NASB — Job 4 — KJV

Eliphaz: Innocent Do Not Suffer

1 Then Eliphaz° the Temanite° Ianswered°,
  2 “If one ventures° a word° with you, will you become° impatient°?
  But awho° can° refrain° Ifrom speaking°?
  3 “Behold° ayou have admonished° many°,
  And you have strengthened° weak° hands°.
  4 “Your words° have Ihelped the tottering° to stand°,
  And you have strengthened° IIfeeble° knees°.
  5 “But now° it has come° to you, and you aare impatient°;
  It btouches° you, and you are dismayed°.
  6 “Is not your Iafear° [of God] byour confidence°,
  And the integrity° of your ways° your hope°?

[1] ILit answered and said
[2] ILit in words aJb 32:18-20
[3] aJb 4:3, 4; 29:15, 16, 21, 25
[4] ILit caused IILit bowing
[5] aJb 6:14 bJb 19:21
[6] IOr reverence aJb 1:1 bPv 3:26

  7 ¶ “Remember° now°, awho° [ever] perished° being innocent°?
  Or where° were the upright° destroyed°?
  8 “According to what° I have seen°, athose who plow° iniquity°
  And those who sow° trouble° harvest° it.
  9 “By athe breath° of God° they perish°,
  And bby the Iblast° of His anger° they come° to an end°.
  10 “The aroaring° of the lion° and the voice° of the [fierce] lion°,
  And the teeth° of the young° lions° are broken°.
  11 “The alion° perishes° for lack° of prey°,
  And the bwhelps° of the lioness° are scattered°.

[7] aJb 8:20; 36:6, 7; Ps 37:25
[8] aJb 15:31, 35; Pv 22:8; Ho 10:13; Ga 6:7
[9] ILit wind aJb 15:30; Is 11:4; 30:33; 2Th 2:8 bJb 40:11-13
[10] aJb 5:15; Ps 58:6
[11] aJb 29:17; Ps 34:10 bJb 5:4; 20:10; 27:14

  12 ¶ “Now a word° awas brought° to me stealthily°,
  And my ear° received° a bwhisper° of it.
  13 “Amid disquieting° athoughts° from the visions° of the night°,
  When deep° sleep° falls° on men°,
  14 Dread° came° upon me, and trembling°,
  And made Iall° my bones° shake°.
  15 “Then a Ispirit° passed° by my face°;
  The hair° of my flesh° bristled° up.
  16 “It stood° still°, but I could not discern° its appearance°;
  A form° [was] before° my eyes°;
  [There was] silence°, then I heard° a voice°:
  17 ‘Can amankind° be just° Ibefore° God°?
  Can a man° be pure° Ibefore° his bMaker°?
  18aHe puts° no° trust° even° in His servants°;
  And against His angels° He charges° error°.
  19 ‘How° much° more° those who dwell° in ahouses° of clay°,
  Whose° bfoundation° is in the dust°,
  Who are crushed° before° the moth°!
  20aBetween° morning° and evening° they are broken° in pieces°;
  Unobserved°°, they bperish° forever°.
  21 ‘Is not their atent-cord° plucked° up within them?
  They die°, yet bwithout° wisdom°.’

[12] aJb 4:12-17; 33:15-18 bJb 26:14
[13] aJb 33:15
[14] ILit the multitude of
[15] IOr breath passed over
[17] ILit from aJb 9:2; 25:4 bJb 31:15; 32:22; 35:10; 36:3
[18] aJb 15:15
[19] aJb 10:9; 33:6 bGn 2:7; 3:19; Jb 22:16
[20] aJb 14:2 bJb 14:20; 20:7
[21] aJb 8:22 bJb 18:21; 36:12

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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Eliphaz reproveth Job for want of religion.

1 ¶ Then Eliphazº the Temaniteº answeredºª and said,ºª 2 [If] we assay¹ª to communeº² with² thee, wilt thou be grieved?ºª but who² canºª withholdºª himself from speaking?º 3 Behold,² thou hast instructedºª many,º and thou hast strengthenedºª the weakº hands.º 4 Thy wordsº have upholdenºª him that was falling,ºª and thou hast strengthenedºª the feebleºª knees.º 5 But² now² it is comeºª upon² thee, and thou faintest;ºª it touchethºª² thee, and thou art troubled.ºª 6 [Is] not² [this] thy fear,º thy confidence,º thy hope,º and the uprightnessº of thy ways?º

[1] Jb 2:11; 3:1; 6:1; 8:1; 15:1; 22:1; 42:9.
[2] Jb 32:18; Jr 6:11; 20:9; Ac 4:20; 2Co 2:4; 7:8.
[3] Gn 18:19; Dt 3:28; Ezr 6:22; Jb 16:5; Pv 10:21; 15:7; 16:21; Is 35:3; 50:4; Ezk 13:22; Lk 22:32, 43; Ep 4:29; Col 4:6.
[4] Ps 145:14; Pv 12:18; 16:23; Is 35:3; Dn 5:6; 2Co 2:7; 7:6; 1Th 5:14; He 12:12.
[5] Jb 1:11; 2:5; 3:25; 19:21; Pv 24:10; 2Co 4:1, 16; He 12:3, 5.
[6] 2K 20:3; Jb 1:1, 8, 9; 13:15; 16:17; 17:15; 23:11; 27:5; 29:12; 31:1; Pv 3:26; 14:26; 1P 1:13, 17.

