The Use of Spiritual Gifts1 Now° concerning° aspiritual° [gifts], brethren°, bI do not want° you to be unaware°. 2 aYou know° that when° you were pagans°, [you were] bled° astray° to the cmute° idols°, however°° you were led°. 3 Therefore° I make° known° to you that no° one° speaking° Iaby the Spirit° of God° says°, “Jesus° is IIbaccursed°”; and no° one° can° say°, “Jesus° is cLord°,” except° Iaby the Holy° Spirit°. [1] a1Co 12:4; 14:1 bRo 1:13
[2] a1Co 6:11; Ep 2:11f; 1P 4:3 b1Th 1:9 cPs 115:5; Is 46:7; Jr 10:5; Hab 2:18f [3] IOr in IIGr anathema aMt 22:43; 1 Jn 4:2f; Rv 1:10 bRo 9:3 cJn 13:13; Ro 10:9 4 ¶ Now° there are avarieties° of gifts°, but the same° Spirit°. 5 And there are varieties° of ministries°, and the same° Lord°. 6 There are varieties° of effects°, but the same° aGod° who works° all° things° in all° [persons]. 7 But to each° one° is given° the manifestation° of the Spirit° afor the common° good°. 8 For to one°° is given° the word° of awisdom° through° the Spirit°, and to another° the word° of bknowledge° according° to the same° Spirit°; 9 to another° afaith° Iby the same° Spirit°, and to another° bgifts° of IIhealing° Iby the one° Spirit°, 10 and to another° the Ieffecting° of IIamiracles°, and to another° bprophecy°, and to another° the IIIcdistinguishing° of spirits°, to another° [various] dkinds° of tongues°, and to another° the einterpretation° of tongues°. 11 But one° and the same° Spirit° works° all° these° things°, adistributing° to each° one° individually° just° as He wills°. [4] aRo 12:6f; 1Co 12:11; Ep 4:4ff, 11; He 2:4
[6] a1Co 15:28; Ep 1:23; 4:6 [7] a1Co 12:12-30; 14:26; Ep 4:12 [8] a1Co 2:6; 2Co 1:12 bRo 15:14; 1Co 2:11, 16; 2Co 2:14; 4:6; 8:7; 11:6 [9] IOr in IILit healings a1Co 13:2; 2Co 4:13 b1Co 12:28, 30 [10] ILit effects IIOr works of power IIILit distinguishings a1Co 12:28f; Ga 3:5 b1Co 11:4; 13:2, 8 c1Co 14:29; 1 Jn 4:1 dMk 16:17; 1Co 12:28, 30; 13:1; 14:2ff e1Co 12:30; 14:26 [11] a1Co 12:4 12 ¶ For even° aas the body° is one° and [yet] has° many° members°, and all° the members° of the body°, though they are many°, are one° body°, bso° also° is Christ°. 13 For Iaby one° Spirit° we were all° baptized° into one° body°, whether° bJews° or° Greeks°, whether° slaves° or° free°, and we were all° made° to cdrink° of one° Spirit°. [12] aRo 12:4f; 1Co 10:17 b1Co 12:27
[13] IOr in aEp 2:18 bRo 3:22; Ga 3:28; Ep 2:13-18; Col 3:11 cJn 7:37-39 14 ¶ For athe body° is not one° member°, but many°. 15 If° the foot° says°, “Because° I am° not a hand°, I am° not [a part] of the body°,” it is not for this° reason° Iany° the less° [a part] of the body°. 16 And if° the ear° says°, “Because° I am° not an eye°, I am° not [a part] of the body°,” it is not for this° reason° Iany° the less° [a part] of the body°. 17 If° the whole° body° were an eye°, where° would the hearing° be? If° the whole° were hearing°, where° would the sense° of smell° be? 18 But now° God° has aplaced° the members°, each° one° of them, in the body°, bjust° as He desired°. 19 If° they were all° one° member°, where° would the body° be? 20 But now° athere are many° members°, but one° body°. 