NASB — 2 Kings 23 — KJV

Josiah’s Covenant

1 aThen the king° sent°, and they gathered° to him all° the elders° of Judah° and of Jerusalem°. 2 The king° went° up to the house° of the LORD° and all° the men° of Judah° and all° the inhabitants° of Jerusalem° with him, and the priests° and the prophets° and all° the people°, both° small° and great°; and ahe read° in their hearing° all° the words° of the book° of the covenant° bwhich was found° in the house° of the LORD°. 3 aThe king° stood° by the pillar° and made° a covenant° before° the LORD°, bto walk° after° the LORD°, and to keep° His commandments° and His testimonies° and His statutes° with all° [his] heart° and all° [his] soul°, to carry° out the words° of this° covenant° that were written° in this° book°. And all° the people° Ientered° into the covenant°.

[1] a2Ch 34:29-32
[2] aDt 31:10-13 b2K 22:8
[3] ILit took a stand in a2K 11:14, 17 bDt 13:4

Reforms under Josiah

4 ¶ Then the king° commanded° Hilkiah° the high° priest° and athe priests° of the second° order and the Idoorkeepers°°, bto bring° out of the temple° of the LORD° all° the vessels° that were made° for Baal°, for IIAsherah°, and for all° the host° of heaven°; and che burned° them outside°° Jerusalem° in the fields° of the Kidron°, and carried° their ashes° to Bethel°. 5 He did° away° with the idolatrous° priests° whom° the kings° of Judah° had appointed° to burn° incense° in the high° places° in the cities° of Judah° and in the surrounding° area° of Jerusalem°, also those who burned° incense° to Baal°, to the sun° and to the moon° and to the constellations° and to all° the ahost° of heaven°. 6 He brought° out the Asherah° from the house° of the LORD° outside°° Jerusalem° to the brook° Kidron°, and burned° it at the brook° Kidron°, and aground° [it] to dust°, and bthrew° its dust° on the graves° of the Icommon° people°. 7 He also broke° down° the houses° of the a[male] cult° prostitutes° which° [were] in the house° of the LORD°, where°° bthe women° were weaving° Ihangings° for the Asherah°. 8 Then he brought° all° the priests° from the cities° of Judah°, and defiled° the high° places° where°° the priests° had burned° incense°, from aGeba° to Beersheba°; and he broke° down° the high° places° of the gates° which° [were] at the entrance° of the gate° of Joshua° the governor° of the city°, which° [were] on one’s° left° at the city° gate°. 9 Nevertheless° athe priests° of the high° places° did not go° up to the altar° of the LORD° in Jerusalem°, but they ate° unleavened° bread° among° their brothers°. 10 aHe also defiled° ITopheth°, which° is in the valley° of the son° of Hinnom°, bthat no° man° might make his son° or his daughter° pass° through the fire° for cMolech°. 11 He did° away° with the horses° which° the kings° of Judah° had given° to the asun°, at the entrance° of the house° of the LORD°, by the chamber° of Nathan-melech° the official°, which° [was] in the precincts°; and he burned° the chariots° of the sun° with fire°. 12 aThe altars° which° [were] on the roof°, the upper° chamber° of Ahaz°, which° the kings° of Judah° had made°, and bthe altars° which° Manasseh° had made° in the two° courts° of the house° of the LORD°, the king° broke° down°; and he Ismashed° them there° and cthrew° their dust° into the brook° Kidron°. 13 The high° places° which° [were] before°° Jerusalem°, which° [were] on the right° of athe mount° of destruction° which° Solomon° the king° of Israel° had built° for bAshtoreth° the abomination° of the Sidonians°, and for cChemosh° the abomination° of Moab°, and for Milcom° the abomination° of the sons° of Ammon°, the king° defiled°. 14 aHe broke° in pieces° the [sacred] pillars° and cut° down° the Asherim° and bfilled° their places° with human° bones°.

