NASB — Acts 11 — KJV

Peter Reports at Jerusalem

1 Now° the apostles° and athe brethren° who were throughout° Judea° heard° that the Gentiles° also° had received° the word° of God°. 2 And when° Peter° came° up to Jerusalem°, Iathose° who were circumcised° took° issue° with him, 3 saying°, “aYou Iwent° to uncircumcised° men° and ate° with them.” 4 But Peter° began° [speaking] Iand [proceeded] to explain° to them ain orderly° sequence°, saying°, 5aI was in the city° of Joppa° praying°; and in a trance° I saw° ba vision°, an Iobject° coming° down° like° a great° sheet° lowered° by four° corners° from IIthe sky°; and it came° right° down to me, 6 and when I had fixed° my gaze° on it and was observing° it II saw° the four-footed° animals° of the earth° and the wild° beasts° and the IIcrawling° creatures° and the birds° of the IIIair°. 7 I also° heard° a voice° saying° to me, ‘Get° up, Peter°; Ikill° and eat°.’ 8 But I said°, ‘By no° means°, Lord°, for nothing° Iunholy° or° unclean° has ever° entered° my mouth°.’ 9 But a voice° from heaven° answered° a second° time°, ‘aWhat° God° has cleansed°, no° longer Iconsider° unholy°.’ 10 This° happened° three° times°, and everything° was drawn° back° up into Ithe sky°. 11 And behold°, at that moment° three° men° appeared° at the house° in which° we were [staying], having been sent° to me from aCaesarea°. 12 aThe Spirit° told° me to go° with them Ibwithout° misgivings°. cThese° six° brethren° also° went° with me and we entered° the man’s° house°. 13 And he reported° to us how° he had seen° the angel° Istanding° in his house°, and saying°, ‘Send° to Joppa° and have Simon°, who is also called° Peter°, brought° here°; 14 and he will speak° awords° to you by which° you will be saved°, you and ball° your household°.’ 15 And as I began° to speak°, athe Holy° Spirit° fell° upon them just° bas [He did] upon us at the beginning°. 16 And I remembered° the word° of the Lord°, how° He used to say°, aJohn° baptized° with water°, but you will be baptized° Iwith the Holy° Spirit°.’ 17 Therefore° if° aGod° gave° to them the same° gift° as [He gave] to us also° after believing° in the Lord° Jesus° Christ°, bwho° was I that I could° Istand° in God’s° way°?” 18 When they heard° this°, they Iquieted° down° and aglorified° God°, saying°, “Well° then°, God° has granted° to the Gentiles° also° the brepentance° [that leads] to life°.”

[1] aAc 1:15
[2] ILit those of the circumcision; i.e. Jewish Christians aAc 10:45
[3] IOr entered the house of aMt 9:11; Ac 10:28; Ga 2:12
[4] ILit and was explaining aLk 1:3
[5] IOr vessel IIOr heaven aAc 10:9-32; 11:5-14 bAc 9:10
[6] ILit and I saw IIOr reptiles IIIOr heaven
[7] IOr sacrifice
[8] IOr profane; lit common
[9] ILit make common aAc 10:15
[10] IOr heaven
[11] aAc 8:40
[12] IOr without making any distinction aAc 8:29 bAc 15:9; Ro 3:22 cAc 10:23
[13] IOr after he had stood in his house and said
[14] aAc 10:22 bJn 4:53; Ac 10:2; 16:15, 31-34; 18:8; 1Co 1:16
[15] aAc 10:44 bAc 2:4
[16] IOr in aAc 1:5
[17] ILit prevent God aAc 10:45, 47 bAc 5:39
[18] ILit became silent aMt 9:8 b2Co 7:10

The Church at Antioch

19aSo° then° those° who were scattered° because° of the Ipersecution° that occurred° in connection° with Stephen° made° their way° IIto bPhoenicia° and cCyprus° and dAntioch°, speaking° the word° to no° one° except° to Jews° alone°. 20 But there were some° of them, men° of aCyprus° and bCyrene°, who° came° to cAntioch° and [began] speaking° to the IdGreeks° also°, IIepreaching° the Lord° Jesus°. 21 And athe hand° of the Lord° was with them, and ba large° number° who believed° turned° to the Lord°. 22 The Inews° about° them IIreached° the ears° of the church° at Jerusalem°, and they sent° aBarnabas° off° IIIto bAntioch°. 23 Then when he arrived° and Iwitnessed° athe grace° of God°, he rejoiced° and [began] to encourage° them all° with IIresolute° heart° to remain° [true] to the Lord°; 24 for he was a good° man°, and afull° of the Holy° Spirit° and of faith°. And bconsiderable° Inumbers° were IIbrought° to the Lord°. 25 And he left° for aTarsus° to look° for Saul°; 26 and when he had found° him, he brought° him to aAntioch°. And for an entire° year° they Imet° with the church° and taught° considerable° IInumbers°; and bthe disciples° were first° called° cChristians° in aAntioch°.

