NASB — Isaiah 38 — KJV

Hezekiah Healed

1 aIn those° days° Hezekiah° became° Imortally° ill°. And bIsaiah° the prophet° the son° of Amoz° came° to him and said° to him, “Thus° says° the LORD°, ‘cSet° your house° in order°, for you shall die° and not live°.’” 2 Then Hezekiah° turned° his face° to the wall° and prayed° to the LORD°, 3 and said°, “aRemember° now°, O° LORD°, I beseech° You, how° I have bwalked° before° You in truth° and with a cwhole° heart°, and dhave done° what° is good° in Your sight°.” And Hezekiah° ewept° Ibitterly°.

[1] ILit sick to the point of death a2K 20:1-6, 9-11; 2Ch 32:24; Is 38:1-8 bIs 1:1; 37:2 c2S 17:23
[3] ILit great weeping aNe 13:14 b2K 18:5, 6; Ps 26:3 c1Ch 28:9; 29:19 dDt 6:18 ePs 6:6-8

4 ¶ Then the word° of the LORD° came° to Isaiah°, saying°, 5 “Go° and say° to Hezekiah°, ‘Thus° says° the LORD°, the God° of your father° David°, “I have heard° your prayer°, I have seen° your tears°; behold°, I will add° afifteen°° years° to your Ilife°. 6 I will adeliver° you and this° city° from the hand° of the king° of Assyria°; and I will defend° this° city°.”’

[5] ILit days a2K 18:2, 13
[6] aIs 31:5; 37:35

7 ¶ “This° shall be the asign° to you from the LORD°, that the LORD° will do° this° thing° that He has spoken°: 8 Behold°, I will acause° the shadow° on the stairway°, which° has gone° down° with the sun° on the stairway° of Ahaz°, to go° back° ten° steps°.” So the bsun’s° [shadow] went° back° ten° steps° on the stairway° on which° it had gone° down°.

[7] aJg 6:17, 21, 36-40; Is 7:11, 14; 37:30
[8] a2K 20:9-11 bJsh 10:12-14

9 ¶ A writing° of Hezekiah° king° of Judah° after his illness° and Irecovery°:
  10 I said°, “aIn the middle° of my Ilife°
  I am to enter° the bgates° of Sheol°;
  I am to be cdeprived° of the rest° of my years°.”
  11 I said°, “I will not see° the LORD°,
  The LORD° ain the land° of the living°;
  I will look° on man° no° more° among° the inhabitants° of the world°.
  12 “Like a shepherd’s° atent° my dwelling° is pulled° up and removed° from me;
  As a bweaver° I crolled° up my life°.
  He dcuts° me off° from the loom°;
  From eday° until° night° You make° an end° of me.
  13 “I composed° [my soul] until° morning°.
  aLike a lion°—so° He bbreaks° all° my bones°,
  From cday° until° night° You make° an end° of me.
  14aLike a swallow°, [like] a crane°, so° I twitter°;
  I bmoan° like a dove°;
  My ceyes° look° wistfully° to the heights°;
  O Lord°, I am oppressed°, be my dsecurity°.

[9] ILit he lived after his illness
[10] ILit days aPs 102:24 bPs 107:18 cJb 17:11, 15; 2Co 1:9
[11] aPs 27:13; 116:9
[12] a2Co 5:1, 4; 2P 1:13, 14 bJb 7:6 cHe 1:12 dJb 6:9 eJb 4:20; Ps 73:14
[13] aJb 10:16 bPs 51:8; Dn 6:24 cPs 32:4
[14] aJb 30:29; Ps 102:6 bIs 59:11; Ezk 7:16; Na 2:7 cPs 119:123 dJb 17:3; Ps 119:122

  15 ¶ “aWhat° shall I say°?
  IFor He has spoken° to me, and He Himself° has done° it;
  I will bwander° about all° my years° because° of the cbitterness° of my soul°.
  16 “O Lord°, aby [these] things [men] live°,
  And in all° these is the life° of my spirit°;
  IbO restore° me to health° and clet me live°!
  17 “Lo°, for [my own] welfare° I had° great° bitterness°;
  It is You who has Iakept° my soul° from the pit° of IInothingness°,
  For You have bcast° all° my sins° behind° Your back°.
  18 “For aSheol° cannot° thank° You,
  Death° cannot praise° You;
  Those who go° down° bto the pit° cannot° hope° for Your faithfulness°.
  19 “It is the aliving° who give° thanks° to You, as I do today°;
  A bfather° tells° his sons° about° Your faithfulness°.
  20 “The LORD° will surely save° me;
  So we will aplay° my songs° on stringed° instruments
  bAll° [the] days° of our life° cat the house° of the LORD°.”