[4] ILit keepers of the threshold III.e. a wooden symbol of a female deity, and so throughout the ch a2K 25:18; Jr 52:24 b2K 21:3, 7; 2Ch 33:3 c2K 23:15
[5] a2K 21:3
[6] ILit sons of the people a2K 23:15 b2Ch 34:4
[7] IOr tents; lit houses a1K 14:24; 15:12 bEx 35:25, 26; Ezk 16:16
[8] aJsh 21:17; 1K 15:22
[9] aEzk 44:10-14
[10] II.e. place of burning aIs 30:33; Jr 7:31, 32; 19:4-6 bLv 18:21 c1K 11:7
[11] aDt 4:19; Jb 31:26; Ezk 8:16
[12] IOr ran from there aJr 19:13; Zp 1:5 b2K 21:5; 2Ch 33:5 c2K 23:4, 6
[13] a1K 11:7 b1K 11:5 cNu 21:29
[14] aDt 7:5, 25 b2K 23:16

15 ¶ Furthermore°, athe altar° that [was] at Bethel° [and] the bhigh° place° which° Jeroboam° the son° of Nebat°, who° made Israel° sin°, had made°, even° that altar° and the high° place° he broke° down°. Then he Icdemolished° its stones, ground° them to dust°, and burned° the Asherah°. 16 Now when Josiah° turned°, he saw° the graves° that [were] there° on the mountain°, and he sent° and took° the bones° from the graves° and burned° [them] on the altar° and defiled° it aaccording to the word° of the LORD° which° the man° of God° proclaimed°, who° proclaimed° these° things°. 17 Then he said°, “What° is this° monument° that I see°?” And the men° of the city° told° him, “aIt is the grave° of the man° of God° who° came° from Judah° and proclaimed° these° things° which° you have done° against° the altar° of Bethel°.” 18 He said°, “Let° him alone°; let no° one° disturb° his bones°.” So they Ileft° his bones° undisturbed° awith the bones° of the prophet° who° came° from Samaria°. 19 Josiah° also° removed° all° the houses° of the high° places° which° [were] ain the cities° of Samaria°, which° the kings° of Israel° had made° provoking° Ithe LORD°; and he did° to them IIjust°° as he had done° in Bethel°. 20 All° the priests° of the high° places° who° [were] there° ahe slaughtered° on the altars° and burned° human° bones° on them; then he returned° to Jerusalem°.

[15] ISo the Gr; Heb burned the high place a1K 13:1 b1K 12:28-33 c2K 23:6
[16] a1K 13:2
[17] a1K 13:1, 30, 31
[18] ILit let his bones escape with a1K 13:11, 31
[19] ISo with ancient versions IILit according to all the acts a2Ch 34:6, 7
[20] a2K 10:25; 11:18

Passover Reinstituted

21 ¶ Then the king° commanded° all° the people° saying°, “aCelebrate° the Passover° to the LORD° your God° bas it is written° in this° book° of the covenant°.” 22 aSurely° such° a Passover° had not been celebrated° from the days° of the judges° who° judged° Israel°, nor° in all° the days° of the kings° of Israel° and of the kings° of Judah°. 23 But in the eighteenth°° year° of King° Josiah°, this° Passover° was observed° to the LORD° in Jerusalem°.

[21] a2Ch 35:1-17 bNu 9:2-4; Dt 16:2-8
[22] a2Ch 35:18, 19

24 ¶ Moreover°, Josiah° Iremoved° athe mediums° and the spiritists° and the bteraphim° and cthe idols° and all° the abominations° that were seen° in the land° of Judah° and in Jerusalem°, dthat he might IIconfirm° the words° of the law° which were written° ein the book° that Hilkiah° the priest° found° in the house° of the LORD°. 25 Before° him there was no° king° alike° him who° turned° to the LORD° with all° his heart° and with all° his soul° and with all° his might°, according to all° the law° of Moses°; nor° did any like° him arise° after° him.

