NASB — Luke 20 — KJV

Jesus’ Authority Questioned

1 aOn one° of the days° while bHe was teaching° the people° in the temple° and cpreaching° the gospel°, the chief° priests° and the scribes° with the elders° dconfronted° [Him], 2 and they spoke°, saying° to Him, “Tell° us by what° authority° You are doing° these° things°, or° who° is the one who gave° You this° authority°?” 3 Jesus answered° and said° to them, “I will also° ask° you a Iquestion°, and you tell° Me: 4 Was the baptism° of John° from heaven° or° from men°?” 5 They reasoned° among° themselves°, saying°, “If° we say°, ‘From heaven°,’ He will say°, ‘Why°° did you not believe° him?’ 6 But if° we say°, ‘From men°,’ all° the people° will stone° us to death°, for they are convinced° that John° was a aprophet°.” 7 So° they answered° that they did not know° where° [it came] from. 8 And Jesus° said° to them, “Nor° Iwill I tell° you by what° authority° I do° these° things°.”

[1] aLk 20:1-8: Mt 21:23-27; Mk 11:27-33 bMt 26:55 cLk 8:1 dAc 4:1; 6:12
[3] ILit word
[6] aMt 11:9; Lk 7:29, 30
[8] ILit do I tell

Parable of the Vine-growers

9aAnd He began° to tell° the people° this° parable°: “A man° planted° a vineyard° and rented° it out to Ivine-growers°, and went° on a journey° for a long° time°. 10 At the [harvest] time° he sent° a slave° to the vine-growers°, so° that they would give° him [some] of the produce° of the vineyard°; but the vine-growers° beat° him and sent° him away° empty-handed°. 11 And he proceeded° to send° another° slave°; and they beat° him also° and treated° him shamefully° and sent° him away° empty-handed°. 12 And he proceeded° to send° a third°; and this° one° also° they wounded° and cast° out. 13 The Iowner° of the vineyard° said°, ‘What° shall I do°? I will send° my beloved° son°; perhaps° they will arespect° him.’ 14 But when the vine-growers° saw° him, they reasoned° with one° another°, saying°, ‘This° is the heir°; let us kill° him so° that the inheritance° will be ours°.’ 15 So° they threw° him out of the vineyard° and killed° him. What°, then°, will the Iowner° of the vineyard° do° to them? 16 He will come° and adestroy° these° vine-growers° and will give° the vineyard° to others°.” When° they heard° it, they said°, “bMay it never° be!” 17 But IJesus looked° at them and said°, “What° then° is this° that is written°:
18 aEveryone° who falls° on that stone° will be broken° to pieces°; but on whomever°° it falls°, it will scatter° him like° dust°.”

[9] IOr tenant farmers, also vv 10, 14, 16 aLk 20:9-19: Mt 21:33-46; Mk 12:1-12
[13] ILit lord aLk 18:2
[15] ILit lord
[16] aMt 21:41; Mk 12:9; Lk 19:27 bRo 3:4, 6, 31; 6:2, 15; 7:7, 13; 9:14; 11:1, 11; 1Co 6:15; Ga 2:17; 3:21; 6:14
[17] ILit He aPs 118:22 bEp 2:20; 1P 2:6
[18] aMt 21:44

Tribute to Caesar

19 ¶ The scribes° and the chief° priests° atried° to lay° hands° on Him that very° hour°, and they feared° the people°; for they understood° that He spoke° this° parable° against° them. 20 aSo° they watched° Him, and sent° spies° who Ipretended° to be righteous°, in order° bthat they might IIcatch° Him in some statement°, so° that they [could] deliver° Him to the rule° and the authority° of cthe governor°. 21 They questioned° Him, saying°, “Teacher°, we know° that You speak° and teach° correctly°, and You Iare not partial°° to any, but teach° the way° of God° in truth°. 22 Is it Ilawful° for us ato pay° taxes° to Caesar°, or° not?” 23 But He detected° their trickery° and said° to them, 24 “Show° Me a Idenarius°. Whose° IIlikeness° and inscription° does it have°?” They said°, “Caesar’s°.” 25 And He said° to them, “Then° arender° to Caesar° the things that are Caesar’s°, and to God° the things that are God’s°.” 26 And they were unable°° to Iacatch° Him in a saying° in the presence° of the people°; and being° amazed° at His answer°, they became° silent°.

