NASB — Daniel 2 — KJV

The King’s Forgotten Dream

1 Now in the second° year° of the reign° of Nebuchadnezzar°, Nebuchadnezzar° Iahad° dreams°; and his spirit° was troubled° and his bsleep° IIleft° him. 2 Then the king° Igave° orders° to call° in the IIamagicians°, the conjurers°, the sorcerers° and the IIIChaldeans° to tell° the king° his dreams°. So they came° in and stood° before° the king°. 3 The king° said° to them, “I Iahad° a dream° and my spirit° IIis anxious° to IIIunderstand° the dream°.”

[1] ILit dreamed dreams IILit was gone upon him aGn 40:5-8; 41:1, 8; Jb 33:15-17; Dn 2:3; 4:5 bEs 6:1; Dn 6:18
[2] ILit said to call IIOr soothsayer priests IIIOr master astrologers, and so throughout the ch aGn 41:8; Ex 7:11; Is 47:12, 13; Dn 1:20; 2:10, 27; 4:6; 5:7
[3] ILit dreamed IILit was troubled IIILit know aGn 40:8; 41:15; Dn 4:5

4 ¶ Then the Chaldeans° spoke° to the king° in IaAramaic°: “bO king°, live° forever°! cTell° the dream° to your servants°, and we will declare° the interpretation°.” 5 The king° replied° to the Chaldeans°, “IThe command° from me is firm°: if° you do not make° known° to me the dream° and its interpretation°, you will be IIatorn° limb° from limb and your houses° will be made° a rubbish° heap°. 6 But if° you declare° the dream° and its interpretation°, you will receive° from me agifts° and a reward° and great° honor°; therefore° declare° to me the dream° and its interpretation°.” 7 They answered° a second° time° and said°, “Let the king° atell° the dream° to his servants°, and we will declare° the interpretation°.” 8 The king° replied°, “I know° for certain° that you are Ibargaining° for time°, inasmuch°°° as you have seen° that IIthe command° from me is firm°, 9 that if° you do not make° the dream° known° to me, there is only aone° Idecree° for you. For you have agreed° together° to speak° lying° and corrupt° IIwords° before° me until°° the IIIsituation° is changed°; therefore° tell° me the dream°, that I may bknow° that you can declare° to me its interpretation°.” 10 The Chaldeans° answered° Ithe king° and said°, “There° is not a man° on earth° who° could° declare° the matter° IIfor the king°, inasmuch°°° as no°° great° king° or ruler° has [ever] asked° anything° like this° of any° IIIamagician°, conjurer° or Chaldean°. 11 Moreover, the thing° which° the king° demands° is Idifficult°, and there° is no° one° else° who° could declare° it IIto the king° except° agods°, whose° bdwelling° place° is not with [mortal] flesh°.”

[4] IThe text is in Aramaic from here through 7:28 aEzr 4:7; Is 36:11 bDn 3:9; 5:10 cDn 2:7
[5] IAnother reading is The word has gone from me IILit made into limbs aEzr 6:11; Dn 2:12; 3:29
[6] aDn 2:48; 5:7, 16, 29
[7] aDn 2:4
[8] ILit buying IIV 5, note 1
[9] IOr law IILit word IIILit time aEs 4:11; Dn 3:15 bIs 41:23
[10] ILit before the IILit of IIIOr soothsayer priest aDn 2:2, 27
[11] IOr rare IILit before aGn 41:39; Dn 5:11 bEx 29:45; Is 57:15

12 ¶ Because°° of this° the king° became° aindignant° and very° furious° and gave° orders° to destroy° all° the wise° men° of Babylon°. 13 So the Idecree° went° forth° that the wise° men° should be slain°; and they looked° for aDaniel° and his friends° to IIkill° [them].

[12] aPs 76:10; Dn 2:5; 3:13, 19
[13] IOr law IILit be killed aDn 1:19, 20

14 ¶ Then° Daniel° replied° with discretion° and discernment° to aArioch°, the captain° of the king’s° Ibodyguard°, who° had gone° forth° to slay° the wise° men° of Babylon°; 15 he said° to Arioch°, the king’s° commander°, “For what° reason°° is the Idecree° from the king° [so] IIurgent°?” Then° Arioch° informed° Daniel° about the matter°. 16 So Daniel° went° in and requested° of the king° that he would Igive° him time°, in order that he might declare° the interpretation° to the king°.

