NASB — 1 Kings 1 — KJV

David in Old Age

1 Now King° David° was old°, advanced° in age°; and they covered° him with clothes°, but he could not keep° warm°. 2 So his servants° said° to him, “Let them seek° a young° virgin° for my lord° the king°, and let her Iattend°° the king° and become° his nurse°; and let her lie° in your bosom°, that my lord° the king° may keep° warm°.” 3 So they searched° for a beautiful° girl° throughout all° the territory° of Israel°, and found° Abishag° the aShunammite°, and brought° her to the king°. 4 The girl° was very° beautiful°; and she became° the king’s° nurse° and served° him, but the king° did not Icohabit° with her.

[2] ILit stand before
[3] aJsh 19:18; 1S 28:4
[4] ILit know her

5 ¶ Now aAdonijah° the son° of Haggith° exalted° himself, saying°, “I will be king°.” So bhe prepared° for himself chariots° and horsemen° with fifty° men° to run° before° him. 6 His father° had never° Icrossed° him at any° time° by asking°, “Why° have you done° so°?” And he was also° a very° handsome°° man°, and IIahe was born° after° Absalom°. 7 IHe had conferred° with aJoab° the son° of Zeruiah° and with bAbiathar° the priest°; and following° cAdonijah° they helped° him. 8 But aZadok° the priest°, bBenaiah° the son° of Jehoiada°, cNathan° the prophet°, dShimei°, Rei°, and ethe mighty° men° who° belonged to David°, were not with Adonijah°.

[5] a2S 3:4 b2S 15:1
[6] ILit pained him IILit she gave him birth a2S 3:3, 4
[7] ILit his words were a1Ch 11:6 b1S 22:20, 23; 2S 20:25 c1K 2:22
[8] a2S 20:25; 1Ch 16:39 b2S 8:18 c2S 12:1 d1K 4:18 e2S 23:8-39

9 ¶ Adonijah° sacrificed° sheep° and oxen° and fatlings° by the Istone° of Zoheleth°, which° is beside° aEn-rogel°; and he invited° all° his brothers°, the king’s° sons°, and all° the men° of Judah°, the king’s° servants°. 10 But he did not invite° Nathan° the prophet°, Benaiah°, the mighty° men°, and aSolomon° his brother°.

[9] IOr Gliding or Serpent Stone aJsh 15:7; 18:16; 2S 17:17
[10] a2S 12:24

Nathan and Bathsheba

11 ¶ Then Nathan° spoke° to aBathsheba° the mother° of Solomon°, saying°, “Have you not heard° that Adonijah° the son° of Haggith° has become° king°, and David° our lord° does not know° [it]? 12 So now° come°, please° let me agive° you counsel° and save° your life° and the life° of your son° Solomon°. 13 Go° Iat once° to King° David° and say° to him, ‘Have you not, my lord°, O king°, sworn° to your maidservant°, saying°, “aSurely° Solomon° your son° shall be king° after° me, and he shall sit° on my throne°”? Why° then has Adonijah° become° king°?’ 14 “Behold°, while you are still° there° speaking° with the king°, I will come° in after° you and confirm° your words°.”

[11] a2S 12:24
[12] aPv 15:22
[13] ILit and enter a1K 1:30; 1Ch 22:9-13

15 ¶ So Bathsheba° went° in to the king° in the bedroom°. Now athe king° was very° old°, and Abishag° the Shunammite° was ministering° to the king°. 16 Then Bathsheba° bowed° and prostrated° herself Ibefore the king°. And the king° said°, “What° IIdo you wish?” 17 She said° to him, “My lord°, you swore° to your maidservant° by the LORD° your God°, [saying], ‘aSurely° your son° Solomon° shall be king° after° me and he shall sit° on my throne°.’ 18 Now°, behold°, Adonijah° is king°; and now°, my lord° the king°, you do not know° [it]. 19 aHe has sacrificed° oxen° and fatlings° and sheep° in abundance°, and has invited° all° the sons° of the king° and Abiathar° the priest° and Joab° the commander° of the army°, but he has not invited° Solomon° your servant°. 20 As for you now, my lord° the king°, the eyes° of all° Israel° are on you, to tell° them who° shall sit° on the throne° of my lord° the king° after° him. 21 Otherwise it will come° about, aas soon as my lord° the king° sleeps° with his fathers°, that I and my son° Solomon° will be considered Ioffenders°.”

