NASB — Leviticus 20 — KJV

On Human Sacrifice and Immoralities

1 Then the LORD° spoke° to Moses°, saying°, 2 “You shall also say° to the sons° of Israel°:

¶ ‘Any° man° from the sons° of Israel° or from the aliens° sojourning° in Israel° awho° gives° any° of his Ioffspring° to Molech°, shall surely° be put° to death°; bthe people° of the land° shall stone° him with stones°. 3 I will also set° My face° against that man° and will cut° him off° from among° his people°, because° he has given° some° of his Ioffspring° to Molech°, aso° as to defile° My sanctuary° and bto profane° My holy° name°. 4 If° the people° of the land°, however, Ishould ever° disregard°° that man° when he gives° any° of his IIoffspring° to Molech°, so as not to put° him to death°, 5 then I Myself° will set° My face° against that man° and against his family°, and I will cut° off° from among° their people° both him and all° those who play° the harlot° after° him, by playing° the harlot° after° Molech°.

[2] ILit seed aLv 18:21 bLv 20:27; 24:14-23; Nu 15:35, 36; Dt 21:21
[3] ILit seed aLv 15:31 bLv 18:21
[4] ILit hiding they hide their eyes from IILit seed

6 ¶ ‘As for the person° who° turns° to Iamediums° and to spiritists°, to play° the harlot° after° them, I will also set° My face° against that person° and will cut° him off° from among° his people°. 7 You shall consecrate° yourselves therefore and abe holy°, for I am the LORD° your God°. 8 aYou shall keep° My statutes° and practice° them; I am the LORD° who sanctifies° you.

[6] IOr ghosts and spirits aLv 19:31
[7] aEp 1:4; 1P 1:16
[8] aEx 31:13

9 ¶ ‘aIf° [there is] anyone° who° curses° his father° or his mother°, he shall surely° be put° to death°; he has cursed° his father° or his mother°, his bloodguiltiness° is upon him.

[9] aEx 21:17; Dt 27:16

10 ¶ ‘aIf [there is] a man° who° commits° adultery° with another man’s° wife°, one who° commits° adultery° with his friend’s° wife°, the adulterer° and the adulteress° shall surely° be put° to death°. 11 aIf [there is] a man° who° lies° with his father’s° wife°, he has uncovered° his father’s° nakedness°; both° of them shall surely° be put° to death°, their bloodguiltiness° is upon them. 12 aIf [there is] a man° who° lies° with his daughter-in-law°, both° of them shall surely° be put° to death°; they have committed° Iincest°, their bloodguiltiness° is upon them. 13 aIf [there is] a man° who° lies° with a male° as those who lie° with a woman°, both° of them have committed° a detestable° act°; they shall surely° be put° to death°. Their bloodguiltiness° is upon them. 14 aIf [there is] a man° who° Imarries° a woman° and her mother°, it is immorality°; both he and they shall be burned° with fire°, so that there will be no° immorality° in your midst°. 15 aIf [there is] a man° who° lies°° with an animal°, he shall surely° be put° to death°; you shall also kill° the animal°. 16 If [there is] a woman° who° approaches° any° animal° to Imate° with it, you shall kill° the woman° and the animal°; they shall surely° be put° to death°. Their bloodguiltiness° is upon them.

[10] aEx 20:14; Lv 18:20; Dt 5:18
[11] aLv 18:7, 8; Dt 27:20
[12] ILit confusion; i.e. a violation of divine order aLv 18:15
[13] aLv 18:22
[14] ILit takes aLv 18:17; Dt 27:23
[15] aLv 18:23; Dt 27:21
[16] ILit lie

17 ¶ ‘aIf [there is] a man° who° takes° his sister°, his father’s° daughter° or° his mother’s° daughter°, so that he sees° her nakedness° and she sees° his nakedness°, it is a disgrace°; and they shall be cut° off° in the sight° of the sons° of their people°. He has uncovered° his sister’s° nakedness°; he bears° his guilt°. 18 aIf [there is] a man° who° lies° with a Imenstruous° woman° and uncovers° her nakedness°, he has laid° bare° her flow°, and she has IIexposed° the flow° of her blood°; thus both° of them shall be cut° off° from among° their people°. 19 aYou shall also not uncover° the nakedness° of your mother’s° sister° or of your father’s° sister°, for such a one has made° naked° his Iblood° relative°; they will bear° their guilt°. 20 aIf [there is] a man° who° lies° with his uncle’s° wife° he has uncovered° his uncle’s° nakedness°; they will bear° their sin°. They will die° childless°. 21 aIf [there is] a man° who° takes° his brother’s° wife°, it is Iabhorrent°; he has uncovered° his brother’s° nakedness°. They will be childless°.

