Godly Living1 aIn the same° way°, you wives°, bbe submissive° to your own° husbands° so° that even° if° any° [of them] are disobedient° to the word°, they may be cwon° without° a word° by the behavior° of their wives°, 2 as they observe° your chaste° and Irespectful° behavior°. 3 aYour adornment° must not be [merely] external°braiding° the hair°, and wearing° gold° jewelry°, or° putting° on dresses°; 4 but [let it be] athe hidden° person° of the heart°, with the imperishable° quality° of a gentle° and quiet° spirit°, which° is precious° in the sight° of God°. 5 For in this° way° in former° times° the holy° women° also°, awho hoped° in God°, used to adorn° themselves°, being submissive° to their own° husbands°; 6 just° as Sarah° obeyed° Abraham°, acalling° him lord°, and you have become° her children° if you do° what is right° Ibwithout°° being frightened° by any° fear°. [1] a1P 3:7 bEp 5:22; Col 3:18 c1Co 9:19
[2] ILit with respect [3] aIs 3:18ff; 1Ti 2:9 [4] aRo 7:22 [5] a1Ti 5:5; 1P 1:3 [6] ILit and are not aGn 18:12 b1P 3:14 7 ¶ aYou husbands° in the same° way°, live° with [your wives] in an understanding° way°, as with Ibsomeone° weaker°, since she is a woman°; and show° her honor° as a fellow° heir° of the grace° of life°, so° that your prayers° will not be hindered°. 8 ¶ ITo sum° up, aall° of you be harmonious°, sympathetic°, bbrotherly°, ckindhearted°, and dhumble° in spirit°;
9 anot returning° evil° for evil° or° binsult° for insult°, but Igiving° a cblessing° instead°; for dyou were called° for the very° purpose that you might einherit° a blessing°.
10 For, [8] IOr Finally aRo 12:16 b1P 1:22 cEp 4:32 dEp 4:2; Php 2:3; 1P 5:5
[9] ILit blessing instead aRo 12:17; 1Th 5:15 b1Co 4:12; 1P 2:23 cLk 6:28; Ro 12:14; 1Co 4:12 d1P 2:21 eGa 3:14; He 6:14; 12:17 [10] aPs 34:12, 13 [11] aPs 34:14 [12] aPs 34:15, 16 13 ¶ aWho° is Ithere to harm° you if° you prove° zealous° for what° is good°? 14 But even° if° you should asuffer° for the sake° of righteousness°, byou Iare blessed°. cAND DO NOT FEAR° THEIR IIINTIMIDATION°, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED°, 15 but Isanctify° aChrist° as Lord° in your hearts°, always° [being] ready° bto make a IIdefense° to everyone° who asks° you to give an account° for the ahope° that is in you, yet° cwith gentleness° and IIIdreverence°; 16 Iand keep° a agood° conscience° so° that in the thing in which° byou are slandered°, those° who revile° your good° behavior° in Christ° will be put° to shame°. 17 For ait is better°, bif° IGod° should will° it so, that you suffer° for doing° what is right° rather° than° for doing° what is wrong°. 18 For aChrist° also° died° for sins° bonce° for all°, [the] just° for [the] unjust°, so° that He might cbring° us to God°, having been put° to death° din the flesh°, but made° alive° ein the Ispirit°; 19 in Iwhich° also° He went° and made° proclamation° to the spirits° [now] in prison°, 20 who once° were disobedient°, when° the apatience° of God° bkept waiting° in the days° of Noah°, during the construction° of cthe ark°, in which° a few°, that is, deight° epersons°, were brought° safely° through° [the] Iwater°. 21 aCorresponding° to that, baptism° now° saves° youbnot the removal° of dirt° from the flesh°, but an appeal° to God° Ifor a cgood° conscience°through° dthe resurrection° of Jesus° Christ°, 22 awho° is at the right° hand° of God°, bhaving gone° into heaven°, cafter angels° and authorities° and powers° had been subjected° to Him. [13] ILit the one who will harm you aPv 16:7