[15] a1K 1:1
[16] ILit to IILit to you
[17] a1K 1:13
[19] a1K 1:9
[21] ILit sinners aDt 31:16; 2S 7:12; 1K 2:10

22 ¶ Behold°, while she was still° speaking° with the king°, Nathan° the prophet° came° in. 23 They told° the king°, saying°, “Here° is Nathan° the prophet°.” And when he came° in before° the king°, he prostrated° himself Ibefore the king° with his face° to the ground°. 24 Then Nathan° said°, “My lord° the king°, have you said°, ‘Adonijah° shall be king° after° me, and he shall sit° on my throne°’? 25 aFor he has gone° down° today° and has sacrificed° oxen° and fatlings° and sheep° in abundance°, and has invited° all° the king’s° sons° and the commanders° of the army° and Abiathar° the priest°, and behold°, they are eating° and drinking° before° him; and they say°, ‘b[Long] live° King° Adonijah°!’ 26 aBut me, [even] me your servant°, and Zadok° the priest° and Benaiah° the son° of Jehoiada° and your servant° Solomon°, he has not invited°. 27 Has this° thing° been° done° by my lord° the king°, and you have not shown° to your Iservants° who° should sit° on the throne° of my lord° the king° after° him?”

[23] ILit to
[25] a1K 1:9 b1S 10:24
[26] a1K 1:8, 10
[27] ISome mss read servant

28 ¶ Then King° David° said°, “Call° Bathsheba° to me.” And she came° into the king’s° presence° and stood° before° the king°. 29 The king° vowed° and said°, “aAs the LORD° lives°, who° has redeemed° my life° from all° distress°, 30 surely° as aI vowed° to you by the LORD° the God° of Israel°, saying°, ‘Your son° Solomon° shall be king° after° me, and he shall sit° on my throne° in my place°’; I will indeed° do° so° this° day°.” 31 Then Bathsheba° bowed° with her face° to the ground°, and prostrated° herself Ibefore the king° and said°, “aMay my lord° King° David° live° forever°.”

[29] a2S 4:9
[30] a1K 1:13, 17
[31] ILit to aDn 2:4; 3:9

32 ¶ Then King° David° said°, “Call° to me aZadok° the priest°, Nathan° the prophet°, and Benaiah° the son° of Jehoiada°.” And they came° into the king’s° presence°. 33 The king° said° to them, “Take° with you athe servants° of your lord°, and have my son° Solomon° ride° on my own mule°, and bring° him down° to bGihon°. 34 Let Zadok° the priest° and Nathan° the prophet° aanoint° him there° as king° over° Israel°, and bblow° the trumpet° and say°, ‘c[Long] live° King° Solomon°!’ 35 Then you shall come° up after° him, and he shall come° and sit° on my throne° and be king° in my place°; for I have appointed° him to be ruler° over° Israel° and Judah°.” 36 Benaiah° the son° of Jehoiada° answered° the king° and said°, “Amen°! Thus° may the LORD°, the God° of my lord° the king°, say°. 37 aAs the LORD° has been° with my lord° the king°, so° may He be with Solomon°, and bmake° his throne° greater° than° the throne° of my lord° King° David°!”

[32] a1K 1:8
[33] a2S 20:6, 7 b2Ch 32:30; 33:14
[34] a1S 10:1; 16:3, 12; 2S 5:3; 1K 19:16; 2K 9:3 b2S 15:10 c1K 1:25
[37] aJsh 1:5, 17; 1S 20:13 b1K 1:47

Solomon Anointed King

38 ¶ So aZadok° the priest°, Nathan° the prophet°, Benaiah° the son° of Jehoiada°, bthe Cherethites°, and the Pelethites° went° down° and had Solomon° ride° on King° David’s° mule°, and brought° him to cGihon°. 39 Zadok° the priest° then atook° the horn° of oil° from the tent° and banointed° Solomon°. Then they cblew° the trumpet°, and all° the people° said°, “d[Long] live° King° Solomon°!” 40 All° the people° went° up after° him, and the people° Iwere playing° on flutes° and rejoicing° with great° joy°, so that the earth° IIshook° at their noise°.

