NASB — Joshua 1 — KJV

God’s Charge to Joshua

1 Now it came° about after° the death° of Moses° the servant° of the LORD°, that the LORD° spoke° to Joshua° the son° of Nun°, Moses’° Iservant°, saying°, 2 “Moses° aMy servant° is dead°; now° therefore arise°, bcross° this° Jordan°, you and all° this° people°, to the land° which° I am giving° to them, to the sons° of Israel°. 3 aEvery° place° on which° the sole° of your foot° treads°, I have given° it to you, just° as I spoke° to Moses°. 4 aFrom the wilderness° and this° Lebanon°, even as far° as the great° river°, the river° Euphrates°, all° the land° of the Hittites°, and as far° as the Great° Sea° toward the setting° of the sun° will be your territory°. 5 aNo° man° will [be able to] stand° before° you all° the days° of your life°. Just° as I have been° with Moses°, I will be with you; bI will not fail° you or forsake° you. 6 aBe strong° and courageous°, for you shall give° this° people° possession° of the land° which° I swore° to their fathers° to give° them. 7 Only° be strong° and very° courageous°; Iabe careful° to do° according to all° the law° which° Moses° My servant° commanded° you; do not turn° from it to the right° or to the left°, so° that you may IIhave° success° wherever°° you go°. 8 aThis° book° of the law° shall not depart° from your mouth°, but you shall meditate° on it day° and night°, so° that you may Ibe careful° to do° according to all° that is written° in it; bfor then° you will make° your way° prosperous°, and then° you will IIhave° success°. 9 Have I not commanded° you? aBe strong° and courageous°! bDo not tremble° or be dismayed°, for the LORD° your God° is with you wherever°° you go°.”

[1] IOr minister
[2] aNu 12:7; Dt 34:5 bJsh 1:11
[3] aDt 11:24
[4] aGn 15:18; Nu 34:3
[5] aDt 7:24 bDt 31:6, 7; He 13:5
[6] aDt 31:6, 7, 23
[7] ILit observe IIOr act wisely aDt 5:32
[8] ILit observe IIOr act wisely aDt 31:24; Jsh 8:34 bDt 29:9; Ps 1:1-3
[9] aJsh 1:7 bDt 31:8

Joshua Assumes Command

10 ¶ Then Joshua° commanded° the officers° of the people°, saying°, 11 “Pass° through the midst° of the camp° and command° the people°, saying°, ‘Prepare° provisions° for yourselves, for within° athree° days° you are to cross° this° Jordan°, to go° in to possess° the land° which° the LORD° your God° is giving° you, to possess° it.’”

[11] aJsh 3:2

12aTo the Reubenites° and to the Gadites° and to the half-tribe°° of Manasseh°, Joshua° Isaid°, 13 “Remember° the word° which° Moses° the servant° of the LORD° commanded° you, saying°, ‘aThe LORD° your God° gives° you rest° and will give° you this° land°.’ 14 Your wives°, your little° ones°, and your cattle° shall remain° in the land° which° Moses° gave° you beyond° the Jordan°, but you shall cross° before° your brothers° in battle° array°, all° your valiant° warriors°, and shall help° them, 15 until° the LORD° gives° your brothers° rest°, as [He gives] you, and they also° possess° the land° which° the LORD° your God° is giving° them. aThen you shall return° to Iyour own° land°, and possess° IIthat which° Moses° bthe servant° of the LORD° gave° you beyond° the Jordan° toward the sunrise°°.”

[12] ILit said, saying aNu 32:20-22
[13] aDt 3:18-20
[15] ILit the land of your possession IILit it aJsh 22:4 bJsh 1:1

16 ¶ They answered° Joshua°, saying°, “All° that you have commanded° us we will do°, and wherever°°° you send° us we will go°. 17 Just°° as we obeyed° Moses° in all° things°, so° we will obey° you; only° amay the LORD° your God° be with you as He was with Moses°. 18 Anyone°° who° rebels° against° your Icommand° and does not obey° your words° in all° that you command° him, shall be put° to death°; only° be strong° and courageous°.”

