The Greatness of God 1 “aComfort°, O comfort° My people°,” says° your God°.
[1] aIs 12:1; 49:13; 51:3, 12; 52:9; 61:2; 66:13; Jr 31:10-14; Zp 3:14-17; 2Co 1:4
[2] ILit to the heart of IIOr hard service IIIOr penalty of iniquity accepted as paid off aIs 35:4; Zc 1:13 bIs 41:11-13; 49:25; 54:15, 17 cIs 33:24; 53:5, 6, 11 dJr 16:18; Zc 9:12; Rv 18:6 3 ¶ aA voice° Iis calling°, [3] IOr of one calling out aMt 3:3; Mk 1:3; Lk 3:4-6; Jn 1:23 bMal 3:1; 4:5, 6
[5] IOr In order that the aIs 6:3; Hab 2:14 bIs 52:10; Jol 2:28 cIs 1:20; 34:16; 58:14 [6] IAnother reading is I said IIOr constancy aJb 14:2; Ps 102:11; 103:15; 1P 1:24, 25 [7] IOr Because aPs 90:5, 6; Jm 1:10, 11 bJb 4:9; 41:21; Is 11:4; 40:24 [8] aIs 55:11; 59:21; Mt 5:18 9 ¶ Get° yourself up on a ahigh° mountain°, [9] aIs 52:7 bIs 61:1 cIs 44:26 dIs 25:9; 35:2
[10] IHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD aIs 9:6, 7 bIs 59:16, 18 cIs 62:11; Rv 22:12 [11] aJr 31:10; Ezk 34:12-14, 23, 31; Mi 5:4; Jn 10:11, 14-16 12 ¶ Who° has ameasured° the Iwaters° in the hollow° of His hand°, [12] IDSS reads waters of the sea IIOr half cubit; i.e. 9 in. IIILit contained or comprehended aJb 38:8-11; Ps 102:25, 26; Is 48:13; He 1:10-12
[13] IOr measured, marked off aRo 11:34; 1Co 2:16 bIs 41:28 [14] aJb 38:4 bJb 21:22; Col 2:3 [15] IOr coastlands aJr 10:10 bIs 17:13; 29:5 [16] aPs 50:9-11; Mi 6:6, 7; He 10:5-9 [17] IOr void aIs 29:7 18 ¶ aTo whom° then will you liken° God°? [18] aEx 8:10; 15:11; 1S 2:2; Is 40:25; 46:5; Mi 7:18; Ac 17:29
[19] IOr graven image aPs 115:4-8; Is 41:7; 44:10; Hab 2:18, 19 bIs 2:20; 30:22 [20] IOr set up IIOr a graven image aIs 44:14 b1S 5:3, 4; Is 41:7; 46:7 21 ¶ aDo you not know°? Have you not heard°? [21] aPs 19:1; 50:6; Is 37:26; Ac 14:17; Ro 1:19 bIs 48:13; 51:13
[22] IOr is enthroned IIOr vault aJb 22:14; Pv 8:27 bNu 13:33 cJb 9:8; Is 37:16; 42:5; 44:24 dPs 104:2 eJb 36:29; Ps 18:11; 19:4 [23] IOr void aJb 12:21; Ps 107:40; Is 34:12 bIs 5:21; Jr 25:18-27 [24] IOr Not even aIs 17:13; 41:16 [25] aIs 40:18 [26] ISo DSS and ancient versions; M.T. strong aIs 51:6 bIs 42:5; 48:12, 13 cPs 147:4 dPs 89:11-13 eIs 34:16; 48:13 27 ¶ aWhy° do you say°, O Jacob°, and assert°, O Israel°, [27] ILit passes by my God aIs 49:4, 14 bIs 54:8 cJb 27:2; 34:5; Lk 18:7, 8 dIs 25:1
[28] aIs 40:21 bGn 21:33; Ps 90:2 cPs 147:5; Ro 11:33 [29] aIs 50:4; Jr 31:25 bIs 41:10 [30] aJr 6:11; 9:21 bIs 9:17 [31] IOr hope in IIOr sprout wings IIIOr pinions aJb 17:9; Ps 103:5; 2Co 4:8-10, 16 bEx 19:4; Dt 32:11; Lk 18:1; 2Co 4:1, 16; Ga 6:9; He 12:3 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
The promulgation of the Gospel.1 ¶ Comfortºª ye, comfortºª ye my people,º saithºª your God.º 2 Speakºª ye comfortablyº² to Jerusalem,º and cryºª unto² her, that² her warfareº is accomplished,ºª that² her iniquityº is pardoned:ºª for² she hath receivedºª of the LORD'Sº handº² doubleº for all² her sins.º [1] Ne 8:10; Ps 85:8; Is 3:10; 35:3; 41:10, 27; 49:13; 50:10; 51:3, 12; 57:15; 60:1; 61:1; 62:11; 65:13; 66:10; Jr 31:10; Zp 3:14; Zc 1:13; 9:9; 2Co 1:4; 1Th 4:18; He 6:17.
