Pharisees Test Jesus1 aThe bPharisees° and Sadducees° came° up, and testing° Jesus, they casked° Him to show° them a Isign° from heaven°. 2 But He replied° to them, “IaWhen it is evening°, you say°, ‘[It will be] fair° weather°, for the sky° is red°.’ 3 And in the morning°, ‘[There will be] a storm° today°, for the sky° is red° and threatening°.’ aDo you know° how° to discern° the Iappearance° of the sky°, but cannot°° [discern] the signs° of the times°? 4 aAn evil° and adulterous° generation° seeks° after° a Isign°; and a Isign° will not be given° it, except° the sign° of Jonah°.” And He left° them and went° away°. [1] IOr attesting miracle aMt 16:1-12: Mk 8:11-21 bMt 3:7; 16:6, 11, 12 cMt 12:38; Lk 11:16
[2] IEarly mss do not contain the rest of v 2 and v 3 aLk 12:54f [3] ILit face aLk 12:56 [4] IOr attesting miracle aMt 12:39; Lk 11:29 5 ¶ And the disciples° came° to the other° side° [of the sea], but they had forgotten° to bring° [any] bread°. 6 And Jesus° said° to them, “Watch° out and abeware° of the Ileaven° of the bPharisees° and Sadducees°.” 7 They began to discuss° [this] among° themselves°, saying°, “[He said that] because° we did not bring° [any] bread°.” 8 But Jesus°, aware° of this, said°, “aYou men° of little° faith°, why° do you discuss° among° yourselves° that you have° no° bread°? 9 Do you not yet° understand° or° remember° athe five° loaves° of the five° thousand°, and how° many° baskets° [full] you picked° up? 10 Or° athe seven° loaves° of the four° thousand°, and how° many° large° baskets° [full] you picked° up? 11 How° is it that you do not understand° that I did not speak° to you concerning° bread°? But abeware° of the Ileaven° of the bPharisees° and Sadducees°.” 12 Then° they understood° that He did not say° to beware° of the leaven° of bread°, but of the teaching° of the aPharisees° and Sadducees°. [6] IOr yeast aMk 8:15; Lk 12:1 bMt 3:7
[8] aMt 6:30; 8:26; 14:31 [9] aMt 14:17-21 [10] aMt 15:34-38 [11] IOr yeast aMt 16:6; Mk 8:15; Lk 12:1 bMt 3:7; 16:6, 12 [12] aMt 3:7; 5:20 Peter’s Confession of Christ13 ¶ aNow° when Jesus° came° into the district° of bCaesarea° Philippi°, He was asking° His disciples°, “Who° do people° say° that cthe Son° of Man° is?” 14 And they said°, “Some°° [say] aJohn° the Baptist°; and others°, IbElijah°; but still others°, IIJeremiah°, or° one° of the prophets°.” 15 He *said° to them, “But who° do you say° that I am°?” 16 Simon° Peter° answered°, “You are Iathe Christ°, bthe Son° of cthe living° God°.” 17 And Jesus° said° to him, “Blessed° are you, aSimon° IBarjona°, because° bflesh° and blood° did not reveal° [this] to you, but My Father° who° is in heaven°. 18 I also° say° to you that you are IaPeter°, and upon this° IIrock° I will build° My church°; and the gates° of bHades° will not overpower° it. 19 I will give° you athe keys° of the kingdom° of heaven°; and bwhatever°° you bind° on earth° Ishall have been bound° in heaven°, and whatever°° you loose° on earth° IIshall have been loosed° in heaven°.” 20 aThen° He Iwarned° the disciples° that they should tell° no° one° that He was IIbthe Christ°. [13] aMt 16:13-16: Mk 8:27-29; Lk 9:18-20 bMk 8:27 cMt 8:20; 16:27, 28
