False Prophets Condemned1 Then the word° of the LORD° came° to me saying°, 2 “Son° of man°, prophesy° against° the aprophets° of Israel° who prophesy°, and say° to those who prophesy° from their own Iinspiration°, ‘bListen° to the word° of the LORD°! 3 Thus° says° the Lord° IGOD°, “Woe° to the afoolish° prophets° who° are following°° their own spirit° and have bseen° nothing°. 4 O Israel°, your prophets° have been° like foxes° among ruins°. 5 You have not agone° up into the bbreaches°, nor° did you build° the wall° around° the house° of Israel° to stand° in the battle° on the cday° of the LORD°. 6 They see° Iafalsehood° and lying° divination° who are saying°, ‘The LORD° declares°,’ when the LORD° has not sent° them; byet they hope° for the fulfillment° of [their] word°. 7 aDid you not see° a false° vision° and speak° a lying° divination° when you said°, ‘The LORD° declares°,’ but it is not I who have spoken°?”’” [2] ILit heart aIs 9:15; Jr 37:19; Ezk 22:25, 28 bIs 1:10; Am 7:16
[3] IHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD, and so throughout the ch aLm 2:14; Ho 9:7; Zc 11:15 bJr 23:28-32 [5] aPs 106:23; Jr 23:22; Ezk 22:30 bIs 58:12 cIs 13:6, 9; Ezk 7:19 [6] ILit vanity aJr 29:8; Ezk 22:28 bJr 28:15; 37:19 [7] aEzk 22:28 8 ¶ Therefore°, thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “Because° you have spoken° Ifalsehood° and seen° a lie°, therefore° behold°, aI am against° you,” declares° the Lord° GOD°. 9 “So My hand° will be against° the aprophets° who see° false° visions° and utter° lying° divinations°. They will Ihave° no° place° in the council° of My people°, bnor° will they be written° down° in the register° of the house° of Israel°, nor° will they enter° the land° of Israel°, IIthat you may know° that I am the Lord° GOD°. 10 It is definitely° because° they have amisled° My people° by saying°, ‘bPeace°!’ when there° is cno° peace°. And when anyone° builds° a wall°, behold°, they plaster° it over° with whitewash°; 11 [so] tell° those who plaster° [it] over° with whitewash°, that it will fall°. A aflooding° rain° will come°, and you, O hailstones°°, will fall°; and a violent° wind° will break° out. 12 Behold°, when the wall° has fallen°, will you not be asked°, ‘Where° is the plaster° with which° you plastered° [it]?’” 13 Therefore°, thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “I will make a violent° wind° break° out in My wrath°. There will also be in My anger° a flooding° rain° and ahailstones°° to consume° [it] in wrath°. 14 So I will tear° down° the wall° which° you plastered° over° with whitewash° and bring° it down° to the ground°, so that its afoundation° is laid° bare°; and when it falls°, you will be bconsumed° in its midst°. And you will cknow° that I am the LORD°. 15 Thus I will spend° My wrath° on the wall° and on those who have plastered° it over° with whitewash°; and I will say° to you, ‘The wall° Iis gone° and its plasterers° are gone°, 16 [along with] the prophets° of Israel° who prophesy° to Jerusalem°, and who asee° visions° of peace° for her when there° is bno° peace°,’ declares° the Lord° GOD°. [8] ILit vanity aEzk 5:8; 21:3; Na 2:13