21 And the eye° cannot°° say° to the hand°, “I have° no° need° of you”; or° again° the head° to the feet°, “I have° no° need° of you.” 22 On the contrary°, Iit is much° truer° that the members° of the body° which seem° to be weaker° are necessary°; 23 and those [members] of the body° which° we Ideem° less° honorable°, IIon these° we bestow° more° abundant° honor°, and our less° presentable° members become° much° more° presentable°, 24 whereas° our more° presentable° members have° no° need° [of it]. But God° has [so] composed° the body°, giving° more° abundant° honor° to that [member] which lacked°, 25 so° that there may be no° Idivision° in the body°, but [that] the members° may have° the same° care° for one° another°. 26 And if° one° member° suffers°, all° the members° suffer° with it; if° [one] member° is Ihonored°, all° the members° rejoice° with it. [14] a1Co 12:20
[15] ILit not a part [16] ILit not a part [18] a1Co 12:28 bRo 12:6; 1Co 12:11 [20] a1Co 12:12, 14 [22] ILit to a much greater degree the members [23] IOr think to be IIOr these we clothe with [25] ILit schism [26] ILit glorified 27 ¶ Now° you are aChrist’s° body°, and bindividually° members° of it. 28 And God° has Iaappointed° in bthe church°, first° capostles°, second° dprophets°, third° eteachers°, then° IIfmiracles°, then° ggifts° of healings°, helps°, hadministrations°, [various] ikinds° of tongues°. 29 All° are not apostles°, are they? All° are not prophets°, are they? All° are not teachers°, are they? All° are not [workers of] Imiracles°, are they? 30 All° do not have° gifts° of healings°, do they? All° do not speak° with tongues°, do they? All° do not ainterpret°, do they? 31 But aearnestly° desire° the greater° gifts°. ¶ And I show° you a still° more° excellent° way°. [27] a1Co 1:2; 12:12; Ep 1:23; 4:12; Col 1:18, 24; 2:19 bRo 12:5; Ep 5:30
[28] ILit set some in IIOr works of power a1Co 12:18 b1Co 10:32 cEp 4:11 dAc 13:1; Ep 2:20; 3:5 eAc 13:1 f1Co 12:10, 29 g1Co 12:9, 30 hRo 12:8 i1Co 12:10 [29] IOr works of power [30] a1Co 12:10 [31] a1Co 14:1, 39 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
Spiritual gifts1 ¶ Nowº concerningº spiritualº [gifts], brethren,º I wouldºª notº have¹ª youº ignorant.ºª 2 Ye knowºª thatº ye wereºª Gentiles,º carried awayºª untoº these dumbº idols,º even asº¹ ye were led.ºª² 3 Whereforeº I give¹ª you¹ to understand,ºª² thatº no manº speakingºª byº the Spiritº of Godº callethºª Jesusº accursed:º andº [that] no manº canºª sayºª that Jesusº is the Lord,º butº byº the Holyº Ghost.º [1] 1Co 10:1; 12:4; 14:1, 37; 2Co 1:8; Ep 4:11; 1Th 4:13; 2P 3:8.
[2] Ps 115:5, 7; 135:16; Hab 2:18; Mt 15:14; 1Co 6:11; Ga 4:8; Ep 2:11; 4:17; 1Th 1:9; Tit 3:3; 1P 1:18; 4:3. [3] Dt 21:23; Mt 16:16; Mk 9:39; Jn 13:13; 15:26; 16:14; 1Co 8:6; 16:22; 2Co 3:5; 11:4; Ga 3:13; 1Jn 4:2. are divers,4 Nowº there areºª diversitiesº of gifts,º butº the² sameº Spirit.º 5 Andº there areºª differencesº of administrations,º butº the² sameº Lord.º 6 Andº there areºª diversitiesº of operations,º butº it isºª the² sameº Godº which¹ workethºª allº inº all.º [4] Ro 12:4; 1Co 12:8, 28; Ep 4:4; He 2:4; 1P 4:10.
