NASB — 1 Peter 1 — KJV

A Living Hope, and a Sure Salvation

1 aPeter°, an apostle° of Jesus° Christ°,

¶ To those who reside° as baliens°, cscattered° throughout° dPontus°, eGalatia°, dCappadocia°, dAsia°, and fBithynia°, gwho are chosen° 2 according° to the aforeknowledge° of God° the Father°, bby the sanctifying° work° of the Spirit°, Ito cobey° Jesus° Christ° and be dsprinkled° with His blood°: eMay grace° and peace° IIbe yours° in the fullest° measure°.

[1] a2P 1:1 b1P 2:11 cJm 1:1 dAc 2:9 eAc 16:6 fAc 16:7 gMt 24:22; Lk 18:7
[2] ILit unto obedience and sprinkling IILit be multiplied for you aRo 8:29; 1P 1:20 b2Th 2:13 c1P 1:14, 22 dHe 10:22; 12:24 e2P 1:2

3aBlessed° be the God° and Father° of our Lord° Jesus° Christ°, who baccording° to His great° mercy° chas caused us to be born° again° to da living° hope° through° the eresurrection° of Jesus° Christ° from the dead°, 4 to [obtain] an ainheritance° [which is] imperishable° and undefiled° and bwill not fade° away°, creserved° in heaven° for you, 5 who are aprotected° by the power° of God° bthrough° faith° for ca salvation° ready° dto be revealed° in the last° time°. 6 aIn this° you greatly° rejoice°, even though now° bfor a little° while°, cif° necessary°, you have been distressed° by dvarious° Itrials°, 7 so° that the Iaproof° of your faith°, [being] more° precious° than gold° which IIis perishable°, beven° though° tested° by fire°, cmay be found° to result° in praise° and glory° and honor° at dthe revelation° of Jesus° Christ°; 8 and athough you have not seen° Him, you blove° Him, and though you do not see° Him now°, but believe° in Him, you greatly° rejoice° with joy° inexpressible° and Ifull° of glory°, 9 obtaining° as athe outcome° of your faith° the salvation° of Iyour souls°.

[3] a2Co 1:3 bGa 6:16; Tit 3:5 cJm 1:18; 1P 1:23 d1P 1:13, 21; 3:5, 15; 1 Jn 3:3 e1Co 15:20; 1P 3:21
[4] aAc 20:32; Ro 8:17; Col 3:24 b1P 5:4 c2Ti 4:8
[5] aJn 10:28; Php 4:7 bEp 2:8 c1Co 1:21; 2Th 2:13 d1P 4:13; 5:1
[6] IOr temptations aRo 5:2 b1P 5:10 c1P 3:17 dJm 1:2; 1P 4:12
[7] IOr genuineness IILit perishes aJm 1:3 b1Co 3:13 cRo 2:7 dLk 17:30; 1P 1:13; 4:13
[8] ILit glorified aJn 20:29 bEp 3:19
[9] IOne early ms does not contain your aRo 6:22

10aAs to this° salvation°, the prophets° who bprophesied° of the cgrace° that [would come] to you made°° careful°° searches° and inquiries°, 11 Iseeking° to know° what° person° or° time° athe Spirit° of Christ° within° them was indicating° as He bpredicted° the sufferings° of Christ° and the glories° IIto follow°°. 12 It was revealed° to them that they were not serving° themselves°, but you, in these° things° which° now° have been announced° to you through° those° who apreached° the gospel° to you by bthe Holy° Spirit° sent° from heaven°—things into which° cangels° long° to Ilook°.