[14] IOr executioners aDn 2:24
[15] IOr law IIOr harsh
[16] IOr appoint a time for him

17 ¶ Then° Daniel° went° to his house° and informed° his friends°, aHananiah°, Mishael° and Azariah°, about the matter°, 18 so that they might arequest° compassion° from the God° of heaven° concerning° this° mystery°, so° that Daniel° and his friends° would not be bdestroyed° with the rest° of the wise° men° of Babylon°.

[17] aDn 1:6
[18] aEs 4:15, 16; Is 37:4; Jr 33:3; Ezk 36:37; Dn 2:23 bGn 18:28; Mal 3:18

The Secret Is Revealed to Daniel

19 Then° the mystery° was revealed° to Daniel° in a night° avision°. Then° Daniel° blessed° the God° of heaven°; 20 Daniel° said°,
  “Let the name° of God° be ablessed° forever° and ever°,
  For bwisdom° and power° belong to Him.
  21 “It is He who achanges° the times° and the epochs°;
  He bremoves° kings° and Iestablishes° kings°;
  He gives° cwisdom° to wise° men°
  And knowledge° to IImen of understanding°.
  22 “It is He who areveals° the profound° and hidden° things°;
  bHe knows° what° is in the darkness°,
  And the clight° dwells° with Him.
  23 “To You, O aGod° of my fathers°, I give° thanks° and praise°,
  For You have given° me bwisdom° and power°;
  Even now° You have made° known° to me what° we crequested° of You,
  For You have made° known° to us the king’s° matter°.”

[19] aNu 12:6; Jb 33:15, 16; Dn 1:17; 7:2, 7, 13
[20] aPs 103:1, 2; 113:1, 2; 115:18; 145:1, 2, 21 b1Ch 29:11, 12; Jb 12:13, 16-22; Dn 2:21-23
[21] IOr sets up IILit knowers aPs 31:15; Dn 2:9; 7:25 bJb 12:18; Ps 75:6, 7; Dn 4:17, 32 c1K 3:9, 10; 4:29; Jm 1:5
[22] aJb 12:22; Ps 25:14; Dn 2:19, 28 bJb 26:6; Ps 139:12; Is 45:7; Jr 23:24; He 4:13 cPs 36:9; Dn 5:11, 14; Jm 1:17; 1 Jn 1:5
[23] aGn 31:42; Ex 3:15 bDn 1:17; 2:21 cPs 21:2, 4; Dn 2:18, 29, 30

24 ¶ Therefore°°°, Daniel° went° in to Arioch°, whom° the king° had appointed° to destroy° the wise° men° of Babylon°; he went° and spoke° to him as follows°: “aDo not destroy° the wise° men° of Babylon°! Take° me Iinto the king’s° presence°, and I will declare° the interpretation° to the king°.”

[24] ILit in before the king aDn 2:12, 13; Ac 27:24

25 ¶ Then° Arioch° hurriedly° abrought° Daniel° Iinto the king’s° presence° and spoke° to him as follows°: “I have found° a man° among°° the IIbexiles°° from Judah° who° can make° the interpretation° known° to the king°!” 26 The king° said° to Daniel°, whose° name° was aBelteshazzar°, “Are you able° to make° known° to me the dream° which° I have seen° and its interpretation°?” 27 Daniel° answered° before° the king° and said°, “As for the mystery° about which° the king° has inquired°, neither° awise° men°, conjurers°, Imagicians° [nor] diviners° are able° to declare° [it] to the king°. 28 However°, there° is a aGod° in heaven° who° reveals° mysteries°, and He has made° known° to King° Nebuchadnezzar° what° will take° place° in the Iblatter° days°. This° was your dream° and the cvisions° IIin your mind° [while] on your bed°. 29 As for you, O king°, [while] on your bed° your thoughts° Iturned° to what° would take° place° IIin the future°; and aHe who reveals° mysteries° has made° known° to you what° will take° place°. 30 But as for me, this° mystery° has° not been revealed° to me for any awisdom° Iresiding° in me more° than° [in] any° [other] living° man°, but for the purpose° of making° the interpretation° known° to the king°, and that you may IIunderstand° the bthoughts° of your IIImind°.

