NASB — Isaiah 8 — KJV

Damascus and Samaria Fall

1 Then the LORD° said° to me, “Take° for yourself a large° tablet° and awrite° on it Iin ordinary° letters°: IIbSwift° is the booty°, speedy° is the prey°. 2 And II will take° to Myself faithful° witnesses° for testimony°, aUriah° the priest° and Zechariah° the son° of Jeberechiah°.” 3 So I approached° the prophetess°, and she conceived° and gave° birth° to a son°. Then the LORD° said° to me, “Name°° him IaMaher-shalal-hash-baz°; 4 for abefore° the boy° knows° how to cry° out ‘My father°’ or ‘My mother°,’ the wealth° of bDamascus° and the spoil° of Samaria° will be carried° away before° the king° of Assyria°.”

[1] ILit with the stylus of man IIHeb Maher-shalal-hash-baz aIs 30:8; Hab 2:2 bIs 8:3
[2] IAnother reading is take for me a2K 16:10, 11, 15, 16
[3] II.e. swift is the booty, speedy is the prey aIs 8:1
[4] aIs 7:16 bIs 7:8, 9

5 ¶ Again° the LORD° spoke° to me further°, saying°,
  6 “Inasmuch°° as these° people° have arejected° the gently° flowing° waters° of Shiloah°
  And rejoice° in bRezin° and the son° of Remaliah°;
  7 “Now therefore°, behold°, the Lord° is about to bring° on them the astrong° and abundant° waters° of the IbEuphrates°,
  [Even] the cking° of Assyria° and all° his glory°;
  And it will drise° up over° all° its channels° and go° over° all° its banks°.
  8 “Then ait will sweep° on into Judah°, it will overflow° and pass° through°,
  It will breach° even° to the neck°;
  And the spread° of its wings° will Ifill° the breadth° of IIyour land°, O cImmanuel°.

[6] aIs 1:20; 5:24; 7:9; 30:12 bIs 7:1
[7] ILit River aIs 17:12, 13 bIs 7:20; 11:15 cIs 7:17; 10:5 dAm 8:8; 9:5
[8] ILit be the fullness of IIOr Your aIs 10:6 bIs 30:28 cIs 7:14

A Believing Remnant

  9 ¶ “aBe broken°, O peoples°, and be Ibshattered°;
  And give° ear°, all° remote° places° of the earth°.
  Gird° yourselves, yet be Ishattered°;
  Gird° yourselves, yet be Ishattered°.
  10aDevise° a plan°, but it will be thwarted°;
  State° a Iproposal°, but bit will not stand°,
  For IIcGod° is with us.”

[9] IOr dismayed aIs 17:12-14 bDn 2:34, 35
[10] ILit word IIHeb Immanu-el aJb 5:12; Is 28:18 bIs 7:7 cIs 8:8; Ro 8:31

11 ¶ For thus° the LORD° spoke° to me Iwith amighty° power° and instructed° me bnot to walk° in the way° of this° people°, saying°,
  12 “You are not to say°, ‘[It is] a aconspiracy°!’
  In regard to all° that this° people° call° a conspiracy°,
  And byou are not to fear° Iwhat° they fear° or be in dread° of [it].
  13 “It is the aLORD° of hosts° bwhom you should regard° as holy°.
  And He shall be your fear°,
  And He shall be your dread°.
  14 “Then He shall become° a asanctuary°;
  But to both° the houses° of Israel°, a bstone° to strike° and a rock° to stumble° over,
  [And] a snare° and a ctrap° for the inhabitants° of Jerusalem°.
  15 “Many° awill stumble° over them,
  Then they will fall° and be broken°;
  They will even be snared° and caught°.”

[11] ILit with strength of the hand aEzk 3:14 bEzk 2:8
[12] ILit their fear aIs 7:2; 30:1 b1P 3:14, 15
[13] aIs 5:16; 29:23 bNu 20:12
[14] aIs 4:6; 25:4; Ezk 11:16 bLk 2:34; Ro 9:33; 1P 2:8 cIs 24:17, 18
[15] aIs 28:13; 59:10; Lk 20:18; Ro 9:32

16aBind° up the testimony°, bseal° the Ilaw° among cmy disciples°. 17 And I will await° for the LORD° bwho is hiding° His face° from the house° of Jacob°; I will even look° eagerly° for Him. 18 aBehold°, I and the children° whom° the LORD° has given° me are for bsigns° and wonders° in Israel° from the LORD° of hosts°, who cdwells° on Mount° Zion°.

[16] IOr teaching aIs 8:1, 2; 29:11, 12 bDn 12:4 cIs 50:4
[17] aIs 25:9; 30:18; Hab 2:3 bDt 31:17; Is 1:15; 45:15; 54:8
[18] aHe 2:13 bLk 2:34 cPs 9:11; Zc 8:3

19 ¶ When° they say° to you, “aConsult° the mediums° and the spiritists° who whisper° and mutter°,” should not a people° bconsult° their God°? [Should they] c[consult] the dead° on behalf° of the living°? 20 To the Ialaw° and to the testimony°! If° they do not speak° according to this° word°, it is because° bthey have° no° dawn°. 21 They will pass° through Ithe land ahard-pressed° and famished°, and it will turn° out that when° they are hungry°, they will be enraged° and curse° IItheir king° and their God° as they face° upward°. 22 Then they will alook° to the earth°, and behold°, distress° and darkness°, the gloom° of anguish°; and [they will be] bdriven° away° into darkness°.