[14] IGr Elias IIGr Jeremias aMt 14:2 bMt 17:10; Mk 6:15; Lk 9:8; Jn 1:21 [16] II.e. the Messiah aMt 1:16; 16:20; Jn 11:27 bMt 4:3 cPs 42:2; Mt 26:63; Ac 14:15; Ro 9:26; 2Co 3:3; 6:16; 1Th 1:9; 1Ti 3:15; 4:10; He 3:12; 9:14; 10:31; 12:22; Rv 7:2 [17] II.e. son of Jonah aJn 1:42; 21:15-17 b1Co 15:50; Ga 1:16; Ep 6:12; He 2:14 [18] IGr Petros, a stone IIGr petra, large rock; bed-rock aMt 4:18 bMt 11:23 [19] IGr estai dedemenon, fut. pft. pass. IIGr estai lelumenon, fut. pft. pass. aIs 22:22; Rv 1:18; 3:7 bMt 18:18; Jn 20:23 [20] IOr strictly admonished III.e. the Messiah aMt 8:4; Mk 8:30; Lk 9:21 bMt 1:16; 16:16; Jn 11:27 Jesus Foretells His Death21 ¶ aFrom that time° IJesus° began° to show° His disciples° that He must° go° to Jerusalem°, and bsuffer° many° things° from the elders° and chief° priests° and scribes°, and be killed°, and be raised° up on the third° day°. 22 Peter° took° Him aside° and began° to rebuke° Him, saying°, “IGod° forbid° [it], Lord°! This° shall never°° IIhappen° to You.” 23 But He turned° and said° to Peter°, “Get° behind° Me, aSatan°! You are a stumbling° block° to Me; for you are not setting° your mind° on IGod’s° interests, but man’s°.” [21] ITwo early mss read Jesus Christ aMt 16:21-28: Mk 8:31-9:1; Lk 9:22-27 bMt 12:40; 17:9, 12, 22f; 20:18f; 27:63; Mk 9:12, 31; Lk 17:25; 18:32; 24:7; Jn 2:19
[22] ILit (God be) merciful to You IILit be [23] ILit the things of God aMt 4:10 Discipleship Is Costly24 ¶ Then° Jesus° said° to His disciples°, “If° anyone° wishes° to come° after° Me, he must deny° himself°, and atake° up his cross° and follow° Me. 25 For awhoever°° wishes° to save° his Ilife° will lose° it; but whoever°° loses° his Ilife° for My sake° will find° it. 26 For what° will it profit° a man° if° he gains° the whole° world° and forfeits° his soul°? Or° what° will a man° give° in exchange° for his soul°? 27 For the aSon° of Man° bis going° to come° in the glory° of His Father° with His angels°, and cWILL THEN° IREPAY° EVERY° MAN° ACCORDING° TO HIS IIDEEDS°. [24] aMt 10:38; Lk 14:27
