NASB — Ezekiel 22 — KJV

The Sins of Israel

1 Then the word° of the LORD° came° to me, saying°, 2 “And you, son° of man°, will you judge°, will you judge° the bloody° city°? Then cause her to know° all° her abominations°. 3 You shall say°, ‘Thus° says° the Lord° IGOD°, “A city° ashedding° blood° in her midst°, so that her time° will come°, and that makes° idols°, contrary° to her [interest], for defilement°! 4 You have become° aguilty° by Ithe blood° which° you have shed°, and defiled° by your idols° which° you have made°. Thus you have brought° your IIday° near° and have come° to your years°; therefore°° I have made° you a breproach° to the nations° and a mocking° to all° the lands°. 5 Those who° are near° and those who° are far° from you will mock° you, you of ill° repute°, full° of aturmoil°.

[3] IHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD, and so throughout the ch aEzk 22:6, 27; 23:37, 45
[4] ILit your IILit days a2K 21:16; Ezk 24:7, 8 bPs 44:13, 14; Ezk 5:14, 15; 16:57
[5] aIs 22:2

6 ¶ “Behold°, the arulers° of Israel°, each° according to his Ipower°, have been° in you for the purpose° of shedding° blood°. 7 They have atreated° father° and mother° lightly° within you. The balien° they have oppressed°° in your midst°; the cfatherless° and the widow° they have wronged° in you. 8 You have adespised° My holy° things° and bprofaned° My sabbaths°. 9 Slanderous° men° have been° in you for the purpose° of shedding° blood°, and in you they have eaten° at the mountain° [shrines]. In your midst° they have acommitted° acts° of lewdness°. 10 In you Ithey have auncovered° [their] fathers’° nakedness°; in you they have humbled° her who° was bunclean° in her menstrual° impurity°. 11 One° has committed° abomination° with his aneighbor’s° wife° and another° has lewdly° defiled° his bdaughter-in-law°. And another° in you has chumbled° his sister°, his father’s° daughter°. 12 In you they have ataken° bribes° to shed° blood°; you have taken° binterest° and profits°, and you have injured° your neighbors° for gain° by coppression°, and you have dforgotten° Me,” declares° the Lord° GOD°.

[6] ILit arm aIs 1:23; Ezk 22:27
[7] aEx 20:12; Lv 20:9; Dt 5:16; 27:16 bEx 22:21f; 23:9; Dt 24:17; Jr 7:6; Zc 7:10 cEx 22:22; Ezk 22:25; Mal 3:5
[8] aEzk 22:26 bEzk 20:13, 21, 24; 23:38, 39
[9] aEzk 23:29; Ho 4:2, 10, 14
[10] ILit he has aLv 18:8 bLv 18:19; Ezk 18:6
[11] aEzk 18:11; 33:26 bLv 18:15 c2S 13:11-14
[12] aEx 23:8; Dt 16:19; 27:25; Mi 7:2, 3 bLv 25:36; Dt 23:19 cLv 19:13 dPs 106:21; Ezk 23:35

13 ¶ “Behold°, then, I smite° My hand° at your adishonest° gain° which° you have acquired° and at Ithe bloodshed° which° is among° you. 14 Can ayour heart° endure°, or° can your hands° be strong° in the days° that I will deal° with you? bI, the LORD°, have spoken° and will act°. 15 I will ascatter° you among the nations° and I will disperse° you through the lands°, and I will bconsume° your uncleanness° from you. 16 You will profane° yourself in the sight° of the nations°, and you will aknow° that I am the LORD°.”’”

