NASB — 2 Chronicles 34 — KJV

Josiah Succeeds Amon in Judah

1 aJosiah° [was] eight° years° old° when he became° king°, and he reigned° thirty-one°° years° in Jerusalem°. 2 aHe did° right° in the sight° of the LORD°, and walked° in the ways° of his father° David° and did not turn° aside° to the right° or to the left°. 3 For in the eighth° year° of his reign° while he was still° a youth°, he began° to aseek° the God° of his father° David°; and in the twelfth°° year° he began° bto purge° Judah° and Jerusalem° of the high° places°, the Asherim°, the carved° images° and the molten° images°. 4 They tore° down° the altars° of the Baals° in his presence°, and athe incense° altars° that were high° above° them he chopped° down°; also the Asherim°, the carved° images° and the molten° images° he broke° in pieces° and bground° to powder° and scattered° [it] on the graves° of those who had sacrificed° to them. 5 Then ahe burned° the bones° of the priests° on their altars° and purged° Judah° and Jerusalem°. 6 aIn the cities° of Manasseh°, Ephraim°, Simeon°, even as far° as Naphtali°, in their surrounding° ruins°, 7 he also tore° down° the altars° and abeat° the Asherim° and the carved° images° into powder°, and chopped° down° all° the incense° altars° throughout° the land° of Israel°. Then he returned° to Jerusalem°.

[1] a2K 22:1, 2; Jr 1:2; 3:6
[2] a2Ch 29:2
[3] a2Ch 15:2; Pv 8:17 b1K 13:2; 2Ch 33:22
[4] a2K 23:4, 5, 11 bEx 32:20
[5] a1K 13:2; 2K 23:20
[6] a2K 23:15, 19
[7] a2Ch 31:1

Josiah Repairs the Temple

8aNow in the eighteenth°° year° of his reign°, when he had purged° the land° and the house°, he sent° Shaphan° the son° of Azaliah°, and Maaseiah° ban official° of the city°, and Joah° the son° of Joahaz° the recorder°, to repair° the house° of the LORD° his God°. 9 They came° to aHilkiah° the high° priest° and delivered° the money° that was brought° into the house° of God°, which° the Levites°, the Idoorkeepers°°, had collected° IIfrom bManasseh° and Ephraim°, and from all° the remnant° of Israel°, and from all° Judah° and Benjamin° and the inhabitants° of Jerusalem°. 10 Then they gave° [it] into the hands° of the workmen°° who had° the oversight° of the house° of the LORD°, and the workmen° who° were working° in the house° of the LORD° Iused° it to restore° and repair° the house°. 11 They in turn gave° [it] to the carpenters° and to the builders° to buy° quarried° stone° and timber° for couplings° and to make° beams° for the houses° awhich° the kings° of Judah° had let go° to ruin°. 12 aThe men° did° the work° faithfully° with foremen° over° them to supervise°: Jahath° and Obadiah°, the Levites° of the sons° of Merari°, Zechariah° and Meshullam° of the sons° of the Kohathites°, and bthe Levites°, all° who were skillful° with musical° instruments°. 13 [They were] also over° athe burden° bearers°, and supervised° all° the workmen°° from job° to job°; and [some] of the Levites° [were] scribes° and officials° and gatekeepers°.

[8] a2K 22:3-20 b2Ch 18:25
[9] ILit guardians of the threshold IILit from the hand of a2Ch 35:8 b2Ch 30:10, 18
[10] ILit gave
[11] a2Ch 33:4-7
[12] a2K 12:15 b1Ch 25:1
[13] aNe 4:10

Hilkiah Discovers Lost Book of the Law

14 ¶ When they were bringing° out the money° which had been brought° into the house° of the LORD°, aHilkiah° the priest° found° the book° of the law° of the LORD° [given] by Moses°. 15 Hilkiah° responded° and said° to Shaphan° the scribe°, “I have found° the book° of the law° in the house° of the LORD°.” And Hilkiah° gave° the book° to Shaphan°. 16 Then Shaphan° brought° the book° to the king° and Ireported° further° word° to the king°, saying°, “Everything° that was IIentrusted°° to your servants° they are doing°. 17 They have also emptied° out the money° which was found° in the house° of the LORD°, and have delivered° it into the hands° of the supervisors° and the workmen°°.” 18 Moreover, Shaphan° the scribe° told° the king° saying°, “Hilkiah° the priest° gave° me a book°.” And Shaphan° read° from it in the presence° of the king°.