[19] aLk 19:47
[20] ILit falsely represented themselves IILit take hold of His word aLk 20:20-26: Mt 22:15-22; Mk 12:13-17; Mk 3:2 bLk 11:54; 20:26 cMt 27:2
[21] ILit do not receive a face
[22] IOr permissible aMt 17:25; Lk 23:2
[24] IThe denarius was a day’s wages IILit image
[25] aMt 22:21; Mk 12:17
[26] ILit catch His statement aLk 11:54

Is There a Resurrection?

27aNow° there came° to Him some° of the bSadducees° (who say° that there is no° resurrection°), 28 and they questioned° Him, saying°, “Teacher°, Moses° wrote° for us that aIF° A MANS° BROTHER° DIES°, having° a wife°, AND HE IS CHILDLESS°, HIS BROTHER° SHOULD IMARRY° THE WIFE° AND RAISE° UP CHILDREN° TO HIS BROTHER°. 29 Now° there were seven° brothers°; and the first° took° a wife° and died° childless°; 30 and the second° 31 and the third° Imarried° her; and in the same° way° IIall° seven° IIIdied°, leaving° no° children°. 32 Finally° the woman° died° also°. 33 In the resurrection° therefore°, which° one’s° wife° will she be? For Iall° seven° IIhad° married her.”

[27] aLk 20:27-40: Mt 22:23-33; Mk 12:18-27 bAc 23:8
[28] ILit take aDt 25:5
[31] ILit took IILit the seven also IIILit left no children, and died
[33] ILit the IILit had her as wife

34 ¶ Jesus° said° to them, “The sons° of athis° age° marry° and are given° in marriage°, 35 but those° who are considered° worthy° to attain° to athat age° and the resurrection° from the dead°, neither° marry° nor° are given° in marriage°; 36 for they cannot°° even° die° anymore°, because° they are like° angels°, and are asons° of God°, being° sons° of the resurrection°. 37 But that the dead° are raised°, even° Moses° showed°, in athe [passage about the burning] bush°, where° he calls° the Lord° bTHE GOD° OF ABRAHAM°, AND THE GOD° OF ISAAC°, AND THE GOD° OF JACOB°. 38 aNow° He is not the God° of the dead° but of the living°; for ball° live° to Him.” 39 Some° of the scribes° answered° and said°, “Teacher°, You have spoken° well°.” 40 For athey did not have° courage° to question° Him any° longer° about anything°.

[34] aMt 12:32; Lk 16:8
[35] aMt 12:32; Lk 16:8
[36] aRo 8:16f; 1 Jn 3:1, 2
[37] aMk 12:26 bEx 3:6
[38] aMt 22:32; Mk 12:27 bRo 14:8
[40] aMt 22:46; Lk 14:6

41aThen° He said° to them, “How° [is it that] they say° Ithe Christ° is bDavid’s° son°? 42 For David° himself° says° in the book° of Psalms°,
44 Therefore° David° calls° Him ‘Lord°,’ and how° is He his son°?”

[41] II.e. the Messiah aLk 20:41-44: Mt 22:41-46; Mk 12:35-37 bMt 9:27
[42] aPs 110:1
[43] aPs 110:1

45aAnd while all° the people° were listening°, He said° to the disciples°, 46 “Beware° of the scribes°, awho like° to walk° around° in long° robes°, and love° respectful greetings° in the market° places°, and chief° seats° in the synagogues° and places° of honor° at banquets°, 47 who° devour° widows’° houses°, and for appearance’s° sake° offer° long° prayers°. These° will receive° greater° condemnation°.”

