NASB — 1 Samuel 17 — KJV

Goliath’s Challenge

1 Now athe Philistines° gathered° their armies° for battle°; and they were gathered° at Socoh° which° belongs to Judah°, and they camped° between° bSocoh° and cAzekah°, in dEphes-dammim°. 2 Saul° and the men° of Israel° were gathered° and camped° in athe valley° of Elah°, and drew° up in battle° array to encounter° the Philistines°. 3 The Philistines° stood° on the mountain° on one° side° while Israel° stood° on the mountain° on the other° side°, with the valley° between° them. 4 Then a champion°° came° out from the armies° of the Philistines° named° aGoliath°, from bGath°, whose height° was six° Icubits° and a span°. 5 [He had] a bronze° helmet° on his head°, and he was clothed° with scale-armor° Iwhich weighed° five° thousand° shekels° of bronze°. 6 [He] also [had] bronze° Igreaves° on his legs° and a abronze° javelin° [slung] between° his shoulders°. 7 aThe shaft° of his spear° was like a weaver’s° beam°, and the head° of his spear° [weighed] six° hundred° shekels° of iron°; bhis shield-carrier°° also walked° before° him. 8 He stood° and shouted° to the ranks° of Israel° and said° to them, “Why° do you come° out to draw° up in battle° array? Am I not the Philistine° and you aservants° of Saul°? Choose° a man° for yourselves and let him come° down° to me. 9 aIf° he is able° to fight° with me and Ikill° me, then we will become° your servants°; but if° I prevail° against him and Ikill° him, then you shall become° our servants° and serve° us.” 10 Again the Philistine° said°, “aI defy° the ranks° of Israel° this° day°; give° me a man° that we may fight° together°.” 11 When Saul° and all° Israel° heard° these° words° of the Philistine°, they were dismayed° and greatly° afraid°.

[1] a1S 13:5 bJsh 15:35; 2Ch 28:18 cJsh 10:10 d1Ch 11:13
[2] a1S 21:9
[4] II.e. One cubit equals approx 18 in. a2S 21:19 bJsh 11:22
[5] ILit and the weight of the armor was
[6] IOr shin guards a1S 17:45
[7] a2S 21:19; 1Ch 11:23 b1S 17:41
[8] a1S 8:17
[9] ILit smite a2S 2:12-16
[10] a1S 17:26, 36, 45; 2S 21:21

12 ¶ Now David° was athe son° of Ithe bEphrathite° of Bethlehem° in Judah°, whose name° was Jesse°, and che had eight° sons°. And IIJesse was old° in the days° of Saul°, advanced° [in years] among men°. 13 The three° older° sons° of Jesse° had Igone° after° Saul° to the battle°. And athe names° of his three° sons° who° went° to the battle° were Eliab° the firstborn°, and the second° to him Abinadab°, and the third° Shammah°. 14 aDavid° was the youngest°. Now the three° oldest° followed°° Saul°, 15 abut David° went°° back° and forth from Saul° bto tend° his father’s° flock° at Bethlehem°. 16 The Philistine° came° Iforward° morning° and evening° for forty° days° and took° his stand°.

[12] ILit this IILit the man aRu 4:22; 1S 16:18 bGn 35:19 c1S 16:10, 11; 1Ch 2:13-15
[13] ILit gone; they went a1S 16:6, 8, 9
[14] a1S 16:11
[15] a1S 16:21-23 b1S 16:11, 19
[16] ILit near

17 ¶ Then Jesse° said° to David° his son°, “aTake° now° for your brothers° an ephah° of this° roasted° grain° and these° ten° loaves° and run° to the camp° to your brothers°. 18 aBring° also these° ten° cuts° of cheese° to the commander° of [their] thousand°, band look° into the welfare° of your brothers°, and bring° back Inews° of them. 19 For Saul° and they and all° the men° of Israel° are in the valley° of Elah°, fighting° with the Philistines°.”

