Resolve to Punish the Guilty1 Then all° the sons° of Israel° from Dan° to Beersheba°, including the land° of Gilead°, came° out, and the congregation° assembled° as one° man° to the LORD° at aMizpah°. 2 The Ichiefs° of all° the people°, [even] of all° the tribes° of Israel°, took° their stand° in the assembly° of the people° of God°, 400,000°°° foot° IIsoldiers° awho drew° the sword°. 3 (Now the sons° of Benjamin° heard° that the sons° of Israel° had gone° up to Mizpah°.) And the sons° of Israel° said°, “Tell° [us], how° did this° wickedness° take° place°?” 4 So the Levite°, the husband° of the woman° who was murdered°, answered° and said°, “I came° with my concubine° to spend° the night° at Gibeah° which° belongs to Benjamin°. 5 But the amen° of Gibeah° rose° up against° me and surrounded° the house° at night° because° of me. They intended° to kill° me; instead, they bravished° my concubine° so that she died°. 6 And I atook° hold° of my concubine° and cut° her in pieces° and sent° her throughout° the land° of Israel’s° inheritance°; for bthey have committed° a lewd° and disgraceful° act° in Israel°. 7 Behold°, all° you sons° of Israel°, agive° your advice° and counsel° here°.” [1] a1S 7:5
[2] ILit cornerstones IILit men aJg 8:10 [5] aJg 19:22 bJg 19:25f [6] aJg 19:29 bGn 34:7; Jsh 7:15 [7] aJg 19:30 8 ¶ Then all° the people° arose° as one° man°, saying°, “Not one° of us will go° to his tent°, nor° will any° of us return° to his house°. 9 But now° this° is the thing° which° we will do° to Gibeah°; [we will go up] against° it by lot°. 10 And we will take° 10° men° out of 100° throughout° the tribes° of Israel°, and 100° out of 1,000°, and 1,000° out of 10,000°° to Isupply° food° for the people°, that when they come° to IIGibeah° of Benjamin°, they may IIIpunish° [them] for all° the disgraceful° acts° that they have committed° in Israel°.” 11 Thus all° the men° of Israel° were gathered° against° the city°, united° as one° man°. 12 ¶ Then the tribes° of Israel° sent° men° through the entire° Itribe° of Benjamin°, saying°, “What° is this° wickedness° that has taken° place° among you? 13 Now° then, deliver° up the men°, the Iaworthless° fellows° in Gibeah°, that we may put° them to death° and bremove° [this] wickedness° from Israel°.” But the sons° of Benjamin° would° not listen° to the voice° of their brothers°, the sons° of Israel°. 14 The sons° of Benjamin° gathered° from the cities° to Gibeah°, to go° out to battle° against° the sons° of Israel°. 15 From the cities° on that day° the asons° of Benjamin° were Inumbered°, 26,000°°° men° who draw° the sword°, besides°° the inhabitants° of Gibeah° who were Inumbered°, 700°° choice° men°. 16 Out of all° these° people° 700°° achoice° men° were left-handed°°°; each° one° could sling° a stone° at a hair° and not miss°. [12] ILit tribes
[13] ILit sons of Belial a2Co 6:15 bDt 13:5; 17:12; 1Co 5:13 [15] IOr mustered aNu 1:36, 37; 2:23; 26:41 [16] aJg 3:15; 1Ch 12:2 17 ¶ Then the men° of Israel° besides°° Benjamin° were Inumbered°, 400,000°°° men° who draw° the sword°; all° these° were men° of war°. Civil War, Benjamin Defeated18 ¶ Now the sons° of Israel° arose°, went° up to Bethel°, and ainquired° of God° and said°, “Who° shall go° up first° for us to battle° against° the sons° of Benjamin°?” Then the LORD° said°, “Judah° [shall go up] first°.” 19 ¶ So the sons° of Israel° arose° in the morning° and camped° against° Gibeah°. 