[17] aJsh 1:5, 9
[18] ILit mouth

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The LORD appointeth Joshua to succeed Moses.

1 ¶ Now afterº the deathº of Mosesº the servantº of the LORDº it came to pass,² that the LORDº spakeºª unto² Joshuaº the sonº of Nun,º Moses'º minister,ºª saying,ºª 2 Mosesº my servantº is dead;ºª now² therefore arise,ºª go overºª² this² Jordan,º thou,² and all² this² people,º unto² the landº which² I² do giveºª to them, [even] to the childrenº of Israel.º

[1] Ex 17:9; 24:13; Nu 11:28; 13:8, 16; Dt 1:38; 31:3, 23; 33:1; 34:5, 9; Jsh 12:6; 1K 19:16; 2K 3:11; 4:27; 5:25; Mt 20:26; Lk 16:10; Ac 7:45; 13:36; Ro 1:1; Tit 1:1; Jm 1:1; Rv 1:18.
[2] Nu 27:16; Dt 3:28; 31:7; Jsh 1:1; Is 42:1; He 3:5; 7:23.

The borders of the promised land.

3 Every² placeº that² the soleº of your footº shall tread² upon,¹ª that have I givenºª unto you, as² I saidºª unto² Moses.º 4 From the wildernessº² and this² Lebanonº even unto² the greatº river,º the riverº Euphrates,º all² the landº of the Hittites,º and unto² the greatº seaº toward the going downº of the sun,º shall be² your coast.º

[3] Dt 11:24; Jsh 14:9; Tit 1:2.
[4] Gn 15:18; Ex 23:31; Nu 34:2; Dt 1:7; 3:25; 11:24; 1Ch 5:9; 18:3.

God promiseth to assist Joshua.

5 There shall not² any manº be able to standºª beforeº thee all² the daysº of thy life:º as² I was² with² Moses,º [so] I will be² with² thee: I will not² failºª thee, nor² forsakeºª thee. 6 Be strongºª and of a good courage:ºª for² unto² this² peopleº shalt thou² divide for an inheritanceºª² the land,º which² I swareºª unto their fathersº to giveºª them. 7 Only² be thou strongºª and veryº courageous,ºª that thou mayest observeºª to doºª according to all² the law,º which² Mosesº my servantº commandedºª thee: turnºª not² from² it [to] the right handº or [to] the left,º that² thou mayest prosperºª whithersoever²² thou goest.¹ª²

[5] Ex 3:12; Dt 7:24; 20:4; 31:6, 8, 23; Jsh 1:9, 17; 3:7; 6:27; Ps 46:11; Is 41:10; 43:2; Mt 28:20; Ac 18:9; Ro 8:31, 37; 2Ti 4:17; He 13:5.
[6] Gn 26:3; Nu 34:17; Jsh 1:7, 9; 1S 4:9; 1K 2:2; 1Ch 22:13; 28:10; 2Ch 32:7; Ps 27:14; Is 35:3; Dn 10:19; Hg 2:4; Zc 8:9; 1Co 16:13; Ep 6:10; 2Ti 2:1.
[7] Nu 27:23; Dt 5:32; 12:32; 28:14; 29:9; 31:7; Jsh 1:1, 8; 11:15; 1K 2:3; 1Ch 22:13; Pv 4:27; 8:20.

He giveth him instructions.

8 This² bookº of the lawº shall not² departºª out of thy mouth;º² but thou shalt meditateºª therein dayº and night,º that² thou mayest observeºª to doºª according to all² that is writtenºª therein: for² then² thou shalt makeºª² thy wayº prosperous,ºª and then² thou shalt have good success.ºª

[8] Dt 5:29, 32; 6:1, 6; 11:18; 17:18; 30:14; 31:11; Jsh 1:7; Ps 1:2; 19:14; 37:30; 40:10; 119:11, 15, 42, 97, 99; Pv 2:1; 3:1; Is 59:21; Mt 7:21, 24; 12:35; 28:20; Lk 11:28; Jn 13:17; 14:21; Ep 4:29; Col 3:16; 1Ti 4:14; Jm 1:22; Rv 22:14.

