NASB — Numbers 27 — KJV

A Law of Inheritance

1 Then athe daughters° of Zelophehad°, the son° of Hepher°, the son° of Gilead°, the son° of Machir°, the son° of Manasseh°, of the families° of Manasseh° the son° of Joseph°, came° near°; and these° are bthe names° of his daughters°: Mahlah°, Noah° and Hoglah° and Milcah° and Tirzah°. 2 They stood° before° Moses° and before° Eleazar° the priest° and before° the leaders° and all° the congregation°, at the doorway° of the tent° of meeting°, saying°, 3 “Our father° adied° in the wilderness°, yet he was not among° the company° of those who gathered° themselves together against° the LORD° in the company° of Korah°; but he died° in his own sin°, and bhe had° no° sons°. 4 Why° should the name° of our father° be withdrawn° from among° his family° because° he had° no° son°? Give° us a possession° among° our father’s° brothers°.” 5 aSo Moses° brought° their case° before° the LORD°.

[1] aNu 26:33; 36:1 bNu 26:33
[3] aNu 26:64, 65 bNu 26:33
[5] aNu 9:8; 27:21

6 ¶ Then the LORD° spoke° to Moses°, saying°, 7aThe daughters° of Zelophehad° are right° in [their] statements°. You shall surely° give° them a hereditary° possession° among° their father’s° brothers°, and you shall transfer° the inheritance° of their father° to them. 8 Further, you shall speak° to the sons° of Israel°, saying°, ‘If° a man° dies° and has° no° son°, then you shall transfer° his inheritance° to his daughter°. 9 If° he has° no° daughter°, then you shall give° his inheritance° to his brothers°. 10 If° he has° no° brothers°, then you shall give° his inheritance° to his father’s° brothers°. 11 If° his father° has° no° brothers°, then you shall give° his inheritance° to his nearest° relative° in his own family°, and he shall possess° it; and it shall be a astatutory° ordinance° to the sons° of Israel°, just° as the LORD° commanded° Moses°.’”

[7] aNu 36:2; Jsh 17:4
[11] aNu 35:29

12aThen the LORD° said° to Moses°, “Go° up to this° bmountain° of Abarim°, and see° the land° which° I have given° to the sons° of Israel°. 13 When you have seen° it, you too° awill be gathered° to your people°, bas Aaron° your brother° Iwas; 14 for in the wilderness° of Zin°, during the strife° of the congregation°, ayou rebelled° against° My Icommand° IIto treat° Me as holy° before° their eyes° at the water°.” (These° are the waters° of Meribah° of Kadesh° in the wilderness° of Zin°.)

[12] aDt 3:23-27; 32:48-52 bNu 33:47, 48
[13] ILit was gathered aNu 31:2 bNu 20:24, 28; Dt 10:6
[14] ILit mouth IILit for My sanctity aNu 20:12; Dt 32:51; Ps 106:32

Joshua to Succeed Moses

15 ¶ Then Moses° spoke° to the LORD°, saying°, 16aMay the LORD°, the God° of the spirits° of all° flesh°, appoint° a man° over° the congregation°, 17 who° awill go° out Iand come° in before° them, and who° will lead° them out and IIbring° them in, so that the congregation° of the LORD° will not be blike sheep° which° have° no° shepherd°.” 18 So the LORD° said° to Moses°, “ITake° Joshua° the son° of Nun°, a man° ain whom° is the Spirit°, and blay° your hand° on him; 19 and have him stand° before° Eleazar° the priest° and before° all° the congregation°, and acommission° him in their sight°. 20 You shall put° some° of your Iauthority° on him, in order° that all° the congregation° of the sons° of Israel° may obey° [him]. 21 Moreover, he shall stand° before° Eleazar° the priest°, who shall inquire° for him aby the judgment° of the Urim° before° the LORD°. At his Icommand° they shall go° out and at his Icommand° they shall come° in, [both] he and the sons° of Israel° with him, even all° the congregation°.” 22 Moses° did° just° as the LORD° commanded° him; and he took° Joshua° and set° him before° Eleazar° the priest° and before° all° the congregation°. 23 Then he laid° his hands° on him and acommissioned° him, just° as the LORD° had spoken° Ithrough° Moses°.

[16] aNu 16:22
[17] ILit before them and who will IILit who will bring aDt 31:2; 2Ch 1:10 b1K 22:17; Ezk 34:5; Mt 9:36; Mk 6:34
[18] ILit Take for yourself aNu 11:25-29; Dt 34:9 bNu 27:23
[19] aDt 3:28; 31:3, 7, 8, 23
[20] ILit majesty
[21] ILit mouth aEx 28:30; 1S 28:6
[23] ILit by the hand of aDt 31:23

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The daughters of Zelophehad sue for an inheritance.

