NASB — Ephesians 5 — KJV

Be Imitators of God

1 aTherefore° be imitators° of God°, as beloved° children°; 2 and awalk° in love°, just° as Christ° also° bloved° Iyou and cgave° Himself° up for us, an doffering° and a sacrifice° to God° IIas a efragrant° aroma°.

[1] aMt 5:48; Lk 6:36; Ep 4:32
[2] IOne early ms reads us IILit for an odor of fragrance aRo 14:15; Col 3:14 bJn 13:34; Ro 8:37 cJn 6:51; Ro 4:25; Ga 2:20; Ep 5:25 dHe 7:27; 9:14; 10:10, 12 eEx 29:18, 25; 2Co 2:14

3 ¶ But aimmorality° Ior° any° impurity° or° greed° must not even° be named° among° you, as is proper° among IIsaints°; 4 and [there must be no] afilthiness° and silly° talk°, or° coarse° jesting°, which° bare not fitting°, but rather° cgiving° of thanks°. 5 For this° you know° with certainty°, that ano°° Iimmoral° or° impure° person° or° covetous° man°, who° is an idolater°, has° an inheritance° in the kingdom° bof Christ° and God°.

[3] ILit and all IIOr holy ones aCol 3:5
[4] aMt 12:34; Ep 4:29; Col 3:8 bRo 1:28 cEp 5:20
[5] II.e. one who commits sexual immorality a1Co 6:9; Col 3:5 bCol 1:13

6aLet no° one° deceive° you with empty° words°, for because° of these° things° bthe wrath° of God° comes° upon cthe sons° of disobedience°. 7 Therefore° do not be apartakers° with them; 8 for ayou were formerly° bdarkness°, but now° you are Light° in the Lord°; walk° as cchildren° of Light° 9 (for athe fruit° of the Light° [consists] in all° bgoodness° and righteousness° and truth°), 10 Iatrying° to learn° what° is pleasing° to the Lord°. 11 aDo not participate° in the unfruitful° bdeeds° of cdarkness°, but instead° even° Idexpose° them; 12 for it is disgraceful° even° to speak° of the things which are done° by them in secret°. 13 But all° things° become° visible° awhen they are Iexposed° by the light°, for everything° that becomes° visible° is light°. 14 For this° reason° Iit says°,
  “aAwake°, sleeper°,
  And arise° from bthe dead°,
  And Christ° cwill shine° on you.”

[6] aCol 2:8 bRo 1:18; Col 3:6 cEp 2:2
[7] aEp 3:6
[8] aEp 2:2 bAc 26:18; Col 1:12f cJn 12:36; Ro 13:12
[9] aGa 5:22 bRo 15:14
[10] ILit proving what aRo 12:2
[11] IOr reprove a1Co 5:9; 2Co 6:14 bRo 13:12 cAc 26:18; Col 1:12f d1Ti 5:20
[13] IOr reproved aJn 3:20f
[14] IOr He aIs 26:19; 51:17; 52:1; 60:1; Ro 13:11 bEp 2:1 cLk 1:78f

15 ¶ Therefore° Ibe careful°° how° you awalk°, not bas unwise° men° but as wise°, 16 Iamaking° the most° of your time°, because° bthe days° are evil°. 17 So°° then°° do not be foolish°, but aunderstand° what° the will° of the Lord° is. 18 And ado not get° drunk° with wine°, Ifor that is bdissipation°, but be cfilled° with the Spirit°, 19 aspeaking° to Ione° another° in bpsalms° and chymns° and spiritual° dsongs°, esinging° and making° melody° with your heart° to the Lord°; 20 aalways° giving° thanks° for all° things° in the name° of our Lord° Jesus° Christ° to IbGod°, even° the Father°; 21 Iaand be subject° to one° another° in the IIbfear° of Christ°.

[15] ILit look carefully aEp 5:2 bCol 4:5
[16] ILit redeeming the time aCol 4:5 bGa 1:4; Ep 6:13
[17] aRo 12:2; Col 1:9; 1Th 4:3
[18] ILit in which is aPv 20:1; 23:31f; Ro 13:13; 1Co 5:11; 1Th 5:7 bTit 1:6; 1P 4:4 cLk 1:15
[19] IOr yourselves aCol 3:16 b1Co 14:26 cAc 16:25 dRv 5:9 e1Co 14:15
[20] ILit the God and Father aRo 1:8; Ep 5:4; Col 3:17 b1Co 15:24
[21] ILit being subject IIOr reverence aGa 5:13; Php 2:3; 1P 5:5 b2Co 5:11

Marriage Like Christ and the Church

22aWives°, b[be subject] to your own° husbands°, cas to the Lord°. 23 For athe husband° is the head° of the wife°, as Christ° also° is the bhead° of the church°, He Himself° c[being] the Savior° of the body°. 24 But as the church° is subject° to Christ°, so° also° the wives° [ought to be] to their husbands° in everything°.

