John’s Questions1 aWhen° Jesus° had finished° Igiving° instructions° to His twelve° disciples°, He departed° from there° bto teach° and IIpreach° in their cities°. 2 ¶ aNow° when bJohn°, Iwhile° imprisoned°, heard° of the works° of Christ°, he sent° [word] by his disciples° 3 and said° to Him, “Are You athe IExpected° One, or° shall we look° for someone° else°?” 4 Jesus° answered° and said° to them, “Go° and report° to John° what° you hear° and see°: 5 a[the] BLIND° RECEIVE° SIGHT° and [the] lame° walk°, [the] lepers° are cleansed° and [the] deaf° hear°, [the] dead° are raised° up, and [the] bPOOR° HAVE THE IGOSPEL° PREACHED° TO THEM. 6 And blessed° is he Iwho° adoes not IItake° offense° at Me.” [2] ILit in prison aMt 11:2-19: Lk 7:18-35; Mt 4:12 bMt 14:3; Mk 6:17; Lk 9:7ff
[3] ILit Coming One aPs 118:26; Mt 11:10; Jn 6:14; 11:27; He 10:37 [5] IOr good news aIs 35:5f; Mt 8:3; 12:13 bIs 61:1; Lk 4:18 [6] ILit whoever IIOr stumble over Me aMt 5:29; 13:57; 24:10; 26:31; Mk 6:3; Jn 6:61; 16:1 Jesus’ Tribute to John7 ¶ As these° men were going° [away], Jesus° began° to speak° to the crowds° about° John°, “What° did you go° out into athe wilderness° to see°? A reed° shaken° by the wind°?
8 IBut what° did you go° out to see°? A man° dressed° in soft° [clothing]? Those° who wear° soft° [clothing] are in kings’° IIpalaces°!
9 IBut what° did you go° out to see°? aA prophet°? Yes°, I tell° you, and one who is more° than a prophet°.
10 This° is the one about° whom° it Iis written°, [7] aMt 3:1
[8] IOr Well then, IILit houses [9] IOr Well then, aMt 14:5; 21:26; Lk 1:76; 20:6 [10] ILit has been written IILit before your face aMal 3:1; Mk 1:2 [11] IOr less [12] IOr is forcibly entered IIOr seize it for themselves aLk 16:16 [14] IOr is going to come aMal 4:5; Mt 17:10-13; Mk 9:11-13; Lk 1:17; Jn 1:21 [15] IOr hear! Or listen! aMt 13:9, 43; Mk 4:9, 23; Lk 8:8; 14:35; Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 13:9 16 ¶ “But to what° shall I compare° this° generation°? It is like° children° sitting° in the market° places°, who° call° out to the other° [children], 17 and say°, ‘We played° the flute° for you, and you did not dance°; we sang° a dirge°, and you did not Imourn°.’ 18 For John° came° neither° aeating° nor° bdrinking°, and they say°, ‘cHe has° a demon°!’ 19 The Son° of Man° came° eating° and drinking°, and they say°, ‘Behold°, a gluttonous° man° and a Idrunkard°, aa friend° of tax° collectors° and IIsinners°!’ Yet° wisdom° is vindicated° by her deeds°.” [17] ILit beat the breast
[18] aMt 3:4 bLk 1:15 cMt 9:34; Jn 7:20; 8:48f, 52; 10:20 [19] IOr wine-drinker III.e. irreligious Jews aMt 9:11; Lk 5:29-32; 15:2 The Unrepenting Cities20 ¶ Then° He began° to denounce° the cities° in which° most° of His Iamiracles° were done°, because° they did not repent°. 21 “aWoe° to you, Chorazin°! Woe° to you, bBethsaida°! For if° the Imiracles° had occurred° in cTyre° and cSidon° which occurred° in you, they would have repented° long° ago° in IIdsackcloth° and ashes°. 22 Nevertheless° I say° to you, ait will be more° tolerable° for Tyre° and Sidon° in b[the] day° of judgment° than° for you. 23 And you, aCapernaum°, will not be exalted° to heaven°, will you? You will bdescend° to cHades°; for if° the Imiracles° had occurred° in dSodom° which occurred° in you, it would have remained° to this° day°. 24 Nevertheless° I say° to you that ait will be more° tolerable° for the land° of bSodom° in [the] day° of judgment°, than° for you.” [20] IOr works of power aLk 10:13-15
