NASB — Psalms 35 — KJV

Prayer for Rescue from Enemies.

[A Psalm] of David.

  1 Contend°, O LORD°, with those who acontend° with me;
  Fight° against° those who bfight° against me.
  2 Take° hold° of Iabuckler° and shield°
  And rise° up for bmy help°.
  3 Draw° also the spear° and Ithe battle-axe° to meet° those who pursue° me;
  Say° to my soul°, “I am ayour salvation°.”
  4 Let those be aashamed° and dishonored° who seek° my Ilife°;
  Let those be bturned° back° and humiliated° who devise° evil° against me.
  5 Let them be alike chaff° before° the wind°,
  With the angel° of the LORD° driving° [them] on.
  6 Let their way° be dark° and aslippery°,
  With the angel° of the LORD° pursuing° them.
  7 For awithout° cause° they bhid° their net° for me;
  Without° cause° they dug° a Ipit° for my soul°.
  8 Let adestruction° come° upon him unawares°°,
  And blet the net° which° he hid° catch° himself;
  Into that very cdestruction° let him fall°.

[1] aPs 18:43; Is 49:25 bPs 56:2
[2] II.e. small shield aPs 91:4 bPs 44:26
[3] IOr close up the path against those aPs 62:2
[4] IOr soul aPs 70:2 bPs 40:14; 129:5
[5] aJb 21:18; Ps 83:13; Is 29:5
[6] aPs 73:18; Jr 23:12
[7] IPit has been transposed from line above aPs 69:4; 109:3; 140:5 bPs 9:15
[8] aPs 55:23; Is 47:11; 1Th 5:3 bPs 9:15 cPs 73:18

  9 ¶ And my soul° shall arejoice° in the LORD°;
  It shall bexult° in His salvation°.
  10 All° my abones° will say°, “LORD°, bwho° is like° You,
  Who delivers° the afflicted° from him cwho° is too° strong° for him,
  And dthe afflicted° and the needy° from him who robs° him?”
  11 aMalicious° witnesses° rise° up;
  They ask° me of things that I do not know°.
  12 They arepay° me evil° for good°,
  [To] the bereavement° of my soul°.
  13 But as for me, awhen they were sick°, my bclothing° was sackcloth°;
  I chumbled° my soul° with fasting°,
  And my dprayer° kept returning° to my bosom°.
  14 I went° about as though it were my friend° or brother°;
  I abowed° down° Imourning°, as one° who° sorrows° for a mother°.
  15 But aat my Istumbling° they rejoiced° and gathered° themselves together;
  The IIbsmiters° whom I did not know° gathered° together against° me,
  They IIIcslandered° me without° ceasing°.
  16 Like godless° jesters° at a feast°,
  They agnashed° at me with their teeth°.

[9] aIs 61:10 bPs 9:14; 13:5; Lk 1:47
[10] aPs 51:8 bEx 15:11; Ps 86:8; Mi 7:18 cPs 18:17 dPs 37:14; 109:16
[11] aPs 27:12
[12] aPs 38:20; 109:5; Jr 18:20; Jn 10:32
[13] aJb 30:25 bPs 69:11 cPs 69:10 dMt 10:13; Lk 10:6
[14] IOr dressed in black aPs 38:6
[15] IOr limping IIOr smitten ones IIILit tore aOb 12 bJb 30:1, 8, 12 cPs 7:2
[16] aJb 16:9; Ps 37:12; Lm 2:16

  17 ¶ Lord°, ahow° long° will You look° on?
  Rescue° my soul° bfrom their ravages°,
  My conly° [life] from the lions°.
  18 I will agive° You thanks° in the great° congregation°;
  I will bpraise° You among a mighty° throng°.
  19 aDo not let those who are wrongfully° bmy enemies° rejoice° over me;
  Nor let those cwho hate° me without° cause° Idwink° maliciously°°.
  20 For they do not speak° peace°,
  But they devise° adeceitful° words° against° those who° are quiet° in the land°.
  21 They aopened° their mouth° wide° against° me;
  They said°, “bAha°, aha°, our eyes° have seen° it!”

[17] aPs 13:1; Hab 1:13 bPs 35:7 cPs 22:20, 21
[18] aPs 22:22 bPs 22:25
[19] IOr wink the eye aPs 13:4; 30:1; 38:16 bPs 38:19; 69:4 cJn 15:25 dPv 6:13; 10:10
[20] aPs 55:21; Jr 9:8; Mi 6:12
[21] aJb 16:10; Ps 22:13 bPs 40:15; 70:3

  22aYou have seen° it, O LORD°, bdo not keep° silent°;
  O Lord°, cdo not be far° from me.
  23 aStir° up Yourself, and awake° to my right°
  And to my cause°, my God° and my Lord°.
  24 aJudge° me, O LORD° my God°, according to Your righteousness°,
  And bdo not let them rejoice° over me.
  25 Do not let them say° in their heart°, “aAha°, our desire°!”
  Do not let them say°, “We have bswallowed° him up!”
  26 Let athose be ashamed° and humiliated° altogether° who rejoice° at my distress°;
  Let those be bclothed° with shame° and dishonor° who cmagnify° themselves over° me.

