NASB — Revelation 3 — KJV

Message to Sardis

1 “To the angel° of the church° in aSardis° write°:

He who has° bthe seven° Spirits° of God° and cthe seven° stars°, says° this°: ‘dI know° your deeds°, that you have° a name° that you are alive°, Ibut you are edead°. 2 Wake° up, and strengthen° the things° that remain°, which° were about° to die°; for I have not found° your deeds° completed° in the sight° of My God°. 3 So° aremember° Iwhat° you have received° and heard°; and keep° [it], and arepent°. Therefore° if° you do not wake° up, aI will come° blike° a thief°, and you will not know° at cwhat° hour° I will come° to you. 4 But you have° a few° Iapeople° in bSardis° who° have not csoiled° their garments°; and they will walk° with Me din white°, for they are worthy°. 5 aHe who overcomes° will thus° be clothed° in bwhite° garments°; and I will not cerase° his name° from the book° of life°, and dI will confess° his name° before° My Father° and before° His angels°. 6 aHe who has° an ear°, let him hear° what° the Spirit° says° to the churches°.’

[1] ILit and aRv 1:11 bRv 1:4 cRv 1:16 dRv 2:2; 3:8, 15 e1Ti 5:6
[3] ILit how aRv 2:5 b1Th 5:2; 2P 3:10; Rv 16:15 cMt 24:43; Lk 12:39f
[4] ILit names aRv 11:13 bRv 1:11 cJde 23 dEc 9:8; Rv 3:5, 18; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9, 13f; 19:8, 14
[5] aRv 2:7 bRv 3:4 cEx 32:32f; Ps 69:28; Lk 10:20; Rv 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27 dMt 10:32; Lk 12:8
[6] aRv 2:7

Message to Philadelphia

7“And to the angel° of the church° in aPhiladelphia° write°:

bHe who is holy°, cwho is true°, who has° dthe key° of David°, who opens° and no° one° will shut°, and who shuts° and no° one° opens°, says° this°:

[7] aRv 1:11 bRv 6:10 c1 Jn 5:20; Rv 3:14; 19:11 dJb 12:14; Is 22:22; Mt 16:19; Rv 1:18

8aI know° your Ideeds°. Behold°, I have put° before° you ban open° door° which° no° one° can° shut°, because° you have° a little° power°, and have kept° My word°, and chave not denied° My name°. 9 Behold°, I Iwill cause° [those] of athe synagogue° of Satan°, who say° that they are Jews° and are not, but lie°—I will make° them bcome° and bow° down° IIat your feet°, and [make them] know° that cI have loved° you. 10 Because° you have akept° the word° of bMy Iperseverance°, cI also° will keep° you from the hour° of IIdtesting°, that [hour] which is about° to come° upon the whole° IIIeworld°, to IVtest° fthose° who dwell° on the earth°. 11 aI am coming° quickly°; bhold° fast° what° you have°, so° that no° one° will take° your ccrown°. 12 aHe who overcomes°, I will make° him a bpillar° in the temple° of My God°, and he will not go° out from it anymore°; and I will write° on him the cname° of My God°, and dthe name° of the city° of My God°, ethe new° Jerusalem°, which comes° down° out of heaven° from My God°, and My fnew° name°. 13 aHe who has° an ear°, let him hear° what° the Spirit° says° to the churches°.’

[8] IOr deeds (behold...shut), that you have aRv 3:1 bAc 14:27 cRv 2:13
[9] ILit give IILit before aRv 2:9 bIs 45:14; 49:23; 60:14 cIs 43:4; Jn 17:23
[10] IOr steadfastness IIOr temptation IIILit inhabited earth IVOr tempt aJn 17:6; Rv 3:8 bRv 1:9 c2Ti 2:12; 2P 2:9 dRv 2:10 eMt 24:14; Rv 16:14 fRv 6:10; 8:13; 11:10; 13:8, 14; 17:8
[11] aRv 1:3; 22:7, 12, 20 bRv 2:25 cRv 2:10
[12] aRv 3:5 b1K 7:21; Jr 1:18; Ga 2:9 cRv 14:1; 22:4 dEzk 48:35; Rv 21:2 eGa 4:26; He 13:14; Rv 21:2, 10 fIs 62:2; Rv 2:17
[13] aRv 3:6

Message to Laodicea

14“To the angel° of the church° in aLaodicea° write°:

bThe Amen°, cthe faithful° and true° Witness°, dthe IBeginning° of the creation° of God°, says° this°:

[14] II.e. Origin or Source aRv 1:11 b2Co 1:20 cRv 1:5; 3:7 dGn 49:3; Dt 21:17; Pv 8:22; Jn 1:3; Col 1:18; Rv 21:6; 22:13