[21] IOr works of power III.e. symbols of mourning aMt 11:21-23: Lk 10:13-15 bMk 6:45; 8:22; Lk 9:10; Jn 1:44; 12:21 cMt 11:22; 15:21; Mk 3:8; 7:24, 31; Lk 4:26; 6:17; Ac 12:20; 27:3 dRv 11:3 [22] aMt 10:15; 11:24 bMt 10:15; 12:36; Rv 20:11, 12 [23] IOr works of power aMt 4:13 bIs 14:13, 15; Ezk 26:20; 31:14; 32:18, 24 cMt 16:18; Lk 10:15; 16:23; Ac 2:27, 31; Rv 1:18; 6:8; 20:13f dMt 10:15 [24] aMt 10:15; 11:22 bMt 10:15 Come to Me25 ¶ aAt that Itime° Jesus° said°, “I praise° You, bFather°, Lord° of heaven° and earth°, that cYou have hidden° these° things° from [the] wise° and intelligent° and have revealed° them to infants°. 26 Yes°, aFather°, for this° way° was well-pleasing° in Your sight°. 27 aAll° things° have been handed° over° to Me by My Father°; and no° one° knows° the Son° except° the Father°; nor° does anyone° know° the Father° bexcept° the Son°, and anyone to whom° the Son° wills° to reveal° [Him]. [25] IOr occasion aMt 11:25-27: Lk 10:21, 22 bLk 22:42; 23:34; Jn 11:41; 12:27, 28 cPs 8:2; 1Co 1:26ff
[26] aLk 22:42; 23:34; Jn 11:41; 12:27, 28 [27] aMt 28:18; Jn 3:35; 13:3; 17:2 bJn 7:29; 10:15; 17:25 28 ¶ “aCome° to Me, all° Iwho are weary° and heavy-laden°, and I will give° you rest°. 29 Take° My yoke° upon you and alearn° from Me, for I am° gentle° and humble° in heart°, and bYOU WILL FIND° REST° FOR YOUR SOULS°. 30 For aMy yoke° is Ieasy° and My burden° is light°.” [28] IOr who work to exhaustion aJr 31:25; Jn 7:37
[29] aJn 13:15; Ep 4:20; Php 2:5; 1P 2:21; 1 Jn 2:6 bJr 6:16 [30] IOr comfortable, or pleasant a1 Jn 5:3 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
1 ¶ Andº it came to pass,ºª whenº Jesusº had made an endºª of commandingºª his¹² twelveº disciples,º he departedºª thenceº to teachºª andº to preachºª inº theirº cities.º [1] Is 61:1; Mt 4:23; 9:35; 28:20; Mk 1:38; Lk 4:15; 8:1; Jn 15:10, 14; Ac 1:2; 10:38, 42; 1Th 4:2; 2Th 3:6, 10; 1Ti 6:14.
John sendeth his disciples to Christ.2 Nowº when Johnº had heardºª inº the² prisonº the² worksº of Christ,º he sentºª twoº of his¹² disciples,º 3 And saidºª unto him,º Artºª thouº he that should come,ºª orº do we lookºª for another?º 4 ² Jesusº answeredºª and¹ saidºª unto them,º Goºª and shew¹ª John¹ againºª² those things² which¹ ye do hearºª andº see:ºª 5 The blindº receive their sight,ºª andº the lameº walk,ºª the lepersº are cleansed,ºª andº the deafº hear,ºª the deadº are raised up,ºª andº the poorº have the gospel preached to them.ºª 6 Andº blessedº isºª [he], whosoeverº² shall¹ª not¹² be offendedºª inº me.º [2] Mt 4:12; 9:14; 14:3; Mk 6:17; Lk 3:19; 7:18; Jn 3:24, 25; 4:1; Ac 19:1.
