NASB — John 13 — KJV

The Lord’s Supper

1 Now° before° the Feast° of athe Passover°, Jesus° knowing° that bHis hour° had come° that He would depart° out of this° world° cto the Father°, having loved° His own° who° were in the world°, He loved° them Ito the end°. 2 During° supper°, athe devil° having already° put° into the heart° of bJudas° Iscariot°, [the son] of Simon°, to betray° Him, 3 [Jesus], aknowing° that the Father° had given° all° things° into His hands°, and that bHe had come° forth° from God° and was going° back° to God°, 4 *got° up from supper°, and *laid° aside° His garments°; and taking° a towel°, He agirded° Himself°.

[1] IOr to the uttermost; or eternally aJn 2:13; 11:55 bJn 12:23 cJn 13:3; 16:28
[2] aJn 6:70; 13:27 bJn 6:71
[3] aJn 3:35 bJn 8:42
[4] aLk 12:37; 17:8

Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet

5 Then° He *poured° water° into the basin°, and began° to awash° the disciples’° feet° and to wipe° them with the towel° with which° He was girded°. 6 So° He *came° to Simon° Peter°. He *said° to Him, “Lord°, do You wash° my feet°?” 7 Jesus° answered° and said° to him, “What° I do° you do not realize° now°, but you will understand° ahereafter°°.” 8 Peter° *said° to Him, “Never°° shall You wash° my feet°!” Jesus° answered° him, aIf° I do not wash° you, byou have° no° part° with Me.” 9 Simon° Peter° *said° to Him, “Lord°, [then wash] not only° my feet°, but also° my hands° and my head°.” 10 Jesus° *said° to him, “He who has bathed° needs° only°°° to wash° his feet°, but is completely° clean°; and ayou are clean°, but not all° [of you].” 11 For aHe knew° the one who was betraying° Him; for this° reason° He said°, “Not all° of you are clean°.”

[5] aGn 18:4; 19:2; 43:24; Jg 19:21; Lk 7:44; 1Ti 5:10
[7] aJn 13:12ff
[8] aPs 51:2, 7; Ezk 36:25; Ac 22:16; 1Co 6:11; He 10:22 bDt 12:12; 2S 20:1; 1K 12:16
[10] aJn 15:3; Ep 5:26
[11] aJn 6:64; 13:2

12 ¶ So° when° He had washed° their feet°, and ataken° His garments° and reclined° [at the table] again°, He said° to them, “Do you know° what° I have done° to you? 13 You call° Me aTeacher° and bLord°; and Iyou are right°, for [so] I am°. 14 If° I then°, athe Lord° and the Teacher°, washed° your feet°, you also° ought° to wash° one° another’s° feet°. 15 For I gave° you aan example° that you also° should do° as I did° to you. 16 Truly°, truly°, I say° to you, aa slave° is not greater° than his master°, nor° [is] bone° who is sent° greater° than the one who sent° him. 17 If° you know° these° things°, you are ablessed° if° you do° them. 18 aI do not speak° of all° of you. I know° the ones° I have bchosen°; but [it is] cthat the Scripture° may be fulfilled°, ‘dHE WHO EATS° MY BREAD° HAS LIFTED° UP HIS HEEL° AGAINST° ME.’ 19 From now° on aI am telling° you before° [it] comes° to pass°, so° that when° it does occur°, you may believe° that bI am° [He]. 20 Truly°, truly°, I say° to you, ahe who receives° whomever°° I send° receives° Me; and he who receives° Me receives° Him who sent° Me.”

[12] aJn 13:4
[13] ILit you say well aJn 11:28 bJn 11:2; 1Co 12:3; Php 2:11
[14] aJn 11:2; 1Co 12:3; Php 2:11
[15] a1P 5:3
[16] aMt 10:24; Lk 6:40; Jn 15:20 b2Co 8:23; Php 2:25
[17] aMt 7:24ff; Lk 11:28; Jm 1:25
[18] aJn 13:10f bJn 6:70; 15:16, 19 cJn 15:25; 17:12; 18:32; 19:24, 36 dPs 41:9; Mt 26:21ff; Mk 14:18f; Lk 22:21ff; Jn 13:21, 22, 26
[19] aJn 14:29; 16:4 bJn 8:24
[20] aMt 10:40; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48; 10:16; Ga 4:14

