NASB — Deuteronomy 2 — KJV

Wanderings in the Wilderness

1aThen we turned° and set° out for the wilderness° by the way° to the IRed°° Sea°, as the LORD° spoke° to me, and circled° bMount° Seir° for many° days°. 2 And the LORD° spoke° to me, saying°, 3 ‘You have circled° this° mountain° long° enough°. [Now] turn° north°, 4 aand command° the people°, saying°, “You will pass° through the bterritory° of your brothers° the sons° of Esau° who live° in Seir°; and cthey will be afraid° of you. So be very° careful°; 5 do not Iprovoke° them, for I will not give° you any° of their land°, even° [as little as] a IIfootstep°°° abecause° I have given° Mount° Seir° to Esau° as a possession°. 6 You shall buy° food° from them with money° so that you may eat°, and you shall also° purchase° water° from them with money° so that you may drink°. 7 For the LORD° your God° has blessed° you in all° Ithat you have done°; He has known° your IIwanderings° through this° agreat° wilderness°. These° bforty° years° the LORD° your God° has been with you; you have not lacked° a thing°.”’

[1] ILit Sea of Reeds aNu 21:4 bDt 1:2
[4] aNu 20:14-21 bGn 36:8 cEx 15:15, 16
[5] IOr engage in strife with IILit treading of a sole of a foot aGn 36:8; Jsh 24:4
[7] ILit the work of your hand IILit goings aDt 1:19 bNu 14:33, 34; 32:13; Dt 2:14

8 ¶ “So we passed° beyond°° our brothers° the sons° of Esau°, who live° in Seir°, away° from the aArabah° road°, away° from Elath° and bfrom Ezion-geber°. And we turned° and passed° through° by the way° of the wilderness° of Moab°. 9 Then the LORD° said° to me, ‘Do not harass° Moab°, nor° provoke° them to war°, for I will not give° you any° of Itheir land° as a possession°, because° I have given° aAr° to bthe sons° of Lot° as a possession°.’ 10 (The aEmim° lived° there formerly°, a people° as great°, numerous°, and tall° as the Anakim°. 11 Like the Anakim°, they are also° regarded° as aRephaim°, but the Moabites° call° them Emim°. 12 aThe Horites° formerly° lived° in Seir°, but the sons° of Esau° dispossessed° them and destroyed° them from before° them and settled° in their place°, bjust° as Israel° did° to the land° of Itheir possession° which° the LORD° gave° to them.) 13 ‘Now° arise° and cross° over° the Ibrook° Zered° yourselves.’ So we crossed° over° the Ibrook° Zered°. 14 Now the Itime° that it took° for us to come° from Kadesh-barnea° until°° we crossed° over° the IIbrook° Zered° was athirty-eight°° years°, until° ball° the generation° of the men° of war° perished° from within° the camp°, as cthe LORD° had sworn° to them. 15 aMoreover° the hand° of the LORD° was against them, to destroy° them from within° the camp° until° they all perished°.

[8] aDt 1:1 bNu 33:35; 1K 9:26
[9] ILit his aNu 21:15, 28; Dt 2:18, 29 bGn 19:36, 37
[10] aGn 14:5
[11] aGn 14:5; Dt 2:20
[12] ILit his aGn 36:20; Dt 2:22 bNu 21:25, 35
[13] IOr wadi
[14] ILit days in which we went IIOr wadi aDt 2:7 bNu 14:29-35; 26:64, 65; Ps 106:26; 1Co 10:5 cDt 1:34, 35
[15] aJde 5

