Job: What Can I Say?1 Then the LORD° said°° to Job°,
3 ¶ Then Job° answered° the LORD° and said°,
God Questions Job6 ¶ Then the aLORD° answered° Job° out of the storm° and said°,
[6] aJb 38:1
[7] aJb 38:3 bJb 38:3; 42:4 [8] aRo 3:4 bJb 10:3, 7; 16:11; 19:6; 27:2 cJb 13:18; 27:6 [9] aJb 37:5; Ps 29:3 10 ¶ “aAdorn° yourself° with eminence° and dignity°, [10] aPs 93:1; 104:1
[11] aIs 42:25; Na 1:6, 8 bIs 2:12; Dn 4:37 [12] ILit under them a1S 2:7; Is 2:12; 13:11; Dn 4:37 bIs 63:3 [13] IOr their faces aIs 2:10-12 [14] IOr praise you God’s Power Shown in Creatures 15 ¶ “Behold° now°, IBehemoth°, which° aI made° IIas well° as you; 19 ¶ “He is the afirst° of the ways° of God°; [19] aJb 41:33 bJb 40:15
[20] aPs 104:14 bPs 104:26 [22] ILit his shade [23] IOr oppresses aGn 13:10 [24] ILit in his eyes IILit snares Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
Job humbleth himself to God.1 ¶ Moreover the LORDº answeredºª² Job,º and said,ºª 2 Shall he that contendethºª with² the Almightyº instructº [him]? he that reprovethºª God,º let him answerºª it. [1] Jb 38:1; 40:6.
[2] Jb 3:11, 20, 23; 7:12, 19; 9:3, 17, 32; 10:3, 14; 13:21; 14:16; 16:11; 19:6; 27:2; 30:21; 33:13; Ec 6:10; Is 40:14; 45:9; 50:8; Ezk 18:2; Mt 20:11; Ro 9:19; 11:34; 1Co 2:16; 10:22. 3 ¶ Then Jobº answeredºª² the LORD,º and said,ºª 4 Behold,² I am vile;ºª what² shall I answerºª thee? I will layºª mine handº uponº my mouth.º 5 Onceº have I spoken;ºª but I will not² answer:ºª yea, twice;º but I will proceed no further.ºª² [4] Gn 18:27; 32:10; Jg 18:19; 2S 24:10; 1K 19:4; Ezr 9:6, 15; Ne 9:33; Jb 9:31; 16:21; 21:5; 23:4; 29:9; 31:37; 42:6; Ps 39:9; 51:4; Pv 30:32; Is 6:5; 53:6; 64:6; Dn 9:5, 7; Mi 7:16; Hab 2:20; Zc 2:13; Lk 5:8; 15:18; 18:13; 1Ti 1:15.
[5] 2K 6:10; Jb 33:14; 34:31; Ps 62:11; Jr 31:18; Ro 3:19. God stirreth him up to shew his righteousness, power, and wisdom.6 ¶ Then answeredºª the LORDº unto² Jobº out of² the whirlwind,º and said,ºª 7 Gird upºª thy loinsº now² like a man:º I will demandºª of thee, and declareºª thou unto me. 8 Wilt thou also² disannulºª my judgment?º wilt thou condemnºª me, that² thou mayest be righteous?ºª 9 Hast thou an armº like God?º or canst thou thunderºª with a voiceº like him?² 10 Deckºª thyself now² [with] majestyº and excellency;º and arrayºª thyself with gloryº and beauty.º 11 Cast abroadºª the rageº of thy wrath:º and beholdºª every one² [that is] proud,º and abaseºª him. 12 Look¹ª on² every one² [that is] proud,º [and] bring him low;ºª and tread downºª the wickedº in their place.² 13 Hideºª them in the dustº together;º [and] bindºª their facesº in secret.ºª 14 Then will I² also² confessºª unto thee that² thine own right handº can saveºª thee. [6] Jb 38:1; Ps 50:3; He 12:18; 2P 3:10.
[7] Jb 13:22; 23:3; 38:3; 42:4. [8] Jb 10:3; 27:2; 32:2; 34:5; 35:2; Ps 51:4; Is 14:27; 28:18; Ro 3:4; Ga 3:15, 17; He 7:18. [9] Ex 15:6; Jb 9:4; 23:6; 33:12; 37:4; Ps 39:3; 89:10, 13; Is 45:9; 1Co 10:22. [10] Ex 28:2; 1Ch 29:11; Jb 39:19; Ps 21:5; 45:3; 50:2; 90:16; 93:1; 104:1; 149:4; Is 4:2; 59:17; Mt 6:13; 1Co 15:54; 2P 1:16; Jde 1:24. [11] Ex 9:16; 15:6; 18:11; Dt 32:22; Jb 20:23; 27:22; Ps 78:49; 144:6; Is 2:11, 17; 10:12; Ezk 28:2; Dn 4:37; 5:20; Ob 1:3; Mal 4:1; Lk 18:14; Ac 12:22; Ro 2:8; Jm 4:6; 1P 5:5. [12] Jb 36:20; Ps 60:12; Pv 15:25; Ec 11:3; Is 10:6; Zc 10:5; Mal 4:3; Ac 1:25; Ro 16:20. [13] Es 7:8; Jb 14:13; 36:13; Ps 49:14; Is 2:10; Jn 11:44. [14] Ps 44:3, 6; Is 40:29; Ro 5:6; Ep 2:4. Of behemoth.15 ¶ Behold² now² behemoth,º which² I madeºª with² thee; he eatethºª grassº as an ox.º 16 Lo² now,² his strengthº [is] in his loins,º and his forceº [is] in the navelº of his belly.º 17 He movethºª his tailº like² a cedar:º the sinewsº of his stonesº are wrapped together.ºª 18 His bonesº [are as] strong¹ pieces² of brass;º his bonesº [are] like barsº of iron.º 19 He² [is] the chiefº of the waysº of God:º he that madeºª him can make¹ª his swordº to approachºª [unto him]. 20 Surely² the mountainsº bring him forthºª food,º where² all² the beastsº of the fieldº play.ºª 21 He liethºª under² the shady trees,º in the covertº of the reed,º and fens.º 22 The shady treesº coverºª him [with] their shadow;º the willowsº of the brookº compass him about.ºª 23 Behold,² he drinketh upºª a river,º [and] hastethºª not:² he trustethºª that² he can draw upºª Jordanº into² his mouth.º 24 He takethºª it with his eyes:º [his] noseº pierceth² through¹ª snares.º [15] Gn 1:24; Jb 39:8; 40:15, 20; Ps 104:14.
[17] Jb 41:23. [18] Jb 7:12; Is 48:4. [19] Jb 26:13; Ps 7:12; 104:24; Is 27:1. [20] Jb 40:15; Ps 104:14, 26; 147:8. [21] Is 19:6; 35:7. [22] Lv 23:40; Is 15:7; Ezk 17:5. [23] Gn 13:10; Jsh 3:15; Ps 55:8; Is 28:16; 37:25. [24] Jb 41:1. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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