[25] ILit in before the king IILit sons of the exile of aGn 41:14 bDn 1:6; 5:13; 6:13
[26] aDn 1:7; 4:8; 5:12
[27] IOr soothsayer priests aDn 2:2, 10, 11; 5:7, 8
[28] ILit end of the days IILit of your head aGn 40:8; 41:16; Dn 2:22, 45 bGn 49:1; Is 2:2; Dn 10:14; Mi 4:1 cDn 4:5
[29] ILit came up IILit after this aDn 2:23, 47
[30] ILit which is IILit know IIILit heart aGn 41:16; Dn 1:17 bPs 139:2; Am 4:13

The King’s Dream

31 ¶ “You, O king°, were looking° and behold°, there was a single° great° statue°; that statue°, which was large° and Iof extraordinary° splendor°, was standing° in front° of you, and its appearance° was aawesome°. 32 The ahead° of that statue° [was made] of fine° gold°, its breast° and its arms° of silver°, its belly° and its thighs° of bronze°, 33 its legs° of iron°, its feet° partly° of iron° and partly° of clay°. 34 You Icontinued° looking° until°° a astone° was cut° out bwithout° hands°, and it struck° the statue° on its feet° of iron° and clay° and ccrushed° them. 35 Then° the iron°, the clay°, the bronze°, the silver° and the gold° were crushed° Iall° at the same° time° and became° alike chaff° from the summer° threshing° floors°; and the wind° carried° them away so that bnot a trace° of them was found°. But the stone° that struck° the statue° became° a great° cmountain° and filled° the whole° earth°.

[31] ILit its splendor was surpassing aHab 1:7
[32] aDn 2:38
[34] ILit were aDn 2:45 bDn 8:25; Zc 4:6 cPs 2:9; Is 60:12
[35] ILit like one aPs 1:4; Is 17:13; 41:15, 16; Ho 13:3 bPs 37:10, 36 cIs 2:2; Mi 4:1

The Interpretation—Babylon the First Kingdom

36 ¶ “This° [was] the dream°; now we will tell° aits interpretation° before° the king°. 37 You, O king°, are the aking° of kings°, to whom° the God° of heaven° has given° the Ikingdom°, the bpower°, the strength° and the glory°; 38 and wherever°° the sons° of men° dwell°, [or] the abeasts° of the field°, or the birds° of the sky°, He has given° [them] into your hand° and has caused you to rule° over them all°. You are the head° of gold°.

[36] aDn 2:24
[37] IOr sovereignty aIs 47:5; Jr 27:6, 7; Ezk 26:7 bPs 62:11
[38] aPs 50:10, 11; Dn 4:21, 22

Medo-Persia and Greece

39 After° you there will arise° another° kingdom° inferior° to you, then another° third° kingdom° of bronze°, which° will rule° over all° the earth°.


40 Then there will be a afourth° kingdom° as strong° as iron°; inasmuch°°° as iron° crushes° and shatters° all° things°, so, like iron° that breaks° in pieces°, it will crush° and break° all° these° in pieces°. 41 In that you saw° the feet° and toes°, partly° of potter’s° clay° and partly° of iron°, it will be a divided° kingdom°; but it will have° in it the toughness° of iron°, inasmuch°°° as you saw° the iron° mixed° with Icommon° clay°. 42 [As] the toes° of the feet° [were] partly° of iron° and partly° of pottery°, [so] some°° of the kingdom° will be strong° and part° of it will be brittle°. 43 And in that you saw° the iron° mixed° with Icommon° clay°, they will combine° with one another IIin the seed° of men°; but they will not adhere° to one°° another°°, even° as iron° does not combine° with pottery°.

[40] aDn 7:23
[41] ILit clay of mud
[43] ILit clay of mud IIOr with

The Divine Kingdom

44 In the days° of those° kings° the aGod° of heaven° will bset° up a ckingdom° which° will never°° be destroyed°, and [that] kingdom° will not be Ileft° for another° people°; it will dcrush° and put° an end° to all° these° kingdoms°, but it will itself° endure° forever°. 45 Inasmuch°°° as you saw° that a astone° was cut° out of the mountain° without° hands° and that it crushed° the iron°, the bronze°, the clay°, the silver° and the gold°, the bgreat° God° has made° known° to the king° what° cwill take° place° Iin the future°; so the dream° is true° and its interpretation° is trustworthy°.”

