Prophecy against the Shepherds of Israel1 Then the word° of the LORD° came° to me saying°, 2 “Son° of man°, prophesy° against° the ashepherds° of Israel°. Prophesy° and say° to Ithose shepherds°, ‘Thus° says° the Lord° IIGOD°, “Woe°, shepherds° of Israel° who° have been° IIIbfeeding° themselves! Should not the shepherds° IIIcfeed° the flock°? 3 You aeat° the fat° and clothe° yourselves° with the wool°, you bslaughter° the fat° [sheep] without° Ifeeding° the flock°. 4 Those who are sickly° you have not strengthened°, the Idiseased° you have not healed°, athe broken° you have not bound° up, the scattered° you have not brought° back°, nor° have you bsought° for the lost°; but with force° and with severity° you have dominated° them. 5 They were ascattered° for lack° of a shepherd°, and they became° bfood° for every° beast° of the field° and were scattered°. 6 My flock° awandered° through all° the mountains° and on every° high° hill°; bMy flock° was scattered° over° all° the surface° of the earth°, and there° was cno° one° to search° or seek° [for them].”’” [2] ILit them, the shepherds IIHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD, and so throughout the ch IIILit pasturing, pasture aJr 2:8; 3:15; 10:21; 12:10 bJr 23:1; Ezk 22:25; 34:8-10; Mi 3:1-3, 11 cPs 78:71, 72; Is 40:11; Ezk 34:14, 15; Jn 10:11; 21:15-17
[3] ILit pasturing aZc 11:16 bEzk 22:25, 27 [4] ILit sick aZc 11:16 bMt 9:36; 10:6; 18:12, 13; Lk 15:4 [5] aNu 27:17; 2Ch 18:16; Jr 10:21; 23:2; 50:6, 7; Mt 9:36; Mk 6:34 bEzk 34:8, 28 [6] aJr 40:11, 12; Ezk 7:16; 1P 2:25 bJn 10:16 cPs 142:4 7 ¶ Therefore°, you shepherds°, hear° the word° of the LORD°: 8 “As I live°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°, “surely°° because° My flock° has become° a aprey°, My flock° has even become° food° for all° the beasts° of the field° for lack° of a shepherd°, and My shepherds° did not search° for My flock°, but [rather] the shepherds° fed° themselves and did not feed° My flock°; 9 therefore°, you shepherds°, hear° the word° of the LORD°: 10 ‘Thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “Behold°, I am aagainst° the shepherds°, and I will demand° My Isheep° IIfrom them and make them bcease° from feeding° Isheep°. So the shepherds° will not IIIfeed° themselves anymore°, but I will cdeliver° My flock° from their mouth°, so that they will not be food° for them.”’” [8] aAc 20:29
[10] IOr (a) flock IILit from their hand IIILit pasture, and so throughout the ch aJr 21:13; Ezk 5:8; 13:8; 34:2; Zc 10:3 b1S 2:29, 30; Jr 52:24-27 cPs 72:12-14; Ezk 13:23 The Restoration of Israel11 ¶ For thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “Behold°, I Myself° will asearch° for My sheep° and seek° them out. 12 aAs a shepherd° Icares° for his herd° in the day° when he is among° his scattered° IIsheep°, so° I will Ibcare° for My IIsheep° and will deliver° them from all° the places° to which° they were scattered° on a ccloudy° and gloomy° day°. 13 I will bring° them out from the peoples° and gather° them from the countries° and bring° them to their own land°; and I will afeed° them on the mountains° of Israel°, by the bstreams°, and in all° the inhabited° places° of the land°. 14 I will feed° them in a agood° pasture°, and their grazing° ground° will be on the mountain° heights° of Israel°. There° they will lie° down° on good° grazing° ground° and feed° in Ibrich° pasture° on the mountains° of Israel°. 15 I will afeed° My flock° and I will Ilead° them to rest°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°. 16 “I will seek° the lost°, bring° back° the scattered°, bind° up the broken° and strengthen° the sick°; but the afat° and the strong° I will destroy°. I will bfeed° them with judgment°. [11] aEzk 11:17; 20:41