[13] ILit your aIs 33:15; Am 2:6-8; Mi 2:2
[14] aEzk 21:7 bEzk 17:24
[15] aDt 4:27; Ne 1:8; Ezk 20:23; Zc 7:14 bEzk 23:27, 48
[16] aPs 83:18; Ezk 6:7

17 ¶ And the word° of the LORD° came° to me, saying°, 18 “Son° of man°, the house° of Israel° has become° adross° to Me; all° of them are bbronze° and tin° and iron° and lead° in the cfurnace°; they are the dross° of silver°. 19 Therefore°, thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, ‘Because° all° of you have become° dross°, therefore°, behold°, I am going to gather° you into the midst° of Jerusalem°. 20 As they gather° silver° and bronze° and iron° and lead° and tin° into the afurnace° to blow° fire° on it in order to melt° [it], so° I will gather° [you] in My anger° and in My wrath° and I will lay° you [there] and melt° you. 21 I will gather° you and blow° on you with the fire° of My wrath°, and you will be melted° in the midst° of it. 22 As silver° is melted° in the furnace°, so° you will be melted° in the midst° of it; and you will know° that I, the LORD°, have apoured° out My wrath° on you.’”

[18] aPs 119:119; Is 1:22; Lm 4:1 bJr 6:28-30 cPv 17:3; Is 48:10
[20] aIs 1:25
[22] aEzk 20:8, 33; Ho 5:10

23 ¶ And the word° of the LORD° came° to me, saying°, 24 “Son° of man°, say° to her, ‘You are a land° that is anot cleansed° or rained° on in the day° of indignation°.’ 25 There is a aconspiracy° of her prophets° in her midst° like a roaring° lion° tearing° the prey°. They have bdevoured° lives°; they have taken° treasure° and precious° things°; they have made° many° cwidows° in the midst° of her. 26 Her apriests° have done° violence° to My law° and have bprofaned° My holy° things°; they have made° no° cdistinction° between° the holy° and the profane°, and they have not taught° the difference between° the dunclean° and the clean°; and they hide° their eyes° from My sabbaths°, and I am profaned° among° them. 27 Her princes° within° her are like wolves° tearing° the prey°, by shedding° blood° [and] adestroying° lives° in order° to get° bdishonest° gain°. 28 Her prophets° have smeared° whitewash° for them, seeing° afalse° visions° and divining° lies° for them, saying°, ‘Thus° says° the Lord° GOD°,’ when the LORD° has not spoken°. 29 The people° of the land° have practiced° aoppression° and committed° robbery°, and they have wronged° the poor° and needy° and have boppressed° the sojourner° without° justice°. 30 I asearched° for a man° among° them who would bbuild° up the wall° and cstand° in the gap° before° Me for the land°, so° that I would not destroy° it; but I found° Ino° one. 31 Thus I have poured° out My aindignation° on them; I have consumed° them with the fire° of My wrath°; btheir way° I have brought° upon their heads°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°.

[24] aIs 9:13; Jr 2:30; Ezk 24:13; Zp 3:2
[25] aJr 11:9; Ho 6:9 bJr 2:34; Ezk 13:19; 22:27 cJr 15:8; Ezk 22:7
[26] aJr 2:8, 26; Ezk 7:26 b1S 2:12-17, 22; Ezk 22:8 cLv 10:10; Ezk 44:23 dHg 2:11-14
[27] aEzk 22:25 bEzk 22:13
[28] aJr 23:25-32; Ezk 13:6
[29] aIs 5:7; Ezk 9:9; 22:7; Am 3:10 bEx 23:9
[30] ILit not aIs 59:16; 63:5; Jr 5:1 bEzk 13:5 cPs 106:23; Jr 15:1
[31] aIs 10:5; 13:5; 30:27; Ezk 22:20 bEzk 7:3, 8, 9; 9:10; 16:43; Ro 2:8, 9

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A catalogue of sins in Jerusalem.

