NASB — Psalms 27 — KJV

A Psalm of Fearless Trust in God.

[A Psalm] of David.

  1 The LORD° is my alight° and my bsalvation°;
  Whom° shall I fear°?
  The LORD° is the Icdefense° of my life°;
  dWhom° shall I dread°?
  2 When evildoers° came° upon me to adevour° my flesh°,
  My adversaries° and my enemies°, they bstumbled° and fell°.
  3 Though° a ahost° encamp° against° me,
  My heart° will not fear°;
  Though° war° arise° against° me,
  In [spite of] this° I Ishall be bconfident°.

[1] IOr refuge aPs 18:28; Is 60:20; Mi 7:8 bEx 15:2; Ps 62:7; 118:14; Is 33:2; Jna 2:9 cPs 28:8 dPs 118:6
[2] aPs 14:4 bPs 9:3
[3] ILit am confident aPs 3:6 bJb 4:6

  4aOne° thing° I have asked° from the LORD°, that I shall seek°:
  That I may bdwell° in the house° of the LORD° all° the days° of my life°,
  To behold° cthe Ibeauty° of the LORD°
  And to IIdmeditate° in His temple°.
  5 For in the aday° of trouble° He will bconceal° me in His Itabernacle°;
  In the secret° place° of His tent° He will chide° me;
  He will dlift° me up on a rock°.
  6 And now° amy head° will be lifted° up above° my enemies° around° me,
  And I will offer° in His tent° bsacrifices° Iwith shouts° of joy°;
  I will csing°, yes, I will sing° praises° to the LORD°.

[4] ILit delightfulness IILit inquire aPs 26:8 bPs 23:6 cPs 90:17 dPs 18:6
[5] IOr shelter aPs 50:15 bPs 31:20 cPs 17:8 dPs 40:2
[6] ILit of shouts aPs 3:3 bPs 107:22 cPs 13:6

  7aHear°, O LORD°, when I cry° with my voice°,
  And be gracious° to me and banswer° me.
  8 [When You said], “aSeek° My face°,” my heart° said° to You,
  “Your face°, O LORD°, bI shall seek°.”
  9 aDo not hide° Your face° from me,
  Do not turn° Your servant° away° in banger°;
  You have been° cmy help°;
  dDo not abandon° me nor° eforsake° me,
  O God° of my salvation°!
  10 IFor my father° and amy mother° have forsaken° me,
  But bthe LORD° will take° me up.

[7] aPs 4:3; 61:1 bPs 13:3
[8] aPs 105:4; Am 5:6 bPs 34:4
[9] aPs 69:17 bPs 6:1 cPs 40:17 dPs 94:14 ePs 37:28
[10] IOr If my father...forsake me, Then the LORD aIs 49:15 bIs 40:11

  11aTeach° me Your way°, O LORD°,
  And lead° me in a blevel° path°
  Because° of Imy foes°.
  12 Do not deliver° me over to the Iadesire° of my adversaries°,
  For bfalse° witnesses° have risen° against me,
  And such as cbreathe° out violence°.
  13 I[I would have despaired] unless° I had believed° that I would see° the agoodness° of the LORD°
  In the bland° of the living°.
  14 aWait° for the LORD°;
  Be bstrong° and let your heart° take° courage°;
  Yes, wait° for the LORD°.

[11] IOr those who lie in wait for me aPs 25:4; 86:11 bPs 5:8; 26:12
[12] ILit soul aPs 41:2 bDt 19:18; Ps 35:11; Mt 26:60 cAc 9:1
[13] IOr Surely I believed aPs 31:19 bJb 28:13; Ps 52:5; 116:9; 142:5; Is 38:11; Jr 11:19; Ezk 26:20
[14] aPs 25:3; 37:34; 40:1; 62:5; 130:5; Pv 20:22; Is 25:9 bPs 31:24

New American Standard Bible
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David sustaineth his faith by the power of God,

1 ¶ [[[A Psalm] of David.]]º The LORDº [is] my lightº and my salvation;º whom²² shall I fear?ºª the LORDº [is] the strengthº of my life;º of whom²² shall I be afraid?ºª 2 When the wicked,ºª [even] mine enemiesº and my foes,ºª cameºª upon² me to eat upºª² my flesh,º they² stumbledºª and fell.ºª 3 Though² an hostº should encampºª against² me, my heartº shall not² fear:ºª though² warº should riseºª against² me, in this² [will] I² [be] confident.ºª

[1] Ex 15:2; Jb 29:3; Ps 3:8; 11:1; 18:1, 2, 28, 46; 19:14; 28:7; 43:2; 46:1; 56:2; 62:2, 6; 68:19; 84:11; 118:6, 14, 21; Is 2:5; 12:2; 45:24; 51:6; 60:1, 19; 61:10; Mi 7:7; Mal 4:2; Mt 8:26; Lk 2:30; 3:6; Jn 1:1, 9; 8:12; Ro 8:31; 2Co 12:9; Php 4:13; He 13:6; Rv 7:10; 21:23; 22:5.
[2] Jb 19:22; 31:31; Ps 3:7; 14:4; 18:4, 38; 22:16; 53:4; 62:3; 118:12; Is 8:15; Jn 18:3.
[3] 1S 28:15; 2K 6:15; 2Ch 20:15; Ps 3:6; 52:6; Is 41:11; 54:16; Ro 8:35; 2Co 5:6; Php 1:28; 1P 3:14; Rv 2:10; 12:7.

