NASB — Revelation 19 — KJV

The Fourfold Hallelujah

1 After° these° things° I heard° something like° a aloud° voice° of a great° multitude° in heaven°, saying°,

¶ “bHallelujah°! cSalvation° and dglory° and power° belong to our God°; 2 aBECAUSE° HIS bJUDGMENTS° ARE cTRUE° AND RIGHTEOUS°; for He has judged° the dgreat° harlot° who° was corrupting° the earth° with her immorality°, and HE HAS eAVENGED° THE BLOOD° OF HIS BOND-SERVANTS° ION HER.” 3 And a second° time° they said°, “aHallelujah°! bHER SMOKE° RISES° UP FOREVER° AND EVER°.” 4 And the atwenty-four°° elders° and the bfour° living° creatures° cfell° down° and worshiped° God° who sits° on the throne° saying°, “dAmen°. eHallelujah°!” 5 And a voice° came° from the throne°, saying°,

¶ “aGive° praise° to our God°, all° you His bond-servants°, byou who fear° Him, the small° and the great°.” 6 Then° I heard° [something] like° athe voice° of a great° multitude° and like° bthe sound° of many° waters° and like° the csound° of mighty° peals° of thunder°, saying°,

¶ “aHallelujah°! For the dLord° our God°, the Almighty°, reigns°.

[1] aJr 51:48; Rv 11:15; 19:6 bPs 104:35; Rv 19:3, 4, 6 cRv 7:10 dRv 4:11
[2] ILit from her hand aPs 19:9 bRv 6:10 cRv 16:7 dRv 17:1 eDt 32:43; 2K 9:7; Rv 16:6; 18:20
[3] aPs 104:35; Rv 19:1, 4, 6 bIs 34:10; Rv 14:11
[4] aRv 4:4, 10 bRv 4:6 cRv 4:10 dPs 106:48; Rv 5:14 ePs 104:35; Rv 19:3, 6
[5] aPs 22:23; 115:13; 134:1; 135:1 bRv 11:18
[6] aJr 51:48; Rv 11:15; 19:1 bEzk 1:24; Rv 1:15 cRv 6:1 dPs 93:1; 97:1; 99:1; Rv 1:8

Marriage of the Lamb

7 Let us rejoice° and be glad° and agive° the glory° to Him, for bthe marriage° of the Lamb° has come° and His Icbride° has made° herself° ready°.” 8 It was given° to her to clothe° herself in afine° linen°, bright° [and] clean°; for the fine° linen° is the brighteous° acts° of the Isaints°.

[7] ILit wife aRv 11:13 bMt 22:2; 25:10; Lk 12:36; Jn 3:29; Ep 5:23, 32; Rv 19:9 cMt 1:20; Rv 21:2, 9
[8] IOr holy ones aRv 15:6; 19:14 bRv 15:4

9 ¶ Then° ahe *said° to me, “bWrite°, ‘cBlessed° are those° who are invited° to the marriage° supper° of the Lamb°.’” And he *said° to me, “dThese° are true° words° of God°.” 10 Then° aI fell° at his feet° to worship° him. bBut he *said° to me, “Do not do° that; I am° a cfellow° servant° of yours° and your brethren° who dhold° the testimony° of Jesus°; worship° God°. For the testimony° of Jesus° is the spirit° of prophecy°.”

[9] aRv 17:1; 19:10 bRv 1:19 cMt 22:2f; Lk 14:15 dRv 17:17; 21:5; 22:6
[10] aRv 22:8 bAc 10:26; Rv 22:9 cRv 1:1f dRv 12:17

The Coming of Christ

11 ¶ And I saw° aheaven° opened°, and behold°, a bwhite° horse°, and He who sat° on it [is] called° cFaithful° and True°, and in drighteousness° He judges° and wages° war°. 12 His aeyes° [are] a flame° of fire°, and on His head° [are] many° bdiadems°; and He has° a cname° written° [on Him] which° no° one° knows° except° Himself°. 13 [He is] clothed° with a arobe° dipped° in blood°, and His name° is called° bThe Word° of God°. 14 And the armies° which are in heaven°, clothed° in afine° linen°, bwhite° [and] clean°, were following° Him on white° horses°. 15 aFrom His mouth° comes° a sharp° sword°, so° that bwith it He may strike° down° the nations°, and He will Icrule° them with a rod° of iron°; and dHe treads° the IIwine°° press° of the fierce° wrath° of God°, the Almighty°. 16 And on His robe° and on His thigh° He has° aa name° written°, “bKING° OF KINGS°, AND LORD° OF LORDS°.”

