NASB — Psalms 104 — KJV

The LORDS Care over All His Works.

  1 aBless° the LORD°, O my soul°!
  O LORD° my God°, You are very° great°;
  You are bclothed° with splendor° and majesty°,
  2 Covering° Yourself with alight° as with a cloak°,
  bStretching° out heaven° like a [tent] curtain°.
  3 IHe alays° the beams° of His upper° chambers° in the waters°;
  IHe makes° the bclouds° His chariot°;
  IHe walks° upon the cwings° of the wind°;
  4 IHe makes° IIathe winds° His messengers°,
  IIIFlaming° bfire° His ministers°.

[1] aPs 103:22 bPs 93:1
[2] aDn 7:9 bIs 40:22
[3] ILit The one who aAm 9:6 bIs 19:1 cPs 18:10
[4] ILit Who IIOr His angels, spirits IIIOr His ministers flames of fire aPs 148:8; He 1:7 b2K 2:11; 6:17

  5 ¶ He aestablished° the earth° upon its foundations°,
  So that it will not Itotter° forever° and ever°.
  6 You acovered° it with the deep° as with a garment°;
  The waters° were standing° above° the mountains°.
  7 At Your arebuke° they fled°,
  At the bsound° of Your thunder° they hurried° away°.
  8 The mountains° rose°; the valleys° sank° down°
  To the aplace° which° You established° for them.
  9 You set° a aboundary° that they may not pass° over°,
  So that they will not return° to cover° the earth°.

[5] IOr move out of place aJb 38:4; Ps 24:2
[6] aGn 1:2
[7] aPs 18:15; 106:9; Is 50:2 bPs 29:3; 77:18
[8] aPs 33:7
[9] aJb 38:10, 11; Jr 5:22

  10IHe sends° forth asprings° in the valleys°;
  They flow° between° the mountains°;
  11 They agive° drink° to every° beast° of the field°;
  The bwild° donkeys° quench° their thirst°.
  12 IBeside° them the birds° of the heavens° adwell°;
  They IIlift° up [their] voices° among°° the branches°.
  13 IHe awaters° the mountains° from His upper° chambers°;
  bThe earth° is satisfied° with the fruit° of His works°.

[10] ILit The one who sends aPs 107:35; Is 41:18
[11] aPs 104:13 bJb 39:5
[12] IOr Over, Above IILit give forth aMt 8:20
[13] ILit Who aPs 65:9; 147:8 bJr 10:13

  14IHe causes the agrass° to grow° for the IIcattle°,
  And bvegetation° for the IIIlabor° of man°,
  So that IVhe may bring° forth° Vfood° cfrom the earth°,
  15 And awine° which makes° man’s° heart° glad°,
  bSo that he may make [his] face° glisten° with oil°,
  And Ifood° which csustains° man’s° heart°.
  16 The trees° of the LORD° Idrink° their fill°,
  The cedars° of Lebanon° which° He planted°,
  17 Where°° the abirds° build° their nests°,
  [And] the bstork°, whose home° is the Ifir° trees°.

[14] ILit Who IIOr beasts IIIOr cultivation by or service of IVOr He VLit bread aJb 38:27; Ps 147:8 bGn 1:29 cJb 28:5
[15] ILit bread aJg 9:13; Pv 31:6; Ec 10:19 bPs 23:5; 92:10; 141:5; Lk 7:46 cGn 18:5; Jg 19:5, 8
[16] ILit are satisfied
[17] IOr cypress aPs 104:12 bLv 11:19

  18 ¶ The high° mountains° are for the awild° goats°;
  The bcliffs° are a refuge° for the Icshephanim°.
  19 He made° the moon° afor the seasons°;
  The bsun° knows° the place° of its setting°.
  20 You aappoint° darkness° and it becomes° night°,
  In which all° the bbeasts° of the forest° Iprowl° about°.
  21 The ayoung° lions° roar° after their prey°
  IAnd bseek° their food° from God°.
  22 [When] the sun° rises° they withdraw°
  And lie° down° in their adens°.
  23 Man° goes° forth° to ahis work°
  And to his labor° until° evening°.

