NASB — Jeremiah 12 — KJV

Jeremiah’s Prayer

  1 aRighteous° are You, O LORD°, that I would plead° [my] case° with You;
  Indeed° I would bdiscuss° matters° of justice° with You:
  Why° has the cway° of the wicked° prospered°?
  [Why] are all° those who ddeal° in treachery° at ease°?
  2 You have aplanted° them, they have also° taken° root°;
  They grow°, they have even° produced° fruit°.
  You are bnear° Ito their lips°
  But far° from their IImind°.
  3 But You aknow° me, O LORD°;
  You see° me;
  And You bexamine° my heart’s° [attitude] toward° You.
  Drag° them off° like sheep° for the slaughter°
  And Iset° them apart° for a cday° of carnage°!
  4 How° long°° is the aland° to mourn°
  And the bvegetation° of the countryside°° to wither°?
  For the cwickedness° of those who dwell° in it,
  dAnimals° and birds° have been snatched° away°,
  Because° [men] have said°, “He will not see° our latter° eending°.”

[1] aEzr 9:15; Ps 51:4; 129:4; Jr 11:20 bJb 13:3 cJb 12:6; Jr 5:27, 28; Hab 1:4; Mal 3:15 dJr 3:7, 20; 5:11
[2] ILit in their mouth IILit kidneys aJr 11:17; 45:4; Ezk 17:5-10 bIs 29:13; Jr 3:10; Ezk 33:31; Tit 1:16
[3] ILit sanctify them aPs 139:1-4 bPs 7:9; 11:5; Jr 11:20 cJr 17:18; 50:27; Jm 5:5
[4] aJr 4:28; 9:10; 23:10 bJol 1:10-17 cPs 107:34 dJr 4:25; 7:20; 9:10; Ho 4:3; Hab 3:17 eJr 5:31; Ezk 7:2

  5 ¶ “If° you have run° with footmen° and they have tired° you out,
  Then how° can you compete° with horses°?
  If you fall° down° in a land° of peace°,
  How° will you do° in the Iathicket° of the Jordan°?
  6 “For even° your abrothers° and the household° of your father°,
  Even° they have dealt° treacherously° with you,
  Even° they have cried° aloud° after° you.
  Do not believe° them, although° they may say° bnice° things° to you.”

[5] ILit pride aJr 49:19; 50:44
[6] aGn 37:4-11; Jb 6:15; Ps 69:8; Jr 9:4, 5 bPs 12:2; Pv 26:25

God’s Answer

  7 ¶ “I have aforsaken° My house°,
  I have abandoned° My inheritance°;
  I have given° the bbeloved° of My soul°
  Into the hand° of her enemies°.
  8 “My inheritance° has become° to Me
  Like a lion° in the forest°;
  She has Iaroared°° against° Me;
  Therefore°° I have come to bhate° her.
  9 “Is My inheritance° like a speckled° bird° of prey° to Me?
  Are the abirds° of prey° against° her on every° side°?
  Go°, gather° all° the bbeasts° of the field°,
  Bring° them to devour°!
  10 “Many° ashepherds° have ruined° My bvineyard°,
  They have ctrampled° down° My field°;
  They have made° My dpleasant° field°
  A desolate° wilderness°.
  11IIt has been made° a desolation°,
  Desolate°, it amourns° IIbefore° Me;
  The bwhole° land° has been made° desolate°,
  Because° no° man° clays° it to heart°.
  12 “On all° the Iabare° heights° in the wilderness°
  Destroyers° have come°,
  For a bsword° of the LORD° is devouring°
  From one end° of the land° even to the IIother°°;
  There° is cno° peace° for IIIanyone°°.
  13 “They have asown° wheat° and have reaped° thorns°,
  They have bstrained° themselves Ito no° profit°.
  But be ashamed° of your IIcharvest°
  Because° of the dfierce° anger° of the LORD°.”

[7] aIs 2:6; Jr 7:29; 23:39 bJr 11:15; Ho 11:1-8
[8] ILit raised her voice aIs 59:13 bHo 9:15; Am 6:8
[9] a2K 24:2; Ezk 23:22-25 bIs 56:9; Jr 7:33; 15:3; 34:20
[10] aJr 6:3; 23:1 bPs 80:8-16; Is 5:1-7 cIs 63:18 dJr 3:19
[11] ILit One has made it IIOr upon aJr 12:4; 14:2; 23:10 bJr 4:20, 27; 25:11 cIs 42:25
[12] IOr caravan trails IILit other end of the land IIILit all flesh aJr 3:2, 21 bIs 34:6; Jr 47:6; Am 9:4 cJr 16:5; 30:5
[13] ILit they do not profit IILit products aLv 26:16; Dt 28:38; Mi 6:15; Hg 1:6 bIs 55:2; Jr 9:5 cJr 17:10 dJr 4:26; 25:37, 38