[17] a1S 25:18
[18] ILit their pledge a1S 16:20 bGn 37:13, 14

David Accepts the Challenge

20 ¶ So David° arose° early° in the morning° and left° the flock° with a keeper° and took° [the supplies] and went° as Jesse° had commanded° him. And he came° to the acircle° of the camp° while the army° was going° out in battle° array° shouting° the war° cry°. 21 Israel° and the Philistines° drew° up in battle° array, army° against° army°. 22 Then David° left° his abaggage° in the Icare° of the baggage° keeper°, and ran° to the battle° line° and entered° in order to greet°° his brothers°. 23 As he was talking° with them, behold°, the champion°°, the Philistine° from Gath° named° Goliath°, was coming° up from the army° of the Philistines°, and he spoke° athese° same° words°; and David° heard° [them].

[20] a1S 26:5, 7
[22] ILit hand aJg 18:21; Is 10:28
[23] a1S 17:8-10

24 ¶ When all° the men° of Israel° saw° the man°, they fled° from him and were greatly° afraid°. 25 The men° of Israel° said°, “Have you seen° this° man° who is coming° up? Surely° he is coming° up to defy° Israel°. And it will be that the king° will enrich° the man° who° kills° him with great° riches° and awill give° him his daughter° and make° his father’s° house° Ifree° in Israel°.”

[25] II.e. free from taxes and public service aJsh 15:16

26 ¶ Then David° spoke° to the men° who were standing° by him, saying°, “What° will be done° for the man° who° kills° this° Philistine° and takes° away° athe reproach° from Israel°? For who° is this° buncircumcised° Philistine°, that he should ctaunt° the armies° of dthe living° God°?” 27 The people° Ianswered° him in accord with this° word°, saying°, “aThus° it will be done° for the man° who° kills° him.”

[26] a1S 11:2 b1S 14:6; 17:36; Jr 9:25, 26 c1S 17:10 dDt 5:26; 2K 19:4; Jr 10:10
[27] ILit said to a1S 17:25

28 ¶ Now Eliab° his oldest° brother° heard° when he spoke° to the men°; and aEliab’s° anger° burned° against David° and he said°, “Why° have you come° down°? And with whom° have you left° those° few° sheep° in the wilderness°? I know° your insolence° and the wickedness° of your heart°; for you have come° down° in order° to see° the battle°.” 29 But David° said°, “What° have I done° now°? Was it not just a Iquestion°?” 30 Then he turned° Iaway°° from him to another° and asaid° the same° thing°; and the people° answered° the same° thing° as IIbefore°.

[28] aGn 37:4, 8-36; Pv 18:19; Mt 10:36
[29] ILit word
[30] ILit from beside him IILit the former word a1S 17:26, 27

David Kills Goliath

31 ¶ When the words° which° David° spoke° were heard°, they told° [them] Ito Saul°, and he sent° for him. 32 David° said° to Saul°, “aLet no° man’s° heart° fail° on account° of him; byour servant° will go° and fight° with this° Philistine°.” 33 Then Saul° said° to David°, “aYou are not able° to go° against° this° Philistine° to fight° with him; for you are [but] a youth° while he has been a warrior° from his youth°.” 34 But David° said° to Saul°, “Your servant° was tending° his father’s° sheep°. When a lion° or a bear° came° and took° a lamb° from the flock°, 35 I went° out after° him and Iattacked° him, and arescued° [it] from his mouth°; and when he rose° up against° me, I seized° [him] by his beard° and Istruck° him and killed° him. 36 Your servant° has Ikilled° both° the lion° and the bear°; and this° uncircumcised° Philistine° will be like one° of them, since° he has taunted° the armies° of the living° God°.” 37 And David° said°, “aThe LORD° who° delivered° me from the paw° of the lion° and from the paw° of the bear°, He will deliver° me from the hand° of this° Philistine°.” And Saul° said° to David°, “bGo°, and may the LORD° be with you.” 38 Then Saul° clothed° David° with his garments° and put° a bronze° helmet° on his head°, and he clothed° him with armor°. 39 David° girded° his sword° over°° his armor° and tried° to walk°, for he had not tested° [them]. So David° said° to Saul°, “I cannot°° go° with these°, for I have not tested° [them].” And David° took° them Ioff°°. 40 He took° his stick° in his hand° and chose° for himself five° smooth° stones° from the brook°, and put° them in the shepherd’s° bag° which° he had, even in [his] pouch°, and ahis sling° was in his hand°; and he approached° the Philistine°.