[25] IOr soul aMt 10:39 [27] IOr recompense IILit doing aMt 8:20 bMt 10:23; 24:3, 27, 37, 39; 26:64; Mk 8:38; 13:26; Lk 21:27; Jn 21:22; Ac 1:11; 1Co 15:23; 1Th 1:10; 4:16; 2Th 1:7, 10; 2:1, 8; Jm 5:7f; 2P 1:16; 3:4, 12; 1 Jn 2:28; Rv 1:7 cPs 62:12; Pv 24:12; Ro 2:6; 14:12; 1Co 3:13; 2Co 5:10; Ep 6:8; Col 3:25; Rv 2:23; 20:12; 22:12 28 ¶ “Truly° I say° to you, there are some° of those° who are standing° here° who° will not taste° death° until° they see° the aSon° of Man° bcoming° in His kingdom°.” [28] aMt 8:20 bMt 10:23; 24:3, 27, 37, 39; 26:64; Mk 8:38; 13:26; Lk 21:27; Jn 21:22; Ac 1:11; 1Co 15:23; 1Th 1:10; 4:16; 2Th 1:7, 10; 2:1, 8; Jm 5:7f; 2P 1:16; 3:4, 12; 1 Jn 2:28; Rv 1:7
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The Pharisees require a sign.1 ¶² The² Phariseesº alsoº with the Sadduceesº came,ºª and¹ temptingºª desired¹ª² himº that he would shewºª themº a signº fromº heaven.º 2 º He² answeredºª and saidºª unto them,º When it isºª evening,º ye say,ºª [It will be] fair weather:º forº the² skyº is red.ºª 3 Andº in the morning,º [It will be] foul weatherº to day:º forº the² sky¹² is redºª and² lowring.ºª O [ye] hypocrites,º ye canºª discernºª¹ the²² faceº of the² sky;º butº can² ye¹ª notº [discern] the² signsº of the² times?º 4 A wickedº andº adulterousº generationº seeketh afterºª a sign;º andº there shall noº signº be givenºª unto it,º butº the² signº of the² prophetº Jonas.º Andº he leftºª them,º and departed.ºª 5 Andº when hisº disciplesº were comeºª toº the² other side,º they had forgottenºª to takeºª bread.º [1] Mt 3:7; 5:20; 9:11; 12:14, 38; 15:1; 16:6, 11; 19:3; 22:15, 18, 23, 34, 35; 23:2; 27:62; Mk 8:11; 10:2; 12:15, 18; Lk 10:25; 11:16, 29, 53; 12:54; 20:23, 27; Jn 6:30; 8:6; Ac 4:1; 5:17; 23:6; 1Co 1:22.
[2] Lk 12:54. [3] 1Ch 12:32; Mt 4:23; 7:5; 11:5; 15:7; 22:18; 23:13; Lk 11:44; 13:15. [4] Gn 6:3; Ho 4:17; 9:12; Jna 1:17; Mt 12:39; 15:14; Mk 5:17; 8:12, 38; Lk 11:29; Ac 2:40; 18:6. [5] Mt 15:39; Mk 8:13. Jesus warneth his disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.6 ¶ Thenº Jesusº saidºª unto them,º Take heedºª andº bewareºª ofº the² leavenº of the² Phariseesº andº of the Sadducees.º 7 Andº they² reasonedºª amongº themselves,º saying,ºª [It is] becauseº we have takenºª noº bread.º 8 [Which] whenº Jesusº perceived,ºª he saidºª unto them,º O ye of little faith,º whyº reason² ye¹ª amongº yourselves,º becauseº ye have broughtºª noº bread?º 9 Do ye¹ª not yetº understand,ºª neitherº rememberºª the² fiveº loavesº of the² five thousand,º andº how manyº basketsº ye took up?ºª 10 Neitherº the² sevenº loavesº of the² four thousand,º andº how manyº basketsº ye took up?ºª 11 Howº is it that¹ ye do¹ª notº understandºª that² I spakeºª [it] notº to youº concerningº bread,º that ye should bewareºª ofº the² leavenº of the² Phariseesº andº of the Sadducees?º 12 Thenº understood² they¹ª how² that¹ he badeºª [them] notº bewareºª ofº the² leavenº of bread,º butº ofº the² doctrineº of the² Phariseesº andº of the Sadducees.º [6] Ex 12:15; Lv 2:11; Mt 16:1, 12; Mk 8:15; Lk 12:1, 15; 1Co 5:6; Ga 5:9; 2Ti 2:16.
