NASB — Judges 6 — KJV

Israel Oppressed by Midian

1 Then the sons° of Israel° adid° what° was evil° in the sight° of the LORD°; and the LORD° gave° them into the hands° of bMidian° seven° years°. 2 The Ipower° of Midian° prevailed° against° Israel°. Because°° of Midian° the sons° of Israel° made° for themselves athe dens° which° were in the mountains° and the caves° and the strongholds°. 3 For it was when° Israel° had sown°, that the Midianites° would come° up with the Amalekites° and the sons° of the east° and Igo° against° them. 4 So they would camp° against° them and adestroy° the produce° of the earth° Ias far°° as Gaza°, and bleave° no° sustenance° in Israel° as well as no sheep°, ox°, or donkey°. 5 For they would come° up with their livestock° and their tents°, they would come° in alike locusts° for number°, both they and their camels° were innumerable°°; and they came° into the land° to devastate° it. 6 So Israel° was brought° avery° low° because°° of Midian°, and the sons° of Israel° cried° to the LORD°.

[1] aJg 2:11 bNu 22:4; 25:15-18; 31:1-3
[2] ILit hand a1S 13:6; He 11:38
[3] ILit go up
[4] ILit until your coming to aLv 26:16 bDt 28:31
[5] aJg 7:12; 8:10
[6] aDt 28:43

7 ¶ Now it came° about when° the sons° of Israel° cried° to the LORD° on account° of Midian°, 8 that the LORD° sent° a prophet° to the sons° of Israel°, and ahe said° to them, “Thus° says° the LORD°, the God° of Israel°, ‘It was I who brought° you up from Egypt° and brought° you out from the house° of Islavery°. 9 I delivered° you from the hands° of the Egyptians° and from the hands° of all° your oppressors°, and dispossessed° them before°° you and gave° you their land°, 10 and I said° to you, “I am the LORD° your God°; you ashall not fear° the gods° of the Amorites° in whose° land° you live°. But you have not Iobeyed°° Me.”’”

[8] ILit slaves aJg 2:1, 2
[10] ILit listened to My voice a2K 17:35; Jr 10:2

Gideon Is Visited

11 ¶ Then athe angel° of the LORD° came° and sat° under° the Ioak° that was in Ophrah°, which° belonged to Joash° the bAbiezrite° as his son° cGideon° was beating° out wheat° in the wine° press° in order to save° [it] from the Midianites°. 12 The angel° of the LORD° appeared° to him and said° to him, “The LORD° is with you, O valiant° warrior°.” 13 Then Gideon° said° to him, “O° my lord°, if the LORD° is with us, why° then has all° this° happened° to us? And where° are all° His miracles° which° our fathers° told° us about, saying°, ‘Did not the LORD° bring° us up from Egypt°?’ But anow° the LORD° has abandoned° us and given° us into the hand° of Midian°.” 14 The LORD° Ilooked° at him and said°, “aGo° in this° your strength° and deliver° Israel° from the hand° of Midian°. Have I not sent° you?” 15 aHe said° to Him, “O° Lord°, Ihow° shall I deliver° Israel°? Behold°, my family° is the least° in bManasseh°, and I am the youngest° in my father’s° house°.” 16 aBut the LORD° said° to him, “Surely° I will be with you, and you shall Idefeat° Midian° as one° man°.” 17 So IGideon said° to Him, “If° now° I have found° favor° in Your sight°, then show° me aa sign° that it is You who speak° with me. 18 Please° do not depart° from here°, until° I come° [back] to You, and bring° out my offering° and lay° it before° You.” And He said°, “I will remain° until° you return°.”

