NASB — Genesis 17 — KJV

Abraham and the Covenant of Circumcision

1 Now when Abram° was ninety-nine°° years° old°, athe LORD° appeared° to Abram° and said° to him,
  “I am IGod° bAlmighty°;
  Walk° before° Me, and be IIcblameless°.
  2 “I will Iestablish° My acovenant° between° Me and you,
  And I will bmultiply° you exceedingly°.”
3 Abram° afell° on his face°, and God° talked° with him, saying°,
  4 “As for Me, behold°, My covenant° is with you,
  And you will be the father° of a amultitude° of nations°.
  5 “No° longer° shall your name° be called° IAbram°,
  But ayour name° shall be IIAbraham°;
  For bI have made° you the father° of a multitude° of nations°.
6 I will make° you exceedingly° fruitful°, and I will make° nations° of you, and akings° will come° forth° from you. 7 I will establish° My covenant° between° Me and you and your Idescendants° after° you throughout their generations° for an aeverlasting° covenant°, bto be God° to you and cto your Idescendants° after° you. 8 aI will give° to you and to your Idescendants° after° you, the land° of your sojournings°, all° the land° of Canaan°, for an everlasting° possession°; and bI will be their God°.”

[1] IHeb El Shaddai IILit complete, perfect; or having integrity aGn 12:7; 18:1 bGn 28:3; 35:11 cGn 6:9; Dt 18:13
[2] ILit give aGn 15:18 bGn 13:16; 15:5
[3] aGn 17:17; 18:2
[4] aGn 35:11; 48:19
[5] II.e. exalted father III.e. father of a multitude aNe 9:7 bRo 4:17
[6] aGn 17:16; 35:11
[7] ILit seed aGn 17:13, 19; Ps 105:9, 10; Lk 1:55 bGn 26:24; Lv 11:45; 26:12, 45; He 11:16 cGn 28:13; Ga 3:16
[8] ILit seed aGn 12:7; 13:15, 17; Ac 7:5 bEx 6:7; 29:45; Lv 26:12; Dt 29:13; Rv 21:7

9 ¶ God° said° further to Abraham°, “Now as for you, ayou shall keep° My covenant°, you and your Idescendants° after° you throughout their generations°. 10 aThis° is My covenant°, which° you shall keep°, between° Me and you and your Idescendants° after° you: every° male° among you shall be circumcised°. 11 And ayou shall be circumcised° in the flesh° of your foreskin°, and it shall be the sign° of the covenant° between° Me and you. 12 And every° male° among you who is aeight° days° old° shall be circumcised° throughout your generations°, a [servant] who° is born° in the house° or who° is bought° with money° from any° foreigner°°, who° is not of your Idescendants°. 13 A [servant] who° is born° in your house° or awho° is bought° with your money° shall surely° be circumcised°; thus shall My covenant° be in your flesh° for an everlasting° covenant°. 14 But an uncircumcised° male° who° is not circumcised° in the flesh° of his foreskin°, that person° shall be acut° off° from his people°; he has broken° My covenant°.”

[9] ILit seed aEx 19:5
[10] ILit seed aJn 7:22; Ac 7:8; Ro 4:11
[11] aEx 12:48; Dt 10:16; Ac 7:8; Ro 4:11
[12] ILit seed aLv 12:3
[13] aEx 12:44
[14] aEx 4:24-26

15 ¶ Then God° said° to Abraham°, “As for Sarai° your wife°, you shall not call° her name° Sarai°, but ISarah° [shall be] her name°. 16 I will bless° her, and indeed° I will give° you aa son° by her. Then I will bless° her, and she shall be [a mother of] nations°; bkings° of peoples° will Icome° from her.” 17 Then Abraham° afell° on his face° and laughed°, and said° in his heart°, “Will a child be born° to a man° one hundred° years° old°? And bwill Sarah°, who is ninety° years° old°, bear° [a child]?” 18 And Abraham° said° to God°, “Oh° that Ishmael° might live° before° You!” 19 But God° said°, “No°, but Sarah° your wife° will bear° you aa son°, and you shall call° his name° IIsaac°; and bI will establish° My covenant° with him for an everlasting° covenant° for his IIdescendants° after° him. 20 As for Ishmael°, I have heard° you; behold°, I will bless° him, and awill make° him fruitful° and will multiply° him exceedingly°. bHe shall Ibecome° the father° of twelve°° princes°, and I will make° him a cgreat° nation°. 21 But My covenant° I will establish° with aIsaac°, whom° bSarah° will bear° to you at this° season° next° year°.” 22 When He finished° talking° with him, aGod° went° up from Abraham°.