16 ¶ “So it came° about when° aall° the men° of war° had finally° perished°° from among° the people°, 17 that the LORD° spoke° to me, saying°, 18 ‘Today° you shall cross° over° aAr°, the border° of Moab°. 19 When you come° opposite° the asons° of Ammon°, do not harass° them nor° provoke° them, for I will not give° you any° of the land° of the sons° of Ammon° as a possession°, because° I have given° it to bthe sons° of Lot° as a possession°.’ 20 (It is also° regarded° as the land° of the aRephaim°, [for] Rephaim° formerly° lived° in it, but the Ammonites° call° them Zamzummin°, 21 a people° as great°, numerous°, and tall° as the Anakim°, but the LORD° destroyed° them before° them. And they dispossessed° them and settled° in their place°, 22 just° as He did° for the sons° of Esau°, who alive° in Seir°, when° He destroyed° bthe Horites° from before° them; they dispossessed° them and settled° in their place° even° to this° day°. 23 And the aAvvim°, who lived° in villages° as far° as Gaza°, the IbCaphtorim° who came° from IIcCaphtor°, destroyed° them and lived° in their place°.) 24 ‘Arise°, set° out, and pass° through° the Iavalley° of Arnon°. Look°! I have given° Sihon° the Amorite°, king° of Heshbon°, and his land° into your hand°; begin° to take° possession° and contend° with him in battle°. 25 This° day° I will begin° to put° athe dread° and fear° of you Iupon the peoples° IIeverywhere° under° the heavens°, who°, when they hear° the report° of you, bwill tremble° and be in anguish° because°° of you.’

[16] aDt 2:14
[18] aDt 2:9
[19] aGn 19:38 bDt 2:9
[20] aDt 2:11
[22] aGn 36:8; Dt 2:5 bDt 2:12
[23] II.e. Philistines III.e. Crete aJsh 13:3 bGn 10:14; 1Ch 1:12 cJr 47:4; Am 9:7
[24] IOr wadi aNu 21:13, 14; Jg 11:18
[25] ILit in front of IILit under all the heavens aEx 23:27; Dt 11:25; Jsh 2:9 bEx 15:14-16

26 ¶ “aSo I sent° messengers° from the wilderness° of Kedemoth° to Sihon° king° of Heshbon° with words° of peace°, saying°, 27 ‘Let me pass° through your land°, I will Itravel° only on the highway°; I will not turn° aside° to the right° or to the left°. 28 You will sell° me food° for money° so that I may eat°, and give° me water° for money° so that I may drink°, aonly° let me pass° through° on Ifoot°, 29 just° as the sons° of Esau° who live° in Seir° and the Moabites° who live° in aAr° did° for me, until°° I cross° over° the Jordan° into the land° which° the LORD° our God° is giving° to us.’ 30 But aSihon° king° of Heshbon° was not willing° for us to pass° Ithrough his land; for the bLORD° your God° hardened° his spirit° and made° his heart° obstinate°, in order° to deliver° him into your hand°, as [he is] today°. 31 The LORD° said° to me, ‘See°, I have begun° to deliver° Sihon° and his land° Iover° to you. Begin° to IIoccupy°, that you may possess° his land°.’

[26] aNu 21:21-32; Dt 1:4; Jg 11:19-21
[27] ILit go by the way
[28] ILit my feet aNu 20:19
[29] aDt 2:9
[30] ILit by him aNu 21:23 bEx 4:21; Jsh 11:20
[31] ILit before you IILit possess

32 ¶ “Then Sihon° Iwith all° his people° came° out to meet° us in battle° at Jahaz°. 33 aThe LORD° our God° delivered° him Iover° to us, and we IIbdefeated° him with his sons° and all° his people°. 34 So we captured° all° his cities° at that time° and Iautterly° destroyed° IIthe men°, women° and children° of every° city°. We left° no° survivor°. 35 We took° aonly° the animals° as our booty° and the spoil° of the cities° which° we had captured°. 36 From aAroer° which° is on the edge° of the Ivalley° of Arnon° and [from] the city° which° is in the Ivalley°, even to Gilead°, there was no° city° that was too° high° for us; the LORD° our God° delivered° all° IIover° to us. 37 aOnly° you did not go° near° to the land° of the sons° of Ammon°, all° along° the Iriver° bJabbok° and the cities° of the hill° country°, and wherever°° the LORD° our God° had commanded° us.