[14] a2Ch 34:9
[16] ILit returned IILit given into the hand of

19 ¶ When the king° heard° athe words° of the law°, bhe tore° his clothes°. 20 Then the king° commanded° Hilkiah°, Ahikam° the son° of Shaphan°, IAbdon° the son° of Micah°, Shaphan° the scribe°, and Asaiah° the king’s° servant°, saying°, 21 “Go°, inquire° of the LORD° for me and for those who are left° in Israel° and in Judah°, concerning° the words° of the book° which° has been found°; for agreat° is the wrath° of the LORD° which° is poured° out on us because°° our fathers° have not observed° the word° of the LORD°, to do° according to all° that is written° in this° book°.”

[19] aDt 28:3-68 bJsh 7:6
[20] IIn 2K 22:12, Achbor, son of Micaiah
[21] a2Ch 29:8

Huldah, the Prophetess, Speaks

22 ¶ So Hilkiah° and [those] whom° the king° Ihad told went° to Huldah° the prophetess°, the wife° of Shallum° the son° of IITokhath°, the son° of Hasrah°, the keeper° of the wardrobe° (now she lived° in Jerusalem° in the Second° Quarter); and they spoke° to her regarding this°. 23 She said° to them, “Thus° says° the LORD°, the God° of Israel°, ‘Tell° the man° who° sent° you to Me, 24 thus° says° the LORD°, “Behold°, aI am bringing° evil° on this° place° and on its inhabitants°, [even] all° bthe curses° written° in the book° which° they have read° in the presence° of the king° of Judah°. 25 aBecause°° they have forsaken° Me and have burned° incense° to other° gods°, that they might provoke° Me to anger° with all° the works° of their hands°; therefore My wrath° will be poured° out on this° place° and it shall not be quenched°.”’ 26 But to the king° of Judah° who sent° you to inquire° of the LORD°, thus° you will say° to him, ‘Thus° says° the LORD° God° of Israel° [regarding] the words° which° you have heard°, 27 aBecause° your heart° was tender° and you humbled° yourself° before°° God° when you heard° His words° against° this° place° and against° its inhabitants°, and [because] you humbled° yourself° before° Me, tore° your clothes° and wept° before° Me, I truly° have heard° you,” declares° the LORD°. 28 Behold°, I will gather° you to your fathers° and you shall be gathered° to your grave° in peace°, so your eyes° will not see° all° the evil° which° I will bring° on this° place° and on its inhabitants°.”’” And they brought° back° word° to the king°.

[22] ISo with Gr IIIn 2K 22:14 Tikvah, son of Harhas
[24] a2Ch 36:14-20 bDt 28:15-68
[25] a2Ch 33:3
[27] a2K 22:19; 2Ch 12:7; 32:26

29aThen the king° sent° and gathered° all° the elders° of Judah° and Jerusalem°. 30 The king° went° up to the house° of the LORD° and aall° the men° of Judah°, the inhabitants° of Jerusalem°, the priests°, the Levites° and all° the people°, from the greatest° to the least°; and he read° in their hearing° all° the words° of the book° of the covenant° which was found° in the house° of the LORD°.

[29] a2K 23:1-3
[30] aNe 8:1-3

Josiah’s Good Reign

31 Then the king° astood° in his place° and bmade° a covenant° before° the LORD° to walk° after° the LORD°, and to keep° His commandments° and His testimonies° and His statutes° with all° his heart° and with all° his soul°, to perform° the words° of the covenant° written° in this° book°. 32 Moreover, he made all° who were present° in Jerusalem° and Benjamin° to stand° [with him]. So the inhabitants° of Jerusalem° did° according to the covenant° of God°, the God° of their fathers°. 33 Josiah° aremoved° all° the abominations° from all° the lands° belonging to the sons° of Israel°, and made all° who were present° in Israel° to serve° the LORD° their God°. Throughout° his Ilifetime°° they did not turn° from following° the LORD° God° of their fathers°.

[31] a2K 11:14; 23:3; 2Ch 30:16 b2Ch 23:16; 29:10
[33] ILit days a2Ch 34:3-7

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Josiah's good reign.

1 ¶ Josiahº [was] eightº yearsº oldº when he began to reign,ºª and he reignedºª in Jerusalemº oneº and thirtyº years.º 2 And he didºª [that which was] rightº in the sightº of the LORD,º and walked¹ª² in the waysº of Davidº his father,º and declinedºª [neither] to the right hand,º nor to the left.º

[1] 1S 2:18, 26; 1K 3:7; 13:2; 2K 22:1; 1Ch 3:14; 2Ch 24:1; 26:1; 33:1, 25; Ec 4:13; Jr 1:2; Zp 1:1; Mt 1:10.
[2] Dt 5:32; 17:11, 20; 28:14; Jsh 1:7; 23:6; 1K 14:8; 15:5; 2K 22:2; 2Ch 14:2; 17:3; 29:2; Pv 4:27.