[10] aMt 13:17; Lk 10:24 bMt 26:24 c1P 1:13
[11] IOr inquiring IILit after these a2P 1:21 bMt 26:24
[12] IOr gain a clear glimpse a1P 1:25; 4:6 bAc 2:2-4 c1Ti 3:16

13 ¶ Therefore°, Iaprepare° your minds° for action, IIbkeep° sober° [in spirit], fix° your chope° completely° on the dgrace° IIIto be brought° to you at ethe revelation° of Jesus° Christ°. 14 As Iaobedient° children°, do not IIbbe conformed° to the former° lusts° [which were yours] in your cignorance°, 15 but Ialike° the Holy° One° who called° you, IIbbe holy° yourselves° also° cin all° [your] behavior°; 16 because° it is written°, “aYOU SHALL BE HOLY°, FOR I AM HOLY°.”

[13] ILit gird the loins of your mind IILit be sober IIIOr which is announced aEp 6:14 b1Th 5:6, 8; 2Ti 4:5; 1P 4:7; 5:8 c1P 1:3 d1P 1:10 e1P 1:7
[14] ILit children of obedience IIOr conform yourselves a1P 1:2 bRo 12:2; 1P 4:2f cEp 4:18
[15] ILit according to IIOr become a1Th 4:7; 1 Jn 3:3 b2Co 7:1 cJm 3:13
[16] aLv 11:44f; 19:2; 20:7

17 ¶ If° you aaddress° as Father° the One who bimpartially° cjudges° according° to each° one’s° work°, conduct° yourselves din fear° during the time° of your estay° [on earth]; 18 knowing° that you were not Iaredeemed° with perishable° things° like silver° or° gold° from your bfutile° way° of life° inherited° from your forefathers°, 19 but with precious° ablood°, as of a blamb° unblemished° and spotless°, [the blood] of Christ°. 20 For He was aforeknown° before° bthe foundation° of the world°, but has cappeared° Iin these° last° times° dfor the sake° of you 21 who through° Him are abelievers° in God°, who raised° Him from the dead° and bgave° Him glory°, so° that your faith° and chope° are in God°.

[17] aPs 89:26; Jr 3:19; Mt 6:9 bAc 10:34 cMt 16:27 d2Co 7:1; He 12:28; 1P 3:15 e1P 2:11
[18] IOr ransomed aIs 52:3; 1Co 6:20; Tit 2:14; He 9:12 bEp 4:17
[19] aAc 20:28; 1P 1:2 bJn 1:29
[20] ILit at the end of the times aAc 2:23; Ep 1:4; 1P 1:2; Rv 13:8 bMt 25:34 cHe 9:26 dHe 2:14
[21] aRo 4:24; 10:9 bJn 17:5, 24; 1Ti 3:16; He 2:9 c1P 1:3

22 ¶ Since you have ain obedience° to the truth° bpurified° your souls° for a Icsincere° love° of the brethren°, fervently° love° one° another° from IIthe heart°, 23 for you have been aborn° again° bnot of seed° which° is perishable° but imperishable°, [that is], through° the living° and enduring° cword° of God°. 24 For,
And this° is bthe word° which was Ipreached° to you.

[22] ILit unhypocritical IITwo early mss read a clean heart a1P 1:2 bJm 4:8 cJn 13:34; Ro 12:10; He 13:1; 1P 2:17; 3:8
[23] aJn 3:3; 1P 1:3 bJn 1:13 cHe 4:12
[24] aIs 40:6ff; Jm 1:10f
[25] ILit preached as good news to you aIs 40:8 bHe 6:5

New American Standard Bible
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He blesseth God for his manifold spiritual graces:

1 ¶ Peter,º an apostleº of Jesusº Christ,º to the strangersº scattered¹ throughout² Pontus,º Galatia,º Cappadocia,º Asia,º andº Bithynia,º 2 Electº accordingº to the foreknowledgeº of Godº the Father,º throughº sanctificationº of the Spirit,º untoº obedienceº andº sprinklingº of the bloodº of Jesusº Christ:º Graceº unto you,º andº peace,º be multiplied.ºª 3 Blessedº [be] the² Godº andº Fatherº of ourº Lordº Jesusº Christ,º which¹ according² to¹ his¹² abundantº mercyº hath begotten¹ª us¹ againºª² untoº a livelyºª hopeº byº the resurrectionº of Jesusº Christº fromº the dead,º 4 Toº an inheritanceº incorruptible,º andº undefiled,º andº that fadeth not away,º reservedºª inº heavenº forº you,¹² 5 Who¹ are keptºª byº the powerº of Godº throughº faithº untoº salvationº readyº to be revealedºª inº the lastº time.º 6 Whereinºº ye greatly rejoice,ºª though nowº for a season,º ifº need¹ª be,ºª² ye are in heavinessºª throughº manifoldº temptations:º 7 Thatº the² trialº of yourº faith,º being muchº more preciousº than of goldº that perisheth,ºª thoughº¹ it be triedºª with² fire,º might be foundºª untoº praiseº andº honourº andº gloryº atº the appearingº of Jesusº Christ:º 8 Whomº having¹ª notº seen,ºªªª ye love;ºª inº whom,º though nowº ye seeºª [him] not,º yetº believing,ºª ye rejoiceºª with joyº unspeakableº andº full of glory:ºª 9 Receivingºª the² endº of yourº faith,º [even] the salvationº of [your] souls.º

[1] Lv 26:33; Dt 4:27; 28:64; 32:26; Es 3:8; Ps 44:11; Ezk 6:8; Mt 4:18; 10:2; Jn 1:41; 7:35; 11:52; 21:15; Ac 2:5, 9; 6:9; 8:4; 16:6, 7; 18:2, 23; 19:10; 20:16; 1Co 16:19; 2Co 1:8; Ga 1:2; Ep 2:12, 19; 2Ti 1:15; He 11:13; Jm 1:1; 1P 2:11; Rv 1:11.
[2] Dt 7:6; Is 55:7; 65:9, 22; Dn 4:1; 6:25; Mt 24:22, 24, 31; Mk 13:20, 22, 27; Lk 18:7; Jn 15:16; Ac 2:23; 15:18; 20:32; Ro 1:5, 7; 8:13, 29, 33; 9:23; 11:2, 5, 28; 15:16; 16:19, 26; 1Co 1:30; 6:11; 2Co 10:5; 13:14; Ep 1:4; Col 3:12; 2Th 2:13; 2Ti 2:10; Tit 1:1; He 5:9; 9:19; 11:28; 12:24; 1P 1:22; 2:9; 2P 1:2; 2Jn 1:1, 13; Jde 1:2.
[3] Ex 34:6; 1K 8:15; 1Ch 29:10, 20; Ps 41:13; 72:18; 86:5, 15; Is 26:19; Jna 4:2; Jn 1:13; 3:3; Ro 4:25; 5:4, 10, 15; 8:11, 24; 12:12; 15:13; 1Co 13:13; 15:20; 2Co 1:3; Ep 1:3, 7, 17; 2:4, 6, 7; 3:20; Col 1:23, 27; 1Th 1:3; 4:13; 1Ti 1:14; Tit 2:13; 3:4; He 3:6; 6:18; Jm 1:18; 1P 1:23; 2:2; 3:21; 1Jn 2:29; 3:3, 9; 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18.
[4] Ps 31:19; Is 40:7; Ezk 47:12; Mt 25:34; Ac 20:32; 26:18; 1Co 9:25; 15:52; Ga 3:18; Ep 1:11, 14, 18; Col 1:5, 12; 3:3; 2Ti 4:8; He 9:15; Jm 1:11; 1P 3:9; 5:4; Rv 21:27.
[5] 1S 2:9; Jb 19:25; Ps 37:23, 28; 103:17; 125:1; Pv 2:8; Is 45:17; 51:6; 54:17; Jr 32:40; Jn 4:14; 5:24; 10:28; 12:48; 17:11, 15; Ro 8:31; 11:20; 2Co 1:24; Ga 2:20; Ep 2:8; 3:17; Php 1:6; 1Th 1:3; 2Th 2:13; 1Ti 6:14; 2Ti 3:15; Tit 2:13; He 6:12; 9:28; 1P 1:13; 1Jn 3:2; Jde 1:1, 24.
[6] 1S 2:1; Jb 9:27; Ps 9:14; 34:19; 35:10; 69:20; 95:1; 119:28, 75; Is 12:2; 61:3, 10; Lm 3:32; Mt 5:12; 11:28; 26:37; Lk 1:47; 2:10; 10:20; Jn 16:22, 33; Ac 14:22; Ro 5:2, 11; 9:2; 12:12; 1Co 4:9; 2Co 4:7, 17; 6:10; 11:23; 12:9; Ga 5:22; Php 2:26; 3:3; 4:4; 1Th 1:6; He 11:35; 12:7, 11; Jm 1:2, 9; 4:9; 1P 1:7, 8; 4:7, 13; 5:10.
[7] 1S 2:30; Jb 23:10; Ps 66:10; Pv 3:13; 8:19; 16:16; 17:3; Ec 5:14; Is 48:10; Jr 9:7; 48:36; Zc 13:9; Mal 3:3; Mt 19:28; 25:21, 23; Lk 12:20, 33; Jn 5:44; 12:26; Ac 8:20; Ro 2:7, 29; 5:3; 1Co 3:13; 4:5; 2Th 1:7; Jm 1:3, 12; 5:2; 1P 1:5; 2:4, 7; 4:12; 2P 1:1, 4; 3:10; Jde 1:24; Rv 1:7; 2:10; 3:10, 18; 18:16.
[8] So 1:7; 5:9, 16; Hab 3:17; Mt 10:37; 25:35; Jn 8:42; 14:15, 21, 24; 16:22; 20:29; 21:15; Ac 16:34; Ro 14:17; 15:13; 1Co 16:22; 2Co 1:22; 4:18; 5:7, 14; 9:15; 12:4; Ga 5:6, 22; Ep 1:13; 6:24; Php 1:25; 3:3; 4:4; He 11:1, 27; 1P 1:6; 2:7; 5:4; 1Jn 4:19, 20.
[9] Ro 6:22; He 11:13; Jm 1:21.

