NASB — Galatians 3 — KJV

Faith Brings Righteousness

1 IYou foolish° aGalatians°, who° has bewitched° you, before° whose° eyes° Jesus° Christ° bwas publicly° portrayed° [as] crucified°? 2 This° is the only° thing° I want° to find° out from you: did you receive° the Spirit° by the works° of Ithe Law°, or° by IIahearing° with faith°? 3 Are you so° foolish°? Having begun° Iby the Spirit°, are you now° IIbeing perfected° by the flesh°? 4 Did you Isuffer° so° many° things° in vain°aif° indeed°° it was in vain°? 5 So° then°, does He who aprovides° you with the Spirit° and bworks° Imiracles° among° you, do it by the works° of IIthe Law°, or° by IIIchearing° with faith°?

[1] ILit O aGa 1:2 b1Co 1:23; Ga 5:11
[2] IOr law IILit the hearing of faith aRo 10:17
[3] IOr with IIOr ending with
[4] IOr experience a1Co 15:2
[5] IOr works of power IIOr law IIILit the hearing of faith a2Co 9:10; Php 1:19 b1Co 12:10 cRo 10:17

6IEven° so° aAbraham° bBELIEVED° GOD°, AND IT WAS RECKONED° TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS°. 7 Therefore°, Ibe sure° that ait is those° who are of faith° who° are bsons° of Abraham°. 8 The Scripture°, foreseeing° that God° Iwould justify° the IIGentiles° by faith°, preached° the gospel° beforehand° to Abraham°, [saying], “aALL° THE NATIONS° WILL BE BLESSED° IN YOU.” 9 So° then° athose° who are of faith° are blessed° with IAbraham°, the believer°.

[6] ILit Just as aRo 4:3 bGn 15:6
[7] ILit know aRo 4:16; Ga 3:9 bLk 19:9; Ga 6:16
[8] ILit justifies IILit nations aGn 12:3
[9] ILit the believing Abraham aGa 3:7

10 ¶ For as many° as are of the works° of Ithe Law° are under° a curse°; for it is written°, “aCURSED° IS EVERYONE° WHO° DOES NOT ABIDE° BY ALL° THINGS° WRITTEN° IN THE BOOK° OF THE LAW°, TO PERFORM° THEM.” 11 Now° that ano° one° is justified° Iby IIthe Law° before° God° is evident°; for, “IIIbTHE RIGHTEOUS° MAN° SHALL LIVE° BY FAITH°.” 12 IHowever°, the Law° is not IIof faith°; on the contrary°, “aHE WHO PRACTICES° THEM SHALL LIVE° IIIBY THEM.” 13 Christ° aredeemed° us from the curse° of the Law°, having become° a curse° for us—for it is written°, “bCURSED° IS EVERYONE° WHO HANGS° ON cA ITREE°”— 14 in order° that ain Christ° Jesus° the blessing° of Abraham° might Icome° to the Gentiles°, so° that we bwould receive° cthe promise° of the Spirit° through° faith°.

[10] IOr law aDt 27:26
[11] IOr in IIOr law IIIOr But he who is righteous by faith shall live aGa 2:16 bHab 2:4; Ro 1:17; He 10:38
[12] IOr And IIOr based on IIIOr in aLv 18:5; Ro 10:5
[13] IOr cross; lit wood aGa 4:5 bDt 21:23 cAc 5:30
[14] IOr occur aRo 4:9, 16; Ga 3:28 bGa 3:2 cAc 2:33; Ep 1:13

Intent of the Law

15aBrethren°, bI speak° Iin terms° of human° relations°: ceven° though° it is [only] a man’s° IIcovenant°, yet° when it has been ratified°, no° one° sets° it aside° or° adds° IIIconditions° to it. 16 Now° the promises° were spoken° ato Abraham° and to his seed°. He does not say°, “And to seeds°,” as [referring] to many°, but [rather] to one°, “bAnd to your seed°,” that is, Christ°. 17 What I am saying° is this°: the Law°, which came° afour° hundred° and thirty° years° later°, does not invalidate° a covenant° previously° ratified° by God°, so° as to nullify° the promise°. 18 For aif° the inheritance° is Ibased° on law°, it is no° longer° Ibased° on a promise°; but bGod° has granted° it to Abraham° by means° of a promise°.