[15] ITargum and DSS read And what shall I say for He aPs 39:9 b1K 21:27 cJb 7:11; 10:1; Is 38:17
[16] ILit You will aPs 119:71, 75 bPs 39:13 cPs 119:25
[17] ISo some versions; Heb loved IIOr destruction aPs 30:3; 86:13; Jna 2:6 bIs 43:25; Jr 31:34; Mi 7:19
[18] aPs 6:5; 30:9; 88:11; Ec 9:10 bNu 16:33; Ps 28:1
[19] aPs 118:17; 119:175 bDt 6:7; 11:19; Ps 78:5-7
[20] aPs 33:1-3; 68:24-26 bPs 104:33; 116:2; 146:2 cPs 116:17-19

21 ¶ Now aIsaiah° had said°, “Let them take° a cake° of figs° and apply° it to the boil°, that he may recover°.” 22 Then Hezekiah° had said°, “What° is the asign° that I shall go° up to the house° of the LORD°?”

[21] a2K 20:7, 8
[22] aIs 38:7

New American Standard Bible
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Hezekiah, having received a message of death, by prayer hath his life lengthened.

1 ¶ In those² daysº was Hezekiah¹ sickºª² unto death.ºª And Isaiahº the prophetº the sonº of Amozº cameºª unto² him, and saidºª unto² him, Thus² saithºª the LORD,º Set thine house¹ in order:ºª² for² thou² shalt die,ºª and not² live.ºª 2 Then Hezekiahº turnedºª his faceº toward² the wall,º and prayedºª unto² the LORD,º 3 And said,ºª Rememberºª now,² O LORD,º I beseech¹ thee,²² how² I have walkedºª beforeº thee in truthº and with a perfectº heart,º and have doneºª [that which is] goodº in thy sight.º And Hezekiahº weptºª¹ sore.º²

[1] 2S 17:23; 2K 20:1; 2Ch 32:24; Ec 9:10; Is 37:21; 39:3; Jr 18:7; Jna 3:4, 10; Jn 11:1; Ac 9:37; Php 2:27.
[2] 1K 8:30; Ps 50:15; 91:15; Mt 6:6.
[3] Gn 5:22; 6:9; 17:1; 2S 12:21; 1K 2:4; 15:14; 1Ch 29:9, 19; 2Ch 16:9; 25:2; 31:20; Ezr 10:1; Ne 1:4; 5:19; 13:14, 22, 31; Jb 23:11; Ps 6:8; 16:8; 18:20; 20:1; 32:2; 101:2; 102:9; 119:80; Ho 12:4; Jn 1:47; 2Co 1:12; He 5:7; 6:10; 1Jn 3:21.

4 ¶ Then came² the wordº of the LORDº to² Isaiah,º saying,ºª 5 Go,ºª and sayºª to² Hezekiah,º Thus² saithºª the LORD,º the Godº of Davidº thy father,º I have heardºª² thy prayer,º I have seenºª² thy tears:º behold,² I will addºª unto² thy daysº fifteenºº years.º 6 And I will deliverºª thee and this² cityº out of the handº² of the kingº of Assyria:º and I will defendºª² this² city.º 7 And this² [shall be] a signº unto thee from²² the LORD,º that² the LORDº will doºª² this² thingº that² he hath spoken;ºª

[5] 2S 7:3; 1K 8:25; 9:4; 11:12; 15:4; 2K 19:20; 1Ch 17:2; 2Ch 34:3; Jb 14:5; Ps 34:5; 39:12; 56:8; 89:3; 116:15; 147:3; Is 7:13; Mt 22:32; Lk 1:13; Ac 27:24; 2Co 7:6; 1Jn 5:14; Rv 7:17.
[6] 2Ch 32:22; Is 12:6; 31:4; 37:35; 2Ti 4:17.
[7] Gn 9:13; Jg 6:17, 37; 2K 20:8; Is 7:11; 37:30; 38:22.

The sun goeth ten degrees backward, for a sign of that promise.

8 Behold,² I will bring againºª² the shadowº of the degrees,º which² is gone downºª in the sunº dialº of Ahaz,º tenº degreesº backward.º So the sunº returnedºª tenº degrees,º by which² degreesº it was gone down.ºª

[8] Jsh 10:12; 2K 20:11; 2Ch 32:24, 31; Mt 16:1.

His song of thanksgiving.