shewing that the salvation in Christ is no news, but a thing prophesied of old:

10 Ofº whichº salvationº the prophetsº have enquiredºª andº searched diligently,ºª who¹ prophesiedºª ofº the² graceº [that should come] untoº you:º 11 Searchingºª what,º¹ orº what mannerº of timeº the² Spiritº of Christº which¹ was inº themº did signify,ºª when it testified beforehandºª the² sufferingsº ofº Christ,º andº the² gloryº that should follow.ºº 12 Unto whomº it was revealed,ºª thatº notº unto themselves,º butº unto usº they did ministerºª the things,º whichº are¹ª nowº reportedºª unto youº byº them that have preached the gospelºª unto youº withº the Holyº Ghostº sent downºª fromº heaven;º which thingsº the angelsº desireºª to lookºª into.º

[10] Gn 49:10; Pv 2:4; Dn 2:44; 9:3; Hg 2:7; Zc 6:12; Mt 13:17; Lk 10:24; 24:25, 44; Jn 5:39; 7:52; Ac 3:22; 7:52; 10:43; 13:27; 17:11; 28:23; He 11:13, 40; 1P 1:11; 2P 1:19.
[11] Gn 3:15; 49:10; Ps 22:1, 22; 69:1, 30; 88:1; 110:1; Is 9:6; 49:6; 52:13; 53:1, 11; Dn 2:34, 44; 7:13; 9:24; Zc 8:18; 13:7; 14:9; Lk 24:25, 44; Jn 12:41; Ac 26:22; Ro 8:9; Ga 4:6; 1P 3:18; 2P 1:21; Rv 19:10.
[12] Ex 25:20; Pv 1:23; Is 11:2; 32:15; 44:3; 53:1; Dn 2:19, 22, 28, 47; 8:13; 9:24; 10:1; 12:5, 9, 13; Jol 2:28; Am 3:7; Zc 12:10; Mt 11:25, 27; 16:17; Mk 16:15; Lk 2:26; 9:6; 15:10; Jn 15:26; 16:7; Ac 2:4, 17, 33; 4:8, 31; 8:25; 10:44; 16:10; Ro 1:15, 17; 10:15; 15:19; 1Co 2:10; 2Co 1:22; 6:6; Ga 1:12, 16; Ep 3:10; 1Th 1:5; 2:9; He 2:4; 4:2; 11:13, 39; Rv 5:11.

