NASB — Joel 2 — KJV

The Terrible Visitation

  1 aBlow° a trumpet° in Zion°,
  And sound° an alarm° on My holy° mountain°!
  Let all° the inhabitants° of the land° tremble°,
  For the bday° of the LORD° is coming°;
  Surely° it is near°,
  2 A day° of adarkness° and gloom°,
  A day° of clouds° and thick° darkness°.
  As the dawn° is spread° over° the mountains°,
  [So] there is a bgreat° and mighty° people°;
  There has cnever°°° been° [anything] like° it,
  Nor° will there be again° after° it
  To the years° of many° generations°.
  3 A afire° consumes° before° them
  And behind° them a flame° burns°.
  The land° is blike the garden° of Eden° before° them
  But a cdesolate° wilderness° behind° them,
  And nothing° at all° escapes° them.
  4 Their aappearance° is like the appearance° of horses°;
  And like war horses°, so° they run°.
  5 IWith a anoise° as of chariots°
  They leap° on the tops° of the mountains°,
  Like the IIcrackling° of a bflame° of fire° consuming° the stubble°,
  Like a mighty° people° arranged° for battle°.
  6 Before°° them the people° are in aanguish°;
  All° bfaces° Iturn° pale°.
  7 They run° like mighty° men°,
  They climb° the wall° like soldiers°°;
  And they each° amarch° Iin line°,
  Nor° do they deviate° from their paths°.
  8 They do not crowd° each° other°,
  They march° everyone° in his path°;
  When they Iburst° through° the IIdefenses°,
  They do not break° ranks°.
  9 They rush° on the city°,
  They run° on the wall°;
  They climb° into the ahouses°,
  They benter° through° the windows° like a thief°.
  10 Before° them the earth° aquakes°,
  The heavens° tremble°,
  The bsun° and the moon° grow° dark°
  And the stars° lose° their brightness°.
  11 The LORD° autters° His voice° before° bHis army°;
  Surely° His camp° is very° great°,
  For cstrong° is he who carries° out His word°.
  The dday° of the LORD° is indeed° great° and very° awesome°,
  And ewho can endure° it?
  12 “Yet even° now°,” declares° the LORD°,
  “aReturn° to Me with all° your heart°,
  And with bfasting°, weeping° and mourning°;
  13 And arend° your heart° and not byour garments°.”
  Now return° to the LORD° your God°,
  For He is cgracious° and compassionate°,
  Slow° to anger°, abounding° in lovingkindness°
  And drelenting° of evil°.
  14 Who° knows° awhether He will [not] turn° and relent°
  And leave° a bblessing° behind° Him,
  [Even] ca grain offering° and a drink° offering°
  For the LORD° your God°?
  15 aBlow° a trumpet° in Zion°,
  bConsecrate° a fast°, proclaim° a solemn° assembly°,
  16 Gather° the people°, asanctify° the congregation°,
  Assemble° the elders°,
  Gather° the children° and the nursing°° infants°°.
  Let the bbridegroom° come° out of his room°
  And the bride° out of her [bridal] chamber°.
  17 Let the priests°, the LORDS° ministers°,
  Weep° abetween° the porch° and the altar°,
  And let them say°, “bSpare° Your people°, O LORD°,
  And do not make° Your inheritance° a creproach°,
  A byword° among the nations°.
  Why° should they among the peoples° say°,
  ‘dWhere° is their God°?’”