20 The men° of Israel° went° out to battle° against° Benjamin°, and the men° of Israel° arrayed° for battle° against° them at Gibeah°. 21 Then the sons° of Benjamin° came° out of Gibeah° and Iafelled° to the ground° on that day° 22,000°°° men° of Israel°. 22 But the people°, the men° of Israel°, encouraged° themselves and arrayed° for battle° again° in the place° where°° they had arrayed° themselves the first° day°. 23 aThe sons° of Israel° went° up and wept° before° the LORD° until° evening°, and binquired° of the LORD°, saying°, “Shall we again° draw° near° for battle° against° the sons° of my brother° Benjamin°?” And the LORD° said°, “Go° up against° him.” 24 ¶ Then the sons° of Israel° Icame° against° the sons° of Benjamin° the second° day°. 25 Benjamin° went° out Iagainst° them from Gibeah° the second° day° and IIfelled° to the ground° again° 18,000°°° men° of the sons° of Israel°; all° these° drew° the sword°. 26 Then aall° the sons° of Israel° and all° the people° went° up and came° to Bethel° and wept°; thus they remained° there° before° the LORD° and fasted° that day° until° evening°. And they offered° burnt° offerings° and peace° offerings° before° the LORD°. 27 The sons° of Israel° ainquired° of the LORD° (for the ark° of the covenant° of God° [was] there° in those° days°, 28 and Phinehas° the son° of Eleazar°, Aaron’s° son°, stood° before° it to [minister] in those° days°), saying°, “Shall I yet° again° go° out to battle° against° the sons° of my brother° Benjamin°, or° shall I cease°?” And the LORD° said°, “Go° up, afor tomorrow° I will deliver° them into your hand°.” 29 ¶ aSo Israel° set° men in ambush° around° Gibeah°. 30 The sons° of Israel° went° up against° the sons° of Benjamin° on the third° day° and arrayed° themselves against° Gibeah° as at other° times°. 31 aThe sons° of Benjamin° went° out Iagainst° the people° and were drawn° away° from the city°, and they began° to strike° IIand kill° some° of the people° as at other° times°, on the highways°, one° of which° goes° up to Bethel° and the other° to Gibeah°, [and] in the field°, about thirty° men° of Israel°. 32 The sons° of Benjamin° said°, “They are struck° down° before° us, as at the first°.” But the sons° of Israel° said°, “Let us flee° that we may draw° them away° from the city° to the highways°.” 33 Then all° the men° of Israel° arose° from their place° and arrayed° themselves at Baal-tamar°; aand the men of Israel° in ambush° broke° out of their place°, even out of Maareh-geba°°. 34 When ten° thousand° choice° men° from all° Israel° came° against° Gibeah°, the battle° became° Ifierce°; abut IIBenjamin did not know° that IIIdisaster° was IVclose° to them. 35 And the LORD° struck° Benjamin° before° Israel°, so that the sons° of Israel° destroyed° 25,100°°°° men° of Benjamin° that day°, all° Iwho° draw° the sword°. [29] aJsh 8:4
[31] ILit to meet IILit slain ones aJsh 8:16 [33] aJsh 8:19 [34] ILit heavy IILit they IIILit evil IVLit touching aJsh 8:14; Jb 21:13 [35] ILit these 36 ¶ So the sons° of Benjamin° saw° that they were Idefeated°. aWhen the men° of Israel° gave° IIground° to Benjamin° because° they relied° on the men in ambush° whom° they had set° against° Gibeah°, 37 athe men in ambush° hurried° and rushed° against° Gibeah°; the men in ambush° also deployed° and struck° all° the city° with the edge° of the sword°. 38 Now the appointed° sign° between the men° of Israel° and the men in ambush° was athat they would make a great° cloud° of smoke° rise° from the city°. 