and exhorteth them accordingly to a godly conversation, forasmuch as they are now born anew by the Word of God.

13 Whereforeº gird upºª the² loinsº of yourº mind,º be sober,ºª and hopeºª to the endº forº the² graceº that is to be broughtºª unto youº atº the revelationº of Jesusº Christ;º 14 Asº obedientº children,º notº fashioning yourselves² according to¹ª the² formerº lustsº inº yourº ignorance:º 15 Butº asº he which hath calledºª youº is holy,º soº beºª yeº holyº inº all¹ manner² of conversation;º 16 Becauseº it is written,ºª Be² ye¹ª holy;º forº Iº amºª holy.º 17 Andº ifº ye call onºª the Father,º who¹ without respect of persons¹ judgethºª² according² to¹ every man'sº work,º passºª the² timeº of yourº sojourningº [here] inº fear:º 18 Forasmuch as ye knowºª thatº ye were¹ª notº redeemedºª with corruptible things,º [as] silverº andº gold,º fromº yourº vainº conversationº [received] by tradition from your fathers;º 19 Butº with the preciousº bloodº of Christ,º asº of a lambº without blemishº andº without spot:º 20 Who verilyº was foreordainedºª beforeº the foundationº of the world,º butº was manifestºª inº these lastº timesº forº you,º 21 Who¹ byº himº do believeºª inº God,º that raised¹ª him¹ upºª² fromº the dead,º andº gaveºª himº glory;º thatº yourº faithº andº hopeº might beºª inº God.º 22 Seeing ye have purifiedºª yourº soulsº inº obeyingº the² truthº throughº the Spiritº untoº unfeignedº love of the brethren,º [see that ye] loveºª one anotherº withº a pureº heartº fervently:º 23 Being born again,ºª notº ofº corruptibleº seed,º butº of incorruptible,º byº the wordº of God,º which livethºª andº abidethºª for¹ ever.º² 24 Forº allº fleshº [is] asº grass,º andº allº the gloryº of manº asº the flowerº of grass.º The² grassº withereth,ºª andº the² flowerº thereofº falleth away:ºª 25 But¹² the² wordº of the Lordº endurethºª for¹ ever.º² Andº thisº isºª the² wordº which¹ by the gospel is preachedºª untoº you.º