[11] IOr terebinth aJg 2:1; 6:14; 13:3 bJsh 17:2; Jg 6:15 cHe 11:32
[13] aJg 6:1; Ps 44:9
[14] IOr turned toward aHe 11:32-34
[15] ILit with what aEx 3:11 bJg 6:11
[16] ILit smite aEx 3:12; Jsh 1:5
[17] ILit he aJg 6:37; Is 38:7, 8

19 ¶ Then Gideon° went° in and aprepared° a young°° goat°° and unleavened° bread° from an Iephah° of flour°; he put° the meat° in a basket° IIand the broth° in a pot°, and brought° [them] out to him under° the IIIoak° and presented° [them]. 20 The angel° of God° said° to him, “Take° the meat° and the unleavened° bread° and lay° them on this° rock°, and pour° out the broth°.” And he did° so°. 21 Then the angel° of the LORD° put° out the end° of the staff° that was in his hand° and touched° the meat° and the unleavened° bread°; and afire° sprang° up from the rock° and consumed° the meat° and the unleavened° bread°. Then the angel° of the LORD° Ivanished° from his sight°. 22 aWhen Gideon° saw° that he was the angel° of the LORD°, Ihe said°, “Alas°, O Lord° IIGOD°! For now°° I have seen° the angel° of the LORD° face° to face°.” 23 The LORD° said° to him, “Peace° to you, do not fear°; you shall not die°.” 24 Then Gideon° built° an altar° there° to the LORD° and named° it IThe LORD° is Peace°. To this° day° it is still° ain Ophrah° of the Abiezrites°.

[19] II.e. Approx one bu IILit and he put IIIOr terebinth aGn 18:6-8
[21] IOr departed aLv 9:24
[22] ILit Gideon IIHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD aGn 32:30; Ex 33:20; Jg 13:21, 22
[24] IHeb Yahweh-shalom aJg 8:32

25 ¶ Now on the same° night° the LORD° said° to him, “Take° your father’s° bull° Iand a second° bull° seven° years° old, and pull° down° the altar° of Baal° which° belongs to your father°, and cut° down° the IIaAsherah° that is beside° it; 26 and build° an altar° to the LORD° your God° on the top° of this° stronghold° in an orderly° manner°, and take° a second° bull° and offer° a burnt° offering° with the wood° of the Asherah° which° you shall cut° down°.” 27 Then Gideon° took° ten° men° of his servants° and did° as the LORD° had spoken° to him; and because° he was too afraid° of his father’s° household° and the men° of the city° to do° it by day°, he did° it by night°.

[25] IOr even III.e. wooden symbol of a female deity, also vv 26, 28, 30 aEx 34:13

The Altar of Baal Destroyed

28 ¶ When the men° of the city° arose° early° in the morning°, behold°, the altar° of Baal° was torn° down°, and the Asherah° which° was beside° it was cut° down°, and the second° bull° was offered° on the altar° which had been built°. 29 They said° to one° another°, “Who° did° this° thing°?” And when they searched° about and inquired°, they said°, “Gideon° the son° of Joash° did° this° thing°.” 30 Then the men° of the city° said° to Joash°, “Bring° out your son°, that he may die°, for he has torn° down° the altar° of Baal°, and indeed°, he has cut° down° the Asherah° which° was beside° it.” 31 But Joash° said° to all° who° stood° against° him, “Will you contend° for Baal°, or° will you deliver° him? Whoever° will Iplead° for him shall be put° to death° by morning°. If° he is a god°, let him contend° for himself, because° someone has torn° down° his altar°.” 32 Therefore on that day° he named° him aJerubbaal°, that is to say°, “Let Baal° contend° against him,” because° he had torn° down° his altar°.

[31] IOr contend
[32] aJg 7:1

33 ¶ Then all° the Midianites° and the Amalekites° and the sons° of the east° assembled° themselves; and they crossed° over° and camped° in athe valley° of Jezreel°. 34 So athe Spirit° of the LORD° Icame° upon Gideon°; and he bblew° a trumpet°, and the Abiezrites° were called° together° to follow° him. 35 He sent° messengers° throughout° Manasseh°, and they also° were called° together° to follow° him; and he sent° messengers° to Asher°, aZebulun°, and Naphtali°, and bthey came° up to meet° them.