[44] IOr passed on to aDn 2:28, 37 bIs 9:6, 7 cPs 145:13; Ezk 37:25; Dn 4:3, 34; 6:26; 7:14, 27; Mi 4:7; Lk 1:32, 33 dPs 2:9; Is 60:12; Dn 2:34, 35
[45] ILit after this aDn 2:34 bDt 10:17; 2S 7:22; Ps 48:1; Jr 32:18, 19; Dn 2:29; Mal 1:11 cGn 41:28, 32

Daniel Promoted

46 ¶ Then° King° Nebuchadnezzar° fell° on his face° and did° ahomage° to Daniel°, and gave° orders° to present° to him an offering° and Ibfragrant° incense°. 47 The king° answered° Daniel° and said°, “Surely°°° ayour God° is a bGod° of gods° and a Lord° of kings° and a crevealer° of mysteries°, since° you have been° able° to reveal° this° mystery°.” 48 Then° the king° Iapromoted° Daniel° and gave° him many° great° gifts°, and he made° him ruler° over° the whole° bprovince° of Babylon° and chief° IIprefect° over° all° the wise° men° of Babylon°. 49 And Daniel° made° request° of the king°, and he aappointed° bShadrach°, Meshach° and Abed-nego° over° the administration° of the province° of Babylon°, while Daniel° [was] at the king’s° Iccourt°.

[46] ILit sweet odors aDn 3:5, 7; Ac 10:25; 14:13; Rv 19:10; 22:8 bLv 26:31; Ezr 6:10
[47] aDn 3:15; 4:25 bDt 10:17; Ps 136:2, 3; Dn 11:36 cDn 2:22, 30; Am 3:7
[48] ILit made great IILit of the prefects aGn 41:39-43; Dn 2:6; 5:16, 29 bDn 3:1, 12, 30
[49] ILit gate aDn 3:12 bDn 1:7 cEs 2:19, 21; Am 5:15

New American Standard Bible
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Nebuchadnezzar, forgetting his dream, requireth it of the Chaldeans, by promises and threatenings.

1 ¶ And in the secondº yearº of the reignº of Nebuchadnezzarº Nebuchadnezzarº dreamedºª dreams,º wherewith his spiritº was troubled,ºª and his sleepº brakeºª from² him. 2 Then the kingº commandedºª to callºª the magicians,º and the astrologers,º and the sorcerers,ºª and the Chaldeans,º for to shewºª the kingº his dreams.º So they cameºª and stoodºª beforeº the king.º 3 And the kingº saidºª unto them, I have dreamedºª a dream,º and my spiritº was troubledºª to knowºª² the dream.º 4 Then spakeºª the Chaldeansº to the kingº in Syriack,º O king,º liveºª for ever:º tellºª thy servantsº the dream,º and we will shewºª the interpretation.º 5 The kingº answeredºª and saidºª to the Chaldeans,º The thingº is goneºª from² me:¹ ifº ye will notº make knownºª unto me the dream,º with the interpretationº thereof, ye shall be cutºª in pieces,º and your housesº shall be madeºª a dunghill.º 6 But ifº ye shewºª the dream,º and the interpretationº thereof, ye shall receiveºª ofº² me¹ giftsº and rewardsº and greatº honour:º thereforeº shewºª me the dream,º and the interpretationº thereof. 7 They answeredºª againº and said,ºª Let the kingº tellºª his servantsº the dream,º and we will shewºª the interpretationº of it. 8 The kingº answeredºª and said,ºª Iº knowºª ofº certaintyº that² yeº would gainºª the time,º becauseºº² ye seeºª² the thingº is goneºª fromº me. 9 But² ifº ye will notº make knownºª unto me the dream,º [there is but] oneº¹ decreeº for you: for ye have preparedºª lyingº and corruptºª wordsº to speakºª beforeº me, tillº² the timeº be changed:ºª thereforeº tellºª me the dream,º and I shall knowºª thatº ye can shewºª me the interpretationº thereof.

[1] Gn 40:5; 41:1; 2Ch 36:5; Es 6:1; Jb 33:15; Jr 25:1; Dn 1:1; 2:3; 4:5; 6:18.
[2] Gn 41:8; Ex 7:11; Dt 18:10; Is 8:19; 19:3; 47:12; Dn 1:20; 4:6; 5:7.
[3] Gn 40:8; 41:15; Dn 2:1.
[4] Gn 31:47; 41:8; 1S 10:24; 1K 1:25, 31; Ezr 4:7; Ne 2:3; Is 36:11; 44:25; Dn 3:9; 4:7, 19; 5:8, 10; 6:6, 21; 7:1; Mt 21:9; Mk 11:9.
[5] Dt 13:16; Jsh 6:26; 1S 15:33; 2K 10:27; Ezr 6:11; Ps 50:22; 58:7; Dn 3:29.
[6] Nu 22:7, 17, 37; 24:11; Dn 2:48; 5:7, 16, 17, 29.
[7] Ec 10:4; Dn 2:4, 9.
[8] Ep 5:16; Col 4:5.
[9] 1K 22:6, 22; Es 4:11; Pv 12:19; Is 41:23; 44:25; Ezk 13:6, 17, 19; Dn 2:21; 3:15; 5:28, 31; 7:25; 2Co 2:17.