[22] aEp 5:22-6:9: Col 3:18-4:1 b1Co 14:34f; Tit 2:5; 1P 3:1 cEp 6:5
[23] a1Co 11:3 bEp 1:22 c1Co 6:13

25aHusbands°, love° your wives°, just° as Christ° also° loved° the church° and bgave° Himself° up for her, 26 aso° that He might sanctify° her, having bcleansed° her by the cwashing° of water° with dthe word°, 27 that He might apresent° to Himself° the church° Iin all° her glory°, having° no° spot° or° wrinkle° or° any° such° thing°; but that she would be bholy° and blameless°. 28 So° husbands° ought° also° to alove° their own° wives° as their own° bodies°. He who loves° his own° wife° loves° himself°; 29 for no° one° ever° hated° his own° flesh°, but nourishes° and cherishes° it, just° as Christ° also° [does] the church°, 30 because° we are amembers° of His bbody°. 31 aFOR THIS° REASON° A MAN° SHALL LEAVE° HIS FATHER° AND MOTHER° AND SHALL BE JOINED° TO HIS WIFE°, AND THE TWO° SHALL BECOME°° ONE° FLESH°. 32 This° mystery° is great°; but I am speaking° with reference° to Christ° and the church°. 33 Nevertheless°, each° individual° among you also° is to alove° his own° wife° even as himself°, and the wife° must [see to it] that she Ibrespects° her husband°.

[25] aEp 5:28, 33; Col 3:19; 1P 3:7 bEp 5:2
[26] aTit 2:14; He 10:10, 14, 29; 13:12 b2P 1:9 cAc 22:16; 1Co 6:11; Tit 3:5 dJn 15:3; 17:17; Ro 10:8f; Ep 6:17
[27] ILit glorious a2Co 4:14; 11:2; Col 1:22 bEp 1:4
[28] aEp 5:25, 33; 1P 3:7
[30] a1Co 6:15; 12:27 bEp 1:23
[31] aGn 2:24; Mt 19:5; Mk 10:7f
[33] ILit fear aEp 5:25, 28; 1P 3:7 b1P 3:2, 5f

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1 ¶ Beºª ye¹ª thereforeº followersº of God,º asº dearº children;º

[1] Lv 11:45; Jr 31:20; Ho 1:10; Mt 5:45, 48; Lk 6:35; Jn 1:12; Ep 4:32; Col 3:12; 1P 1:15; 1Jn 3:1; 4:11.

After general exhortations, to love,

2 Andº walkºª inº love,º asº Christº alsoº hath lovedºª us,º andº hath givenºª himselfº forº usº an offeringº andº a sacrificeº to Godº forº a sweetsmellingº savour.º

[2] Gn 8:21; Lv 1:9, 13, 17; 3:16; Am 5:21; Mt 20:28; Jn 13:34; 15:12; Ro 8:3; 14:16; 1Co 5:7; 16:14; 2Co 2:15; 5:14; 8:9; Ga 1:4; 2:20; Ep 3:17, 19; 4:2, 15; 5:25; Col 3:14; 1Th 4:9; 1Ti 2:6; 4:12; Tit 2:14; He 7:25; 9:14, 23, 26; 10:10, 12; 1P 2:21; 4:8; 1Jn 3:11, 16, 23; 4:20; Rv 1:5; 5:9.

to flee fornication,

3 But¹² fornication,º and¹² allº uncleanness,º orº covetousness,º let it¹ª not be once¹ namedºª² amongº you,º asº becomethºª saints;º

[3] Ex 18:21; 20:17; 23:13; Nu 25:1; Dt 23:17; Jsh 7:21; 1S 8:3; Ps 10:3; 119:36; Pv 28:16; Jr 6:13; 8:10; 22:17; Ezk 33:31; Mi 2:2; Mt 15:19; Mk 7:21, 22; Lk 12:15; 16:14; Ac 15:20; 20:33; Ro 1:29; 6:13; 16:2; 1Co 5:1, 10; 6:9, 10, 13, 18; 10:8; 2Co 12:21; Ga 5:19; Ep 4:19; 5:5, 12; Php 1:27; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:3, 7; 1Ti 2:10; 3:3; 6:10; 2Ti 3:2; Tit 1:7, 11; 2:3; He 12:16; 13:4, 5; 1P 5:2; 2P 2:3, 10, 14; Rv 2:14, 21; 9:21; 21:8; 22:15.