[1] aJr 4:5; Jol 2:15; Zp 1:16 bJol 1:15; 2:11, 31; 3:14; Ob 15; Zp 1:14
[2] aJol 2:10, 31; Am 5:18; Zp 1:15 bJol 1:6; 2:11, 25 cLm 1:12; Dn 9:12; 12:1; Jol 1:2
[3] aPs 97:3; Is 9:18, 19 bIs 51:3; Ezk 36:35 cEx 10:5, 15; Ps 105:34, 35; Zc 7:14
[4] aRv 9:7
[5] ILit Like the noise of chariots IILit noise aRv 9:9 bIs 5:24; 30:30
[6] IOr become flushed aIs 13:8; Na 2:10 bJr 30:6
[7] ILit in his ways aPv 30:27
[8] ILit fall IILit weapon, probably javelin
[9] aEx 10:6 bJr 9:21; Jn 10:1
[10] aPs 18:7; Jol 3:16; Na 1:5 bIs 13:10; 34:4; Jr 4:23; Ezk 32:7, 8; Jol 2:31; 3:15; Mt 24:29; Rv 8:12
[11] aPs 46:6; Is 13:4; Jr 25:30; Jol 3:16 bJol 2:25 cJr 50:34; Rv 18:8 dJr 30:7; Jol 1:15; 2:1, 31; 3:14; Zp 1:14, 15; Rv 6:17 eEzk 22:14; Mal 3:2
[12] aDt 4:29; Jr 4:1, 2; Ezk 33:11; Ho 12:6 bDn 9:3
[13] aPs 34:18; 51:17; Is 57:15 bGn 37:34; 2S 1:11; Jb 1:20; Jr 41:5 cEx 34:6 dJr 18:8; 42:10; Am 7:3, 6
[14] aJr 26:3; Jna 3:9 bHg 2:19 cJol 1:9, 13
[15] aNu 10:3; 2K 10:20 bJol 1:14
[16] a1S 16:5; 2Ch 29:5 bPs 19:5
[17] a2Ch 8:12; Ezk 8:16 bEx 32:11, 12; Is 37:20; Am 7:2, 5 cPs 44:13; 74:10 dPs 42:10; 79:10; 115:2

Deliverance Promised

  18 ¶ Then the LORD° Iwill be azealous° for His land°
  And IIwill have° bpity° on His people°.
  19 The LORD° Iwill answer° and say° to His people°,
  “Behold°, I am going to asend° you grain°, new° wine° and oil°,
  And you will be satisfied° [in full] with IIthem;
  And I will bnever° again° make° you a reproach° among the nations°.
  20 “But I will remove° the anorthern° [army] far° from you,
  And I will drive° it into a parched° and desolate° land°,
  And its vanguard° into the beastern° sea°,
  And its rear° guard into the cwestern° sea°.
  And its dstench° will arise° and its foul° smell° will come° up,
  For it has done° great° things°.”

[18] IOr was zealous IIOr had pity aZc 1:14; 8:2 bIs 60:10; 63:9, 15
[19] IOr answered and said IILit it aJr 31:12; Ho 2:21, 22; Jol 1:10; Mal 3:10 bEzk 34:29; 36:15
[20] aJr 1:14, 15 bZc 14:8 cDt 11:24 dIs 34:3; Am 4:10

  21aDo not fear°, O land°, rejoice° and be glad°,
  For the LORD° has done° bgreat° things°.
  22 Do not fear°, beasts° of the field°,
  For the apastures° of the wilderness° have turned° green°,
  For the tree° has borne° its fruit°,
  The fig° tree° and the vine° have yielded° Iin full°.
  23 So rejoice°, O asons° of Zion°,
  And bbe glad° in the LORD° your God°;
  For He has cgiven° you Ithe early° rain° for [your] vindication°.
  And He has poured° down° for you the rain°,
  The IIearly° and IIIdlatter° rain° IVas before°.
  24 The threshing° floors° will be full° of grain°,
  And the vats° will aoverflow° with the new° wine° and oil°.
  25 “Then I will make° up to you for the years°
  That the swarming° alocust° has eaten°,
  The creeping° locust°, the stripping° locust° and the gnawing° locust°,
  My great° army° which° I sent° among you.
  26 “You will have plenty° to aeat° and be satisfied°
  And bpraise° the name° of the LORD° your God°,
  Who° has cdealt° wondrously° with you;
  Then My people° will dnever°° be put° to shame°.
  27 “Thus you will aknow° that I am in the midst° of Israel°,
  And that I am the LORD° your God°,
  And there° is bno° other°;
  And My people° will never°° be cput° to shame°.

[21] aIs 54:4; Jr 30:10; Zp 3:16, 17 bPs 126:3; Jol 2:26
[22] ILit their wealth aPs 65:12, 13
[23] II.e. autumn; or possibly the teacher for righteousness III.e. autumn IIII.e. spring IVSo with ancient versions; Heb in the first aPs 149:2 bIs 12:2-6 cDt 11:14; Is 41:16; Jr 5:24; Hab 3:18; Zc 10:7 dLv 26:4; Ho 6:3; Zc 10:1
[24] aLv 26:10; Am 9:13; Mal 3:10
[25] aJol 1:4-7; 2:2-11
[26] aLv 26:5; Dt 11:15; Is 62:9 bDt 12:7; Ps 67:5-7 cPs 126:2, 3; Is 25:1 dIs 45:17
[27] aLv 26:11, 12; Jol 3:17, 21 bIs 45:5, 6 cIs 49:23

The Promise of the Spirit

  28 ¶ “IaIt will come° about after° this°
  That I will bpour° out My Spirit° on all° IIcmankind°;
  And your sons° and daughters° will prophesy°,
  Your old° men° will dream° dreams°,
  Your young° men° will see° visions°.
  29 “Even° on the amale° and female° servants°°
  I will pour° out My Spirit° in those° days°.