[15] II.e. princess
[16] ILit be aGn 18:10 bGn 17:6; 36:31
[17] aGn 17:3; 18:12; 21:6 bGn 21:7
[19] II.e. he laughs IILit seed aGn 17:16; 18:10; 21:2 bGn 26:2-5
[20] ILit beget twelve princes aGn 16:10 bGn 25:12-16 cGn 21:18
[21] aGn 17:19; 18:10, 14 bGn 21:2
[22] aGn 18:33; 35:13

23 ¶ Then Abraham° took° Ishmael° his son°, and all° [the servants] who° were aborn° in his house° and all° who° were bought° with his money°, every° male° among the men° of Abraham’s° household°, and circumcised° the flesh° of their foreskin° in the very° same° day°, bas God° had said° to him. 24 Now Abraham° was ninety-nine°° years° old° when ahe was circumcised° in the flesh° of his foreskin°. 25 And aIshmael° his son° was thirteen°° years° old° when he was circumcised° in the flesh° of his foreskin°. 26 In the very° same° day° Abraham° was circumcised°, and Ishmael° his son°. 27 All° the men° of his household°, who° were aborn° in the house° or bought° with money° from a foreigner°°, were circumcised° with him.

[23] aGn 14:14 bGn 17:9-11
[24] aRo 4:11
[25] aGn 16:16
[27] aGn 14:14

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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God reneweth the Covenant.

1 ¶ And when Abramº was² ninetyº¹ yearsº oldº and nine,º the LORDº appearedºª to² Abram,º and saidºª unto² him, I² [am] the Almightyº God;º walkºª before² me,¹ and be² thou perfect.º 2 And I will makeºª my covenantº between² me and thee, and will multiplyºª thee exceedingly.º 3 And Abramº fellºª on² his face:º and Godº talkedºª with² him, saying,ºª 4 As for me,º behold,² my covenantº [is] with² thee, and thou shalt be² a fatherº of manyº nations.º

[1] Gn 5:22, 24; 6:9; 12:1; 16:16; 18:14; 28:3; 35:11; 48:15; Ex 6:3; Nu 11:23; Dt 10:17; 18:13; 1K 2:4; 3:6; 8:25; 2K 20:3; Jb 1:1; 11:7; Ps 115:3; 116:9; Is 38:3; Jr 32:17; Dn 4:35; Mi 6:8; Mt 5:48; 19:26; Lk 1:6; Ac 23:1; 24:16; Ep 3:20; Php 4:13; He 7:25; 12:28.
[2] Gn 9:9; 12:2; 13:16; 15:18; 17:4; 22:17; Ps 105:8; Ga 3:17.
[3] Gn 17:17; Ex 3:6; Lv 9:23; Nu 14:5; 16:22, 45; Jsh 5:14; Jg 13:20; 1K 18:39; Ezk 1:28; 3:23; 9:8; Dn 8:17; 10:9; Mt 17:6; Rv 1:17.
[4] Gn 12:2; 13:16; 16:10; 22:17; 25:1; 32:12; 35:11; 36:1; Nu 1:1; 26:1; Ro 4:11; Ga 3:28.

Abram his name is changed in a token of a greater blessing.