[31] ILit before
[32] aDt 20:1-4 b1S 16:18
[33] aNu 13:31
[35] ILit smote aAm 3:12
[36] ILit smitten
[37] a2Co 1:10; 2Ti 4:17, 18 b1S 20:13; 1Ch 22:11, 16
[39] ILit off from himself
[40] aJg 20:16

41 ¶ Then the Philistine° came° on and approached° David°, with the shield-bearer°° in front° of him. 42 When the Philistine° looked° and saw° David°, ahe disdained° him; for he was [but] a youth°, and bruddy°, with a handsome° appearance°. 43 The Philistine° said° to David°, “aAm I a dog°, that you come° to me with sticks°?” And bthe Philistine° cursed° David° by his gods°. 44 The Philistine° also said° to David°, “Come° to me, and I will give° your flesh° ato the birds° of the sky° and the beasts° of the field°.” 45 Then David° said° to the Philistine°, “You come° to me with a sword°, a spear°, and a javelin°, abut I come° to you in the name° of the LORD° of hosts°, the God° of the armies° of Israel°, whom° you have taunted°. 46 This° day° the LORD° will deliver° you up into my hands°, and I will strike° you down° and remove° your head° from you. And I will give° the adead° bodies° of the army° of the Philistines° this° day° to the birds° of the sky° and the wild° beasts° of the earth°, bthat all° the earth° may know° that there° is a God° in Israel°, 47 and that all° this° assembly° may know° that athe LORD° does not deliver° by sword° or by spear°; bfor the battle° is the LORDS° and He will give° you into our hands°.”

[42] aPs 123:4; Pv 16:18 b1S 16:12
[43] a1S 24:14; 2S 3:8; 2K 8:13 b1K 20:10
[44] a1S 17:46
[45] a2S 22:35; 2Ch 32:8; Ps 124:8; He 11:32-34
[46] aDt 28:26 bJsh 4:24; 1K 8:43; 18:36; 2K 19:19; Is 37:20
[47] a1S 14:6; 2Ch 14:11; 20:15; Ps 44:6; Ho 1:7; Zc 4:6 b2Ch 20:15

48 ¶ Then it happened° when° the Philistine° rose° and came° and drew° near° to meet° David°, that aDavid° ran° quickly° toward the battle° line° to meet° the Philistine°. 49 And David° put° his hand° into his bag° and took° from it a stone° and slung° [it], and struck° the Philistine° on his forehead°. And the stone° sank° into his forehead°, so that he fell° on his face° to the ground°.

[48] aPs 27:3

50 ¶ Thus David° prevailed° over° the Philistine° with a sling° and a stone°, and he struck° the Philistine° and killed° him; but there° was no° sword° in David’s° hand°. 51 Then David° ran° and stood° over° the Philistine° and atook° his sword° and drew° it out of its sheath° and killed° him, and cut° off° his head° with it. bWhen the Philistines° saw° that their champion° was dead°, they fled°. 52 The men° of Israel° and Judah° arose° and shouted° and pursued° the Philistines° Ias far° as the valley°, and to the gates° of aEkron°. And the slain° Philistines° IIlay° along the way° to bShaaraim°, even to Gath° and Ekron°. 53 The sons° of Israel° returned° from chasing° the Philistines° and plundered° their camps°. 54 Then David° took° the Philistine’s° head° and brought° it to Jerusalem°, but he put° his weapons° in his tent°.

