NASB — Matthew 18 — KJV

Rank in the Kingdom

1 aAt that Itime° the disciples° came° to Jesus° and said°, “bWho° then° is greatest° in the kingdom° of heaven°?” 2 And He called° a child° to Himself and set° him Ibefore°° them, 3 and said°, “Truly° I say° to you, unless°° you Iare converted° and abecome° like° children°, you will not enter° the kingdom° of heaven°. 4 Whoever° then° humbles° himself° as this° child°, he is the greatest° in the kingdom° of heaven°. 5 And whoever°° receives° one° such° child° in My name° receives° Me; 6 but awhoever°° bcauses° one° of these° little° ones° who believe° in Me to stumble°, it Iwould be better° for him to have a IIheavy° millstone° hung° around° his neck°, and to be drowned° in the depth° of the sea°.

[1] ILit hour aMt 18:1-5: Mk 9:33-37; Lk 9:46-48 bLk 22:24
[2] ILit in their midst
[3] ILit are turned aMt 19:14; Mk 10:15; Lk 18:17; 1Co 14:20; 1P 2:2
[6] ILit is better IILit millstone turned by a donkey aMk 9:42; Lk 17:2; 1Co 8:12 bMt 17:27

Stumbling Blocks

7“Woe° to the world° because° of [its] stumbling° blocks°! For ait is inevitable° that stumbling° blocks° come°; but woe° to that man° through° whom° the stumbling° block° comes°!

[7] aLk 17:1; 1Co 11:19; 1Ti 4:1

8aIf° your hand° or° your foot° causes° you to stumble°, cut° it off° and throw° it from you; it is better° for you to enter° life° crippled° or° lame°, than° Ito have° two° hands° or° two° feet° and be cast° into the eternal° fire°. 9 aIf° your eye° causes° you to stumble°, pluck° it out and throw° it from you. It is better° for you to enter° life° with one° eye°, than° Ito have° two° eyes° and be cast° into the IIbfiery° hell°.

[8] ILit having; Gr part. aMt 5:30; Mk 9:43
[9] ILit having; Gr part. IILit Gehenna of fire aMt 5:29; Mk 9:47 bMt 5:22

10“See° that you do not despise° one° of these° little° ones°, for I say° to you that atheir angels° in heaven° continually°° see° the face° of My Father° who is in heaven°. 11 [[IaFor the Son° of Man° has come° to save° that which was lost°.]]

[10] aLk 1:19; Ac 12:15; Rv 8:2
[11] IEarly mss do not contain this v aLk 19:10

Ninety-nine Plus One

12“What° do you think°? aIf° any° man° has° a hundred° sheep°, and one° of them has gone° astray°, does he not leave° the ninety-nine°° on the mountains° and go° and search° for the one that is straying°? 13 If° it turns° out that he finds° it, truly° I say° to you, he rejoices° over° it more° than° over° the ninety-nine°° which have not gone° astray°. 14 So° it is not [the] will° Iof your Father° who is in heaven° that one° of these° little° ones° perish°.

[12] aMt 18:12-14: Lk 15:4-7
[14] ILit before

Discipline and Prayer

15aIf° your brother° sins°I, go° and IIshow° him his fault° IIIin private°; if° he listens° to you, you have won° your brother°. 16 But if° he does not listen° [to you], take° one° or° two° more° with you, so° that aBY THE MOUTH° OF TWO° OR° THREE° WITNESSES° EVERY° IFACT° MAY BE CONFIRMED°. 17 If° he refuses° to listen° to them, atell° it to the church°; and if° he refuses° to listen° even° to the church°, blet him be to you as Ia Gentile° and Ia tax° collector°. 18 Truly° I say° to you, awhatever°° you Ibind° on earth° IIshall have been bound° in heaven°; and whatever°° you IIIloose° on earth° IIshall have been loosed° in heaven°.

[15] ILate mss add against you IIOr reprove IIILit between you and him alone aLv 19:17; Lk 17:3; Ga 6:1; 2Th 3:15; Jm 5:19
[16] ILit word aDt 19:15; Jn 8:17; 2Co 13:1; 1Ti 5:19; He 10:28
[17] ILit the a1Co 6:1ff b2Th 3:6, 14f
[18] IOr forbid IIGr fut. pft. pass. IIIOr permit aMt 16:19; Jn 20:23

19“Again° I say° to you, that if° two° of you agree° on earth° about° anything°° that they may ask°, ait shall be done° for them Iby My Father° who is in heaven°. 20 For where° two° or° three° have gathered° together° in My name°, aI am° there° in their midst°.”