[45] aLk 20:45-47: Mt 23:1-7; Mk 12:38-40
[46] aLk 11:43; 14:7

New American Standard Bible
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Christ avoucheth his authority by a question of John's baptism.

1 ¶ Andº it came to pass,ºª [that] onº oneº of thoseº days,º as heº taughtºª the² peopleº inº the² temple,º andº preached the gospel,ºª the² chief priestsº andº the² scribesº came uponºª [him] withº the² elders,º 2 Andº spakeºª untoº him,º saying,ºª Tellºª us,º byº whatº authorityº doest² thou¹ª these things?º orº whoº is² he¹ª that gaveºª theeº thisº authority?º 3 Andº he answeredºª and saidºª untoº them,º I¹ª will¹ª also¹ askºª² youº oneº thing;º andº answerºª me:º 4 The² baptismº of John,º was² it¹ª fromº heaven,º orº ofº men?º 5 Andº they² reasonedºª withº themselves,º saying,ºª¹ Ifº we shall say,ºª Fromº heaven;º he will say,ºª Whyº thenº believed² ye¹ª himº not?º 6 But² and¹ ifº we say,ºª Ofº men;º allº the² peopleº will stoneºª us:º forº they beºª persuadedºª that Johnº wasºª a prophet.º 7 Andº they answered,ºª that they could¹ª notº tellºª whenceº [it was]. 8 Andº Jesusº saidºª unto them,º Neitherº tellºª Iº youº byº whatº authorityº I doºª these things.º

[1] 1Ch 24:1; Mk 11:27; Lk 19:47; Jn 18:20.
[2] Ex 2:14; Mt 21:23; Mk 11:28; Lk 19:35, 45; Jn 2:18; 5:22; Ac 4:7; 7:27, 35, 51.
[3] Mt 15:2; Lk 22:68; Col 4:6.
[4] Dn 4:25; Mt 11:7; 17:11; 21:25; Lk 7:28; 15:18; Jn 1:6, 19.
[5] Jn 1:15, 30, 34; 3:26, 36; 5:33; Ac 13:25.
[6] Mt 14:5; 21:26, 46; 26:5; Mk 12:12; Lk 1:76; 7:26; Jn 10:41; Ac 5:26.
[7] Is 6:9; 26:11; 29:9, 14; 41:28; 42:19; 44:18; Jr 8:7; Zc 11:15, 17; Mal 2:7; Jn 3:19; 9:39; 2Th 2:10; 2Ti 3:8; 2P 3:3.
[8] Jb 5:12; Pv 26:4; Mt 15:14; 16:4; 21:27; Mk 11:33; Lk 22:68.

The parable of the vineyard.

9 Thenº began² he¹ª to speakºª toº the² peopleº thisº parable;º A certainº manº plantedºª a vineyard,º andº let¹ª it¹ forthºª² to husbandmen,º andº went into a far countryºª for a longº time.º 10 Andº atº the seasonº he sentºª a servantº toº the² husbandmen,º thatº they should giveºª himº ofº the² fruitº of the² vineyard:º butº the² husbandmenº beatºª him,º and sent [him] awayºª empty.º 11 Andº again¹ª he sentºª² anotherº servant:º andº they² beatºª him also,º andº entreated [him] shamefully,ºª and sent [him] awayºª empty.º 12 Andº again¹ª he sentºª² a third:º andº they² woundedºª himº also,¹ and² cast [him] out.ºª 13 Thenº saidºª the² lordº of the² vineyard,º Whatº shall I do?ºª I will sendºª myº belovedº son:º it may beº they will reverenceºª [him] when they seeºª him.º 14 Butº when the² husbandmenº sawºª him,º they reasonedºª amongº themselves,º saying,ºª Thisº isºª the² heir:º come,ºª let us killºª him,º thatº the² inheritanceº may beºª ours.¹² 15 Soº they castºª himº out² of¹ the² vineyard,º and killedºª [him]. Whatº thereforeº shall¹ª the² lordº of the² vineyardº doºª unto them?º 16 He shall comeºª andº destroyºª theseº husbandmen,º andº shall giveºª the² vineyardº to others.¹ Andº² when they heardºª [it], they said,ºª God forbid.ººª 17 Andº he² beheldºª them,º and said,ºª Whatº isºª thisº thenº that is written,ºª The stoneº whichº the² buildersºª rejected,ºª the sameº is becomeºª the² headº of¹ the corner?º 18 Whosoeverº shall fallºª uponº thatº stoneº shall be broken;ºª butº onº whomsoeverºº it shall fall,ºª it will grind¹ª him¹ to powder.ºª²