[19] aLv 20:6; 2K 21:6; 23:24; Is 19:3; 29:4; 47:12, 13 bIs 30:2; 45:11 c1S 28:8-11
[20] IOr teaching aIs 1:10; 8:16; Lk 16:29 bIs 8:22; Mi 3:6
[21] ILit it IIOr by their king aIs 9:20, 21
[22] aIs 5:30; 59:9; Jr 13:16; Am 5:18, 20; Zp 1:14, 15 bIs 8:20

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In Maher-shalal-hash-baz he prophesieth that Syria and Israel shall be subdued by Assyria.

1 ¶ Moreover the LORDº saidºª unto² me, Takeºª thee a greatº roll,º and writeºª in² it with a man'sº penº concerning Mahershalalhashbaz.º 2 And I took¹ª unto me faithfulºª witnessesº to record,ºª² Uriahº the priest,º and Zechariahº the sonº of Jeberechiah.º 3 And I wentºª unto² the prophetess;º and she conceived,ºª and bareºª a son.º Then saidºª the LORDº to² me, Callºª his nameº Mahershalalhashbaz.º 4 For² before² the childº shall have knowledgeºª to cry,ºª My father,º and my mother,º² the richesº of Damascusº and the spoilº of Samariaº shall be taken awayºª beforeº the kingº of Assyria.º

[1] Jb 19:23; Is 30:8; Jr 36:2, 28, 32; Hab 2:2; Rv 13:18; 21:17.
[2] Ru 4:2, 10; 2K 16:10; 18:2; 2Co 13:1.
[3] Jg 4:4; 2K 22:14; Is 7:13; 8:1; Ho 1:3.
[4] Dt 1:39; 2K 15:29; 16:9; 17:3, 5; Is 7:15; 10:6; 17:3; Jna 4:11; Ro 9:11.

Judah likewise for their infidelity.

5 ¶ The LORDº spakeºª also unto² me again,ºª saying,ºª 6 Forasmuchº² as this² peopleº refusethºª² the watersº of Shiloahº that goºª softly,º and rejoice¹ in²² Rezinº and Remaliah'sº son;º 7 Now therefore,² behold,² the Lordº bringeth upºª upon² them² the watersº of the river,º strongº and many,º [even]² the kingº of Assyria,º and all² his glory:º and he shall come upºª over² all² his channels,º and go² over¹ª² all² his banks:º 8 And he shall passºª through Judah;º he shall overflowºª and go over,ºª he shall reachºª [even] to² the neck;º and the stretching outº of his wingsº shall fillº the breadthº of thy land,º O Immanuel.º¹

[5] Is 7:10.
[6] Jg 9:16; 1K 7:16; 2Ch 13:8; Ne 3:15; Is 7:1, 6; Jr 2:13, 18; 18:14; Jn 9:7.
[7] Gn 6:17; Dt 28:49; 2K 17:3; 18:9; Ezr 4:10; Ps 72:8; Is 7:1, 17; 10:8; 17:12; 28:17; 59:19; Jr 46:7; Ezk 31:3; Dn 9:26; 11:10, 22; Am 8:8; 9:5; Na 1:8; Lk 6:48; Rv 12:15; 17:15.
[8] Is 7:14; 10:28; 22:1; 28:14, 20; 29:1; 30:28; 36:1; Ezk 17:3; Mt 1:23.

God's judgments shall be unresistible.

9 ¶ Associateºª yourselves, O ye people,º and ye shall be broken² in pieces;¹ª and give ear,ºª allº ye of farº countries:º gird¹ª yourselves,² and ye shall be broken² in pieces;¹ª gird¹ª yourselves,² and ye shall be broken² in pieces.¹ª 10 Take¹ª counsel¹ together,ºª² and it shall come to nought;ºª speakºª the word,º and it shall not² stand:ºª for² Godº [is] with us.²

[9] 1K 20:11; Ps 37:14; Pv 11:21; Is 7:1; 14:5; 28:13; 37:36; 54:15; Jr 46:9; Ezk 38:9; Jol 3:9; Mi 4:11; Zc 14:1; Rv 17:12; 20:8.
[10] Dt 20:1; Jsh 1:5; 2S 15:31; 17:4, 23; 2Ch 13:12; 33:7; Jb 5:12; Ps 2:1; 33:10; 46:1, 7, 11; 83:3; Pv 21:30; Is 7:5, 14; 9:6; 41:10; Lm 3:37; Na 1:9; Mt 1:23; 28:20; Ac 5:38; Ro 8:13, 31; 1Jn 4:4.

Comfort shall be to them that fear God.