[28] ICh 3:1 in Heb IILit flesh aAc 2:17-21 bIs 32:15; 44:3; Ezk 39:29; Zc 12:10 cIs 40:5; 49:26
[29] a1Co 12:13; Ga 3:28

The Day of the LORD

  30 “I will adisplay° wonders° in the sky° and on the earth°,
  Blood°, fire° and columns° of smoke°.
  31 “The asun° will be turned° into darkness°
  And the moon° into blood°
  Before° the bgreat° and awesome° day° of the LORD° comes°.
  32 “And it will come° about that awhoever°° calls° on the name° of the LORD°
  Will be delivered°;
  For bon Mount° Zion° and in Jerusalem°
  There will be those who cescape°,
  As the LORD° has said°,
  Even among the dsurvivors° whom° the LORD° calls°.

[30] aMt 24:29; Mk 13:24, 25; Lk 21:11, 25, 26; Ac 2:19
[31] aIs 13:10; 34:4; Jol 2:10; 3:15; Mt 24:29; Mk 13:24; Lk 21:25; Ac 2:20; Rv 6:12, 13 bIs 13:9; Zp 1:14-16; Mal 4:1, 5
[32] aJr 33:3; Ac 2:21; Ro 10:13 bIs 46:13; Ro 11:26 cIs 4:2; Ob 17 dIs 11:11; Jr 31:7; Mi 4:7; Ro 9:27

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He sheweth unto Zion the terribleness of God's judgment.

1 ¶ Blowºª ye the trumpetº in Zion,º and sound an alarmºª in my holyº mountain:º let all² the inhabitantsºª of the landº tremble:ºª for² the dayº of the LORDº cometh,ºª for² [it is] nigh at hand;º 2 A dayº of darknessº and of gloominess,º a dayº of cloudsº and of thick darkness,º as the morningº spreadºª upon² the mountains:º a greatº peopleº and a strong;º there hath not² beenºª everº² the like,² neither² shall be any moreºª afterº it, [even] to² the yearsº of many¹ generations.º 3 A fireº devourethºª beforeº them; and behindº them a flameº burneth:ºª the landº [is] as the gardenº of Edenº beforeº them, and behindº them a desolateº wilderness;º yea,² and nothing² shall escapeº² them. 4 The appearanceº of them [is] as the appearanceº of horses;º and as horsemen,º so² shall they run.ºª 5 Like the noiseº of chariotsº on² the topsº of mountainsº shall they leap,ºª like the noiseº of a flameº of fireº that devourethºª the stubble,º as a strongº peopleº set in battle¹ array.ºª² 6 Before their faceº² the peopleº shall be much pained:ºª all² facesº shall gatherºª blackness.º 7 They shall runºª like mighty men;º they shall climbºª the wallº like men¹² of war;º and they shall march¹ª² every oneº on his ways,º and they shall not² breakºª their ranks:º 8 Neither² shall oneº thrustºª another;º they shall walk¹ª² every oneº in his path:º and [when] they fallºª upon² the sword,º they shall not² be wounded.ºª 9 They shall run to and froºª in the city;º they shall runºª upon the wall,º they shall climb upºª upon the houses;º they shall enter inºª at² the windowsº like a thief.º 10 The earthº shall quakeºª beforeº them; the heavensº shall tremble:ºª the sunº and the moonº shall be dark,ºª and the starsº shall withdrawºª their shining:º 11 And the LORDº shall utterºª his voiceº beforeº his army:º for² his campº [is] veryº great:º for² [he is] strongº that executethºª his word:º for² the dayº of the LORDº [is] greatº and veryº terrible;ºª and who² can abideºª it?

