NASB — 2 Chronicles 7 — KJV

The Shekinah Glory

1 aNow when Solomon° had finished° praying°, bfire° came° down° from heaven° and consumed° the burnt° offering° and the sacrifices°, and the glory° of the LORD° filled° the house°. 2 aThe priests° could° not enter° into the house° of the LORD° because° the glory° of the LORD° filled° the LORDS° house°. 3 All° the sons° of Israel°, seeing° the fire° come° down° and the glory° of the LORD° upon the house°, bowed° down° on the pavement° with their faces° to the ground°, and they worshiped° and gave° praise° to the LORD°, [saying], “aTruly° He is good°, truly° His lovingkindness° is everlasting°.”

[1] a1K 8:54 bLv 9:23f; 1K 18:24, 38
[2] a2Ch 5:14
[3] a2Ch 5:13; 20:21

Sacrifices Offered

4aThen the king° and all° the people° offered° sacrifice° before° the LORD°. 5 King° Solomon° offered° a sacrifice° of 22,000°°° oxen° and 120,000°°° sheep°. Thus the king° and all° the people° dedicated° the house° of God°. 6 The priests° stood° at their posts°, and athe Levites° also, with the instruments° of music° to the LORD°, which° King° David° had made° for giving° praise° to the LORD°—“for His lovingkindness° is everlasting°”—whenever Ihe gave° praise° by their IImeans°, while bthe priests° on the other° side° blew° trumpets°; and all° Israel° was standing°.

[4] a1K 8:62, 63
[6] ILit David IILit hand a1Ch 15:16-21 b2Ch 5:12

7aThen Solomon° consecrated° the middle° of the court° that [was] before° the house° of the LORD°, for there° he offered° the burnt° offerings° and the fat° of the peace° offerings° because° the bronze° altar° which° Solomon° had made° was not able° to contain° the burnt° offering°, the grain offering° and the fat°.

[7] a1K 8:64-66

The Feast of Dedication

8 ¶ So aSolomon° observed° the feast° at that time° for seven° days°, and all° Israel° with him, a very° great° assembly° [who came] from the entrance° of Hamath° to the bbrook° of Egypt°. 9 On the eighth° day° they held° aa solemn° assembly°, for the dedication° of the altar° they observed° seven° days° and the feast° seven° days°. 10 Then on the twenty-third°° day° of the seventh° month° he sent° the people° to their tents°, rejoicing° and happy° of heart° because° of the goodness° that the LORD° had shown° to David° and to Solomon° and to His people° Israel°.

[8] a1K 8:65 bGn 15:18
[9] aLv 23:36

God’s Promise and Warning

11aThus Solomon° finished° the house° of the LORD° and the king’s° palace°, and successfully° completed° all° that Ihe had planned°°° on doing° in the house° of the LORD° and in his palace°.

[11] ILit came upon the heart of Solomon to do a1K 9:1-9

12 ¶ Then the LORD° appeared° to Solomon° at night° and said° to him, “I have heard° your prayer° and ahave chosen° this° place° for Myself as a house° of sacrifice°. 13 aIf° I shut° up the heavens° so that there is no° rain°, or if° I command° the locust° to devour° the land°, or if° I send° pestilence° among My people°, 14 aand My people° Iwho° are called° by My name° humble° themselves and pray° and seek° My face° and turn° from their wicked° ways°, then I will hear° from heaven°, will forgive° their sin° and will heal° their land°. 15 aNow° My eyes° will be open° and My ears° attentive° to the Iprayer° [offered] in this° place°. 16 For anow° I have chosen° and consecrated° this° house° that My name° may be there° forever°°, and My eyes° and My heart° will be there° perpetually°°. 17 As for you, if° you walk° before° Me as your father° David° walked°, even to do° according to all° that I have commanded° you, and will keep° My statutes° and My ordinances°, 18 then I will establish° your royal° throne° as I covenanted° with your father° David°, saying°, ‘IaYou shall not lack° a man° [to be] ruler° in Israel°.’

[12] aDt 12:5, 11
[13] a2Ch 6:26-28
[14] ILit over whom My name is called a2Ch 6:37-39; Jm 4:10
[15] ILit prayer of this place a2Ch 6:20, 40
[16] a2Ch 7:12
[18] ILit There shall not be cut off to you a man a1K 2:4; 2Ch 6:16

19 ¶ “aBut if° you turn° away° and forsake° My statutes° and My commandments° which° I have set° before° you, and go° and serve° other° gods° and worship° them, 20 athen I will uproot° you from My land° which° I have given° Iyou, and this° house° which° I have consecrated° for My name° I will cast° out of My sight° and I will make° it ba proverb° and a byword° among all° peoples°. 21 As for this° house°, which° was exalted°, everyone° who passes° by it will be astonished° and say°, ‘aWhy° has the LORD° done° thus° to this° land° and to this° house°?’ 22 And they will say°, ‘Because°° athey forsook° the LORD°, the God° of their fathers° who° brought° them from the land° of Egypt°, and they adopted° other° gods° and worshiped° them and served° them; therefore°° He has brought° all° this° adversity° on them.’”