[12] IOr seek(s) out IIOr flock aJr 31:10 bIs 40:11; 56:8; Jr 23:3; 31:8; Lk 19:10; Jn 10:16 cJr 13:16; Ezk 30:3; Jol 2:2 [13] aEzk 34:23; 36:29, 30; Mi 7:14 bIs 30:25 [14] ILit fat aPs 23:2; Jr 31:12-14, 25; Jn 10:9 bEzk 28:25, 26; 36:29, 30 [15] ILit cause them to lie down aPs 23:1, 2; Ezk 34:23 [16] aIs 10:16 bIs 49:26 17 ¶ “As for you, My flock°, thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, ‘Behold°, I will ajudge° between° one Isheep° and another°, between the rams° and the male° goats°. 18 Is it too° aslight° a thing° for you that you should feed° in the good° pasture°, that you must tread° down° with your feet° the rest° of your pastures°? Or that you should drink° of the clear° waters°, that you must Ifoul° the rest° with your feet°? 19 As for My flock°, they must eat° what° you tread° down° with your feet° and drink° what° you Ifoul° with your feet°!’” [17] IOr lamb aEzk 20:38; 34:20-22; Mal 4:1; Mt 25:32
[18] ILit foul by trampling aNu 16:9, 13; 2S 7:19; Is 7:13 [19] ILit foul by trampling 20 ¶ Therefore°, thus° says° the Lord° GOD° to them, “Behold°, I, even I, will judge° between° the fat° sheep° and the lean° sheep°. 21 Because° you push° with side° and with shoulder°, and athrust° at all° the Iweak° with your horns° until°° you have scattered° them IIabroad°, 22 therefore, I will adeliver° My flock°, and they will no° longer° be a prey°; and I will judge° between° one sheep° and another°. [21] IOr sick IILit to the outside aDt 33:17; Dn 8:4; Lk 13:14-16
[22] aPs 72:12-14; Jr 23:3; Ezk 34:10 23 ¶ “Then I will aset° over° them one° bshepherd°, My servant° cDavid°, and he will feed° them; he will feed° them himself° and be their shepherd°. 24 And I, the LORD°, will be their God°, and My servant° aDavid° will be prince° among° them; I the LORD° have spoken°. 25 ¶ “I will make° a acovenant° of peace° with them and beliminate° harmful° beasts° from the land° so that they may clive° securely° in the wilderness° and sleep° in the woods°. 26 I will make° them and the places° around° My hill° a ablessing°. And I will cause bshowers° to come° down° in their season°; they will be showers° of cblessing°. 27 Also the tree° of the field° will yield° its fruit° and the earth° will yield° its increase°, and they will be asecure° on their land°. Then they will know° that I am the LORD°, when I have bbroken° the bars° of their yoke° and have delivered° them from the hand° of those who enslaved° them. 28 They will no° longer° be a prey° to the nations°, and the beasts° of the earth° will not devour° them; but they will alive° securely°, and no° one° will make° [them] afraid°. 29 I will establish° for them a arenowned° planting° place°, and they will bnot again° be Ivictims° of famine° in the land°, and they will not cendure° the insults° of the nations° anymore°. 30 Then they will know° that aI, the LORD° their God°, am with them, and that they, the house° of Israel°, are My people°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°. 31 “As for you, My asheep°, the bsheep° of My pasture°, you are men°, and I am your God°,” declares° the Lord° GOD°. [25] aEzk 16:60; 20:37; 37:26 bJb 5:22, 23; Is 11:6-9 cJr 33:16; Ezk 28:26; 34:27, 28
