NASB — Galatians 2 — KJV

The Council at Jerusalem

1 Then° after° an interval of fourteen° years° I awent° up again° to Jerusalem° with bBarnabas°, taking° cTitus° along° also°. 2 IIt was because° of a arevelation° that I went° up; and I submitted° to them the bgospel° which° I preach° among° the Gentiles°, but [I did so] in private°° to those° who were of reputation°, for fear° that I might be crunning°, or° had run°, in vain°. 3 But not even° aTitus°, who° was with me, though he was a Greek°, was bcompelled° to be circumcised°. 4 But [it was] because° of the afalse° brethren° secretly° brought° in, who bhad sneaked° in to spy° out our cliberty° which° we have° in Christ° Jesus°, in order° to dbring° us into bondage°. 5 But we did not yield° in subjection° to them for even° an hour°, so° that athe truth° of the gospel° would remain° with you. 6 But from those° who Iwere of high° areputation° (what° they were makes° no° difference° to me; bGod° IIshows° no° partiality°)—well°, those° who were of reputation° contributed° nothing° to me. 7 But on the contrary°, seeing° that I had been aentrusted° with the bgospel° Ito the uncircumcised°, just° as cPeter° [had been] IIto the circumcised° 8 (for He who effectually° worked° for Peter° in [his] aapostleship° Ito the circumcised° effectually° worked° for me also° to the Gentiles°), 9 and recognizing° athe grace° that had been given° to me, IbJames° and cCephas° and John°, who were dreputed° to be epillars°, gave° to me and fBarnabas° the gright° IIhand° of fellowship°, so° that we [might] h[go] to the Gentiles° and they to the circumcised°. 10 [They] only° [asked] us to remember° the poor°athe very° thing° I also° was eager° to do°.

[1] aAc 15:2 bAc 4:36; Ga 2:9, 13 c2Co 2:13; Ga 2:3
[2] ILit according to revelation I went up aAc 15:2; Ga 1:12 bGa 1:6 cRo 9:16; 1Co 9:24ff; Ga 5:7; Php 2:16; 2Ti 4:7; He 12:1
[3] a2Co 2:13; Ga 2:1 bAc 16:3; 1Co 9:21
[4] aAc 15:1, 24; 2Co 11:13, 26; Ga 1:7 b2P 2:1; Jde 4 cGa 5:1, 13; Jm 1:25 dRo 8:15; 2Co 11:20
[5] aGa 1:6; 2:14; Col 1:5
[6] ILit seemed to be something IILit does not receive a face a2Co 11:5; 12:11; Ga 2:9; 6:3 bAc 10:34
[7] ILit of the uncircumcision IILit of the circumcision a1Co 9:17; 1Th 2:4; 1Ti 1:11 bAc 9:15; Ga 1:16 cGa 1:18; 2:9, 11, 14
[8] ILit of the circumcision aAc 1:25
[9] IOr Jacob IILit hands aRo 12:3 bAc 12:17; Ga 2:12 cLk 22:8; Ga 1:18; 2:7, 11, 14 d2Co 11:5; 12:11; Ga 2:2, 6; 6:3 e1Ti 3:15; Rv 3:12 fAc 4:36; Ga 2:1, 13 g2K 10:15 hGa 1:16
[10] aAc 24:17

Peter (Cephas) Opposed by Paul

11 ¶ But when° aCephas° came° to bAntioch°, I opposed° him to his face°, because° he Istood condemned°. 12 For prior° to the coming° of certain° men° from IaJames°, he used to beat° with the Gentiles°; but when° they came°, he [began] to withdraw° and hold° himself° aloof°, cfearing° IIthe party of the circumcision°. 13 The rest° of the Jews° joined° him in hypocrisy°, with the result° that even° aBarnabas° was carried° away° by their hypocrisy°. 14 But when° I saw° that they awere not Istraightforward° about° bthe truth° of the gospel°, I said° to cCephas° in the presence° of all°, “If° you, being° a Jew°, dlive° like° the Gentiles° and not like° the Jews°, how° [is it that] you compel° the Gentiles° to live° like° Jews°?II