[9] ILit not be in IIOr and you will know aJr 20:3-6; 28:15-17 bPs 69:28; 87:6; Jr 17:13; Dn 12:1 [10] aJr 23:32; 50:6 bJr 6:14; 8:11; 14:13 cEzk 7:25; 13:16 [11] aEzk 38:22 [13] aEx 9:24, 25; Ps 18:12, 13; Is 30:30; Rv 11:19; 16:21 [14] aMi 1:6; Hab 3:13 bJr 6:15; 14:15 cEzk 13:9 [15] ILit is not...are not [16] aJr 6:14; 8:11; Ezk 13:10 bIs 57:21 17 ¶ “Now you, son° of man°, set° your face° against° the daughters° of your people° who are aprophesying° bfrom their own Iinspiration°. Prophesy° against° them 18 and say°, ‘Thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “Woe° to the women who sew° [magic] bands° on Iall° wrists°° and make° veils° for the heads° of [persons] of every° stature° to ahunt° down° IIlives°! Will you hunt° down° the IIlives° of My people°, but preserve° the IIlives° [of others] for yourselves? 19 aFor handfuls° of barley° and fragments° of bread°, you have profaned° Me to My people° to put° to death° Isome° who° should not die° and to bkeep° Iothers° alive° who° should not live°, by your lying° to My people° who listen° to lies°.”’” [17] ILit heart aJg 4:4; 2K 22:14; Lk 2:36; Ac 21:9 bEzk 13:2; Rv 2:20
[18] ILit all joints of the hand; M.T. reads of my hands IIOr souls a2P 2:14 [19] IOr souls aPv 28:21; Mi 3:5 bJr 23:14, 17 20 ¶ Therefore°, thus° says° the Lord° GOD°, “Behold°, I am against° your [magic] bands° by which° you hunt° Ilives° there° as IIbirds° and I will tear° them from your arms°; and I will let° Ithem go°, even° those Ilives° whom° you hunt° as IIbirds°. 21 I will also tear° off your veils° and adeliver° My people° from your hands°, and they will no° longer° be in your hands° to be hunted°; and you will know° that I am the LORD°. 22 Because° you adisheartened° the righteous° with falsehood° when I did not cause° him grief°, but have Ibencouraged°° the wicked° not to cturn° from his wicked° way° [and] preserve° his life°, 23 therefore°, you women will no° longer° see° Iafalse° visions° or practice° divination°, and I will bdeliver° My people° out of your hand°. Thus you will cknow° that I am the LORD°.” [20] ILit souls IIOr flying ones
[21] aPs 91:3; 124:7 [22] ILit strengthen the hands of aAm 5:12 bJr 23:14; 34:16, 22 cEzk 18:21, 27, 30-32; 33:14-16 [23] ILit vanity aEzk 12:24; 13:6; Mi 3:6; Zc 13:3 bEzk 13:21; 34:10 cEzk 13:9, 21 Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. |
The reproof of lying prophets,1 ¶ And the wordº of the LORDº came² unto² me, saying,ºª 2 Sonº of man,º prophesyºª against² the prophetsº of Israelº that prophesy,ºª and sayºª thou unto them that prophesyº out of their own hearts,º² Hearºª ye the wordº of the LORD;º 3 Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Woeº unto² the foolishº prophets,º that² followººª their own spirit,º and have seenºª nothing!² 4 O Israel,º thy prophetsº are² like the foxesº in the deserts.º 5 Ye have not² gone upºª into the gaps,º neither made upºª the hedgeº for² the houseº of Israelº to standºª in the battleº in the dayº of the LORD.º 6 They have seenºª vanityº and lyingº divination,º saying,ºª The LORDº saith:ºª and the LORDº hath not² sentºª them: and they have made [others] to hopeºª that they would confirmºª the word.º 7 Have ye not² seenºª a vainº vision,º and have ye not spoken¹ª² a lyingº divination,º whereas ye say,ºª The LORDº saithºª [it]; albeit I² have not² spoken?¹ª² 8 Therefore² thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Because² ye have spokenºª vanity,º and seenºª lies,º therefore,² behold,² I [am] against² you, saithºª the Lordº GOD.º 9 And mine handº shall be² upon² the prophetsº that see¹² vanity,º and that divineºª lies:º they shall not² be² in the assemblyº of my people,º neither² shall they be writtenºª in the writingº of the houseº of Israel,º neither² shall they enterºª into² the landº of Israel;º and ye shall knowºª that² I² [am] the Lordº GOD.º [2] 1K 22:19; 2Ch 18:18; Is 1:10; 9:15; 28:14; 56:9; Jr 5:31; 6:13; 8:10; 14:13, 14; 23:2, 11, 16, 25, 26; 27:14, 18; 28:12, 15; 29:8, 20, 31; 37:19; Lm 4:13; Ezk 13:3, 17; 14:9; 22:25, 28; 34:7, 9; Am 7:16; Mi 3:6, 11; Zp 3:4; 2P 2:1.