God promiseth to assist Joshua.

9 Have not² I commandedºª thee? Be strongºª and of a good courage;ºª be not afraid,ºª² neither² be thou dismayed:ºª for² the LORDº thy Godº [is] with² thee whithersoever²² thou goest.¹ª²

[9] Gn 28:15; Dt 20:1; 31:7, 28; Jsh 1:6; Jg 6:14; 2S 13:28; Ps 27:1; 46:7; Is 43:1, 5; Jr 1:7; Ac 4:19.

He prepareth the people to pass over Jordan.

10 ¶ Then Joshuaº commandedºª² the officersºª of the people,º saying,ºª 11 Passºª throughº the host,º and commandºª² the people,º saying,ºª Prepareºª you victuals;º for² within² threeº daysº ye² shall pass overºª² this² Jordan,º to go inºª to possessºª² the land,º which² the LORDº your Godº givethºª you to possessºª it.

[10] Jsh 1:10.
[11] Ex 19:11; Dt 9:1; 11:31; Jsh 3:2; 2K 20:5; Ho 6:2.

Joshua putteth the two tribes and half in mind of their promise to Moses.

12 ¶ And to the Reubenites,º and to the Gadites,º and to halfº the tribeº of Manasseh,º spakeºª Joshua,º saying,ºª 13 Rememberºª² the wordº which² Mosesº the servantº of the LORDº commandedºª you, saying,ºª The LORDº your Godº hath given you rest,ºª and hath givenºª you² this² land.º 14 Your wives,º your little ones,º and your cattle,º shall remainºª in the landº which² Mosesº gaveºª you on this sideº Jordan;º but ye² shall passºª beforeº your brethrenº armed,º all² the mighty¹ men² of valour,º and helpºª them; 15 Until²² the LORDº have givenºª your brethrenº rest,ºª as [he hath given] you, and they² also² have possessedºª² the landº which² the LORDº your Godº givethºª them: then ye shall returnºª unto the landº of your possession,º and enjoyºª it, which² Mosesº the LORD'Sº servantº gaveºª you on this sideº Jordanº toward the sunrising.ºº

[13] Nu 32:20; Dt 3:18; Jsh 22:1.
[14] Ex 13:18; Dt 20:8; Rv 17:4.
[15] Nu 32:17; Jsh 22:4; 1Co 12:26; 13:5; Ga 5:13; 6:2; Php 1:21; 2:4.

They promise him fealty.

16 ¶ And they answeredºª² Joshua,º saying,ºª All² that² thou commandestºª us we will do,ºª and whithersoeverº²² thou sendestºª us, we will go.¹ª² 17 According as we hearkenedºª unto² Mosesº in all² things,² so² will we hearkenºª unto² thee: only² the LORDº thy Godº be² with² thee, as² he was² with² Moses.º 18 Whosoeverº²² [he be] that doth rebel¹ª against²² thy commandment,º and will not² hearken¹ª unto²² thy wordsº in all² that² thou commandestºª him, he shall be put to death:ºª only² be strongºª and of a good courage.ºª

[16] Nu 32:25; Dt 5:27; Ro 13:1; Tit 3:1; 1P 2:13.
[17] Jsh 1:5; 1S 20:13; 1K 1:37; 1Ch 28:20; Ps 20:1, 4, 9; 118:25; Mt 21:9; 1Ti 2:1.
[18] Dt 17:12; Jsh 1:6, 9; 1S 11:12; Ezr 10:4; Ps 2:1; Lk 19:27; Ro 13:1; 1Co 16:13; Ep 6:10; He 10:28; 12:25.

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