[19] ILit from aMt 7:7
[20] aMt 28:20


21 ¶ Then° Peter° came° and said° to Him, “Lord°, ahow° often° shall my brother° sin° against° me and I forgive° him? Up to bseven° times°?” 22 Jesus° *said° to him, “I do not say° to you, up to seven° times°, but up to aseventy° times° seven°.

[21] aMt 18:15 bLk 17:4
[22] aGn 4:24

23“For this° reason° athe kingdom° of heaven° Imay be compared° to a king° who° wished° to bsettle° accounts° with his slaves°. 24 When he had begun° to settle° [them], one° who owed° him Iten° thousand° talents° was brought° to him. 25 But since he Iadid not have° [the means] to repay°, his lord° commanded° him bto be sold°, along° with his wife° and children° and all° that he had°, and repayment° to be made°. 26 So° the slave° fell° [to the ground] and aprostrated° himself° before° him, saying°, ‘Have° patience° with me and I will repay° you everything°.’ 27 And the lord° of that slave° felt° compassion° and released° him and aforgave° him the Idebt°. 28 But that slave° went° out and found° one° of his fellow° slaves° who° owed° him a hundred° Idenarii°; and he seized° him and [began] to choke° [him], saying°, ‘Pay° back° what° you owe°.’ 29 So° his fellow° slave° fell° [to the ground] and [began] to plead° with him, saying°, ‘Have° patience° with me and I will repay° you.’ 30 But he was unwilling°° Iand went° and threw° him in prison° until° he should pay° back° what° was owed°. 31 So° when his fellow° slaves° saw° what° had happened°, they were deeply° grieved° and came° and reported° to their lord° all° that had happened°. 32 Then° summoning° him, his lord° *said° to him, ‘You wicked° slave°, I forgave° you all° that debt° because° you pleaded° with me. 33 aShould° you not also° have had° mercy° on your fellow° slave°, in the same° way° that I had° mercy° on you?’ 34 And his lord°, moved° with anger°, handed° him over° to the torturers° until° he should repay° all° that was owed° him. 35 aMy heavenly° Father° will also° do° the same° to you, if° each° of you does not forgive° his brother° from Iyour heart°.”

[23] ILit was compared to aMt 13:24 bMt 25:19
[24] IA talent was worth more than fifteen years’ wages of a laborer
[25] IOr was unable to aLk 7:42 bEx 21:2; Lv 25:39; 2K 4:1; Ne 5:5
[26] aMt 8:2
[27] IOr loan aLk 7:42
[28] IThe denarius was a day’s wages
[30] ILit but
[33] aMt 6:12; Ep 4:32
[35] ILit your hearts aMt 6:14

New American Standard Bible
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Christ warneth his disciples to be humble and harmless:

1 ¶ Atº the sameº timeº cameºª the² disciplesº unto Jesus,º saying,ºª Whoºº isºª the greatestº inº the² kingdomº of heaven?º 2 Andº Jesusº calledºª a little childº unto him,¹ª and² setºª himº inº the midstº of them,º 3 Andº said,ºª Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º Exceptº ye be converted,ºª andº becomeºª asº little children,º ye shall¹ª notº enterºª intoº the² kingdomº of heaven.º 4 Whosoeverº thereforeº shall humbleºª himselfº asº thisº little child,º the sameº isºª greatestº inº the² kingdomº of heaven.º 5 Andº whosoºº shall receiveºª oneº suchº little childº inº myº nameº receivethºª me.º 6 Butº whosoºº shall offendºª oneº of theseº little onesº which¹ believeºª inº me,º it were betterºª for himº thatº a millstoneºº were hangedºª aboutº hisº neck,º andº [that] he were drownedºª inº the² depthº of the² sea.º