[3] Pv 15:2, 14; Jr 23:1, 28; Lm 2:14; Ezk 13:6, 18; 34:2; Ho 9:7; Zc 11:15; Mt 23:13, 16; Lk 11:40, 42, 52; 1Co 9:16; 1Ti 6:4; 2Ti 3:9. [4] So 2:15; Mi 2:11; 3:5; Mt 7:15; Ro 16:18; 2Co 11:13; Ga 2:4; Ep 4:14; 2Th 2:9; 1Ti 4:1; Tit 1:10; Rv 13:11; 19:20. [5] Ex 17:9; 32:11; Nu 16:21, 47; 1S 12:23; Jb 40:9; Ps 76:7; 106:23; Is 2:12; 13:6, 9; 27:4; 34:8; 58:12; Jr 15:1; 23:22; 27:18; Lm 2:13; Ezk 22:30; 30:3; Jol 1:15; 2:1, 31; 3:14; Am 5:18; Zp 1:14; 2:2; Mal 1:9; 4:5; Ep 6:13; 1Th 5:2; 2P 3:10; Rv 6:17; 16:14; 20:8. [6] 1K 22:6, 27, 37; Pv 14:15; Jr 14:14; 23:31; 28:2, 15; 29:8, 31; 37:19; Lm 2:14; Ezk 12:23; 13:7, 22, 23; 21:23, 29; 22:28; Zc 10:2; Mk 13:6, 22; 2Th 2:11; 2P 2:18. [7] Ezk 13:2, 6; Mt 24:23. [8] Jr 50:31; 51:25; Ezk 5:8; 21:3; 26:3; 28:22; 29:3, 10; 35:3; 38:3; 39:1; Na 2:13; 3:5; 1Ti 4:1, 8; 1P 3:12. [9] Ex 32:32; 1K 22:24; Ezr 2:59, 62; Ne 7:62, 64; Ps 69:5, 28; 87:6; 101:7; Is 4:3; Jr 20:3; 23:20; 28:15; 29:21, 31; Ezk 11:10, 12, 13; 12:20; 14:9; 20:38; Dn 12:1; Ho 9:3; Lk 10:20; Php 4:3; He 12:23; Rv 13:8; 19:20; 20:12, 15. and their untempered morter.10 ¶ Because,² even because² they have seducedºª² my people,º saying,ºª Peace;º and [there was] no² peace;º and one² built upºª a wall,º and, lo,º others daubedºª it with untemperedº [morter]: 11 Sayºª unto² them which daubºª [it] with untemperedº [morter], that it shall fall:ºª there shall be² an overflowingºª shower;º and ye,º O great hailstones,ºº shall fall;ºª and a stormyº windº shall rendºª [it]. 12 Lo,² when the wallº is fallen,ºª shall it not² be saidºª unto² you, Where² [is] the daubingº wherewith² ye have daubedºª [it]? 13 Therefore² thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º I will even rendºª [it] with a stormyº windº in my fury;º and there shall be² an overflowingºª showerº in mine anger,º and great hailstonesºº in [my] furyº to consumeº [it]. 14 So will I break downºª² the wallº that² ye have daubedºª with untemperedº [morter], and bring¹ª it down² to² the ground,º so that the foundationº thereof shall be discovered,ºª and it shall fall,ºª and ye shall be consumedºª in the midstº thereof: and ye shall knowºª that² I² [am] the LORD.º 15 Thus will I accomplishºª² my wrathº upon the wall,º and upon them that have daubedºª it with untemperedº [morter], and will sayºª unto you, The wallº [is] no² [more], neither² they that daubedºª it; 16 [To wit], the prophetsº of Israelº which prophesyºª concerning² Jerusalem,º and which see¹² visionsº of peaceº for her, and [there is] no² peace,º saithºª the Lordº GOD.º [10] 2K 21:9; 2Ch 18:12; Pv 12:26; Is 30:10; 57:21; Jr 4:10; 5:31; 6:14; 8:11, 15; 14:13; 23:13, 17; 28:9; Ezk 13:16; 22:28; Mi 2:11; Mal 3:15; 1Ti 4:1; 2Ti 3:13; 1Jn 2:26; Rv 2:20.