[32] ILit he and
[33] ILit before us IILit smote aEx 23:31; Dt 7:2 bDt 29:7
[34] IOr put under the ban IILit every city of man... aDt 3:6; 7:2
[35] aDt 3:7
[36] IOr wadi IILit before us aDt 3:12; 4:48; Jsh 12:2; 13:9
[37] IOr wadi aDt 2:19 bGn 32:22; Nu 21:24; Dt 3:16

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The story is continued, that they were not to meddle with the Edomites,

1 ¶ Then we turned,ºª and took our journeyºª into the wildernessº by the wayº of the Redº sea,º as² the LORDº spakeºª unto² me: and we compassedºª² mountº Seirº manyº days.º 2 And the LORDº spakeºª unto² me, saying,ºª 3 Ye have compassedºª² this² mountainº long enough:º turnºª you northward.º 4 And commandºª thou the people,º saying,ºª Ye² [are] to pass¹ª through² the coastº of your brethrenº the childrenº of Esau,º which dwellºª in Seir;º and they shall be afraidºª of² you: take ye good¹ heed¹ª unto yourselves therefore:²² 5 Meddleºª not² with them; for² I will not² giveºª you of their land,º² no, not so much² as a foot¹ breadth;ºº² because² I have givenºª² mountº Seirº unto Esauº [for] a possession.º 6 Ye shall buyºª meatº of²² them for money,º that ye may eat;ºª and ye shall also² buyºª waterº of²² them for money,º that ye may drink.ºª 7 For² the LORDº thy Godº hath blessedºª thee in all² the worksº of thy hand:º he knowethºª thy walking¹ª through²² this² greatº wilderness:º these² fortyº yearsº the LORDº thy Godº [hath been] with² thee; thou hast lackedºª nothing.º² 8 And when we passed¹ª by² from²² our brethrenº the childrenº of Esau,º which dweltºª in Seir,º through the wayº² of the plainº from Elath,º² and from Eziongaber,º² we turnedºª and passedºª by the wayº of the wildernessº of Moab.º

[1] Nu 14:25; 21:4; Dt 1:2, 40; Jg 11:18.
[3] Dt 1:6; 2:7, 14.
[4] Ex 15:15; Nu 20:14; 22:3; 24:14; Dt 23:7; Ob 1:10; Mt 5:16; Lk 12:15; Ep 5:15; Php 2:15; Col 4:5.
[5] Gn 36:8; Dt 32:8; Jsh 24:4; 2Ch 20:10; Jr 27:5; Dn 4:25, 32; Ac 7:5; 17:26.
[6] Nu 20:19; Dt 2:28; Mt 7:12; Ro 12:17; 2Th 3:7.
[7] Gn 12:2; 24:35; 26:12; 30:27; 39:5; Dt 8:2; 29:5; Ne 9:21; Jb 23:10; Ps 1:6; 31:7; 90:17; Lk 22:35; Jn 10:27.
[8] Nu 20:20; Jg 11:18; 1K 9:26; 2K 14:22; 16:6.

nor with the Moabites,

9 And the LORDº saidºª unto² me, Distressºª not²² the Moabites,º neither² contendºª with them in battle:º for² I will not² giveºª thee of their landº² [for] a possession;º because² I have givenºª² Arº unto the childrenº of Lotº [for] a possession.º 10 The Emimsº dweltºª therein in times past,º a peopleº great,º and many,º and tall,ºª as the Anakims;º 11 Whichº also² were accountedºª giants,º as the Anakims;º but the Moabitesº callºª them Emims.º 12 The Horimsº also dweltºª in Seirº beforetime;º but the childrenº of Esauº succeededºª them, when they had destroyedºª them from beforeº² them, and dweltºª in their stead;² as² Israelº didºª unto the landº of his possession,º which² the LORDº gaveºª unto them. 13 Now² rise up,ºª [said I], and get you overºª² the brookº Zered.º And we went overºª² the brookº Zered.º 14 And the spaceº in which² we cameºª from Kadeshbarnea,º² until²² we were come overºª² the brookº Zered,º [was] thirtyº and eightº years;º until² all² the generationº of the men¹² of warº were wasted² out¹ª from amongº² the host,º as² the LORDº swareºª unto them. 15 For indeed² the handº of the LORDº was² against them, to destroyºª them from amongº² the host,º until² they were consumed.ºª