[15] ILit according to man IIOr will or testament IIIOr a codicil aAc 1:15; Ro 1:13; Ga 6:18 bRo 3:5 cHe 6:16
[16] aLk 1:55; Ro 4:13, 16; 9:4 bAc 3:25
[17] aGn 15:13f; Ex 12:40; Ac 7:6
[18] ILit out of, from aRo 4:14 bHe 6:14

19aWhy° the Law° then°? It was added° Ibecause° of transgressions°, having been bordained° through° angels° cby the IIagency° of a mediator°, until° dthe seed° would come° to whom° the promise° had been made°. 20 Now° aa mediator° is not Ifor one° [party only]; whereas° God° is [only] one°. 21 Is the Law° then° contrary° to the promises° of God°? aMay it never° be! For bif° a law° had been given° which was able° to impart° life°, then righteousness° Iwould indeed° have been° IIbased° on law°. 22 But the Scripture° has ashut° up Ieveryone° under° sin°, so° that the promise° by faith° in Jesus° Christ° might be given° to those° who believe°.

[19] IOr for the sake of defining IILit hand aRo 5:20 bAc 7:53 cEx 20:19; Dt 5:5 dGa 3:16
[20] ILit of one a1Ti 2:5; He 8:6; 9:15; 12:24
[21] IOr would indeed be IILit out of, from aLk 20:16; Ga 2:17 bGa 2:21
[22] ILit things aRo 11:32

23 ¶ But before° faith° came°, we were kept° in custody° under° the law°, abeing shut° up to the faith° which was later° to be revealed°. 24 Therefore° the Law° has become° our atutor° [to lead us] to Christ°, so° that bwe may be justified° by faith°. 25 But now° that faith° has come°, we are no° longer° under° a Iatutor°. 26 For you are all° asons° of God° through° faith° in bChrist° Jesus°. 27 For all° of you who° were abaptized° into Christ° have bclothed° yourselves with Christ°. 28 aThere° is neither°° Jew° nor° Greek°, there° is neither°° slave° nor° free° man°, there° is Ineither°° male° nor° female°; for byou are all° one° in cChrist° Jesus°. 29 And if° ayou Ibelong to Christ°, then° you are Abraham’s° IIdescendants°, heirs° according° to bpromise°.

[23] aRo 11:32
[24] a1Co 4:15 bGa 2:16
[25] ILit child-conductor a1Co 4:15
[26] aRo 8:14; Ga 4:5 bRo 8:1; Ga 3:28; 4:14; 5:6, 24; Ep 1:1; Php 1:1; Col 1:4; 1Ti 1:12; 2Ti 1:1; Tit 1:4
[27] aMt 28:19; Ro 6:3; 1Co 10:2 bRo 13:14
[28] ILit not male and female aRo 3:22; 1Co 12:13; Col 3:11 bJn 17:11; Ep 2:15 cRo 8:1; Ga 3:26; 4:14; 5:6, 24; Ep 1:1; Php 1:1; Col 1:4; 1Ti 1:12; 2Ti 1:1; Tit 1:4
[29] ILit are Christ’s IILit seed aRo 4:13; 1Co 3:23 bRo 9:8; Ga 3:18; 4:28

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He asketh what moved them to leave the faith, and hang upon the Law?

1 ¶ Oº foolishº Galatians,º whoº hath bewitchedºª you,º that ye should¹ª notº obeyºª the² truth,º beforeº whoseº eyesº Jesusº Christº hath been evidently set forth,ºª crucifiedºª amongº you?º 2 Thisº onlyº wouldºª I learnºª ofº you,º Received² ye¹ª the² Spiritº byº the worksº of the law,º orº byº the hearingº of faith?º 3 Are² ye¹ª soº foolish?º having begunºª in the Spirit,º are ye¹ª nowº made perfectºª by the flesh?º 4 Have ye sufferedºª so many thingsº in vain?º if² [it be] yetº¹ in vain.º 5 He therefore¹ that ministerethºª² to youº the² Spirit,º andº workethºª miraclesº amongº you,º [doeth he it] byº the worksº of the law,º orº byº the hearingº of faith?º