and all uncleanness,

4 Neitherº filthiness,º norº foolish talking,º norº jesting,º which¹ are¹ª not¹ convenient:ºª² butº ratherº giving of thanks.º 5 Forº thisº ye know,ººªª thatº noº¹ whoremonger,º norº unclean person,º norº covetous man,º whoº isºª an idolater,º hathºª any² inheritanceº inº the² kingdomº of Christº andº of God.º 6 Let¹ª no manº deceiveºª youº with vainº words:º forº becauseº of these thingsº comethºª the² wrathº of Godº uponº the² childrenº of disobedience.º

[4] Ps 33:1; 92:1; 107:21; Pv 12:23; 15:2; Ec 10:13; Dn 6:10; Mt 12:34; Mk 7:22; Jn 6:23; Ro 1:28; 2Co 1:11; 9:15; Ep 1:16; 4:29; 5:19; Php 4:6; Col 3:8, 15; 1Th 3:9; 5:18; Phm 1:8; He 13:15; Jm 3:4; 2P 2:7, 18; Jde 1:10, 13.
[5] 1Co 6:9; Ga 5:19, 21; Ep 5:3; Col 3:5; 1Ti 6:10, 17; He 13:4; Rv 21:8; 22:15.
[6] Nu 32:13; Jsh 22:17; 2K 18:20; Ps 78:31; Jr 23:14; 29:8, 31; Ezk 13:10; Mi 3:5; Mt 24:4, 24; Mk 13:5, 22; Ro 1:18; Ga 6:7; Ep 2:2; Col 2:4, 8, 18; 3:6; 2Th 2:3, 10; He 3:19; 1P 2:8; 1Jn 4:1.

not to converse with the wicked,

7 Beºª notº ye¹ª thereforeº partakersº with them.º 8 Forº ye wereºª sometimesº darkness,º butº nowº [are ye] lightº inº the Lord:º walkºª asº childrenº of light:º 9 (Forº the² fruitº of the² Spiritº [is] inº allº goodnessº andº righteousnessº andº truth;)º 10 Provingºª whatº isºª acceptableº unto the² Lord.º 11 Andº have¹ª no¹ fellowshipºª² with the² unfruitfulº worksº of darkness,º butº ratherºº reproveºª [them]. 12 Forº it isºª a shameº evenº to speakºª of those things¹ª which are doneºª ofº themº in secret.º 13 Butº all thingsº that are reprovedºª are made manifestºª byº the² light:º forº whatsoeverº doth make manifestºª isºª light.¹² 14 Whereforeº he saith,ºª Awake² thou¹ª that sleepest,ºª andº ariseºª fromº the² dead,º andº Christº shall give¹ª thee¹ light.ºª²

[7] Nu 16:26; Ps 50:18; Pv 1:10; 9:6; 13:20; Ep 5:11; 1Ti 5:22; Rv 18:4.
[8] Ps 74:20; Is 2:5; 9:2; 42:6, 16; 49:6, 9; 60:1, 2, 3, 19; Jr 13:16; Mt 4:16; Lk 1:79; 16:8; Jn 1:4, 9; 8:12; 12:36, 46; Ac 17:30; 26:18; Ro 1:21; 2:19; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 3:18; 4:6; 6:14; Ga 5:25; Ep 2:11; 4:18; 5:2; 6:12; Col 1:13; 1Th 5:4; Tit 3:3; 1P 2:9; 1Jn 1:7; 2:8, 9.
[9] Ps 16:2; Jn 1:47; Ro 2:4; 15:14; Ga 5:22; Ep 4:15, 25; 6:14; Php 1:11; 1Ti 6:11; He 1:8; 11:33; 1P 2:24, 25; 1Jn 2:29; 3:9; 3Jn 1:11.
[10] 1S 17:39; Ps 19:14; Pv 21:3; Is 58:5; Jr 6:20; Ro 12:1; 14:18; Php 1:10; 4:18; 1Th 5:21; 1Ti 2:3; 5:4; He 12:28; 1P 2:5, 20.
[11] Gn 20:16; 49:5; Lv 19:17; Jb 24:13; Ps 1:1; 26:4; 94:20; 141:5; Pv 1:31; 4:14; 9:6, 7; 13:18; 15:12; 19:25; 25:12; 29:1; Is 3:10; 29:21; Jr 15:17; Mt 18:15; Lk 3:19; Jn 3:19; Ro 1:22; 6:21; 13:12; 16:17; 1Co 5:9; 10:20; 2Co 6:14; Ga 6:8; Ep 4:22; 5:7; 1Th 5:7; 2Th 3:6, 14; 1Ti 5:20; 6:5; 2Ti 3:5; 4:2; Tit 2:15; 2Jn 1:10; Rv 18:4.
[12] 2S 12:12; Pv 9:17; Ec 12:14; Jr 23:24; Lk 12:1; Ro 1:24; 2:16; Ep 5:3; 1P 4:3; Rv 20:12.
[13] Lm 2:14; Ho 2:10; 7:1; Mi 7:9; Jn 3:20; 1Co 4:5; He 1:13.
[14] Is 26:19; 51:17; 52:1; 60:1; Ezk 37:4; Jn 5:25; 8:12; 9:5; 11:43; Ac 13:47; Ro 6:4, 13; 13:11; 1Co 15:34; 2Co 4:6; Ep 2:5; Col 3:1; 1Th 5:6; 2Ti 1:10; 2:26.