[9] Gn 19:36; Nu 21:15, 28; 22:4; Dt 2:5, 19; Jg 11:17; 2Ch 20:10; Ps 83:8.
[10] Gn 14:5; Dt 2:11.
[11] Nu 13:22, 28, 33; Dt 1:28; 9:2.
[12] Gn 14:6; 36:20, 31; Nu 21:21; Dt 2:22, 32; 3:1; 1Ch 1:38, 43.
[13] Nu 13:23; 21:12.
[14] Nu 13:26; 14:28; 26:64; 32:11; Dt 1:2, 19, 34, 46; Ps 90:3, 9; 95:11; Ezk 20:15; He 3:8; Jde 1:5.
[15] Jg 2:15; 1S 5:6, 9, 11; 7:13; Ps 32:4; 78:33; 90:7; 106:26; Is 66:14; 1Co 10:5.

16 ¶ So it came to pass,² when² all² the men¹² of warº were consumedºª and deadºª from amongº² the people,º

nor with the Ammonites,

17 That the LORDº spakeºª unto² me, saying,ºª 18 Thou² art to pass overºª through² Ar,º² the coastº of Moab,º this day:º 19 And [when] thou comest nighºª over againstº the childrenº of Ammon,º distressºª them not,² nor² meddleºª with them: for² I will not² giveºª thee of the landº² of the childrenº of Ammonº [any] possession;º because² I have givenºª it unto the childrenº of Lotº [for] a possession.º 20 (That² also² was accountedºª a landº of giants:º giantsº dweltºª therein in old time;º and the Ammonitesº callºª them Zamzummims;º 21 A peopleº great,º and many,º and tall,ºª as the Anakims;º but the LORDº destroyedºª them beforeº² them; and they succeededºª them, and dweltºª in their stead:² 22 As² he didºª to the childrenº of Esau,º which dweltºª in Seir,º when² he destroyedºª² the Horimsº from beforeº² them; and they succeededºª them, and dweltºª in their stead² even unto² this² day:º 23 And the Avims¹² which dweltºª in Hazerim,º [even] unto² Azzah,º the Caphtorims,º which came forthºª out of Caphtor,º² destroyedºª them, and dweltºª in their stead.)²

[18] Nu 21:15, 23; Is 15:1.
[19] Gn 19:36; Dt 2:5, 9; Jg 11:13; 2Ch 20:10.
[20] Gn 14:5.
[21] Dt 1:28; 2:10, 22; 3:11; Jg 11:24; Jr 27:7; Hab 1:10.
[22] Gn 14:6; 36:8, 20; Dt 2:12; 1Ch 1:38.
[23] Gn 10:14; Jsh 13:3; 1K 4:24; Jr 25:20; 47:4; Am 9:7; Zp 2:4; Zc 9:5; Ac 17:26.

but Sihon the Amorite was subdued by them.

24 ¶ Rise ye up,ºª take your journey,ºª and pass overºª² the riverº Arnon:º behold,ºª I have givenºª into thine handº² Sihonº the Amorite,º kingº of Heshbon,º and his land:º beginºª to possessºª [it], and contendºª with him in battle.º 25 This² dayº will I beginºª to putºª the dreadº of thee and the fearº of thee upon² the nationsº¹ [that are] under² the whole² heaven,º who² shall hearºª reportº of thee, and shall tremble,ºª and be in anguishºª because²² of thee.¹

[24] Nu 21:13; Dt 2:36; Jsh 6:16; Jg 11:18; 2Ch 36:23; Ezr 1:2; Jr 27:5; Ezk 29:20; Dn 2:38; 4:17.
[25] Ex 15:14; 23:27; Dt 11:25; 28:10; Jsh 2:9; 9:24; 2K 7:6; Ps 105:38; Jr 33:9; Rv 3:9.

