Introduction1 Paul°, aan apostle° (bnot [sent] from men° nor° through° the agency° of man°, but cthrough° Jesus° Christ° and God° the Father°, who draised° Him from the dead°), 2 and all° athe brethren° who are with me, ¶ To bthe churches° of Galatia°: 3 ¶ aGrace° to you and peace° from IGod° our Father° and the Lord° Jesus° Christ°, 4 who agave° Himself° for our sins° so° that He might rescue° us from bthis° present° evil° Iage°, according° to the will° of cour God° and Father°, 5 ato whom° [be] the glory° forevermore°. Amen°. [3] ITwo early mss read God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ aRo 1:7
[4] IOr world aGa 2:20 bMt 13:22; Ro 12:2; 2Co 4:4 cPhp 4:20 [5] aRo 11:36 Perversion of the Gospel6 ¶ I am° amazed° that you are so° quickly° deserting°° aHim who called° you Iby the grace° of Christ°, for a bdifferent° gospel°; 7 which° is [really] not another°; only°° there are some° who are adisturbing° you and want° to distort° the gospel° of Christ°. 8 But even° if° we, or° aan angel° from heaven°, should preach° to you a gospel° Icontrary° to what° we have preached° to you, he is to be IIbaccursed°! 9 As we ahave said° before°, so° I say° again° now°, bif° any° man° is preaching° to you a gospel° Icontrary° to what° you received°, he is to be IIcaccursed°! [6] ILit in aRo 8:28; Ga 1:15; 5:8 b2Co 11:4; Ga 1:7, 11; 2:2, 7; 5:14; 1Ti 1:3
[7] aAc 15:24; Ga 5:10 [8] IOr other than, more than IIGr anathema a2Co 11:14 bRo 9:3 [9] IOr other than, more than IIGr anathema aAc 18:23 bRo 16:17 cRo 9:3 10 ¶ For am I now° aseeking° the favor° of men°, or° of God°? Or° am I striving° to please° men°? If° I were still° trying to please° men°, I would not be a bbond-servant° of Christ°. Paul Defends His Ministry11 ¶ For aI would have° you know°, brethren°, that the gospel° which was preached° by me is bnot according° to man°. 12 For aI neither° received° it from man°, nor° was I taught° it, but [I received it] through° a brevelation° of Jesus° Christ°. 13 ¶ For you have heard° of amy former° manner° of life° in Judaism°, how° I bused to persecute° cthe church° of God° beyond°° measure° and dtried to destroy° it; 14 and I awas advancing° in Judaism° beyond° many° of my contemporaries° among° my Icountrymen°, being° more° extremely° zealous° for my bancestral° traditions°. 15 But when° God, who had set° me apart° [even] from my mother’s° womb° and acalled° me through° His grace°, was pleased° 16 to reveal° His Son° in me so° that I might apreach° Him among° the Gentiles°, bI did not immediately° consult° with Icflesh° and blood°, 17 anor° did I go° up to Jerusalem° to those° who were apostles° before° me; but I went° away° to Arabia°, and returned° once° more° to bDamascus°. [13] aAc 26:4f bAc 8:3; 22:4, 5 c1Co 10:32 dAc 9:21
[14] ILit race aAc 22:3 bJr 9:14; Mt 15:2; Mk 7:3; Col 2:8 [15] aIs 49:1, 5; Jr 1:5; Ac 9:15; Ro 1:1; Ga 1:6 [16] II.e. human beings aAc 9:15; Ga 2:9 bAc 9:20 cMt 16:17 [17] aAc 9:19-22 bAc 9:2 18 ¶ Then° athree° years° later° I went° up bto Jerusalem° to Ibecome° acquainted° with cCephas°, and stayed° with him fifteen° days°. 19 But I did not see° any° other° of the apostles° except° IaJames°, the Lord’s° brother°. 20 (Now° in what° I am writing° to you, II assure° you abefore° God° that I am not lying°.) 21 Then° aI went° into the regions° of bSyria° and cCilicia°. 22 I was [still] unknown° by Isight° to athe churches° of Judea° which were bin Christ°; 23 but only°, they kept hearing°, “He who once° persecuted° us is now° preaching° athe faith° which° he once° btried to destroy°.” 24 And they awere glorifying° God° Ibecause° of me. [18] IOr visit Cephas aAc 9:22f bAc 9:26 cJn 1:42; Ga 2:9, 11, 14
[19] IOr Jacob aMt 12:46; Ac 12:17 [20] ILit behold before God aRo 9:1; 2Co 1:23; 11:31 [21] aAc 9:30 bAc 15:23, 41 cAc 6:9 [22] ILit face a1Co 7:17; 1Th 2:14 bRo 16:7 [23] aAc 6:7; Ga 6:10 bAc 9:21 [24] ILit in me aMt 9:8 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
1 ¶ Paul,º an apostle,º (notº ofº men,º neitherº byº man,º butº byº Jesusº Christ,º andº Godº the Father,º who¹ raisedºª himº fromº the dead;)º 2 Andº allº the² brethrenº which are withº me,º unto the² churchesº of Galatia:º 3 Graceº [be] to youº andº peaceº fromº Godº the Father,º andº [from] ourº Lordº Jesusº Christ,º 4 Who¹ gaveºª himselfº forº ourº sins,º thatº he might deliverºª usº fromº this presentºª evilº world,º accordingº to the² willº of Godº andº ourº Father:º 5 To whomº [be] gloryº for¹ ever¹ and ever.º² Amen.º [1] Mt 28:18; Jn 5:19; 10:30; 20:21; Ac 1:16; 2:24; 3:15; 9:6, 15; 13:2; 22:10, 14; 26:16; Ro 1:1, 4; 4:24; 10:9; 14:9; 1Co 1:1; 2Co 3:1; Ga 1:11, 17; Ep 1:19; 3:8; 1Ti 1:11; 2Ti 1:1; Tit 1:3; He 13:20; 1P 1:21; Rv 1:5, 18; 2:8.