They acknowledging their inability are judged to die.

10 ¶ The Chaldeansº answeredºª beforeº the king,º and said,ºª There isº notº a manº uponº the earthº that² canºª shewºª the king'sº matter:º thereforeºº² [there is] noº² king,º lord,º nor ruler,º [that] askedºª such¹ things¹² at anyº magician,º or astrologer,º or Chaldean.º 11 And [it is] a rareº thingº that² the kingº requireth,ºª and there isº noneº otherº that² can shewºª it beforeº the king,º exceptº the gods,º whose² dwellingº isº notº withº flesh.º 12 For¹ this¹ causeº²² the kingº was angryºª and veryº furious,ºª and commandedºª to destroyºª allº the wiseº [men] of Babylon.º 13 And the decreeº went forthºª that the wiseº [men] should be slain;ºª and they soughtºª Danielº and his fellowsº to be slain.ºª

[11] Gn 41:39; Ex 8:19; 29:45; Nu 35:34; 1K 8:27; 2Ch 6:18; Ps 68:18; 113:5; 132:14; Is 8:18; 57:15; 66:1; Dn 2:27; 5:11; Jol 3:21; Mt 19:26; Jn 1:1, 14; 14:17, 23; 2Co 6:16; Rv 21:3.
[12] Jb 5:2; Ps 76:10; Pv 16:14; 19:12; 20:2; 27:3; 29:22; Dn 3:13; Mt 2:16; 5:22.
[13] Es 3:12; Ps 94:20; Pv 28:15; Is 10:1; Dn 1:19; 6:9, 12.

Daniel obtaining some respite findeth the dream.

14 ¶ Thenº Danielº answeredºª with counselº and wisdomº to Ariochº the captainº ofº the king'sº guard,º which² was gone forthºª to slayºª the wiseº [men] of Babylon:º 15 He answeredºª and saidºª to Ariochº the king'sº² captain,º Whyºº [is] the decreeº [so] hastyºª fromºº the king?º Thenº Ariochº made the thing¹ knownºª² to Daniel.º 16 Then Danielº went in,ºª and desiredºª ofº the kingº that² he would giveºª him time,º and that he would shewºª the kingº the interpretation.º 17 Thenº Danielº wentºª to his house,º and made the thing¹ knownºª² to Hananiah,º Mishael,º and Azariah,º his companions:º 18 That they would desireºª merciesº ofºº the Godº of heavenº concerningº thisº secret;º that² Danielº and his fellowsº should notº perishºª withº the restº of the wiseº [men] of Babylon.º

[14] Gn 37:36; 2S 20:16; Ec 9:13; Jr 39:9; 52:12, 14.
[15] Dn 2:9.
[16] Dn 1:18; 2:9.
[17] Dn 1:7, 11; 3:12.
[18] Gn 18:28; 1S 17:37; Es 4:15; Ps 50:15; 91:15; Pv 3:5; Is 37:4; Jr 33:3; Dn 3:17; Mal 3:18; Mt 18:12, 19; Ac 4:24; 12:4; Ro 15:30; 2Ti 4:17; 2P 2:9.

He blesseth God.

19 ¶ Thenº was the secretº revealedºª unto Danielº in a nightº² vision.º Thenº Danielº blessedºª the Godº of heaven.º 20 Danielº answeredºª and said,ºª Blessedºª beºª the nameº of² Godº for¹ ever¹ and ever:ºº² for² wisdomº and mightº are¹ his: 21 And he² changethºª the timesº and the seasons:º he removethºª kings,º and setteth upºª kings:º he givethºª wisdomº unto the wise,º and knowledgeº to them that knowºª understanding:º 22 He² revealethºª the deepº and secret things:ºª he knowethºª whatº [is] in the darkness,º and the lightº dwellethºª with² him.¹ 23 Iº thankºª thee, and praiseºª thee, O thou Godº of my fathers,º who² hast givenºª me wisdomº and might,º and hast made knownºª unto me nowº what² we desiredºª of² thee:¹ for² thou hast [now] made knownºª unto us the king'sº matter.º