[2] Gn 34:3; 2Ch 30:22; Jb 42:10; Ps 32:1; 102:13; So 2:11; Is 12:1; 33:24; 43:25; 44:22; 61:7; Jr 16:18; 17:18; 29:11; 31:33; 33:8; Dn 9:2, 12, 24; 11:35; 12:4, 9; Ho 2:14; Hab 2:3; Zc 1:15; 9:12; Ac 1:7; 1Co 6:9; Ga 4:4; Rv 6:10; 11:15; 18:6. The preaching of John the Baptist.3 ¶ The voiceº of him that criethºª in the wilderness,º Prepareºª ye the wayº of the LORD,º make straightºª in the desertº a highwayº for our God.º 4 Every² valleyº shall be exalted,ºª and every² mountainº and hillº shall be made low:ºª and the crookedº shall be made² straight,º and the rough placesº plain:º 5 And the gloryº of the LORDº shall be revealed,ºª and all² fleshº shall seeºª [it] together:º for² the mouthº of the LORDº hath spokenºª [it]. 6 The voiceº said,ºª Cry.ºª And he said,ºª What² shall I cry?ºª All² fleshº [is] grass,º and all² the goodlinessº thereof [is] as the flowerº of the field:º 7 The grassº withereth,ºª the flowerº fadeth:ºª because² the spiritº of the LORDº blowethºª upon it: surelyº the peopleº [is] grass.º 8 The grassº withereth,ºª the flowerº fadeth:ºª but the wordº of our Godº shall standºª for ever.º [3] Ps 68:4; Is 11:15; 35:8; 43:19; 49:11; 57:14; 62:10; Mal 3:1; 4:5; Mt 3:1; Mk 1:2; Lk 1:16, 76; 3:2; Jn 1:23.
[4] 1S 2:8; Jb 40:11; Ps 113:7; Pv 2:15; Is 2:12; 42:11, 15, 16; 45:2; Ezk 17:24; 21:26; Lk 1:52; 3:5; 18:14. [5] Ps 72:19; 96:6; 102:16; Is 1:20; 6:3; 11:9; 35:2; 49:6; 52:10; 58:14; 60:1; 66:16, 23; Jr 9:12; 32:27; Jol 2:28; Mi 4:4; Hab 2:14; Zc 2:13; Lk 2:10, 32; 3:6; Jn 1:14; 12:41; 17:2; Ac 2:17; 2Co 3:18; 4:6; He 1:3; Rv 21:23. [6] Jb 14:2; Ps 90:5; 92:7; 102:11; 103:15; Is 12:6; 37:27; 40:3; 58:1; 61:1; Jr 2:2; 31:6; Ho 5:8; Jm 1:10; 1P 1:24. [8] Ps 119:89; Is 46:10; 55:10; Zc 1:6; Mt 5:18; 24:35; Mk 13:31; Jn 10:35; 12:34; Ro 3:1; 1P 1:25. The preaching of the Apostles.9 ¶ O Zion,º that bringest good tidings,ºª get thee upºª into² the highº mountain;º O Jerusalem,º that bringest good tidings,ºª lift upºª thy voiceº with strength;º lift [it] up,ºª be not afraid;ºª² sayºª unto the citiesº of Judah,º Behold² your God!º 10 Behold,² the Lordº GODº will comeºª with strongº [hand], and his armº shall ruleºª for him: behold,² his rewardº [is] with² him, and his workº beforeº him. 11 He shall feedºª his flockº like a shepherd:ºª he shall gatherºª the lambsº with his arm,º and carryºª [them] in his bosom,º [and] shall gently leadºª those that are with young.ºª [9] Jg 9:7; 1S 26:13; 2Ch 13:4; Ezr 1:1; Is 12:2; 25:9; 35:3; 41:27; 51:7, 12; 52:7, 8; 58:4; Jr 22:20; Lk 24:47; Ac 2:14; 4:13, 29; 5:41; Ro 10:18; Ep 6:19; Php 1:28; 1Ti 3:16; 1P 3:14; 1Jn 5:20.