Jesus Predicts His Betrayal

21 ¶ When Jesus° had said° this°, He abecame troubled° in spirit°, and testified° and said°, “Truly°, truly°, I say° to you, that bone° of you will Ibetray° Me.” 22 The disciples° [began] looking° at one° another°, aat a loss° [to know] of which° one° He was speaking°. 23 There was reclining° on aJesus’° bosom° one° of His disciples°, bwhom° Jesus° loved°. 24 So° Simon° Peter° *gestured° to him, and *said° to him, “Tell° [us] who° it is of whom° He is speaking°.” 25 He, aleaning° back° thus° on Jesus’° bosom°, *said° to Him, “Lord°, who° is it?” 26 Jesus° then° *answered°, “That is the one for whom° I shall dip° the morsel° and give° it to him.” So° when He had dipped° the morsel°, He *took° and *gave° it to Judas°, a[the son] of Simon° Iscariot°. 27 After° the morsel°, aSatan° then° bentered° into him. Therefore° Jesus° *said° to him, “What° you do°, do° quickly°.” 28 Now° no° one° of those° reclining° [at the table] knew° for what° purpose He had said° this° to him. 29 For some° were supposing°, because° Judas° ahad° the money° box°, that Jesus° was saying° to him, “Buy° the things we have° need° of bfor the feast°”; or° else°, that he should cgive° something° to the poor°. 30 So° after receiving° the morsel° he went° out immediately°; and ait was night°.

[21] IOr hand Me over aJn 11:33 bMt 26:21f; Mk 14:18ff; Lk 22:21ff; Jn 13:18, 22, 26
[22] aMt 26:21ff; Mk 14:18ff; Lk 22:21ff; Jn 13:18, 21, 26
[23] aJn 1:18 bJn 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20
[25] aJn 21:20
[26] aJn 6:71
[27] aMt 4:10 bLk 22:3; Jn 13:2
[29] aJn 12:6 bJn 13:1 cJn 12:5
[30] aLk 22:53

31 ¶ Therefore° when° he had gone° out, Jesus° *said°, “Now° Iis athe Son° of Man° bglorified°, and cGod° Iis glorified° in Him; 32 Iif° God° is glorified° in Him, aGod° will also° glorify° Him in Himself°, and will glorify° Him immediately°. 33 aLittle° children°, I am° with you ba little° while° longer°. cYou will seek° Me; and as I said° to the Jews°, now° I also° say° to you, ‘Where° I am going°, you cannot°° come°.’ 34 A anew° commandment° I give° to you, bthat you love° one° another°, ceven° as I have loved° you, that you also° love° one° another°. 35 aBy this° all° men° will know° that you are My disciples°, if° you have° love° for one° another°.”

[31] IOr was aMt 8:20 bJn 7:39 cJn 14:13; 17:4; 1P 4:11
[32] IMost early mss do not contain this phrase aJn 17:1
[33] a1 Jn 2:1 bJn 7:33 cJn 7:34
[34] aJn 15:12, 17; 1 Jn 2:7f; 3:11, 23; 2 Jn 5 bLv 19:18; Mt 5:44; Ga 5:14; 1Th 4:9; He 13:1; 1P 1:22; 1 Jn 4:7 cEp 5:2; 1 Jn 4:10f
[35] a1 Jn 3:14; 4:20

36 ¶ Simon° Peter° *said° to Him, “Lord°, where° are You going°?” Jesus° answered°, aWhere° I go°, you cannot°° follow° Me now°; but byou will follow° later°.” 37 Peter° *said° to Him, “Lord°, why°° can° I not follow° You right° now°? aI will lay° down° my life° for You.” 38 Jesus° *answered°, “Will you lay° down° your life° for Me? Truly°, truly°, I say° to you, aa rooster° will not crow° until° you deny° Me three° times°.

[36] aJn 13:33; 14:2; 16:5 bJn 21:18f; 2P 1:14
[37] aJn 13:37, 38: Mt 26:33-35; Mk 14:29-31; Lk 22:33-34
[38] aMk 14:30; Jn 18:27

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Jesus washeth the disciples' feet:

1 ¶ Nowº beforeº the² feastº of the² passover,º when Jesusº knewºª thatº hisº hourº was comeºª thatº he should departºª out ofº thisº worldº untoº the² Father,º having lovedºª his ownº whichº were inº the² world,º he lovedºª themº untoº the end.º 2 Andº supperº being ended,ºª the² devilº having nowº putºª intoº the² heartº of Judasº Iscariot,º Simon'sº [son], toº betrayºª him;º 3 Jesusº knowingºª thatº the² Fatherº had givenºª all thingsº intoº hisº hands,º andº thatº he was comeºª fromº God,º andº wentºª toº God;º 4 He risethºª fromº supper,º andº laid asideºª his garments;º andº tookºª a towel,º and girdedºª himself.º 5 After thatº he pourethºª waterº intoº a bason,º andº beganºª to washºª the² disciples'º feet,º andº to wipeºª [them] with the² towelº wherewithº he wasºª girded.ºª 6 Thenº cometh² he¹ª toº Simonº Peter:º andº Peterº saithºª unto him,º Lord,º dost¹ª thouº washºª myº feet?º 7 Jesusº answeredºª andº saidºª unto him,º Whatº Iº doºª thouº knowestºª notº now;º butº thou shalt knowºª hereafter.ºº 8 Peterº saithºª unto him,º Thou shalt¹ª neverººº washºª myº feet.º Jesusº answeredºª him,º Ifºª I washºª theeº not,¹² thou hastºª noº partº withº me.º 9 Simonº Peterº saithºª unto him,º Lord,º notº myº feetº only,º butº alsoº [my] handsº andº [my] head.º 10 Jesusº saithºª to him,º He that is washedºª needethº² notº¹ª saveº to washºª [his] feet,º butº isºª cleanº every whit:º andº yeº areºª clean,º butº notº all.º 11 Forº he knewºª who¹ should betrayºª him;º thereforeºº said² he,¹ª Ye areºª notº allº clean.º 12 Soº afterº he had washedºª theirº feet,º andº had takenºª his¹² garments,º and was set downºª again,º he saidºª unto them,º Know² ye¹ª whatº I have doneºª to you?º 13 Yeº callºª meº Masterº andº Lord:º andº ye sayºª well;º forº [so] I am.ºª

[1] Jr 31:3; Mt 26:2, 45; 28:20; Mk 14:1; Lk 9:51; 13:32; 22:1, 53; Jn 6:4; 7:6, 30; 8:20; 11:9; 12:23; 13:3, 34; 14:28; 15:9, 13; 16:5, 28; 17:1, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 26; 18:4; Ro 8:37; 1Co 1:8; Ep 5:25; He 3:6, 14; 6:11; 1P 1:13; 1Jn 4:19; Rv 1:5.
[2] Ezr 7:27; Ne 2:12; Lk 22:3, 31; Jn 6:70; 13:4, 26, 27; Ac 5:3; 2Co 8:16; Ep 2:3; Jm 1:13; Rv 17:17.
[3] Mt 11:27; 28:18; Lk 10:22; Jn 1:18; 3:13, 35; 5:22; 7:29, 33; 8:42; 13:1; 16:27; 17:2, 5, 11; Ac 2:36; 1Co 15:27; Ep 1:21; Php 2:9; He 1:2; 2:8.
[4] Lk 12:37; 17:7; 22:27; 2Co 8:9; Php 2:6.
[5] Gn 18:4; 19:2; Ex 29:4; Lv 14:8; 1S 25:41; 2K 3:11; 5:10; Ps 51:2; Is 1:16; Ezk 36:25; Zc 13:1; Lk 7:38, 44; Jn 13:8, 10, 12; 19:34; Ac 22:16; 1Co 6:11; Ep 5:26; 1Ti 5:10; Tit 3:3; He 10:22; 1Jn 1:7; 5:6; Rv 1:5; 7:14.
[6] Mt 3:11; Lk 5:8; Jn 1:27.
[7] Jr 32:24, 43; Dn 12:8, 12; Hab 2:1; Jn 12:16; 13:10; 14:26; Jm 5:7.
[8] Gn 42:38; Is 4:4; Ezk 16:4; 36:25; Zc 13:1; Mt 16:22; 21:29; 26:33, 35; Jn 3:5; 13:6; Ac 22:16; 1Co 6:11; Ep 5:26; Col 2:18, 23; Tit 3:5; He 9:22; 10:4, 22; Rv 1:5; 7:14.
[9] Ps 26:6; 51:2, 7; Jr 4:14; Mt 27:24; He 10:22; 1P 3:21.
[10] Lv 16:26, 28; 17:15; Nu 19:7, 12, 19; Ec 7:20; So 4:7; Jr 50:20; Mt 6:12; Jn 15:3; Ro 7:20; 2Co 5:17, 21; 7:1; Ep 4:22; 5:26; 1Th 5:23; He 9:10; Jm 3:2; 1Jn 1:7.
[11] Mt 26:24; Jn 2:25; 6:64; 13:18, 21, 26; 17:12.
[12] Ezk 24:19, 24; Mt 13:51; Mk 4:13; Jn 13:7.
[13] Jr 1:12; Mt 7:21; 23:8; Lk 6:46; 7:43; 10:28; Jn 11:28; Ro 14:8; 1Co 8:6; 12:3; Php 2:11; 3:8; Jm 2:19; 2P 1:14.

exhorteth them to humility and charity.