[3] Gn 3:15; 12:3; 49:10; Nu 24:17; Dt 18:15; Ps 2:6; 110:1; Is 7:14; 9:6; Jr 23:5; Ezk 34:23; Dn 9:24; Ho 3:5; Jol 2:28; Am 9:11; Ob 1:21; Mi 5:2; Zp 3:14; Hg 2:7; Zc 9:9; Mal 3:1; 4:2; Mt 2:2; 21:5, 9; Mk 11:9; Lk 19:38; Jn 4:21; 7:31, 41; 12:13; 16:14; He 10:37. [5] 2K 5:7, 14; Ps 22:26; 72:12; 146:8; Is 29:18; 35:4; 42:6; 43:8; 61:1; 66:2; Zc 11:7; Mt 5:3; 8:1; 9:24, 30; 10:8; 15:30; 21:14; Mk 7:37; 9:25; Lk 4:18; 7:14, 21, 22; Jn 2:23; 3:2; 5:36; 10:25, 38; 11:43; 14:11; Ac 2:22; 3:2; 4:9; 14:8; Jm 2:5. [6] Ps 1:1; 32:1; 119:1; Is 8:14; Mt 5:3; 13:55; 15:12; 18:7; 24:10; 26:31; Lk 2:34; 4:23; 11:27; Jn 6:60, 66; 7:41; Ro 9:32; 1Co 1:22; 2:14; Ga 5:11; 1P 2:8. Christ's testimony concerning John.7 ¶ Andº as¹ they² departed,ºª Jesusº beganºª to sayºª unto the² multitudesº concerningº John,º Whatº went ye¹ª out² intoº the² wildernessº to see?ºª A reedº shakenºª withº the wind?º 8 Butº whatº went ye outºª for to see?ºª A manº clothedºª inº softº raiment?º behold,ºª they that wearºª softº [clothing] areºª inº kings'º houses.º 9 Butº whatº went ye outºª for to see?ºª A prophet?º yea,º I sayºª unto you,º andº moreº than a prophet.º 10 Forº thisº isºª [he], ofº whomº it is written,ºª Behold,ºª Iº sendºª myº messengerº beforeº thyº face,º whichº shall prepareºª thyº wayº beforeº thee.º 11 Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º Amongº them that are bornº of womenº there hath¹ª notº risenºª a greater² than¹ Johnº the² Baptist:º notwithstandingº he that is leastº inº the² kingdomº of heavenº isºª greater² than¹ he.º 12 Andº fromº the² daysº of Johnº the² Baptistº untilº nowº the² kingdomº of heavenº suffereth violence,ºªª andº the violentº take¹ª it¹ by force.ºª² 13 Forº allº the² prophetsº andº the² lawº prophesiedºª untilº John.º 14 Andº ifº ye willºª receiveºª [it], thisº isºª Elias,º which¹ was² for¹ª to come.ºª 15 He that hathºª earsº to hear,ºª let him hear.ºª [7] Gn 49:4; Mt 3:1, 5; 21:25; Mk 1:3; Lk 3:3; 7:24; 8:18; Jn 1:38; 5:35; 2Co 1:17; Ep 4:14; Jm 1:6.