[17] aLv 18:9; Dt 27:22
[18] ILit sick IIOr uncovered aLv 15:24; 18:19
[19] ILit flesh aLv 18:12, 13
[20] aLv 18:14
[21] IOr an impure deed aLv 18:16

22 ¶ ‘You are therefore to keep° all° My statutes° and all° My ordinances° and do° them, so that the land° to which° I am bringing° you to Ilive° will not aspew° you out. 23 Moreover, you shall not Ifollow° athe customs° of the nation° which° I will drive° out before° you, for they did° all° these° things°, and btherefore I have abhorred° them. 24 Hence I have said° to you, “aYou are to possess° their land°, and I Myself° will give° it to you to possess° it, a land° flowing° with milk° and honey°.” I am the LORD° your God°, who° has bseparated° you from the peoples°. 25 aYou are therefore to make° a distinction° between° the clean° animal° and the unclean°, and between° the unclean° bird° and the clean°; and you shall not make° Iyourselves° detestable° by animal° or by bird° or by anything° IIthat creeps° on the ground°, which° I have separated° for you as unclean°. 26 Thus you are to be holy° to Me, for I the LORD° am holy°; and I ahave set° you apart° from the peoples° to be Mine.

[22] ILit dwell in it aLv 18:28
[23] ILit walk in the statutes aLv 18:3 bLv 18:25
[24] aEx 13:5; 33:1-3 bEx 33:16; Lv 20:26
[25] ILit your souls IILit with which the ground creeps aLv 10:10; 11:1-47; Dt 14:3-21
[26] aLv 20:24

27 ¶ ‘Now a man° or° a woman° awho is a medium° or° a Ispiritist° shall surely° be put° to death°. They shall be stoned° with stones°, their bloodguiltiness° is upon them.’”

[27] ILit spiritist among them aLv 19:31

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Of him that giveth of his seed to Molech.

1 ¶ And the LORDº spakeºª unto² Moses,º saying,ºª 2 Again, thou shalt sayºª to² the childrenº of Israel,º Whosoeverº [he be] of the childrenº² of Israel,º or of² the strangersº that sojournºª in Israel,º that² givethºª [any] of his seedº² unto Molech;º he shall surely¹ª be put to death:ºª the peopleº of the landº shall stoneºª him with stones.º 3 And I² will setºª² my faceº against that² man,º and will cut him offºª² from amongº² his people;º because² he hath givenºª of his seedº² unto Molech,º to² defileºª² my sanctuary,º and to profaneºª² my holyº name.º

[2] Lv 17:8, 13, 15; 18:21; 20:27; 24:14, 23; Nu 15:35; Dt 12:31; 13:10; 17:5; 18:10; 21:21; 2K 17:17; 23:10; 2Ch 28:3; 33:6; Ps 106:38; Is 57:5; Jr 7:31; 32:35; Ezk 16:20; 20:26, 31; 23:37, 39; Ac 7:43, 58.
[3] Lv 17:10; 18:21; Nu 19:20; Ezk 5:11; 20:39; 23:38; 2Co 6:16; 1P 3:12.

Of him that favoureth such an one.

4 And if² the peopleº of the landº do any ways¹ª hideºª² their eyesº from the man,º²² when he givethºª of his seedº² unto Molech,º and killºª him not:º 5 Then I² will setºª² my faceº against that² man,º and against his family,º and will cut him off,ºª² and all² that go a whoringºª afterº him, to commit whoredomºª with² Molech,º from amongº² their people.º

[4] Dt 13:8; 17:2; Jsh 7:12; 1S 3:13; 1K 20:42; Ac 17:30; Rv 2:14.
[5] Ex 20:5; Lv 17:7, 10; Ps 106:39; Jr 3:2; 32:28, 39; Ho 2:5, 13.