[13] Ex 12:11; 1K 18:46; 2K 4:29; Jb 38:3; 40:7; Is 11:5; Jr 1:17; Lk 12:35; 17:8, 30; 21:34; Ro 13:13; 15:4; 1Co 1:7; 13:13; Ep 6:14; 1Th 5:6, 8; 2Th 1:7; 2Ti 4:8; Tit 2:11; He 3:6; 6:19; 9:28; 10:35; 1P 1:3, 4; 3:15; 4:7; 5:8; 1Jn 3:3.
[14] Ac 17:30; Ro 6:4; 12:2; Ep 2:2; 4:18; 5:6; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:5; Tit 3:3; 1P 4:2.
[15] Is 6:3; Mt 5:48; Lk 1:74; Ro 8:28; 9:24; 2Co 7:1; Ep 5:1; Php 1:27; 2:15; 3:14, 20; 1Th 2:12; 4:3, 7; 1Ti 4:12; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 2:11; 3:8, 14; He 12:14; 13:5; Jm 3:13; 1P 2:9, 12; 3:16; 5:10; 2P 1:3, 4, 10; 3:11; Rv 3:7; 4:8; 6:10.
[16] Lv 11:44; 19:2; 20:7; Am 3:3.
[17] Gn 47:9; Dt 10:17; 1Ch 29:15; 2Ch 19:7; Jb 34:19; Ps 39:12; Pv 14:16; 28:14; Zp 3:9; Mt 6:9; 7:7; 22:16; Ac 10:34; Ro 2:10; 11:20; 2Co 1:2; 5:6; 7:1, 11; Ga 2:6; Ep 1:17; 3:14; 6:9; Php 2:12; Col 3:25; He 4:1; 11:13; 12:28; 1P 2:11.
[18] Ps 39:6; 49:7; 62:10; Jr 4:11; 9:14; 16:19; 44:17; Ezk 20:18; Am 2:4; Zc 1:4; Mt 15:2; Ac 7:51; 19:34; Ro 1:21; 1Co 3:20; 6:20; 7:23; Ga 1:4; 1P 1:7; 4:3.
[19] Ex 12:5; Is 53:7; Dn 9:24; Zc 13:7; Mt 20:28; 26:28; Jn 1:29, 36; Ac 8:32; 20:28; 1Co 5:7; Ep 1:7; Col 1:14; He 9:12; 1P 2:22; 3:18; 1Jn 1:7; 2:2; Rv 1:5; 5:6, 9; 7:14; 14:1.
[20] Gn 3:15; Pv 8:23; Mi 5:2; Ac 3:25; Ro 3:25; 16:25; Ga 4:4; Ep 1:4, 10; 3:9, 11; Col 1:26; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 1:2; He 1:2; 9:26; 1Jn 1:2; 3:5, 8; 4:9; Rv 13:8.
[21] Ps 42:5; 146:3; Jr 17:7; Mt 28:18; Jn 3:34; 5:22, 24; 12:44; 13:31; 14:1, 6; 17:1; Ac 2:24, 32, 33; 3:13, 15; 4:10; Ep 1:12, 15, 20; Php 2:9; Col 1:27; 1Ti 1:1; He 2:9; 6:1; 7:25; 1P 1:11; 3:22.
[22] Jn 13:34; 15:3, 17; 17:17, 19; Ac 6:7; 15:9; Ro 1:5; 2:8; 6:16; 8:13; 12:9; 2Co 6:6; Ga 3:1; 5:5, 7; Ep 4:3; Php 1:9; 1Th 3:12; 4:8; 2Th 1:3; 2:13; 1Ti 1:3, 5; 4:12; 5:2; 2Ti 1:14; He 5:9; 6:10; 9:14; 11:8; 13:1; Jm 2:15; 4:8; 1P 2:17; 3:1, 8; 4:8, 17; 2P 1:7; 1Jn 3:11, 14, 23; 4:7, 12, 20; 5:1; Rv 2:4.
[23] Jr 23:28; Mal 2:3; Mt 24:35; Jn 1:3; 3:5; 6:63; Ro 1:23; 1Co 15:53; He 4:12; Jm 1:18; 1P 1:3, 25; 1Jn 3:9; 5:18.
[24] 2K 19:26; Ps 37:2; 90:5; 92:7; 102:4; 103:15; 129:6; Is 40:6; Jm 1:10; 4:14; 1Jn 2:17.
[25] Ps 102:12, 26; 119:89; Is 40:8; Mt 5:18; Lk 16:17; Jn 1:1, 14; 1Co 1:21; 2:2; 15:1; Ep 2:17; 3:8; Tit 1:3; 1P 1:12, 23; 2:2; 2P 1:19; 1Jn 1:1, 3.

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