[38] a1K 1:8 b2S 8:18 c1K 1:33
[39] aEx 30:23-32; Ps 89:20 b1Ch 29:22 c1K 1:34 d1S 10:24
[40] ILit fluting IILit was split

41 ¶ Now Adonijah° and all° the guests° who° [were] with him heard° [it] as they finished° eating°. When Joab° heard° the sound° of the trumpet°, he said°, “Why° Iis the city° making° such an uproar°?” 42 While he was still° speaking°, behold°, aJonathan° the son° of Abiathar° the priest° came°. Then Adonijah° said°, “Come° in, for byou are a valiant° man° and bring° good° news°.” 43 But Jonathan° replied° to Adonijah°, “No°! Our lord° King° David° has made° Solomon° king°. 44 The king° has also sent° with him Zadok° the priest°, Nathan° the prophet°, Benaiah° the son° of Jehoiada°, the Cherethites°, and the Pelethites°; and they have made him ride° on the king’s° mule°. 45 Zadok° the priest° and Nathan° the prophet° have anointed° him king° in Gihon°, and they have come° up from there° rejoicing°, aso that the city° is in an uproar°. This° is the noise° which° you have heard°. 46 Besides°, aSolomon° has even° taken° his seat° on the throne° of the kingdom°. 47 Moreover°, the king’s° servants° came° to bless° our lord° King° David°, saying°, ‘May ayour God° make° the name° of Solomon° better° than° your name° and his throne° greater° than° your throne°!’ And bthe king° bowed° himself on the bed°. 48 The king° has also° said° thus°, ‘Blessed° be the LORD°, the God° of Israel°, who° ahas granted° one to sit° on my throne° today° while my own eyes° see° [it].’”

[41] ILit is the sound of the city an uproar
[42] a2S 15:27, 36; 17:17 b2S 18:27
[45] a1K 1:40
[46] a1Ch 29:23
[47] a1K 1:37 bGn 47:31
[48] a2S 7:12; 1K 3:6

49 ¶ Then all° the guests° of Adonijah° were terrified°; and they arose° and each° went° on his way°. 50 And Adonijah° was afraid° of Solomon°, and he arose°, went° and atook° hold° of the horns° of the altar°. 51 Now it was told° Solomon°, saying°, “Behold°, Adonijah° is afraid° of King° Solomon°, for behold°, he has taken° hold° of the horns° of the altar°, saying°, ‘Let King° Solomon° swear° to me today° that he will not put° his servant° to death° with the sword°.’” 52 Solomon° said°, “If° he is a worthy° man°, anot one of his hairs° will fall° to the ground°; but if° wickedness° is found° in him, he will die°.” 53 So King° Solomon° sent°, and they brought° him down° from the altar°. And he came° and prostrated° himself Ibefore King° Solomon°, and Solomon° said° to him, “Go° to your house°.”

[50] aEx 27:2; 30:10; 1K 2:28
[52] a1S 14:45; 2S 14:11; Ac 27:34
[53] ILit to

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Abishag cherisheth David in his extreme age.

1 ¶ Now kingº Davidº was oldºª [and] strickenºª in years;º and they coveredºª him with clothes,º but he gat no heat.ºª² 2 Wherefore his servantsº saidºª unto him, Let there be soughtºª for my lordº the kingº a youngº virgin:º and let her standºª beforeº the king,º and let her cherishºª him, and let her lieºª in thy bosom,º that my lordº the kingº may get heat.ºª 3 So they soughtºª for a fairº damselº throughout all² the coastsº of Israel,º and foundºª² Abishagº a Shunammite,º and broughtºª her to the king.º 4 And the damselº [was] veryº² fair,º and cherishedºª the king,º and ministeredºª to him: but the kingº knewºª her not.²

[1] Gn 18:11; 24:1; Jsh 23:1; 2S 5:4; 1Ch 23:1; 29:27; Ps 90:10; Lk 1:7.
[2] Gn 16:5; Dt 10:8; 13:6; 1S 16:21; 2S 12:3; 2Ch 29:11; Ec 4:11; Mi 7:5.
[3] Jsh 19:18; 1S 28:4; 1K 2:17; 2K 4:8, 25; Es 2:2, 4.
[4] Mt 1:25.

Adonijah, David's darling, usurpeth the kingdom.

