NASB — Hebrews 6 — KJV

The Peril of Falling Away

1 Therefore° aleaving° bthe Ielementary° teaching° about the IIChrist°, let us press° on to IIIcmaturity°, not laying° again° a foundation° of repentance° from ddead° works° and of faith° toward° God°, 2 of ainstruction° about washings° and blaying° on of hands°, and the cresurrection° of the dead° and ceternal° judgment°. 3 And this° we will do°, aif°° God° permits°. 4 For in the case of those° who have once° been aenlightened° and have tasted° of bthe heavenly° gift° and have been° made° cpartakers° of the Holy° Spirit°, 5 and ahave tasted° the good° bword° of God° and the powers° of cthe age° to come°, 6 and [then] have fallen° away°, it is aimpossible° to renew° them again° to repentance°, Ibsince they again° crucify° to themselves° the Son° of God° and put° Him to open° shame°. 7 For ground° that drinks° the rain° which often° Ifalls° on it and brings° forth° vegetation° useful° to those° afor whose° sake° it is also° tilled°, receives° a blessing° from God°; 8 but if it yields° thorns° and thistles°, it is worthless° and aclose° Ito being cursed°, and IIit ends° up being burned°.

[1] ILit word of the beginning III.e. Messiah IIIOr perfection aPhp 3:13f bHe 5:12 cHe 5:14 dHe 9:14
[2] aJn 3:25; Ac 19:3f bAc 6:6 cAc 17:31f
[3] aAc 18:21
[4] a2Co 4:4, 6; He 10:32 bJn 4:10; Ep 2:8 cGa 3:2; He 2:4
[5] a1P 2:3 bEp 6:17 cHe 2:5
[6] IOr while aMt 19:26; He 10:26f; 2P 2:21; 1 Jn 5:16 bHe 10:29
[7] ILit comes a2Ti 2:6
[8] ILit near to a curse IILit whose end is for burning aGn 3:17f; Dt 29:22ff

Better Things for You

9 ¶ But, abeloved°, we are convinced° of better° things° concerning° you, and things that Iaccompany° salvation°, though°° we are speaking° in this° way°. 10 For aGod° is not unjust° so as to forget° byour work° and the love° which° you have shown° toward° His name°, in having cministered° and in still ministering° to the Isaints°. 11 And we desire° that each° one° of you show° the same° diligence° Iso° as to realize the afull° assurance° of bhope° until° the end°, 12 so° that you will not be sluggish°, but aimitators° of those° who through° bfaith° and patience° cinherit° the promises°.

[9] IOr belong to a1Co 10:14; 2Co 7:1; 12:19; 1P 2:11; 2P 3:1; 1 Jn 2:7; Jde 3
[10] IOr holy ones aPv 19:17; Mt 10:42; 25:40; Ac 10:4 b1Th 1:3 cRo 15:25; He 10:32-34
[11] ILit to the full aHe 10:22 bHe 3:6
[12] aHe 13:7 b2Th 1:4; Jm 1:3; Rv 13:10 cHe 1:14

13 ¶ For awhen God° made° the promise° to Abraham°, since° He could° swear° by no° one° greater°, He bswore° by Himself°, 14 saying°, “aI WILL SURELY°° BLESS° YOU AND I WILL SURELY° MULTIPLY° YOU.” 15 And so°, ahaving patiently° waited°, he obtained° the promise°. 16 aFor men° swear° by Ione° greater° [than themselves], and with them ban oath° [given] as confirmation° is an end° of every° dispute°. 17 IIn the same° way God°, desiring° even° more° to show° to athe heirs° of the promise° bthe unchangeableness° of His purpose°, IIinterposed° with an oath°, 18 so° that by two° unchangeable° things° in which° ait is impossible° for God° to lie°, we who have Itaken° refuge° would have° strong° encouragement° to take° hold° of bthe hope° set° before° us. 19 IThis° ahope we have° as an anchor° of the soul°, a [hope] both° sure° and steadfast° and one which benters° IIwithin° the veil°, 20 awhere° Jesus° has entered° as a forerunner° for us, having become° a bhigh° priest° forever° according° to the order° of Melchizedek°.