[14] IOr would be IILit fear aMt 5:10; 1P 2:19ff; 4:15f bJm 5:11 cIs 8:12f; 1P 3:6 [15] II.e. set apart IIOr argument; or explanation IIIOr fear a1P 1:3 bCol 4:6 c2Ti 2:25 d1P 1:17 [16] ILit having a good a1Ti 1:5; He 13:18; 1P 3:21 b1P 2:12, 15 [17] ILit the will of God a1P 2:20; 4:15f bAc 18:21; 1P 1:6; 2:15; 4:19 [18] IOr Spirit a1P 2:21 bHe 9:26, 28; 10:10 cRo 5:2; Ep 3:12 dCol 1:22; 1P 4:1 e1P 4:6 [19] IOr whom [20] II.e. the great flood aRo 2:4 bGn 6:3, 5, 13f cHe 11:7 dGn 8:18; 2P 2:5 eAc 2:41; 1P 1:9, 22; 2:25; 4:19 [21] IOr from aAc 16:33; Tit 3:5 bHe 9:14; 10:22 c1Ti 1:5; He 13:18; 1P 3:16 d1P 1:3 [22] aMk 16:19 bHe 4:14; 6:20 cRo 8:38f; He 1:6 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
He teacheth the duty of wives and husbands to each other,1 ¶ Likewise,º ye wives,º [be] in subjectionºª to your ownº husbands;º that,º if anyº obey notºª the² word,º they¹ª alsoº may¹ª withoutº the wordº be wonºª byº the² conversationº of the² wives;º 2 While they beholdºª yourº chasteº conversationº [coupled] withº fear.º 3 Whoseº adorningº let it¹ª notº beºª that² outwardº [adorning] of plaitingº the hair,º andº of wearingº of gold,º orº of putting onº of apparel;º 4 Butº [let it be] the² hiddenº manº of the² heart,º inº that which is not corruptible,º [even the ornament] of a meekº andº quietº spirit,º whichº isºª in the sightº of Godº of great price.º 5 Forº after this mannerº in the old timeº the² holyº womenº also,º who¹ trustedºª inº God,º adornedºª themselves,º being in subjectionºª unto their ownº husbands:º 6 Even asº Saraº obeyedºª Abraham,º callingºª himº lord:º whoseº daughtersº ye are,ºª as long as ye do well,ºª andº are¹ª not¹ afraidºª² with anyº amazement.º 7 Likewise,º ye husbands,º dwell withºª [them] according² to¹ knowledge,º givingºª honourº unto the² wife,º asº unto the weakerº vessel,º andº asº being heirs togetherº of the graceº of life;º that¹ yourº prayersº be¹ª notº hindered.ºª [1] Gn 3:16; Es 1:16; Pv 11:30; 18:19; Mt 18:15; Ro 6:17; 7:2; 10:16; 1Co 7:16; 9:19; 11:3; 14:34; Ep 5:22, 33; Col 3:18; 4:5; 2Th 1:8; 1Ti 2:11; Tit 2:3; He 5:9; 11:8; Jm 5:19; 1P 1:22; 4:17.
[2] Ep 5:33; 6:5; Php 1:27; 3:20; Col 3:22; 1Ti 4:12; 1P 1:15; 2:12; 3:5, 15, 16; 2P 3:11. [3] Gn 24:22, 47, 53; Ex 3:22; 32:2; 33:4; 35:22; 38:8; 2K 9:30; Es 5:1; Ps 45:9; Is 3:18; 52:1; 61:10; Jr 2:32; 4:30; Ezk 16:7; 23:40; Ro 12:2; 1Ti 2:9; Tit 2:3. [4] 1S 16:7; Ps 25:9; 45:13; 51:6; 131:2; 147:6, 10; 149:4; Is 11:4; 29:19; 57:15; 61:1; Jr 51:59; Mt 5:5; 11:29; 21:5; 23:26; Lk 11:40; 16:15; Ro 2:29; 6:6; 7:22; 2Co 4:16; 10:1; Ga 5:23; Ep 4:2, 22; Col 3:3, 9, 12; 1Th 4:11; 2Th 3:12; 1Ti 2:2; 2Ti 2:25; Tit 3:2; Jm 1:21; 3:13; 1P 1:23; 3:15. [5] 1S 2:1; Pv 31:10, 30; Jr 49:11; Lk 2:37; 8:2; Ac 1:14; 9:36; 1Ti 2:10, 15; 5:5, 10; Tit 2:3; He 11:11; 1P 3:2. [6] Gn 18:12, 15; Is 57:11; Dn 