[1] Nu 10:3, 5, 8, 9; 1Ch 15:28; Ezr 9:3; Ps 87:1; 119:120; Is 2:12; 66:2, 5; Jr 4:5; 5:22; 16:7, 10; Ezk 7:5, 10, 12; 12:23; 33:3, 6; Dn 6:26; 9:16, 20; Ho 5:8; 8:1; Jol 1:15; 2:15; 3:17; Am 3:6; 8:2; Ob 1:15; Zp 1:16; 3:11; Zc 8:3; Mal 4:1; Php 2:12; 1Th 5:2; Jm 5:8; 1P 4:7.
[2] Ex 10:6, 14; 20:21; Dt 32:7; Ps 10:6; 97:2; Is 5:30; 8:22; Jr 13:16; Dn 12:1; Jol 1:2, 6; 2:5, 10, 11, 25, 31; 3:14; Am 4:13; 5:18; Zp 1:14; Mk 13:19; He 12:18; Jde 1:13.
[3] Gn 2:8; 13:10; Ex 10:5, 15; Ps 50:3; Is 51:3; Jr 5:17; Ezk 31:8; Jol 1:4, 19; Am 7:4; Zc 7:14.
[4] Rv 9:7.
[5] Is 5:24; 30:30; Jol 2:2; Na 2:3; 3:2; Mt 3:12; Rv 9:9.
[6] Ps 119:83; Is 13:8; Jr 8:21; 30:6; Lm 4:8; Na 2:10.
[7] 2S 1:23; 2:18; 5:8; Ps 19:5; Pv 30:27; Is 5:26; Jr 5:10; Jol 2:9.
[8] 2Ch 23:10; 32:5; Ne 4:17, 23; Jb 33:18; 36:12; So 4:13.
[9] Ex 10:6; Jr 9:21; Jn 10:1.
[10] Ps 18:7; 114:7; Is 13:10; 34:4; Jr 4:23; Ezk 32:7; Jol 2:2, 31; 3:15; Am 5:8; Na 1:5; Mt 24:29; 27:51; Mk 13:24; Lk 21:25; Ac 2:20; Rv 6:12; 8:12; 20:11.
[11] Nu 24:23; 2S 22:14; Ps 46:6; Is 7:18; 13:4; 42:13; Jr 25:30; 30:7; 50:34; Jol 2:25; 3:16; Am 1:2; 5:18, 20; Na 1:6; Zp 1:15; Mal 3:2; Rv 6:17; 18:8.

He exhorteth to repentance,

12 ¶ Therefore also² now,² saithºª the LORD,º turnºª ye [even] to² me with all² your heart,º and with fasting,º and with weeping,º and with mourning:º 13 And rendºª your heart,º and not² your garments,º and turnºª unto² the LORDº your God:º for² he² [is] graciousº and merciful,º slowº to anger,º and of greatº kindness,º and repentethºª him of² the evil.º 14 Who² knowethºª [if] he will returnºª and repent,ºª and leaveºª a blessingº behindº him; [even] a meat offeringº and a drink offeringº unto the LORDº your God?º

[12] Dt 4:29; Jg 20:26; 1S 7:3, 6; 1K 8:47; 2Ch 6:38; 7:13; 20:3; Ne 9:1; Is 22:12; 55:6; Jr 4:1; 29:12; Lm 3:40; Ho 6:1; 12:6; 14:1; Jna 3:5; Zc 1:3; 7:3, 5; 12:10; Ac 26:20; Jm 4:8.
[13] Gn 37:29, 34; Ex 34:6; Nu 14:18; 2S 1:11; 1K 21:27; 2K 5:7; 6:30; 22:11, 19; Ne 9:17; Jb 1:20; Ps 34:18; 51:17; 86:5, 15; 103:8; 106:45; 145:7; Is 57:15; 58:5; 66:2; Jr 18:7; Ezk 9:4; Am 7:2; Jna 4:2; Mi 7:18; Na 1:3; Mt 5:3; 6:16; Ro 2:4; 5:20; Ep 2:4; 1Ti 4:8; Jm 1:19.
[14] Ex 32:30; Jsh 14:12; 1S 6:5; 2S 12:22; 2K 19:4; Is 65:8; Jol 1:9, 13, 16; Am 5:15; Jna 1:6; 3:9; Zp 2:3; Hg 2:19; 2Co 9:5; 2Ti 2:25.