[5] Mt 23:10; Ac 10:36; Ro 12:6; 14:8; 1Co 8:6; 12:28; Ep 4:11; Php 2:11. [6] Jb 33:29; Jn 5:17; 1Co 3:7; 12:11; 15:28; Ep 1:19, 23; Php 2:13; Col 1:29; 3:11; He 13:21. yet all to profit withal.7 Butº the² manifestationº of the² Spiritº is givenºª to every manº toº profit² withal.¹ª And to that end are diversely bestowed:8 Forº to oneºº is givenºª byº the² Spiritº the wordº of wisdom;º¹ to² anotherº the wordº of knowledgeº byº the² sameº Spirit;º 9 ¹ To² anotherº faithº byº the² sameº Spirit;º¹ to² anotherº the giftsº of healingº byº the² sameº Spirit;º 10 ¹ To² anotherº the workingº of miracles;º¹ to² anotherº prophecy;º¹ to² anotherº discerningº of spirits;º¹ to² anotherº [divers] kindsº of tongues;º¹ to² anotherº the interpretationº of tongues:º 11 Butº allº theseº workethºª that oneº andº the² selfsameº Spirit,º dividingºª to every manº severallyº asº he will.ºª [8] Gn 41:38; Ex 31:3; 1K 3:5; Ne 9:20; Jb 32:8; Ps 143:10; Pv 2:6; Is 11:2; 50:4; 59:21; Dn 2:21; Mt 13:11; Ac 6:3; 1Co 1:5, 30; 2:6; 13:2, 8; 2Co 8:7; Ep 1:17.
[9] Mt 10:8; 17:19; 21:21; Mk 6:13; 11:22; 16:18; Lk 9:2; 10:9; 17:5; Ac 3:6; 4:29; 5:15; 10:38; 19:11; 1Co 13:2; 2Co 4:13; Ep 2:8; He 11:33; Jm 5:14. [10] Nu 11:25; 1S 10:10; 19:20; 2S 23:1; Jol 2:28; Mk 16:17, 20; Lk 24:49; Jn 14:12; 16:13; Ac 1:8; 2:4, 17, 29; 5:3; 10:46; 11:28; 19:6; 21:9; Ro 12:6; 15:19; 1Co 12:28, 30; 13:1, 2; 14:1, 2, 3, 5, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 39; Ga 3:5; 1Th 5:20; He 2:4; 2P 1:20; 1Jn 4:1; Rv 2:2. [11] Dn 4:35; Mt 11:26; 20:15; Jn 3:8, 27; 5:21; Ro 9:18; 12:6; 1Co 7:7, 17; 12:4, 6; 2Co 10:13; Ep 1:11; 4:7; He 2:4; Jm 1:18. that by the like proportion, as the members of a natural body,12 Forº asº the² bodyº isºª one,º andº hathºª manyº members,º andº allº the² membersº of that oneº body,º beingºª many,º areºª oneº body:º soº alsoº [is] Christ.º 13 Forº¹ byº oneº Spiritº are¹ª weº allº baptizedºª intoº oneº body,º whetherº [we be] Jewsº orº Gentiles,º whetherº [we be] bondº orº free;º andº have been¹ª allº made to drinkºª intoº oneº Spirit.º 14 ¹ Forº the²² bodyº isºª notº oneº member,º butº many.º 15 Ifº the² footº shall say,ºª Because¹ I amºª notº the hand,º I amºª notº ofº the² body;º isºª it² thereforeºº¹ notº ofº the² body?º [12] Ro 12:4; 1Co 10:17; 12:27; Ga 3:16; Ep 1:23; 4:4, 12, 15; 5:23, 30; Col 1:18, 24; 2:19; 3:15.
