BOOK 4God’s Eternity and Man’s Transitoriness.A Prayer of †Moses, the man of God. 1 Lord°, You have been° our Iadwelling° place° in all° generations°.
[1] †Dt 33:1 IOr hiding place; some ancient mss read place of refuge aDt 33:27; Ps 71:3; 91:1; Ezk 11:16
[2] IOr And aJb 15:7; Pv 8:25 bGn 1:1; Ps 102:25; 104:5 cPs 93:2; 102:24, 27; Jr 10:10 3 ¶ You aturn° man° back° into dust° [3] aGn 3:19; Jb 34:14, 15; Ps 104:29
[4] IOr And a2P 3:8 bPs 39:5 cEx 14:24; Jg 7:19 [5] IOr flooded IILit become asleep IIIOr passes away aJb 22:16; 27:20 bJb 14:12; 20:8; Ps 76:5 cPs 103:15; Is 40:6 [6] IOr passes away aJb 14:2 bPs 92:7; Mt 6:30 cJm 1:11 7 ¶ For we have been° aconsumed° by Your anger° [7] IOr terrified aPs 39:11
[8] aPs 50:21; Jr 16:17 bPs 19:12; Ec 12:14 [9] IOr whisper aPs 78:33 [10] ILit years IILit in them are a2K 19:35 bEc 12:2-7; Jr 20:18 cJb 20:8; Ps 78:39 [11] IOr knows IILit of You aPs 76:7 bNe 5:9 [12] IOr gain, bring in aDt 32:29; Ps 39:4 bPv 2:1-6 13 ¶ Do areturn°, O LORD°; bhow° long°° [will it be]? [13] IOr repent in regard to aPs 6:4; 80:14 bPs 6:3; 74:10 cEx 32:12; Dt 32:36; Ps 106:45; 135:14; Am 7:3, 6; Jna 3:9
[14] aPs 36:8; 65:4; 103:5; Jr 31:14 bPs 31:7; 85:6 [15] IOr as many days as IIOr trouble aPs 86:4 bDt 2:14-16; Ps 31:10 [16] IOr upon aDt 32:4; Ps 44:1; 77:12; 92:4; Hab 3:2 b1K 8:11; Is 6:3 [17] IOr give permanence to aPs 27:4 bPs 37:23; Is 26:12; 1Co 3:7 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
Moses, setting forth God's providence,1 ¶ [[A Prayerº of Mosesº the manº of God.]]º Lord,º thou² hast been² our dwelling placeº in all¹ generations.º 2 Before² the mountainsº were brought forth,ºª or ever thou hadst formedºª the earthº and the world,º even from everlastingº² toº everlasting,º thou² [art] God.º [1] Ex 33:14; Dt 33:1, 27; 1K 13:1; Ps 71:3; 89:1; 91:1, 9; Is 8:14; Ezk 11:16; Jn 6:56; 1Ti 6:11; 1Jn 4:16.
[2] Gn 1:1; Jb 38:4, 28; Ps 33:9; 93:2; 102:24; 103:17; 146:6; Pv 8:25; Is 44:6; 45:22; 57:15; Mi 5:2; Hab 1:12; 1Ti 6:15; He 1:10; 13:8; Rv 1:8. complaineth of human frailty,3 Thou turnestºª manº to² destruction;º and sayest,ºª Return,ºª ye childrenº of men.º 4 For² a thousandº yearsº in thy sightº [are but] as¹ yesterdayº² when² it is past,ºª and [as] a watchº in the night.º 5 Thou carriest them away as with a flood;ºª they are² [as] a sleep:º in the morningº [they are] like grassº [which] groweth up.ºª 6 In the morningº it flourisheth,ºª and groweth up;ºª in the eveningº it is cut down,ºª and withereth.ºª [3] Gn 3:19; 6:6; Nu 14:35; Jb 12:10; 34:14; Ps 104:29; 146:4; Ec 12:7.