[24] ILit consumed IIOr perform aLv 19:31; 2K 21:6 bGn 31:19 mg c2K 21:11, 21 dDt 18:10-22 e2K 22:8
[25] a2K 18:5

26 ¶ However°, the LORD° did not turn° from the fierceness° of His great° wrath° with which° His anger° burned° against Judah°, abecause° of all° the provocations° with which° Manasseh° had provoked° Him. 27 The LORD° said°, “I will remove° Judah° also° from My sight°, aas I have removed° Israel°. And bI will cast° off° Jerusalem°, this° city° which° I have chosen°, and the Itemple° of which° I said°, ‘My name° shall be there°.’”

[26] a2K 21:11-13; Jr 15:4
[27] ILit house a2K 18:11 b2K 21:13, 14

Jehoahaz Succeeds Josiah

28 ¶ Now the rest° of the acts° of Josiah° and all° that he did°, are they not written° in the Book° of the Chronicles°° of the Kings° of Judah°? 29 aIn his days° bPharaoh° Neco° king° of Egypt° went° up to the king° of Assyria° to the river° Euphrates°. And King° Josiah° went° to meet° him, and when [Pharaoh Neco] saw° him he killed° him at cMegiddo°. 30 aHis servants° drove° Ihis body° in a chariot° from Megiddo°, and brought° him to Jerusalem° and buried° him in his own tomb°. bThen the people° of the land° took° Jehoahaz° the son° of Josiah° and anointed° him and made° him king° in place° of his father°.

[29] a2Ch 35:20-24 bJr 46:2 cJg 5:19
[30] ILit him, dead a2K 9:28 b2Ch 36:1-4

31aJehoahaz° was twenty-three°° years° old° when he became° king°, and he reigned° three° months° in Jerusalem°; and his mother’s° name° was bHamutal° the daughter° of Jeremiah° of Libnah°. 32 He did° evil° in the sight° of the LORD°, aaccording to all° that his fathers° had done°. 33 aPharaoh° Neco° imprisoned° him at bRiblah° in the land° of cHamath°, that he might not reign° in Jerusalem°; and he imposed° on the land° a fine° of one hundred° talents° of silver° and a talent° of gold°.

[31] a1Ch 3:15; Jr 22:11 b2K 24:18
[32] a2K 21:2-7
[33] a2K 23:29 b2K 25:6 c1K 8:65

Jehoiakim Made King by Pharaoh

34 Pharaoh° Neco° made° aEliakim° the son° of Josiah° king° in the place° of Josiah° his father°, and bchanged° his name° to Jehoiakim°. But he took° Jehoahaz° away and Icbrought° [him] to Egypt°, and he died° there°. 35 So Jehoiakim° agave° the silver° and gold° to Pharaoh°, but he taxed° the land° in order to give° the money° at the Icommand° of Pharaoh°. He exacted° the silver° and gold° from the people° of the land°, each° according to his valuation°, to give° it to Pharaoh° Neco°.

[34] ISo with Gr; Heb he came a1Ch 3:15 b2K 24:17; 2Ch 36:4 cJr 22:11, 12; Ezk 19:3, 4
[35] ILit mouth a2K 23:33

36aJehoiakim° was twenty-five°° years° old° when he became° king°, and he reigned° eleven°° years° in Jerusalem°; and his mother’s° name° [was] Zebidah° the daughter° of Pedaiah° of Rumah°. 37 He did° evil° in the sight° of the LORD°, aaccording to all° that his fathers° had done°.

[36] a2Ch 36:5; Jr 22:18, 19; 26:1
[37] a2K 23:32

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Josiah causeth the book to be read in a solemn assembly.

1 ¶ And the kingº sent,ºª and they gatheredºª unto² him all² the eldersº of Judahº and of Jerusalem.º 2 And the kingº went upºª into the houseº of the LORD,º and all² the menº of Judahº and all² the inhabitantsºª of Jerusalemº with² him, and the priests,º and the prophets,º and all² the people,º both smallº² and great:º and he readºª in their earsº² all² the wordsº of the bookº of the covenantº which was foundºª in the houseº of the LORD.º

[1] Dt 31:28; 2S 6:1; 2Ch 29:20; 30:2; 34:29, 30.
[2] Gn 19:11; Dt 31:10, 26; 1S 5:9; 30:2; 1K 8:9; 2K 22:8; 2Ch 15:13; 17:9; Ne 8:1; 9:3; 13:1; Es 1:5; Jb 3:19; Ps 115:13; Ac 26:22; Rv 20:12.

