NASB — Ezekiel 3 — KJV

Ezekiel’s Commission

1 Then He said° to me, “Son° of man°, eat° what° you find°; aeat° this° scroll°, and go°, speak° to the house° of Israel°.” 2 So I aopened° my mouth°, and He fed° me this° scroll°. 3 He said° to me, “Son° of man°, feed° your stomach° and afill° your Ibody° with this° scroll° which° I am giving° you.” Then I bate° it, and it was sweet° as choney° in my mouth°.

[1] aEzk 2:9
[2] aJr 25:17
[3] ILit inward parts aJr 6:11; 20:9 bJr 15:16 cPs 19:10; 119:103; Rv 10:9, 10

4 ¶ Then He said° to me, “Son° of man°, Igo°° to the house° of Israel° and speak° with My words° to them. 5 For ayou are not being sent° to a people° of Ibunintelligible° speech° or difficult° language°, [but] to the house° of Israel°, 6 nor° to many° peoples° of Iunintelligible° speech° or difficult° language°, whose° words° you cannot° understand°. IIBut I have sent° you to them IIIwho should listen° to you; 7 yet the house° of Israel° will not be willing° to listen° to you, since° they are anot willing° to listen° to Me. Surely° the whole° house° of Israel° is Istubborn°° and obstinate°°. 8 Behold°, I have made° your face° as hard° as their faces° and your forehead° as hard° as their foreheads°. 9 Like Iemery° harder° than° flint° I have made° your forehead°. Do not be afraid° of them or be dismayed° before°° them, though° they are a rebellious° house°.” 10 Moreover, He said° to me, “Son° of man°, take° into your heart° all° My awords° which° I will speak° to you and listen° Iclosely°. 11 IGo° to the exiles°, to the sons° of your people°, and speak° to them and tell° them, whether° they listen° or° IInot, ‘Thus° says° the Lord° IIIGOD°.’”

[4] ILit go, come
[5] ILit deepness of lip and heaviness of tongue aJna 1:2; Ac 14:11; 26:17 bIs 28:11; 33:19
[6] ILit deepness of lip and heaviness of tongue IIOr If I had sent you to them, they would listen to you IIILit they
[7] ILit of a hard forehead and a stiff heart a1S 8:7
[9] ILit corundum
[10] ILit with your ears aJb 22:22; Ezk 2:8; 3:1-3
[11] ILit Go, come IILit forbear IIIHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD

12 ¶ Then the aSpirit° lifted° me up, and I heard° a great° brumbling° sound° behind° me, “Blessed° be the glory° of the LORD° Iin His place°.” 13 And I [heard] the sound° of the wings° of the living° beings° touching° one° another° and the sound° of the awheels° beside° them, even a great° rumbling° sound°. 14 So the Spirit° lifted° me up and took° me away; and I went° embittered° in the rage° of my spirit°, and athe hand° of the LORD° was strong° on me. 15 Then I came° to the exiles° who lived° beside° the river° Chebar° at Tel-abib°, and I sat° there° aseven° days° where° they were living°, causing° consternation° among° them.

[12] IOr from aEzk 3:14; 8:3; Ac 8:39 bAc 2:2
[13] aEzk 1:15; 10:16, 17
[14] a2K 3:15
[15] aJb 2:13

16aAt the end° of seven° days° the word° of the LORD° came° to me, saying°, 17 “Son° of man°, I have appointed° you a awatchman° to the house° of Israel°; whenever you hear° a word° from My mouth°, bwarn° them from Me. 18 When I say° to the wicked°, ‘You will surely° die°,’ and you do not warn° him or speak° out to warn° the wicked° from his wicked° way° that he may live°, that wicked° man° shall die° in his iniquity°, but his ablood° I will require° at your hand°. 19 Yet if° you have awarned° the wicked° and he does not turn° from his wickedness° or from his wicked° way°, he shall die° in his iniquity°; but you have bdelivered° yourself°. 20 Again, awhen a righteous° man° turns° away° from his righteousness° and commits° iniquity°, and I place° an bobstacle° before° him, he will die°; since° you have not warned° him, he shall die° in his sin°, and his righteous° deeds° which° he has done° shall not be remembered°; but his blood° I will require° at your hand°. 21 However, if° you have awarned° Ithe righteous° man° that the righteous° should not sin° and he does not sin°, he shall surely° live° because° he took° warning°; and you have delivered° yourself°.”