He destroyeth idolatry.

3 ¶ For in the eighthº yearº of his reign,ºª while he² was yet² young,º he beganºª to seekºª after the Godº of Davidº his father:º and in the twelfthºº yearº he beganºª to purgeºª² Judahº and Jerusalemº from² the high places,º and the groves,º and the carved images,º and the molten images.º 4 And they brake downºª² the altarsº of Baalimº in his presence;º and the images,º that² [were] on high² above²² them,¹ he cut down;ºª and the groves,º and the carved images,º and the molten images,º he brake in pieces,ºª and made dustºª [of them], and strowedºª [it] uponº² the gravesº of them that had sacrificedºª unto them. 5 And he burntºª the bonesº of the priestsº upon² their altars,º and cleansedºª² Judahº and Jerusalem.º 6 And [so did he] in the citiesº of Manasseh,º and Ephraim,º and Simeon,º even unto² Naphtali,º with their mattocksº round about.º 7 And when he had broken downºª² the altarsº and the groves,º and had beatenºª the graven imagesº into powder,ºª and cut downºª all² the idolsº throughout all² the landº of Israel,º he returnedºª to Jerusalem.º

[3] Lv 26:30; 2K 18:4; 23:4, 14; 1Ch 22:5; 28:9; 29:1; 2Ch 15:2; 30:14; 33:17, 22; Ps 119:9; Pv 8:17; Ec 12:1; Mt 6:33; 2Ti 3:15.
[4] Ex 23:24; 32:20; Lv 26:30; Dt 7:5, 25; 9:21; 2K 10:26; 23:4, 6, 11, 12; 2Ch 14:5; 33:3; 34:7; Ps 18:42; Is 27:9.
[5] Nu 35:33; 1K 13:2; 2K 23:16; 2Ch 34:7; Jr 3:10; 4:14; 8:1; Ezk 22:24.
[6] 1S 13:20; 2K 23:15; 2Ch 30:1, 10; 31:1; Pv 25:18; Is 7:25.
[7] Dt 9:21; 2Ch 31:1; 34:1.

He taketh order for the repair of the Temple.

8 ¶ Now in the eighteenthºº yearº of his reign,ºª when he had purgedºª the land,º and the house,º he sentºª² Shaphanº the sonº of Azaliah,º and Maaseiahº the governorº of the city,º and Joahº the sonº of Joahazº the recorder,ºª to repairºª² the houseº of the LORDº his God.º 9 And when they cameºª to² Hilkiahº the highº priest,º they deliveredºª² the moneyº that was brought¹ª into² the houseº of God,º which² the Levitesº that keptºª the doorsº had gatheredºª of the handº² of Manassehº and Ephraim,º and of all²² the remnantº of Israel,º and of all²² Judahº and Benjamin;º and they returnedºªª¹ª to Jerusalem.º 10 And they putºª [it] in² the handº of the workmenººª that had the oversightºª of the houseº of the LORD,º and they gaveºª it to the workmenººª that² wroughtºª in the houseº of the LORD,º to repairºª and amendºª the house:º 11 Even to the artificersº and buildersºª gaveºª they [it], to buyºª hewnº stone,º and timberº for couplings,º and to floorºª² the housesº which² the kingsº of Judahº had destroyed.ºª 12 And the men¹² didºª the workº faithfully:º and the overseersºª of² them [were] Jahathº and Obadiah,º the Levites,º of² the sonsº of Merari;º and Zechariahº and Meshullam,º of² the sons² of the Kohathites,º to set [it] forward;ºª and [other of] the Levites,º all² that could skillºª of instrumentsº of musick.º 13 Also [they were] over² the bearers of burdens,º and [were] overseersºª of all² that wroughtºª the workº in any manner of service:º and of² the Levitesº [there were] scribes,ºª and officers,ºª and porters.º

[8] 2S 8:16; 20:24; 2K 22:3, 12, 14; 1Ch 18:15; Jr 1:2; 21:1; 26:24; 29:3, 21, 25; 36:10; 39:14; 40:11; Ezk 8:11.
[9] 2K 22:4, 5; 23:4; 2Ch 24:11; 30:10, 18; 31:1; 34:7, 14, 18, 20, 22; Php 4:8.
[10] 2K 12:11, 14; 22:5; Ezr 3:7.
[11] 2Ch 33:4, 22.
[12] 2K 12:15; 22:7; 1Ch 6:31; 15:16; 16:4, 41; 23:5; 25:1; 2Ch 31:12; Ne 7:2; Pv 28:20; 1Co 4:2.
[13] 1Ch 9:17; 15:18; 16:38, 42; 23:4; 26:1, 29; 2Ch 2:10, 18; 8:10, 14; 19:11; Ezr 7:6, 7; Ne 4:10; Jr 8:8; Mt 26:3.