[11] Jb 27:21; Ps 11:6; 18:13; 32:6; Is 25:4; 28:2, 15; 29:6; 32:19; Ezk 38:22; Na 1:3, 7; Mt 7:25, 27; Lk 6:48. [12] Dt 32:37; Jg 9:38; 10:14; 2K 3:13; Jr 2:28; 29:31; 37:19; Lm 2:14. [13] Ex 9:18; Lv 26:28; Ps 18:12; 105:32; 107:25; 148:8; Is 30:30; Jr 23:19; Jna 1:4; Hg 2:17; Rv 8:7; 11:19; 16:21. [14] Ps 11:3; Jr 6:15; 8:12; 14:15; 23:15; Ezk 13:9, 21, 23; 14:8; Mi 1:6; Hab 3:13; Mt 7:26; Lk 6:49; 1Co 3:11. [15] Ne 4:3; Ps 62:3; Is 30:13. [16] Is 48:22; 57:20; Jr 5:31; 6:14; 8:11; 28:1, 9; 29:31; Ezk 13:10. Of prophetesses and their pillows.17 ¶ Likewise, thou² sonº of man,º setºª thy faceº against² the daughtersº of thy people,º which prophesyºª out of² their own heart;º and prophesyºª thou against² them, 18 And say,ºª Thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Woeº to the [women] that sewºª pillowsº to² all² armholes,ºº and makeºª kerchiefsº upon² the headº of every² statureº to huntºª souls!º Will ye huntºª the soulsº of my people,º and will ye save¹ª the souls¹ aliveºª² [that come] unto you? 19 And will ye polluteºª me among² my peopleº for handfulsº of barleyº and for piecesº of bread,º to slayºª the soulsº that² should not² die,ºª and to save¹ª the souls¹ aliveºª² that² should not² live,ºª by your lyingºª to my peopleº that hearºª [your] lies?º 20 Wherefore² thus² saithºª the Lordº GOD;º Behold,² I [am] against² your pillows,º wherewith² yeº there² huntºª² the soulsº to make [them] fly,ºª and I will tearºª them from²² your arms,º and will let the souls¹ go,ºª²² [even]² the soulsº that² ye² huntºª to make [them] fly.ºª 21 ² Your kerchiefsº also will I tear,ºª and deliverºª² my peopleº out of your hand,º² and they shall be² no² more² in your handº to be hunted;º and ye shall knowºª that² I² [am] the LORD.º 22 Because² with liesº ye have made the heartº of the righteousº sad,ºª whom I² have not² made sad;ºª and strengthenedºª the handsº of the wicked,¹² that he should not² returnºª from his wicked¹ way,º²² by promising him life:ºª 23 Therefore² ye shall seeºª no² more² vanity,º nor² divineºª divinations:º for I will deliverºª² my peopleº out of your hand:º² and ye shall knowºª that² I² [am] the LORD.º [17] Jg 4:4; 2K 22:14; Is 3:16; 4:4; Ezk 4:3; 13:2; 20:46; 21:2; Lk 2:36; 2P 2:1; Rv 2:20.
[18] Jr 4:10; 6:14; Ezk 13:3, 10, 16, 22; 22:25; Ep 4:14; 2Ti 4:3; 2P 2:14. [19] 1S 2:16; Pv 19:27; 28:21; Jr 23:14, 17; Ezk 13:22; 20:39; 22:26; Mi 3:5, 11; Mal 1:10; Ro 14:15; 16:18; 1Co 8:11; 1P 5:2; 2P 2:2. [20] Ezk 13:8, 15; 2Ti 3:8. [21] Ezk 13:9. [22] Gn 3:4; Jr 4:10; 6:14; 8:11; 14:13; 23:9, 14, 17; 27:14; 28:16; 29:32; Lm 2:11; Ezk 9:4; 13:16; 2P 2:18. [23] Dt 18:20; Ezk 12:24; 13:6, 9, 21; 14:8; 15:7; 34:10; Mi 3:6; Zc 13:3; Mt 24:24; Mk 13:22; 1Co 11:19; 2Ti 3:9; Jde 1:24; Rv 12:9, 11; 13:5, 8; 15:2. ©2011 by First Gospel Publications, Zion, Ill. All rights reserved. For downloads and more information please visit www.FirstGospel.com. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Chaldee and Greek Dictionaries Featuring the qBible.com Living Strong's Lexical Map ©2003 by The WWW Chat Bible Compages. All rights reserved. For how to use color-coding please view [www.ChatBible.com/key.asp]. |
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