NASB — Psalms 82 — KJV

Unjust Judgments Rebuked.

A Psalm of Asaph.

  1 God° takes° His astand° in IHis own congregation°;
  He bjudges° in the midst° of the IIcrulers°.
  2 How° long°° will you ajudge° unjustly°
  And bshow° partiality°° to the wicked°?
  3 aVindicate° the weak° and fatherless°;
  Do° justice° to the afflicted° and destitute°.
  4 aRescue° the weak° and needy°;
  Deliver° [them] out of the hand° of the wicked°.

[1] ILit the congregation of God IILit gods aIs 3:13 b2Ch 19:6; Ps 58:11 cEx 21:6; 22:8, 28
[2] ISelah may mean: Pause, Crescendo or Musical interlude aPs 58:1 bDt 1:17; Pv 18:5
[3] aDt 24:17; Ps 10:18; Is 11:4; Jr 22:16
[4] aJb 29:12

  5 ¶ They ado not know° nor° do they understand°;
  They bwalk° about in darkness°;
  All° the cfoundations° of the earth° are shaken°.
  6 II asaid°, “You are gods°,
  And all° of you are bsons° of the Most° High°.
  7 “Nevertheless° ayou will die° like men°
  And fall° like [any] bone° of the princes°.”
  8 aArise°, O God°, bjudge° the earth°!
  For it is You who cpossesses° all° the nations°.

[5] aPs 14:4; Jr 4:22; Mi 3:1 bPv 2:13; Is 59:9; Jr 23:12 cPs 11:3
[6] ILit I, on my part aPs 82:1; Jn 10:34 bPs 89:26
[7] aJb 21:32; Ps 49:12; Ezk 31:14 bPs 83:11
[8] aPs 12:5 bPs 58:11; 96:13 cPs 2:8; Rv 11:15

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The psalmist, having exhorted the judges,

1 ¶ [[A Psalmº of Asaph.]]º Godº standethºª in the congregationº of the mighty;º he judgethºª amongº the gods.º 2 How long²² will ye judgeºª unjustly,º and acceptºª the personsº of the wicked?º Selah.º 3 Defendºª the poorº and fatherless:º do justiceºª to the afflictedº and needy.ºª 4 Deliverºª the poorº and needy:º ridºª [them] out of the handº² of the wicked.º

[1] Ex 18:21; 21:6; 22:28; 2Ch 19:6; Ps 82:6; 138:1; Ec 5:8; Jn 10:35.
[2] Ex 10:3; 23:6; Lv 19:15; Dt 1:17; 1K 18:21; 2Ch 19:7; Jb 34:19; Ps 58:1; 62:3; Pv 18:5; Mi 3:1, 9; Mt 17:17; Ga 2:6.
[3] Dt 10:18; Ps 10:18; Is 1:17, 23; Jr 5:28; 22:3, 16; Jm 1:27.
[4] Ne 5:1; Jb 5:15; 29:12, 16; Ps 72:12; 140:12; Pv 24:11.

and reproved their negligence,

5 They knowºª not,² neither² will they understand;ºª they walk¹ª on² in darkness:º all² the foundations¹² of the earthº are out of course.ºª 6 I² have said,ºª Ye [are] gods;º and all² of you² [are] childrenº of the most High.º 7 Butº ye shall dieºª like men,º and fallºª like oneº of the princes.º

[5] Ps 11:3; 53:4; 75:3; Pv 1:29; 2:13; 4:19; Ec 2:14; 3:16; Is 5:7; Mi 3:1; Jn 3:19; 12:35; Ro 1:28; 2Ti 2:19; 1Jn 2:11.
[6] Ex 22:9, 28; Ps 82:1; Jn 10:34.
[7] Jb 21:32; Ps 49:12; 83:11; Ezk 31:14.

prayeth God to judge.

8 Arise,ºª O God,º judgeºª the earth:º for² thou² shalt inheritºª all² nations.º

[8] Ps 2:8; 7:6; 22:28; 44:26; 96:13; 102:13; Is 51:9; Mi 7:2, 7; Zp 3:8; Rv 11:15.

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