[1] Dt 32:6; 1S 13:13; Mt 7:26; 24:24; Lk 24:25; Ac 6:7; 8:9; Ro 2:8; 6:17; 10:16; 1Co 1:23; 2:2; 11:26; 2Co 10:5; 11:3, 13; Ga 1:6; 2:14; 3:3; 4:9; 5:7; Ep 3:8; 4:14; 5:15; 2Th 1:8; 2:9; 1Ti 6:4; He 5:9; 11:8; 1P 1:22; 4:17; 2P 2:18; Rv 2:20; 13:13; 18:3.
[2] Ac 2:38; 8:15; 10:44; 11:15; 15:8; 19:2; Ro 1:17; 10:16; 1Co 12:7; 2Co 11:4; Ga 3:5, 14; Ep 1:13; He 2:4; 6:4; 1P 1:12.
[3] Ga 4:7; 5:4; 6:12; He 7:16; 9:2, 9.
[4] Ezk 18:24; He 6:4; 10:32; 2P 2:20; 2Jn 1:8.
[5] Ac 14:3, 9; 19:11; Ro 15:19; 1Co 1:4; 2Co 3:8; 10:4; 12:12; 13:3; Ga 3:2.

They that believe are justified,

6 Even asº Abrahamº believedºª God,º andº it was accountedºª to himº forº righteousness.º 7 Know² ye¹ªª thereforeº thatº they² which are ofº faith,º the sameº areºª the childrenº of Abraham.º 8 Andº the² scripture,º foreseeingºª thatº Godº would justifyºª the² heathenº throughº faith,º preached before the gospelºª unto Abraham,º [saying],¹ Inº theeº shall¹ª allº nationsº be blessed.ºª

[6] Gn 15:6; Ro 4:3, 6, 9, 11, 21, 22, 24; 9:32; 2Co 5:19; Ga 3:9; Jm 2:23.
[7] Ps 100:3; Lk 21:31; Jn 8:39; Ro 4:11, 24; 9:7; Ga 3:26; He 13:23.
[8] Gn 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14; 49:10; Ps 72:7; Is 6:13; 65:9; Jn 7:38, 42; 19:37; Ac 2:25, 35; 15:15; Ro 3:28; 9:17, 30; Ga 3:16, 22; 4:30; 2Ti 3:15; He 4:2; Rv 11:15.

and blessed with Abraham.

9 So thenº they² which be ofº faithº are blessedºª withº faithfulº Abraham.º

[9] Ro 4:11, 16, 24; Ga 3:7, 14, 29; 4:28.

And this he sheweth by many reasons.