39 Then the men° of Israel° turned° in the battle°, and Benjamin° began° to strike° Iand kill°° about thirty° men° of Israel°, afor they said°, “Surely°° they are IIdefeated° before° us, as in the first° battle°.” 40 But when the cloud° began° to rise° from the city° in a column° of smoke°, Benjamin° looked° abehind° them; and behold°, the whole° city° was going° up [in smoke] to heaven°. 41 Then the men° of Israel° turned°, and the men° of Benjamin° were terrified°; for they saw° that Iadisaster° was IIclose° to them. 42 Therefore, they turned° their backs before° the men° of Israel° atoward° the direction° of the wilderness°, but the battle° overtook° them while° those who° came out of the cities° destroyed° them in the midst° of them. 43 aThey surrounded° Benjamin°, pursued° them without rest° [and] trod° them down° opposite° Gibeah° toward° the Ieast°°. 44 Thus 18,000°°° men° of Benjamin° fell°; all° these° were valiant° warriors°. 45 IThe rest turned° and fled° toward the wilderness° to the rock° of aRimmon°, but they IIcaught° 5,000°° of them on the highways° and overtook° them IIIat Gidom° and IVkilled° 2,000° of them. 46 So all° of Benjamin° who fell° that day° were 25,000°°° men° who draw° the sword°; all° these° were valiant° warriors°. 47 But 600°° men° turned° and fled° toward the wilderness° to the rock° of Rimmon°, and they remained° at the rock° of Rimmon° four° months°. 48 The men° of Israel° then turned° back° against° the sons° of Benjamin° and struck° them with the edge° of the sword°, both° the entire° city° with the cattle° and all° that they found°; they also° set° on fire° all° the cities° which they found°. [36] ILit smitten IILit place aJsh 8:15
[37] aJsh 8:19 [38] aJsh 8:20 [39] ILit slain ones IILit smitten aJg 20:32 [40] aJsh 8:20 [41] ILit evil IILit touching aPv 5:22; 11:5, 6; 29:6 [42] aJsh 8:15, 24 [43] ILit sunrise aHo 9:9; 10:9 [45] ISo with Gr; Heb And they IILit gleaned IIILit as far as IVLit smote aJg 21:13 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
The Levite in a general assembly declareth his wrong.1 ¶ Then all² the childrenº of Israelº went out,ºª and the congregationº was gathered togetherºª as oneº man,º from Danº² even to² Beersheba,º with the landº of Gilead,º unto² the LORDº in Mizpeh.º 2 And the chiefº of all² the people,º [even] of all² the tribesº of Israel,º presented¹ª themselves² in the assemblyº of the peopleº of God,º fourº hundredº thousandº footmenºº that drewºª sword.º 3 (Now the childrenº of Benjaminº heardºª that² the childrenº of Israelº were gone upºª to Mizpeh.)º Then saidºª the childrenº of Israel,º Tellºª [us], how² wasºª this² wickedness?º 4 And the Levite,ºº the husbandº of the womanº that was slain,ºª answeredºª and said,ºª I cameºª into Gibeahº that² [belongeth] to Benjamin,º I² and my concubine,º to lodge.ºª 5 And the menº of Gibeahº roseºª against² me, and beset¹ª the house¹ round aboutºª²² upon² me by night,º [and] thoughtºª to have slainºª me: and my concubineº have they forced,ºª that she is dead.ºª 6 And I tookºª my concubine,º and cut her in pieces,ºª and sentºª her throughout all² the countryº of the inheritanceº of Israel:º for² they have committedºª lewdnessº and follyº in Israel.º 7 Behold,² ye [are] all² childrenº of Israel;º giveºª hereº your adviceº and counsel.º [1] Nu 32:1, 40; Dt 13:12; Jsh 15:38; 17:1; 18:26; 22:12; Jg 10:17; 11:11; 18:29; 20:2, 8, 11, 18, 26; 21:5; 1S 3:20; 7:5; 10:17; 11:7; 2S 2:9; 3:10; 19:14; 24:2; 2K 25:23; 1Ch 21:2; 2Ch 30:5; Ezr 3:1; Ne 8:1.