[33] aJsh 17:16
[34] ILit clothed aJg 3:10 bJg 3:27
[35] aJg 4:6, 10; 5:18 bJg 7:3

Sign of the Fleece

36 ¶ Then Gideon° said° to God°, “aIf° You will° deliver° Israel° Ithrough° me, as You have spoken°, 37 behold°, I will put° a fleece° of wool° on the threshing° floor°. If° there is dew° on the fleece° only°, and it is dry° on all° the ground°, then I will know° that You will deliver° Israel° Ithrough° me, as You have spoken°.” 38 And it was so°. When he arose° early° the next° morning° and squeezed° the fleece°, he drained° the dew° from the fleece°, a bowl° full° of water°. 39 Then Gideon° said° to God°, “aDo not let Your anger° burn° against me that I may speak° once° more°; please° let me make° a test° once° more° with the fleece°, let it now° be dry° only° on the fleece°, and let there be dew° on all° the ground°.” 40 God° did° so° that night°; for it was dry° only° on the fleece°, and dew° was on all° the ground°.

[36] ILit by my hand aJg 6:14, 16, 17
[37] ILit by my hand
[39] aGn 18:32

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The Israelites for their sin are oppressed by Midian.

1 ¶ And the childrenº of Israelº didºª evilº in the sightº of the LORD:º and the LORDº deliveredºª them into the handº of Midianº sevenº years.º 2 And the handº of Midianº prevailedºª against² Israel:º [and] becauseº² of the Midianitesº the childrenº of Israelº madeºª them² the densº which² [are] in the mountains,º and caves,º and strong holds.º 3 And [so] it was,² when² Israelº had sown,ºª that the Midianitesº came up,ºª and the Amalekites,¹² and the childrenº of the east,º even they came upºª against² them; 4 And they encampedºª against² them, and destroyedºª² the increaseº of the earth,º till² thou comeºª unto Gaza,º and leftºª no² sustenanceº for Israel,º neither sheep,º nor ox,º nor ass.º 5 For² they² came upºª with their cattleº and their tents,º and they cameºªªª as¹² grasshoppersº for multitude;º [for] both they² and their camelsº were without² number:º and they enteredºª into the landº to destroyºª it. 6 And Israelº was greatlyº impoverishedºª becauseº² of the Midianites;º and the childrenº of Israelº criedºª unto² the LORD.º

[1] Gn 25:2; Lv 26:14; Nu 25:17; Dt 28:15; Jg 2:13, 19; Ne 9:26; Ps 106:34; Hab 3:7.
[2] Lv 26:17; Dt 28:47; 1S 13:6; 14:11; He 11:38; Rv 6:15.
[3] Gn 29:1; Lv 26:16; Dt 28:30, 51; Jg 3:13; 6:33; 7:12; 8:10; 1K 4:30; Jb 1:3; 31:8; Is 65:21; Mi 6:15.
[4] Gn 10:19; 13:10; Lv 26:16; Dt 28:30, 33, 51; Pv 28:3; Jr 49:9; Ob 1:5; Mi 6:15.
[5] Jg 7:12; 8:10, 21; 1S 30:17; Ps 83:4; So 1:5; Is 13:20; 60:6; Jr 46:23; 49:29, 32.
[6] Jg 3:9, 15; Ps 50:15; 78:34; 106:43, 44; Is 26:16; Jr 5:17; Ho 5:15; Mal 1:4.

7 ¶ And it came to pass,² when² the childrenº of Israelº criedºª unto² the LORDº because¹ of²² the Midianites,º

A prophet rebuketh them.