Of going to wizards.

6 ¶ And the soulº that² turnethºª afterº such as have familiar spirits,º and after¹² wizards,º to go a whoringºª afterº them, I will even setºª² my faceº against that² soul,º and will cut him offºª² from amongº² his people.º

[6] Ex 34:15; Lv 19:26, 31; 20:27; Nu 15:39; Dt 18:10; 1Ch 10:13; Ps 73:27; Is 8:19; Ezk 6:9; Ho 4:12.

Of sanctification.

7 ¶ Sanctify¹ª yourselves² therefore, and be² ye holy:º for² I² [am] the LORDº your God.º 8 And ye shall keepºª² my statutes,º and doºª them: I² [am] the LORDº which sanctifyºª you.

[7] Lv 11:44; 19:2; Ep 1:4; Php 2:12; Col 3:12; 1Th 4:3, 7; He 12:14; 1P 1:15.
[8] Ex 31:13; Lv 18:4; 19:37; 21:8; Ezk 20:12; 37:28; Mt 5:19; 7:24; 12:50; Jn 13:17; 1Co 1:30; 1Th 5:23; 2Th 2:13; Jm 1:22; Rv 22:14.

Of him that curseth his parents.

9 ¶ For² every¹ oneº that² cursethºª² his fatherº or his motherº shall be surely¹ª put to death:ºª he hath cursedºª his fatherº or his mother;º his bloodº [shall be] upon him.

[9] Ex 21:17; Lv 20:11, 16, 27; Dt 27:16; Jsh 2:19; Jg 9:24; 2S 1:16; 1K 2:32; Pv 20:20; 30:11, 17; Mt 15:4; 27:25; Mk 7:10.

Of adultery.

10 ¶ And the manº that² committeth adulteryºª with² [another] man'sº wife,º [even he] that² committeth adulteryºª with² his neighbour'sº wife,º the adultererºª and the adulteressºª shall surely¹ª be put to death.ºª

[10] Dt 22:22; 2S 12:13; Ezk 23:45; Jn 8:4.

Of incest.

11 And the manº that² liethºª with² his father'sº wifeº hath uncoveredºª his father'sº nakedness:º bothº of them shall surely¹ª be put to death;ºª their bloodº [shall be] upon them. 12 And if² a manº lieºª with² his daughter in law,º bothº of them shall surely¹ª be put to death:ºª they have wroughtºª confusion;º their bloodº [shall be] upon them.

[11] Lv 18:8; 20:9; Dt 27:20, 23; Am 2:7; 1Co 5:1.
[12] Gn 38:16, 18; Lv 18:15, 23; Dt 27:23.

Of sodomy.

13 If² a manº also lieºª with² mankind,º as he liethº with a woman,º bothº of them have committedºª an abomination:º they shall surely¹ª be put to death;ºª their bloodº [shall be] upon them.

[13] Gn 19:5; Lv 18:22; Dt 23:17; Jg 19:22; Ro 1:26; 1Co 6:9; 1Ti 1:10; Jde 1:7.

Of incest.

14 And if² a manº takeºª² a wifeº and her mother,º it² [is] wickedness:º they shall be burntºª with fire,º both he and they; that there be² no² wickednessº amongº you.

[14] Lv 18:17; 21:9; Dt 27:23; Jsh 7:15, 25; Am 2:7.

Of bestiality.

15 And if² a manº lieººª with a beast,º he shall surely¹ª be put to death:ºª and ye shall slayºª the beast.º 16 And if² a womanº approachºª unto² any² beast,º and lie downºª thereto, thou shalt killºª² the woman,º and the beast:º they shall surely¹ª be put to death;ºª their bloodº [shall be] upon them.

[15] Ex 22:19; Lv 18:23; Dt 27:21.
[16] Ex 19:13; 21:28, 32; Lv 18:24; He 12:20.

Of incest.