[18] ISmall, shy, furry animals (Hyrax syriacus) found in the peninsula of the Sinai, northern Israel, and the region round the Dead Sea; KJV coney, orig NASB rock badgers aJb 39:1 bPv 30:26 cLv 11:5
[19] aGn 1:14 bPs 19:6
[20] ILit creep aPs 74:16; Is 45:7 bPs 50:10; Is 56:9; Mi 5:8
[21] ILit And to seek aJb 38:39 bPs 145:15; Jol 1:20
[22] aJb 37:8
[23] aGn 3:19

  24 ¶ O LORD°, how° amany° are Your works°!
  IIn bwisdom° You have made° them all°;
  The cearth° is full° of Your IIpossessions°.
  25 IThere° is the asea°, great° and IIbroad°,
  In which° are swarms° without° number°,
  Animals° both small° and great°.
  26 There° the aships° move° along,
  [And] IbLeviathan°, which° You have formed° to sport° in it.

[24] IOr With IIOr creatures aPs 40:5 bPs 136:5; Pv 3:19; Jr 10:12; 51:15 cPs 65:9
[25] IOr This IIOr broad of dimensions (lit hands) aPs 8:8; 69:34
[26] IOr a sea monster aPs 107:23; Ezk 27:9 bJb 41:1; Ps 74:14; Is 27:1

  27 ¶ They all° await° for You
  To bgive° them their food° in Idue season°.
  28 You give° to them, they gather° [it] up;
  You aopen° Your hand°, they are satisfied° with good°.
  29 You ahide° Your face°, they are dismayed°;
  You btake° away° their Ispirit°, they expire°
  And creturn° to their dust°.
  30 You send° forth Your IaSpirit°, they are created°;
  And You renew° the face° of the ground°.

[27] ILit its appointed time aPs 145:15 bJb 36:31; 38:41; Ps 136:25; 147:9
[28] aPs 145:16
[29] IOr breath aDt 31:17; Ps 30:7 bJb 34:14, 15; Ps 146:4; Ec 12:7 cGn 3:19; Jb 10:9; Ps 90:3
[30] IOr breath aJb 33:4; Ezk 37:9

  31 ¶ Let the aglory° of the LORD° endure° forever°;
  Let the LORD° bbe glad° in His works°;
  32 IHe alooks° at the earth°, and it btrembles°;
  He ctouches° the mountains°, and they smoke°.
  33 II will sing° to the LORD° IIaas long as I live°;
  II will bsing° praise° to my God° IIIwhile° I have my being.
  34 Let my ameditation° be pleasing° to Him;
  As for me, I shall bbe glad° in the LORD°.
  35 Let sinners° be aconsumed° from the earth°
  And let the bwicked° be no° more°.
  cBless° the LORD°, O my soul°.
  IdPraise° IIthe LORD°!

[31] aPs 86:12; 111:10 bGn 1:31
[32] ILit The one who aJg 5:5; Ps 97:4, 5; 114:7 bHab 3:10 cEx 19:18; Ps 144:5
[33] IOr Let me sing IILit in my lifetime IIILit while I still am aPs 63:4 bPs 146:2
[34] aPs 19:14 bPs 9:2
[35] IOr Hallelujah! IIHeb YAH aPs 59:13 bPs 37:10 cPs 104:1 dPs 105:45; 106:48

New American Standard Bible
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A meditation upon the mighty power,

1 ¶ Blessºª² the LORD,º O my soul.º O LORDº my God,º thou art veryº great;ºª thou art clothedºª with honourº and majesty.º 2 Who coverestºª [thyself] with lightº as [with] a garment:º who stretchest outºª the heavensº like a curtain:º 3 Who layeth the beamsºª of his chambersº in the waters:º who makethºª the cloudsº his chariot:º who walkethºª upon² the wingsº of the wind:º 4 Who makethºª his angelsº spirits;º his ministersºª a flamingºª fire:º 5 [Who] laidºª² the foundationsº of the earth,º [that] it should not² be removedºª for ever.ºº 6 Thou coveredstºª it with the deepº as [with] a garment:º the watersº stoodºª above² the mountains.º