[51] a1S 21:9; 2S 23:21 bHe 11:34
[52] ILit until your coming to IILit fell aJsh 15:11 bJsh 15:36

55 ¶ Now when Saul° saw° David° going° out against° the Philistine°, he said° to Abner° the commander° of the army°, “Abner°, whose° son° is athis° young° man°?” And Abner° said°, “By your life°, O king°, I do not know°.” 56 The king° said°, “You inquire° whose° son° the youth° is.” 57 So when David° returned° from killing° the Philistine°, Abner° took° him and abrought° him before° Saul° with the Philistine’s° head° in his hand°. 58 Saul° said° to him, “Whose° son° are you, young° man°?” And David° answered°, “a[I am] the son° of your servant° Jesse° the Bethlehemite°.”

[55] a1S 16:12, 21, 22
[57] a1S 17:54
[58] a1S 17:12

New American Standard Bible
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The armies of the Israelites and Philistines being ready to battle,

1 ¶ Now the Philistinesº gathered togetherºª² their armiesº to battle,º and were gathered togetherºª at Shochoh,º which² [belongeth] to Judah,º and pitchedºª between² Shochohº and Azekah,º in Ephesdammim.º 2 And Saulº and the menº of Israelº were gathered together,ºª and pitchedºª by the valleyº of Elah,º and set the battleº in arrayºª againstºª the Philistines.º 3 And the Philistinesº stoodºª on² a mountainº on the one side,²² and Israelº stoodºª on² a mountainº on the other side:²² and [there was] a valleyº between² them.

[1] Jsh 10:10; 15:35; Jg 3:3; 1S 7:7; 13:5; 14:46, 52; 1Ch 11:13; 2Ch 11:7; 28:18; Jr 34:7.
[2] 1S 17:19; 21:9.

Goliath cometh proudly forth to challenge a combat.

4 ¶ And there went outºª a championºº out of the campº² of the Philistines,º namedº Goliath,º of Gath,º² whose heightº [was] sixº cubitsº and a span.º 5 And [he had] an helmetº of brassº upon² his head,º and he² [was] armedºª with a coatº of mail;º and the weightº of the coatº [was] fiveº thousandº shekelsº of brass.º 6 And [he had] greavesº of brassº upon² his legs,º and a targetº of brassº between² his shoulders.º 7 And the staffº¹ª of his spearº [was] like a weaver'sºª beam;º and his spear'sº headº [weighed] sixº hundredº shekelsº of iron:º and one bearingºª a shieldº wentºª beforeº him. 8 And he stoodºª and criedºª unto² the armiesº of Israel,º and saidºª unto them, Why² are ye come outºª to set [your] battleº in array?ºª [am] not² I² a Philistine,º and ye² servantsº to Saul?º chooseºª you a manº for you, and let him come downºª to² me. 9 If² he be ableºª to fightºª with² me, and to killºª me, then will we be² your servants:º but if² I² prevailºª against him, and killºª him, then shall ye be² our servants,º and serveºª us. 10 And the Philistineº said,ºª I² defyºª² the armiesº of Israelº this² day;º giveºª me a man,º that we may fightºª together.º 11 When Saulº and all² Israelº heardºª² those² wordsº of the Philistine,º they were dismayed,ºª and greatlyº afraid.ºª

[4] Dt 3:11; Jsh 11:22; 1S 17:23; 21:9; 27:4; 2S 21:16, 19; 1Ch 11:23; 20:4, 5; Am 2:9.
[5] 1S 17:38.
[6] 1K 10:16; 2Ch 9:15.
[7] 2S 21:19; 1Ch 11:23; 20:5.
[8] 1S 8:17; 17:26; 2S 11:11; 1Ch 21:3.
[9] 1S 11:1.
[10] Nu 23:7; 1S 17:25, 36, 45; 2S 21:21; 23:9; Ne 2:19; Jb 40:9; Ps 9:4; Pv 16:18; Jr 9:23; Dn 4:37.
[11] Dt 31:8; Jsh 1:9; Ps 27:1; Pv 28:1; Is 51:12; 57:11.