15aI know° your deeds°, that you are neither° cold° nor° hot°; bI wish° that you were cold° or° hot°. 16 So° because° you are lukewarm°, and neither° hot° nor° cold°, I will° Ispit° you out of My mouth°. 17 Because° you say°, “aI am° rich°, and have become° wealthy°, and have° need° of nothing°,” and you do not know° that you are wretched° and miserable° and poor° and blind° and naked°, 18 I advise° you to abuy° from Me bgold° refined° by fire° so° that you may become° rich°, and cwhite° garments° so° that you may clothe° yourself, and [that] dthe shame° of your nakedness° will not be revealed°; and eye° salve° to anoint° your eyes° so° that you may see°. 19 aThose° whom° I love°, I reprove° and discipline°; therefore° be zealous° and brepent°. 20 Behold°, I stand° aat the door° and bknock°; if° anyone° hears° My voice° and opens° the door°, cI will come° in to him and will dine° with him, and he with Me. 21 aHe who overcomes°, I will grant° to him bto sit° down° with Me on My throne°, as cI also° overcame° and sat° down° with My Father° on His throne°. 22 aHe who has° an ear°, let him hear° what° the Spirit° says° to the churches°.’”

[15] aRv 3:1 bRo 12:11
[16] ILit vomit
[17] aHo 12:8; Zc 11:5; Mt 5:3; 1Co 4:8
[18] aIs 55:1; Mt 13:44 b1P 1:7 cRv 3:4 dRv 16:15
[19] aPv 3:12; 1Co 11:32; He 12:6 bRv 2:5
[20] aMt 24:33; Jm 5:9 bLk 12:36; Jn 10:3 cJn 14:23
[21] aRv 2:7 bMt 19:28; 2Ti 2:12; Rv 2:26; 20:4 cJn 16:33; Rv 5:5; 6:2; 17:14
[22] aRv 2:7

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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1Andº unto the² angelº of the² churchº inº Sardisº write;ºª These thingsº saithºª he that hathºª the² sevenº Spiritsº of God,º andº the² sevenº stars;º I knowºª thyº works,º thatº thou hastºª a nameº thatº thou livest,ºª andº artºª dead.º

[1] Lk 15:24, 32; Jn 1:16, 33; 3:34; 7:37; 15:26; 20:22; Ac 2:33; Ep 2:1, 5; Col 2:13; 1Ti 5:6; Jm 2:26; 1P 1:11; Jde 1:12; Rv 1:4, 11, 16, 20; 2:1, 2, 9, 13, 19; 4:5; 5:6.

The angel of the Church of Sardis is reproved,

2 Beºª watchful,ºª andº strengthenºª the things which remain,º thatº are¹ª ready² to die:ºª forº I have¹ª notº foundºª thyº worksº perfectºª beforeº God.º

[2] Dt 3:28; 1K 11:4; 15:3; 2Ch 25:2; Jb 4:4; 16:5; Is 35:3; 56:10; 57:12; 62:6; Ezk 34:8, 16; Dn 5:27; Zc 11:16; Mt 6:2; 23:5, 28; 24:42; 25:13; Mk 13:33; Lk 22:31; Ac 18:23; 20:28; 2Ti 4:1; 1P 4:7; 5:8; Rv 2:4; 16:15.

exhorted to repent, and threatened if he do not repent.

3 Rememberºª thereforeº howº thou hast receivedºª andº heard,ºª andº hold fast,ºª andº repent.ºª If¹ª² thereforeº thou shalt¹ª not¹² watch,ºª I will comeºª onº theeº asº a thief,º andº thou shalt¹ª notº knowºª whatº hourº I will comeºª uponº thee.º 4 Thou hastºª a fewº namesº evenº inº Sardisº whichº have¹ª notº defiledºª their¹² garments;º andº they shall walkºª withº meº inº white:º forº they areºª worthy.º 5 He that overcometh,ºª the sameº shall be clothedºª inº whiteº raiment;º andº I will¹ª notº blot outºª his¹² nameº out² of¹ the² bookº of life,º butº I will confessºª his¹² nameº beforeº myº Father,º andº beforeº his¹² angels.º 6 He that hathºª an ear,º let him hearºª whatº the² Spiritº saithºª unto the² churches.º 7 Andº to the² angelº of the² churchº inº Philadelphiaº write;ºª These thingsº saithºª he that is holy,º he that is true,º he that hathºª the² keyº of David,º he that openeth,ºª andº no manº shutteth;ºª andº shutteth,ºª andº no manº openeth;ºª