[9] Dt 1:15; 16:18; 17:8; Ps 80:8; So 8:11; Is 5:1; Jr 2:21; Mt 21:33; Mk 12:1; Lk 19:12; Jn 15:1; 1Co 3:6.
[10] Jg 6:8; 1K 22:24; 2K 17:13; 2Ch 16:10; 24:19; 36:15; Ne 9:26, 30; Ps 1:3; Jr 2:30; 5:24; 20:2; 25:3; 26:2, 20; 29:26; 35:15; 37:15; 38:4; 44:4; Ho 6:4; Zc 1:3; 7:9; Mt 21:34; Mk 12:2; Lk 11:47; 13:34; Jn 15:16; Ro 7:4.
[11] Ho 10:1; Mt 23:30; Ac 7:52; 1Th 2:2; He 11:36.
[13] Is 5:4; Jr 36:3, 7; Ho 6:4; 11:8; Mt 3:17; 17:5; Lk 9:35; Jn 1:34; 3:16, 35; Ro 8:3; Ga 4:4; 1Jn 4:9.
[14] Gn 37:18; Ps 2:1, 8; 89:27; Mt 2:2; 16:7; 21:25; 27:21; Lk 19:47; 20:5, 19; 22:2; Jn 11:47; Ac 2:23; 3:15; Ro 8:17; He 1:2.
[15] Mt 21:37; Mk 12:6; He 13:12.
[16] Ne 9:36; Ps 2:8; 21:8; Mt 21:41; 22:7; Lk 19:27; Ac 13:46.
[17] Ps 118:22; Is 28:16; Zc 3:9; Mt 21:42; Mk 3:5; 10:23; 12:10; Lk 19:41; 22:37, 61; 24:44; Jn 15:25; Ac 4:11; 1P 2:7.
[18] Is 8:14; Dn 2:34, 44; Zc 12:3; Mt 21:34; 1Th 2:16.

Of giving tribute to Caesar.

19 ¶ Andº the² chief priestsº andº the² scribesº the sameº¹ hourº soughtºª to layºª handsº onº him;º andº they fearedºª the² people:º forº they perceivedºª thatº he had spokenºª thisº parableº againstº them.º 20 Andº they watchedºª [him], and sent forthºª spies,º which should feignºª¹ª themselvesº just men,º thatº they might take holdºª of hisº words,º that so¹ they might deliverºª himº unto the² powerº andº authorityº of the² governor.º 21 Andº they askedºª him,º saying,ºª Master,º we knowºª thatº thou sayestºª andº teachestºª rightly,º¹ neitherº² acceptest² thou¹ª the personº [of any], butº teachestºª the² wayº of Godº truly:ºº 22 Is it lawfulºª for usº to giveºª tributeº unto Caesar,º orº no?º 23 Butº he perceivedºª their¹² craftiness,º and saidºª untoº them,º Whyº tempt² ye¹ª me?º 24 Shewºª meº a penny.º Whoseº imageº andº superscriptionº hath² it?¹ª They² answeredºª and¹ said,ºª Caesar's.º 25 Andº he² saidºª unto them,º Renderºª thereforeº unto Caesarº the things² which be¹ Caesar's,º andº unto Godº the things² which be¹ God's.º 26 Andº they couldºª notº take holdºª of hisº wordsº beforeº the² people:º andº they marvelledºª atº hisº answer,º and held their peace.ºª