1 ¶ Moreover the wordº of the LORDº came² unto² me, saying,ºª 2 Now, thou² sonº of man,º wilt thou judge,ºª wilt thou judgeºª² the bloodyº city?º yea, thou shalt shewºª her² all² her abominations.º 3 Then sayºª thou, Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD,º The cityº sheddethºª bloodº in the midstº of it, that her timeº may come,ºª and makethºª idolsº against² herself to defileºª herself. 4 Thou art become guiltyºª in thy bloodº that² thou hast shed;ºª and hast defiledºª thyself in thine idolsº which² thou hast made;ºª and thou hast caused thy daysº to draw near,ºª and art comeºª [even] unto² thy years:º therefore²² have I madeºª thee a reproachº unto the heathen,º and a mockingº to all² countries.º 5 [Those that be] near,º and [those that be] farº from² thee, shall mockºª thee, [which art] infamousºº [and] muchº vexed.º 6 Behold,² the princesº of Israel,º every oneº were² in thee to their powerº to² shedºª blood.º 7 In thee have they set lightºª by fatherº and mother:º in the midstº of thee have they dealtºª by oppressionº with the stranger:º in thee have they vexedºª the fatherlessº and the widow.º 8 Thou hast despisedºª mine holy things,º and hast profanedºª my sabbaths.º 9 In thee are² men¹² that carry talesº to² shedºª blood:º and in thee they eatºª upon² the mountains:º in the midstº of thee they commitºª lewdness.º 10 In thee have they discoveredºª their fathers'º nakedness:º in thee have they humbledºª her that was set apartº for pollution.º 11 And oneº hath committedºª abominationº with² his neighbour'sº wife;º and anotherº hath lewdlyº defiledºª² his daughter in law;º and anotherº in thee hath humbledºª² his sister,º his father'sº daughter.º 12 In thee have they takenºª giftsº to² shedºª blood;º thou hast takenºª usuryº and increase,º and thou hast greedily gainedºª of thy neighboursº by extortion,º and hast forgottenºª me, saithºª the Lordº GOD.º

[2] 2K 21:16; 24:3; Is 58:1; Jr 2:30, 34; Ezk 8:9; 16:1, 2; 20:4; 23:1, 36, 45; 24:6, 9; Ho 4:2; Na 3:1; Mt 23:35; 27:25; Lk 11:50; Ac 7:52; 1Ti 5:20.
[3] 2K 21:2; Jr 2:1; Ezk 7:2; 12:25; 22:4, 27; 24:6; Zp 3:3; Ro 2:5; 2P 2:3.
[4] Lv 26:32; Nu 32:14; Dt 28:37; 29:24; 1K 9:7; 2K 21:16; 2Ch 7:20; Ps 44:13; 79:4; 89:41; Jr 18:16; 24:9; 44:8; Lm 2:15; Ezk 5:14; 16:57; 21:28; 22:2; Dn 9:16; Mt 23:32; 1Th 2:16.
[5] Jr 15:2.
[6] Ne 9:34; Is 1:23; Jr 2:26; 5:5; 32:32; Ezk 22:27; Dn 9:8; Mi 2:1; 3:1, 9; Zc 3:3.
[7] Ex 21:17; 22:21; Lv 20:9; Dt 27:16, 19; Pv 20:20; 22:22; 30:11, 17; Jr 7:6; Ezk 18:12; 22:29; Zc 7:10; Mal 3:5; Mt 15:4; Mk 7:10.
[8] Lv 19:30; Ezk 20:13, 21, 24; 22:26; 23:38; Am 8:4; Mal 1:6, 12.
[9] Ex 20:16; 23:1; Lv 19:16; Jg 20:6; 1K 21:10; Ps 50:20; 101:5; 106:28; Pv 10:18; 18:8; 26:22; Jr 6:28; 9:4; 37:13; 38:4; Ezk 16:43; 18:6, 11, 15; 24:13; Ho 4:2, 10, 14; 6:9; 7:4; Mt 26:59; Ac 6:11; 24:5, 13; 1Co 10:18; Rv 12:9.
[10] Gn 35:22; 49:4; Lv 18:7, 19; 20:11, 18; Dt 27:20, 23; 2S 16:21; 1Ch 5:1; Ezk 18:6; Am 2:7; 1Co 5:1.
[11] Lv 18:9, 15, 20; 20:10, 12, 17; Dt 22:22; 27:22; 2S 13:1, 14, 28; Jb 31:9; Jr 5:7; 9:2; 29:23; Ezk 18:11; Mal 3:5; Mt 5:27; 1Co 6:9; Ga 5:19; He 13:4.
[12] Ex 22:25; 23:7; Lv 25:35; Dt 16:19; 23:19; 27:25; 32:18; Ne 5:1, 7; Ps 15:5; 106:21; Pv 1:19; Is 1:23; 56:11; Jr 2:32; 3:21; Ezk 18:8, 13; 23:35; Mi 7:2; Zp 3:3; Mt 23:14, 25; Lk 3:13; 18:11; 19:8; 1Co 5:11; 6:10; 1Ti 3:3; 6:9; Jm 5:1; Jde 1:11.