He reneweth the Covenant of the LORD.

3 ¶ And the kingº stoodºª by² a pillar,º and madeºª² a covenantº beforeº the LORD,º to walk¹ª² afterº the LORD,º and to keepºª his commandmentsº and his testimoniesº and his statutesº with all² [their] heartº and all² [their] soul,º to performºª² the wordsº of this² covenantº that were writtenºª in² this² book.º And all² the peopleº stoodºª to the covenant.º

[3] Ex 24:3, 7; Dt 4:45; 5:1; 6:1, 5; 8:19; 10:12; 11:13; 29:1, 10; Jsh 24:24, 25; 2K 11:14, 17; 2Ch 15:12; 23:13, 16; 29:10; 34:31, 32; Ezr 10:3; Ne 9:38; 10:28; Ps 19:7; Ec 8:2; Jr 4:2; 50:5; Mt 22:36; He 8:8; 12:24; 13:20.

He destroyeth idolatry.

4 And the kingº commandedºª² Hilkiahº the highº priest,º and the priestsº of the second order,º and the keepersºª of the door,º to bring forthºª out of the templeº² of the LORDº² all² the vesselsº that were madeºª for Baal,º and for the grove,º and for all² the hostº of heaven:º and he burnedºª them withoutº² Jerusalemº in the fieldsº of Kidron,º and carriedºª² the ashesº of them unto Bethel.º 5 And he put downºª² the idolatrous priests,º whom² the kingsº of Judahº had ordainedºª to burn incenseºª in the high placesº in the citiesº of Judah,º and in the places round aboutº Jerusalem;º them also that burned incenseºª unto Baal,º to the sun,º and to the moon,º and to the planets,º and to all² the hostº of heaven.º 6 And he brought outºª² the groveº from the houseº² of the LORD,º withoutº² Jerusalem,º unto² the brookº Kidron,º and burnedºª it at the brookº Kidron,º and stamped [it] smallºª to powder,º and castºª² the powderº thereof upon² the gravesº of the childrenº of the people.º 7 And he brake downºª² the housesº of the sodomites,º that² [were] by the houseº of the LORD,º where²² the womenº woveºª hangingsº for the grove.º 8 And he broughtºª² all² the priestsº out of the citiesº² of Judah,º and defiledºª² the high placesº where²² the priestsº had burned incense,ºª from Gebaº² to² Beersheba,º and brake downºª² the high placesº of the gatesº that² [were] in the entering inº of the gateº of Joshuaº the governorº of the city,º which² [were] on² a man'sº left handº at the gateº of the city.º 9 Nevertheless² the priestsº of the high placesº came not upºª² to² the altarº of the LORDº in Jerusalem,º but²² they did eatºª of the unleavened breadº amongº their brethren.º 10 And he defiledºª² Topheth,º which² [is] in the valleyº of the childrenºª of Hinnom,º that no² manº might make² his sonº or his daughterº to pass throughºª the fireº to Molech.º 11 And he took awayºª² the horsesº that² the kingsº of Judahº had givenºª to the sun,º at the entering inºª² of the houseº of the LORD,º by² the chamberº of Nathanmelechº the chamberlain,º which² [was] in the suburbs,º and burnedºª the chariotsº of the sunº with fire.º 12 And the altarsº that² [were] on² the topº of the upper chamberº of Ahaz,º which² the kingsº of Judahº had made,ºª and the altarsº which² Manassehº had madeºª in the twoº courtsº of the houseº of the LORD,º did the kingº beat down,ºª and brake [them] downºª from thence,²² and castºª² the dustº of them into² the brookº Kidron.º 13 And the high placesº that² [were] beforeº² Jerusalem,º which² [were] on the right handº² of the mountº of corruption,º which² Solomonº the kingº of Israelº had buildedºª for Ashtorethº the abominationº of the Zidonians,º and for Chemoshº the abominationº of the Moabites,º and for Milcomº the abominationº of the childrenº of Ammon,º did the kingº defile.ºª 14 And he brake in piecesºª² the images,º and cut downºª² the groves,º and filledºª² their placesº with the bonesº of men.º