5 Neither² shall² thy nameº any more² be calledºª Abram,º but thy nameº shall be² Abraham;º for² a fatherº of manyº nationsº have I made² thee.¹ª 6 And I will make¹ª thee exceedingº fruitful,ºª and I will makeºª nationsº of thee, and kingsº shall come outºª of² thee. 7 And I will establishºª² my covenantº between² me and thee and thy seedº after² thee¹ in their generationsº for an everlastingº covenant,º to be² a Godº unto thee, and to thy seedº after² thee.¹ 8 And I will giveºª unto thee, and to thy seedº after² thee,¹² the landº wherein thou art a stranger,º² all² the landº of Canaan,º for an everlastingº possession;º and I will be² their God.º

[5] Gn 17:15; 32:28; Nu 13:16; 2S 12:25; Ne 9:7; Is 62:2; 65:15; Jr 20:3; 23:6; Mt 1:21; Jn 1:42; Rv 2:17.
[6] Gn 17:4, 16, 20; 35:11; 36:31; Ezr 4:20; Mt 1:6.
[7] Gn 15:18; 26:24; 28:13; Ex 3:6, 15; 6:4; 19:5; Lv 26:12; Ps 81:10; 105:8; Ezk 28:26; Mi 7:20; Mt 22:32; Mk 10:14; Lk 1:54, 72; Ac 2:39; Ro 9:4, 7, 8; Ga 3:17; Ep 2:2; He 8:10; 11:16.
[8] Gn 12:7; 13:15, 17; 15:7; 23:4; 28:4; 48:4; Ex 6:7; 21:6; 31:16; 40:15; Lv 16:34; 26:12; Nu 25:13; Dt 4:37; 14:2; 26:18; 29:13; 32:8; 2S 23:5; Ps 103:17; 105:9, 11; He 9:15.

9 ¶ And Godº saidºª unto² Abraham,º Thou² shalt keepºª² my covenantº therefore, thou,² and thy seedº after² thee¹ in their generations.º

[9] Ps 25:10; 103:18; Is 56:4.

Circumcision is instituted.

10 This² [is] my covenant,º which² ye shall keep,ºª between² me and you and thy seedº after² thee;¹ Every² man childº among you shall be circumcised.ºª 11 And ye shall circumcise¹ª²² the fleshº of your foreskin;º and it shall be² a tokenº of the covenantº betwixt² me and you. 12 And he that is eightº daysº oldº shall be circumcisedºª among you, every² man childº in your generations,º he that is bornº in the house,º or boughtº with moneyº of any²² stranger,ºº which² [is] not² of thy seed.º² 13 He that is bornº in thy house,º and he that is boughtº with thy money,º must needs¹ª be circumcised:ºª and my covenantº shall be² in your fleshº for an everlastingº covenant.º 14 And the uncircumcisedº man childº whoseº² fleshº of his foreskinº is not² circumcised,ºª that² soulº shall be cut offºª from his people;º² he hath brokenºª² my covenant.º

[10] Gn 17:11; 34:15; Ex 4:25; 12:48; Dt 10:16; 30:6; Jsh 5:2, 4; Jr 4:4; 9:25; Ac 7:8; Ro 2:28; 3:1, 25, 28, 30; 4:9; 1Co 7:18; Ga 3:28; 5:3; 6:12; Ep 2:11; Php 3:3; Col 2:11.
[11] Ex 4:25; Jsh 5:3; 1S 18:25; 2S 3:14; Ac 7:8; Ro 4:11.
[12] Gn 17:23; 21:4; Ex 12:48; Lv 12:3; Lk 1:59; 2:21; Jn 7:22; Ac 7:8; Ro 2:28; Php 3:5.
[13] Gn 14:14; 15:3; 37:27, 36; 39:1; Ex 12:44; 21:2, 4, 16; Ne 5:5, 8; Mt 18:25.
[14] Ex 4:24; 12:15, 19; 30:33, 38; Lv 7:20, 25, 27; 18:29; 19:8; Nu 15:30; Jsh 5:2; Ps 55:20; Is 24:5; 33:8; Jr 11:10; 31:32; 1Co 11:27, 29.

Sarai her name is changed, and she is blessed.

15 ¶ And Godº saidºª unto² Abraham,º As for Saraiº thy wife,º thou shalt not² callºª² her nameº Sarai,º butº Sarahº [shall] her nameº [be].