[19] Mt 21:45; 26:3; Mk 12:12; Lk 19:47; 20:14.
[20] 2S 14:2; 1K 14:2; Ps 37:32; 38:12; 66:3; 81:15; Is 29:20; Jr 11:19; 18:18; 20:10; Mt 22:15, 18; 27:2; Mk 12:13, 15; Jn 18:28; 2P 2:3.
[21] 2Ch 19:7; Jb 34:19; Ps 12:2; 55:21; Jr 42:2; Mt 22:16; 26:49; Mk 12:14; Jn 3:2; Ac 10:34; 2Co 2:17; Ga 1:10; 2:6; 1Th 2:4.
[22] Dt 17:15; Ezr 4:13, 19; 9:7; Ne 5:4; 9:37; Mt 22:17; Mk 12:14; Ac 5:37.
[23] Ps 95:9; Mt 16:1; 22:18; Lk 5:22; 6:8; 11:16, 17, 53; 20:20; Jn 2:24; 1Co 3:19; 10:9; He 4:13.
[24] Mt 18:28; 20:2; Lk 2:1; 3:1; 20:22; 23:2; Ac 11:28; 25:8; 26:32; Php 4:22.
[25] Pv 24:21; Mt 17:27; 22:21; Mk 12:17; Ac 4:19; 5:29; Ro 13:6; 1Co 10:31; 1P 2:13; 4:11.
[26] Jb 5:12; Pv 26:4; Mt 22:12, 22, 34; Lk 13:17; 20:20, 39; Ro 3:19; 2Ti 3:8; Tit 1:10.

He convinceth the Sadducees that denied the resurrection.

27 ¶ Thenº cameºª to [him] certainº of the² Sadducees,º which¹ denyºª that there isºª anyº resurrection;º and they askedºª him,º 28 Saying,ºª Master,º Mosesº wroteºª unto us,º Ifº any man'sº brotherº die,ºª havingºª a wife,º andº heº dieºª without children,º thatº hisº brotherº should takeºª his wife,º andº raise upºª seedº unto his¹² brother.º 29 There wereºª thereforeº sevenº brethren:º andº the² firstº tookºª a wife,º and diedºª without children.º 30 Andº the² secondº tookºª her to wife,º andº heº diedºª childless.º 31 Andº the² thirdº tookºª her;º andº in like mannerº the² sevenº also:º and they leftºª noº children,º andº died.ºª 32 º Lastº of allº the² womanº diedºª also.º 33 Thereforeº inº the² resurrectionº whoseº wifeº of themº is she?ºª forº sevenº hadºª herº to wife.º 34 Andº Jesusº answeringºª saidºª unto them,º The² childrenº of thisº worldº marry,ºª andº are given in marriage:ºª 35 Butº they which shall be accounted worthyºª to obtainºª thatº world,º andº the² resurrectionº fromº the dead,º neitherº marry,ºª norº are given in marriage:ºª 36 ² Neitherº¹ canºª they dieºª any more:º forº they areºª equal unto the angels;º andº areºª the childrenº of God,º beingºª the childrenº of the² resurrection.º 37 Nowº thatº the² deadº are raised,ºª evenº Mosesº shewedºª atº the² bush,º whenº he callethºª the Lordº the² Godº of Abraham,º andº the² Godº of Isaac,º andº the² Godº of Jacob.º 38 Forº he isºª notº a Godº of the dead,º butº of the living:ºª forº allº liveºª unto him.º