to walk warily,

15 Seeºª thenº thatº ye walkºª circumspectly,º notº asº fools,º butº asº wise,º 16 Redeemingºª the² time,º becauseº the² daysº areºª evil.º 17 Whereforeºº be² ye¹ª notº unwise,º butº understandingºª whatº the² willº of the² Lordº [is].

[15] Ex 23:13; 2S 24:10; Jb 2:10; Ps 73:22; Pv 14:8; Mt 8:4; 10:16; 25:2; 27:4, 24; Lk 24:25; 1Co 14:20; Ga 3:1, 3; Ep 5:33; Php 1:27; Col 1:9; 4:5; 1Th 5:15; 1Ti 6:9; He 12:25; Jm 3:13; 1P 1:22; Rv 19:10.
[16] Ps 37:19; Ec 9:10; 11:2; 12:1; Am 5:13; Jn 12:35; Ac 11:28; Ro 13:11; 1Co 7:26, 29; Ga 6:10; Ep 6:13, 15; Col 4:5.
[17] Dt 4:6; 1K 3:9; Jb 28:28; Ps 111:10; 119:27; Pv 2:5; 14:8; 23:23; Jr 4:22; Jn 7:17; Ro 12:2; Ep 5:15; Col 1:9; 4:5; 1Th 4:1; 5:18; 1P 4:2.

and to be filled with the Spirit,

18 Andº be¹ª not¹ drunkºª² with wine,º whereinºº isºª excess;º butº be filledºª withº the Spirit;º 19 Speakingºª to yourselvesº in psalmsº andº hymnsº andº spiritualº songs,º singingºª andº making melodyºª inº yourº heartº to the² Lord;º 20 Giving thanksºª alwaysº forº all thingsº unto Godº andº the Fatherº inº the nameº of ourº Lordº Jesusº Christ;º 21 Submitting yourselvesºª one to anotherº inº the fearº of God.º

[18] Gn 9:21; 19:32; Dt 21:20; Ps 63:3; 69:12; Pv 20:1; 23:20, 29; So 1:4; 7:9; Is 5:11, 22; 25:6; 55:1; Zc 9:15; Mt 23:25; 24:49; Lk 11:13; 12:45; 21:34; Ac 2:13; 11:24; Ro 13:13; 1Co 5:11; 6:10; 11:21; Ga 5:21, 22; 1Th 5:7; 1P 4:3.
[19] Ps 47:7; 62:8; 86:12; 95:2; 105:2, 3; 147:7; Is 65:14; Mt 15:8; 26:30; Jn 4:23; Ac 16:25; 1Co 14:26; Col 3:16; Jm 5:13.
[20] Jb 1:21; Ps 34:1; Is 63:7; Jn 14:13; 15:16; 16:23; Ac 5:41; 1Co 1:4; Ep 5:4; Php 1:3; 4:6; Col 1:11; 3:17; 1Th 3:9; 5:18; 2Th 1:3; 2:13; He 13:15; 1P 2:5; 4:11.
[21] Gn 16:9; 1Ch 29:24; 2Ch 19:7; Ne 5:9, 15; Pv 24:21; Ro 13:1; 1Co 16:16; 2Co 7:1; Ep 5:22, 24; Php 2:3; 1Ti 2:11; 3:4; He 13:17; 1P 2:13, 17; 5:5.