[16] aJr 42:7
[17] aIs 52:8; 56:10; 62:6; Jr 6:17; Ezk 33:7-9 b2Ch 19:10; Is 58:1; Hab 2:1
[18] aEzk 3:20; 33:6, 8
[19] a2K 17:13, 14; Ezk 33:3, 9 bEzk 14:14, 20; Ac 18:6; 1Ti 4:16
[20] aPs 125:5; Ezk 18:24; 33:18; Zp 1:6 bIs 8:14; Jr 6:21; Ezk 14:3, 7-9
[21] ILit him, the righteous aAc 20:31

22 ¶ The hand° of the LORD° was on me there°, and He said° to me, “Get° up, go° out to the plain°, and there° I will aspeak° to you.” 23 So I got° up and went° out to the plain°; and behold°, the aglory° of the LORD° was standing° there°, like the glory° which° bI saw° by the river° Chebar°, and I fell° on my face°. 24 The aSpirit° then entered° me and made me stand° on my feet°, and He spoke° with me and said° to me, “Go°, shut° yourself up in your house°. 25 As for you, son° of man°, they will aput° ropes° on you and bind° you with them so that you cannot° go° out among° them. 26 Moreover, aI will make your tongue° stick° to Ithe roof° of your mouth° so that you will be mute° and cannot° be a man° who rebukes° them, for they are a rebellious° house°. 27 But awhen I speak° to you, I will open° your mouth° and you will say° to them, ‘Thus° says° the Lord° IGOD°.’ He who hears°, let him hear°; and he who refuses°, let him refuse°; bfor they are a rebellious° house°.

[22] aAc 9:6
[23] aEzk 1:28; Ac 7:55 bEzk 1:1
[24] aEzk 2:2
[25] aEzk 4:8
[26] ILit your palate aLk 1:20, 22
[27] IHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD aEzk 24:27; 33:22 bEzk 12:2, 3

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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Ezekiel eateth the roll.

1 ¶ Moreover he saidºª unto² me, Sonº of man,º eatºª² that² thou findest;ºª eatºª this²² roll,º and go¹ª² speakºª unto² the houseº of Israel.º 2 So I openedºª² my mouth,º and he caused me to eatºª² that² roll.º 3 And he saidºª unto² me, Sonº of man,º cause thy bellyº to eat,ºª and fillºª thy bowelsº with² this² rollº that² I² giveºª² thee. Then did I eatºª [it]; and it was² in my mouthº as honeyº for sweetness.º

[1] Jr 24:1; Ezk 2:3, 8; 3:10, 11, 15, 17; 1Ti 4:15; Rv 10:9.
[2] Jr 25:17; Ac 26:19.
[3] Jb 23:12; 32:18; Ps 19:10; 119:11, 97, 103; Pv 2:10; Jr 6:11; 15:16; 20:9; Ezk 2:10; Jn 6:53; 7:38; Col 3:16; Rv 10:9.

God encourageth him.

4 ¶ And he saidºª unto² me, Sonº of man,º go,¹ª² getºª thee unto² the houseº of Israel,º and speakºª with my wordsº unto² them. 5 For² thou² [art] not² sentºª to² a peopleº of a strangeº speechº and of an hardº language,º [but] to² the houseº of Israel;º 6 Not² to² manyº peopleº of a strangeº speechº and of an hardº language,º whose² wordsº thou canst not² understand.ºª Surely,²² had I sentºª thee to² them, they² would have hearkenedºª unto² thee. 7 But the houseº of Israelº willºª not² hearkenºª unto² thee; for² they willºª not² hearkenºª unto² me: for² all² the houseº of Israelº [are] impudentºº and hardhearted.ºº 8 Behold,² I have madeºª² thy faceº strongº againstº their faces,º and² thy foreheadº strongº againstº their foreheads.º 9 As an adamantº harderº than flintº² have I madeºª thy forehead:º fearºª them not,² neither² be dismayedºª at their looks,º² though² they² [be] a rebelliousº house.º 10 Moreover he saidºª unto² me, Sonº of man,º² all² my wordsº that² I shall speakºª unto² thee receiveºª in thine heart,º and hearºª with thine ears.º 11 And go,¹ª² getºª thee to² them of the captivity,º unto² the childrenº of thy people,º and speakºª unto² them, and tellºª² them, Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º whether² they will hear,ºª or whether² they will forbear.ºª 12 Then the spiritº took me up,ºª and I heardºª behindº me a voiceº of a greatº rushing,º [saying], Blessedºª [be] the gloryº of the LORDº from his place.º² 13 [I heard] also the noiseº of the wingsº of the living creaturesº that touchedºª oneº another,º and the noiseº of the wheelsº over againstº them, and a noiseº of a greatº rushing.º 14 So the spiritº lifted me up,ºª and took me away,ºª and I went¹ª² in bitterness,º in the heatº of my spirit;º but the handº of the LORDº was strong¹ª² upon² me.