5 ¶ Then Adonijahº the sonº of Haggithº exalted¹ª himself,² saying,ºª I² will be king:ºª and he preparedºª him chariotsº and horsemen,º and fiftyº menº to runºª beforeº him. 6 And his fatherº had not² displeasedºª him at any timeº² in saying,ºª Why² hast thou done² so?¹ª² and he² also² [was a] veryº goodlyºº [man]; and [his mother] bareºª him afterº Absalom.º 7 And he conferredº with² Joabº the sonº of Zeruiah,º and with² Abiatharº the priest:º and they followingº Adonijahº helpedºª [him]. 8 But Zadokº the priest,º and Benaiahº the sonº of Jehoiada,º and Nathanº the prophet,º and Shimei,º and Rei,º and the mighty menº which² [belonged] to David,º were² not² with² Adonijah.º 9 And Adonijahº slewºª sheepº and oxenº and fat cattleº by² the stoneº of Zoheleth,º which² [is] byº Enrogel,º and calledºª² all² his brethrenº the king'sº sons,º and all² the men¹² of Judahº the king'sº servants:º 10 But Nathanº the prophet,º and Benaiah,º and the mighty men,º and Solomonº his brother,º he calledºª not.²

[5] Ex 9:17; Dt 17:15, 16; Jg 9:2; 2S 3:4; 15:1; 1K 1:11; 2:24; 1Ch 3:2; 22:5; 28:5; 29:1; Pv 16:18; 18:12; Is 2:7; Lk 14:11; 18:14.
[6] 1S 3:13; 9:2; 10:23; 2S 3:3; 14:25; 1Ch 3:2; Pv 22:15; 23:13; 29:15; He 12:5.
[7] 1S 22:20; 2S 8:16; 15:12, 24, 35; 20:23, 25; 1K 2:22, 26, 28; Ps 2:2.
[8] 2S 7:2; 8:17; 12:1; 20:25; 23:8; 1K 2:35; 4:18; 1Ch 11:10; 27:5; Ezk 44:15; Zc 12:13.
[9] 2S 13:23; 15:11, 12; 17:17; Pv 15:8.
[10] 2S 12:1; 1K 1:8, 19.

By the counsel of Nathan,

11 ¶ Wherefore Nathanº spakeºª unto² Bathshebaº the motherº of Solomon,º saying,ºª Hast thou not² heardºª that² Adonijahº the sonº of Haggithº doth reign,ºª and Davidº our lordº knowethºª [it] not?² 12 Now² therefore come,¹ª² let me, I pray thee,² give² thee counsel,º¹ª that thou mayest saveºª² thine own life,º and the lifeº of thy sonº Solomon.º 13 Go¹ª² and get thee inºª unto² kingº David,º and sayºª unto² him, Didst not² thou,² my lord,º O king,º swearºª unto thine handmaid,º saying,ºª Assuredlyº Solomonº thy sonº shall reignºª afterº me, and he² shall sitºª upon² my throne?º why² then doth Adonijahº reign?ºª 14 Behold,² while thou yet² talkestºª there² with² the king,º I² also will come inºª afterº thee, and confirmºª² thy words.º

[11] 2S 3:4; 7:12; 12:24; 1K 1:5; 1Ch 22:9; 28:4; 29:1.
[12] Gn 19:17; Jg 9:5; 1K 1:21; 2K 11:1; 2Ch 21:4; 22:10; Pv 11:14; 20:18; 27:9; Jr 38:15; Mt 21:38; Ac 27:31.
[13] Dt 17:18; 1K 1:11, 17, 24, 30, 35, 48; 2:12; 1Ch 22:6; 29:23; Ps 132:11; Is 9:7; Jr 33:21; Lk 1:32.
[14] 1K 1:17; 2Co 13:1.