prescribeth a fast,

15 ¶ Blowºª the trumpetº in Zion,º sanctifyºª a fast,º callºª a solemn assembly:º 16 Gatherºª the people,º sanctifyºª the congregation,º assembleºª the elders,º gatherºª the children,º and those that suckºª the breasts:º let the bridegroomº go forthºª of his chamber,º² and the brideº out of her closet.º² 17 Let the priests,º the ministersºª of the LORD,º weepºª between² the porchº and the altar,º and let them say,ºª Spareºª² thy people,º O LORD,º and giveºª not² thine heritageº to reproach,º that the heathenº should rule² over¹ª them: wherefore² should they sayºª among the people,º Where² [is] their God?º

[15] Nu 10:3; 1K 21:9, 12; 2K 10:20; Jr 36:9; Jol 1:14; 2:1.
[16] Ex 19:10, 15, 22; Dt 29:10; Jsh 7:13; 1S 16:5; 2Ch 20:13; 29:5, 23; 30:17, 19; 35:6; Jb 1:5; Jol 1:14; Jna 3:7; Zc 12:11; Mt 9:15; 1Co 7:5.
[17] Ex 32:11; 34:9; Nu 14:14; Dt 9:16; 28:37; 32:27; 1K 6:3; 9:7; 2Ch 7:20; 8:12; Ne 9:36; Ps 42:10; 44:10, 14; 74:10, 18; 79:4, 10; 89:41, 51; 115:2; Is 37:20; 63:17; 64:9; Ezk 8:16; 20:9; 36:4; Dn 9:18; Ho 14:2; Jol 1:9, 13; Am 7:2, 5; Mi 7:10; Mal 1:9; Mt 23:35; 27:43.

promiseth a blessing thereon.

18 ¶ Then will the LORDº be jealousºª for his land,º and pityºª² his people.º 19 Yea, the LORDº will answerºª and sayºª unto his people,º Behold,² I will sendºª you² corn,º and wine,º and oil,º and ye shall be satisfiedºª therewith:² and I will no² more² makeºª you a reproachº among the heathen:º 20 But I will remove far offºª from²² you the northernº [army], and will driveºª him into² a landº barrenº and desolate,º with² his faceº toward² the eastº sea,º and his hinder partº toward² the utmostº sea,º and his stinkº shall come up,ºª and his ill savourº shall come up,ºª because² he hath doneºª great things.ºª

[18] Dt 32:16, 36, 43; Jg 10:16; Ps 103:13, 17; Is 42:13; 60:10; 63:9, 15; Jr 31:20; Lm 3:22; Ho 11:8; Zc 1:14; 8:2; Lk 15:20; Jm 5:11.
[19] Is 62:8; 65:21; Ezk 34:29; 36:15; 39:29; Ho 2:15; Jol 1:10; 2:24, 26; Am 9:13; Hg 2:16; Mal 3:10; Mt 6:33.
[20] Ex 10:19; Dt 11:24; 2K 8:13; Jr 1:14; Ezk 39:12; 47:7, 18; Jol 1:4; 2:2; Zc 14:8.

He comforteth Zion with present,

21 ¶ Fearºª not,² O land;º be gladºª and rejoice:ºª for² the LORDº will doºª great things.ºª 22 Be not afraid,ºª² ye beastsº of the field:º for² the pasturesº of the wildernessº do spring,ºª for² the treeº bearethºª her fruit,º the fig treeº and the vineº do yieldºª their strength.º 23 Be gladºª then, ye childrenº of Zion,º and rejoiceºª in the LORDº your God:º for² he hath givenºª you² the former rainº moderately,º and he will cause to come downºª for you the rain,º the former rain,º and the latter rainº in the firstº [month]. 24 And the floorsº shall be fullºª of wheat,º and the fatsº shall overflowºª with wineº and oil.º 25 And I will restoreºª to you² the yearsº that² the locustº hath eaten,ºª the cankerworm,º and the caterpiller,º and the palmerworm,º my greatº armyº which² I sentºª among you. 26 And ye shall eat¹ª in plenty,ºª and be satisfied,ºª and praiseºª² the nameº of the LORDº your God,º that² hath dealtºª wondrouslyºª with² you: and my peopleº shall neverº² be ashamed.ºª 27 And ye shall knowºª that² I² [am] in the midstº of Israel,º and [that] I² [am] the LORDº your God,º and none² else:² and my peopleº shall neverº² be ashamed.ºª