8 That the LORDº sentºª a prophetº¹ unto² the childrenº of Israel,º which saidºª unto them, Thus² saithºª the LORDº Godº of Israel,º I² brought you upºª² from Egypt,º² and brought you forthºª² out of the houseº² of bondage;º 9 And I deliveredºª you out of the handº² of the Egyptians,º and out of the handº² of all² that oppressedºª you, and drave them outºª² from beforeº² you, and gaveºª you² their land;º 10 And I saidºª unto you, I² [am] the LORDº your God;º fearºª not²² the godsº of the Amorites,º in whose² landº ye² dwell:ºª but ye have not² obeyedºª my voice.º

[8] Jg 2:1; Ne 9:9; Ps 136:10; Is 63:9; Ezk 20:5.
[9] Ps 44:2.
[10] Ex 20:2; Jg 2:2; 2K 17:33, 35; Pv 5:13; Jr 3:13, 25; 9:13; 10:2; 42:21; 43:4, 7; Zp 3:2; Ro 10:16; He 5:9.

An angel sendeth Gideon for their deliverance.

11 ¶ And there cameºª an angelº of the LORD,º and satºª under² an oakº which² [was] in Ophrah,º that² [pertained] unto Joashº the Abiezrite:º and his sonº Gideonº threshedºª wheatº by the winepress,º to hideºª [it] fromº² the Midianites.º 12 And the angelº of the LORDº appearedºª unto² him, and saidºª unto² him, The LORDº [is] with² thee, thou mighty¹ man² of valour.º 13 And Gideonº saidºª unto² him, Ohº my Lord,º if¹ the LORDº be² with² us, why² then is all² this² befallenºª us? and where² [be] all² his miraclesºª which² our fathersº toldºª us of, saying,ºª Did not² the LORDº bring us upºª from Egypt?º² but now² the LORDº hath forsakenºª us, and deliveredºª us into the handsº of the Midianites.º 14 And the LORDº lookedºª upon² him, and said,ºª Go¹ª in² this² thy might,º and thou shalt saveºª² Israelº from the handº² of the Midianites:º have not² I sentºª thee? 15 And he saidºª unto² him, Ohº my Lord,º wherewithº shall I saveºª² Israel?º behold,² my familyºª¹ [is] poorº in Manasseh,º and I² [am] the leastº in my father'sº house.º 16 And the LORDº saidºª unto² him, Surely² I will be² with² thee, and thou shalt smiteºª² the Midianitesº as oneº man.º

[11] Gn 48:16; Jsh 17:2; 18:23; Jg 2:1; 5:23; 6:14; 8:2; 13:3, 18; Is 63:9; He 11:32.
[12] Ex 3:12; Jsh 1:5, 9; Jg 2:18; 13:3; Ru 2:4; Mt 1:23; 28:20; Lk 1:11, 28; Ac 18:9.
[13] Gn 25:22; Ex 33:14; Nu 14:14; Dt 29:24; 30:17; 31:17; 2Ch 15:2; Ps 27:9; 44:1; 77:7; 78:3; 89:49; Is 41:17; 59:1; 63:15; Jr 23:33; Ro 8:31.
[14] Jsh 1:5; Jg 4:6; 6:11; 1S 12:11; 1Ch 14:9; He 11:32, 34.
[15] Gn 32:10; Ex 3:11; 4:10; 18:21; 1S 9:21; 18:23; Jr 1:6; 50:45; Mi 5:2; Lk 1:34; 1Co 15:9; Ep 3:8.
[16] Ex 3:12; Jsh 1:5; Jg 6:12; Is 41:10, 14; Mt 28:20; Mk 16:20; Ac 11:21.

Gideon's present is consumed with fire.

17 And he saidºª unto² him, If² now² I have foundºª graceº in thy sight,º then shewºª me a signº that thou²² talkestºª with² me. 18 Departºª not² hence,²² I pray thee,² until² I comeºª unto² thee, and bring forthºª² my present,º and set¹ª² [it] beforeº thee. And he said,ºª I² will tarryºª until² thou come again.ºª

[17] Gn 15:8; Ex 4:1; 33:13, 16; Jg 6:36; 2K 20:8; Ps 86:17; Is 7:11.
[18] Gn 18:3, 5; 19:3; Jg 13:15.