[4] Ezk 2:3, 7; 3:11; Mt 10:5; 15:24; Ac 1:8.
[5] Ps 81:5; Is 33:19; Ezk 3:6; Jna 1:2; 3:2; Ac 26:17.
[6] Jna 3:5; Mt 11:20; 12:41; Lk 11:30; Ac 27:28; Ro 9:30.
[7] 1S 8:7; Is 3:9; Jr 3:3; 5:3; 25:3; 44:4, 16; Ezk 2:4; 24:7; Lk 10:16; 13:34; 19:14; Jn 5:40; 15:20.
[8] Ex 4:15; 11:4; 1K 21:20; Is 50:7; Jr 1:18; 15:20; Mi 3:8; Ac 7:51; He 11:27, 32.
[9] Is 41:10, 14; 50:7; Jr 1:8, 17; 17:18; Ezk 2:6; Mi 3:8; Zc 7:12; 1Ti 2:3; 2Ti 2:6.
[10] Jb 22:22; Ps 119:11; Pv 8:10; 19:20; Ezk 2:8; 3:1; Lk 8:15; 1Th 2:13; 4:1.
[11] Ex 32:7; Dt 9:12; Ezk 2:5, 7; 3:15, 27; 11:24; 33:2, 12, 17, 30; 37:18; Dn 6:13; 12:1; Ac 20:26.
[12] Ex 40:34; 1S 4:21; 1K 18:12; 2K 2:16; Ps 72:18; 103:20; 148:2; Is 6:3; Ezk 2:2; 3:14; 8:3; 9:3; 10:4, 18; 11:1, 22, 24; 40:1; Ac 2:2; 8:39; Rv 1:10, 15; 5:11; 19:6.
[13] 2S 5:24; Ezk 1:24; 10:5, 16.
[14] Nu 11:11; 1K 18:46; 2K 2:16; 3:15; Jr 6:11; 20:7, 14; Ezk 1:3; 3:12; 8:1, 3; 37:1; Jn 4:1, 3, 9.

God sheweth him the rule of prophecy.

15 ¶ Then I cameºª to² them of the captivityº at Telabib,º that dweltºª by² the riverº of Chebar,º and I satºª where² they² sat,ºª and remainedºª there² astonishedºª amongº them sevenº days.º 16 And it came to pass² at the endº² of sevenº days,º that the wordº of the LORDº came² unto² me, saying,ºª 17 Sonº of man,º I have madeºª thee a watchmanºª unto the houseº of Israel:º therefore hearºª the wordº at my mouth,º² and give them warningºª² from² me. 18 When I sayºª unto the wicked,º Thou shalt surely¹ª die;ºª and thou givest him not warning,ºª² nor² speakestºª to warnºª the wickedº from his wickedº way,º² to save his life;ºª the same² wickedº [man] shall dieºª in his iniquity;º but his bloodº will I requireºª at thine hand.º² 19 Yet if² thou² warnºª the wicked,º and he turnºª not² from his wickedness,º² nor from his wickedº way,º² he² shall dieºª in his iniquity;º but thou² hast deliveredºª² thy soul.º 20 Again,¹ª When a righteousº [man] doth turnºª from his righteousness,º² and commitºª iniquity,º and I layºª a stumblingblockº beforeº him, he² shall die:ºª because² thou hast not² given him warning,ºª he shall dieºª in his sin,º and his righteousnessº which² he hath doneºª shall not² be remembered;ºª but his bloodº will I requireºª at thine hand.º² 21 Nevertheless if² thou² warnºª the righteousº [man], that the righteousº sinºª not,² and he² doth not² sin,ºª he shall surely¹ª live,ºª because² he is warned;ºª also thou² hast deliveredºª² thy soul.º