[4] Jg 2:13; 2S 15:23; 1K 12:29; 16:31; 18:19, 26, 40; 19:18; 2K 17:16; 21:3, 7; 22:4; 1Ch 24:4; 26:1; 2Ch 33:3, 7; 34:3; Is 27:9; Jr 7:9; Ho 4:15; Am 4:4; Mt 26:3; 27:1; Jn 18:1.
[5] 2K 21:3; Jr 8:1; 44:17; Ho 10:5; Zp 1:4.
[6] Ex 32:20; Dt 7:25; 9:21; Jg 3:7; 1K 14:23; 16:33; 2K 10:27; 21:7; 2Ch 34:4; Jr 17:2.
[7] Gn 19:4; Ex 35:25; 1K 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; 2Ch 34:33; Ezk 8:14; 16:16; Ho 2:13; Ro 1:26.
[8] Gn 21:31; 26:23; Jsh 21:17; Jg 20:1; 1K 15:22; 19:3; 1Ch 6:60; Is 10:29; Zc 14:10.
[9] 1S 2:36; Ezk 44:10, 29; Mal 2:8.
[10] Lv 18:21; Dt 18:10; Jsh 15:8; 2K 16:3; 17:17; 21:6; 2Ch 28:3; 33:6; Is 30:33; Jr 7:31; 19:2, 6, 11; 32:35; Ezk 16:21; 20:26, 31; 23:37; Mt 5:22.
[11] 2K 23:5; 2Ch 14:5; 34:4; Ezk 8:16.
[12] Dt 22:8; 2K 21:5, 21; 23:6; 2Ch 33:5, 15; Jr 19:13; Zp 1:5.
[13] Nu 21:29; Jg 2:13; 10:6; 11:24; 1S 7:4; 12:10; 1K 11:5, 7, 33; Ne 13:26; Jr 48:7, 13, 16; Zp 1:5.
[14] Ex 23:24; Nu 19:16, 18; 33:52; Dt 7:5, 25; 2K 23:16; 2Ch 34:3; Jr 8:1; Ezk 39:12; Mi 1:7; Mt 23:27.

He burneth dead men's bones upon the altar of Beth-el, as was foreprophesied.

15 ¶ Moreover²² the altarº that² [was] at Bethel,º [and] the high placeº which² Jeroboamº the sonº of Nebat,º who² made² Israelº to sin,ºª had made,ºª both²² that² altarº and the high placeº he brake down,ºª and burnedºª² the high place,º [and] stamped¹ª [it] small² to powder,º and burnedºª the grove.º 16 And as Josiahº turnedºª himself, he spiedºª² the sepulchresº that² [were] there² in the mount,º and sent,ºª and tookºª² the bonesº out of² the sepulchres,º and burnedºª [them] upon² the altar,º and pollutedºª it, according to the wordº of the LORDº which² the manº of Godº proclaimed,ºª who² proclaimedºª² these² words.º 17 Then he said,ºª What² titleº [is] thatº that² I² see?ºª And the men¹² of the cityº toldºª² him, [It is] the sepulchreº of the manº of God,º which² cameºª from Judah,º² and proclaimedºª² these² thingsº that² thou hast doneºª against² the altarº of Bethel.º 18 And he said,ºª Let him alone;¹ª² let no² manº moveºª his bones.º So they let his bones¹ alone,ºª² with² the bonesº of the prophetº that² came² out¹ª of Samaria.º² 19 And² all² the housesº also² of the high placesº that² [were] in the citiesº of Samaria,º which² the kingsº of Israelº had madeºª to provoke [the LORD] to anger,ºª Josiahº took away,ºª and didºª to them according to all² the actsº that² he had doneºª in Bethel.º 20 And he slewºª² all² the priestsº of the high placesº that² [were] there² upon² the altars,º and burnedºª² men'sº bonesº upon² them, and returnedºª to Jerusalem.º