[11] aEzk 1:1; Jn 1:51; Rv 4:1 bRv 6:2; 19:19, 21 cRv 3:14 dPs 96:13; Is 11:4
[12] aDn 10:6; Rv 1:14 bRv 6:2; 12:3 cRv 2:17; 19:16
[13] aIs 63:3 bJn 1:1
[14] aRv 19:8 bRv 3:4; 19:8
[15] IOr shepherd IILit wine press of the wine of the wrath of God’s anger aRv 1:16; 19:21 bIs 11:4; 2Th 2:8 cPs 2:9; Rv 2:27 dIs 63:3; Jol 3:13; Rv 14:19, 20
[16] aRv 2:17; 19:12 bRv 17:14

17 ¶ Then° I saw° Ian angel° standing° in the sun°, and he cried° out with a loud° voice°, saying° to aall° the birds° which fly° in bmidheaven°, “cCome°, assemble° for the great° supper° of God°, 18 so° that you may aeat° the flesh° of kings° and the flesh° of Icommanders° and the flesh° of mighty° men° and the flesh° of horses° and of those° who sit° on them and the flesh° of all° men°, bboth° free° men° and slaves°, and csmall° and great°.”

[17] ILit one aRv 19:21 bRv 8:13 c1S 17:44; Jr 12:9; Ezk 39:17
[18] II.e. chiliarchs, in command of one thousand troops aEzk 39:18-20 bRv 6:15 cRv 11:18; 13:16; 19:5

19 ¶ And I saw° athe beast° and bthe kings° of the earth° and their armies° assembled° to make° war° against° Him who csat° on the horse° and against° His army°.

[19] aRv 11:7; 13:1 bRv 16:14, 16 cRv 19:11, 21

Doom of the Beast and False Prophet

20 And the beast° was seized°, and with him the afalse° prophet° who bperformed° the signs° Icin his presence°, by which° he ddeceived° those° who had received° the emark° of the beast° and those° who fworshiped° his image°; these° two° were thrown° alive° into the glake° of hfire° which burns° with IIbrimstone°. 21 And the rest° were killed° with the sword° which acame° from the mouth° of Him who bsat° on the horse°, and call° the birds° were filled° with their flesh°.

[20] IOr by his authority III.e. burning sulphur aRv 16:13 bRv 13:13 cRv 13:12 dRv 13:14 eRv 13:16f fRv 13:12, 15 gRv 20:10, 14f; 21:8 hIs 30:33; Dn 7:11; Rv 14:10
[21] aRv 19:15 bRv 19:11, 19 cRv 19:17

New American Standard Bible
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God is praised in heaven for judging the great whore, and avenging the blood of his saints.

1 ¶ Andº afterº these thingsº I heardºª a greatº voiceº of muchº peopleº inº heaven,º saying,ºª Alleluia;º Salvation,º andº glory,º andº honour,º andº power,º unto the Lordº ourº God:º 2 Forº trueº andº righteousº [are] his¹² judgments:º forº he hath judgedºª the² greatº whore,º whichº did corruptºª the² earthº withº her¹² fornication,º andº hath avengedºª the² bloodº of his¹² servantsº atº her¹² hand.º 3 Andº againº they said,ºª Alleluia.º Andº her¹² smokeº rose upºª for¹ ever¹ and ever.º² 4 Andº the² four¹ and¹ twentyº²² eldersº andº the² fourº beastsº fell downºª andº worshippedºª Godº that satºª onº the² throne,º saying,ºª Amen;º Alleluia.º 5 Andº a voiceº cameºª out ofº the² throne,º saying,ºª Praiseºª ourº God,º all² ye¹ his¹² servants,º andº ye that fearºª him,º bothº small¹² andº great.º 6 Andº I heardºª as it wereº the voiceº of a greatº multitude,º andº asº the voiceº of manyº waters,º andº asº the voiceº of mightyº thunderings,º saying,ºª Alleluia:º forº the Lordº Godº omnipotentº reigneth.ºª