Hilkiah having found a book of the Law, Josiah sendeth to Huldah to enquire of the LORD.

14 ¶ And when they brought outºª² the moneyº that was brought intoºª the houseº of the LORD,º Hilkiahº the priestº foundºª² a bookº of the lawº of the LORDº [given] byº Moses.º 15 And Hilkiahº answeredºª and saidºª to² Shaphanº the scribe,ºª I have foundºª the bookº of the lawº in the houseº of the LORD.º And Hilkiahº deliveredºª² the bookº to² Shaphan.º 16 And Shaphanº carriedºª² the bookº to² the king,º and broughtºª² the kingº wordº back¹ª again,² saying,ºª All² that² was committedºª to¹ thy servants,º² they² doºª [it]. 17 And they have gathered togetherºª² the moneyº that was foundºª in the houseº of the LORD,º and have deliveredºª it into² the handº of the overseers,ºª and to² the handº of the workmen.ººª 18 Then Shaphanº the scribeºª toldºª the king,º saying,ºª Hilkiahº the priestº hath givenºª me a book.º And Shaphanº readºª it beforeº the king.º 19 And it came to pass,² when the kingº had heardºª² the wordsº of the law,º that he rentºª² his clothes.º 20 And the kingº commandedºª² Hilkiah,º and Ahikamº the sonº of Shaphan,º and Abdonº the sonº of Micah,º and Shaphanº the scribe,ºª and Asaiahº a servantº of the king's,º saying,ºª 21 Go,¹ª² enquire¹ª of²² the LORDº for² me, and for² them that are leftºª in Israelº and in Judah,º concerning² the wordsº of the bookº that² is found:ºª for² greatº [is] the wrathº of the LORDº that² is poured outºª upon us, because²² our fathersº have not² keptºª² the wordº of the LORD,º to doºª after all² that is writtenºª in² this² book.º 22 And Hilkiah,º and [they] that² the kingº [had appointed], went¹ª² to² Huldahº the prophetess,º the wifeº of Shallumº the sonº of Tikvath,ºª¹ the sonº of Hasrah,º keeperºª of the wardrobe;º (now she² dweltºª in Jerusalemº in the college:)º and they spakeºª to² her to that² [effect].

[14] Lv 8:36; 10:11; 26:46; Dt 17:18; 31:24; Jsh 1:8; 2K 22:8; 2Ch 12:1; 31:4; 35:26; Ezr 7:10; Ps 1:2; Is 5:24; 30:9; Jr 8:8; Lk 2:39.
[16] 2K 22:9; Jr 36:20.
[17] 2Ch 34:8.
[18] Dt 17:19; Jsh 1:8; Ps 119:46, 97; Jr 36:20.
[19] 2K 19:1; 22:11, 19; Jr 36:22; Jol 2:13; Ro 3:20; 7:7; Ga 2:19; 3:10.
[20] 2K 22:12; 25:22; Jr 26:22, 24; 40:6, 9, 14.
[21] Ex 18:15; Lv 26:14; Dt 28:15; 29:18; 30:17; 31:16; 32:15; 1S 9:9; 1K 22:5; 2K 17:6; 22:13; 2Ch 28:6; 33:11; Is 37:2; Jr 21:2; 42:2; Ezk 14:1; 20:1; Ro 1:18; 2:8; 4:15.
[22] Ex 15:20; Jg 4:4; 2K 22:14; Lk 1:41; 2:36; Ac 21:9.

Huldah prophesieth the destruction of Jerusalem, but respite thereof in Josiah's time.