[13] So 5:1; Is 41:17; 44:3; 55:1; Ezk 36:25; Zc 9:15; Mt 3:11; Lk 3:16; Jn 1:16, 33; 3:5; 4:10, 14; 6:63; 7:37; Ac 1:5; Ro 3:29; 4:11; 6:3; 8:9; 1Co 7:21; 10:2; Ga 3:23, 28; Ep 2:11, 19; 3:6; 4:5; 5:26; 6:8; Col 1:27; 2:11; 3:11; Tit 3:4; 1P 3:21. [14] 1Co 12:12, 19, 27; Ep 4:25. [15] Jg 9:8; 2K 14:9. tend all to the mutual decency,16 Andº ifº the² earº shall say,ºª Becauseº I amºª notº the eye,º I amºª notº ofº the² body;º isºª it² thereforeºº¹ notº ofº the² body?º 17 Ifº the² wholeº bodyº [were] an eye,º whereº [were] the² hearing?º Ifº the wholeº [were] hearing,º whereº [were] the² smelling?º 18 Butº nowº hath¹ª Godº setºª the² membersº everyº oneº of themº inº the² body,º asº it hath pleased² him.¹ª 19 Andº ifº they wereºª allº oneº member,º whereº [were] the² body?º 20 Butº nowº¹ [are they] manyº members,º yet² but¹ oneº body.º 21 Andº the eyeº cannotººª sayºª unto the² hand,º I haveºª noº needº of thee:º norº againº the² headº to the² feet,º I haveºª noº needº of you.º [16] Ro 12:3, 10; 1Co 12:16, 22; Php 2:3.
[17] 1S 9:9; Ps 94:9; 139:13; Pv 20:12; 1Co 12:21, 29. [18] Ps 110:3; 135:6; Is 46:10; Jna 1:14; Lk 10:21; 12:32; Ro 12:3; 1Co 3:5; 12:11, 24, 28; 15:38; Ep 1:5, 9; Rv 4:11. [19] 1Co 12:14. [21] Nu 10:31; 1S 25:32; Ezr 10:1; Ne 4:16; Jb 29:11. service,22 Nay,º muchº moreº those membersº of the² body,º which seemºª to beºª more feeble,º areºª necessary:º 23 Andº those¹ [members] of the² body,º which² we thinkºª to beºª less honourable,º upon theseº we bestowºª more abundantº honour;º andº ourº uncomelyº [parts] haveºª more abundantº comeliness.º 24 Forº ourº comelyº [parts] haveºª noº need:º butº Godº hath tempered¹ª the body¹ together,ºª²² having givenºª more abundantº honourº to that [part] which lacked:ºª 25 That¹ª² there should beºª no¹² schismº inº the² body;º butº [that] the² membersº should have¹ª the same¹ careºª²² one for¹ another.º² [22] Pv 14:28; Ec 4:9; 5:9; 9:14; 2Co 1:11; Tit 2:9.
[23] Gn 3:7, 21. [24] Gn 2:25; 3:11. [25] Jn 17:21; 1Co 1:10; 3:3; 2Co 7:12; 8:16; 13:11. and succour of the same body;26 Andº whetherº oneº memberº suffer,ºª allº the² membersº suffer with² it;¹ª orº oneº memberº be honoured,ºª allº the² membersº rejoice with² it.¹ª so we should do one for another, to make up the mystical body of Christ.27 Nowº yeº areºª the bodyº of Christ,º andº membersº inº particular.º 28 Andº¹ Godº hath setºª someº² inº the² church,º firstº apostles,º secondarilyº prophets,º thirdlyº teachers,º after thatº miracles,º thenº giftsº of healings,º helps,º governments,º diversitiesº of tongues.º 29 [Are]² allº¹ apostles?º [are]² allº¹ prophets?º [are]² allº¹ teachers?º [are]² allº¹ workers of miracles?º 30 ² Haveº¹ª allº the giftsº of healing?º do² allº speakº¹ª with tongues?º doº allº interpret?ºª 31 Butº covet earnestlyºª the² bestº gifts:º andº yetº shew² I¹ª unto youº a more¹ excellentº² way.º [27] Ro 12:5; 1Co 12:12, 14; Ep 1:23; 4:12; 5:23, 30; Col 1:24.
[28] Nu 11:17; Lk 6:14; Ac 2:8; 13:1; 20:28; Ro 12:6, 8; 1Co 12:7, 10; Ep 2:20; 3:5; 4:11; 1Ti 5:17; He 13:17, 24; 1P 5:1. [29] 1Co 12:4, 14. [31] Mt 5:6; Lk 10:42; 1Co 8:1; 13:1; 14:1, 39; Php 3:8; He 11:4. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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