26 ¶ And I sentºª messengersº out of the wildernessº² of Kedemothº unto² Sihonº kingº of Heshbonº with wordsº of peace,º saying,ºª 27 Let me passºª through thy land:º I will go¹ª² along by the high way,º I will neither² turnºª unto the right handº nor to the left.º 28 Thou shalt sellºª me meatº for money,º that I may eat;ºª and giveºª me waterº for money,º that I may drink:ºª only² I will pass throughºª on my feet;º 29 (As² the childrenº of Esauº which dwellºª in Seir,º and the Moabitesº which dwellºª in Ar,º didºª unto me;) until²² I shall pass overºª² Jordanº into² the landº which² the LORDº our Godº givethºª us. 30 But Sihonº kingº of Heshbonº wouldºª not² let us passºª by him: for² the LORDº thy Godº hardenedºª² his spirit,º and made his heart¹ obstinate,ºª²² that² he might deliverºª him into thy hand,º as [appeareth] this² day.º 31 And the LORDº saidºª unto² me, Behold,ºª I have begunºª to giveºª² Sihonº and his landº beforeº thee: beginºª to possess,ºª that thou mayest inheritºª² his land.º 32 Then Sihonº came outºª againstºª us, he² and all² his people,º to fightº at Jahaz.º 33 And the LORDº our Godº deliveredºª him beforeº us; and we smoteºª² him, and his sons,º and all² his people.º 34 And we tookºª² all² his citiesº at that² time,º and utterly destroyedºª the men,º and the women,º and the little ones,º² of every² city,º we leftºª none² to remain:º 35 Only² the cattleº we took for a preyºª unto ourselves, and the spoilº of the citiesº which² we took.ºª 36 From² Aroer,º which² [is] by² the brinkº of the riverº of Arnon,º and [from] the cityº that² [is] by the river,º even unto² Gilead,º there was² not² one cityº too strongºª for² us: the LORDº our Godº deliveredºª² all² unto² us:¹ 37 Only² unto² the landº of the childrenº of Ammonº thou camestºª not,² [nor] unto any² placeº of the riverº Jabbok,º nor unto the citiesº in the mountains,º nor unto whatsoever² the LORDº our Godº forbadºª us.

[26] Dt 20:10; Jsh 13:18; 21:37; Es 9:30; Mt 10:12; Lk 10:5, 10.
[27] Nu 21:21; Dt 2:6; Jg 11:19.
[28] Nu 20:19.
[29] Ex 20:12; Nu 20:18; Dt 4:1, 21, 40; 5:16; 9:6; 23:3; 25:15; Jsh 1:11; Jg 11:17.
[30] Ex 4:21; 11:10; Nu 21:23; Jsh 11:19; Jg 11:20; Is 48:4; Ro 9:17.
[31] Dt 1:8; 2:24.
[32] Nu 21:23; Jg 11:20; Ne 9:22; Ps 120:7; 135:11; 136:19.
[33] Gn 14:20; Nu 21:24; Dt 3:2; 7:2; 20:16; 29:7; Jsh 10:30; 21:44; Jg 1:4; 7:2.
[34] Lv 27:28; Nu 21:2; Dt 7:2, 26; 20:16; Jsh 7:11; 8:25; 9:24; 11:14; 1S 15:3, 8.
[35] Nu 31:9; Dt 20:14; Jsh 8:27.
[36] Dt 3:12; 4:48; Jsh 1:5; 13:9; Ps 44:3; Is 17:2; 41:15; Jr 48:19; Ro 8:31.
[37] Gn 32:22; Nu 21:24; Dt 2:5, 9, 19; 3:16; Jsh 12:2; Jg 11:15.

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