3:16; Mt 26:69; Ac 4:8, 19; Ro 9:7; Ga 4:22; 1P 3:14. [7] Gn 2:23; Jb 42:8; Pv 5:15; Mal 2:14; Mt 5:23; 18:19; 19:3; Ro 8:26; 1Co 7:3; 12:22; Ep 3:6; 4:30; 5:25, 33; 6:18; Col 3:19; 1Th 4:4; Tit 3:7; He 1:14. exhorting all men to unity and love,8 Finally,º¹ [be ye] allº of one mind,º having compassion one of another,º love as brethren,º [be] pitiful,º [be] courteous:º 9 Notº renderingºª evilº forº evil,º orº railingº forº railing:º butº contrariwiseº blessing;¹² knowingºª thatº ye are¹ª thereuntoºº called,ºª thatº ye should inheritºª a blessing.¹ª² 10 Forº he that willºª loveºª life,º andº seeºª goodº days,º let him refrainºª his¹² tongueº fromº evil,º andº his¹² lipsº that they speakºª noº guile:º 11 Let him eschewºª¹ evil,º andº doºª good;º let him seekºª peace,º andº ensueºª it.º 12 Forº the² eyesº of the Lordº [are] overº the righteous,º andº hisº earsº [are open] untoº theirº prayers:º butº the faceº of the Lordº [is] againstº them that doºª evil.º 13 Andº whoº [is] he that will harmºª you,º ifº ye beºª followersº of that which is good?º [8] Ps 103:13; Pv 28:8; Zc 7:9; Mt 18:33; Lk 10:33; Ac 2:1; 4:32; 27:3; 28:7; Ro 12:10, 15, 16; 15:5; 1Co 1:10; 12:26; Ep 4:31; 5:1; Php 3:16; 4:8; Col 3:12; He 13:1; Jm 2:13; 3:17; 5:11; 1P 1:22; 2:17; 2P 1:7; 1Jn 3:14, 18.
[9] Pv 17:13; 20:22; Mt 5:39, 44; 19:29; 25:34; Mk 10:17; Lk 6:27; 10:25; 18:18; Ro 8:28, 30; 12:14, 17, 19; 1Co 4:12; Ep 4:32; 1Th 5:15; 1P 2:20, 21; 5:10. [10] Dt 32:47; Jb 2:4; 7:7; 9:25; 33:28; Ps 27:13; 34:12; 49:19; 106:5; Pv 3:2, 18; 4:22; 8:35; Ec 2:3; Mt 13:16; 19:17; Mk 8:35; Jn 1:47; 12:25; Jm 1:26; 3:1; 1P 2:1, 22; Rv 14:5. [11] Jb 1:1; 2:3; 28:28; Ps 34:14; 37:27; 120:6; 125:4; Pv 3:7; 16:6, 17; Is 1:16; Mt 5:9, 45; 6:13; Mk 14:7; Lk 1:79; 6:9, 35; Jn 17:15; Ro 5:1; 7:19, 21; 8:6; 12:18; 14:17, 19; Ga 5:22; 6:10; Col 3:15; 1Ti 6:18; He 12:14; 13:16; Jm 3:17; 4:17; 3Jn 1:11. [12] Lv 17:10; 20:3, 6; 26:17; Dt 11:12; 2Ch 7:15; 16:9; Ps 11:4; 65:2; 80:16; Pv 15:3, 8, 29; Jr 21:10; Ezk 15:7; Zc 4:10; Jn 9:31; Jm 5:16. [13] Ps 38:20; Pv 15:9; 16:7; Ro 8:28; 13:3; 1Co 14:1; Ep 5:1; 1Th 5:15; 1Ti 5:10; 3Jn 1:11. and to suffer persecution.14 Butº and² if¹² ye sufferºª for¹ righteousness' sake,º² happyº [are ye]: andº be¹ª not¹ afraidºª² of theirº terror,º neitherº be troubled;ºª 15 Butº sanctifyºª the Lordº Godº inº yourº hearts:º andº [be] readyº alwaysº to¹ [give] an answerº² to every manº that askethºª youº a reasonº ofº the² hopeº that is inº youº withº meeknessº andº fear:º 16 Havingºª a goodº conscience;º that,º whereasºº they speak evil¹ª of² you,º asº of evildoers,º they may be ashamedºª that falsely accuseºª yourº goodº conversationº inº Christ.º 17 Forº [it is] better,º ifº the² willº of Godº be² so,¹ª that ye sufferºª for well doing,ºª thanº for evil doing.ºª 18 Forº Christº alsoº hath onceº sufferedºª forº sins,º the justº forº the unjust,º thatº he might bringºª usº to God,º being put to deathºª¹ in the² flesh,º butº quickenedºª by the² Spirit:º [14] Is 8:12; 41:10; 51:12; Jr 1:8; 15:15; Ezk 3:9; Mt 5:10; 10:18, 28, 31, 39; 16:25; 19:29; Mk 8:35; 10:29; Lk 6:22; 12:4; Jn 14:1, 27; Ac 9:16; 18:9; 2Co 12:10; Php 1:29; Jm 1:12; 1P 2:19; 4:13.