14 ¶ Thus° says° the LORD° concerning° all° My awicked° neighbors° who bstrike° at the inheritance° with which° I have endowed° My people° Israel°, “Behold° I am about to uproot° them from their land° and will cuproot° the house° of Judah° from among° them. 15 And it will come° about that after° I have uprooted° them, I will aagain° have° compassion° on them; and I will bbring° them back°, each° one° to his inheritance° and each° one° to his land°. 16 Then if° they will really° alearn° the ways° of My people°, to bswear° by My name°, ‘As the LORD° lives°,’ even° as they taught° My people° to cswear° by Baal°, they will be dbuilt° up in the midst° of My people°. 17 But if° they will not listen°, then I will auproot° that nation°, uproot° and destroy° it,” declares° the LORD°.

[14] aJr 49:1, 7; Zp 2:8-10 bJr 2:3; 50:11, 12; Zc 2:8 cDt 30:3; Ps 106:47; Is 11:11-16
[15] aJr 48:47; 49:6, 39 bAm 9:14
[16] aIs 42:6; 49:6 bJr 4:2; Zp 1:5 cJsh 23:7; Jr 5:7 dJr 3:17; 4:2; 16:19
[17] aPs 2:8-12; Is 60:12

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Jeremiah, complaining of the wicked's prosperity, by faith seeth their ruin.

1 ¶ Righteousº [art] thou,² O LORD,º when² I pleadºª with² thee: yet² let me talkºª with² thee of [thy] judgments:º Wherefore² doth the wayº of the wickedº prosper?ºª [wherefore] are all² they happyºª that deal very¹ treacherously?ºª² 2 Thou hast plantedºª them, yea,² they have taken root:ºª they grow,¹ª² yea,² they bring forthºª fruit:º thou² [art] nearº in their mouth,º and far² from¹ their reins.º² 3 But thou,² O LORD,º knowestºª me: thou hast seenºª me, and triedºª mine heartº toward² thee: pull them outºª like sheepº for the slaughter,º and prepareºª them for the dayº of slaughter.º 4 How long²² shall the landº mourn,ºª and the herbsº of every² fieldº wither,ºª for the wickednessº² of them that dwellºª therein? the beastsº are consumed,ºª and the birds;º because² they said,ºª He shall not² seeºª² our last end.º

[1] Gn 18:25; Dt 32:4; Jb 12:6; 13:3; 21:7; Ps 37:1, 35; 51:4; 73:3; 92:7; 94:3; 119:75, 137; 145:17; Pv 1:32; Is 41:21; 48:8; Jr 5:11, 28; 11:20; 12:6; Dn 9:7; Ho 6:7; Hab 1:4, 13; Zp 3:5; Mal 3:15; Ro 3:5.
[2] Is 29:13; Jr 11:17; 45:4; Ezk 17:5; 19:10; 33:31; Mt 15:8; Mk 7:6; Tit 1:16.
[3] 2K 20:3; 1Ch 29:17; Jb 23:10; Ps 17:3; 26:1; 44:21, 22; 139:1, 23; Jr 11:19, 20; 17:18; 18:21; 20:12; 48:15; 50:27; 51:4; Jn 21:17; Jm 5:5; 1Jn 3:20.
[4] Ps 50:21; 107:34; Jr 4:25; 5:13, 31; 7:20; 9:10; 14:2; 23:10; Ezk 7:2; Ho 4:3; Jol 1:10; Hab 3:17; Ro 8:22.

God admonisheth him of his brethren's treachery against him,

5 ¶ If² thou hast runºª with² the footmen,º and they have weariedºª thee, then how² canst thou contendºª with² horses?º and [if] in the landº of peace,º [wherein] thou² trustedst,ºª [they wearied thee], then how² wilt thou doºª in the swellingº of Jordan?º 6 For² even² thy brethren,º and the houseº of thy father,º even² they² have dealt treacherouslyºª with thee; yea,² they² have calledºª a multitudeº afterº thee: believeºª them not,² though² they speakºª fair wordsº unto² thee.

[5] Jsh 3:15; 1Ch 12:15; Ps 42:7; 69:1; Pv 3:11; 24:10; Jr 26:8; 36:26; 38:4; 49:19; 50:44; He 12:3; 1P 4:12.
[6] Gn 37:4; Jb 6:15; Ps 12:2; 69:8; Pv 26:25; Is 31:4; Jr 9:4; 11:19, 21; 20:10; Ezk 33:30; Mi 7:5; Mt 10:21; 22:16; Mk 12:12; Jn 7:5; Ac 16:22; 18:12; 19:24; 21:28.

and lamenteth his heritage.