[2] Ac 9:31; 15:41; 16:5; 18:23; 1Co 16:1; Php 2:22; 4:21. [3] Ro 1:7; 1Co 1:3; 2Co 1:2; 13:14; Ep 1:2; Php 1:2; Col 1:2; 1Th 1:1; 2Th 1:2; 2Jn 1:3. [4] Ps 40:8; Is 65:17; Mt 6:9; 20:28; 26:28, 42; Mk 10:45; Lk 22:19, 42; Jn 5:30; 6:38; 10:11, 17; 12:31; 14:30; 15:18; 17:14; Ro 1:7; 4:25; 8:3, 27, 32; 12:2; 2Co 4:4; Ga 2:20; 6:14; Ep 1:2, 3, 11; 2:2; 5:2; 6:12; Php 4:20; 1Th 3:11, 13; 2Th 2:16; 1Ti 2:6; Tit 2:14; He 2:5; 6:5; 9:14; 10:4, 9; Jm 4:4; 1P 2:24; 3:18; 1Jn 2:2, 15; 3:16; 5:4, 19, 20; Rv 1:5; 5:9; 7:9. [5] 1Ch 29:13; Ps 41:13; 72:19; Is 24:15; 42:12; Mt 6:13; 28:20; Lk 2:14; Ro 11:36; 16:27; Ep 1:12; Php 4:20; 1Ti 1:17; 2Ti 4:18; He 13:21; 1P 5:11; 2P 3:18; Jde 1:25; Rv 4:9; 5:12; 7:12; 14:7. He wondereth that they have so soon left him and the Gospel,6 I marvelºª thatº ye are¹ª soº soonº removedºª fromº him that calledºª youº intoº the graceº of Christº untoº anotherº gospel:º 7 Whichº isºª notº another;º but² there beºª someº that¹ troubleºª you,º andº wouldºª pervertºª the² gospelº of Christ.º [6] Ps 106:13; Is 29:13; Jr 2:12; Mk 6:6; Jn 9:30; Ac 15:11; Ro 5:2; 10:3; 1Co 4:15; 2Co 11:4; Ga 3:1; 4:9; 5:4, 7, 8; 2Th 2:14; 1Ti 1:14; 2Ti 1:9; 2:1; 1P 1:15; 2P 1:3; Rv 22:21.
[7] Jr 23:26; Mt 24:24; Ac 13:10; 15:1, 24; 20:30; Ro 16:17; 2Co 2:17; 4:2; 11:13; Ga 2:4; 4:17; 5:10, 12; 6:12, 17; 1Ti 4:1; 2Ti 2:18; 3:8; 4:3; Tit 1:10; 2P 2:1; 1Jn 2:18, 26; 4:1; 2Jn 1:7, 10; Jde 1:4; Rv 2:2, 6, 14, 20; 12:9; 13:14; 19:20; 20:3. and accurseth those that preach any other gospel than he did.8 Butº thoughº¹² we,º orº an angelº fromº heaven,º preach any other gospelºª unto youº thanº that² which¹ we have preachedºª unto you,º let him beºª accursed.º 9 Asº we said before,ºª soº say² I¹ª nowº again,º If anyº [man] preach¹ª any other¹ª gospelºª unto youº thanº thatº ye have received,ºª let him beºª accursed.º 10 Forº do I¹ª nowº persuadeºª men,º orº God?º orº do I seekºª to pleaseºª men?º forº ifº I¹ª yetº pleasedºª men,º I should¹ notº beºª² the servantº of Christ.º [8] Gn 9:25; Dt 27:15; Jsh 9:23; 1S 26:19; Ne 13:25; Mt 25:41; Mk 14:71; Ac 23:14; Ro 9:3; 1Co 12:3; 16:22; 2Co 11:13; Ga 1:9; 3:10, 13; 1Ti 1:19; Tit 3:10; 2P 2:14; Rv 22:18.