[19] aLv 26:14, 33; Dt 28:15
[20] IAncient versions and Heb read them aDt 29:28; 1K 14:15 bDt 28:37
[21] aDt 29:24-27
[22] aJg 2:13

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God having given testimony to Solomon's prayer by fire from heaven, and glory in the Temple, the people worship him.

1 ¶ Now when Solomonº had made an endºª of praying,ºª the fireº came downºª from heaven,º² and consumedºª the burnt offeringº and the sacrifices;º and the gloryº of the LORDº filledºª² the house.º 2 And the priestsº couldºª not² enterºª into² the houseº of the LORD,º because² the gloryº of the LORDº had filledºª² the LORD'Sº house.º 3 And when all² the childrenº of Israelº sawºª how the fireº came down,ºª and the gloryº of the LORDº upon² the house,º they bowedºª themselves with their facesº to the groundº upon² the pavement,º and worshipped,ºª and praisedºª the LORD,º [saying], For² [he is] good;º for² his mercyº [endureth] for ever.º

[1] Gn 15:17; Ex 29:43; 40:34; Lv 9:23, 24; Jg 6:21; 1K 8:10, 54; 18:24, 38; 1Ch 21:26; 2Ch 5:13; Is 6:1; 65:24; Ezk 10:3; 43:5; 44:4; Dn 9:20; Hg 2:7; Mal 3:1; Ac 4:31; 16:25; Rv 21:23.
[2] Ex 24:17; 2Ch 5:14; Is 6:5; Rv 15:8.
[3] Ex 4:31; Lv 9:24; Nu 14:5; 16:22; 1K 18:39; 1Ch 16:41; 29:20; 2Ch 5:13; 20:21; Ezr 3:11; Ps 95:6; 103:17; 136:1; Is 63:7; Jr 33:11; Lk 1:50; He 7:24.

Solomon's solemn sacrifice.

4 ¶ Then the kingº and all² the peopleº offeredºª sacrificesº beforeº the LORD.º 5 And kingº Solomonº offeredºª² a sacrificeº of twentyº and twoº thousandº oxen,º and an hundredº and twentyº thousandº sheep:º so the kingº and all² the peopleº dedicatedºª² the houseº of God.º 6 And the priestsº waitedºª on² their offices:º the Levitesº also with instrumentsº of musickº of the LORD,º which² Davidº the kingº had madeºª to praiseºª the LORD,º because² his mercyº [endureth] for² ever,¹ when Davidº praisedºª by their ministry;º and the priestsº sounded² trumpetsºªªª before² them, and all² Israelº stood.ºª 7 Moreover Solomonº hallowedºª² the middleº of the courtº that² [was] beforeº the houseº of the LORD:º for² there² he offeredºª burnt offerings,º and the fatº of the peace offerings,º because² the brasenº altarº which² Solomonº had madeºª was not ableºª² to receiveºª² the burnt offerings,º and the meat offerings,º and the fat.º

[4] 2Ch 7:4.
[5] Nu 7:10; 1K 8:62, 63; 1Ch 29:21; 2Ch 1:6; 2:4; 5:6; 15:11; 29:32; 30:24; 35:7; Ezr 6:16; Ezk 45:17; Mi 6:7; Jn 10:22.
[6] Nu 10:1; Jsh 6:4; 1Ch 6:31; 13:8; 15:16, 24; 16:4, 6, 34, 39, 41, 42; 24:1; 25:1; 2Ch 5:12; 7:3; 29:25; Ps 87:7; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 138:8; Is 52:6; Am 6:5.
[7] Nu 16:37; 1K 8:64; 2Ch 4:1; 36:14; He 13:10.

Solomon having kept the feast of Tabernacles, and the feast of the dedication of the altar, dismisseth the people.

8 ¶ Also at the same² timeº Solomonº keptºª² the feastº sevenº days,º and all² Israelº with² him, a veryº greatº congregation,º from the entering inºª² of Hamathº unto² the riverº of Egypt.º 9 And in the eighthº dayº they madeºª a solemn assembly:º for² they keptºª the dedicationº of the altarº sevenº days,º and the feastº sevenº days.º 10 And on the threeº and twentiethº dayº of the seventhº monthº he sentºª² the peopleº away¹ª into their tents,º gladº and merryº in heartº for² the goodnessº that² the LORDº had shewedºª unto David,º and to Solomon,º and to Israelº his people.º 11 Thus Solomonº finishedºª² the houseº of the LORD,º and the king'sº house:º and all² that cameºª into² Solomon'sº heartº to makeºª in the houseº of the LORD,º and in his own house,º he prosperously effected.ºª

[8] Gn 15:18; Lv 23:34; Nu 29:12; 34:5; Dt 16:13; Jsh 13:3; 1K 4:21; 8:65; 2Ch 30:13; Ne 8:13; Am 6:14; Zc 14:16; Jn 7:2, 27.
[9] Lv 23:36; Dt 16:8; 1K 8:65; 2Ch 30:23; Ne 8:18; Jol 1:14.
[10] Ex 18:1; Dt 12:7, 12, 18; 16:11, 14; 1K 8:66; 2Ch 6:41; 29:36; 30:26; Ne 8:10; Ps 32:11; 33:1; 92:4; 100:2; 105:3; 106:5; Ac 2:46; 16:34; Php 4:4.
[11] 1K 9:1; 2Ch 2:1; Ec 2:4, 10.