[19] ILit tribulation IILit as far as aAc 8:1, 4 bAc 15:3; 21:2 cAc 4:36 dAc 6:5; 11:20, 22, 27; 13:1; 14:26; 15:22f, 30, 35; 18:22; Ga 2:11
[20] ILit Hellenists; people who lived by Greek customs and culture IIOr bringing the good news of aAc 4:36 bMt 27:32; Ac 2:10; 6:9; 13:1 cAc 6:5; 11:19, 22, 27; 13:1; 14:26; 15:22f, 30, 35; 18:22; Ga 2:11 dJn 7:35; Ac 6:1 eAc 5:42
[21] aLk 1:66 bAc 2:47
[22] ILit word IILit was heard in IIILit as far as aAc 4:36 bAc 6:5; 11:19, 20, 27; 13:1; 18:22; Ga 2:11
[23] ILit saw IILit purpose of heart aAc 13:43; 14:26; 15:40; 20:24, 32
[24] ILit crowd was IILit added aAc 2:4 bAc 2:47; 5:14; 11:21
[25] aAc 9:11
[26] IOr were gathered together IILit crowd aAc 6:5; 11:20, 22, 27 bJn 2:2; Ac 1:15 cAc 26:28; 1P 4:16

27 ¶ Now° Iat this° time° asome prophets° came° down° from Jerusalem° to bAntioch°. 28 One° of them named° aAgabus° stood° up and [began] to indicate° Iby the Spirit° that there would° certainly° be a great° famine° ball° over° the IIworld°. IIIAnd this° took° place° in the [reign] of cClaudius°. 29 And in the proportion° that any° of athe disciples° had° means°, each° of them determined° to send° [a contribution] for the Irelief° of bthe brethren° living° in Judea°. 30 aAnd this° they did°, sending° it Iin charge°° of bBarnabas° and Saul° to the celders°.

[27] ILit in these days aLk 11:49; Ac 2:17; 13:1; 1Co 12:10, 28f bAc 6:5; 11:20, 22, 26; 13:1; 14:26; 15:22f, 30, 35; 18:22; Ga 2:11
[28] IOr through IILit inhabited earth IIILit which aAc 21:10 bMt 24:14 cAc 18:2
[29] ILit service aJn 2:2; Ac 1:15; 6:1f; 9:19, 25, 26, 38; 11:26; 13:52; 14:20, 22, 28 bAc 11:1
[30] ILit by the hand of aAc 12:25 bAc 4:36 cAc 14:23; 15:2, 4, 6, 22f; 16:4; 20:17; 21:18; 1Ti 5:17, 19; Tit 1:5; Jm 5:14; 1P 5:1; 2 Jn 1; 3 Jn 1

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Peter, being accused for going in to the Gentiles,

1 ¶ Andº the² apostlesº andº brethrenº that wereºª inº Judaeaº heardºª thatº the² Gentilesº had¹ª alsoº receivedºª the² wordº of God.º 2 Andº whenº Peterº was come upºª toº Jerusalem,º they² that were ofº the circumcisionº contendedºª withº him,º 3 Saying,ºª¹ Thou wentest inºª toº menº uncircumcised,º¹ª andº didst eat¹ª with² them.º 4 Butº Peterº rehearsed [the matter] from the beginning,ºª and expoundedºª [it] by orderº unto them,º saying,ºª

[1] Gn 49:10; Ps 22:27; 96:1; Is 11:10; 32:15; 35:1; 42:1, 6; 49:6; 52:10; 60:3; 62:2; Jr 16:19; Ho 2:23; Am 9:11; Mi 5:7; Zp 2:11; 3:9; Zc 2:11; 8:20; Mal 1:11; Mt 8:11; Mk 16:5; Lk 2:32; Ac 8:14; 10:34; 14:27; 15:3; Ro 15:7; Ga 1:17.
[2] Ac 10:9, 45; 15:1, 5; 21:20; Ga 2:12.
[3] Lk 15:2; Ac 10:23, 28, 48; 1Co 5:11; 2Jn 1:10.
[4] Jsh 22:21; Pv 15:1; Lk 1:3; Ac 14:27.