19 ¶ And Gideonº went in,ºª and made readyºª a kid,ºº and unleavened cakesº of an ephahº of flour:º the fleshº he putºª in a basket,º and he putºª the brothº in a pot,º and brought [it] outºª unto² him under²² the oak,º and presentedºª [it]. 20 And the angelº of Godº saidºª unto² him, Takeºª² the fleshº and the unleavened cakes,º and lay¹ª² [them] upon² thisº rock,º and pour outºª the broth.º And he didºª so.²

[19] Gn 18:6; Lv 2:4; Jg 13:15.
[20] Jg 13:19; 1K 18:33.

21 ¶ Then the angelº of the LORDº put forthºª² the endº of the staffº that² [was] in his hand,º and touchedºª the fleshº and the unleavened cakes;º and there rose upºª fireº out of² the rock,º and consumedºª² the fleshº and the unleavened cakes.º Then the angelº of the LORDº departedºª out of his sight.º² 22 And when Gideonº perceivedºª that² he² [was] an angelº of the LORD,º Gideonº said,ºª Alas,º O Lordº GOD!º for² becauseº² I have seenºª an angelº of the LORDº faceº to² face.º 23 And the LORDº saidºª unto him, Peaceº [be] unto thee; fearºª not:² thou shalt not² die.ºª 24 Then Gideonº builtºª an altarº there² unto the LORD,º and calledºª it Jehovahshalom:º unto² this² dayº it [is] yet² in Ophrahº of the Abiezrites.º

[21] Lv 9:24; Jg 13:20; 1K 18:38; 1Ch 21:26; 2Ch 7:1.
[22] Gn 16:13; 32:30; Ex 33:20; Dt 5:5, 24, 26; Jg 13:21, 22; Is 6:5; Jn 1:18; 12:41.
[23] Gn 32:30; 43:23; Ps 85:8; Dn 10:19; Jn 14:27; 20:19, 26; Ro 1:7.
[24] Gn 22:14; 33:20; Ex 17:15; Jsh 22:10, 26; Jg 8:32; 21:4; Jr 23:6; 33:16; Ezk 48:35.

Gideon destroyeth Baal's altar, and offereth a sacrifice upon the altar JEHOVAH-shalom.

25 ¶ And it came to pass² the same² night,º that the LORDº saidºª unto him, Takeºª² thy father'sº young¹ bullock,º² even the secondº bullockº of sevenº years² old,¹ and throw downºª² the altarº of Baalº that² thy fatherº hath, and cut downºª the groveº that² [is] by² it: 26 And buildºª an altarº unto the LORDº thy Godº upon² the topº of this² rock,º in the ordered place,º and takeºª² the secondº bullock,º and offerºª a burnt sacrificeº with the woodº of the groveº which² thou shalt cut down.ºª 27 Then Gideonº tookºª tenº men¹² of his servants,º² and didºª as² the LORDº had saidºª unto² him: and [so] it was,² because² he fearedºª² his father'sº household,º and the men¹² of the city,º that he could not doºª² [it] by day,º that he didºª [it] by night.º

[25] Gn 35:2; Ex 34:13; Dt 7:5; Jg 3:7; 1K 18:21; Jb 22:23; Ps 101:2; Mt 6:24; 10:37; Ac 4:19; 5:29; 2Co 6:15.
[26] 2S 24:18; 1Co 14:33, 40.
[27] Dt 4:1; Ps 112:5; Mt 16:24; Jn 2:5; 3:2; 15:14; Ga 1:16; 1Th 2:4.

Joash defendeth his son, and calleth him Jerubbaal.