[19] Nu 12:6; 2K 6:8; Jb 4:13; 33:15; Ps 25:14; Dn 2:22, 27; 4:9; 7:7; Am 3:7; Mt 2:12; 1Co 2:9.
[20] Gn 14:20; 1K 8:56; 1Ch 29:10, 11, 20; 2Ch 20:21; Jb 12:13, 16; Ps 41:13; 50:23; 62:11; 72:18; 103:1; 113:2; 115:18; 145:1; 147:5; Pv 8:14; Jr 32:19; Dn 2:21; Mt 6:13; Jde 1:24; Rv 5:12.
[21] Ex 31:3, 6; 1S 2:7; 1K 3:8, 28; 4:29; 10:24; 1Ch 22:12; 29:30; 2Ch 1:10; Es 1:13; Jb 12:18; 34:24; Ps 31:14; 75:5; 113:7; Pv 2:6; 8:15; Ec 3:1; Jr 27:5; Dn 2:9; 4:17, 32; 7:25; 11:6; Lk 1:51; 21:15; Ac 13:21; 1Co 1:30; Jm 1:5, 17; 3:15; Rv 19:16.
[22] Gn 37:5; 41:16, 25; Jb 12:22; 26:6; Ps 25:14; 36:9; 104:2; 139:11; Is 41:22, 26; 42:9; Jr 23:24; Dn 2:11, 28; 5:11, 14; Mt 13:13; Lk 12:2; Jn 1:9; 8:12; 12:45; 21:17; Ro 16:25; 1Co 2:9; 4:5; Ep 3:5; 1Ti 6:16; He 4:13; Jm 1:17; 1Jn 1:5.
[23] Gn 18:17; 32:9; Ex 3:15; 1K 8:57; 18:36; 1Ch 29:10, 13; 2Ch 20:6; Ps 25:14; 50:14; 103:1; Pv 8:14; 21:22; 24:5; Ec 7:19; 9:16, 18; Is 12:1; Dn 2:18, 20, 29; Am 3:7; Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21; Jn 11:41; 15:15; Rv 1:1; 5:5.

He staying the decree is brought to the king.

24 ¶ Thereforeººº Danielº went inºª untoº Arioch,º whom² the kingº had ordainedºª to destroyºª the wiseº [men] of Babylon:º he wentºª and saidºª thusº unto him; Destroyºª notº the wiseº [men] of Babylon:º bring me in¹ª² beforeº the king,º and I will shewºª unto the kingº the interpretation.º 25 Thenº Ariochº brought inºª Danielº beforeº the kingº in haste,ºª and saidºª thusº unto him, I have foundºª a manº of² the captivesºº of¹² Judah,º that² will make knownºª unto the kingº the interpretation.º 26 The kingº answeredºª and saidºª to Daniel,º whose² nameº [was] Belteshazzar,º Artº thou ableºª to make knownºª unto me the dreamº which² I have seen,ºª and the interpretationº thereof? 27 Danielº answeredºª in the presence¹ of² the king,º and said,ºª The secretº which² the kingº hath demandedºª cannotººª the wiseº [men], the astrologers,º the magicians,º the soothsayers,ºª shewºª unto the king;º 28 Butº there isº a Godº in heavenº that revealethºª secrets,º and maketh knownºª to the kingº Nebuchadnezzarº whatº² shall beºª in the latterº days.º Thy dream,º and the visionsº of thy headº uponº thy bed,º are these;º 29 As for thee,º O king,º thy thoughtsº cameºª [into thy mind] uponº thy bed,º whatº² should come to passºª hereafter:ºº and he that revealethºª secretsº maketh knownºª to thee whatº² shall come to pass.ºª 30 But as for me,º thisº secretº is notº revealedºª to me for [any] wisdomº that² I haveº more thanº anyº living,º butº for [their] sakesº² that¹² shall make knownºª the interpretationº to the king,º and that thou mightest knowºª the thoughtsº of thy heart.º

[24] Dn 2:12, 15; Ac 27:24.
[25] Ne 7:6; Pv 24:11; Ec 9:10; Dn 1:6; 6:13; 1Co 1:27.
[26] Gn 41:15; 1S 17:33; Dn 1:7; 2:3; 4:8, 18, 19; 5:12, 16.
[27] Jb 5:12; Is 19:3; 44:25; 47:12; Dn 2:2, 10; 5:7.
[28] Gn 40:8; 41:16; 49:1; Nu 24:14; Dt 4:30; 31:19; Ps 115:3; Is 2:2; 41:22; Jr 30:24; 48:47; Ezk 38:8, 16; Dn 2:18, 47; 10:14; Ho 3:5; Am 4:13; Mi 4:1; Mt 6:9; 2Ti 3:1; He 1:1; 2P 3:3.
[29] Ezk 38:10; Dn 2:22, 28, 47; Am 4:13.
[30] Gn 41:16; Is 43:3; 45:4; Dn 2:17, 47, 49; Mt 24:22; Mk 13:20; Ac 3:12; Ro 8:28; 1Co 3:21; 15:8; 2Co 4:15.