[21] Gn 15:1; Dt 4:32; 1S 12:16, 24; Ps 65:12; 71:19; 96:11; 98:8; 126:1; Is 35:1; 41:10; 44:23; 54:4; 55:12; Jr 30:9; 33:3; Ho 2:21; Jol 2:20; Zp 3:16; Zc 8:15.
[22] Gn 4:12; Lv 26:4; Ps 36:6; 65:12; 67:6; 104:11, 27; 107:35; 145:15; 147:8; Is 30:23; 51:3; Ezk 34:26; 36:8, 30, 35; Ho 14:5; Jol 1:18, 19; Am 9:14; Jna 4:11; Hg 2:16; Zc 8:12; Mal 3:10; 1Co 3:7.
[23] Lv 26:4; Dt 11:14; 28:12; 32:2; Jb 33:23; Ps 28:7; 32:11; 33:1; 72:6; 95:1; 104:34; 149:2; Pv 16:15; Is 12:2; 30:21, 23; 41:16; 61:10; Jr 3:3; Lm 4:2; Ho 6:3; Jol 2:28; Am 4:7; Hab 3:17; Zp 3:14; Zc 9:9, 13; 10:1, 7; Lk 1:46; Ga 4:26; Ep 4:8; Php 3:1, 3; 4:4; Jm 5:7.
[24] Lv 26:10; Pv 3:9; Jol 3:13, 18; Am 9:13; Mal 3:10.
[25] Jol 1:4; 2:2; Zc 10:6.
[26] Gn 33:11; Lv 26:5, 26; Dt 6:11; 8:10; 12:7, 12, 18; 26:10; Ne 9:25; Ps 13:6; 22:26; 25:2; 37:19; 72:18; 103:5; 116:7; 126:2; Pv 13:25; So 5:1; Is 25:1; 29:22; 45:17; 49:23; 54:4; 55:2; 62:8; Jol 2:20; Mi 6:14; Zp 3:11; Zc 9:15, 17; Ro 5:5; 9:33; 10:11; 1Ti 4:3; 6:17; 1Jn 2:28.
[27] Lv 26:11; Dt 23:14; Ps 46:5; 68:18; Is 12:6; 45:5, 18, 21; 53:6; Ezk 37:26; 39:22, 28; Jol 2:26; 3:17; Zp 3:17; 2Co 6:16; 1P 2:6; Rv 21:3.

and future blessings.

28 ¶ And it shall come to pass² afterward,º² [that] I will pour outºª² my spiritº upon² all² flesh;º and your sonsº and your daughtersº shall prophesy,ºª your old menº shall dreamºª dreams,º your young menº shall seeºª visions:º 29 And also² upon² the servantsº and upon² the handmaidsº in those² daysº will I pour outºª² my spirit.º 30 And I will shewºª wondersº in the heavensº and in the earth,º blood,º and fire,º and pillarsº of smoke.º 31 The sunº shall be turnedºª into darkness,º and the moonº into blood,º beforeº the greatº and the terribleºª dayº of the LORDº come.ºª 32 And it shall come to pass,² [that] whosoever²² shall callºª on the nameº of the LORDº shall be delivered:ºª for² in mountº Zionº and in Jerusalemº shall be² deliverance,º as² the LORDº hath said,ºª and in the remnantº whom² the LORDº shall call.ºª

[28] Gn 37:5; Nu 12:6; Pv 1:23; Is 32:15; 40:5; 44:3; 49:6; 54:13; Jr 23:28; Ezk 39:29; Zc 12:10; Lk 3:6; Jn 7:39; Ac 2:2, 16, 33, 39; 10:44; 11:15; 15:7; 21:9; Ga 3:28.
[29] 1Co 12:13; Ga 3:28; Col 3:11.
[30] Gn 19:28; Jsh 8:20; Jg 20:38, 40; So 3:6; Mt 24:29; Mk 13:24; Lk 21:11, 25; Ac 2:19; Rv 6:12; 18:9, 18.
[31] Is 13:9; 34:4; Jol 2:10; 3:1, 15; Zp 1:14; Mal 4:1, 5; Mt 24:29; 27:45; Mk 13:24; Lk 21:25; Rv 6:12.
[32] Ps 50:15; Is 10:22; 11:11, 16; 46:13; 59:20; Jr 31:7; 33:3; Ob 1:17, 21; Mi 4:6; 5:3, 7; Zc 13:9; Jn 4:22; 10:16; Ac 2:21, 39; 15:17; Ro 8:28; 9:24, 27; 10:11; 11:5, 7, 26; 1Co 1:2; 2Th 2:13; He 12:22.

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