David, sent by his father to visit his brethren, taketh the challenge.

12 ¶ Now Davidº [was] the sonº of that² Ephrathiteºº of Bethlehemjudah,º¹² whose nameº [was] Jesse;º and he had eightº sons:º and the manº wentºª among men¹² [for] an old² man¹ª in the daysº of Saul.º 13 And the threeº eldestº sonsº of Jesseº went¹ª² [and] followedº² Saulº to the battle:º and the namesº of his threeº sonsº that² wentºª to the battleº [were] Eliabº the firstborn,º and nextº unto him Abinadab,º and the thirdº Shammah.º 14 And Davidº [was] the youngest:º and the threeº eldestº followedººª Saul.º 15 But Davidº wentºª and returnedºª from²² Saulº to feedºª² his father'sº sheepº at Bethlehem.º 16 And the Philistineº drew nearºª morningºª and evening,ºª and presented¹ª himself² fortyº days.º 17 And Jesseº saidºª unto Davidº his son,º Takeºª now² for thy brethrenº an ephahº of thisº parchedº [corn], and these² tenº loaves,º and runºª to the campº to thy brethren;º 18 And carryºª these² tenº cheesesºº unto the captainº of [their] thousand,º and look¹ª how² thy brethrenº fare,º and takeºª their pledge.º 19 Now Saul,º and they,² and all² the menº of Israel,º [were] in the valleyº of Elah,º fightingºª with² the Philistines.º

[12] Gn 35:19; Ru 4:22; 1S 16:1, 10, 18; 17:58; 1Ch 2:13; Ps 132:6; Mi 5:2; Mt 1:6; 2:1, 6; Lk 3:31.
[13] 1S 16:6; 17:28; 2S 13:3, 32; 21:21; 1Ch 2:13.
[14] Gn 25:23; 1S 16:11.
[15] 1S 16:11, 19.
[16] Mt 4:2; Lk 4:2.
[17] Ru 2:14; 1S 25:18; 2S 17:28; Mt 7:11; Lk 11:13.
[18] Gn 37:14; 1S 16:20; 2S 17:29; Jb 10:10; Ac 15:36; 1Th 3:5.
[19] 1S 17:19.

20 ¶ And Davidº rose up earlyºª in the morning,º and leftºª² the sheepº with² a keeper,ºª and took,ºª and went,¹ª² as² Jesseº had commandedºª him; and he cameºª to the trench,º as the hostº was going forthºª to² the fight,º and shoutedºª for the battle.º 21 For Israelº and the Philistinesº had put the battle in array,ºª armyº againstºª army.º 22 And Davidº leftºª² his carriageº in² the handº of the keeperºª of the carriage,º and ranºª into the army,º and cameºª and salutedººª his brethren.º 23 And as he² talkedºª with² them, behold,² there came upºª the champion,ºº the Philistineº of Gath,º² Goliathº by name,º out of the armiesº¹ª² of the Philistines,º and spakeºª according to the sameº words:º and Davidº heardºª [them]. 24 And all² the menº of Israel,º when they sawºª² the man,º fledºª from²² him,¹ and were soreº afraid.ºª 25 And the menº of Israelº said,ºª Have ye seenºª this² manº that is come up?ºª surely² to defyºª² Israelº is he come up:ºª and it shall be,² [that] the manº who² killethºª him, the kingº will enrichºª him with greatº riches,º and will giveºª him his daughter,º and makeºª his father'sº houseº freeº in Israel.º 26 And Davidº spakeºª to² the men¹² that stoodºª by² him, saying,ºª What² shall be doneºª to the manº that² killethºª² thisº Philistine,º and taketh awayºª the reproachº from²² Israel?º for² who² [is] this² uncircumcisedº Philistine,º that² he should defyºª the armiesº of the livingº God?º 27 And the peopleº answeredºª him after this² manner,º saying,ºª So² shall it be doneºª to the manº that² killethºª him.