[8] 2K 1:8; Is 20:2; Zc 13:4; Mt 3:4; 1Co 4:11; 2Co 11:27; Rv 11:3. [9] Mt 11:13; 14:5; 17:12; 21:24; Mk 9:11; Lk 1:15, 76. [10] Is 40:3; Mal 3:1; 4:5; Mt 3:3; Mk 1:2; Lk 7:26; Jn 1:23. [11] 1S 2:30; Jb 14:1, 4; 15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5; Is 30:26; Zc 12:8; Mt 3:11; 5:19; Lk 1:15; 7:28; 9:48; Jn 1:15, 27; 3:30; 5:35; 7:39; 10:41; Ro 16:25; 1Co 6:4; 15:9; Ep 2:3; 3:8; Col 1:26; 2Ti 1:10; He 11:40; 1P 1:10. [12] Mt 21:23; Lk 7:29; 13:24; 16:16; Jn 6:27; Ep 6:11; Php 2:12. [13] Mal 4:6; Mt 5:17; Lk 24:27, 44; Jn 5:46; Ac 3:22; 13:27; Ro 3:21. [14] Ezk 2:5; 3:10; Mal 4:5; Mt 17:10; Mk 9:11; Lk 1:17; Jn 1:21; 16:12; 1Co 3:2; Rv 20:4. [15] Mt 13:9, 43; Mk 4:9, 23; 7:16; Lk 8:8; Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22. The opinion of the people, both concerning John and Christ.16 ¶ Butº whereuntoº shall I likenºª thisº generation?º It isºª like¹ unto² childrenº sittingºª inº the markets,º andº callingºª unto their¹² fellows,º 17 Andº saying,ºª We have pipedºª unto you,º andº ye have¹ª notº danced;ºª we have mournedºª unto you,º andº ye have¹ª notº lamented.ºª 18 Forº Johnº cameºª neitherº eatingºª norº drinking,ºª andº they say,ºª He hathºª a devil.º 19 The² Sonº of manº cameºª eatingºª andº drinking,ºª andº they say,ºª Beholdºª a manº gluttonous,º andº a winebibber,º a friendº of publicansº andº sinners.º Butº wisdomº is justifiedºª ofº her¹² children.º [16] Lm 2:13; Mt 12:34; 23:36; 24:34; Mk 4:30; Lk 7:31; 13:18.
[17] 1K 1:40; Is 28:9; 30:29; Jr 9:17; 31:4; Mt 9:15, 23; Lk 15:25; 1Co 9:19. [18] 2K 9:11; Jr 15:17; 16:8; 29:26; Ho 9:7; Mt 3:4; 10:25; Lk 1:15; Jn 7:20; 8:48; 10:20; Ac 26:24; 1Co 9:27. [19] Ps 92:5; Pv 17:24; Mt 9:10; Lk 5:29; 7:29, 34, 35, 36; 14:1; 15:1; 19:7; Jn 2:2; 12:2; Ro 15:2; 1Co 1:24; Ep 3:8; Rv 5:11; 7:12. Christ upbraideth the unthankfulness and unrepentance of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum:20 ¶ Thenº began² he¹ª to upbraidºª the² citiesº whereinºº mostº of hisº mighty worksº were done,ºª becauseº they repentedºª not:º 21 Woeº unto thee,º Chorazin!º woeº unto thee,º Bethsaida!º forº ifº the² mighty works,º which¹ were doneºª inº you,º had been doneºª inº Tyreº andº Sidon,º they would have repentedºª long agoº¹ inº sackclothº andº ashes.º 22 Butº I sayºª unto you,º It shall beºª more tolerableº for Tyreº andº Sidonº atº the dayº of judgment,º thanº for you.º 23 Andº thou,º Capernaum,º which¹ art exaltedºª untoº heaven,º shalt be brought downºª toº hell:º forº ifº the² mighty works,º which¹ have been doneºª inº thee,º had been doneºª inº Sodom,º it would have remainedº¹ª untilº this day.º 24 Butº I sayºª unto you,º Thatº it shall beºª more tolerableº for the landº of Sodomº inº the dayº of judgment,º thanº for thee.º [20] Ps 81:11; Is 1:2; Jr 8:6; Mi 6:1; Mt 12:41; 21:28; Mk 9:19; 16:14; Lk 10:13; Ac 17:20; 2Ti 2:25; Jm 1:5; Rv 2:21; 9:20; 16:9, 11.