[2] Jg 8:10; 20:15, 17; 2S 24:9; 2K 3:26. [3] Jg 19:22; Pv 22:3; Mt 5:25; Lk 12:58; 14:31. [4] Jg 19:15. [5] Gn 19:4; Dt 22:24; Jg 19:22, 25; Ezk 22:10. [6] Gn 34:7; Jsh 7:15; Jg 19:23, 29; 20:10; 2S 13:12. [7] Ex 19:5; Dt 4:6; 14:1; Jsh 9:14; Jg 19:30; Pv 20:18; 24:6; 1Co 5:1, 6, 10; Jm 1:5. The decree of the assembly.8 ¶ And all² the peopleº aroseºª as oneº man,º saying,ºª We will not² anyº [of us] go¹ª² to his tent,º neither² will we anyº [of us] turnºª into his house.º 9 But now² this² [shall be] the thingº which² we will doºª to Gibeah;º [we will go up] by lotº against² it; 10 And we will takeºª tenº men¹² of an hundredº throughout all² the tribesº of Israel,º and an hundredº of a thousand,º and a thousandº out of ten thousand,º to fetchºª victualº for the people,º that they may do,ºª when they comeºª to Gibeahº of Benjamin,º according to all² the follyº that² they have wroughtºª in Israel.º 11 So all² the menº of Israelº were gatheredºª against² the city,º knit togetherº as oneº man.º [8] Jg 20:1, 11; 21:1, 5; Pv 21:3; Ec 9:10.
[9] Jsh 14:2; 1S 14:41; 1Ch 24:5; Ne 11:1; Pv 16:33; Jna 1:7; Ac 1:26. [10] Gn 24:60. The Benjamites, being cited, make head against the Israelites.12 ¶ And the tribesº of Israelº sentºª men¹² through all² the tribeº of Benjamin,º saying,ºª What² wickednessº [is] this² that² is doneºª among you? 13 Now² therefore deliverºª [us]² the men,¹² the childrenº of Belial,º which² [are] in Gibeah,º that we may put them to death,ºª and put awayºª evilº from Israel.º² But the childrenº of Benjaminº wouldºª not² hearkenºª to the voiceº of their brethrenº the childrenº of Israel:º 14 But the childrenº of Benjaminº gathered themselves togetherºª out of² the citiesº unto Gibeah,º to go outºª to battleº against² the childrenº of Israel.º 15 And the childrenº of Benjaminº were numberedºª at that² timeº out of the citiesº² twentyº and sixº thousandº menº that drewºª sword,º beside² the inhabitantsºª² of Gibeah,º which were numberedºª sevenº hundredº chosen¹ª² men.º 16 Among all²² this² peopleº [there were] sevenº hundredº chosenºª menº lefthanded;ººº every one²² could slingºª stonesº at² an hairº [breadth], and not² miss.ºª 17 And the menº of Israel,º beside² Benjamin,º² were numberedºª fourº hundredº thousandº menº that drewºª sword:º all² these² [were] menº of war.º [12] Dt 13:14; 20:10; Jsh 22:13; Mt 18:15; Ro 12:18.
[13] Dt 13:13; 17:7, 12; 19:19; 21:21; 22:21, 24; 24:7; Jg 19:22; 1S 2:25; 30:22; 2S 20:1, 21; 23:6; 1K 21:13; 2Ch 13:7; 25:16, 20; Pv 29:1; Ec 11:10; Ho 9:9; 10:9; Ro 1:32; Rv 18:4. [14] Nu 20:20; 21:23; 2Ch 13:13; Jb 15:25. [15] Nu 26:41; Jg 20:25, 35, 46. [16] Jg 3:15; 1S 17:40, 49; 25:29; 1Ch 12:2; 2Ch 26:14. [17] Nu 1:46; 26:51; Jg 20:2; 1S 11:8; 15:4; 1Ch 21:5; 2Ch 17:14. The Israelites in two battles lose forty thousand.18 ¶ And the childrenº of Israelº arose,ºª and went upºª to the house¹ of God,º¹ª and asked¹ª counsel² of God,º and said,ºª Whichº of us shall go upºª firstº to the battleº against² the childrenº of Benjamin?º And the LORDº said,ºª Judahº [shall go up] first.º 19 And the childrenº of Israelº rose upºª in the morning,º and encampedºª against² Gibeah.º 20 And the menº of Israelº went outºª to battleº against² Benjamin;º and the menº of Israelº put themselves in arrayºª to fightº against² them at² Gibeah.