[20] 1S 17:28; 26:5; Lk 19:43; Ep 6:1.
[22] Gn 37:14; Jg 18:15; Mt 10:12; Lk 10:5.
[23] 1S 17:4.
[24] Lv 26:36; Nu 13:33; Dt 32:30; 1S 13:6; 17:11; Is 7:2; 30:17.
[25] Jsh 15:16; 1S 18:17; Ezr 7:24; Mt 17:26; Rv 2:7, 17; 3:5, 12, 21.
[26] Dt 5:26; Jsh 7:8; 1S 11:2; 14:6; 17:10, 36; 2K 19:4; Ne 5:9; Ps 44:13; 74:18; 79:12; Jr 10:10; Dn 9:16; Jol 2:19; 1Th 1:9; 1Jn 5:20.
[27] 1S 17:25.

Eliab chideth him.

28 ¶ And Eliabº his eldestº brotherº heardºª when he spakeºª unto² the men;¹² and Eliab'sº angerº was kindledºª against David,º and he said,ºª Why² camest thou downºª hither? and with² whom² hast thou leftºª thoseº fewº sheepº in the wilderness?º I² knowºª² thy pride,º and the naughtinessº of thine heart;º for² thou art come downºª that² thou mightest seeºª the battle.º 29 And Davidº said,ºª What² have I now² done?ºª [Is there] not² a cause?º

[28] Gn 37:4, 8, 11; 1S 16:7, 13; 17:20; Ps 35:11; Pv 18:19; 27:4; Ec 4:4; Mt 10:36; 27:18; Mk 3:21; Jde 1:10.
[29] Pv 15:1; Ac 11:2; 1Co 2:15; 1P 3:9.

He is brought to Saul.

30 ¶ And he turnedºª from²² him¹ toward¹ another,ºº² and spakeºª after the same² manner:º and the peopleº answeredº him againºª after the formerº manner.º 31 And when the wordsº were heardºª which² Davidº spake,ºª they rehearsedºª [them] beforeº Saul:º and he sentºª for him.

[30] 1S 17:26.
[31] Jsh 18:9; 1S 16:14, 18; 17:12, 31, 33, 36, 38, 41, 42, 54; 18:1, 9, 17; Pv 22:29.

He sheweth the reason of his confidence.

32 ¶ And Davidº saidºª to² Saul,º Let no² man'sº heartº failºª because² of him; thy servantº will go¹ª² and fightºª with² this² Philistine.º 33 And Saulº saidºª to² David,º Thou art not² ableºª to go¹ª² against² this² Philistineº to fightºª with² him: for² thou² [art but] a youth,º and he² a manº of warº from his youth.º² 34 And Davidº saidºª unto² Saul,º Thy servantº keptºª² his father'sº sheep,º and there cameºª a lion,º and a bear,º and tookºª a lambºª¹ out of the flock:º² 35 And I went outºª afterº him, and smoteºª him, and deliveredºª [it] out of his mouth:º² and when he aroseºª against² me, I caughtºª [him] by his beard,º and smoteºª him, and slewºª him. 36 Thy servantº slewºª both²² the lionº and² the bear:º and this² uncircumcisedº Philistineº shall be² as oneº of² them, seeing² he hath defiedºª the armiesº of the livingº God.º 37 Davidº saidºª moreover, The LORDº that² deliveredºª me out of the pawº² of the lion,º and out of the pawº² of the bear,º he² will deliverºª me out of the handº² of this² Philistine.º And Saulº saidºª unto² David,º Go,¹ª² and the LORDº be² with² thee.