God will burn them as dross in his furnace.

13 ¶ Behold,² therefore I have smittenºª mine handº at² thy dishonest gainº which² thou hast made,ºª and at² thy bloodº which² hath been² in the midstº of thee. 14 Can thine heartº endure,ºª or² can thine handsº be strong,ºª in the daysº that² I² shall dealºª with thee? I² the LORDº have spokenºª [it], and will doºª [it]. 15 And I will scatterºª thee among the heathen,º and disperseºª thee in the countries,º and will consumeºª thy filthinessº out of² thee. 16 And thou shalt take thine inheritanceºªª¹ª in thyself in the sightº of the heathen,º and thou shalt knowºª that² I² [am] the LORD.º 17 And the wordº of the LORDº came² unto² me, saying,ºª 18 Sonº of man,º the houseº of Israelº is to me become² dross:º all² they [are] brass,º and tin,º and iron,º and lead,º in the midstº of the furnace;º they are² [even] the drossº of silver.º 19 Therefore² thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Because² ye are all² become² dross,º behold,² therefore² I will gatherºª you into² the midstº of Jerusalem.º 20 [As] they gatherº silver,º and brass,º and iron,º and lead,º and tin,º into² the midstº of the furnace,º to blowºª the fireº upon² it, to meltºª [it]; so² will I gatherºª [you] in mine angerº and in my fury,º and I will leave¹ª² [you there], and meltºª you. 21 Yea, I will gatherºª you, and blowºª upon² you in the fireº of my wrath,º and ye shall be meltedºª in the midstº thereof. 22 As silverº is meltedº in the midstº of the furnace,º so² shall ye be meltedºª in the midstº thereof; and ye shall knowºª that² I² the LORDº have poured outºª my furyº upon² you.

[13] Nu 24:10; Pv 28:8; Is 33:15; Jr 5:26; 7:9; Ezk 21:14, 17; 22:2, 27; Am 2:6; 3:10; 8:4; Mi 2:1; 6:10; 1Th 4:6.
[14] 1S 15:29; Jb 40:9; Is 31:3; 45:9; Jr 13:21; Ezk 5:13; 17:24; 21:7; 24:14; 28:9; Mk 13:31; 1Co 10:22; He 10:31.
[15] Lv 26:33; Dt 4:27; 28:25, 64; Ne 1:8; Is 1:25; Jr 15:4; Ezk 5:12; 12:14; 20:38; 22:18, 22; 23:47; 24:6; 34:6; 36:19; Zc 7:14; 13:9; Mal 3:3; 4:1; Mt 3:12; 1P 4:12.
[16] Ex 8:22; 1K 20:13, 28; Ps 9:16; 83:18; Is 37:20; 43:28; 47:6; Ezk 6:7; 7:24; 25:3; 39:6, 28; Dn 4:25, 32.
[18] Ps 119:119; Pv 17:3; Is 1:22; 31:9; 48:4, 10; Jr 6:28; Lm 4:1; Ezk 22:20.
[19] Ezk 11:7; 24:3; Mi 4:12; Mt 13:30, 40.
[20] Is 54:16; Jr 4:11, 20; Ezk 21:31; 22:21; 24:13.
[21] Dt 4:24; 29:20; 32:22; 2K 25:9; Ps 21:9; 50:3; 68:2; 112:10; Is 30:33; 64:2, 7; Jr 9:7; 21:12; Ezk 15:6; 20:47; 22:20; Na 1:6; Zp 1:18.
[22] Ezk 20:8, 33; 22:16, 31; Ho 5:10; Rv 16:1.