[13] aGa 3:15, 18 bGn 22:16; Lk 1:73
[14] aGn 22:17
[15] aGn 12:4; 21:5
[16] IOr Him who is greater aGa 3:15 bEx 22:11
[17] ILit In which IIOr guaranteed aHe 11:9 bPs 110:4; Pv 19:21; He 6:18
[18] ILit in which aNu 23:19; Tit 1:2 bHe 3:6; 7:19
[19] ILit Which hope we have IIOr inside aPs 39:7; 62:5; Ac 23:6; Ro 4:18; 5:4, 5; 1Co 13:13; Col 1:27; 1P 1:3 bLv 16:2, 15; He 9:3, 7
[20] aJn 14:2; He 4:14 bPs 110:4; He 2:17; 5:6

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He exhorteth not to fall back from the faith,

1 ¶ Thereforeº leavingºª the² principlesº of the² doctrineº of Christ,º let us go onºª untoº perfection;º notº layingºª againº the foundationº of repentanceº fromº deadº works,º andº of faithº towardº God,º 2 Of the doctrineº of baptisms,º andº of laying on¹² of hands,º andº of resurrectionº of the dead,º andº of eternalº judgment.º 3 Andº thisº will we do,ºª ifºº Godº permit.ºª 4 Forº [it is] impossibleº for those who were once¹ enlightened,ºª² andº have tastedºª of the² heavenlyº gift,º andº were madeºª partakersº of the Holyº Ghost,º 5 Andº have tastedºª the goodº wordº of God,º andº the powersº of the worldº to come,ºª 6 If¹ they² shall fall away,ºª to renew² them¹ª againº untoº repentance;º seeing they crucify¹ª to themselves¹ the Son¹ of God¹ afresh,ºª²²²² andº put [him] to an open shame.ºª 7 Forº the earthº which¹ drinketh inºª the² rainº that comethºª oftº uponº it,º andº bringeth forthºª herbsº meetº for themº¹ byº whomº it is² dressed,ºª receivethºª blessingº fromº God:º 8 Butº that which bearethºª thornsº andº briersº [is] rejected,º andº [is] nigh¹ unto² cursing;º whoseº endº [is] to¹ be burned.º² 9 But,º beloved,º we are persuadedºª better thingsº ofº you,º andº things that accompanyºª salvation,º thoughº we¹ª thusº speak.ºª 10 Forº Godº [is] notº unrighteousº to forgetºª yourº workº andº labourº of love,º whichº ye have shewedºªªª towardº hisº name,º in that ye have ministeredºª to the² saints,º andº do minister.ºª