[15] 1K 12:28; 14:16; 15:30; 21:22; 2K 10:31; 23:6.
[16] 1K 13:1, 32; Mt 24:35; Jn 10:35.
[17] 1K 13:1, 30.
[18] 1K 13:1, 31.
[19] 1K 12:31; 13:32; 16:33; 2K 8:18; 17:9, 16; 21:6; 2Ch 30:6; 31:1; 34:6; Ps 78:58; Jr 7:18; Ezk 8:17; Mi 6:16.
[20] Ex 22:20; Dt 13:5; 1K 13:2; 18:40; 2K 10:25; 11:18; 2Ch 34:5; Is 34:6; Zc 13:2.

He keepeth a most solemn Passover.

21 ¶ And the kingº commandedºª² all² the people,º saying,ºª Keepºª the passoverº unto the LORDº your God,º as [it is] writtenºª in² the bookº of this² covenant.º 22 Surely² there was not² holdenºª such² a passoverº from the daysº² of the judgesºª that² judgedºª² Israel,º nor in all² the daysº of the kingsº of Israel,º nor of the kingsº of Judah;º 23 But²² in the eighteenthºº yearº of kingº Josiah,º [wherein] this² passoverº was holdenºª to the LORDº in Jerusalem.º

[21] Ex 12:3; Lv 23:5; Nu 9:2; 28:16; Dt 16:1; 2Ch 35:1.
[22] 2Ch 30:1, 13; 35:3, 18.

He putteth away witches and all abomination.

24 ¶ Moreover²² the [workers with] familiar spirits,º and the wizards,º and the images,º and the idols,º and all² the abominationsº that² were spiedºª in the landº of Judahº and in Jerusalem,º did Josiahº put away,ºª that² he might performºª² the wordsº of the lawº which were writtenºª in² the bookº that² Hilkiahº the priestº foundºª in the houseº of the LORD.º 25 And like unto him² was² there no² kingº beforeº him, that² turnedºª to² the LORDº with all² his heart,º and with all² his soul,º and with all² his might,º according to all² the lawº of Moses;º neither² afterº him aroseºª there [any] like him.²

[24] Gn 31:19; Lv 19:31; 20:27; Dt 18:10; Jg 17:5; 18:17; 1S 28:3; 2K 21:3, 6; 22:8; 2Ch 34:14; Is 8:19, 20; 19:3; Ho 3:4; Ac 16:16; Ro 3:20; Jm 1:25; Rv 22:15.
[25] Dt 4:29; 6:5; 1K 2:4; 8:48; 15:5; 2K 18:5; 23:3; Ne 10:29; Jr 29:13; Mal 4:4; Jn 1:17; 7:19.

God's final wrath against Judah.

26 ¶ Notwithstanding² the LORDº turnedºª not² from the fiercenessº² of his greatº wrath,º wherewith² his angerº was kindledºª against Judah,º because² of all² the provocationsº that² Manassehº had provokedºª him withal. 27 And the LORDº said,ºª I will removeºª² Judahº also² out of²² my sight,º as² I have removedºª² Israel,º and will cast offºª² this² cityº² Jerusalemº which² I have chosen,ºª and the houseº of which² I said,ºª My nameº shall be² there.² 28 Now the restº of the actsº of Josiah,º and all² that² he did,ºª [are] they² not² writtenºª in² the bookº of the chroniclesºº of the kingsº of Judah?º

[26] 2K 21:11; 22:16; 24:2, 4; 2Ch 36:16; Jr 3:7; 15:1.
[27] Dt 29:27; 1K 8:29; 9:3; 2K 17:18, 20; 18:11; 21:4, 7, 13; 24:3; 25:11; Ps 51:11; Jr 31:37; 33:24; Lm 2:7; Ezk 23:32.
[28] 2K 20:20.