7 ¶ I have forsakenºª² mine house,º I have leftºª² mine heritage;º I have givenºª² the dearly beloved¹² of my soulº into the handº of her enemies.ºª 8 Mine heritageº is² unto me as a lionº in the forest;º it crieth outººª against² me: therefore²² have I hatedºª it. 9 Mine heritageº [is] unto me [as] a speckledº bird,º the birdsº round aboutº [are] against² her; come¹ª² ye, assembleºª all² the beastsº of the field,º comeºª to devour.º 10 Manyº pastorsºª have destroyedºª my vineyard,º they have trodden¹ª my portion¹ under foot,ºª²² they have madeºª² my pleasantº portionº a desolateº wilderness.º 11 They have madeºª it desolate,¹² [and being] desolate¹² it mournethºª unto² me; the whole² landº is made² desolate,ºª because² no² manº layethºª [it] to² heart.º 12 The spoilersºª are comeºª upon² all² high placesº through the wilderness:º for² the swordº of the LORDº shall devourºª from the [one] endº² of the landº even to² the [other] endº of the land:º no²² fleshº shall have peace.º 13 They have sownºª wheat,º but shall reapºª thorns:º they have put themselves to pain,ºª [but] shall not² profit:ºª and they shall be ashamedºª of your revenuesº² because of the fierceº² angerº of the LORD.º

[7] Ps 78:59; Is 2:6; Jr 7:14; 11:15; 51:5; Lm 2:1; Ezk 7:20; 24:21; Ho 9:15; Jol 2:15; 3:2; Lk 21:24.
[8] Jr 2:15; 51:38; Ho 9:15; Am 6:8; Zc 11:8.
[9] 2K 24:2; Is 56:9; Jr 2:15; 7:33; Ezk 16:36; 23:22; 39:17; Rv 17:16; 19:17.
[10] Ps 80:8; Is 5:1; 43:28; 63:18; Jr 3:19; 6:3; 25:9; 39:3; Lm 1:10; Lk 20:9; 21:14; Rv 11:2.
[11] Ec 7:2; Is 42:25; 57:1; Jr 6:8; 9:11; 10:22, 25; 12:4; 14:2; 19:8; 23:10; Lm 1:1; Zc 7:5; Mal 2:2.
[12] Lv 26:33; Is 34:6; 57:21; 66:15; Jr 4:11; 9:19; 15:2; 34:17; 47:6; 48:2; Ezk 5:2; 14:17; Am 9:4; Zp 2:12; Mt 24:21; Rv 6:4; 19:16.
[13] Lv 26:16; Dt 28:38; Is 30:1; 31:1; 55:2; Jr 3:23; Mi 6:15; Hab 2:13; Hg 1:6; 2:16; Ro 6:21.

He promiseth to the penitent return from captivity.

14 ¶ Thus² saithºª the LORDº against² all² mine evilº neighbours,º that touchºª the inheritanceº which² I have caused² my peopleº² Israelº to inherit;ºª Behold,² I will pluck them outºª of²² their land,º and pluck outºª the houseº of Judahº from amongº² them. 15 And it shall come to pass,² after¹ that² I have plucked them outºª² I will return,ºª and have compassionºª on them, and will bring them again,ºª every manº to his heritage,º and every manº to his land.º 16 And it shall come to pass,² if² they will diligently¹ª learnºª² the waysº of my people,º to swearºª by my name,º The LORDº liveth;º as² they taughtºª² my peopleº to swearºª by Baal;º then shall they be builtºª in the midstº of my people.º 17 But if² they will not² obey,ºª I will utterly¹ª pluck upºª and destroyºª² that² nation,º saithºª the LORD.º

[14] Dt 30:3; Ps 105:15; 106:47; Is 11:11; Jr 2:3; 3:18; 32:37; 48:1, 26; 49:1, 7; 50:9; 51:33; Ezk 25:1, 3; 28:25; 34:12; 35:1; 36:24; 37:21; 39:27; Ho 1:11; Am 1:2; 9:14; Ob 1:10; Zp 2:8; 3:19; Zc 1:15; 2:8; 10:6; 12:2.
[15] Nu 32:18; Dt 3:20; 30:3; Is 23:17; Jr 48:47; 49:6, 39.
[16] Dt 10:20; Jsh 23:7; Ps 106:35; So 1:8; Is 9:18; 19:23; 45:23; 56:5; 65:16; Jr 4:2; 5:2; Zp 1:5; Zc 2:11; Ro 11:17; 14:11; 1Co 3:9; Ep 2:19; 1P 2:4.
[17] Ps 2:8; Is 60:12; Jr 12:14; 18:7; 31:28; Ezk 19:12; Dn 7:4; 11:4; Zc 14:16; Lk 19:27; 2Th 1:8; 1P 2:6.

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