[1] Mt 3:2; 5:19; 7:21; 20:20; 23:11; Mk 9:33, 34; 10:14, 35; Lk 9:46; 22:24; Ro 12:10; Php 2:3.
[2] 1K 3:7; Jr 1:7; Mt 19:13; Mk 9:36.
[3] Ps 51:10; 131:2; Is 6:10; Mt 5:18, 20; 6:2, 5, 16; 13:15; 19:23; Mk 4:12; 10:14; Lk 13:24; 18:16; 22:32; Jn 1:51; 3:3, 5; Ac 3:19; 14:22; 28:27; 1Co 14:20; Jm 5:19; 1P 2:2; 2P 1:11.
[4] Ps 131:1; Is 57:15; Mt 18:1; 20:26; 23:11; Mk 10:43; Lk 9:48; 14:11; Jm 4:10; 1P 5:5.
[5] Mt 10:40; 25:40, 45; Mk 9:37, 41; Lk 9:48; 17:1; Jn 13:20; Ga 4:14.
[6] Ps 105:15; Zc 2:8; 13:7; Mt 18:10, 14; Mk 9:42; Lk 17:1, 2; Ac 9:5; Ro 14:13, 21; 15:1; 1Co 8:9; 10:32; 2Th 1:6.

to avoid offences, and not to despise the little ones:

7Woeº unto the² worldº because of¹ offences!º forº it must needs¹ beºª² that offencesº come;ºª butº woeº to that² manº by¹² whomº¹ the² offenceº cometh!ºª 8 Whereforeº ifº thyº handº orº thyº footº offend² thee,¹ª² cut¹ª them¹ off,ºª² andº castºª [them] fromº thee:º¹ it isºª betterº for theeº to enter² intoº¹ª lifeº haltº orº maimed,º rather thanº havingºª twoº handsº orº twoº feetº to be castºª intoº everlastingº fire.º 9 Andº ifº thineº eyeº offendºª thee,º pluck¹ª it¹ out,ºª² andº castºª [it] fromº thee:º it isºª betterº for theeº to enterºª intoº lifeº with one eye,º rather² than¹ havingºª twoº eyesº to be castºª intoº hellº fire.º 10 Take heedºª that ye despiseºª notº oneº of theseº little ones;º forº I sayºª unto you,º Thatº inº heavenº theirº angelsº do alwaysºº beholdºª the² faceº of myº Fatherº whichº is inº heaven.º 11 Forº the² Sonº of manº is comeºª to saveºª that which¹ was lost.ºª 12 Howº thinkºª ye?º ifº¹ a² manº haveºª an hundredº sheep,º andº oneº ofº themº be gone astray,ºª doth he¹ª notº leaveºª the² ninety and nine,º and goethºª intoº the² mountains,º and² seekethºª that which¹ is gone astray?ºª 13 Andº if² so¹ beºª that he findºª it,º verilyº I sayºª unto you,º¹ he² rejoicethºª moreº ofº thatº [sheep], thanº ofº the² ninety and nineº which¹ went¹ª not¹ astray.ºª² 14 Even soº it isºª notº the willº ofº yourº Fatherº whichº is inº heaven,º thatº oneº of theseº little onesº should perish.ºª

[7] Gn 13:7; 1S 2:17, 22; 2S 12:14; Mt 13:41; 23:13; 26:24; Mk 13:7; Lk 17:1; Jn 17:12; Ac 1:16, 18; Ro 2:23; 1Co 11:19; 2Th 2:3; 1Ti 4:1; 5:14; 6:1; 2Ti 3:1; 4:3; Tit 2:5, 8; 2P 2:2, 3, 15; Jde 1:4, 11; Rv 2:14, 20; 19:20.
[8] Dt 13:6; Is 2:20; 30:22; 33:14; Ezk 18:31; Mt 5:29; 14:3; 15:30; 25:41, 46; Mk 9:43, 48; Lk 14:26, 33; 16:24; 18:22; Ro 13:12; Php 3:8; 2Th 1:8; Rv 14:10; 20:15; 21:8.
[9] Mt 16:26; 19:17, 23; Lk 9:24; Ac 14:22; He 4:11; Rv 21:27.
[10] Gn 32:1; 2S 14:28; 1K 22:19; 2K 6:16; Es 1:14; Ps 15:4; 17:15; 34:7; 91:11; Zc 4:10; 13:7; Mt 1:20; 2:13, 19; 12:20; 18:6, 14; 24:31; Lk 1:19; 10:16; 16:22; Ac 5:19; 10:3; 12:7, 23; 27:23; Ro 14:1, 10, 13, 21; 15:1; 1Co 8:8; 9:22; 11:22; 16:11; 2Co 10:1, 10; Ga 4:13; 6:1; 1Th 4:8; 1Ti 4:12; He 1:14.
[11] Mt 9:12; 10:6; 15:24; Lk 9:56; 15:24, 32; 19:10; Jn 3:17; 10:10; 12:47; 1Ti 1:15.
[12] 1K 21:17; Ps 119:176; Is 53:6; Jr 50:6; Ezk 34:6, 12, 16, 28; Mt 12:11; 21:28; 22:42; Lk 15:4; Jn 10:11; 1Co 10:15; 1P 2:25.
[13] Ps 147:11; Is 53:11; 62:5; Jr 32:37; Mi 7:18; Zp 3:17; Lk 15:5, 23; Jn 4:34; Jm 2:13.
[14] Is 40:11; Zc 13:7; Mt 5:16; 6:9, 32; Lk 12:32; Jn 6:39; 10:27; 17:12; 21:15; Ro 8:28; 1Co 8:11; Ep 1:5; 2Ti 2:10; He 12:13; 1P 1:3; 2P 3:9.