[3] Ezk 16:61; 20:43; 36:31; Mt 24:42; 25:13; Mk 13:33, 36; Lk 12:39; 1Th 5:2, 4, 6; 1Ti 6:20; 2Ti 1:13; He 2:1; 2P 1:13; 3:1, 10; Rv 2:5, 21, 25; 3:11, 19; 16:15.
[4] 1K 19:18; Es 8:15; Ps 68:14; Ec 9:8; Is 1:9; 52:1; 59:6; 61:3, 10; 64:6; Zc 3:3, 4; Mt 10:11; Mk 16:5; Lk 20:35; 21:36; Ac 1:15; Ro 11:4; 2Th 1:5; Jde 1:23; Rv 3:5, 18; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9, 13, 14; 11:13; 19:8, 14.
[5] Ex 32:32; Dt 9:14; 1S 17:25; Ps 69:28; 109:13; Mal 3:17; Mt 10:32; Lk 12:8; Php 4:3; Jde 1:24; Rv 2:7; 3:4; 13:8; 17:8; 19:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27; 22:19.
[6] Rv 2:7.
[7] Jb 11:10; 12:14; Ps 16:10; 89:18; 145:17; Is 6:3; 22:22; 30:11; 41:14, 16, 20; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 55:5; Mt 16:19; 24:35; Mk 1:24; Lk 1:32; 4:34; Jn 14:6; Ac 3:14; 1Jn 5:20; Rv 1:5, 11, 18; 2:1; 3:14; 4:8; 5:3, 9; 6:10; 15:3; 16:7; 19:2, 11; 21:5.

The angel of the Church of Philadelphia

8 I knowºª thyº works:º behold,ºª I have setºª beforeº theeº an openºª door,º andº no manº canºª shutºª it:º forº thou hastºª a littleº strength,º andº hast keptºª myº word,º andº hast¹ª notº deniedºª myº name.º 9 Behold,ºª I will makeºª them² ofº the² synagogueº of Satan,º which¹ sayºª theyº areºª Jews,º andº areºª not,º butº do lie;ºª behold,ºª I will makeºª themº toº comeºª andº worshipºª beforeº thyº feet,º andº to knowºª thatº Iº have lovedºª thee.º

[8] Pv 30:9; Dn 11:34; Mt 26:70; Lk 12:9; Jn 14:21; 15:20; 17:6; Ac 3:13; 1Co 16:9; 2Co 2:12; 12:8; Php 4:13; Col 4:3; 1Ti 5:8; 2Ti 4:7; 1Jn 2:22; Jde 1:4; Rv 2:2, 13; 3:1, 7, 10, 15; 22:7.
[9] Ex 11:8; 12:30; 1S 2:36; Es 8:17; Jb 42:8; Is 49:23; 60:14; Zc 8:20; Ac 16:37; Rv 2:9.

is approved for his diligence and patience.

10 Becauseº thou hast keptºª the² wordº of myº patience,º I alsoº will keepºª theeº fromº the² hourº of temptation,º which¹ shall² comeº¹ªª uponº allº the² world,¹² to tryºª them² that dwellºª uponº the² earth.º 11 Behold,ºª I comeºª quickly:º hold that fastºª whichº thou hast,ºª thatº no manº takeºª thyº crown.º 12 Himº that overcomethºª will I makeºª a pillarº inº the² templeº of myº God,º andº he shall goºª noº moreº out:º andº I will writeºª uponº himº the² nameº of myº God,º andº the² nameº of the² cityº of myº God,º [which is]¹ newº Jerusalem,º which¹² cometh downºªªª out ofº heavenº fromº myº God:º andº [I will write upon him] myº newº name.º 13 He that hathºª an ear,º let him hearºª whatº the² Spiritº saithºª unto the² churches.º 14 Andº unto the² angelº of the² churchº of the Laodiceansº write;ºª These thingsº saithºª the² Amen,º the² faithfulº andº trueº witness,º the² beginningº of the² creationº of God;º

[10] Is 24:17; Dn 12:10; Zc 13:9; Mt 6:13; 24:14; 26:41; Mk 14:9; Lk 2:1; Ro 1:8; 1Co 10:13; Ep 6:13; Jm 3:12; 1P 4:12; 2P 2:9; Rv 1:9; 13:10; 14:12.
[11] Zp 1:14; 1Co 9:25; Php 4:5; 2Ti 2:5; 4:8; Jm 1:12; 5:9; 1P 5:3; Rv 1:3; 2:10, 13, 25; 3:3; 4:4, 10; 22:7, 12, 20.
[12] 1K 7:21; Ps 48:8; 87:3; Is 65:15; Jr 1:18; Ga 2:9; 4:26; Ep 3:15; He 12:22; 1Jn 2:13; 4:4; Rv 2:7, 17; 14:1; 17:14; 21:2, 10; 22:4.
[13] Rv 2:7.
[14] Is 55:4; 65:16; Jr 42:5; 2Co 1:20; Col 1:15; 2:1; 4:16; Rv 1:5, 11; 2:1; 3:7; 19:11; 22:6.