Bath-sheba moveth the king,

15 ¶ And Bathshebaº went inºª unto² the kingº into the chamber:º and the kingº was veryº old;ºª and Abishagº the Shunammiteº ministered¹ª unto²² the king.º 16 And Bathshebaº bowed,ºª and did obeisanceºª unto the king.º And the kingº said,ºª What² wouldest thou? 17 And she saidºª unto him, My lord,º thou² swarestºª by the LORDº thy Godº unto thine handmaid,º [saying], Assuredly² Solomonº thy sonº shall reignºª afterº me, and he² shall sitºª upon² my throne.º 18 And now,² behold,² Adonijahº reigneth;ºª and now,² my lordº the king,º thou knowestºª [it] not:² 19 And he hath slainºª oxenº and fat cattleº and sheepº in abundance,º and hath calledºª all² the sonsº of the king,º and Abiatharº the priest,º and Joabº the captainº of the host:º but Solomonº thy servantº hath he not² called.ºª 20 And thou,² my lord,º O king,º the eyesº of all² Israelº [are] upon² thee, that thou shouldest tellºª them who² shall sitºª on² the throneº of my lordº the kingº afterº him. 21 Otherwise it shall come to pass,² when my lordº the kingº shall sleepºª with² his fathers,º that I² and my sonº Solomonº shall be counted² offenders.º

[15] 1K 1:2.
[16] 1S 20:41; 24:8; 25:23; 1K 1:23; 2:20; Es 7:2; Mt 20:21, 32.
[17] Gn 18:12; 1K 1:13, 30; 1P 3:6.
[18] 2S 15:10; 1K 1:5, 11, 24, 27; Ac 3:17.
[19] 1K 1:7, 25.
[20] 2S 23:2; 1Ch 22:8; 28:5, 10; 29:1; 2Ch 20:12; Ps 25:15; 123:2; Zc 3:9.
[21] Gn 15:15; Dt 31:16; 1K 2:10, 15, 22.

and Nathan secondeth her.

22 ¶ And, lo,² while she yet² talkedºª with² the king,º Nathanº the prophetº also came in.ºª 23 And they toldºª the king,º saying,ºª Behold² Nathanº the prophet.º And when he was come inºª beforeº the king,º he bowed¹ª himself² before the kingº with² his faceº to the ground.º 24 And Nathanº said,ºª My lord,º O king,º hast thou² said,ºª Adonijahº shall reignºª afterº me, and he² shall sitºª upon² my throne?º 25 For² he is gone downºª this day,º and hath slainºª oxenº and fat cattleº and sheepº in abundance,º and hath calledºª all² the king'sº sons,º and the captainsº of the host,º and Abiatharº the priest;º and, behold,² they eatºª and drinkºª beforeº him, and say,ºª God saveºª kingº Adonijah.º 26 But me, [even] me² thy servant,º and Zadokº the priest,º and Benaiahº the sonº of Jehoiada,º and thy servantº Solomon,º hath he not² called.ºª 27 Is this² thingº doneºª by²² my lordº the king,º and thou hast not² shewed¹ª [it] unto²² thy servant,º who² should sitºª on² the throneº of my lordº the kingº afterº him?

[22] Gn 24:15; Jb 1:16; Dn 9:20.
[23] 1K 1:16; Ro 13:7; 1P 2:17.
[24] 1K 1:5, 13, 14, 17, 18.
[25] 1S 10:24; 11:14; 2S 16:16; 1K 1:9, 19, 34; 2K 11:12; 1Ch 29:21; 2Ch 23:11; Mt 21:9; Mk 11:9; Lk 19:38.
[26] 2S 7:2, 12; 12:25; 1K 1:8, 19.
[27] 1K 1:24; 2K 4:27; Jn 15:15.

David reneweth his oath to Bath-sheba.

28 ¶ Then kingº Davidº answeredºª and said,ºª Callºª me Bathsheba.º And she came¹ª into² the king'sº presence,º and stoodºª beforeº the king.º 29 And the kingº sware,ºª and said,ºª [As] the LORDº liveth,º that² hath redeemedºª² my soulº out of all²² distress,º 30 Even² as² I swareºª unto thee by the LORDº Godº of Israel,º saying,ºª Assuredly² Solomonº thy sonº shall reignºª afterº me, and he² shall sitºª upon² my throneº in my stead;² even² so² will I certainly doºª this² day.º 31 Then Bathshebaº bowedºª with [her] faceº to the earth,º and did reverenceºª to the king,º and said,ºª Let my lordº kingº Davidº liveºª for ever.º

[28] 1K 1:28.
[29] Gn 48:16; Jg 8:19; 1S 14:39, 45; 19:6; 20:21; 2S 4:9; 12:5; 1K 2:24; 17:1; 18:10; 2K 4:30; 5:16, 20; Ps 34:19; 72:14; 136:24; 138:7.
[30] 1K 1:13, 17.
[31] 2S 9:6; 1K 1:25; Ne 2:3; Es 3:2; Dn 2:4; 3:9; 5:10; 6:6, 21; Mt 21:37; Ep 5:33; He 12:9.