[27] Mt 16:1, 6, 12; 22:23; Mk 12:18; Ac 4:1; 5:17; 23:6; 1Co 15:12; 2Ti 2:17.
[28] Gn 38:8, 11, 26; Dt 25:5; Ru 1:11.
[29] Lv 20:20; Jr 22:30.
[32] Jg 2:10; Ec 1:4; 9:5; He 9:27.
[33] Mt 22:24; Mk 12:19.
[34] Lk 16:8; 17:27; 1Co 7:2; Ep 5:31; He 13:4.
[35] Dn 12:2; Mt 22:29; Mk 12:24; Lk 21:36; Jn 5:29; Ac 5:41; 24:15; 2Th 1:5; He 11:35; Rv 3:4.
[36] Is 25:8; Ho 13:14; Zc 3:7; Mt 22:30; Mk 12:25; Ro 8:17; 1Co 15:26, 42, 49, 52, 53; Php 3:21; 1Th 4:13; 1Jn 3:2; Rv 5:6; 7:9; 20:6; 21:4; 22:2, 9.
[37] Gn 17:7; 28:13, 21; 32:9; Ex 3:2; 32:13; Dt 33:16; Mt 22:3; Mk 12:26; Ac 7:30.
[38] Ps 16:5; 22:23; 145:1; Jn 6:57; 11:25; 14:19; Ro 6:10, 22; 14:7; 2Co 6:16; 13:4; Col 3:3; He 11:16; Rv 7:15; 22:1.

39 ¶ Thenº certainº of the² scribesº answeringºª said,ºª Master,º thou hast wellº said.ºª 40 Andº after that¹ª they durstºª notº askºª himº anyº [question at all].

[39] Mt 22:34; Mk 12:28; Ac 23:9.
[40] Pv 26:5; Mt 22:46; Mk 12:34.

How Christ is the son of David.

41 Andº he saidºª untoº them,º Howº sayºª they that Christº isºª David'sº son?º 42 Andº Davidº himselfº saithºª inº the bookº of Psalms,º The² LORDº saidºª unto myº Lord,º Sit² thou¹ª onº myº right hand,º 43 Tillºº I makeºª thineº enemiesº thyº footstool.ºº 44 Davidº thereforeº callethºª himº Lord,º howº is heºª thenº hisº son?º

[41] Is 9:6; 11:1; Jr 23:5; 33:15, 21; Mt 1:1; 22:41; Mk 12:35; Lk 18:38; Jn 7:42; Ac 2:30; Ro 1:3; Rv 22:16.
[42] 2S 23:1; Ps 110:1; Mt 22:43, 44; Mk 12:36; Lk 24:44; Ac 1:20; 2:34; 13:33; 1Co 15:25; He 1:13; 3:7.
[43] Ps 2:1; 21:8; 72:9; 109:4; 110:5; Lk 19:27; Rv 19:14.
[44] Is 7:14; Mt 1:23; Lk 1:31; 2:11; Ro 9:5; Ga 4:4; 1Ti 3:16; Rv 22:16.

He warneth his disciples to beware of the scribes.

45 ¶ Thenº in the audienceºª of allº the² peopleº he saidºª unto his¹² disciples,º 46 Bewareºª ofº the² scribes,º which¹ desireºª to walkºª inº long robes,º andº loveºª greetingsº inº the² markets,º andº the highest seatsº inº the² synagogues,º andº the chief roomsº atº feasts;º 47 Whichº devourºª widows'º houses,º andº for a shewº make¹ª long¹ prayers:ºª² the sameº shall receiveºª greaterº damnation.º

[45] Mt 15:10; 23:1; Mk 8:34; 12:38; 1Ti 5:20.
[46] Pv 29:23; Mt 16:6; 23:5; Mk 8:15; 12:38; Lk 11:43; 12:1; 14:7; Ro 12:10; Php 2:3; 2Ti 4:15; 3Jn 1:9.
[47] Is 10:2; Jr 7:6; Ezk 22:7; 33:31; Am 2:7; 8:4; Mi 2:2, 8; 3:2; Mt 11:22; 23:14, 26; Mk 12:40; Lk 10:12; 12:1, 47; 1Th 2:5; 2Ti 3:2, 6; Tit 1:16; Jm 3:1.

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