10 Forº as many asº areºª ofº the worksº of the lawº areºª underº the curse:º forº it is written,ºª Cursedº [is] every oneº thatº continuethºª notº inº all thingsº which¹ are writtenºª inº the² bookº of the² lawº to doºª them.º 11 Butº thatº no manº is justifiedºª byº the lawº in the sightº of God,º [it is] evident:º for,º The² justº shall liveºª byº faith.º 12 Andº the² lawº isºª notº ofº faith:º but,º The² manº that doethºª themº shall liveºª inº them.º 13 Christº hath redeemedºª usº fromº the² curseº of the² law,º being madeºª a curseº forº us:º forº it is written,ºª Cursedº [is] every oneº that hangethºª onº a tree:º 14 Thatº the² blessingº of Abrahamº might comeºª onº the² Gentilesº throughº Jesusº Christ;º thatº we might receiveºª the² promiseº of the² Spiritº throughº faith.º 15 Brethren,º I speakºª after the manner² of¹ men;º Though² [it be] but¹ a man'sº covenant,º yet [if it be] confirmed,ºª no manº disannulleth,ºª orº addeth thereto.ºª 16 Nowº to Abrahamº andº hisº seedº were¹ª the² promisesº made.ºª He saithºª not,º Andº to seeds,º asº ofº many;º butº asº ofº one,º Andº to thyº seed,º whichº isºª Christ.º 17 Andº thisº I say,ºª [that] the covenant,º that was confirmed beforeºª ofº Godº inº Christ,º the² law,º which wasºª four hundredº andº thirtyº yearsº after,º cannot¹ disannul,ºª² that¹ it should make¹ª the promise¹ of none effect.ºª²² 18 Forº ifº the² inheritanceº [be] ofº the law,º [it is] no moreº ofº promise:º butº Godº gaveºª [it] to Abrahamº byº promise.º 19 Whereforeº thenº [serveth] the² law?º It was addedºª because² of¹ transgressions,º tillº¹ the² seedº should comeºª to whomº the promise was made;ºª [and it was] ordainedºª byº angelsº inº the handº of a mediator.º 20 Nowº a mediatorº isºª notº [a mediator] of one,º butº Godº isºª one.º 21 [Is] the² lawº thenº againstº the² promisesº of God?º God forbid:ººª forº ifº there had been¹ª a lawº givenºª which¹ couldºª have given life,ºª verilyº² righteousnessº should¹ have beenºª byº the law.º 22 Butº the² scriptureº hath concludedºª allº underº sin,º thatº the² promiseº byº faithº of Jesusº Christº might be givenºª to them that believe.ºª 23 Butº before¹ faithº came,ºª we were keptºª underº the law,º shut upºª untoº the² faithº which should afterwardsºª be revealed.ºª 24 Whereforeº the² lawº wasºª ourº schoolmasterº [to bring us] untoº Christ,º thatº we might be justifiedºª byº faith.º 25 Butº after that faithº is come,ºª we areºª no longerº¹ underº a schoolmaster.º 26 Forº ye areºª allº the childrenº of Godº byº faithº inº Christº Jesus.º 27 Forº as many² of you as¹ have been baptizedºª intoº Christº have put onºª Christ.º 28 There isºª neitherº Jewº norº Greek,º there isºª neitherº bondº norº free,º there isºª neitherº maleº norº female:º forº yeº areºª allº oneº inº Christº Jesus.º 29 Andº ifº yeº [be] Christ's,º thenº are² ye¹ª Abraham'sº seed,º andº heirsº accordingº to the promise.º