he descendeth to the particular duties, how wives ought to obey their husbands,

22 Wives,º submit yourselvesºª unto your ownº husbands,º asº unto the² Lord.º 23 Forº the² husbandº isºª the headº of the² wife,º evenº asº Christº is the headº of the² church:º andº heº isºª the saviourº of the² body.º 24 Thereforeº as¹² the² churchº is subject¹ª unto² Christ,º soº¹ [let] the² wivesº [be] to their ownº husbandsº inº every thing.º

[22] Gn 3:16; Es 1:16, 20; 1Co 14:34; Ep 5:24; 6:5; Col 3:18, 22; 1Ti 2:11; Tit 2:5; 1P 3:1.
[23] Ac 20:28; 1Co 11:3; Ep 1:22; 4:15; 5:25; Col 1:18; 1Th 1:10; Rv 5:9.
[24] Ex 23:13; 29:35; Ep 5:33; Col 3:20, 22; Tit 2:7, 9.

and husbands ought to love their wives,

25 Husbands,º loveºª yourº wives,º even asº Christº alsoº lovedºª the² church,º andº gaveºª himselfº forº it;º 26 Thatº he might sanctifyºª and cleanse² it¹ª² with the² washingº of waterº byº the word,º 27 Thatº he might presentºª itº to himselfº a gloriousº church,º notº havingºª spot,¹² orº wrinkle,º orº anyº such thing;º butº thatº it should beºª holyº andº without blemish.º 28 Soº oughtºª menº to loveºª theirº wivesº asº their ownº bodies.º He that lovethºª hisº wifeº lovethºª himself.º 29 Forº no manº ever yetº hatedºª his ownº flesh;º butº nourishethºª andº cherishethºª it,º even² asº¹ the² Lordº the² church:º 30 Forº we areºª membersº of hisº body,º ofº hisº flesh,º andº ofº hisº bones.º 31 For¹ this causeº² shall¹ª a manº leaveºª his¹² fatherº andº mother,º andº shall be joinedºª untoº his¹² wife,º andº they twoº shall beºª oneº¹ flesh.º

[25] Gn 2:24; 24:67; 2S 12:3; Pv 5:18; Mt 20:28; Lk 22:19; Jn 6:51; Ac 20:28; Ga 1:4; 2:20; Ep 5:2, 28; Col 3:19; 1Ti 2:6; 1P 1:18; 3:7; Rv 1:5; 5:9.
[26] Ezk 16:9; 36:25; Zc 13:1; Jn 3:5; 15:8; 17:7, 17; Ac 22:16; 26:18; 1Co 6:11; Tit 2:14; 3:5; He 9:14; 10:10, 22; Jm 1:18; 1P 1:2, 22; 3:21; 1Jn 5:6; Jde 1:1.
[27] Ps 45:13; 87:3; So 4:7; Is 60:15; 62:3; Jr 33:9; 2Co 4:14; 11:2; Ep 1:4; Col 1:22, 28; 1Th 5:23; He 9:14; 12:22; 1P 1:19; 2P 3:14; Jde 1:21, 24; Rv 7:9; 21:10, 27.
[28] Gn 2:21; Mt 19:5; Ep 5:31, 33.
[29] Pv 11:17; Ec 4:5; Is 40:11; Ezk 34:14, 27; Mt 23:37; Jn 6:50; Ro 1:31; Ep 5:31.
[30] Gn 2:23; Ro 12:5; 1Co 6:15; 12:12; Ep 1:23; Col 2:19.
[31] Gn 2:24; Mt 19:5; Mk 10:7; 1Co 6:16.

even as Christ doth his Church.

32 Thisº isºª a greatº mystery:º butº Iº speakºª concerningº Christº andº¹ the² church.º 33 Neverthelessº¹ let¹ª every oneº¹ of youº² in particularº² soº loveºª hisº wifeº even asº himself;º andº the² wifeº [see] thatº she reverenceºª [her] husband.º

[32] Ps 45:9; So 1:1; Is 54:5; 62:4; Jn 3:29; 2Co 11:2; Ep 6:19; Col 2:2; 1Ti 3:8, 16; Rv 19:7; 21:2.
[33] 1K 1:31; Es 1:20; Ep 5:22, 25, 28; Col 3:19; He 12:9; 1P 3:2, 7.

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