[15] Nu 20:12; 27:14; 1S 12:7; Ps 119:46; Is 1:18; 5:16; 29:23; 41:21; Jr 26:12; Dn 3:16; Am 7:14; Mt 10:18; Lk 21:14; Ac 4:8; 5:29; 21:39; 22:1, 2; 24:25; Col 1:5, 23, 27; 4:6; 2Ti 2:25; Tit 1:2; He 3:6; 6:1, 18; 1P 1:3; 3:2, 4. [16] Mt 5:11; Ac 24:16; Ro 9:1; 2Co 1:12; 4:2; 1Ti 1:5, 19; 2Ti 1:3; Tit 2:8; He 9:14; 13:18; 1P 2:12, 19; 3:1, 21. [17] Mt 26:39, 42; Ac 21:14; 1P 3:14; 4:19. [18] Is 53:4; Dn 9:26; Zc 9:9; Mt 27:19, 24; Ac 3:14; 22:14; Ro 1:4; 4:25; 5:6; 8:3, 11; 2Co 1:24; 5:21; 13:4; Ga 1:4; 3:13; Ep 2:16; Col 1:21; Tit 2:14; He 9:26, 28; Jm 5:6; 1P 2:21; 4:1; 1Jn 1:9. He declareth also the benefits of Christ toward the old world.19 Byº whichº alsoº he wentºª and preachedºª unto the² spiritsº inº prison;º 20 Which sometimeº were disobedient,ºª whenº onceº the² longsufferingº of Godº waitedºª inº the daysº of Noah,º while the arkº was a preparing,ºª whereinºº few,º that is,ºª eightº soulsº were savedºª byº water.º 21 The like figureº whereuntoº [even] baptismº doth¹ª alsoº nowº saveºª usº (notº the putting awayº of the filthº of the flesh,º butº the answerº of a goodº conscienceº towardº God,)º byº the resurrectionº of Jesusº Christ:º 22 Whoº is goneºª intoº heaven,º and isºª onº the right handº of God;º angelsº andº authoritiesº andº powersº being made subject¹ª unto² him.º [19] Ne 9:30; Is 42:7; 49:9; 61:1; 1P 1:11; 4:6; Rv 19:10; 20:7.
[20] Gn 6:3, 5, 13, 14; 7:1, 13, 17, 23; 8:1, 18; Is 30:18; Mt 7:14; 24:37; Lk 12:32; 13:24; 17:26; Ro 2:4; 9:22; 2Co 2:15; Ep 5:26; He 11:7; 2P 2:5; 3:15. [21] Ezk 36:25; Zc 13:1; Mt 28:19; Mk 16:16; Ac 2:38; 8:37; 22:16; Ro 5:14; 6:3; 10:9; 1Co 4:6; 12:13; 2Co 1:12; 7:1; Ga 3:27; Ep 5:26; Col 2:12; 1Ti 6:12; Tit 3:5; He 9:24; 11:19; 1P 1:3. [22] Ps 110:1; Mt 22:44; Mk 12:36; 16:19; Lk 20:42; Ac 1:11; 2:34; 3:21; Ro 8:34, 38; 1Co 15:24; Ep 1:20, 21; Col 3:1; He 1:3, 13; 6:20; 8:1; 9:24; 10:12; 12:2. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit www.FirstGospel.com. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the qBible.com Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view [www.ChatBible.com/key.asp]. |
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