23 ¶ And she answeredºª them, Thus² saithºª the LORDº Godº of Israel,º Tellºª ye the manº that² sentºª you to² me, 24 Thus² saithºª the LORD,º Behold,² I will bringºª evilº upon² this² place,º and upon² the inhabitantsºª thereof, [even]² all² the cursesº that are writtenºª in² the bookº which² they have readºª beforeº the kingº of Judah:º 25 Because²² they have forsakenºª me, and have burned incenseºªªª unto otherº gods,º that² they might provoke me to angerºª with all² the worksº of their hands;º therefore my wrathº shall be poured outºª upon this² place,º and shall not² be quenched.ºª 26 And as forº the kingº of Judah,º who sentºª you to enquireºª of the LORD,º so² shall ye sayºª unto² him, Thus² saithºª the LORDº Godº of Israelº [concerning] the wordsº which² thou hast heard;ºª 27 Because² thine heartº was tender,ºª and thou didst humble¹ª thyself² beforeº² God,º when thou heardestºª² his wordsº against² this² place,º and against² the inhabitantsºª thereof, and humbledst¹ª thyself² beforeº me, and didst rendºª² thy clothes,º and weepºª beforeº me; I² have even heardºª [thee] also,² saithºª the LORD.º 28 Behold,² I will gatherºª thee to² thy fathers,º and thou shalt be gatheredºª to² thy graveº in peace,º neither² shall thine eyesº seeºª all² the evilº that² I² will bringºª upon² this² place,º and upon² the inhabitantsºª of the same. So they broughtºª² the kingº wordº again.¹ª

[23] 2K 22:15; Jr 21:3; 37:7.
[24] Jsh 23:16; 2K 21:12; 23:26; 2Ch 34:21; 36:14; Is 5:4; Jr 6:19; 19:3, 15; 35:17; 36:31.
[25] 2K 22:17; 24:3; 2Ch 12:2; 15:2; 33:3; Is 2:8; 42:25; Jr 4:4; 7:20; 15:1; Lm 2:4; 4:11; Ezk 20:48; Na 1:6; Mk 9:43; Rv 14:10.
[26] 2Ch 34:21, 23.
[27] 2K 22:18; 2Ch 32:12, 26; 33:12, 19; 34:19; Ps 10:17; 34:18; 51:17; Is 57:15; 65:24; 66:2; Jr 36:23; Ezk 9:4; 36:26; Jm 4:6.
[28] 1K 21:29; 2K 20:19; 22:20; 2Ch 35:24; Ps 37:37; Is 39:8; 57:1; Jr 15:1; Ezk 14:14.

Josiah, causing it to be read in a solemn assembly, reneweth the Covenant with God.

29 ¶ Then the kingº sentºª and gathered togetherºª² all² the eldersº of Judahº and Jerusalem.º 30 And the kingº went upºª into the houseº of the LORD,º and all² the menº of Judah,º and the inhabitantsºª of Jerusalem,º and the priests,º and the Levites,º and all² the people,º greatº² and small:º and he readºª in their earsº² all² the wordsº of the bookº of the covenantº that was foundºª in the houseº of the LORD.º 31 And the kingº stoodºª in² his place,º and madeºª² a covenantº beforeº the LORD,º to walk¹ª² afterº the LORD,º and to keepºª² his commandments,º and his testimonies,º and his statutes,º with all² his heart,º and with all² his soul,º to performºª² the wordsº of the covenantº which are writtenºª in² this² book.º 32 And he caused² all² that were presentºª in Jerusalemº and Benjaminº to standºª [to it]. And the inhabitantsºª of Jerusalemº didºª according to the covenantº of God,º the Godº of their fathers.º 33 And Josiahº took awayºª² all² the abominationsº out of² all² the countriesº that² [pertained] to the childrenº of Israel,º and made² all² that were presentºª in Israelº to serve,ºª [even] to serveºª² the LORDº their God.º [And] all² his daysº they departedºª not² from followingº² the LORD,º the Godº of their fathers.º

[29] 1S 12:23; 2K 23:1; 1Ch 29:2; 2Ch 30:2; Mk 14:8.
[30] Ex 24:7; Dt 1:17; 17:18; 2K 23:2, 21; 2Ch 6:1; 15:12; 17:7; 18:30; 34:15, 18, 24; Ne 8:2; Jb 3:19; Ec 1:12; 12:9; Jr 31:31.
[31] Ex 24:6; Dt 6:5; 29:1, 10; Jsh 24:25; 2K 11:4; 23:3; 2Ch 6:13; 15:12, 15; 23:16; 29:10; 31:21; Ne 9:38; 10:29; Ps 119:106, 111; Jr 50:5; Ezk 46:2; Lk 10:27; He 8:6.
[32] Gn 18:19; 2Ch 14:4; 29:29; 30:12; 33:16; Ec 8:2; Jr 3:10.
[33] Jsh 24:31; 1K 11:5; 2K 23:4; 2Ch 34:3; Jr 3:10; Ho 6:4.

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