[7] Mt 15:16; Mk 8:16; 9:10; Lk 9:46; Ac 10:14. [8] Mt 6:30; 8:26; 14:31; Mk 16:14; Jn 2:24; 16:30; He 4:13; Rv 2:23. [9] Mt 14:17; 15:16; Mk 6:38; 7:18; Lk 9:13; 24:25; Jn 6:9; Rv 3:19. [10] Mt 15:34, 38; Mk 8:5, 17. [11] Mk 4:40; 8:21; Lk 12:56; Jn 8:43. [12] Mt 15:4; 23:13; Ac 23:8. The people's opinion of Christ,13 ¶ Whenº Jesusº cameºª intoº the² coastsº of Caesareaº Philippi,º he askedºª his¹² disciples,º saying,ºª Whomº do menº sayºª that Iº the² Sonº of man¹² am?ºª 14 Andº they² said,ºª Some² [say² that thou art]¹ Johnº the² Baptist:ºº some,º Elias;º andº others,º Jeremias,º orº oneº of the² prophets.º 15 He saithºª unto them,º Butº whomº sayºª yeº that Iº am?ºª [13] Dn 7:13; Mt 8:20; 9:6; 12:8, 32, 40; 13:37, 41; 15:21; 25:31; Mk 8:27, 38; 10:45; Lk 9:18; Jn 1:51; 3:14; 5:27; 12:34; Ac 7:56; 10:38; He 2:14.
[14] Mal 4:5; Mt 14:2; Mk 6:15; 8:28; Lk 9:18; Jn 7:12, 40; 9:17. [15] Mt 13:11; Mk 8:29; Lk 9:20. and Peter's confession of him.16 Andº Simonº Peterº answeredºª and said,ºª Thouº artºª the² Christ,º the² Sonº of the livingºª God.º 17 Andº Jesusº answeredºª and saidºª unto him,º Blessedº art² thou,¹ª Simonº Barjona:º forº fleshº andº bloodº hath¹ª notº revealedºª [it] unto thee,º butº myº Fatherº whichº is inº heaven.º 18 Andº I say¹ª alsoº² unto thee,º Thatº thouº artºª Peter,º andº uponº thisº rockº I will buildºª myº church;º andº the gatesº of hellº shall¹ª notº prevail againstºª it.º 19 Andº I will giveºª unto theeº the² keysº of the² kingdomº of heaven:º andº whatsoeverºº thou shalt bindºª onº earthº shall² be¹ª boundºª inº heaven:º andº whatsoeverºº thou shalt looseºª onº earthº shall beºª loosedºª inº heaven.º 20 Thenº charged² he¹ª his¹² disciplesº thatº they should tellºª no manº that¹² heº wasºª Jesusº the² Christ.º [16] Dt 5:26; Ps 2:7; 42:2; Dn 6:26; Mt 14:33; 26:63; 27:54; Mk 14:61; Jn 1:49; 6:69; 11:27; 20:31; Ac 8:37; 9:20; 14:15; Ro 1:4; 1Th 1:9; He 1:2; 1Jn 4:15; 5:5, 20.
[17] Is 54:13; Mt 5:3; 11:25; 13:16; Lk 10:21, 23; 22:32; Jn 1:42; 6:45; 17:6; 21:15; 1Co 2:9; Ga 1:11, 16; Ep 1:17; 2:8; 3:5, 18; Col 1:26; 1P 1:3; 5:1; 1Jn 4:15; 5:20. [18] Gn 22:17; 2S 18:4; Jb 38:17; Ps 9:13; 69:12; 107:18; 125:1; 127:5; Pv 24:7; Is 28:6, 16; 38:10; 54:17; Zc 6:12; Mt 10:2; 18:17; Jn 1:42; 10:27; Ac 2:47; 8:1; Ro 8:33; 1Co 3:9, 10; 15:55; Ga 2:9; Ep 2:19; 3:10; 5:25, 32; Col 1:18; 1Ti 3:5, 15; He 3:3; 12:28; Rv 11:15; 21:1, 14. [19] Is 22:22; Mt 18:18; Jn 20:23; Ac 2:14; 10:34; 15:7; 1Co 5:4; 2Co 2:10; 1Th 4:8; Rv 1:18; 3:7; 9:1; 11:6; 20:1. [20] Mt 8:4; 17:9; Mk 8:30; 9:9; Lk 9:21, 36; Jn 1:41, 45; 20:31; Ac 2:36; 1Jn 2:22; 5:1. Jesus foresheweth his death,21 ¶ Fromº that time forthº beganºª Jesusº to shewºª unto his¹² disciples,º how thatº heº mustºª goºª untoº Jerusalem,º andº sufferºª many thingsº ofº the² eldersº andº chief priestsº andº scribes,º andº be killed,ºª andº be raised againºª the² thirdº day.º 22 Thenº Peterº tookºª him,º and beganºª to rebukeºª him,º saying,ºª Be it farº from thee,º Lord:º thisº shall¹ª notº beºª unto thee.º [21] 1Ch 24:1; Ne 12:7; Mt 17:22; 20:17, 28; 26:2, 47; 27:12, 63; Mk 8:31; 9:31; 10:32; Lk 9:22, 31, 44; 18:31; 24:6, 26, 46; Jn 2:19; Ac 2:23; 1Co 15:3.