[32] Nu 13:30; 14:9; Dt 20:1; Jsh 14:12; 1S 14:6; 16:18; Ps 3:6; 27:1; Is 35:4; He 12:12.
[33] Nu 13:31; Dt 9:2; 1S 17:42, 56; Ps 11:1; Rv 13:4.
[35] Jg 14:5; 2S 23:20; Ps 91:13; Dn 6:22; Am 3:12; Ac 28:4; 2Ti 4:17.
[36] 1S 17:10, 26; Is 10:15; 36:8, 15, 18; 37:22, 28; Ezk 32:19, 27; Zc 2:8; 12:3; Ac 5:38; 9:4; 12:1, 22; Ro 2:28.
[37] 1S 7:12; 20:13; 24:19; 26:25; 2S 10:12; 1Ch 22:11, 16; Ps 11:1; 18:16; 63:7; 77:11; 138:3, 7; 2Co 1:9; 2Ti 4:17.

Without armour, armed with faith, he slayeth the giant.

38 ¶ And Saulº armedºª² Davidº with his armour,º and he putºª an helmetº of brassº upon² his head;º also he armedºª him with a coat of mail.º 39 And Davidº girdedºª² his swordº upon²² his armour,º and he assayedºª to go;¹ª² for² he had not² provedºª [it]. And Davidº saidºª unto² Saul,º I cannotºª² go¹ª² with these;² for² I have not² provedºª [them]. And Davidº putºª them off²² him. 40 And he tookºª his staffº in his hand,º and choseºª him fiveº smoothº stonesº out of² the brook,º and putºª them in a shepherd'sºª bagº which² he had, even in a scrip;º and his slingº [was] in his hand:º and he drew nearºª to² the Philistine.º 41 And the Philistineº came¹ª² onºª and drew nearº unto² David;º and the manº that bareºª the shieldº [went] beforeº him. 42 And when the Philistineº looked about,ºª and sawºª² David,º he disdainedºª him: for² he was² [but] a youth,º and ruddy,º and of² a fairº countenance.º 43 And the Philistineº saidºª unto² David,º [Am] I² a dog,º that² thou² comestºª to² me with staves?º And the Philistineº cursedºª² Davidº by his gods.º 44 And the Philistineº saidºª to² David,º Come¹ª² to² me, and I will giveºª² thy fleshº unto the fowlsº of the air,º and to the beastsº of the field.º 45 Then saidºª Davidº to² the Philistine,º Thou² comestºª to² me with a sword,º and with a spear,º and with a shield:º but I² comeºª to² thee in the nameº of the LORDº of hosts,º the Godº of the armiesº of Israel,º whom² thou hast defied.ºª 46 This² dayº will the LORDº deliverºª thee into mine hand;º and I will smiteºª thee, and takeºª² thine headº from²² thee; and I will giveºª the carcasesº of the hostº of the Philistinesº this² dayº unto the fowlsº of the air,º and to the wild beastsº of the earth;º that all² the earthº may knowºª that² there isº a Godº in Israel.º 47 And all² this² assemblyº shall knowºª that² the LORDº savethºª not² with swordº and spear:º for² the battleº [is] the LORD'S,º and he will giveºª you into our hands.º 48 And it came to pass,² when² the Philistineº arose,ºª and came¹ª² and drew nighºª to meetºª David,º that Davidº hasted,ºª and ranºª toward the armyº to meetºª the Philistine.º 49 And Davidº putºª² his handº in² his bag,º and tookºª thence²² a stone,º and slangºª [it], and smoteºª² the Philistineº in² his forehead,º that the stoneº sunkºª into his forehead;º and he fellºª upon² his faceº to the earth.º 50 So Davidº prevailedºª overº the Philistineº with a slingº and with a stone,º and smoteºª² the Philistine,º and slewºª him; but [there was] no² swordº in the handº of David.º 51 Therefore Davidº ran,ºª and stoodºª upon² the Philistine,º and tookºª² his sword,º and drewºª it out of the sheathº² thereof, and slewºª him, and cut offºª² his headº therewith. And when the Philistinesº sawºª their championº was dead,ºª they fled.ºª 52 And the men¹² of Israelº and of Judahº arose,ºª and shouted,ºª and pursuedºª² the Philistines,º until² thou comeºª to the valley,º and to² the gatesº of Ekron.º And the woundedº of the Philistinesº fell downºª by the wayº to Shaaraim,º even unto² Gath,º and unto² Ekron.º 53 And the childrenº of Israelº returnedºª from chasingºª² afterº the Philistines,º and they spoiledºª² their tents.º 54 And Davidº tookºª² the headº of the Philistine,º and broughtºª it to Jerusalem;º but he putºª his armourº in his tent.º