[10] Ps 2:8; 66:3; 110:1, 6; Is 9:6; 49:4, 24; 53:12; 59:15, 16; 60:1; 62:11; Zc 2:8; Mal 3:1; Mt 28:18; Jn 12:13, 15; Ep 1:20; Php 2:10; He 2:14; 1Jn 3:8; Rv 2:26; 17:14; 19:11; 20:11; 22:12. [11] Gn 33:13; 49:24; Ps 23:1; 78:71; 80:1; Is 42:3; 49:9; 63:11; Ezk 34:12, 16, 23, 31; 37:24; Mi 5:4; Jn 10:11; 21:15; 1Co 3:1; He 13:20; 1P 2:25; 5:4; Rv 7:17. The prophet, by the omnipotency of God,12 ¶ Who² hath measuredºª the watersº in the hollow of his hand,º and meted outºª heavenº with the span,º and comprehendedºª the dustº of the earthº in a measure,º and weighedºª the mountainsº in scales,º and the hillsº in a balance?º 13 Who² hath directedºª² the Spiritº of the LORD,º or [being] his counsellorºº hath taughtºª him? 14 ² With whom² took he counsel,ºª and [who] instructedºª him, and taughtºª him in the pathº of judgment,º and taughtºª him knowledge,º and shewedºª to him the wayº of understanding?º 15 Behold,² the nationsº [are] as a dropº of a bucket,º² and are countedºª as the small dustº of the balance:º behold,² he taketh upºª the islesº as a very little thing.º 16 And Lebanonº [is] notº sufficientº to burn,ºª nor² the beastsº thereof sufficientº for a burnt offering.º 17 All² nationsº before² him [are] as nothing;² and they are countedºª to him less than nothing,º² and vanity.º [12] Jb 11:7; 28:25; 38:4; Ps 102:25; 104:2; Pv 8:26; 30:4; Is 48:13; He 1:10; Rv 20:11.
[13] Jb 21:22; 36:22; Lk 10:22; Jn 1:13; Ro 11:34; 1Co 2:16; Ep 1:11. [14] 1Co 12:4; Col 2:3; Jm 1:17. [15] Gn 10:5; Jb 34:14; Is 11:11; 40:22; 41:5; 59:18; 66:19; Jr 10:10; Dn 11:18; Zp 2:11. [16] Ps 40:6; 50:10; Mi 6:6; He 10:5. [17] Jb 25:6; Ps 62:9; Dn 4:34; 2Co 12:11. and his incomparableness,18 ¶ To² whom² then will ye likenºª God?º or what² likenessº will ye compareºª unto him? 19 The workmanº meltethºª a graven image,º and the goldsmithºª spreadeth¹ª it over² with gold,º and castethºª silverº chains.º 20 He that [is] so impoverishedºªª¹ª that he hath no oblationº choosethºª a treeº [that] will not² rot;ºª he seekethºª unto him a cunningº workmanº to prepareºª a graven image,º [that] shall not² be moved.ºª 21 Have ye not² known?ºª have ye not² heard?ºª hath it not² been toldºª you from the beginning?º² have ye not² understoodºª from the foundationsº² of the earth?º 22 [It is] he that sittethºª upon² the circleº of the earth,º and the inhabitantsºª thereof [are] as grasshoppers;º that stretcheth outºª the heavensº as a curtain,º and spreadeth them outºª as a tentº to dwell in:ºª 23 That bringethºª the princesºª to nothing;² he makethºª the judgesºª of the earthº as vanity.º 24 Yea,² they shall not² be planted;ºª yea,² they shall not² be sown:ºª yea,² their stockº shall not² take rootºª in the earth:º and he shall also² blowºª upon them, and they shall wither,ºª and the whirlwindº shall take¹ª them away² as stubble.º 25 To² whom² then will ye likenºª me, or shall I be equal?ºª saithºª the Holy One.º [18] Ex 8:10; 9:14; 15:11; 20:4; Dt 33:26; 1S 2:2; Jb 40:9; Ps 86:8; 89:6, 8; 113:5; Is 40:25; 46:5, 9; Jr 10:6, 16; Mi 7:18; Ac 17:29; Col 1:15; He 1:3.