[26] aGn 12:2; Ezk 34:14 bDt 11:13-15; 28:12 cLv 25:21; Is 44:3 [27] aEzk 38:8, 11 bLv 26:13; Is 52:2, 3; Jr 30:8 [28] aJr 30:10; Ezk 39:26 [29] ILit those gathered aIs 4:2; 60:21; 61:3 bEzk 34:26, 27; 36:29 cEzk 36:6, 15 [30] aPs 46:7, 11; Ezk 14:11; 36:28 [31] aPs 78:52; 80:1; Ezk 36:38 bPs 100:3; Jr 23:1 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
A reproof of the shepherds.1 ¶ And the wordº of the LORDº came² unto² me, saying,ºª 2 Sonº of man,º prophesyºª against² the shepherdsºª of Israel,º prophesy,ºª and sayºª unto² them, Thus² saithºª the Lordº GODº unto the shepherds;ºª Woeº [be] to the shepherdsºª of Israelº that² do feedºª² themselves! should not² the shepherdsºª feedºª the flocks?º 3 Ye eatºª² the fat,º and ye clotheºª you with² the wool,º ye killºª them that are fed:º [but] ye feedºª not² the flock.º 4 ² The diseasedºª have ye not² strengthened,ºª neither² have ye healedºª that which was sick,ºª neither² have ye bound upºª [that which was] broken,ºª neither² have ye brought againºª that which was driven away,ºª neither² have ye soughtºª that which was lost;ºª but with forceº and with crueltyº have ye ruledºª them. 5 And they were scattered,ºª because [there is] no²² shepherd:ºª and they became² meatº to all² the beastsº of the field,º when they were scattered.ºª 6 My sheepº wanderedºª through all² the mountains,º and upon² every² highºª hill:º yea, my flockº was scatteredºª upon² all² the faceº of the earth,º and none² did searchºª or seekºª [after them]. [2] 2S 5:2; Ps 78:71; Is 40:11; Jr 2:8; 3:15; 10:21; 12:10; 23:1; Ezk 13:19; 33:24; 34:8; Mi 3:1, 11; Zp 3:3; Zc 11:17; Mt 24:48; Lk 12:42; 20:46; Jn 10:1, 12; 21:15; Ac 20:26, 29; Ro 16:18; 1P 5:2; 2P 2:3.
[3] 1K 21:13; 2K 21:16; Is 1:10, 15; 56:11; Jr 2:30; 22:17; Lm 4:13; Ezk 19:3, 6; 22:25; 33:25; Mi 3:1; Zp 3:3; Zc 11:5, 16. [4] Ex 1:13; Is 56:10; Jr 8:22; 22:13; Ezk 34:16; Zc 11:15; Mt 9:36; 10:6; 18:12; 21:35; 24:49; Lk 15:4; 2Co 1:24; He 12:12; Jm 5:1; 1P 5:2; Rv 13:14; 17:5. [5] 1K 22:17; 2Ch 18:16; Is 56:9; Jr 12:9; 23:2; 50:6, 17; Ezk 33:21, 28; 34:6, 8; Zc 10:2; 13:7; Mt 9:36; Jn 10:2; Ac 20:29. [6] Ps 142:4; Jr 5:1; 13:16; 40:11; Ezk 7:16; Jn 10:16; He 11:37; 1P 2:25. God's judgment against them.7 ¶ Therefore,² ye shepherds,ºª hearºª² the wordº of the LORD;º 8 [As] I² live,º saithºª the Lordº GOD,º surely²² because² my flockº became² a prey,º and my flockº became² meatº to every² beastº of the field,º because [there was] no²² shepherd,ºª neither² did my shepherdsºª searchºª² for my flock,º but the shepherdsºª fedºª themselves, and fedºª not² my flock;º 9 Therefore,² O ye shepherds,ºª hearºª the wordº of the LORD;º 10 Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Behold,² I [am] against² the shepherds;ºª and I will requireºª² my flockº at their hand,º² and cause them to ceaseºª from feedingºª² the flock;º neither² shall the shepherdsºª feedºª themselves any more;² for I will deliverºª my flockº from their mouth,º² that they may not² be² meatº for them. [7] Ps 82:1; Is 1:10; Jr 13:13, 18; 22:2; Ezk 34:9; Mi 3:8; Mal 2:1; Mt 23:13; Lk 11:39.