[15] Gn 17:5; 32:28; 2S 12:25.

Isaac is promised.

16 And I will blessºª her, and giveºª thee a sonº also² of² her: yea, I will blessºª her, and she shall be² [a mother] of nations;º kingsº of peopleº shall be² of² her. 17 Then Abrahamº fellºª upon² his face,º and laughed,ºª and saidºª in his heart,º Shall [a child] be bornºª unto him that is an hundredº yearsº old?º and shall Sarah,º that is ninetyº yearsº old,º bear?ºª 18 And Abrahamº saidºª unto² God,º O thatº Ishmaelº might liveºª before² thee!¹ 19 And Godº said,ºª Sarahº thy wifeº shall bearºª thee a sonº indeed;º and thou shalt callºª² his nameº Isaac:º and I will establishºª² my covenantº with² him for an everlastingº covenant,º [and] with his seedº after² him.¹ 20 And as for Ishmael,º I have heard² thee:¹ª Behold,² I have blessedºª him, and will make him fruitful,ºª² and will multiplyºª him exceedingly;º twelveºº princesº shall he beget,ºª and I will make² him¹ª a greatº nation.º 21 But my covenantº will I establishºª with² Isaac,º which² Sarahº shall bearºª unto thee at this² set timeº in the nextº year.º 22 And he left offºª talkingºª with² him, and Godº went upºª from²² Abraham.º

[16] Gn 1:28; 12:2; 17:6; 18:10; 24:60; 35:11; Is 49:23; Ro 9:9; Ga 4:26; 1P 3:6.
[17] Gn 17:3; 18:12; 21:6; Lv 9:24; Nu 14:5; 16:22, 45; Dt 9:18, 25; Jsh 5:14; 7:6; Jg 13:20; 1Ch 21:16; Jb 1:20; Ezk 1:28; Dn 8:17; Mt 2:11; Jn 8:56; Ro 4:19; Rv 5:8; 11:16.
[18] Gn 4:12, 14; Ps 4:6; 41:12; Is 59:2; Jr 32:39; Ac 2:39.
[19] Gn 17:17, 21; 18:10; 21:2, 6; 2K 4:16; Lk 1:13; Jn 8:56; Ro 9:6; Ga 4:28.
[20] Gn 16:10; 21:13, 18; 25:12.
[21] Gn 18:10; 21:2, 10; 26:2; 46:1; 48:15; Ex 2:24; 3:6; Jb 14:13; Lk 1:55, 72; Ac 1:7; Ro 9:5, 9; Ga 3:29; He 11:9.
[22] Gn 17:3; 18:33; 35:9; Ex 20:22; Nu 12:6; Dt 5:4; Jg 6:21; 13:20; Jn 1:18; 10:30.

Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised.

23 ¶ And Abrahamº tookºª² Ishmaelº his son,º and all² that were bornº in his house,º and all² that were boughtº with his money,º every² maleº among the men¹² of Abraham'sº house;º and circumcisedºª² the fleshº of their foreskinº in the selfsameº² day,º as² Godº had saidºª unto² him. 24 And Abrahamº [was] ninetyº yearsº oldº and nine,º when he was circumcisedºª in the fleshº of his foreskin.º 25 And Ishmaelº his sonº [was] thirteenºº yearsº old,º when he was circumcisedºª² in the fleshº of his foreskin.º 26 In the selfsameº² dayº was Abrahamº circumcised,ºª and Ishmaelº his son.º 27 And all² the men¹² of his house,º bornº in the house,º and boughtº with moneyº of²² the stranger,ºº were circumcisedºª with² him.

[23] Gn 17:10, 26; 18:19; 34:24; Jsh 5:2; Ps 119:60; Pv 27:1; Ec 9:10; Ac 16:3; Ro 2:25; 4:9; 1Co 7:18; Ga 5:6; 6:15.
[24] Gn 12:4; 17:1, 17; Ro 4:11, 19.
[26] Gn 12:4; 22:3; Ps 119:60.
[27] Gn 18:19.

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