28 ¶ And when the men¹² of the cityº arose earlyºª in the morning,º behold,² the altarº of Baalº was cast down,ºª and the groveº was cut downºª that² [was] by² it, and the secondº bullockº was offeredºª upon² the altarº [that was] built.ºª 29 And they saidºª oneº to² another,º Who² hath doneºª this² thing?º And when they enquiredºª and asked,ºª they said,ºª Gideonº the sonº of Joashº hath doneºª this² thing.º 30 Then the men¹² of the cityº saidºª unto² Joash,º Bring outºª² thy son,º that he may die:ºª because² he hath cast downºª² the altarº of Baal,º and because² he hath cut downºª the groveº that² [was] by² it. 31 And Joashº saidºª unto all² that² stoodºª against² him, Will ye² pleadºª for Baal?º will ye² saveºª him? he that² will pleadºª for him, let him be put to deathºª whilst² [it is yet] morning:º if² he² [be] a god,º let him pleadºª for himself, because² [one] hath cast downºª² his altar.º 32 Therefore on that² dayº he calledºª him Jerubbaal,º saying,ºª Let Baalº pleadºª against him, because² he hath thrown downºª² his altar.º

[30] Jr 26:11; 50:38; Jn 16:2; Ac 26:9; Php 3:6.
[31] Ex 23:2; Nu 14:6; Dt 13:5; 17:2; 1K 18:27, 29, 40; Ps 115:4; Is 41:23; 46:1, 7; Jr 10:5, 11; 1Co 8:4; Ep 5:11.
[32] 1S 12:11; 2S 11:21; Jr 11:13; Ho 9:10.

Gideon's army.

33 ¶ Then all² the Midianitesº and the Amalekites¹² and the childrenº of the eastº were gatheredºª together,º and went over,ºª and pitchedºª in the valleyº of Jezreel.º 34 But the Spiritº of the LORDº came¹ª upon²² Gideon,º and he blewºª a trumpet;º and Abiezerº was gatheredºª afterº him. 35 And he sentºª messengersº throughout all² Manasseh;º who² also² was gatheredºª afterº him: and he sentºª messengersº unto Asher,º and unto Zebulun,º and unto Naphtali;º and they came upºª to meetºª them.

[33] Jsh 3:16; 17:16; 19:18; Jg 6:3; 7:24; 8:10; 1K 18:45; 21:1; 1Ch 5:19; Jb 1:3; Ps 3:1; 27:2; 118:10; Is 8:9; Ro 8:35.
[34] Nu 10:3; Jsh 17:2; Jg 3:10, 27; 6:11; 8:2; 13:25; 14:19; 15:14; 1S 10:6; 11:6; 16:14; 1Ch 12:18; 2Ch 24:20; Ps 51:11; Ro 13:14; 1Co 12:8; Ga 3:27.
[35] 2Ch 30:6.

Gideon's signs.

36 ¶ And Gideonº saidºª unto² God,º If² thou² wilt¹ saveºª² Israelº by mine hand,º as² thou hast said,ºª 37 Behold,² I² will putºª² a fleeceº of woolº in the floor;º [and] if² the dewº be² on² the fleeceº only,² and [it be] dryº upon² all² the earthº [beside], then shall I knowºª that² thou wilt saveºª² Israelº by mine hand,º as² thou hast said.ºª 38 And it was² so:² for he rose up earlyºª on the morrow,º² and thrustºª² the fleeceº together,ºª and wringedºª the dewº out of² the fleece,º a bowlº full¹² of water.º 39 And Gideonº saidºª unto² God,º Let not² thine angerº be hotºª against me, and I will speakºª but² this once:º let me prove,ºª I pray thee,² but² this onceº with the fleece;º let it now² be² dryº only² upon² the fleece,º and upon² all² the groundº let there be² dew.º 40 And Godº didºª so² that² night:º for it was² dryº upon² the fleeceº only,² and there was² dewº on² all² the ground.º

[36] Ex 4:1; Jg 6:14, 17; 2K 20:9; Ps 103:13; Mt 16:1.
[37] Dt 32:2; Ps 72:6; 147:19; Ho 6:3; 14:5; Mt 10:5; 15:24.
[38] Is 35:7.
[39] Gn 18:32; Ps 107:33; Is 35:6; 43:19; 50:2; Mt 8:12; 21:43; Ac 13:46; 22:21; 28:28; Ro 11:12.

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