[1] 1Ch 29:11; Ps 3:8; 106:1; 111:1; 115:18; 146:1; 148:1; 149:1; 150:1; Jna 2:9; Mt 6:13; 1Ti 1:16; Rv 4:10; 5:9; 7:10; 11:15; 12:10; 18:1, 20; 19:3, 6.
[2] Dt 32:4, 35, 43; Ps 19:9; Is 25:1; Rv 6:10; 15:3; 16:5; 17:1, 15; 18:3, 9, 20, 23, 24.
[3] Gn 19:28; Is 34:10; Jde 1:7; Rv 14:11; 18:9, 18; 19:1.
[4] 1Ch 16:36; Ne 5:13; 8:6; Ps 41:13; 72:19; 89:52; 106:48; Jr 28:6; Mt 6:13; 28:20; 1Co 14:16; Rv 4:4; 5:8, 14; 11:15; 15:7; 19:1.
[5] Ps 103:20; 134:1; 135:1, 19; 148:11; 150:6; Rv 7:15; 11:18, 19; 16:17; 20:12.
[6] Jb 40:9; Ps 29:3; 47:2, 7; 77:18; 93:1; 97:1, 12; 99:1; Is 52:7; Ezk 1:24; 43:2; Mt 6:13; Rv 1:15; 4:5; 6:1; 8:5; 11:15; 12:10; 14:2; 19:6; 21:22.

The marriage of the Lamb.

7 Let us be gladºª andº rejoice,ºª andº giveºª honourº to him:º forº the² marriageº of the² Lambº is come,ºª andº his¹² wifeº hath made¹ª herself¹ ready.ºª² 8 Andº to herº was grantedºª thatº she should be arrayedºª in fine linen,º cleanº andº white:º forº the² fine linenº isºª the² righteousnessº of saints.º 9 Andº he saithºª unto me,º Write,ºª Blessedº [are] they which are calledºª untoº the² marriageº supperº of the² Lamb.º Andº he saithºª unto me,º Theseº areºª the² trueº sayingsº of God.º

[7] Dt 32:43; 1S 2:1; Ps 9:14; 45:10; 48:11; 95:1; 100:1; 107:42; Pv 29:2; So 3:11; Is 52:1; 62:5; 66:10, 14; Ho 2:19; Zc 9:9; Mt 22:2; 25:1; Jn 3:29; 2Co 11:2; Ep 5:32; Php 3:3; Rv 21:2, 9.
[8] Ps 45:13; 132:9; Is 61:10; Ezk 16:10; Mt 17:2; 22:12; Mk 9:3; Lk 24:4; Ac 1:10; Ro 3:22; 13:14; Ep 5:26; Rv 3:4, 18; 7:13.
[9] Is 8:1; Hab 2:2; Mt 22:2; Lk 14:15; 1Ti 1:15; 4:9; 2Ti 2:11; Tit 3:8; Rv 1:19; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14, 20; 10:4; 14:13; 19:7, 11; 21:5; 22:6.

The angel will not be worshipped.

10 Andº I fellºª atº his¹² feetº to worshipºª him.º Andº he saidºª unto me,º Seeºª [thou do it] not:º I amºª thyº fellowservant,º andº of thyº brethrenº that haveºª the² testimonyº of Jesus:º worshipºª God:º forº the² testimonyº of Jesusº is¹ª the² spiritº of prophecy.º 11 Andº I sawºª heavenº opened,ºª andº beholdºª a whiteº horse;º andº he that satºª uponº himº [was] calledºª Faithfulº andº True,º andº inº righteousnessº he doth judgeºª andº make war.ºª 12 º His¹² eyesº [were] asº a flameº of fire,º andº onº his¹² headº [were] manyº crowns;º and he hadºª a nameº written,ºª thatº no manº knew,ºª butº he himself.¹² 13 Andº he [was] clothed¹ª with² a vestureº dippedºª in blood:º andº his¹² nameº is calledºª The² Wordº of God.º 14 Andº the² armiesº [which were]¹ inº heavenº followedºª himº uponº whiteº horses,º clothed¹ª in² fine linen,º whiteº andº clean.º 15 Andº out ofº his¹² mouthº goethºª a sharpº sword,º thatº withº itº he should smiteºª the² nations:º andº heº shall ruleºª themº withº a rodº of iron:º andº heº treadethºª the² winepressºº of the² fiercenessº andº wrathº of Almightyº God.º 16 Andº he hathºª onº [his] vestureº andº onº his¹² thighº a nameº written,ºª KINGº OF KINGS,º ANDº LORDº OF LORDS.º