14 Ifº Iº then,º [your] Lordº andº Master,º have washedºª yourº feet;º yeº alsoº oughtºª to washºª one another'sº feet.º 15 Forº I have givenºª youº an example,º thatº yeº should² doºª asº¹ Iº have doneºª to you.º 16 Verily,º verily,º I sayºª unto you,º The servantº isºª notº greater² than¹ his¹² lord;º neitherº he that is sentº greater² than¹ he that sentºª him.º 17 Ifº ye knowºª these things,º happyº are² ye¹ª ifº ye doºª them.º

[14] Mt 20:26; Mk 10:43; Lk 22:26; Ac 20:35; Ro 12:10, 16; 15:1; 1Co 8:13; 9:19; 2Co 8:9; 10:1; Ga 5:13; 6:1; Php 2:2, 5; He 5:8; 12:2; 1P 4:1; 5:5.
[15] Mt 11:29; Ro 15:5; Ep 5:2; 1P 2:21; 3:17; 1Jn 2:6.
[16] Mt 10:24; Lk 6:40; Jn 3:3, 5; 15:20.
[17] Gn 6:22; Ex 40:16; Ps 19:11; 119:1; Ezk 36:27; Mt 7:24; 12:50; 22:38; Lk 12:47; Jn 15:14; 2Co 5:14; Ga 5:6; He 11:7; Jm 1:25; 2:20; 4:17; Rv 22:14.

He foretelleth, and discovereth to John by a token, that Judas should betray him:

18I speakºª notº ofº youº all:º Iº knowºª whomº I have chosen:ºª butº thatº the² scriptureº may be fulfilled,ºª He that eatethºª breadº withº meº hath lifted upºª his¹² heelº againstº me.º 19 Nowºº I tellºª youº beforeº it come,ºª that,º whenº it is come to pass,ºª ye may believeºª thatº Iº amºª [he]. 20 Verily,º verily,º I sayºª unto you,º He that receivethºª whomsoeverºº I sendºª receivethºª me;º andº he that receivethºª meº receivethºª him that sentºª me.º 21 When Jesusº had¹ª thusº said,ºª he was troubledºª in spirit,º andº testified,ºª andº said,ºª Verily,º verily,º I sayºª unto you,º thatº oneº ofº youº shall betrayºª me.º 22 Thenº the² disciplesº lookedºª one on another,ºº doubtingºª ofº whomº he spake.ºª 23 Nowº there wasºª leaningºª onº Jesus'º bosomº oneº of² hisº disciples,º whomº Jesusº loved.ºª 24 Simonº Peterº thereforeº beckonedºª to him,º that he should askºª whoº it should¹ beºª² ofº whomº he spake.ºª 25 Heº thenº lying² onº¹ª Jesus'º breastº saithºª unto him,º Lord,º whoº is² it?¹ª 26 Jesusº answered,ºª Heº it is,ºª to whomº I² shall giveºª a sop,º when I¹ have dippedºª [it]. Andº when he had dippedºª the² sop,º he gaveºª [it] to Judasº Iscariot,º [the son] of Simon.º 27 Andº afterº the² sopº¹ Satanº enteredºª intoº him.º Thenº saidºª Jesusº unto him,º Thatº thou doest,ºª doºª quickly.º 28 Nowº no manº at the tableºª knewºª for² what¹ intentº he spakeºª thisº unto him.º 29 Forº someº [of them] thought,ºª becauseº Judasº hadºª the² bag,º thatº Jesusº had saidºª unto him,º Buyºª [those things] thatº we haveºª need² of¹ againstº the² feast;º or,º thatº he should giveºª somethingº to the² poor.º 30 Heº thenº having receivedºª the² sopº went¹ª immediately¹ out:ºª² andº it wasºª night.º

