch 34:31; Is 3:11; 24:5; Jr 2:19; 22:9; 31:32; Ezk 7:4, 8; 14:4; 17:13; Mt 7:1; Ro 2:8. Mercy is promised her in the end.60 ¶ Nevertheless I² will rememberºª² my covenantº with² thee in the daysº of thy youth,º and I will establishºª unto thee an everlastingº covenant.º 61 Then thou shalt rememberºª² thy ways,º and be ashamed,ºª when thou shalt receiveºª² thy sisters,º thine elderº and thy younger:º and I will giveºª them unto thee for daughters,º but not² by thy covenant.º² 62 And I² will establishºª² my covenantº with² thee; and thou shalt knowºª that² I² [am] the LORD:º 63 That² thou mayest remember,ºª and be confounded,ºª and never² openº thy mouthº any more² becauseº² of thy shame,º when I am pacifiedºª toward thee for all² that² thou hast done,ºª saithºª the Lordº GOD.º [60] Lv 26:42, 45; 2S 23:5; Ne 1:5; Ps 105:8; 106:45; Is 55:3; Jr 2:2; 31:31; 32:38; 33:20; 50:5; Ezk 16:8; 37:26; Ho 2:15, 19; Lk 1:72; He 8:10; 12:24; 13:20.
[61] Jb 42:5; Ps 119:59; So 8:8; Is 2:2; 11:9; 49:18; 54:1; 60:4; 66:7; Jr 31:18, 31; 50:4; Ezk 16:53, 63; 20:43; 36:31; Ho 1:9; Jn 15:16; Ro 11:11; 15:8, 16; Ga 4:26; Ep 2:12; 3:6; He 8:13. [62] Jr 24:7; Ezk 6:7; 16:60; 39:22; Dn 9:27; Ho 2:18; Jol 3:17. [63] Ezr 9:6; Jb 40:4; Ps 39:9; Lm 3:39; Ezk 16:61; 36:31; Dn 9:7; Ro 2:1; 3:19, 27; 5:1; 9:19; 1Co 4:7; Ep 2:3; Tit 3:3. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit www.FirstGospel.com. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the qBible.com Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view [www.ChatBible.com/key.html]. |
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