[10] Dt 11:26; 27:26; 29:20; Is 43:28; Jr 11:3; Ezk 18:4; Mt 25:41; Lk 18:9; Ro 3:19; 4:15; 6:23; 7:9; 8:7; Ga 2:16; 3:11; Jm 2:9.
[11] 1K 8:46; Jb 9:3; 40:4; 42:6; Ps 19:12; 130:3; 143:2; Ec 7:20; Is 6:5; 53:6; 64:6; Hab 2:4; Ro 1:17; Ga 2:16; He 10:38; Jm 3:2; 1Jn 1:8; Rv 5:9; 7:14.
[12] Lv 18:5; Ne 9:29; Ezk 20:11, 13; Mt 19:17; Lk 10:25; Ro 4:4, 14, 16; 9:30; 10:5; 11:6.
[13] Dt 21:23; Jsh 10:26; 2S 17:23; 18:10, 14; 21:3, 9; 2K 22:19; Es 7:10; 9:14; Is 55:5, 10; Jr 44:22; 49:13; Dn 9:24, 26; Zc 13:7; Mt 26:28; 27:5; Ro 3:24; 4:25; 8:3; 9:3; 2Co 5:21; Ga 3:10; 4:5; Ep 5:2; Tit 2:14; He 7:26; 9:12, 15, 26, 28; 10:4; 1P 1:18; 2:24; 3:18; 1Jn 2:1; 4:10; Rv 1:5; 5:9; 13:8.
[14] Gn 12:2; 22:18; Is 32:15; 41:8; 44:3; 49:6; 51:2; 52:10; 59:19; Jr 31:33; 32:40; Ezk 11:19; 36:26; 39:29; Jol 2:28; Zc 12:10; Lk 2:10; 11:13; 24:49; Jn 7:39; Ac 1:4; 2:33, 38, 39; 3:25; 4:12; 5:32; 10:45; 11:15; Ro 4:3; 8:9, 26, 27; 10:9; 1Co 12:13; 2Co 1:22; Ga 3:2, 5, 6, 16, 29; 4:6; Ep 1:13; 2:18, 22; 3:16; 4:30; 1Ti 2:4; 1P 1:22; Jde 1:19.
[15] Ro 6:19; 1Co 15:32; He 9:17.
[16] Gn 12:3, 7; 13:15; 15:5; 17:7; 21:12; 22:17; 26:3; 28:13, 14; 49:10; Ro 12:5; 1Co 12:12, 27; Ga 3:8, 27; Ep 4:15; 5:29, 32; Col 2:19; 3:11.
[17] Gn 15:13, 18; 17:7, 19; Ex 12:40; Nu 23:19; 30:8; Jb 40:8; Ps 33:10; Is 14:27; 28:18; Lk 1:68; Jn 1:17; 8:56; Ac 7:6; Ro 3:3, 25; 4:13; 1Co 1:12, 17; 7:29; 10:19; 2Co 1:20; 9:6; Ga 3:15, 21; 5:4, 16; Ep 4:17; Col 2:4; He 6:13; 7:18; 11:13, 17, 39; 1P 1:11, 20.
[18] Ps 105:6, 42; Mi 7:18; Lk 1:54, 72; Ro 4:13; 8:17; Ga 2:21; 3:10, 12, 16, 26, 29; He 6:12.
[19] Ex 20:19; 24:1; 34:27; Lv 15:32; Dt 4:8; 5:5, 22; 9:13, 25; 18:15; 33:2; Ps 106:23; 147:19; Lk 16:31; Jn 1:17; 5:45; 15:22; Ac 7:38, 53; Ro 2:13; 3:1, 19; 4:15; 5:20; 7:7; Ga 3:16, 21, 25; 4:1; 1Ti 1:8; He 2:2, 5.
[20] Gn 15:18; 17:1; Dt 6:4; Jb 9:33; Ac 12:20; Ro 3:29; Ga 3:17; 1Ti 2:5.
[21] Mt 5:17; Ro 3:4, 6, 20, 21, 31; 7:7; 9:31; 10:3; Ga 2:17, 19, 21; Php 3:6; He 11:7.
[22] Ps 143:2; Mk 16:16; Jn 3:15, 36; 5:24; 6:40; 11:25; 12:46; 20:31; Ac 16:31; Ro 3:9, 23; 4:11; 5:12, 20; 10:9; 11:32; Ga 3:8, 14, 17, 23, 29; 2Ti 1:1; He 6:13; 9:15; 2P 1:4; 3:13; 1Jn 2:25; 3:23; 5:11, 13.
[23] Lk 10:23; Ro 3:19; 6:14; 1Co 9:20; Ga 3:19, 24; 4:1, 4, 21; 5:18; He 11:13, 39; 12:2; 1P 1:11.
[24] Mt 5:17; Ac 13:38, 39; Ro 3:20; 7:7, 24; 10:4; Ga 2:16, 19; 3:25; 4:2; Col 2:17; He 7:18; 9:8; 10:1.
[25] Ro 6:14; 7:4; Ga 3:23; 4:1; He 7:11; 8:3; 10:15.
[26] Jn 1:12; 20:17; Ro 8:14; 2Co 6:18; Ga 4:5; Ep 1:5; 5:1; Php 2:15; He 2:10; 1Jn 3:1; Rv 21:7.
[27] Jb 29:14; Is 61:10; Mt 28:19; Mk 16:15; Lk 15:22; Ac 2:38; 8:36; 9:18; 16:15, 31; Ro 3:22; 6:3; 13:14; 1Co 12:13; Ep 4:24; Col 2:10; 3:10; 1P 3:21.
[28] Jn 10:16; 11:52; 17:20; Ro 1:16; 2:9; 3:29; 4:11; 9:24; 10:12; 1Co 7:14, 19; 12:12, 13; Ga 5:6; Ep 2:13; 3:5; 4:4, 15; Col 3:11.
[29] Gn 21:10; Ro 4:12, 13, 16; 8:17; 9:7; 1Co 3:22, 23; 15:23; 2Co 10:7; Ga 3:7, 16, 28; 4:7, 22, 28; 5:24; Ep 3:6; Tit 3:7; He 1:14; 6:17; 11:7, 18; Jm 2:5; Rv 21:7.

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