maketh his defence,

5 Iº wasºª inº the cityº of Joppaº praying:ºª andº inº a tranceº I sawºª a vision,º A certainº vesselº descend,ºª as it had beenº a greatº sheet,º let downºª fromº heavenº by fourº corners;º andº it cameºª even¹ to² me:º 6 Uponº the whichº when I had fastened mine eyes,ºª I considered,ºª andº sawºª fourfooted beastsº of the² earth,º andº wild beasts,º andº creeping things,º andº fowlsº of the² air.º 7 Andº I heardºª a voiceº sayingºª unto me,º Arise,ºª Peter;º slayºª andº eat.ºª 8 Butº I said,ºª Not so,º Lord:º forº nothingº commonº orº uncleanº hath¹ª at any time¹² enteredºª intoº myº mouth.º 9 Butº the voiceº answeredºª meº againºº fromº heaven,º Whatº Godº hath cleansed,ºª [that] call¹ª not¹ thou¹ common.ºª²² 10 Andº thisº was doneºª¹ three times:º andº allº were drawn upºª againº intoº heaven.º 11 And,º behold,ºª immediatelyºª there were¹ª threeº menº already¹ comeºª untoº the² houseº whereºº I was,ºª sentºª fromº Caesareaº untoº me.º 12 Andº the² Spiritº badeºª meº go withºª them,º nothingº doubting.ºª Moreoverº¹ theseº sixº brethrenº² accompaniedººª me,º andº we enteredºª intoº the² man'sº house:º 13 Andº he shewedºª usº howº he had seenºª an angelº inº hisº house,º which stoodºª andº saidºª unto him,º Sendºª menº toº Joppa,º andº call forºª Simon,º whose surname isºª Peter;º 14 Whoº shall tellºª theeº¹ words,º wherebyºº thouº andº allº thyº houseº shall be saved.ºª 15 Andº as¹ Iº beganºª to speak,ºª the² Holyº Ghostº fellºª onº them,º asºº onº usº atº the beginning.º 16 Thenº remembered² I¹ª the² wordº of the Lord,º howº that he said,ºª Johnº indeedº baptizedºª with water;º butº yeº shall be baptizedºª withº the Holyº Ghost.º 17 Forasmuchº thenº as¹ Godº gaveºª themº the² likeº giftº as¹² [he did]² unto us,º who believedºª onº the² Lordº Jesusº Christ;º¹ whatº wasºª I,¹ that I couldº withstandºª God?º

[5] Jr 1:11; Ezk 2:9; Am 7:4; 8:2; Ac 10:9; 22:17; 2Co 12:1.
[6] Lk 4:20; Ac 3:4.
[8] Lv 10:10; 11:47; Ezr 9:11; Ho 9:3; Mk 7:2; Ro 14:14; 1Co 7:14.
[9] Ac 10:28, 34; 15:9; 1Ti 4:5; He 9:13.
[10] Nu 24:10; Jn 13:38; 21:17; 2Co 12:8.
[11] Ex 4:14, 27; Ac 9:10; 10:17.
[12] Mt 1:20; Jn 16:13; Ac 8:29; 10:19, 23, 45; 13:2, 4; 15:7; 16:6; 2Th 2:2; Rv 22:17.
[13] Ac 9:43; 10:3, 22, 30; 12:11; He 1:14.
[14] Gn 17:7; 18:19; Ps 19:7; 103:17; 112:2; 115:13; Pv 20:7; Is 61:8; Jr 32:39; Mk 16:16; Lk 19:10; Jn 6:63, 68; 12:50; 20:31; Ac 2:39; 10:6, 22, 32, 43; 16:15, 31; Ro 1:16; 10:9; 1Jn 5:9.
[15] Ac 2:2; 4:31; 10:34, 45; 19:6.
[16] Pv 1:23; Is 44:3; Ezk 36:25; Jol 2:28; 3:18; Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8; Lk 3:16; 24:8; Jn 1:26, 33; 14:26; 16:4; Ac 1:5; 19:2; 20:35; 1Co 12:13; Tit 3:5; 2P 3:1.
[17] Jb 9:12; 33:13; 40:2, 8; Dn 4:35; Mt 20:14; Ac 10:47; 11:15; 15:8; Ro 9:15, 20, 23; 11:34.

which is accepted.

18 Whenº they heardºª these things,º they held their peace,ºª andº glorifiedºª God,º saying,ºª Thenº hath¹ª² Godº also¹² to the² Gentilesº grantedºª repentanceº untoº life.º

[18] Lv 10:19; Jsh 22:30; Is 60:21; 61:3; Jr 31:18; Ezk 36:26; Zc 12:10; Ac 3:19, 26; 5:31; 11:1; 13:47; 14:27; 15:3; 20:21; 21:20; 22:21; 26:17; Ro 3:29; 9:30; 10:12; 15:9, 16; 2Co 3:18; 7:10; Ga 1:24; 3:26; Ep 2:11; 3:5; 2Ti 2:25; Jm 1:16.

The Gospel being spread into Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, Barnabas is sent to confirm them.