[1] Ps 7:1; 29:1; 93:1; 96:6; 103:1, 22; 104:35; 145:3; Is 59:17; Jr 23:24; 32:17; Dn 7:9; 9:4; Hab 1:12; Rv 1:13.
[2] Is 40:22; 45:12; Dn 7:9; Zc 12:1; Mt 17:2; 1Ti 6:16; He 1:10; 1Jn 1:5.
[3] 2S 22:11; Ps 18:10; 139:9; Is 19:1; Am 9:6; Na 1:3; Mt 26:64; Rv 1:7.
[4] 2K 2:11; 6:17; Ezk 1:13; Ac 23:8; He 1:7, 14.
[5] Jb 26:7; 38:4; Ps 24:2; 33:9; 93:1; 96:10; 136:6; Ec 1:4; 2P 3:10; Rv 6:14; 20:11.
[6] Gn 1:2; 7:19; 2P 3:5.

and wonderful providence of God.

7 Atº thy rebukeº they fled;ºª at² the voiceº of thy thunderº they hasted¹ª away.² 8 They go upºª by the mountains;º they go downºª by the valleysº unto² the placeº whichº thou hast foundedºª for them. 9 Thou hast setºª a boundº that they may not² pass over;ºª that they turn not againºª² to coverºª the earth.º 10 He sendethºª the springsº into the valleys,º [which] runºª among² the hills.º 11 They give drinkºª to every² beastº of the field:º the wild assesº quenchºª their thirst.º 12 By² them shall the fowlsº of the heavenº have their habitation,ºª [which] singººª amongº² the branches.º 13 He waterethºª the hillsº from his chambers:º² the earthº is satisfiedºª with the fruitº² of thy works.º 14 He causeth the grassº to growºª for the cattle,º and herbº for the serviceº of man:º that he may bring forthºª foodº out of² the earth;º 15 And wineº [that] maketh gladºª the heartº of man,º [and] oilº² to make [his] faceº to shine,ºª and breadº [which] strengthenethºª man'sº heart.º 16 The treesº of the LORDº are fullºª [of sap]; the cedarsº of Lebanon,º which² he hath planted;ºª 17 Where²² the birdsº make their nests:ºª [as for] the stork,º the fir treesº [are] her house.º 18 The highº hillsº [are] a refugeº for the wild goats;º [and] the rocksº for the conies.º 19 He appointedºª the moonº for seasons:º the sunº knowethºª his going down.º 20 Thou makestºª darkness,º and it is² night:º wherein all² the beastsº of the forestº do creepºª [forth]. 21 The young lionsº roarºª after their prey,º and seekºª their meatº from God.º² 22 The sunº ariseth,ºª they gather themselves together,ºª and lay them downºª in² their dens.º 23 Manº goeth forthºª unto his workº and to his labourº until² the evening.º 24 O LORD,º how² manifoldºª are thy works!º in wisdomº hast thou madeºª them all:² the earthº is fullºª of thy riches.º 25 [So is] this² greatº and wideºº sea,º wherein² [are] things creepingº innumerable,º² both smallº and² greatº beasts.º 26 There² goºª the ships:º [there is] that leviathan,º [whom] thou² hast madeºª to playºª therein. 27 These waitºª all² upon² thee; that thou mayest giveºª [them] their meatº in due season.º 28 [That] thou givestºª them they gather:ºª thou openestºª thine hand,º they are filledºª with good.º 29 Thou hidestºª thy face,º they are troubled:ºª thou takest awayºª their breath,º they die,ºª and returnºª to² their dust.º 30 Thou sendest¹ª forth² thy spirit,º they are created:ºª and thou renewestºª the faceº of the earth.º