[4] Mt 14:25; 24:43; Lk 12:38; 2P 3:8. [5] Jb 9:26; 22:16; 27:20; Ps 73:20; 103:15; Is 8:7; 29:7; 40:6; Jr 46:7; Jm 1:10; 1P 1:24. [6] Jb 14:2; Ps 92:7; Mt 6:30. divine chastisements,7 For² we are consumedºª by thine anger,º and by thy wrathº are we troubled.ºª 8 Thou hast setºª our iniquitiesº before² thee, our secretºª [sins] in the lightº of thy countenance.º 9 For² all² our daysº are passed awayºª in thy wrath:º we spendºª our yearsº as² a taleº [that is told]. [7] Ex 14:24; Nu 17:12; Dt 2:14; Ps 39:11; 59:13; 90:9, 11; Ro 2:8; He 3:10, 17; 4:1.
[8] Jb 34:21; Ps 10:11; 19:12; 50:21; 80:16; 139:1; Pv 5:21; Ec 12:14; Jr 9:13; 16:17; 23:24; Ezk 8:12; Lk 12:1; Ro 2:16; 1Co 4:5; He 4:12; 1Jn 3:20; Rv 20:12. [9] Ps 39:5; 78:33; 90:4. and brevity of life.10 The daysº of our yearsº [are] threescore¹ª years¹ and ten;º² and if² by reason of strengthº [they be] fourscoreº years,º yet [is] their strengthº labourº and sorrow;º for² it is soonº cut off,ºª and we fly away.ºª 11 Who² knowethºª the powerº of thine anger?º even according to thy fear,º [so is] thy wrath.º [10] Gn 47:9; Dt 34:7; 2S 19:35; 1K 1:1; Jb 14:10; 24:24; Ps 78:39; Ec 12:2; Is 38:12; Lk 12:20; Jm 4:14.
[11] Lv 26:18, 21, 24, 28; Dt 28:59; 29:20; Is 33:14; Na 1:6; Lk 12:5; 2Co 5:11; Rv 6:17. He prayeth for the knowledge and sensible experience of God's good providence.12 So² teachºª [us] to numberºª our days,º that we may applyºª [our] heartsº unto wisdom.º 13 Return,ºª O LORD,º how long?²² and let it repentºª thee concerning² thy servants.º 14 O satisfyºª us earlyº with thy mercy;º that we may rejoiceºª and be gladºª all² our days.º 15 Make us gladºª according to the daysº [wherein] thou hast afflictedºª us, [and] the yearsº [wherein] we have seenºª evil.º 16 Let thy workº appearºª unto² thy servants,º and thy gloryº unto² their children.º 17 And let the beautyº of the LORD¹² our Godº be² upon² us: and establishºª thou the workº of our handsº upon² us; yea, the workº of our handsº establishºª thou it. [12] Dt 32:29; Jb 28:28; Ps 39:4; Pv 2:2; 3:13; 4:5, 7; 7:1; 8:32; 16:16; 18:1; 22:17; 23:12, 23; Ec 9:10; Lk 12:35; Jn 9:4; Ep 5:16.
[13] Ex 32:14; Dt 32:36; Ps 6:4; 80:14; 89:46; 106:45; 135:14; Jr 12:15; Ho 11:8; Jol 2:13; Am 7:3, 6; Jna 3:9; Zc 1:16. [14] Ps 23:6; 36:7; 63:3; 65:4; 85:6; 86:4; 103:3; 149:2; Jr 31:15; Zc 9:17; Php 4:4. [15] Dt 2:14; Ps 30:5; 126:5; Is 12:1; 40:1; 61:3; 65:18; Jr 31:12; Mt 5:4; Jn 16:20; Rv 7:14. [16] Nu 14:15, 30; Dt 1:39; Jsh 4:22; 23:14; Ps 44:1; Hab 3:2. [17] Jb 22:28; Ps 27:4; 50:2; 68:28; 80:3, 7; 110:3; 118:25; Pv 16:3; Is 26:12; 1Co 3:7; 2Co 3:18; 2Th 2:16; 3:1; 1Jn 3:2. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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