[1] Pv 4:18; Is 55:6; Ezk 18:30; Zc 12:10; Mt 3:2; 4:17; 5:48; 7:25; 21:29, 32; Mk 1:1; 6:12; Lk 6:48; Jn 1:1; 5:24; 12:44; 14:1; Ac 2:38; 3:19; 11:18; 17:30; 20:21; 26:20; 1Co 3:10; 13:10; 2Co 7:1, 10; Ga 5:19; Ep 2:1, 5; 4:12; Php 3:12; Col 1:28; 4:12; 1Ti 3:16; 6:19; 2Ti 2:19, 25; He 5:12; 7:11; 9:14; 11:6; 12:13; Jm 1:4; 1P 1:21; 5:10; 1Jn 4:12; 5:10.
[2] Ec 12:14; Is 26:19; Ezk 37:1; Dn 12:2; Mt 3:14; 20:22; 22:23; 25:31; 28:19; Mk 7:4, 8; 16:16; Lk 3:16; 11:38; 12:50; 14:14; Jn 1:33; 3:25; 4:1; 5:29; 11:24; Ac 2:38, 41; 4:2; 6:6; 8:12, 14, 16, 36; 10:47; 13:3; 16:15, 33; 17:18, 31; 19:2, 6; 23:6; 24:15, 21, 25; 26:8; Ro 2:5, 16; 6:3, 5; 1Co 1:12; 10:2; 12:13; 15:13; 2Co 5:10; Php 3:21; Col 2:12; 1Th 4:14; 2Ti 2:18; He 9:10; 11:35; 1P 3:20; 2P 3:7; Jde 1:14; Rv 20:10.
[3] Ac 18:21; Ro 15:32; 1Co 4:19; 16:7; Jm 4:15.
[4] Nu 24:3, 15; Mt 5:13; 7:21; 12:31, 45; Lk 10:19; 11:24; Jn 3:27; 4:10; 6:32; 15:6; Ac 8:20; 10:45; 11:17; 15:8; Ro 1:11; 1Co 13:1; Ga 3:2, 5; Ep 2:8; 3:7; 4:7; 1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 2:25; 4:14; He 2:4; 10:26, 32; 12:15; Jm 1:17; 2P 2:20; 1Jn 5:16.
[5] Mt 13:20; Mk 4:16; 6:20; Lk 8:13; He 2:5; 1P 2:3; 2P 2:20.
[6] Ps 51:10; Is 1:28; Zc 12:10; Mt 23:31; 27:38; Mk 15:29; Lk 11:48; 23:35; 2Ti 2:25; He 6:4; 10:29; 12:2.
[7] Gn 27:27; Lv 25:21; Dt 28:11; Ps 24:5; 65:9, 10; 104:11; 126:6; Is 44:3; 55:10; Ezk 34:26; Ho 10:12; Jol 2:21; Mal 3:10; Jm 5:7.
[8] Gn 3:17; 4:11; 5:29; Dt 29:28; Jb 31:40; Ps 107:34; Is 5:1; 27:10; Jr 17:6; 44:22; Ezk 15:2; 20:47; Mal 4:1; Mt 3:10; 7:19; 25:41; Mk 11:14, 21; Lk 13:7; Jn 15:6; He 10:27; 12:17; Rv 20:15.
[9] Is 57:15; Mt 5:3; Mk 16:16; Ac 11:18; 20:21; 2Co 7:10; Ga 5:6, 22; Php 1:6; 1Th 1:3; Tit 2:11; He 2:3; 5:9; 6:4, 10; 10:34, 39.
[10] Dt 32:4; Ne 5:19; 13:22, 31; Ps 20:3; Pv 14:31; Jr 2:2; 18:20; Mt 10:42; 25:35, 40; Mk 9:41; Jn 13:20; Ac 2:44; 4:34; 9:36; 10:4, 31; 11:29; Ro 3:4; 12:13; 15:25; 1Co 13:4; 16:1; 2Co 8:1; 9:1, 11; Ga 5:6, 13; 6:10; Php 4:16; Col 3:17; 1Th 1:3; 2Th 1:6; 1Ti 6:18; 2Ti 1:17; 4:8; Phm 1:5; He 13:16; Jm 2:15; 1Jn 1:9; 3:14, 17.

but to be stedfast,

11 Andº we desireºª that every oneº of youº do shewºª the² sameº diligenceº toº the² full assuranceº of hopeº untoº the end:º

[11] Is 32:17; Mt 24:13; Ro 5:2; 8:24; 12:8, 11, 12; 15:13; 1Co 13:13; 15:58; Ga 5:5; 6:9; Php 1:9; 3:15; Col 1:5, 23; 2:2; 1Th 1:5; 4:10; 2Th 2:16; 3:13; He 3:6, 14; 6:18; 10:22, 32; 1P 1:3, 21; 2P 1:5, 10; 3:14; 1Jn 3:1, 14, 19; Rv 2:26.

diligent, and patient to wait upon God,

12 That¹ª² ye beºª not¹² slothful,º butº followersº of them who throughº faithº andº patienceº inheritºª the² promises.º

[12] Pv 12:24; 13:4; 15:19; 18:9; 24:30; So 1:8; Jr 6:16; Mt 22:32; 25:26; Lk 8:15; 16:22; 20:37; Ro 2:7; 4:12; 8:25; 12:11; 1Th 1:3; He 1:14; 5:11; 6:15; 10:36; 11:8, 9, 17, 33; 12:1; 13:7; Jm 5:10; 1P 3:5; 2P 1:10; 1Jn 2:25; Rv 13:10; 14:12, 13.

because God is most sure in his promise.