[7] Gn 8:1; Ps 114:3; Pv 8:28; Mk 4:39.
[8] Gn 8:5.
[9] Gn 9:11; Jb 26:10; 38:10; Ps 33:7; Is 54:9; Jr 5:22.
[10] Dt 8:7; Ps 107:35; Is 35:7; 41:18.
[11] Jb 39:5; Ps 145:16.
[12] Ps 50:11; 84:3; 104:16; 147:9; 148:10; Mt 6:26.
[13] Dt 11:11; Jb 38:25, 37; Ps 65:9; 104:3; 147:8; Jr 10:13; 14:22; Am 9:6; Mt 5:45; Ac 14:17.
[14] Gn 1:11, 29; 2:5, 9; 3:18; 4:12; 9:3; 1K 18:5; Jb 28:5; Ps 136:25; 145:15; 147:8; Jr 14:5; Jol 2:22; 1Co 3:7.
[15] Lv 26:26; Dt 8:3; 28:40; Jg 9:9, 13; Ps 23:5; 92:10; 105:16; Pv 31:6; Ec 8:1; 9:7; 10:19; So 1:2; Is 3:1; Jr 31:12; Ezk 4:16; 5:16; 14:13; Zc 9:15; Mk 14:23; Ep 5:18; He 1:9; 1Jn 2:20.
[16] Nu 24:6; Ps 29:5; 92:2; Ezk 17:23.
[17] Lv 11:19; Ps 104:12; Jr 8:7; 22:23; Ezk 31:6; Dn 4:21; Ob 1:4; Mt 13:32.
[18] Dt 14:7; 1S 24:2; Jb 39:1; Pv 30:26.
[19] Gn 1:14; Dt 4:19; Jb 31:26; 38:12; Ps 8:3; 136:7; Jr 31:35.
[20] Gn 1:4; 8:22; Ps 74:16; 139:10; Is 45:7; Am 1:13.
[21] Jb 38:39, 41; Ps 34:10; 147:9; Is 31:4; Ezk 19:2; Jol 1:18, 20; 2:22; Am 3:4.
[22] Jb 24:13; Na 3:17; Jn 3:20.
[23] Gn 3:19; Jg 19:16; Ec 5:12; Ep 4:28; 2Th 3:8.
[24] Gn 1:11, 24, 31; Ne 9:6; Jb 5:9; Ps 8:3; 24:1; 40:5; 50:10; 65:11; 107:31; 136:5; Pv 3:19; 8:22; Jr 10:12; Ro 11:33; Ep 1:8; 3:10; 1Ti 6:17.
[25] Gn 1:20, 28; 3:1; Dt 33:14, 19; Ps 95:4; Ac 28:5.
[26] Gn 49:13; Jb 3:8; 41:1, 5, 29; Ps 74:14; 107:23; Is 27:1.
[27] Jb 38:41; Ps 36:6; 136:25; 145:15; 147:9; Lk 12:24.
[29] Gn 3:19; Jb 13:24; 34:14, 29; Ps 30:7; 90:3; 146:4; Ec 12:7; Ac 17:25; Ro 8:20.
[30] Jb 26:13; 33:4; Ps 33:6; Is 32:14; 65:17; 66:22; Ezk 37:9; Ep 2:1, 4; Tit 3:5; Rv 21:5.

God's glory is eternal.

31 The gloryº of the LORDº shall endure² for ever:º the LORDº shall rejoiceºª in his works.º 32 He lookethºª on the earth,º and it trembleth:ºª he touchethºª the hills,º and they smoke.ºª

[31] Gn 1:31; Ex 31:17; Ps 102:16; Is 62:5; 65:18; Jr 32:41; Zp 3:17; Lk 15:5, 22; Ro 11:36; Ga 1:5; Ep 3:21; 2Ti 4:18; He 13:21; 1P 5:11; 2P 3:18; Rv 5:12.
[32] Ex 19:18; Ps 50:3; 77:16; 97:4; 114:7; 144:5; Is 64:1, 2; Jr 4:23; 5:22; Am 8:8; Na 1:5; Hab 3:5, 10; Rv 19:3; 20:11.

The prophet voweth perpetually to praise God.

33 I will singºª unto the LORDº as long as I live:º I will sing¹ª praise² to my Godº while I have my being.º 34 My meditationº of² him shall be sweet:ºª I² will be gladºª in the LORD.º 35 Let the sinnersº be consumedºª out of² the earth,º and let the wickedº be no² more.² Blessºª thou² the LORD,º O my soul.º Praiseºª ye the LORD.º

[33] Ps 63:4; 145:1; 146:2.
[34] Ps 1:2; 32:11; 63:5; 77:12; 119:15, 111, 127, 167; 139:17; Pv 24:14; Hab 3:17; Lk 1:47; Php 4:4.
[35] Jg 5:31; Ps 1:4; 37:38; 59:13; 68:1; 73:27; 101:8; 103:1, 22; 104:1; Pv 2:22; Rv 19:1.

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