Josiah, provoking Pharaoh-nechoh, is slain at Megiddo.

29 ¶ In his daysº Pharaohnechohº kingº of Egyptº went upºª against² the kingº of Assyriaº to² the riverº Euphrates:º and kingº Josiahº went¹ª² against¹ª² him; and he slewºª him at Megiddo,º when he had seenºª him. 30 And his servantsº carried² him in a chariot¹ª deadºª from Megiddo,º² and broughtºª him to Jerusalem,º and buriedºª him in his own sepulchre.º And the peopleº of the landº tookºª² Jehoahazº the sonº of Josiah,º and anointedºª him, and made him kingºª² in his father's¹ stead.²²

[29] Jsh 17:11; Jg 1:27; 5:19; 1K 4:12; 2K 9:27; 14:8, 11; 22:20; 23:33, 35; 24:7; 2Ch 35:20; Ec 8:14; 9:1; Is 57:1; Jr 46:2; Zc 12:11; Ro 11:33; Rv 16:16.
[30] 1K 22:33; 2K 9:28; 14:21; 21:24; 2Ch 35:24; 36:1, 2.

Jehoahaz, succeeding him, is imprisoned by Pharaoh-nechoh, who maketh Jehoiakim king.

31 ¶ Jehoahazº [was] twentyº and threeº yearsº oldº when he began to reign;ºª and he reignedºª threeº monthsº in Jerusalem.º And his mother'sº nameº [was] Hamutal,º the daughterº of Jeremiahº of Libnah.º² 32 And he didºª [that which was] evilº in the sightº of the LORD,º according to all² that² his fathersº had done.ºª 33 And Pharaohnechohº put him in bandsºª at Riblahº in the landº of Hamath,º that he might not reignºª² in Jerusalem;º and putºª² the landº to a tributeº of an hundredº talentsº of silver,º and a talentº of gold.º 34 And Pharaohnechohº made²² Eliakimº the sonº of Josiahº kingºª in the room² of Josiahº his father,º and turnedºª² his nameº to Jehoiakim,º and tookºª Jehoahazº away:¹ª and he cameºª to Egypt,º and diedºª there.² 35 And Jehoiakimº gaveºª the silverº and the goldº to Pharaoh;º but² he taxedºª² the landº to giveºª² the moneyº according² to the commandmentº of Pharaoh:º he exactedºª² the silverº and the goldº of² the peopleº of the land,º of every oneº according to his taxation,º to giveºª [it] unto Pharaohnechoh.º

[31] 2K 24:18; 1Ch 3:15; Jr 22:11.
[32] 2K 21:2, 21.
[33] Ex 21:22; Nu 13:21; 34:11; 1K 8:65; 2K 18:14; 25:6; 2Ch 36:3; Pv 19:19; Jr 39:5; 46:1; 52:9, 26; Ezk 19:3.
[34] Gn 41:45; Jsh 18:18; 2K 24:17; 1Ch 3:15; 2Ch 36:3; Jr 22:11; Ezk 19:3; Dn 1:7; Mt 1:11.
[35] 2K 15:19; 23:33.

Jehoiakim's wicked reign.

36 ¶ Jehoiakimº [was] twentyº and fiveº yearsº oldº when he began to reign;ºª and he reignedºª elevenºº yearsº in Jerusalem.º And his mother'sº nameº [was] Zebudah,º the daughterº of Pedaiahº of² Rumah.º 37 And he didºª [that which was] evilº in the sightº of the LORD,º according to all² that² his fathersº had done.ºª

[36] 1Ch 3:15; 2Ch 36:5; Jr 1:3.
[37] 2Ch 28:22; 33:4, 22; Jr 22:13; 26:20; 36:23, 31; Ezk 19:5.

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