[10] Ex 34:14; 2K 17:36; Ps 45:11; 103:20; Dn 7:10; Mt 4:10; Mk 5:22; 7:25; Lk 1:19; 24:25, 44; Jn 4:22; 5:39; Ac 3:12; 10:25, 43; 13:27; 14:11; Ro 3:21; 2Co 8:7; Ep 5:15, 33; Php 3:3; 1Th 5:15; He 1:14; 12:25; 1P 1:10; 2P 1:19; 1Jn 5:10, 21; Rv 1:9; 4:10; 12:11, 17; 14:7; 15:4; 22:8, 9.
[11] Ps 45:3; 50:6; 72:2; 96:13; 98:9; 99:4; Is 11:3; 32:1; 45:21; 63:1; Jr 23:5; 33:15; Zc 1:8; 9:9; Jn 14:6; He 7:1; Rv 1:5; 3:7, 14; 4:1; 6:2; 11:19; 15:3, 5.
[12] Gn 32:29; Ex 23:21; Jg 13:18; Ps 8:5; So 3:11; Is 9:6; 62:3; Zc 9:16; Mt 11:27; 21:5; 28:18; Lk 10:22; He 2:9; Rv 1:14; 2:17, 18; 3:12; 6:2; 12:3; 13:1; 19:16.
[13] Ps 58:10; Is 9:5; 34:3; 63:1; Jn 1:1, 14; 1Jn 1:1; 5:7; Rv 14:20.
[14] Ps 68:17; 149:6; Zc 14:5; Mt 26:53; 28:3; 2Th 1:7; Jde 1:14; Rv 4:4; 7:9; 14:1, 20; 17:14; 19:8, 11.
[15] Ps 2:9; Is 11:4; 30:33; 63:2; 2Th 2:8; Rv 1:16; 2:12, 16, 27; 12:5; 14:17; 19:21.
[16] Ps 72:11; Pv 8:15; Dn 2:47; Php 2:9; 1Ti 6:15; Rv 17:14; 19:12.

The fowls called to the great slaughter.

17 Andº I sawºª anº angelº standingºª inº the² sun;º andº he criedºª with a loudº voice,º sayingºª to allº the² fowlsº that flyºª inº the midst of heaven,º Comeºª andº gather yourselves togetherºª untoº the² supperº of the² greatº God;º 18 Thatº ye may eatºª the fleshº of kings,º andº the fleshº of captains,º andº the fleshº of mighty men,º andº the fleshº of horses,º andº of them that sitºª onº them,º andº the fleshº of allº [men, both] freeº andº bond,º bothº smallº andº great.º 19 Andº I sawºª the² beast,º andº the² kingsº of the² earth,º andº their¹² armies,º gathered togetherºª to makeºª warº againstº him that satºª onº the² horse,º andº againstº his¹² army.º 20 Andº the² beastº was taken,ºª andº withº himº the² false prophetº that wroughtºª miraclesº beforeº him,º withº whichº he deceivedºª them that had receivedºª the² markº of the² beast,º andº them that worshippedºª his¹² image.º These bothº were castºª aliveºª intoº a lakeº of fireº burningºª withº brimstone.º 21 Andº the² remnantº were slainºª withº the² swordº of him that satºª uponº the² horse,º which¹ [sword] proceededºª out ofº his¹² mouth:º andº allº the² fowlsº were filledºª withº their¹² flesh.º

[17] Is 34:1; 56:9; Jr 12:9; Ezk 39:17; Rv 8:13; 14:6; 19:21.
[18] Dt 28:26; 1S 17:44, 46; Ps 110:5; Jr 7:33; 16:4; 19:7; 34:20; Ezk 29:5; 39:18; Mt 24:28; Lk 17:37; Rv 6:15; 13:16.
[19] Ezk 38:8; Dn 7:21; 8:25; 11:40; Jol 3:9; Rv 13:1; 14:9; 16:14, 16; 17:12; 18:9; 19:11.
[20] Gn 19:24; Dt 29:23; Jb 18:15; Ps 11:6; Is 30:33; 34:9; Ezk 38:22; Dn 2:40; 7:7, 8, 11, 12, 19, 23, 24; 8:24, 26; 11:45; 2Th 2:8; Rv 13:1, 11, 18; 14:10; 16:13; 17:3, 12; 19:19; 20:10, 14; 21:8; 22:15.
[21] Rv 1:16; 17:16; 19:11, 17.

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