[15] Gn 50:10; Jb 2:13; Ps 137:1; Jr 23:9; Ezk 1:1; 3:23; 10:15; 43:3; Hab 3:16.
[17] 2Ch 19:10; So 3:3; 5:7; Is 21:6, 8, 11; 52:8; 56:10; 58:1; 62:6; Jr 6:10, 17; 31:6; Ezk 33:2, 6; Hab 2:1; Mt 3:7; Ac 20:28; 1Co 4:14; 12:28; 2Co 5:11, 20; Col 1:28; 1Th 5:14; He 13:17.
[18] Gn 2:17; 3:3; 9:5; 42:22; Nu 26:65; 2S 4:11; 2K 1:4; Pv 14:32; Is 3:11; Ezk 18:4, 13, 20, 30; 33:6, 8, 9; 34:10; Lk 11:50; 13:3, 5; Jn 8:21, 24; Ac 2:40; 3:19; 20:26; Ep 5:5; 1Ti 4:16; 5:22; Jm 5:19.
[19] 2K 17:13; 2Ch 36:15; Pv 29:1; Is 49:4; Jr 42:19; 44:4; Ezk 3:18, 21; 14:14, 20; 33:5, 9; Lk 10:10; Ac 13:45; 18:5; 20:26; 2Co 2:15; 1Th 4:6; 2Th 1:8; He 2:1; 10:26; 12:25.
[20] Lv 19:17; Dt 13:3; 2S 12:7; 2Ch 19:2; 24:2, 17; 25:15; Ps 36:3; 119:165; 125:5; Pv 25:12; Is 8:14; 64:6; Jr 6:21; Ezk 3:18; 7:19; 14:3, 7; 18:24, 26; 33:6, 12; Dn 9:18; Zp 1:6; Mt 12:43; 13:20; 18:15; Lk 2:34; 8:15; Ro 2:7; 9:32; 11:9; 1Co 1:23; 2Th 2:9; He 10:38; 13:17; 1P 2:8; 2P 2:18, 21; 1Jn 2:19.
[21] Ps 19:11; Pv 9:9; 17:10; Ezk 3:19, 20; Mt 24:24; Ac 20:31; 1Co 4:14; 10:12; Ga 1:6; 2:11; 5:2; Ep 4:17; 5:5; Col 1:28; 3:5; 1Th 4:6; 5:14; 1Ti 4:16; Tit 2:15; Jm 5:20; 1Jn 3:6; Rv 3:19.

God shutteth and openeth the prophet's mouth.

22 ¶ And the handº of the LORDº was² there² upon² me; and he saidºª unto² me, Arise,ºª go forthºª into² the plain,º and I will there² talkºª with² thee. 23 Then I arose,ºª and went forthºª into² the plain:º and, behold,² the gloryº of the LORDº stoodºª there,² as the gloryº which² I sawºª by² the riverº of Chebar:º and I fellºª on² my face.º 24 Then the spiritº enteredºª into me, and setºª me upon² my feet,º and spakeºª with² me, and saidºª unto² me, Go,ºª shut¹ª thyself² withinº thine house.º 25 But thou,² O sonº of man,º behold,² they shall putºª bandsº upon² thee, and shall bindºª thee with them, and thou shalt not² go outºª amongº them: 26 And I will make thy tongueº cleaveºª to² the roof of thy mouth,º that thou shalt be dumb,ºª and shalt not² be² to them a reprover:ººª for² they² [are] a rebelliousº house.º 27 But when I speakºª withº thee, I will openºª² thy mouth,º and thou shalt sayºª unto² them, Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º He that heareth,ºª let him hear;ºª and he that forbeareth,º let him forbear:ºª for² they² [are] a rebelliousº house.º

[22] Ezk 1:3; 3:14; 8:4; 37:1; Ac 9:6.
[23] Nu 16:19, 42; Ezk 1:1, 4, 28; 9:3; 10:18; Dn 8:17; 10:8; Ac 7:55; Rv 1:17; 4:10; 5:8, 14.
[24] Ezk 2:2; 4:1; 37:10; Dn 10:8, 19.
[25] Ezk 4:8; Mk 3:21; Jn 21:18; Ac 9:16; 20:23; 21:11.
[26] Ps 36:11; 51:15; 137:6; Is 1:2; Jr 1:17; Lm 2:9; Ezk 2:3; 24:27; Ho 4:17; Am 5:10; 8:11; Mi 3:6; Lk 1:20.
[27] Ex 4:11; Ezk 2:5; 3:9, 11, 26; 11:25; 12:2; 24:27; 29:21; 33:32; Mt 11:15; 13:9; Lk 21:15; Ep 6:19; Rv 22:10.

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