WWW Chat Bible CommentaryUser-Posted Comments on Matthew 16:18The voice of Elohim scripture history declared that, Y'Shua, Immnauel his son, would built his one true church or kingdom. Matt.16;18.The doctrine of demon are the chruch of christ ,catholic and protestant teaching and doctrine1tim.4;1-4.
Elohim scriptures declared his son Immanuel, only built one true church,eph. 4;4, col.1;18. Immanuel,Ammanuel, Emanuel one true church was built in 33. A.D. on the day of pentecost in jerusalem. This is the only church salvation and Eloah son,s, salvation comes through.Acts 4;12. Yhwh salvation doesn,t comes through the gog of magog,Rev.20;7-8, pseudo god or his pseudo son jezus.This is a doctrine of demon 1tim. 4;1-4.Nor does it come through any tradition or church or doctrine of man.Matt. 15;8-9. - NegOs A-Sir (11/5/2012 4:32:21 PM) Expand Comments for Matthew 16:18.Expand Cross References for Matthew 16:18. |