Solomon, by David's appointment, being anointed king by Zadok and Nathan, the people triumph.

32 ¶ And kingº Davidº said,ºª Callºª me Zadokº the priest,º and Nathanº the prophet,º and Benaiahº the sonº of Jehoiada.º And they cameºª beforeº the king.º 33 The kingº also saidºª unto them, Takeºª with² you² the servantsº of your lord,º and cause² Solomonº my sonº to rideºª upon² mine own mule,º and bring him downºª² to² Gihon:º 34 And let Zadokº the priestº and Nathanº the prophetº anointºª him there² kingº over² Israel:º and blowºª ye with the trumpet,º and say,ºª God saveºª kingº Solomon.º 35 Then ye shall come upºª afterº him, that he may comeºª and sitºª upon² my throne;º for he² shall be kingºª in my stead:² and I have appointedºª him to be² rulerº over² Israelº and over² Judah.º 36 And Benaiahº the sonº of Jehoiadaº answeredºª² the king,º and said,ºª Amen:º the LORDº Godº of my lordº the kingº sayºª so² [too]. 37 As² the LORDº hath been² with² my lordº the king,º even so² be² he with² Solomon,º and make¹ª his throne¹ greaterºª²² than the throneº² of my lordº kingº David.º 38 So Zadokº the priest,º and Nathanº the prophet,º and Benaiahº the sonº of Jehoiada,º and the Cherethites,º and the Pelethites,º went down,ºª and caused² Solomonº to rideºª upon² kingº David'sº mule,º and brought¹ª² him to² Gihon.º 39 And Zadokº the priestº tookºª² an hornº of oilº out of² the tabernacle,º and anointedºª² Solomon.º And they blewºª the trumpet;º and all² the peopleº said,ºª God saveºª kingº Solomon.º 40 And all² the peopleº came upºª afterº him, and the peopleº pipedºª with pipes,º and rejoicedº with greatº joy,º so that the earthº rentºª with the soundº of them.

[32] 1K 1:8, 26, 38.
[33] Gn 41:43; Lv 19:19; 2S 20:6; 1K 1:5, 38, 44, 45; 2Ch 32:30; Es 6:6.
[34] 1S 10:1; 16:3, 12; 2S 2:4; 5:3; 15:10; 1K 1:25; 19:16; 2K 9:3, 6, 13; 11:12, 14; 2Ch 23:11; Ps 45:7; 89:20, 36; 98:5; Is 45:1; Ac 10:38; 2Co 1:21.
[35] 1K 1:13, 17; 2:12, 15; 1Ch 23:1; 28:4; Ps 2:6; 72:1.
[36] Dt 27:15; 1S 25:29; 1Ch 17:27; Ps 18:2; 63:1; 72:19; 89:20, 26; Jr 11:5; 28:6; Mt 6:13; 28:20; 1Co 14:16.
[37] Ex 3:12; Jsh 1:5, 17; 1S 20:13; 2S 24:3; 1K 1:47; 3:7; 2K 2:9; 1Ch 28:20; 2Ch 1:1; Ps 46:7, 11; 72:8, 17; 89:27; Is 8:10; Dn 7:14; Mt 1:23; Ro 8:31.
[38] 1S 30:14; 2S 8:18; 15:18; 20:20; 1K 1:8, 26, 33; 1Ch 18:17; Zp 2:5.
[39] Ex 30:23; 1S 10:24; 16:13; 1K 1:25; 2K 11:12; 1Ch 29:22; 2Ch 23:11, 13; Ps 89:20.
[40] 1S 11:15; 2K 11:14, 20; 1Ch 12:38; Ps 97:1; Dn 3:5; Zc 9:9; Lk 19:37; Rv 11:15.

Jonathan bringing these news, Adonijah's guests flee.