[19] Ex 32:2; Jg 17:4; Ps 115:4; 135:15, 18; Is 37:18; 41:6; 44:10; 46:6; Jr 10:3, 9; Ho 8:6; Hab 2:18. [20] 1S 5:3; Is 2:8; 41:7; 44:13; 46:7; Jr 10:3; Dn 5:23. [21] Ps 19:1; 115:8; Is 27:11; 44:20; 46:8; Jr 10:8; Ac 14:17; Ro 1:19, 28; 3:1. [22] Nu 13:33; Jb 9:8; 37:18; 38:4; Ps 2:4; 29:10; 68:33; 102:25; 104:2; Is 19:1; 40:15, 17; 42:5; 44:24; 51:13; 66:1; Jr 10:12; Zc 12:1; He 1:10. [23] Jb 12:21; 34:19; Ps 76:12; 107:40; Is 19:13; 23:9; 24:21; Jr 25:18; Lk 1:51; Rv 19:18. [24] 2S 22:16; 1K 21:21; 2K 10:11; Jb 4:9; 15:30; 18:16; 21:18; Ps 58:9; Pv 1:27; Is 11:4; 14:21; 17:11, 13; 30:33; 37:7; 40:7; 41:16; Jr 22:30; 23:19; Ho 13:3, 15; Na 1:14; Hg 1:9; Zc 7:14; 9:14. [25] Dt 4:15, 33; 5:8; Is 40:18. comforteth the people.26 Lift upºª your eyesº on high,º and beholdºª who² hath createdºª these² [things], that bringeth outºª their hostº by number:º he callethºª them all² by namesº by the greatnessº² of his might,º for that [he is] strongº in power;º not² oneº faileth.ºª 27 Why² sayestºª thou, O Jacob,º and speakest,ºª O Israel,º My wayº is hidºª from the LORD,º² and my judgmentº is passed overºª from my God?º² [26] Gn 2:1; Dt 4:19; Jb 31:26; Ps 8:3; 19:1; 89:11; 102:25; 147:4; 148:3; Is 44:24; 45:7; 48:13; 51:6; Jr 10:11; 32:17; Col 1:16.
[27] 1S 12:22; Jb 3:23; 27:2; 34:5; Ps 31:22; 77:7; Is 49:4, 14; 54:6; 60:15; Jr 33:24; Ezk 37:11; Mal 2:17; Lk 18:7; Ro 11:1. 28 ¶ Hast thou not² known?ºª hast thou not² heard,ºª [that] the everlastingº God,º the LORD,º the Creatorºª of the endsº of the earth,º faintethºª not,² neither² is weary?ºª [there is] no² searchingº of his understanding.º 29 He givethºª powerº to the faint;º and to [them that have] no² mightº he increasethºª strength.º 30 Even the youthsº shall faintºª and be weary,ºª and the young menº shall utterly¹ª fall:ºª 31 But they that wait¹ª upon² the LORDº shall renewºª [their] strength;º they shall mount upºª with wingsº as eagles;º they shall run,ºª and not² be weary;ºª [and] they shall walk,¹ª² and not² faint.ºª [28] Gn 21:33; Dt 33:27; 1S 2:10; Ps 138:8; 139:6; 147:5; Is 45:22; 55:8; 57:15; 59:1; 66:9; Jr 4:22; 10:10; Mk 8:17; 9:19; 16:14; Lk 24:25; Jn 5:17; 14:9; Ac 13:47; Ro 11:33; 16:26; 1Co 2:16; 6:3, 9, 16, 19; Php 1:6; 1Ti 1:17; He 9:14.
[29] Gn 49:24; Dt 33:25; Ps 29:11; Is 41:10; Zc 10:12; 2Co 12:9; Php 4:13; Col 1:11; He 11:34. [30] Ps 33:16; 34:10; 39:5; Ec 9:11; Is 9:17; 13:18; Am 2:14. [31] Ex 19:4; Jg 16:28; Jb 17:9; 33:24; Ps 25:3, 5, 21; 27:13, 14; 37:34; 40:1; 84:7; 92:1, 13; 103:5; 123:2; 138:3; So 8:5; Is 8:17; 25:9; 30:18; Lm 3:25; Zc 10:12; Lk 18:1; Ro 8:25; 2Co 1:8; 4:1, 8, 16; 12:9; Ga 6:9; 1Th 1:10; He 12:1; Rv 2:3; 4:7. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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