The dream.

31 ¶ Thou,º O king,º sawest,ººªª and beholdº a² greatº¹ image.º Thisº greatº image,º whose brightnessº [was] excellent,º stoodºª beforeº thee; and the formº thereof [was] terrible.ºª 32 This² image'sº headº [was] of² fineº gold,º his breastº and his armsº of² silver,º his bellyº and his thighsº of² brass,º 33 His legsº of² iron,º his feetº partº of² ironº and partº of² clay.º 34 Thou sawestººªª tillº that² a stoneº was cut outºª withoutº² hands,º which smoteºª the imageº uponº his feetº [that were] of² ironº and clay,º and brake¹ª them¹ to pieces.ºª² 35 Thenº was the iron,º the clay,º the brass,º the silver,º and the gold,º broken to piecesºª¹ª together,º and becameºª like the chaffº ofº the summerº threshingfloors;º and the windº carried¹ª them¹ away,ºª² that¹ noº² placeº was foundºª for them: and the stoneº that² smoteºª the imageº becameºª a greatº mountain,º and filledºª the wholeº earth.º

[31] Is 13:11; 25:3; Ezk 28:7; Dn 7:3; Hab 1:7; Mt 4:8; Lk 4:5.
[32] Is 14:4; Jr 51:7; Dn 2:37, 39; 4:22, 30; 7:4, 5, 6; 8:3, 5; 11:2, 3; Rv 17:4.
[33] Dn 2:40; 7:7, 19.
[34] Ps 2:8; 110:5; 118:22; 149:6; Is 28:16; 60:12; Dn 2:44, 45; 7:13, 27; 8:25; Zc 4:6; 12:3; Mt 16:18; Jn 1:13; Ac 4:11; 2Co 5:1; He 9:24; 1P 2:7; Rv 11:15; 17:14; 19:11.
[35] Jb 6:17; Ps 1:4; 22:27; 37:10, 36; 46:9; 66:4; 67:1; 72:16; 80:9; 86:9; 103:16; Is 2:2; 11:9; 17:13; 41:15; Ho 13:3; Mi 4:1, 13; Zc 14:8; 1Co 15:25; Rv 11:15; 12:8; 20:2, 11.

The interpretation.

36 ¶ Thisº [is] the dream;º and we will tellºª the interpretationº thereof beforeº the king.º 37 Thou,º O king,º [art] a kingº of kings:º for² the Godº of heavenº hath givenºª thee a kingdom,º power,º and strength,º and glory.º 38 And wheresoeverº² the childrenº of menº dwell,ºª the beastsº of the fieldº and the fowlsº of the heavenº hath he givenºª into thine hand,º and hath made thee rulerºª over them all.º Thouº [art] this² headº of² gold.º 39 And afterº thee shall ariseºª anotherº kingdomº inferiorº to² thee,¹ and anotherº thirdº kingdomº of² brass,º which² shall bear ruleºª over allº the earth.º 40 And the fourthº kingdomº shall beºª strongº as iron:º forasmuch as²²² ironº breaketh in piecesºª and subduethºª allº [things]: and as¹ ironº that² breakethºª allº these,º shall it break in piecesºª and bruise.ºª 41 And whereas² thou sawestºª the feetº and toes,º partº of² potters'º clay,º and partº of iron,º the kingdomº shall beºª divided;ºª but¹ª there shall beºª in it ofº the strengthº of² the iron,º forasmuch asºº² thou sawestºª the ironº mixedºª with miryº clay.º 42 And [as] the toesº of the feetº [were] partº of iron,º and partº of clay,º [so] the kingdomº shall beºª partlyºº strong,º and partlyº¹ broken.ºª 43 And whereasº thou sawestºª ironº mixedºª with miryº clay,º they shall² mingle themselvesº¹ªª with the seedº of men:º but they shallºª notº cleaveºª oneº toº another,º even¹ as²² ironº is notº mixedºª with² clay.º 44 And in the daysº of² theseº kingsº shall the Godº of heavenº set upºª a kingdom,º which² shall neverºº be destroyed:ºª and the kingdomº shall notº be leftºª to otherº people,º [but] it shall break in piecesºª and consumeºª allº theseº kingdoms,º and itº shall standºª for ever.º 45 Forasmuch asºº² thou sawestºª that² the stoneº was cut outºª of the mountainº² withoutº² hands,º and that it brake in piecesºª the iron,º the brass,º the clay,º the silver,º and the gold;º the greatº Godº hath made knownºª to the kingº whatº² shall come to passºª hereafter:ºº and the dreamº [is] certain,º and the interpretationº thereof sure.ºª