13 Forº when Godº made promiseºª to Abraham,º becauseº he couldºª swearºª byº noº greater,º he swareºª byº himself,º 14 Saying,ºª Surelyºº blessingºª I will blessºª thee,º andº multiplyingºª I will multiplyºª thee.º 15 Andº so,º after he had patiently endured,ºª he obtainedºª the² promise.º 16 Forº menº verilyº swearºª byº the² greater:º andº an oathº forº confirmationº [is] to themº an endº of allº strife.º 17 Whereinºº God,º willingºª more abundantlyº to shewºª unto the² heirsº of promiseº the² immutabilityº of his¹² counsel,º confirmedºª [it] by an oath:º 18 Thatº byº twoº immutableº things,º inº whichº [it was] impossibleº for Godº to lie,ºª we might haveºª a strongº consolation,º who¹ have fled for refugeºª to lay hold¹ª upon² the hopeº set before² us:¹ª 19 Whichº [hope] we haveºª asº an anchorº of the² soul,º bothº sureº andº stedfast,º andº which enterethºª intoº that withinº the² veil;º 20 Whitherº the forerunnerº is¹ª forº usº entered,ºª [even] Jesus,º madeºª an high priestº for¹ everº² afterº the² orderº of Melchisedec.º

[13] Gn 22:15; Ps 105:9; Is 45:23; Jr 22:5; 49:13; Ezk 32:13; Mi 7:20; Lk 1:73; He 6:16.
[14] Gn 17:2; 48:4; Ex 32:13; Dt 1:10; Ne 9:23.
[15] Gn 12:2; 15:2; 17:16; 21:2; Ex 1:7; Hab 2:2; Ro 4:17; He 6:12.
[16] Gn 14:22; 21:23, 30; 31:53; Ex 22:11; Jsh 9:15; 2S 21:2; Ezk 17:16; Mt 23:20; He 6:13.
[17] Gn 26:28; Ex 22:11; Jb 23:13; Ps 33:11; 36:8; Pv 19:21; So 5:1; Is 14:24, 26; 46:10; 54:9; 55:7, 11; Jr 33:20, 25; Mal 3:6; Jn 10:10; Ro 8:17; 11:29; Ga 3:29; He 6:12, 16, 18; 11:7, 9; Jm 1:17; 2:5; 1P 1:3; 3:7.
[18] Gn 19:22; Nu 23:19; 35:11; Jsh 20:3; 1S 15:29; 1K 2:28; Ps 46:1; 62:8; 110:4; Pv 3:18; 4:13; Is 27:5; 32:1; 51:12; 56:4; 64:7; 66:10; Zc 9:12; Mt 3:7; 24:35; Lk 2:25; Ro 3:4, 25; 15:5; 2Co 1:5; 5:18; Php 2:1; Col 1:5, 23, 27; 1Th 1:10; 2Th 2:16; 1Ti 1:1; 6:12; 2Ti 2:13; Tit 1:2; He 3:11; 7:21; 11:7; 12:1; 1Jn 1:10; 5:10.
[19] Lv 16:2, 15; Ps 42:5, 11; 43:5; 62:5; 146:5; Is 12:2; 25:3; 28:16; Jr 17:7; Mt 27:51; Ac 27:29, 40; Ro 4:16; 5:5; 8:28; 1Co 15:58; Ep 2:6; Col 3:1; 2Ti 2:19; He 4:16; 9:3, 7; 10:20.
[20] Jn 14:2; Ro 8:34; Ep 1:3, 20; He 1:3; 2:10; 3:1; 4:14; 5:6, 10; 7:1; 8:1; 9:12, 24; 12:2; 1P 3:22; 1Jn 2:12.

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