teacheth how we are to deal with our brethren, when they offend us:

15Moreoverº ifº thyº brotherº shall trespassºª againstº thee,º goºª andº tell¹ª him¹ his faultºª² betweenº theeº andº himº alone:º ifº he shall hearºª thee,º thou hast gainedºª thyº brother.º 16 Butº if¹ª² he will¹ª not¹² hearºª [thee, then] takeºª withº theeº oneº orº twoº more,º that¹² inº the mouth¹² of twoº orº threeº witnessesº everyº wordº may be established.ºª 17 Andº ifº he shall neglect to hearºª them,º tellºª [it] unto the² church:º butº¹ ifº he neglect to hearºª the² church,º let him beºª unto theeº asº an heathen manº andº a publican.º 18 Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º Whatsoeverºº ye shall bindºª onº earthº shall beºª boundºª inº heaven:º andº whatsoeverºº ye shall looseºª onº earthº shall beºª loosedºª inº heaven.º 19 Againº I sayºª unto you,º Thatº ifº twoº of youº shall agreeºª onº earthº as touchingº anyº thingº thatºº they shall ask,ºª it shall be doneºª for themº ofº myº Fatherº whichº is inº heaven.º 20 Forº whereº twoº orº threeº areºª gathered togetherºª inº myº name,º thereº am² I¹ª inº the midstº of them.º

[15] Lv 6:2; 19:17; Ps 141:5; Pv 11:30; 25:9; Mt 18:35; Lk 17:3; Ro 12:21; 1Co 6:6; 8:12; 9:19; 2Co 7:12; Col 3:13; 1Th 4:6; Jm 5:19; 1P 3:1.
[16] Nu 35:30; Dt 17:6; 19:15; 1K 21:13; Jn 8:17; 2Co 13:1; 1Ti 5:19; He 10:28; 1Jn 5:7; Rv 11:3.
[17] Ezr 6:21; Ezk 11:12; Mt 5:46; 6:7; 11:19; 21:31; Lk 15:1; 18:11; 19:2; Ac 6:1; 15:6; Ro 16:17; 1Co 5:3, 4, 9; 6:1; 2Co 2:6; 6:14; Ep 4:17; 5:11; 2Th 3:6, 14; 1Ti 6:5; 2Jn 1:10; 3Jn 1:9.
[18] Mt 16:19; Jn 20:23; Ac 15:23; 1Co 5:4; 2Co 2:10; Rv 3:7.
[19] Mt 5:24; 21:22; Mk 11:24; Jn 14:13; 15:7, 16; 16:23; Ac 1:14; 2:1; 4:24; 6:4; 12:5; Ep 6:18; Php 1:19; Jm 5:14; 1Jn 3:22; 5:14; Rv 11:4.
[20] Gn 49:10; Ex 20:24; Zc 2:5; Mt 28:20; Jn 8:58; 20:19, 26; 1Co 5:4; 1Th 1:1; Phm 1:2; Rv 1:11; 2:1; 21:3.

and how oft to forgive them:

21 ¶ Thenº cameºª Peterº to him,º and said,ºª Lord,º how oftº shall myº brotherº sinºª againstº me,º andº I forgiveºª him?º tillº seven times?º 22 Jesusº saithºª unto him,º I sayºª notº unto thee,º Untilº seven times:º but,¹ Untilº seventy timesº seven.º