[9] Dt 4:2; 12:32; 13:1; Pv 30:6; 2Co 1:17; 13:1; Php 3:1; 4:4; Rv 22:18. [10] 1S 21:7; Mt 22:16; 28:14; Ac 4:19; 5:29; 12:20; Ro 1:1; 2:8; 15:1; 1Co 10:33; 2Co 5:9; 12:19; Ep 6:6; Col 3:22; 1Th 2:4; Jm 4:4; 1Jn 3:9. He learned the Gospel not of men, but of God:11 Butº I certifyºª you,º brethren,º that¹ the² gospelº which¹ was preachedºª ofº meº isºª notº afterº man.º 12 Forº Iº neitherº receivedºª itº ofº man,º neitherº was I taughtºª [it], butº byº the revelationº of Jesusº Christ.º and sheweth what he was before his calling,13 Forº ye have heardºª of myº conversationº in time pastº inº the² Jews' religion,º how thatº beyond¹ measureº² I persecutedºª the² churchº of God,º andº wastedºª it:º 14 Andº profitedºª inº the² Jews' religionº aboveº manyº my equalsº inº mine ownº nation,º beingºª more exceedinglyº zealousº of the traditionsº of myº fathers.º 15 Butº whenº it pleasedºª God,º who¹ separatedºª meº fromº myº mother'sº womb,º andº calledºª [me] byº his¹² grace,º 16 To revealºª his¹² Sonº inº me,º thatº I might preachºª himº amongº the² heathen;º immediatelyº I conferredºª notº with fleshº andº blood:º [13] Ac 8:1, 3; 9:1, 13, 21, 26; 22:3, 4; 26:4, 9; 1Co 15:9; Php 3:6; 1Ti 1:13.
[14] Is 29:13; 57:12; Jr 15:2; Mt 15:2, 6; Mk 7:3; Ac 22:3; 26:5, 9; Php 3:4; Col 2:8; 1P 1:8. [15] Dt 7:7; 1S 12:22; 1Ch 28:4; Is 49:1, 5; Jr 1:5; Mt 11:26; Lk 1:15; 10:21; Ac 9:15; 13:2; 22:14; Ro 1:1, 5; 8:30; 9:24; 1Co 1:1, 9, 24; 15:10; Ep 1:5, 9; 3:11; 2Th 2:13; 1Ti 1:12; 2Ti 1:9; 1P 5:10. [16] Dt 33:9; Mt 16:17; 26:41; Lk 9:23, 59; Ac 9:15; 22:21; 26:17, 19; Ro 1:13; 11:13; 15:16; 1Co 2:9; 15:50; 2Co 4:6; 5:16; Ga 1:11; 2:1, 6, 7; Ep 1:17; 3:1, 5, 8; 6:12; Col 1:25; 1Th 2:16; 1Ti 2:7; 2Ti 1:11; He 2:14. and what he did presently after it.17 Neitherº went I upºª toº Jerusalemº toº them which were apostlesº beforeº me;º butº I wentºª intoº Arabia,º andº returnedºª againº untoº Damascus.º 18 Thenº afterº threeº yearsº I went upºª toº Jerusalemº to seeºª Peter,º andº abodeºª withº himº fifteenº days.º 19 Butº otherº of the² apostlesº saw² I¹ª none,º saveº Jamesº the² Lord'sº brother.º 20 Nowº the things whichº I writeºª unto you,º behold,ºª beforeº God,¹¹ I²² lieºª not.º 21 Afterwardsº I cameºª intoº the² regionsº of Syriaº andº Cilicia;º 22 Andº wasºª unknownºª by faceº unto the² churchesº of Judaeaº whichº were inº Christ:º 23 Butº they hadºª heardºª only,º Thatº he which persecutedºª usº in times pastº nowº preachethºª the² faithº whichº onceº he destroyed.ºª 24 Andº they glorifiedºª Godº inº me.º [17] Ac 9:20; 2Co 11:32; Ga 1:18.
[18] Ac 9:26; 22:17. [19] Mt 10:3; 13:55; Mk 3:18; 6:3; Lk 6:15; Ac 1:13; 1Co 9:5; Jm 1:1; Jde 1:1. [20] Ro 9:1; 2Co 11:10, 31. [21] Ac 6:9; 9:30; 11:25; 13:1; 15:23, 41; 18:18; 21:3, 39; 22:3; 23:34. [22] Ac 9:31; Ro 16:7; 1Co 1:30; Php 1:1; 1Th 1:1; 2:14; 2Th 1:1. [23] Ac 9:13, 20, 26; 1Co 15:8; 1Ti 1:13. [24] Nu 23:23; Lk 2:14; 7:16; 15:10, 32; Ac 11:18; 21:19; 2Co 9:13; Col 1:3; 2Th 1:10, 12. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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