[11] IOr was to be condemned; lit was one who was condemned, or, was self-condemned aGa 1:18; 2:7, 9, 14 bAc 11:19; 15:1
[12] IOr Jacob IIOr converts from the circumcised; lit those from the circumcision aAc 12:17; Ga 2:9 bAc 11:3 cAc 11:2
[13] aAc 4:36; Ga 2:1, 9
[14] IOr progressing toward; lit walking straightly IISome close the direct quotation here, others extend it through v 21 aHe 12:13 bGa 1:6; 2:5; Col 1:5 cGa 1:18; 2:7, 9, 11 dAc 10:28; Ga 2:12

15 ¶ “We [are] aJews° by nature° and not bsinners° from among° the Gentiles°; 16 nevertheless° knowing° that aa man° is not justified° by the works° of Ithe Law° but through° faith° in Christ° Jesus°, even° we have believed° in Christ° Jesus°, so° that we may be justified° by bfaith° in Christ° and not by the works° of Ithe Law°; since° cby the works° of Ithe Law° no°° IIflesh° will be justified°. 17 But if°, while seeking° to be justified° in Christ°, we ourselves° have also° been found° asinners°, is Christ° then° a minister° of sin°? bMay it never° be! 18 For if° I rebuild° what° I have [once] destroyed°, I aprove° myself° to be a transgressor°. 19 For through° Ithe Law° I adied° to Ithe Law°, so° that I might live° to God°. 20 I have been acrucified° with Christ°; and it is no° longer° I who live°, but bChrist° lives° in me; and Ithe [life] which° I now° live° in the flesh° I live° by faith° in cthe Son° of God°, who dloved° me and egave° Himself° up for me. 21 I do not nullify° the grace° of God°, for aif° righteousness° [comes] through° Ithe Law°, then° Christ° died° needlessly°.”

[15] aPhp 3:4f b1S 15:18; Lk 24:7
[16] IOr law IIOr mortal man aAc 13:39; Ga 3:11 bRo 3:22; 9:30 cPs 143:2; Ro 3:20
[17] aGa 2:15 bLk 20:16; Ga 3:21
[18] aRo 3:5
[19] IOr law aRo 6:2; 7:4; 1Co 9:20
[20] IOr insofar as I aRo 6:6; Ga 5:24; 6:14 bRo 8:10 cMt 4:3 dRo 8:37 eGa 1:4
[21] IOr law aGa 3:21

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He sheweth when he went up again to Jerusalem, and for what purpose:

1 ¶ Thenº fourteenº yearsº afterº I went upºª againº toº Jerusalemº withº Barnabas,º and took¹ª Titus¹ with²² [me]¹ª also.º 2 Andº I went upºª byº revelation,º andº communicatedºª unto themº that gospelº whichº I preachºª amongº the² Gentiles,º butº privatelyºº to them which were of reputation,ºª lest by any meansº¹ I should run,ºª orº had run,ºª inº vain.º

[1] Ac 4:36; 11:25, 30; 12:25; 13:2, 50; 14:12; 15:2, 25, 36; 1Co 9:6; 2Co 8:16, 23; Ga 1:18; 2:3, 13; Col 4:10; Tit 1:4.
[2] Ec 10:1; Mt 10:16; Ac 5:34; 15:4, 12; 16:9; 18:9; 23:11; 1Co 1:23; 2:2; 9:26; Ga 1:16; 2:6, 9; Php 2:16, 29; 1Th 3:5.

and that Titus was not circumcised:

3 Butº neitherº Titus,º whoº was withº me,º beingºª a Greek,º was compelled¹ª² to be circumcised:ºª 4 Andº that because² of¹ false brethrenº unawares brought in,º whoº came in privilyºª to spy outºª ourº libertyº whichº we haveºª inº Christº Jesus,º thatº they might bring¹ª us¹ into bondage:ºª² 5 To whomº we gave placeºª by subjection,º no, notº forº an hour;º thatº the² truthº of the² gospelº might continueºª withº you.º 6 Butº ofº these² who seemedºª to beºª somewhat,º (whatsoeverºº they were,ºª it maketh¹ª no¹ matterºª² to me:º Godº acceptethºª noº man'sº person:)º forº they who seemedºª [to be somewhat] in conference addedºª nothingº to me:º 7 Butº contrariwise,º when they sawºª thatº the² gospelº of the² uncircumcisionº was committed² unto me,¹ª asº [the gospel] of the² circumcisionº [was] unto Peter;º 8 (Forº he that wrought effectuallyºª in Peterº toº the apostleshipº of the² circumcision,º the same¹ was mightyºª in² meº towardº the² Gentiles:)º 9 Andº when James,ºº Cephas,º andº John,º who¹ seemedºª to beºª pillars,º perceivedºª the² graceº that was givenºª unto me,º they gaveºª to meº andº Barnabasº the right handsº of fellowship;º thatº weº [should go] untoº the² heathen,º andº theyº untoº the² circumcision.º 10 Onlyº [they would] thatº we should rememberºª the² poor;º the sameºº whichº I¹ª alsoº was forwardºª to do.ºª