º 21 And the childrenº of Benjaminº came forthºª out of² Gibeah,º and destroyed downºª to the groundº of the Israelitesº that² dayº twentyº and twoº thousandº men.º 22 And the peopleº the menº of Israelº encouraged¹ª themselves,² and set² their battleº againºª in arrayºª in the placeº where²² they put themselves in arrayºª the firstº day.º 23 (And the childrenº of Israelº went upºª and weptºª beforeº the LORDº until² even,º and asked¹ª counsel² of the LORD,º saying,ºª Shall I go upºª againºª to battleº against² the childrenº of Benjaminº my brother?º And the LORDº said,ºª Go upºª against² him.) 24 And the childrenº of Israelº came nearºª against² the childrenº of Benjaminº the secondº day.º 25 And Benjaminº went forthºª againstºª them out of² Gibeahº the secondº day,º and destroyed² down¹ª to the groundº of the childrenº of Israelº again² eighteenºº thousandº men;º all² these² drewºª the sword.º [18] Gn 49:8; Nu 27:5, 21; Jsh 9:14; 18:1; Jg 1:1; 18:31; 19:18; 20:7, 23, 26; Jol 1:14.
[19] Jsh 3:1; 6:12; 7:16. [21] Gn 49:27; Dt 23:9; 2Ch 28:10; Ps 33:16; 73:18; 77:19; Ec 9:1; Jr 12:1; Ho 10:9. [22] Jg 20:15, 17; 1S 30:6; 2S 11:25; Ps 64:5. [23] Jg 20:18, 26; Ps 78:34; Ho 5:15. [25] Gn 18:25; Jg 20:21; Jb 9:12; Ps 97:2; Ro 2:5; 3:5; 11:33. They destroy by a stratagem all the Benjamites except six hundred.26 ¶ Then all² the childrenº of Israel,º and all² the people,º went up,ºª and cameºª unto the house¹ of God,º¹ª and wept,ºª and satºª there² beforeº the LORD,º and fastedºª that² dayº until² even,º and offeredºª burnt offeringsº and peace offeringsº beforeº the LORD.º 27 And the childrenº of Israelº enquiredºª of the LORD,º (for the arkº of the covenantº of Godº [was] there² in those² days,º 28 And Phinehas,º the sonº of Eleazar,º the sonº of Aaron,º stoodºª beforeº it in those² days,)º saying,ºª Shall I yet² againºª go outºª to battleº against² the childrenº of Benjaminº my brother,º or² shall I cease?ºª And the LORDº said,ºª Go up;ºª for² to morrowº I will deliverºª them into thine hand.º 29 And Israelº setºª liers in waitºª round aboutº² Gibeah.º 30 And the childrenº of Israelº went upºª against² the childrenº of Benjaminº on the thirdº day,º and put themselves in arrayºª against² Gibeah,º as at other times.º 31 And the childrenº of Benjaminº went outºª againstºª the people,º [and] were drawn awayºª from² the city;º and they beganºª to smiteºª of the people,º² [and] kill,º as at other times,º in the highways,º of which² oneº goeth upºª to the house¹ of God,º¹ª and the otherº to Gibeahº in the field,º about thirtyº menº of Israel.º 32 And the childrenº of Benjaminº said,ºª They² [are] smitten downºª beforeº us, as at the first.º But the childrenº of Israelº said,ºª Let us flee,ºª and drawºª them from² the cityº unto² the highways.º 33 And all² the menº of Israelº rose upºª out of their place,º² and put themselves in arrayºª at Baaltamar:º and the liers in waitºª of Israelº came forthºª out of their places,º² [even] out of the meadowsº² of Gibeah.¹²² 34 And there cameºª againstº² Gibeahº tenº thousandº chosenºª menº out of all²² Israel,º and the battleº was sore:ºª but they² knewºª not² that² evilº [was] nearºª them. 35 And the LORDº smoteºª² Benjaminº beforeº Israel:º and the childrenº of Israelº destroyedºª of the Benjamites |