by his love to the service of God,

4 Oneº [thing] have I desiredºª of²² the LORD,º that will I seek¹ª after;² that I may dwellºª in the houseº of the LORDº all² the daysº of my life,º to beholdºª the beautyº of the LORD,º and to enquireºª in his temple.º 5 For² in the timeº of troubleº he shall hideºª me in his pavilion:º in the secretº of his tabernacleº shall he hideºª me; he shall set me upºª upon a rock.º 6 And now² shall mine headº be lifted upºª above² mine enemiesºª round aboutº me: therefore will I offerºª in his tabernacleº sacrificesº of joy;º I will sing,ºª yea, I will sing praisesºª unto the LORD.º 7 Hear,ºª O LORD,º [when] I cryºª with my voice:º have mercyºª also upon me, and answerºª me. 8 [When thou saidst], Seekºª ye my face;º my heartº saidºª unto thee,² Thy face,º LORD,º will I seek.ºª

[4] 1S 1:11; 22:10; 30:8; 2S 21:1; 1Ch 10:13; Ps 23:6; 26:6, 8; 27:8; 50:2; 63:2; 65:4; 84:4, 10; 90:17; Jr 29:13; Dn 9:3; Zc 9:9; Mt 6:33; 7:7; Lk 2:37; 10:42; 11:9; 13:24; 18:1; 2Co 3:18; 4:6; Php 3:13; 1Ti 5:5; He 11:6.
[5] 2Ch 22:12; Ne 6:10; Ps 10:1; 18:33; 31:20; 32:6; 40:2; 46:1; 50:15; 57:1; 61:2; 77:2; 83:3; 91:1, 15; 119:114; 138:7; Pv 1:24; 18:10; Is 4:5; 26:16, 20; 32:2; Jr 2:27; Hab 3:18; Mt 7:24; 16:16; 23:37; Col 3:3.
[6] Gn 40:13, 20; 2S 7:9; 22:1, 49; 2K 25:27; 1Ch 22:18; 2Ch 30:21; Ezr 3:11; Ps 3:3; 21:1, 13; 22:22; 26:6; 43:3; 47:1; 66:13; 81:1; 95:1; 100:1; 107:22; 110:7; 116:17; 138:5; Is 12:6; Jr 31:7; 33:11; Zp 3:14; Zc 9:9; Lk 19:37; Ep 5:19; He 13:15; 1P 2:5; Rv 5:9; 15:3.
[7] Ps 4:1; 5:2; 130:2; 143:1.
[8] Ps 24:6; 63:1; 105:4; 119:58; Is 45:19; 55:6; Jr 29:12; Ho 5:15.

by prayer.

9 Hideºª not² thy faceº [far] from² me; put¹ª not thy servant¹ awayºª²² in anger:º thou hast been² my help;º leaveºª me not,² neither² forsakeºª me, O Godº of my salvation.º 10 When² my fatherº and my motherº forsakeºª me, then the LORDº will take me up.ºª 11 Teachºª me thy way,º O LORD,º and leadºª me in a plainº path,º because of² mine enemies.ºª 12 Deliverºª me not² over unto the willº of mine enemies:º for² falseº witnessesº are risen upºª against me, and such as breathe outº cruelty.º 13 [I had fainted], unlessº I had believedºª to seeºª the goodnessº of the LORDº in the landº of the living.º 14 Waitºª on² the LORD:º be of good courage,ºª and he shall strengthenºª thine heart:º wait,ºª I say, on² the LORD.º

[9] 1S 7:12; 1Ch 28:9; Ps 13:1; 24:5; 38:21; 44:24; 51:11; 69:17; 71:5, 17; 88:1; 102:2; 119:121; 143:7; Is 46:3; 50:1; 59:2; Jr 32:40; 2Co 1:9; 2Ti 4:17; He 13:5.
[10] 2S 16:11; Ps 69:8; Is 40:11; 49:15; Mt 10:21, 36; Jn 9:35; 16:32; 2Ti 4:16.
[11] Ps 5:8; 25:4, 9, 12; 26:12; 54:5; 56:5; 64:6; 86:11; 119:10; 143:8; Pv 2:6; 8:9; 15:19; Is 30:20; 35:8; Jr 20:10; Dn 6:4; Lk 3:4; 20:20.
[12] Ex 20:16; 1S 22:9; 26:19; 2S 16:7; Ps 25:19; 31:8; 35:11, 25; 38:16; 41:11; 140:8; Mt 26:59; Ac 6:11; 9:1; 26:11.
[13] Jb 33:30; Ps 42:5; 52:5; 56:3, 13; 116:9; 142:5; Is 38:11, 19; Jr 11:19; Ezk 26:20; 2Co 4:1, 8, 16; Ep 2:8.
[14] Gn 49:18; Ps 25:3, 21; 31:24; 33:20; 62:1, 5; 130:5; 138:3; Is 8:17; 25:9; 26:8; 30:18; 40:31; Lm 3:26; Hab 2:3; Lk 2:25, 38; Ac 28:15; Ro 8:25; 1Co 16:13; 2Co 12:9; Ep 3:16; 6:10; Php 4:13; Col 1:11; 2Ti 4:5.

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