[3] Ac 15:24; 16:3; 1Co 9:20; Ga 5:2.
[4] Ps 51:12; 119:45; Is 51:23; Jn 8:31; Ac 15:1, 24; 20:30; 2Co 3:17; 11:13, 17, 20, 26; Ga 3:23; 4:3, 9, 25; 5:1, 10, 12, 13; 2Ti 3:6; 1P 2:16; 2P 2:1, 19; 1Jn 4:1; Jde 1:4.
[5] Ac 15:2; Ga 2:14; 3:1; 4:16; Ep 1:13; Col 1:5; 2:4; 1Th 2:13; Jde 1:3.
[6] Jb 32:6, 17; 34:19; Mt 22:16; Mk 6:17; 12:14; Lk 20:21; Ac 10:34; 15:6; Ro 2:11; 2Co 5:16; 11:5, 21; 12:11; Ga 2:2, 9, 10, 11; 6:3; He 13:7, 17; 1P 1:17.
[7] Ac 13:46; 15:12, 25; 18:6; 28:28; Ro 1:5; 11:13; Ga 1:16; 2:9; 1Th 2:4; 1Ti 2:7; 2Ti 1:11; 2P 3:15.
[8] Ac 1:8; 2:14; 3:12; 4:4; 5:12; 8:17; 9:15; 13:2; 14:3; 15:12; 19:11, 26; 21:19; 22:21; 26:17; 1Co 1:5; 9:2; 15:10; 2Co 11:4; Ga 3:5; Col 1:29.
[9] Mt 16:18; Ac 15:7, 13, 22, 23; Ro 1:5; 12:3, 5; 15:15; 1Co 15:10; 2Co 8:4; Ga 2:2, 6, 12; Ep 2:20; 3:8; Col 1:29; 1P 4:10; 1Jn 1:3; Rv 3:12; 21:14.
[10] Ac 11:29; 24:17; Ro 15:25; 1Co 16:1; 2Co 8:1; He 13:16; Jm 2:15; 1Jn 3:17.

and that he resisted Peter, and told him the reason,

11 Butº whenº Peterº was comeºª toº Antioch,º I withstoodºª himº toº the face,º becauseº he wasºª to be blamed.ºª 12 Forº before¹ that certainº cameºª fromº James,º he did eatºª withº the² Gentiles:º butº whenº they were come,ºª he withdrewºª andº separatedºª himself,º fearingºª them² which were ofº the circumcision.º 13 Andº the² otherº Jewsº dissembled¹ª likewise¹ with²² him;º insomuch¹ that² Barnabasº alsoº was carried away¹ª with² theirº dissimulation.º

[11] Ex 32:21; Nu 20:12; Jr 1:17; Jna 1:3; 4:3, 9; Mt 16:17, 23; Ac 15:30, 37; 23:1; 2Co 5:16; 11:5, 21; 12:11; Ga 2:5; 1Ti 5:20; Jm 3:2; 1Jn 1:8; Jde 1:3.
[12] Pv 29:25; Is 57:11; 65:5; Mt 26:69; Lk 15:2; Ac 10:28; 11:3; 21:18; Ga 2:9; Ep 2:15, 19; 3:6; 1Th 5:22.
[13] Gn 12:11; 26:6; 27:24; Jb 15:12; Ec 7:20; 10:1; 1Co 5:6; 8:9; 12:2; 15:33; Ep 4:14; He 13:9.

why he and others, being Jews, do believe in Christ to be justified by faith, and not by works:

14 Butº whenº I sawºª thatº they walked¹ª not¹ uprightlyºª² according² to¹ the² truthº of the² gospel,º I saidºª unto Peterº beforeº [them] all,º Ifº thou,º beingºª a Jew,º livestºª after the manner of Gentiles,º andº notº as do the Jews,º whyº compellest² thou¹ª the² Gentilesº to live as do the Jews?ºª 15 Weº [who are] Jewsº by nature,º andº notº sinnersº ofº the Gentiles,º 16 Knowing¹ª² thatº a manº is¹ª notº justifiedºª byº the worksº of the law,º butº byº the faithº of Jesusº Christ,º evenº weº have believedºª inº Jesusº Christ,º thatº we might be justifiedºª byº the faithº of Christ,º andº notº byº the worksº of the law:º forº byº the worksº of the lawº shall¹ª noº¹ fleshº be justified.ºª 17 Butº if,º while we seekºª to be justifiedºª byº Christ,º we¹ª² ourselves¹ alsoº are foundºª sinners,º [is] thereforeº Christº the ministerº of sin?º God forbid.ººª 18 Forº ifº I buildºª againº the thingsº whichº I destroyed,ºª I makeºª myselfº a transgressor.º 19 Forº Iº throughº the lawº am deadºª to the law,º thatº I might liveºª unto God.º

[14] Lv 19:17; Ps 15:2; 58:1; 84:11; 141:5; Pv 2:7; 10:9; 27:5; Ac 10:28; 11:3; 15:10, 19, 24, 28; Ro 14:14; Ga 2:3, 5, 11, 12; 6:12; 1Ti 4:3; 5:20; He 9:10.
[15] Mt 3:7; 9:11; Mk 7:26; Jn 8:39; Ac 22:21; Ro 3:9; 4:16; Ep 2:3, 11; Tit 3:3.
[16] Jb 9:2, 29; 25:4; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Lk 10:25; Jn 6:68; 20:31; Ac 4:12; 13:38; Ro 1:17; 3:19, 21, 27, 28, 30; 4:2, 5, 13, 24; 5:1, 8; 8:3, 30; 1Co 6:11; 2Co 5:19; Ga 2:19, 20; 3:10, 11, 13, 22; 4:5; 5:4; Php 3:9; He 7:18; 1P 1:2, 8, 18; 2:24; 3:18; 2P 1:1; 1Jn 1:7; 2:1; Rv 7:9, 14.
[17] Mt 1:21; Ro 3:4, 6; 6:1; 9:30; 11:7; 15:8; 2Co 3:7; Ga 2:11; He 7:24; 8:2; 1Jn 3:5, 8.
[18] Ro 14:15; 1Co 8:11; Ga 2:4, 12, 21; 4:9; 5:11.
[19] Ro 3:19; 4:15; 5:20; 6:2, 11, 14; 7:4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 22; 8:2; 10:4; 14:7; 1Co 10:31; 2Co 5:15; Ga 2:20; 3:10, 24; Col 2:20; 3:3; 1Th 5:10; Tit 2:14; He 9:14; 1P 2:24; 4:1, 6.

and that they live not in sin, who are so justified.

20 I am crucified¹ª with² Christ:º neverthelessº I live;ºª yet notº I,º butº Christº livethºª inº me:º andº the life whichº I¹ª nowº liveºª inº the fleshº I liveºª byº the faithº of² the² Sonº of God,º who¹ lovedºª me,º andº gaveºª himselfº forº me.º 21 I do¹ª notº frustrateºª the² graceº of God:º forº ifº righteousnessº [come] byº the law,º thenº Christº is deadºª in vain.º

[20] Mt 20:28; Jn 1:49; 3:16, 35; 6:57, 69; 9:35; 10:11; 14:19; 15:13; 17:21; Ac 8:37; 9:20; Ro 1:17; 5:2; 6:4, 8, 13; 8:2, 3, 37; 2Co 1:24; 4:10, 11; 5:7, 15; 10:3; 13:3, 5; Ga 1:4; 2:16; 3:11; 5:24; 6:14; Ep 2:4; 3:17; 5:2, 25; Php 4:13; Col 1:27; 2:11, 13; 3:3; 1Th 1:10; 5:10; Tit 2:14; 1P 1:8; 4:1, 2; 1Jn 1:7; 4:9, 14; 5:10, 20; Rv 1:5; 3:20.
[21] Ps 33:10; Is 49:4; Jr 8:8; Mk 7:9; Ro 8:31; 10:3; 11:6; 1Co 15:2, 14, 17; Ga 2:16, 18; 3:21; 5:2; He 7:11.

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