41 ¶ And Adonijahº and all² the guestsºª that² [were] with² him heardºª [it] as they² had made an endºª of eating.ºª And when Joabº heardºª² the soundº of the trumpet,º he said,ºª Wherefore² [is this] noiseº of the cityº being in an uproar?ºª 42 And while he yet² spake,ºª behold,² Jonathanº the sonº of Abiatharº the priestº came:ºª and Adonijahº saidºª unto him, Come in;ºª for² thou² [art] a valiantº man,ºª¹ and bringest¹ª good¹ tidings.ºª² 43 And Jonathanº answeredºª and saidºª to Adonijah,º Verilyº our lordº kingº Davidº hath made Solomon¹ king.ºª²² 44 And the kingº hath sentºª with² him² Zadokº the priest,º and Nathanº the prophet,º and Benaiahº the sonº of Jehoiada,º and the Cherethites,º and the Pelethites,º and they have caused him to rideºª² upon² the king'sº mule:º 45 And Zadokº the priestº and Nathanº the prophetº have anointedºª him kingº in Gihon:º and they are come upºª from thence²² rejoicing,º so that the cityº rang² again.¹ª This² [is] the noiseº that² ye have heard.ºª 46 And also² Solomonº sittethºª on² the throneº of the kingdom.º 47 And moreover² the king'sº servantsº cameºª to blessºª² our lordº kingº David,º saying,ºª Godº make² the nameº of Solomonº betterºª than thy name,º² and make¹ª² his throneº greaterºª than thy throne.º² And the kingº bowed¹ª himself² upon² the bed.º 48 And also² thus² saidºª the king,º Blessedºª [be] the LORDº Godº of Israel,º which² hath givenºª [one] to sitºª on² my throneº this day,º mine eyesº even seeingºª [it]. 49 And all² the guestsºª that² [were] with Adonijahº were afraid,ºª and rose up,ºª and went¹ª² every manº his way.º

[41] Ex 32:17; Jb 15:21; 20:5; Ps 73:18; Pv 14:13; Ec 7:4; Mt 21:9, 15; 24:38; Lk 17:26; Ac 21:31.
[42] 2S 15:36; 17:17; 18:27; 1K 22:18; 2K 9:22; Is 57:21; 1Th 5:2.
[43] 1K 1:32.
[45] 1S 4:5; 28:14; 1K 1:40; 14:6; 2Ch 32:30; Ezr 3:13; Dn 5:26.
[46] 1K 1:13; 1Ch 29:23; Ps 132:11; Hg 2:22.
[47] Gn 47:31; Ex 12:32; 2S 8:10; 21:3; 1K 1:37; Ezr 6:10; Ps 20:1; Lk 19:38; He 11:21.
[48] Gn 14:20; 2S 24:3; 1K 3:6; 1Ch 17:11, 17; 29:10, 20; Ne 9:5; Ps 34:1; 41:13; 72:17; 103:1; 128:5; 132:11; 145:2; Pv 17:6; Dn 4:34; Lk 1:46, 68; Ep 1:3; 1P 1:3.
[49] Pv 28:1; Is 21:4; Dn 5:4.

Adonijah, fleeing to the horns of the altar, upon his good behaviour is dismissed by Solomon.

50 ¶ And Adonijahº fearedºª becauseº² of Solomon,º and arose,ºª and went,¹ª² and caught holdºª on the hornsº of the altar.º 51 And it was toldºª Solomon,º saying,ºª Behold,² Adonijahº fearethºª² kingº Solomon:º for, lo,² he hath caught holdºª on the hornsº of the altar,º saying,ºª Let kingº Solomonº swearºª unto me to dayº that he will not² slayºª² his servantº with the sword.º 52 And Solomonº said,ºª If² he will shew² himself a worthyº man,º there shall not² an hair¹ of²² him fallºª to the earth:º but if² wickednessº shall be foundºª in him, he shall die.ºª 53 So kingº Solomonº sent,ºª and they brought him downºª from²² the altar.º And he cameºª and bowed¹ª himself² to kingº Solomon:º and Solomonº saidºª unto him, Go¹ª² to thine house.º

[50] Ex 21:14; 38:2; 1K 2:28; Ps 118:27.
[52] 1S 14:45; 2S 14:11; 1K 2:21; Jb 15:22; Pv 13:6; 21:12; Mt 10:30; Lk 21:18; Ac 27:34.
[53] 2S 1:2; 14:24, 28; 1K 1:16, 31; 2:36; Pv 24:21.

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