11 ¶ For² the LORDº spakeºª thus² to² me with a strongº hand,º and instructedºª me that I should not walk¹ª²² in the wayº of this² people,º saying,ºª 12 Sayºª ye not,² A confederacy,º to all² [them to] whom² this² peopleº shall say,ºª A confederacy;º neither² fearºª ye their fear,º nor² be afraid.ºª 13 Sanctifyºª² the LORDº of hostsº himself; and [let] him² [be] your fear,º and [let] him² [be] your dread.ºª 14 And he shall be² for a sanctuary;º but for a stoneº of stumblingº and for a rockº of offenceº to bothº the housesº of Israel,º for a ginº and for a snareº to the inhabitantsºª of Jerusalem.º 15 And manyº among them shall stumble,ºª and fall,ºª and be broken,ºª and be snared,ºª and be taken.ºª 16 Bind upºª the testimony,º sealºª the lawº among my disciples.º 17 And I will waitºª upon the LORD,º that hidethºª his faceº from the houseº² of Jacob,º and I will lookºª for him. 18 Behold,² I² and the childrenº whom² the LORDº hath givenºª me [are] for signsº and for wondersº in Israelº from²² the LORDº of hosts,º which dwellethºª in mountº Zion.º

[11] Ps 32:8; Pv 1:15; Jr 15:19; 20:7, 9; Ezk 2:6; 3:14; Ac 4:20.
[12] 2K 16:5; Ps 53:5; Is 7:2, 4; 51:12; 57:9; Mt 28:2; Lk 12:4; 21:9; 1P 3:14.
[13] Gn 31:53; Lv 10:3; Nu 20:12; 27:14; Ps 76:7; Is 26:3; Mal 2:5; Mt 10:28; Lk 12:5; Ro 4:20; Rv 15:4.
[14] Ps 11:6; 46:1; 69:22; Pv 18:10; Is 26:20; 28:16; Ezk 11:16; Mt 13:57; Lk 2:34; 21:35; Ro 9:32; 11:9, 35; 1P 2:8.
[15] Mt 11:6; 15:14; 21:44; Lk 20:17; Jn 6:66; 1Co 1:23.
[16] Dt 4:45; 2K 11:12; Ps 25:14; Pv 8:8; Is 8:20; 29:11; 54:13; Dn 9:24; 12:4, 9; Mt 13:11; Mk 4:10, 34; 10:10; Jn 3:32; 1Co 2:14; He 3:5; 1Jn 5:9; Rv 2:17; 5:1, 5; 10:4; 19:10.
[17] Gn 49:18; Dt 31:17; 32:20; Ps 27:14; 33:20; 37:34; 39:7; 40:1; 130:5; Is 25:9; 26:8; 33:2; 50:10; 54:8; 59:2; 64:4, 7; Lm 3:25; Ezk 39:23; Ho 12:6; Mi 3:4; 7:7; Hab 2:3; Lk 2:38; 1Th 1:10; 2Th 3:5; He 9:28; 10:36.
[18] 1Ch 23:25; Ps 9:11; 22:30; 71:7; Is 7:3, 16; 8:3; 12:6; 14:32; 24:23; 53:10; Ezk 14:8; Zc 3:8; 8:3; Lk 2:34; 1Co 4:9; He 2:13; 10:33; 12:22.

Great afflictions to idolaters.

19 ¶ And when² they shall sayºª unto² you, Seekºª unto² them that have familiar spirits,º and unto² wizardsº that peep,ºª and that mutter:ºª should not² a peopleº seekºª unto² their God?º for² the livingº to² the dead?ºª 20 To the lawº and to the testimony:º if² they speakºª not² according to this² word,º [it is] because² [there is] no² lightº in them. 21 And they shall passºª through it, hardly besteadºª and hungry:¹² and it shall come to pass,² that when² they shall be hungry,ºª they shall fret¹ª themselves,² and curseºª their kingº and their God,º and lookºª upward.º 22 And they shall lookºª unto² the earth;º and behold² troubleº and darkness,º dimnessº of anguish;º and [they shall be] drivenºª to darkness.º

[19] Lv 20:6; Dt 18:11; 1S 28:8, 16; 2K 1:3; 1Ch 10:13; 2Ch 33:6; Ps 106:28; Is 19:3; 29:4; Jr 10:10; 1Th 1:9; 2P 2:1.
[20] Ps 19:7; 119:130; Pv 4:18; Is 8:16; 30:8; Jr 8:9; Ho 6:3; Mi 3:6; Mal 4:2; Mt 6:23; 22:29; Mk 7:7; Lk 10:26; 16:29; Jn 5:39, 46; Ac 17:11; Ro 1:22; Ga 3:8; 4:21; 2Ti 3:15; 2P 1:9, 19.
[21] Ex 22:28; Dt 28:33, 53; 2K 6:33; 25:3; Jb 1:11; 2:5, 9; Pv 19:3; Is 8:7; 9:20; Jr 14:18; 52:6; Lm 4:4, 9; Rv 9:20; 16:9.
[22] 2Ch 15:5; Jb 18:18; Pv 14:32; Is 5:30; 9:1; Jr 13:16; 23:12; 30:6; Am 5:18; Zp 1:14; Mt 8:12; 22:13; 24:29; Lk 21:25; Jde 1:13.

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