19 ¶ Nowº¹ they which were scattered abroadºª² uponº the² persecutionº that aroseºª aboutº Stephenº travelledºª as far asº Phenice,º andº Cyprus,º andº Antioch,º preachingºª the² wordº to noneº butº unto the Jewsº only.º 20 Andº someº ofº themº wereºª menº of Cyprusº andº Cyrene,º which,º when they were comeºª toº Antioch,º spakeºª untoº the² Grecians,º preachingºª the² Lordº Jesus.º 21 Andº the handº of the Lordº wasºª withº them:º andº a greatº numberº believed,ºª and turnedºª untoº the² Lord.º

[19] Mt 10:6; Jn 7:35; Ac 3:26; 4:36; 8:1; 11:26; 13:4, 46; 15:3, 22, 35, 39; 21:2, 16.
[20] Mt 27:32; Ac 2:10; 6:1, 9; 8:5, 35; 9:20, 29; 13:1; 17:18; 1Co 1:23; 2:2; Ep 3:8.
[21] 2Ch 30:12; Ezr 7:9; 8:18; Ne 2:8, 18; Is 53:1; 59:1; Lk 1:66; Ac 2:47; 4:4; 5:14; 6:7; 9:35; 11:24; 15:19; 26:18; 1Co 3:6; 1Th 1:5, 9.

22 ¶ Thenº tidings¹ of¹ these things¹ cameºª²²² untoº the² earsº of the² churchº whichº was inº Jerusalem:º andº they sent forthºª Barnabas,º that he should goºª as far asº Antioch.º 23 Who,º when he came,ºª andº had seenºª the² graceº of God,º was glad,ºª andº exhortedºª them all,º that with purposeº of heartº they would cleave untoºª the² Lord.º 24 Forº he wasºª a goodº man,º andº fullº of the Holyº Ghostº andº of faith:º andº muchº peopleº was addedºª unto the² Lord.º 25 Thenº departedºª Barnabasº toº Tarsus,º for to seekºª Saul:º

[22] Ac 4:36; 8:14; 9:27; 11:1; 13:1; 15:2, 22, 35; 1Th 3:6.
[23] Dt 10:20; 30:20; Jsh 22:5; 23:8; Ps 17:3; Pv 23:15, 28; Dn 1:8; Mt 16:24; Mk 2:5; Jn 8:31; 15:4; Ac 13:43; 14:22; 1Co 15:58; 2Co 1:17; Col 1:6; 1Th 1:3; 3:2; 2Ti 1:4; 3:10; He 10:19, 32; 2P 1:4; 3:17; 1Jn 2:28; 3Jn 1:4.
[24] 2S 18:27; Ps 37:23; 112:5; Pv 12:2; 13:22; 14:14; Mt 12:35; 19:17; Lk 23:50; Jn 7:12; Ac 5:14; 6:3, 5, 8; 9:31; 11:21; 24:16; Ro 5:7; 15:15.
[25] Ac 9:11, 27, 30; 21:39.

The disciples there are first called Christians.

26 Andº when he had foundºª him,º he broughtºª himº untoº Antioch.º Andº it came to pass,ºª that a wholeº yearº theyº assembled themselvesºª withº the² church,º andº taughtºª muchº people.º Andº the² disciplesº were calledºª Christiansº firstº inº Antioch.º

[26] Is 65:15; Mt 28:19; Ac 13:1; 14:23, 27; 26:28; 1Co 4:17; 11:18; 12:12; 14:23; Ep 3:15; 1P 4:14; 1Jn 2:27; Rv 3:18.

They send relief to the brethren in Judaea in the time of famine.

27 ¶ Andº inº theseº daysº cameºª prophetsº fromº Jerusalemº untoº Antioch.º 28 Andº there stood upºª oneº ofº themº namedº Agabus,º and signifiedºª byº the² Spiritº that there should² beº¹ªª greatº dearthº throughoutº allº the² world:º whichºº came to passºª in the days ofº Claudiusº Caesar.º 29 Thenº the² disciples,º every¹ man¹² according toº his ability,ººª determinedºª to sendºª reliefº² unto¹ the² brethrenº which dweltºª inº Judaea:º 30 Whichº alsoº they did,ºª and sent² it¹ª toº the² eldersº byº the handsº of Barnabasº andº Saul.º

[27] Mt 23:34; Ac 2:17; 13:1; 15:32; 21:4, 9; 1Co 12:28; 14:32; Ep 4:11.
[28] Gn 41:30, 38; 1K 17:1; 2K 8:1; Lk 2:1; 3:1; Ac 21:10.
[29] Ezr 2:69; Ne 5:8; Ec 11:1; Lk 12:29; Ac 2:44; 4:34; Ro 15:25; 1Co 13:5; 16:1, 2; 2Co 8:2, 12; 9:1; Ga 2:10; He 13:5; 1P 4:9.
[30] Ac 12:25; 14:23; 15:4, 6, 23; 16:4; 20:17; 1Co 16:3; 2Co 8:17; 1Ti 5:17; Tit 1:5; Jm 5:14; 1P 5:1.

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