God appearing to Solomon giveth him promises upon condition.

12 ¶ And the LORDº appearedºª to² Solomonº by night,º and saidºª unto him, I have heardºª² thy prayer,º and have chosenºª this² placeº to myself for an houseº of sacrifice.º 13 Ifº I shut upºª heavenº that there be² no² rain,º or if² I commandºª² the locustsº to devourºª the land,º or if² I sendºª pestilenceº among my people;º 14 If my people,º which² are calledºª² by my name,º shall humble¹ª themselves,² and pray,ºª and seekºª my face,º and turnºª from their wickedº ways;º² then will I² hearºª from² heaven,º and will forgiveºª their sin,º and will healºª² their land.º 15 Now² mine eyesº shall be² open,ºª and mine earsº attentº unto the prayerº [that is made] in this² place.º 16 For now² have I chosenºª and sanctifiedºª² this² house,º that my nameº may be² there² for¹ ever:º² and mine eyesº and mine heartº shall be² there² perpetually.º² 17 And as for thee,² if² thou wilt walk¹ª² beforeº me, as² Davidº thy fatherº walked,ºª and doºª according to all² that² I have commandedºª thee, and shalt observeºª my statutesº and my judgments;º 18 Then will I stablishºª² the throneº of thy kingdom,º according as² I have covenantedºª with Davidº thy father,º saying,ºª There shall not² failºª thee a manº [to be] rulerºª in Israel.º 19 But if² ye² turn away,ºª and forsakeºª my statutesº and my commandments,º which² I have setºª beforeº you, and shall goºª and serveºª otherº gods,º and worshipºª them; 20 Then will I pluck them up by the rootsºª out of²² my landº which² I have givenºª them; and this² house,º which² I have sanctifiedºª for my name,º will I cast outºª of²² my sight,º and will makeºª it [to be] a proverbº and a bywordº among all² nations.º 21 And this² house,º which² is² high,º shall be an astonishmentºª to every one² that passethºª by² it; so that he shall say,ºª Why² hath the LORDº doneºª thus² unto this² land,º and unto this² house?º 22 And it shall be answered,ºª Because²² they forsookºª² the LORDº Godº of their fathers,º which² brought them forthºª out of the landº² of Egypt,º and laid holdºª on otherº gods,º and worshippedºª them, and servedºª them: therefore²² hath he broughtºª² all² this² evilº upon² them.

[12] Gn 17:1; Dt 12:5, 6, 11; 1K 9:2; 2K 2:6; 20:5; 2Ch 1:7; 7:16; Ps 10:17; 66:19; 78:68; 132:13; Lk 1:13; Ac 10:31; 1Jn 5:14.
[13] Ex 10:4; Nu 14:12; 16:46; Dt 11:17; 2S 24:13; 2Ch 6:26; Jb 11:10; 12:14; Ps 105:34; 107:34; Ezk 14:19; Jol 1:4; 2:25; Lk 4:25; Rv 3:7; 11:6.
[14] Lv 26:40; Dt 4:29; 30:1; 2Ch 6:27, 30, 37, 39; 33:12, 18; Ps 60:2; Pv 28:13; Is 45:19; 55:6; 59:20; 63:19; Jr 8:22; 33:6; 51:9; Lm 3:40; Ezk 18:27; 33:11; Ac 9:11; Jm 4:9.
[15] Dt 11:12; 2Ch 6:20, 40; Ne 1:6; Ps 65:2; 130:2; 1P 3:12.
[16] Dt 12:21; 16:11; 1K 8:16, 35, 44, 48; 9:3; 2K 21:4, 7; 2Ch 6:5, 20; 7:15; 33:4; Ps 132:14; Zc 3:2; Mt 3:17; Jn 2:19; Col 2:9.
[17] Dt 4:40; 28:1; 1K 2:3; 3:14; 8:25; 9:4; 11:38; 1Ch 28:9; Ps 105:45; Ezk 36:27; Zc 3:7; Jn 14:21; 15:10.
[18] 2S 7:13; 1K 9:5; 2Ch 6:16; Ps 89:28; 132:11; Jr 33:20, 25.
[19] Lv 26:14, 33; Dt 4:23; 28:15, 36, 37; Jsh 23:15; 1S 12:25; 1K 9:6; 11:4; 1Ch 28:9.
[20] Dt 28:37; 1K 9:7; 2K 17:20; Ne 4:1; Ps 44:14; 52:5; Jr 12:17; 18:7; 24:9; 31:28; 45:4; Lm 2:15; Jde 1:12.
[21] Dt 29:24; 1K 9:8; 2Ch 29:8; Jr 5:19; 13:22; 16:10; 19:8; 22:8, 28; 49:17; 50:13.
[22] Jg 2:12; 2Ch 36:17; Jr 1:16; Lm 2:16; 4:13; Ezk 14:23; 36:17; Dn 9:12.

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