[22] aEx 3:7; Ps 10:14 bPs 28:1 cPs 10:1; 22:11; 38:21; 71:12
[23] aPs 7:6; 44:23; 59:4; 80:2
[24] aPs 9:4; 26:1; 43:1 bPs 35:19
[25] aPs 35:21 bPs 56:1; 124:3; Pv 1:12; Lm 2:16
[26] aPs 40:14 bPs 109:29 cJb 19:5; Ps 38:16

  27 ¶ Let them ashout° for joy° and rejoice°, who° favor° bmy vindication°;
  And clet them say° continually°, “The LORD° be magnified°,
  Who° ddelights° in the prosperity° of His servant°.”
  28 And amy tongue° shall declare° Your righteousness°
  [And] Your praise° all° day° long.

[27] aPs 32:11 bPs 9:4 cPs 40:16; 70:4 dPs 147:11; 149:4
[28] aPs 51:14; 71:15, 24

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David prayeth for this own safety, and his enemies' confusion.

1 ¶ [[[A Psalm] of David.]]º Pleadºª [my cause], O LORD,º with² them that striveº with me: fight¹ª against²² them that fight¹ª against² me. 2 Take holdºª of shieldº and buckler,º and stand upºª for mine help.º 3 Draw outºª also the spear,º and stopºª [the way] againstºª them that persecuteºª me: sayºª unto my soul,º I² [am] thy salvation.º 4 Let them be confoundedºª and put to shameºª that seek¹ª after² my soul:º let them be turnedºª backº and brought to confusionºª that deviseºª my hurt.º 5 Let them be² as chaffº beforeº the wind:º and let the angelº of the LORDº chaseºª [them]. 6 Let their wayº be² darkº and slippery:º and let the angelº of the LORDº persecuteºª them. 7 For² without causeº have they hidºª for me their netº [in] a pit,º [which] without causeº they have diggedºª for my soul.º 8 Let destructionº come¹ª upon² him at unawares;ººª and let his netº that² he hath hidºª catchºª himself: into that very destructionº let him fall.ºª 9 And my soulº shall be joyfulºª in the LORD:º it shall rejoiceºª in his salvation.º 10 All² my bonesº shall say,ºª LORD,º who² [is] like unto thee,² which deliverestºª the poorº from him that is too strongº² for² him, yea, the poorº and the needyº from him that spoilethºª² him?

[1] Ex 14:25; Jsh 10:42; 1S 24:15; Ne 4:20; Ps 43:1; 119:154; Pv 22:23; 23:11; Jr 51:36; Lm 3:58; Mi 7:9; Ac 5:39; 23:9.
[2] Ex 15:3; Dt 32:41; Ps 7:12; Is 13:5; 42:13.
[3] Gn 49:18; 1S 23:26; Jb 1:10; Ps 27:2; 51:12; 62:7; 76:10; 91:16; Is 8:9; 10:12; 12:2; Lk 2:30; Ac 4:28.
[4] 1S 23:23; 1K 19:10; Ps 31:17; 35:26; 38:12; 40:14; 70:2; 71:24; 129:5; Is 37:29; Jr 46:5; Ezk 13:19; Mt 27:1; Jn 18:6.
[5] Ex 14:19; Jb 21:18; Ps 1:4; 83:13; Is 17:13; 29:5; 37:36; Ho 13:3; Ac 12:23; He 11:28.
[6] Ps 73:18; Pv 4:19; Jr 13:16; 23:12.
[7] Jb 18:8; Ps 7:3; 9:15; 25:3; 64:4; 119:85; 140:5; Jn 15:25.
[8] 1S 18:17; 31:2; 2S 17:2, 23; 18:14; Es 7:10; Ps 7:15; 35:4; 57:6; 64:7; 73:18; 141:9; Pv 5:22; 29:1; Mt 27:3; Lk 21:34; 1Th 5:3.
[9] 1S 2:1; Ps 13:5; 21:1; 33:21; 48:11; 58:10; 68:1; Is 61:10; Hab 3:18; Lk 1:46; Ga 5:22; Php 3:1.
[10] Ex 15:11; Jb 5:15; 33:19; Ps 10:14; 18:17; 22:14, 24; 32:3; 34:6, 20; 38:3; 51:8; 69:33; 71:19; 86:8; 89:6; 102:3, 17; 109:31; 140:12; Pv 22:22; Is 40:18, 25; Jr 10:7.

He complaineth of their wrongful dealing.