[22] 1K 22:13; Mt 16:16; 26:51; Mk 8:32; Jn 13:6; Ac 21:11. reproving Peter for dissuading him from it:23 Butº he² turned,ºª and saidºª unto Peter,º Get² thee¹ª behindº me,º Satan:º thou¹ª art¹² an offenceº unto me:º for² thou savourestºª notº the thingsº that be of God,º butº those² that be of men.º [23] Gn 3:1, 17; 2S 19:22; 1Ch 21:1; Is 8:14; Zc 3:1; Mt 4:10; 18:7; Mk 8:33; Lk 4:8; Jn 6:70; Ro 8:5; 14:13, 21; 1Co 2:14; 2Co 11:14; Php 3:19; Col 3:2.
and admonisheth those that will follow him, to bear the cross.24 ¶ Thenº saidºª Jesusº unto his¹² disciples,º If anyº [man] willºª comeºª afterº me,º let him denyºª himself,º andº take upºª his¹² cross,º andº followºª me.º 25 Forº whosoeverºº willºª saveºª his¹² lifeº shall loseºª it:º andº whosoeverºº will loseºª his¹² lifeº for¹ª my¹ sakeº² shall findºª it.º 26 Forº whatº is a manº profited,ºª ifº he shall gainºª the² wholeº world,º and¹² loseºª his own¹² soul?º orº whatº shall a manº giveºª in exchangeº for his¹² soul?º 27 Forº the² Sonº of manº shallºª comeºª inº the² gloryº of his¹² Fatherº withº his¹² angels;º andº thenº he shall rewardºª every manº accordingº to his¹² works.º 28 Verilyº I sayºª unto you,º There beºª someº standingºª here,º whichº shall¹ª not¹² tasteºª of death,º tillºº they seeºª the² Sonº of manº comingºª inº his¹² kingdom.º [24] Mt 10:38; 27:32; Mk 8:34; 10:21; 15:21; Lk 9:23; 14:27; 23:26; Jn 19:17; Ac 14:22; Col 1:24; 1Th 3:3; 2Ti 3:12; He 11:24; 1P 4:1.
[25] Es 4:14, 16; Mt 10:39; Mk 8:35; Lk 17:33; Jn 12:25; Ac 20:23; Rv 12:11. [26] Jb 2:4; 27:8; Ps 49:7; Mt 4:8; 5:29; Mk 8:36, 37; Lk 9:25; 12:20; 16:25. [27] Jb 34:11; Ps 62:12; Pv 24:12; Is 3:10; Jr 17:10; 32:19; Ezk 7:27; Dn 7:10; Zc 14:5; Mt 10:41; 13:41, 49; 24:30; 25:31; 26:64; Mk 8:38; 14:62; Lk 9:26; 21:27; 22:69; Ro 2:6; 1Co 8:8; 2Co 5:10; Ep 6:8; 2Th 1:7; 1P 1:17; Jde 1:14; Rv 2:23; 22:12. [28] Mt 10:23; 24:3, 27, 42; 26:64; Mk 9:1; 13:26; Lk 2:26; 9:27; 18:8; 21:27; Jn 8:52; He 2:9. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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