[36] Dn 2:23.
[37] 1K 4:24; 2Ch 36:23; Ezr 1:2; 7:12; Ps 62:11; Pv 8:15; Is 10:8; 47:5; Jr 27:6; 28:14; Ezk 26:7; Dn 4:3, 25, 32, 34; 5:18; Ho 8:10; Mt 6:13; Jn 19:11; Rv 1:5; 4:11; 5:12; 17:14; 19:16.
[38] Ps 50:10; Jr 27:5; Dn 2:32; 4:21.
[39] Is 44:28; 45:1; Dn 2:32; 5:28; 7:5, 6, 23; 8:3, 5, 20; 10:20; 11:2, 3; Zc 6:3, 6.
[40] Jr 15:12; Dn 2:33; 7:7, 19; 8:24; 9:26; 11:36; Am 1:3; Jn 11:48.
[41] Dn 2:33; 7:7, 24; Rv 12:3; 13:1; 17:12.
[42] Dn 7:24; Rv 13:1.
[44] Gn 49:10; Ru 1:1; Ps 2:6, 9; 21:8; 72:1; 89:3, 19; 110:1; 145:13; Is 9:6; 60:12; Ezk 37:25; Dn 2:28, 37; 4:3, 34; 6:26; 7:13; 8:25; Mi 4:7; Mt 3:2; 28:18; Lk 1:32; Jn 12:34; 1Co 15:24; Ep 1:20; Rv 2:27; 11:15; 19:15.
[45] Gn 41:28, 32; Dt 10:17; 2S 7:22; 1Ch 16:25; Ne 4:14; 9:32; Jb 36:26; Ps 48:1; 96:4; 135:5; 145:3; Is 28:16; Jr 32:18; Dn 2:24, 34, 35; Zc 12:3; Mal 1:11; Mt 21:24; 24:35; Lk 17:20; 2Co 10:4; Rv 1:19; 4:1; 19:17.

Daniel's advancement.

46 ¶ Thenº the kingº Nebuchadnezzarº fellºª uponº his face,º and worshippedºª Daniel,º and commandedºª that they should offerºª an oblation¹² and sweet odoursº unto him. 47 The kingº answeredºª unto Daniel,º and said,ºª Ofº a truthº [it is], thatº your Godº [is] a Godº of gods,º and a Lordº of kings,º and a revealerºª of secrets,º seeing² thou couldestºª revealºª thisº secret.º 48 Thenº the kingº made¹ª Daniel¹ a great man,ºª² and gaveºª him manyº greatº gifts,º and made him rulerºª overº the wholeº provinceº of Babylon,º and chiefº of the governorsº overº allº the wiseº [men] of Babylon.º 49 Then Danielº requestedºª ofº the king,º and he setºª Shadrach,º Meshach,º and Abednego,º overº the affairsº of² the provinceº of Babylon:º but Danielº [sat] in the gateº of the king.º

[46] Lv 26:31; Ezr 6:10; Lk 17:16; Ac 10:25; 14:13; 28:6; Rv 11:16; 19:10; 22:8.
[47] Gn 41:39; Dt 10:17; Jsh 22:22; Jb 12:19; Ps 2:10; 72:11; 82:1; 136:2; Pv 8:15; Dn 2:19, 28, 37; 4:8, 17, 32; 11:36; Am 3:7; 1Ti 6:15; Rv 1:5; 17:14; 19:16.
[48] Gn 41:39; Nu 22:16; 24:11; 1S 17:25; 25:2; 2S 19:32; 2K 5:1; Jb 1:3; Jr 5:5; Dn 2:6; 4:9; 5:11, 16, 29; 6:1.
[49] Es 2:19, 21; 3:2; Pv 28:12; Jr 39:3; Dn 1:17; 2:17; 3:12; Am 5:15.

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