11 Falseº witnessesº did rise up;ºª they laid to my chargeºª [things] that² I knewºª not.² 12 They rewardedºª me evilº for² goodº [to] the spoilingº of my soul.º 13 But as for me,² when they were sick,ºª my clothingº [was] sackcloth:º I humbledºª my soulº with fasting;º and my prayerº returnedºª into² mine own bosom.º 14 I behaved¹ª myself² as though [he had been] my friendº [or] brother:º I bowed downºª heavily,ºª as one that mournethº [for his] mother.º 15 But in mine adversityº they rejoiced,ºª and gathered themselves together:ºª [yea], the abjectsº gathered themselves togetherºª against² me, and I knewºª [it] not;² they did tearºª [me], and ceasedºª not:² 16 With hypocriticalº mockersº in feasts,º they gnashedºª upon² me with their teeth.º 17 Lord,º how long² wilt thou look on?ºª rescueºª my soulº from their destructions,º² my darlingº from the lions.º² 18 I will give thee thanksºª in the greatº congregation:º I will praiseºª thee among muchº people.º 19 Let not² them that are mine enemiesºª wrongfullyº rejoiceºª over me: [neither] let them winkºª with the eyeº that hateºª me without a cause.º 20 For² they speakºª not² peace:º but they deviseºª deceitfulº mattersº against² [them that are] quietº in the land.º 21 Yea, they opened² their mouthº wide¹ª against² me, [and] said,ºª Aha,º aha,º our eyeº hath seenºª [it].

[11] 1S 24:9; 25:10; Ps 27:12; Mt 26:59; Ac 6:13; 24:5, 12.
[12] 1S 19:4, 15; 20:31; 22:13; Ps 38:20; 109:3; Pv 17:13; Jr 18:20; Lk 23:21; Jn 10:32.
[13] Lv 16:29, 31; 1K 21:27; Jb 30:25; Ps 69:10; Is 58:3, 5; Mt 5:44; 9:14; 10:13; Lk 10:6; Ro 12:14.
[14] Gn 24:67; 2S 1:11, 17; Lk 19:41.
[15] Jb 16:9; 30:1; 31:29; Ps 7:2; 22:16; 35:8, 25; 38:17; 41:8; 57:4; 69:12; 71:10; Pv 17:5; 24:17; Jr 20:10; Mt 27:27, 39; Mk 14:65; Ac 17:5; 1Co 13:6.
[16] 1S 20:24; Jb 16:9; Ps 37:12; Is 1:14; Lm 2:16; Jn 18:28; Ac 7:54; 1Co 5:8.
[17] Ps 6:3; 10:14; 13:1; 22:20; 57:4; 69:14; 74:9; 89:46; 94:3; 142:6; Hab 1:13.
[18] Ps 22:22, 31; 40:9; 67:1; 69:30; 111:1; 116:14, 18; 117:1; 138:4; Is 25:3; Ro 15:9; He 2:12.
[19] 1S 24:11; Jb 15:12; Ps 13:4; 25:2; 35:15; 38:16, 19; 69:4; 109:3; 119:161; Pv 6:13; 10:10; Lm 3:52; Jn 15:25; 16:20; Rv 11:7.
[20] Ps 31:13; 36:3; 38:12; 52:2; 64:4; 120:5; 140:2; Jr 11:19; Dn 6:5; Mt 12:19, 24; 26:4; Ac 23:15; 25:3; 1P 2:22.
[21] Ps 22:13; 40:15; 54:7; 70:3; Is 9:12; Lk 11:53.

Thereby he inciteth God against them.

22 [This] thou hast seen,ºª O LORD:º keep not² silence:ºª O Lord,º be not² farºª from² me. 23 Stir up¹ª thyself,² and awakeºª to my judgment,º [even] unto my cause,º my Godº and my Lord.º 24 Judgeºª me, O LORDº my God,º according to thy righteousness;º and let them not² rejoiceºª over me. 25 Let them not² sayºª in their hearts,º Ah,º so would we have it:º let them not² say,ºª We have swallowed him up.ºª 26 Let them be ashamedºª and brought to confusionºª togetherº that rejoiceº at mine hurt:º let them be clothedºª with shameº and dishonourº that magnifyºª [themselves] against² me. 27 Let them shout for joy,ºª and be glad,ºª that favourº my righteous cause:º yea, let them sayºª continually,º Let the LORDº be magnified,ºª which hath pleasureº in the prosperityº of his servant.º 28 And my tongueº shall speakºª of thy righteousnessº [and] of thy praiseº all² the dayº long.

[22] Ex 3:7; Ps 10:1; 22:11, 19; 28:1; 38:21; 39:12; 50:21; 71:12; 83:1; Is 65:6; Ac 7:34.
[23] Ps 7:6; 44:23; 80:2; 89:26; 142:5; Is 51:9; Jn 20:28.
[24] Jb 20:5; Ps 7:8; 18:20; 26:1; 35:19; 43:1; 2Th 1:6; 1P 2:22.
[25] Ex 15:9; 2S 20:19; Jb 1:5; Ps 27:12; 28:3; 56:1; 57:3; 70:3; 74:8; 124:3; 140:8; Lm 2:16; Mt 27:43; Mk 2:6, 8; 1Co 15:54.
[26] Jb 8:22; 19:5; Ps 35:4; 38:16; 40:14; 55:12; 71:13; 109:28; 129:5; 132:18; Is 41:11; 65:13; Jr 48:26; Dn 11:36; 1P 5:5.
[27] Ps 40:16; 68:3; 70:4; 132:9, 16; 142:7; 149:4; Pv 8:18; Is 66:10; Jr 32:40; Zp 3:14, 17; Jn 16:22; Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26.
[28] Ps 34:1; 50:15; 51:14; 71:24; 104:33; 145:1, 5, 21.

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