9 ¶ The writingº of Hezekiahº kingº of Judah,º when he had been sick,ºª and was recoveredºª of his sickness:º² 10 I² saidºª in the cutting offº of my days,º I shall go¹ª² to the gatesº of the grave:º I am deprivedºª of the residueº of my years.º 11 I said,ºª I shall not² seeºª the LORD,º [even] the LORD,º in the landº of the living:º I shall beholdºª manº no² more² with² the inhabitantsºª of the world.º 12 Mine ageº is departed,ºª and is removedºª from² me as a shepherd'sº tent:º I have cut offºª like a weaverºª my life:º he will cut me offºª with pining sickness:º² from dayº² [even] to² nightº wilt thou make an endºª of me. 13 I reckonedºª till² morning,º [that], as a lion,º so² will he breakºª all² my bones:º from dayº² [even] to² nightº wilt thou make an endºª of me. 14 Like a craneº [or] a swallow,º so² did I chatter:ºª I did mournºª as a dove:º mine eyesº failºª [with looking] upward:º O LORD,¹² I am oppressed;º undertake¹ª² for me. 15 What² shall I say?ºª he hath both spokenºª unto me, and himself² hath doneºª [it]: I shall go softlyºª all² my yearsº in² the bitternessº of my soul.º 16 O Lord,º by² these [things men] live,ºª and in all² these² [things is] the lifeº of my spirit:º so wilt thou recoverºª me, and make me to live.ºª 17 Behold,² for peaceº I had great bitterness:ººª but thou² hast in loveºª to my soulº [delivered it] from the pitº² of corruption:º for² thou hast castºª all² my sinsº behindº thy back.º 18 For² the graveº cannot² praiseºª thee, deathº can [not] celebrateºª thee: they that go downºª into the pitº cannot² hopeºª for² thy truth.º 19 The living,º the living,º he² shall praiseºª thee, as I [do] this day:º the fatherº to the childrenº shall make knownºª² thy truth.º 20 The LORDº [was ready] to saveºª me: therefore we will sing my songs¹² to the stringed instruments¹ª² all² the daysº of our lifeº in² the houseº of the LORD.º 21 For Isaiahº had said,ºª Let them takeºª a lumpº of figs,º and lay [it] for a plaisterºª upon² the boil,º and he shall recover.ºª 22 Hezekiahº also had said,ºª What² [is] the signº that² I shall go upºª to the houseº of the LORD?º

[9] Ex 15:1; Dt 32:39; Jg 5:1; 1S 2:1, 6; 2Ch 29:30; Jb 5:18; Ps 18:1; 30:11; 107:17; 116:1; 118:18; Is 12:1; Ho 6:1; Jna 2:1.
[10] Jb 6:11; 7:7; 17:11; Is 38:1; 2Co 1:9.
[11] Jb 35:14; Ps 6:4; 27:13; 31:22; 116:8; Ec 9:5.
[12] Jb 7:3, 6, 7; 9:25; 14:2; 17:1; Ps 31:22; 89:45; 102:11, 23; 119:23; Is 1:8; 13:20; Jm 4:14.
[13] 1K 13:24; 20:36; Jb 10:16; 16:12; Ps 39:10; 50:22; 51:8; Dn 6:24; Ho 5:14; 1Co 11:30.
[14] Jb 30:29; Ps 69:3; 102:4; 119:82, 122, 123; 123:1; 143:7; Is 59:11; Lm 4:17; Ezk 7:16; Na 2:7.
[15] Jsh 7:8; 1S 1:10; 1K 21:27; 2K 4:27; Ezr 9:10; Jb 7:11; 10:1; 21:25; Ps 39:9; Jn 12:27.
[16] Dt 8:3; Jb 33:19; Ps 71:20; Is 64:5; Mt 4:4; 1Co 11:32; 2Co 4:17; He 12:10.
[17] Jb 3:25; 29:18; Ps 10:2; 30:3, 6; 40:2; 85:2; 86:13; 88:4; Is 43:25; Jr 31:34; Jna 2:6; Mi 7:18.
[18] Nu 16:33; Ps 6:5; 30:9; 88:11; 115:17; Pv 14:32; Ec 9:10; Mt 8:12; 25:46; Lk 16:26.
[19] Gn 18:19; Ex 12:26; 13:14; Dt 4:9; 6:7; Jsh 4:21; Ps 78:3; 145:4; 146:2; Ec 9:10; Jol 1:3; Jn 9:4.
[20] Ps 9:13; 27:5; 30:11; 51:15; 66:13; 145:2; 150:4; Hab 3:19.
[21] 2K 20:7; Mk 7:33; Jn 9:6.
[22] 2K 20:8; Ps 42:1; 84:1, 10; 118:18; 122:1; Jn 5:14.

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