17 And if² a manº shall takeºª² his sister,º his father'sº daughter,º orº his mother'sº daughter,º and seeºª² her nakedness,º and she² seeºª² his nakedness;º it² [is] a wicked thing;º and they shall be cut offºª in the sightº of their people:ºº he hath uncoveredºª his sister'sº nakedness;º he shall bearºª his iniquity.º

[17] Gn 20:12; Lv 18:9; Dt 27:22; 2S 13:12; Ezk 22:11.

Of uncleanness.

18 And if² a manº shall lieºª with² a womanº having her sickness,º and shall uncoverºª² her nakedness;º he hath discoveredºª² her fountain,º and she² hath uncoveredºª² the fountainº of her blood:º and bothº of them shall be cut offºª from amongº² their people.º

[18] Lv 15:24; 18:19; Ezk 18:6; 22:10.

Of incest.

19 And thou shalt not² uncoverºª the nakednessº of thy mother'sº sister,º nor of thy father'sº sister:º for² he uncoverethºª² his near kin:º they shall bearºª their iniquity.º 20 And if² a manº shall lieºª with² his uncle's wife,º he hath uncoveredºª his uncle'sº nakedness:º they shall bearºª their sin;º they shall dieºª childless.º 21 And if² a manº shall takeºª² his brother'sº wife,º it² [is] an unclean thing:º he hath uncoveredºª his brother'sº nakedness;º they shall be² childless.º

[19] Ex 6:20; Lv 18:6, 12, 13.
[20] Lv 18:14; Jb 18:19; Ps 109:13; Jr 22:30; Lk 1:7, 25; 23:29.
[21] Lv 18:16; Mt 14:3.

Obedience is required with holiness.

22 ¶ Ye shall therefore keepºª² all² my statutes,º and all² my judgments,º and doºª them: that the land,º whither²² I² bringºª you to dwellºª therein, spue you not out.ºª²² 23 And ye shall not² walk¹ª² in the mannersº of the nation,º which² I² cast outºª beforeº² you: for² they committedºª² all² these things,² and therefore I abhorredºª them. 24 But I have saidºª unto you, Ye² shall inheritºª² their land,º and I² will giveºª it unto you to possessºª it, a landº that flowethºª with milkº and honey:º I² [am] the LORDº your God,º which² have separatedºª you from² [other] people.º 25 Ye shall therefore put differenceºª between² cleanº beastsº and unclean,º and between² uncleanº fowlsº and clean:º and ye shall not² make your souls¹ abominableºª²² by beast,º or by fowl,º or by any manner² of living thing that creepethºª² on the ground,º which² I have separatedºª from you as unclean.ºª 26 And ye shall be² holyº unto me: for² I² the LORDº [am] holy,º and have severedºª you from² [other] people,º that ye should be² mine.

[22] Ex 21:1; Lv 18:4, 25, 26; 19:37; 26:33; Dt 4:45; 5:1; 28:25; Ps 19:8; 105:45; 119:20, 80, 106, 145, 160, 164, 171, 175; Is 26:8; Ezk 36:27.
[23] Lv 18:3, 24, 27, 30; Dt 9:5; 12:30; Ps 78:59; Jr 10:1; Zc 11:8.
[24] Ex 3:8, 17; 6:8; 19:5; 33:16; Lv 20:26; Nu 23:9; Dt 7:6; 14:2; 1K 8:53; Jn 15:19; 2Co 6:17; 1P 2:9.
[25] Lv 11:1, 43; Dt 14:3; Ac 10:11, 28; Ep 5:7.
[26] Lv 19:2; 20:7, 24; Dt 7:6; 14:2; 26:18; Ps 99:5, 9; Is 6:3; 30:11; Tit 2:14; 1P 1:15; Rv 3:7; 4:8.

Wizards must be put to death.

27 ¶ A manº also or² womanº that² hath¹² a familiar spirit,º or² that is a wizard,º shall surely¹ª be put to death:ºª they shall stoneºª them with stones:º their bloodº [shall be] upon them.

[27] Ex 22:18; Lv 19:31; 20:6, 9; Dt 18:10; 1S 28:7.

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