He teacheth God's judgment to be not for the righteous, but for the wicked.

7 Remember,ºª I pray thee,² who² [ever] perished,ºª being innocent?º or whereº were the righteousº cut off?ºª 8 Even as² I have seen,ºª they that plowºª iniquity,º and sowºª wickedness,º reapºª the same. 9 By the blastº² of Godº they perish,ºª and by the breathº² of his nostrilsº are they consumed.ºª 10 The roaringº of the lion,º and the voiceº of the fierce lion,º and the teethº of the young lions,º are broken.ºª 11 The old lionº perishethºª for lackº² of prey,º and the stout lion'sº whelpsº are scattered abroad.ºª

[7] Jb 9:22; Ps 37:25; Ec 7:15; 9:1; Ac 28:4; 2P 2:9.
[8] Ps 7:14; Pv 22:8; Jr 4:18; Ho 8:7; 10:12; 2Co 9:6; Ga 6:7.
[9] Ex 15:8, 10; 2K 19:7; Jb 1:19; 15:30; Ps 18:15; Is 11:4; 30:33; 2Th 2:8; Rv 2:16.
[10] Jb 29:17; Ps 3:7; 57:4; 58:6; Pv 30:14.
[11] Gn 49:9; Nu 23:24; 24:9; Jb 1:19; 8:3; 27:14; 38:39; Ps 7:2; 34:10; Jr 4:7; Ho 11:10; 2Ti 4:17.

His fearful vision, to humble the excellency of creatures before God.

12 Now a thingº was secretly broughtºª to² me, and mine earº receivedºª a littleº thereof.² 13 In thoughtsº from the visionsº² of the night,º when deep sleepº fallethºª on² men,¹² 14 Fearº came¹ª upon² me, and trembling,¹² which made allº my bonesº to shake.ºª 15 Then a spiritº passedºª before² my face;º the hairº of my fleshº stood up:ºª 16 It stood still,ºª but I could not² discernºª the formº thereof: an imageº [was] before² mine eyes,º [there was] silence,º and I heardºª a voice,º [saying], 17 Shall mortal manº be more just¹ª than God?º²² shall a manº be more pureºª than his maker?ºª² 18 Behold,² he put no trustºª² in his servants;º and his angelsº he chargedºª with folly:º 19 How much lessº [in] them that dwell¹ª in² housesº of clay,º whose² foundationº [is] in the dust,º [which] are crushedºª beforeº the moth?º 20 They are destroyedºª from morningº² to evening:º they perishºª for everº without any²² regardingºª [it]. 21 Doth not² their excellencyº [which is] in them go away?ºª they die,ºª even without² wisdom.º

[12] Ps 62:11; 1Co 13:12.
[13] Gn 2:21; 15:12; 20:3; 28:12; 31:24; 46:2; Nu 12:6; 22:19; Jb 33:14; Dn 2:19, 28; 4:5; 8:18; 10:9.
[14] Jb 7:14; 33:19; Ps 119:120; Is 6:5; Dn 10:11; Hab 3:16; Lk 1:12, 29; Rv 1:17.
[15] Ps 104:4; Is 13:8; 21:3; Dn 5:6; Mt 14:26; Lk 24:37; He 1:7, 14.
[16] 1K 19:12.
[17] Gn 18:25; Jb 8:3; 9:2, 30; 14:4; 15:14; 25:4; 35:2; 40:8; Ps 143:2; 145:17; Ec 7:20; Jr 12:1; 17:9; Mk 7:20; Ro 2:5; 3:4; 9:20; 11:33; Rv 4:8.
[18] Jb 15:15; 25:5; Ps 103:20; 104:4; Is 6:2; 2P 2:4; Jde 1:6.
[19] Gn 2:7; 3:19; 18:27; Jb 10:9; 13:12, 28; 14:2; 33:6; Ps 39:11; 90:5; 103:15; 146:4; Ec 12:7; 2Co 4:7; 5:1; 1P 1:24.
[20] 2Ch 15:6; 21:20; Jb 14:14; 16:22; 18:17; 20:7; Ps 37:36; 39:13; 92:7; Pv 10:7; Is 38:12.
[21] Jb 36:12; Ps 39:5, 11; 49:14, 20; 146:3; Is 2:22; 14:16; Lk 12:20; 16:22; Jm 1:11.

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