[21] Mt 18:15; Lk 17:3.
[22] Is 55:7; Mi 7:19; Mt 6:11, 14; Mk 11:25; Ro 12:21; Ep 4:26, 31; 5:1; Col 3:13; 1Ti 2:8.

which he setteth forth by a parable of the king, that took account of his servants,

23Thereforeºº is the² kingdomº of heavenº likened¹ª unto² a certain¹ king,º² whichº wouldºª takeºª accountº ofº his¹² servants.º 24 Andº when heº had begunºª to reckon,ºª oneº was broughtºª unto him,º which owedº him¹ ten thousandº talents.º 25 But² forasmuch as¹ heº hadºª notº to pay,ºª hisº lordº commandedºª himº to be sold,ºª andº hisº wife,º andº children,º andº allº that¹ he² had,ºª andº payment to be made.ºª 26 The² servantº thereforeº fell down,ºª and worshippedºª him,º saying,ºª Lord,º have patienceºª withº me,º andº I will payºª theeº all.º 27 Thenº the² lordº of thatº servantº was moved with compassion,ºª and loosedºª him,º andº forgaveºª himº the² debt.º 28 Butº the² sameº servantº went out,ºª and foundºª oneº of hisº fellowservants,º whichº owedºª himº an² hundred¹ pence:º andº he laid handsºª on him,º and took [him] by the throat,ºª saying,ºª Payºª meº thatº thou owest.ºª 29 Andº hisº fellowservantº fell downºª atº hisº feet,º and besoughtºª him,º saying,ºª Have patienceºª withº me,º andº I will payºª theeº all.º 30 Andº he² wouldºª not:º butº wentºª and castºª himº intoº prison,º tillº¹ he should² payºª the² debt.ºª 31 Soº when hisº fellowservantsº sawºª what was done,ºª they were very¹ sorry,ºª² andº cameºª and toldºª unto their¹² lordº allº that was done.ºª

[23] Mt 3:2; 13:24, 31, 33, 44, 47, 52; 25:1, 14, 19; Lk 16:1; 19:12; Ro 14:12; 1Co 4:5; 2Co 5:10.
[24] 1Ch 29:7; Ezr 9:6; Ps 38:4; 40:12; 130:3; Lk 7:41; 13:4; 16:5, 7.
[25] Lv 25:39; 2K 4:1; Ne 5:5, 8; Is 50:1.
[26] Mt 18:29; Lk 7:43; Ro 10:3.
[27] Jg 10:16; Ne 9:17; Ps 78:38; 86:5, 15; 145:8; Ho 11:8.
[28] Dt 15:2; Ne 5:7, 10; 10:31; Is 58:3; Ezk 45:9; Mt 20:2.
[29] Mt 6:12; 18:26; Phm 1:18.
[30] 1K 21:27; 22:27.
[31] Gn 37:2; Ps 119:136, 158; Jr 9:1; Mk 3:5; Lk 14:21; 19:41; Ro 9:1; 12:15; 2Co 11:21; He 13:3, 17.

and punished him, who shewed no mercy to his fellow.

32 Thenº hisº lord,º after that he had calledºª him,º saidºª unto him,º O thou wickedº servant,º I forgaveºª theeº allº thatº debt,º becauseº thou desiredstºª me:º 33 Shouldestºª notº thouº alsoº have had compassionºª on thyº fellowservant,º evenº asº Iº had pityºª on thee?º 34 Andº hisº lordº was wroth,ºª and deliveredºª himº to the² tormentors,º tillº¹ he² should payºª allº that was dueºª unto him.º 35 So¹ likewise² shall myº heavenlyº Fatherº doºª alsoº unto you,º ifºª ye fromº yourº heartsº forgiveºª notº every oneº his¹² brotherº theirº trespasses.º

[32] Mt 25:26; Lk 19:22; Ro 3:19.
[33] Mt 5:44; Lk 6:35; Ep 4:32; 5:1; Col 3:13.
[34] Mt 5:25; Lk 12:58; 2Th 1:8; Rv 14:10.
[35] Pv 21:2, 13; Jr 3:10; Zc 7:12; Mt 6:12, 14; 7:1; Mk 11:26; Lk 6:37; 16:15; Jm 2:13; 3:14; 4:8; Rv 2:23.

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