[8] Ezk 34:2, 5, 10, 18, 31; Ac 20:33; 1Co 9:15; 2P 2:13; Jde 1:12. [10] 1S 2:29; Ps 23:5; 72:12; 102:19; Jr 13:18; 21:13; 39:6; 50:31; 52:9, 24; Ezk 3:18, 20; 5:8; 13:8; 21:3; 33:6; 34:2, 8, 22; 35:3; Na 2:13; Zc 10:3; He 13:17; 1P 3:12. His providence for his flock.11 ¶ For² thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Behold,² I, [even] I,² will both searchºª² my sheep,º and seek them out.ºª 12 As a shepherdºª seeketh outº his flockº in the dayº that he is² amongº his sheepº [that are] scattered;¹ª² so² will I seek outºª² my sheep,º and will deliverºª them out of all²² placesº where²² they have been scatteredºª in the cloudyº and darkº day.º 13 And I will bring them outºª from² the people,º and gatherºª them from² the countries,º and will bringºª them to² their own land,º and feedºª them upon² the mountainsº of Israelº by the rivers,º and in all² the inhabited placesº of the country.º 14 I will feedºª them in a goodº pasture,º and upon the highº mountainsº of Israelº shall their foldº be:² there² shall they lieºª in a goodº fold,º and [in] a fatº pastureº shall they feedºª upon² the mountainsº of Israel.º 15 I² will feedºª my flock,º and I² will cause them to lie down,ºª saithºª the Lordº GOD.º 16 I will seekºª² that which was lost,ºª and bring againºª that which was driven away,ºª and will bind upºª [that which was] broken,ºª and will strengthenºª that which was sick:ºª but I will destroyºª the fatº and the strong;º I will feedºª them with judgment.º 17 And [as for] you,º O my flock,º thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Behold,² I judgeºª between² cattleº and cattle,º between the ramsº and the he goats.º 18 [Seemeth it] a small thingº unto² you to have eaten upºª the goodº pasture,º but ye must tread downºª with your feetº the residueº of your pastures?º and to have drunkºª of the deepº waters,º but ye must foulºª the residueºª with your feet?º 19 And [as for] my flock,º they eatºª that which ye have troddenº with your feet;º and they drinkºª that which ye have fouledº with your feet.º [11] Gn 6:17; Lv 26:28; Dt 32:39; Ps 23:1; 80:1; 119:176; Is 40:10; 45:12; 48:15; 51:12; 56:8; Jr 23:3; 31:8; Ezk 5:8; 6:3; Ho 5:14; Mt 13:11; Lk 19:10; Jn 10:16.
[12] 1S 17:34; Is 50:10; Jr 13:16; Ezk 30:3; Jol 2:1; Am 5:18; Zp 1:15; Lk 15:4; Jn 10:11; Ac 2:19. [13] Ps 106:47; Is 11:11; 65:9; 66:19; Jr 23:3, 8; 30:3, 18; 31:8; 32:37; Ezk 11:17; 20:41; 28:25; 34:18; 36:24; 37:21; 38:8; 39:27; Am 9:14; Mi 7:14; Zp 3:19. [14] Ps 23:1; 31:8; Is 25:6; 30:23; 40:11; Jr 31:12, 25; 33:12; Ezk 34:27; Jn 10:9; Rv 7:16. [15] Ps 23:2; So 1:7; Is 11:6; 27:10; 65:9; Jr 3:15; Ho 2:18; Zp 3:13; Jn 21:15. [16] Dt 32:15; Is 5:17; 10:16; 40:11; 49:26; 61:1; Jr 9:15; 10:24; 23:15; 50:11; Ezk 34:4, 11; 39:18; Am 4:1; Mi 4:6; 7:14; Mt 15:24; 18:11; Mk 2:17; Lk 5:31; 15:4; 19:10. [17] Ezk 20:37; 34:20; Zc 10:3; Mt 25:32. [18] Gn 30:15; Nu 16:9, 13; 2S 7:19; Is 7:13; Ezk 16:20, 47; 32:2; 34:2; Mi 2:2; Mt 15:6; 23:13; Lk 11:52. The Kingdom of Christ.20 ¶ Therefore² thus² saithºª the Lordº GODº unto² them; Behold,² I,² [even] I, will judgeºª between² the fat¹² cattleº and between² the leanº cattle.