The general corruption of prophets, priests, princes, and people.

23 ¶ And the wordº of the LORDº came² unto² me, saying,ºª 24 Sonº of man,º sayºª unto her, Thou² [art] the landº that² is not² cleansed,ºª nor² rained¹ upon² in the dayº of indignation.º 25 [There is] a conspiracyº of her prophetsº in the midstº thereof, like a roaringºª lionº raveningºª the prey;º they have devouredºª souls;º they have takenºª the treasureº and precious things;º they have made her manyºª widowsº in the midstº thereof. 26 Her priestsº have violatedºª my law,º and have profanedºª mine holy things:º they have put no differenceºª² between² the holyº and profane,º neither² have they shewedºª [difference] between² the uncleanº and the clean,º and have hidºª their eyesº from my sabbaths,º² and I am profanedºª amongº them. 27 Her princesº in the midstº thereof [are] like wolvesº raveningºª the prey,º to shedºª blood,º [and] to destroyºª souls,º to² getºª dishonest gain.º 28 And her prophetsº have daubedºª them with untemperedº [morter], seeingº vanity,º and diviningºª liesº unto them, saying,ºª Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD,º when the LORDº hath not² spoken.ºª 29 The peopleº of the landº have used² oppression,º¹ª and exercisedºª robbery,º and have vexedºª the poorº and needy:º yea, they have oppressedºª the strangerº wrongfully.º² 30 And I soughtºª for a manº among² them, that should make upºª the hedge,º and standºª in the gapº beforeº me for² the land,º that I should not² destroyºª it: but I foundºª none.² 31 Therefore have I poured outºª mine indignationº upon² them; I have consumedºª them with the fireº of my wrath:º their own wayº have I recompensedºª upon their heads,º saithºª the Lordº GOD.º

[24] 2Ch 28:22; 36:14; Is 1:5; 9:13; Jr 2:30; 5:3; 6:29; 44:16; Zp 3:2.
[25] 1K 22:11, 23; Is 56:11; Jr 2:30, 34; 5:30; 6:13; Lm 2:14; 4:13; Ezk 13:10, 19; 22:27; Ho 6:9; Mi 3:5; Mt 23:14; Mk 12:40; Lk 20:47; 2P 2:1; Rv 13:11, 15; 17:6; 18:13.
[26] Lv 10:1, 10; 11:47; 20:25; 22:2; 1S 2:12, 15, 22, 29; Jr 2:8, 26; 15:19; Lm 4:13; Ezk 20:12; 22:8; 36:20; 44:23; Mi 3:11; Zp 3:3; Hg 2:11; Mal 1:6; 2:1, 8; Ro 2:24.
[27] Is 1:23; Ezk 19:3; 22:6, 13; 45:9; Ho 7:1; Mi 3:2, 9; 7:8; Zp 3:3; Mt 21:13; Jm 2:6; 5:1.
[28] Is 30:10; Jr 8:10; 23:21, 25; 28:2, 15; 29:8; 37:19; Lm 2:14; Ezk 13:6, 10, 22; 21:29; 22:25; Zp 3:4.
[29] Ex 22:21; 23:9; Lv 19:33; Ps 94:6; Is 5:7; 10:2; 59:3; Jr 5:26, 31; 6:13; Ezk 18:12; 22:7; Am 3:10; Mi 2:2; 3:3; Mt 25:43; Jm 5:4.
[30] Gn 18:23; Ex 32:10; Ps 106:23; Is 59:16; 63:5; Jr 5:1; 15:1; Ezk 13:5.
[31] Ezk 7:3, 8; 9:10; 11:21; 16:43; 22:21; Ro 2:8.

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