[18] Ps 41:9; Mt 10:36; 26:23; Mk 14:20; Jn 13:11; 17:12; 21:17; 2Co 4:5; He 4:13; Rv 2:23.
[19] Is 41:23; 43:10; 48:5; Mal 3:1; Mt 11:3; 24:25; Lk 21:13; Jn 1:15; 8:23, 58; 14:29; 16:4; Rv 1:17.
[20] Mt 10:40; 25:40; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48; 10:16; Jn 12:44; Ga 4:14; Col 2:6; 1Th 4:8.
[21] Mt 26:21, 38; Mk 3:5; 14:18; Lk 22:21; Jn 11:33, 35, 38; 12:27; 13:2, 18; Ac 1:16; 17:16; Ro 9:2; 2Co 2:12; 1Jn 2:19.
[22] Gn 42:1; Mt 26:22; Mk 14:19; Lk 22:23.
[23] 2S 12:3; Jn 1:18; 11:3, 5, 36; 13:25; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20, 24; Rv 1:16.
[24] Lk 1:22; 5:7; Ac 12:17; 13:16; 21:40.
[25] Gn 44:4; Es 7:5.
[26] Mt 26:23; Mk 14:19; Lk 22:21; Jn 6:70; 12:4; 13:30.
[27] 1K 18:27; Ps 109:6; Pv 1:16; Ec 9:3; Jr 2:24; Dn 2:15; Mt 12:45; Mk 6:25; Lk 8:32; 22:3; Jn 13:2; Ac 5:3; Jm 1:13.
[29] Jn 12:5; Ac 20:34; Ga 2:10; Ep 4:28.
[30] Jb 24:13; Pv 4:16; Is 59:7; Ro 3:15.

commandeth them to love one another:

31 ¶ Therefore,¹² when¹ he was gone out,ºª Jesusº said,ºª Nowº is¹ª the² Sonº of manº glorified,ºª andº Godº is glorifiedºª inº him.º 32 Ifº Godº be glorifiedºª inº him,º Godº shall¹ª alsoº glorifyºª himº inº himself,º andº shall¹ª straightwayº glorifyºª him.º 33 Little children,º yetº a little whileº I amºª withº you.º Ye shall seekºª me:º andº asº I saidºª unto the² Jews,º¹ Whitherº Iº go,ºª yeº cannotººª come;ºª soº nowº I sayºª to you.º 34 A newº commandmentº I giveºª unto you,º Thatº ye loveºª one another;º asº I have lovedºª you,º thatº yeº alsoº loveºª one another.º 35 Byº thisº shall¹ª allº [men] knowºª thatº ye areºª my¹² disciples,º ifº ye haveºª loveº one to another.ºº

[31] Is 49:3; Lk 2:10; 12:50; Jn 7:39; 11:4; 12:23, 28; 14:13; 16:14; 17:1; Ac 2:36; 3:13; Ro 15:6; 2Co 3:18; 4:4; Ep 1:5, 12; 2:7; 3:10; Php 2:11; Col 2:14; He 5:5; 1P 1:21; 4:11; Rv 5:9.
[32] Is 53:10; Jn 12:23; 17:4, 21; He 1:2; 1P 3:22; Rv 3:21; 21:22; 22:1, 3, 13.
[33] Jn 7:33; 8:21; 12:35; 14:4, 19; 16:16; Ga 4:19; 1Jn 2:1; 4:4; 5:21.
[34] Lv 19:18, 34; Ps 16:3; 119:63; Jn 15:12, 17; 17:21; Ro 12:10; 1Co 12:26; 13:4; Ga 5:6, 13, 22; 6:2, 10; Ep 5:2; Php 2:1; Col 1:4; 3:12; 1Th 3:12; 4:9; 2Th 1:3; He 13:1; Jm 2:8; 1P 1:22; 3:8; 2P 1:7; 1Jn 2:8; 3:14, 23; 4:7, 21; 5:1; 2Jn 1:5.
[35] Gn 13:7; Jn 17:21; Ac 4:32; 5:12; 1Jn 2:5, 10; 3:10; 4:20.

and forewarneth Peter of his denial.

36 ¶ Simonº Peterº saidºª unto him,º Lord,º whitherº goestºª thou? Jesusº answeredºª him,º Whitherº I go,ºª thou canstºª notº followºª meº now;º butº thou shalt followºª meº afterwards.º 37 Peterº saidºª unto him,º Lord,º whyº cannotººª I followºª theeº now?º I will lay downºª myº lifeº for¹ thy sake.º² 38 Jesusº answeredºª him,º Wilt thou lay downºª thyº lifeº for¹ my sake?º² Verily,º verily,º I sayºª unto thee,º The cockº shall¹ª notº crow,ºª tillº¹ thou hast² deniedºª meº thrice.º

[36] Jn 13:33; 14:4; 16:17; 21:18, 21, 22; 2P 1:14.
[37] Mt 26:31; Mk 14:27; Lk 22:31; Jn 21:15; Ac 20:24; 21:13.
[38] Pv 16:18; 28:26; 29:23; Mt 26:34, 69; Mk 14:30, 66; Lk 22:34, 56; Jn 18:16, 25; 1Co 10:12.

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