[38] 1S 17:5.
[39] Ho 1:7; Zc 4:6; 2Co 10:4.
[40] Jg 3:31; 7:16; 15:15; 20:16; Mt 10:10; 1Co 1:27.
[42] 1S 16:12; 17:33; 1K 20:18; 2K 18:23; Ne 4:2; Ps 123:3; 2Co 11:27.
[43] Gn 27:29; Nu 22:6, 11; Jg 9:27; 1S 24:14; 2S 3:8; 9:8; 16:9; 2K 8:13; Pv 26:2.
[44] 1K 20:10; Pv 18:12; Ec 9:11; Jr 9:23; Ezk 28:2, 9; 39:17.
[45] 1S 17:10, 26, 36; 2S 22:33; 2Ch 32:8; Ps 3:8; 18:2; 20:5; 44:6; 118:10; 124:8; 125:1; Pv 18:10; Is 37:23, 28; 2Co 3:5; 10:4; Php 4:13; He 11:33.
[46] Ex 9:16; 15:14; Dt 7:2, 23; 9:2; 28:26; Jsh 4:24; 10:8; 1S 17:44, 51; 1K 8:43; 18:36; 2K 19:19; Ps 31:8; 46:10; Is 52:10; 56:9; Dn 2:47; 3:29; 6:26; Mt 24:28; Rv 19:17.
[47] 1S 14:6; 2Ch 20:15; Ps 33:16; 44:6; 46:11; Pv 21:30; Is 9:7; Ho 1:7; Zc 4:6; Ro 8:31, 37.
[48] Ps 27:1; Pv 28:1.
[49] 1K 22:34; 2K 9:24; 1Co 1:27.
[50] Jg 3:31; 15:15; 1S 13:22; 17:39; 21:9; 23:21.
[51] 1S 17:46; 21:9; 2S 23:21; Es 7:10; Ps 7:15; He 2:14; 11:34.
[52] Jsh 15:33, 45; Jg 7:23; 1S 14:21; 2S 23:10.
[53] 2K 7:7; Jr 4:20; 30:16.
[54] Ex 16:33; Jsh 4:7; 1S 21:9.

Saul taketh notice of David.

55 ¶ And when Saulº sawºª² Davidº go forthºª againstºª the Philistine,º he saidºª unto² Abner,º the captainº of the host,º Abner,º whose² sonº [is] this² youth?º And Abnerº said,ºª [As] thy soulº liveth,º O king,º I cannotº tell.ºª 56 And the kingº said,ºª Enquireºª thou² whose² sonº the striplingº [is]. 57 And as Davidº returnedºª from the slaughterºª² of² the Philistine,º Abnerº tookºª him, and broughtºª him beforeº Saulº with the headº of the Philistineº in his hand.º 58 And Saulº saidºª to² him, Whose² sonº [art] thou,² [thou] young man?º And Davidº answered,ºª I [am] the sonº of thy servantº Jesseº the Bethlehemite.º

[55] 1S 16:21; 17:58.
[57] 1S 17:54.
[58] 1S 16:18; 17:12, 31.

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