[21] Jb 42:6; Jr 13:27; Ezk 3:6; Mt 12:41; 18:7; 23:13; 26:24; Mk 6:45; 8:22; Lk 9:10; 11:42; Jn 1:44; 3:5; 12:21; Ac 13:44; 28:25; Jde 1:11. [22] Is 23:1; Jr 25:22; 27:3; Ezk 26:1; 29:18; Am 1:9; Zc 9:2; Mt 10:15; 11:24; 12:36; Lk 10:14; 12:47; He 2:3; 6:4; 10:26; 2P 2:9; 3:7; 1Jn 4:17. [23] Gn 13:13; 19:24; Is 14:13; Lm 2:1; Ezk 16:48; 28:12; 31:16; Ob 1:4; Mt 4:13; 8:5; 17:24; Lk 4:23; 14:11; Jn 4:46; 2P 2:4; Jde 1:7; Rv 11:8. [24] Lm 4:6; Mt 10:15; 11:22; Mk 6:11; Lk 10:12. and praising his Father's wisdom in revealing the Gospel to the simple,25 ¶ Atº thatº timeº Jesusº answeredºª and said,ºª I thankºª thee,º O Father,º Lordº of heavenº andº earth,º becauseº thou hast hidºª these thingsº fromº the wiseº andº prudent,º andº hast revealedºª themº unto babes.º 26 Even so,º Father:º forº soº it seemedºª goodº in thy¹ sight.º² 27 All thingsº are deliveredºª unto meº ofº myº Father:º andº no manº knowethºª the² Son,º butº the² Father;º neitherº knowethºª any manº the² Father,º saveº the² Son,º and² [he]¹ to¹ whomsoeverº² the² Sonº willºª revealºª [him]. [25] Gn 14:19, 22; Dt 10:14; 1S 2:18; 3:4; 2K 19:15; 1Ch 29:13; Ps 8:2; Is 5:21; 29:10, 18; 66:1; Jr 1:5; Dn 2:23; 4:35; Mt 13:11; 16:17; 18:3; 21:16; Mk 4:10; 10:14; Lk 10:21; Jn 7:48; 9:39; 11:41; 12:38; Ac 17:24; Ro 11:8; 1Co 1:18, 27; 2:6; 3:18; 2Co 3:14; 4:3; 2Th 2:13.
[26] Jb 33:13; Is 46:10; Lk 10:21; Ro 9:18; 11:33; Ep 1:9, 11; 3:11; 2Ti 1:9. [27] Mt 28:18; Lk 10:22; Jn 1:18; 3:35; 5:21; 6:46; 10:15; 13:3; 14:6; 17:2, 6, 25; 1Co 15:25; Ep 1:20; Php 2:10; He 2:8; 1P 3:22; 1Jn 2:23; 5:19; 2Jn 1:9. he calleth to him all such as feel the burden of their sins.28 ¶ Comeºª untoº me,º allº [ye] that labourºª andº are heavy laden,ºª and Iº will give¹ª you¹ rest.ºª² 29 Takeºª myº yokeº uponº you,º andº learnºª ofº me;º forº I amºª meekº andº lowlyº in heart:º andº ye shall findºª restº unto yourº souls.º 30 Forº myº yokeº [is] easy,º andº myº burdenº isºª light.º [28] Gn 3:17; Jb 5:7; 14:1; Ps 32:4; 38:4; 90:7; 94:13; 116:7; Ec 1:8, 14; 2:22; 4:8; Is 1:4; 11:10; 28:12; 45:22; 48:17; 53:2; 55:1; 61:3; 66:2; Jr 6:16; Mi 6:6; Mt 11:29; 23:4; Jn 6:37; 7:37; Ac 15:10; Ro 7:22; Ga 5:1; 2Th 1:7; He 4:1; Rv 22:17.
[29] Nu 12:3; Ps 131:1; Is 42:1; Jr 6:16; Zc 9:9; Mt 7:24; 11:27, 28; 12:19; 17:5; 21:5; 28:20; Lk 6:46; 8:35; 9:51; 10:39; Jn 13:15, 17; 14:21; 15:10; Ac 3:22; 7:37; 1Co 9:21; 2Co 10:1, 5; Ep 4:20; Php 2:5, 7; 1Th 4:2; 2Th 1:8; He 4:3; 5:9; 1P 2:21; 1Jn 2:6. [30] Pv 3:17; Mi 6:8; Jn 16:33; Ac 15:10, 28; 2Co 1:4; 4:17; 12:9; Ga 5:1, 18; Php 4:13; 1Jn 5:3. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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