The angel of Laodicea rebuked, for being neither hot nor cold,

15 I knowºª thyº works,º thatº thou artºª neitherº coldº norº hot:º I wouldº thou wertºª coldº orº hot.º 16 So¹ then² becauseº thou artºª lukewarm,º andº neitherº coldº norº hot,º I willºª spueºª theeº out ofº myº mouth.º 17 Becauseº thou sayest,ºª¹ I amºª rich,º andº increased with goods,ºª andº haveºª needº of nothing;º andº knowestºª notº thatº thouº artºª wretched,º andº miserable,º andº poor,º andº blind,º andº naked:º 18 I counselºª theeº to buyºª ofº meº goldº triedºª inº the fire,º thatº thou mayest be rich;ºª andº whiteº raiment,º that¹² thou mayest be clothed,ºª andº [that] the² shameº of thyº nakednessº do¹ª notº appear;ºª andº anointºª thineº eyesº with eyesalve,º thatº thou mayest see.ºª

[15] Dt 5:29; Jsh 24:15; 1K 18:21; Ps 81:11; Pv 23:26; Ho 7:8; 10:2; Zp 1:5; Mt 6:24; 10:37; 24:12; Lk 14:27; 1Co 16:22; 2Co 12:20; Php 1:9; 2Th 1:3; Jm 1:8; 1P 1:22; Rv 2:2, 4; 3:1.
[16] Jr 14:19; 15:1; Zc 11:8; Rv 2:5.
[17] Gn 3:7, 10; Ex 32:35; Dt 8:12; Pv 13:7; 30:9; Is 42:19; Jr 2:31; Ho 12:8; Zc 11:5; Mt 5:3; 9:12; Lk 1:53; 6:24; 18:11; Jn 9:40; Ro 2:17; 7:24; 11:20, 25; 12:3; 1Co 4:8; 2P 1:9; Rv 2:9; 16:15.
[18] Ps 16:7; 32:8; 73:24; 107:11; Pv 1:25, 30; 19:20; 23:23; Ec 8:2; Is 47:3; 55:1; Jr 13:26; Dn 12:2; Mi 1:11; Na 3:5; Mal 3:3; Mt 13:44; 25:9; Lk 12:21; Jn 9:6; 1Co 3:12; 2Co 5:3; 8:9; 1Ti 6:18; Jm 2:5; 1P 1:7; 1Jn 2:20; Rv 2:9; 3:4; 7:13; 16:15; 19:8.

and admonished to be more zealous.

19 As many asºº I² love,ºª I¹ rebukeºª andº chasten:ºª be zealousºª therefore,º andº repent.ºª

[19] Nu 25:11; Dt 8:5; 2S 7:14; Jb 5:17; Ps 6:1; 39:11; 69:9; 94:10; Pv 3:11; 15:10, 32; 22:15; Is 26:16; Jr 2:30; 7:28; 10:24; 30:11; 31:18; Zp 3:2; Jn 2:17; Ro 12:11; 1Co 11:32; 2Co 6:9; 7:11; Ga 4:18; Tit 2:14; He 12:5; Jm 1:12; Rv 2:5, 21.

Christ standeth at the door and knocketh.

20 Behold,ºª I standºª atº the² door,º andº knock:ºª ifº any manº hearºª myº voice,º andº openºª the² door,º I will come inºª toº him,º andº will supºª withº him,º andº heº withº me.º 21 To himº that overcomethºª will I grantºª to sitºª withº meº inº myº throne,º even¹ª asº I alsoº overcame,ºª andº am set downºª withº myº Fatherº inº his¹² throne.º 22 He that hathºª an ear,º let him hearºª whatº the² Spiritº saithºª unto the² churches.º

[20] So 5:2; Lk 12:36, 37; 17:8; Jn 14:21; Rv 19:9.
[21] Dn 7:13; Mt 19:28; 28:18; Lk 22:30; Jn 5:22; 16:33; 1Co 6:2; Ep 1:20; Php 2:9; 2Ti 2:12; 1Jn 5:4; Rv 1:6; 2:7, 26; 5:6; 7:17; 12:11.
[22] Rv 2:7, 11, 17; 3:6, 13.

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