º 21 Because² ye have thrustºª with sideº and with shoulder,º and pushedºª all² the diseasedºª with your horns,º till²² ye have scatteredºª them abroad;º² 22 Therefore will I saveºª my flock,º and they shall no² more² be² a prey;º and I will judgeºª between² cattleº and cattle.º 23 And I will set upºª oneº shepherdºª over² them, and he shall feedºª them, [even]² my servantº David;º he shall feedºª them, and he² shall be² their shepherd.ºª 24 And I² the LORDº will be² their God,º and my servantº Davidº a princeº amongº them; I² the LORDº have spokenºª [it]. 25 And I will makeºª with them a covenantº of peace,º and will cause the evilº beastsº to ceaseºª out of² the land:º and they shall dwellºª safelyº in the wilderness,º and sleepºª in the woods.ºª¹ 26 And I will makeºª them and the places round aboutº my hillº a blessing;º and I will cause the showerº to come downºª in his season;º there shall be² showersº of blessing.º 27 And the treeº of the fieldº shall yieldºª² her fruit,º and the earthº shall yieldºª her increase,º and they shall be² safeº in² their land,º and shall knowºª that² I² [am] the LORD,º when I have brokenºª² the bandsº of their yoke,º and deliveredºª them out of the handº² of those that servedºª themselves of them. 28 And they shall no² more² be² a preyº to the heathen,º neither² shall the beastº of the landº devourºª them; but they shall dwellºª safely,º and none² shall make [them] afraid.ºª 29 And I will raise upºª for them a plantº of renown,º and they shall be² no² more² consumedºª with hungerº in the land,º neither² bearºª the shameº of the heathenº any more.² 30 Thus shall they knowºª that² I² the LORDº their Godº [am] with² them, and [that] they,² [even] the houseº of Israel,º [are] my people,º saithºª the Lordº GOD.º 31 And yeº my flock,º the flockº of my pasture,º [are] men,º [and] I² [am] your God,º saithºª the Lordº GOD.º [20] Ps 22:12; Ezk 34:10, 17; Mt 25:31.
[21] Ezk 34:3; Dn 8:3; Zc 11:5, 16; Lk 13:14. [22] Ps 72:12; Jr 23:2; Ezk 34:10, 17; Zc 11:7. [23] Ec 12:11; Is 11:1; 40:11; 55:3; Jr 23:4; 30:9; Ezk 37:24; Ho 3:5; Mi 5:2; Zc 13:7; Jn 10:11; He 13:20; 1P 2:25; 5:4; Rv 22:16. [24] Ex 29:45; Jsh 5:13; Ps 2:6; Is 9:6; 43:2; Jr 23:5; 31:1, 33; 32:38; 33:15; Ezk 34:30; 36:28; 37:23, 27; 39:22; Mi 5:2; Zc 13:9; Mt 28:18; Lk 1:31; Ac 5:31; 1Co 15:25; Ep 1:21; Php 2:9; He 2:9; Rv 19:13; 21:3. [25] Lv 26:6; Jb 5:22; Ps 4:8; Is 11:6; 35:9; 55:3; Jr 23:6; 31:31; 33:16; Ezk 34:28; 37:26; Ho 2:18; Zc 6:13; He 13:20. [26] Gn 12:2; Lv 26:4; Dt 28:12; Ps 2:6; 68:9, 16; 132:14; 133:3; Is 2:2; 19:24; 32:15, 20; 44:3; 56:7; Ezk 20:40; Mi 4:1; Zc 8:13, 23; Mal 3:10. [27] Lv 26:4, 13; Ps 85:12; 92:12; Is 4:2; 9:4; 10:27; 14:2; 35:1; 52:2; 61:3; Jr 2:20; 25:14; 27:7; 30:8; Ezk 33:29; 34:10; 39:28; 47:12; Jn 15:5. [28] Jr 30:10; 46:27; Ezk 34:8, 25, 29; 36:4, 15. [29] Ps 72:17; Is 4:2; 9:6; 11:1; 49:9; 53:2; Jr 23:5; 33:15; Ezk 34:26; 36:3, 15, 29; Zc 3:8; 6:12; Rv 7:16. [30] Ps 46:7, 11; Is 8:9; Ezk 16:62; 34:24; 37:27; Mt 1:23; 28:20. [31] Ps 78:52; 80:1; 95:7; 100:3; Is 40:11; Ezk 34:24; 36:38; Mi 7:14; Lk 12:32; Jn 10:11, 16, 26; 20:15; Ac 20:28; 1P 5:2. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view []. | |
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