1 ¶ Then cameºª the daughtersº of Zelophehad,º the sonº of Hepher,º the sonº of Gilead,º the sonº of Machir,º the sonº of Manasseh,º of the familiesº of Manassehº the sonº of Joseph:º and these² [are] the namesº of his daughters;º Mahlah,º Noah,º and Hoglah,º and Milcah,º and Tirzah.º 2 And they stoodºª beforeº Moses,º and beforeº Eleazarº the priest,º and beforeº the princesº and all² the congregation,º [by] the doorº of the tabernacleº of the congregation,º saying,ºª 3 Our fatherº diedºª in the wilderness,º and he² was² not² inº the companyº of them that gathered themselves togetherºª against² the LORDº in the companyº of Korah;º but² diedºª in his own sin,º and had² no² sons.º 4 Why² should the nameº of our fatherº be done awayºª from amongº² his family,º because² he hath no² son?º Giveºª unto us [therefore] a possessionº amongº the brethrenº of our father.º 5 And Mosesº broughtºª² their causeº beforeº the LORD.º

[1] Nu 26:33; 36:1; Jsh 17:3; 1Ch 7:15; Ga 3:28.
[2] Ex 18:13, 19; Nu 15:33; Dt 17:8.
[3] Nu 14:35; 16:1, 19, 32, 49; 26:9, 64; Ezk 18:4; Jn 8:21, 24; Ro 5:12, 21; 6:23.
[4] Ex 32:11; Jsh 17:4; Ps 109:13; Pv 13:9.
[5] Ex 18:15; 25:22; Lv 24:12; Nu 15:34; Jb 23:4; Pv 3:5.

The law of inheritances.

6 ¶ And the LORDº spakeºª unto² Moses,º saying,ºª 7 The daughtersº of Zelophehadº speakºª right:º thou shalt surely¹ª giveºª them a possessionº of an inheritanceº amongº their father'sº brethren;º and thou shalt cause² the inheritanceº of their fatherº to passºª unto them. 8 And thou shalt speakºª unto² the childrenº of Israel,º saying,ºª If² a manº die,ºª and have no² son,º then ye shall cause² his inheritanceº to passºª unto his daughter.º 9 And if² he have no² daughter,º then ye shall giveºª² his inheritanceº unto his brethren.º 10 And if² he have no² brethren,º then ye shall giveºª² his inheritanceº unto his father'sº brethren.º 11 And if² his fatherº have no² brethren,º then ye shall giveºª² his inheritanceº unto his kinsmanº that is nextº to² him of his family,º² and he shall possessºª it: and it shall be² unto the childrenº of Israelº a statuteº of judgment,º as² the LORDº commandedºª² Moses.º

[6] Ps 68:5; Ga 3:28.
[7] Nu 36:1; Ps 68:5; Jr 49:11; Ga 3:28.
[11] Lv 25:25, 49; Nu 35:29; Ru 4:3; 1S 30:25; Jr 32:8.

Moses, being told of his death, sueth for a successor.

12 ¶ And the LORDº saidºª unto² Moses,º Get thee upºª into² this² mountº Abarim,º and seeºª² the landº which² I have givenºª unto the childrenº of Israel.º 13 And when thou hast seenºª it, thou² also² shalt be gatheredºª unto² thy people,º as² Aaronº thy brotherº was gathered.ºª 14 For² ye rebelled¹ª against² my commandmentº in the desertº of Zin,º in the strifeº of the congregation,º to sanctifyºª me at the waterº before their eyes:º that² [is] the waterº of Meribahº in Kadeshº in the wildernessº of Zin.º

[12] Nu 33:47; Dt 3:27; 32:49; 34:1.
[13] Gn 25:8, 17; Nu 20:24; 31:2; 33:38; Dt 10:6; 32:50.
[14] Ex 17:7; Nu 20:1, 8, 13, 24; Dt 1:37; 32:51; Ps 106:32.

15 ¶ And Mosesº spakeºª unto² the LORD,º saying,ºª 16 Let the LORD,º the Godº of the spiritsº of all² flesh,º setºª a manº over² the congregation,º 17 Which² may go outºª beforeº them, and which² may go inºª beforeº them, and which² may lead them out,ºª and which² may bring them in;ºª that the congregationº of the LORDº be² not² as sheepº which² have no² shepherd.ºª

[16] Nu 16:22; Dt 31:14; 1S 12:13; 1K 5:5; Jb 12:10; Jr 3:15; 23:4; Ezk 34:11, 23; 37:24; Mt 9:38; Jn 10:11; Ac 20:28; He 12:9; 1P 5:2.
[17] Dt 31:2; 1S 8:20; 18:13; 2S 5:2; 1K 3:7; 22:17; 2Ch 1:10; 18:16; Ezk 34:5; Zc 10:2; 13:7; Mt 9:36; 10:6; 15:24; Mk 6:34; Jn 10:3, 9; 1P 2:25.

Joshua is appointed to succeed him.

18 ¶ And the LORDº saidºª unto² Moses,º Takeºª thee² Joshuaº the sonº of Nun,º a manº in whom² [is] the spirit,º and layºª² thine handº upon² him; 19 And setºª him beforeº Eleazarº the priest,º and beforeº all² the congregation;º and give him a chargeºª² in their sight.º 20 And thou shalt putºª [some] of thine honourº² upon² him, that² all² the congregationº of the childrenº of Israelº may be obedient.ºª 21 And he shall standºª beforeº Eleazarº the priest,º who shall askºª [counsel] for him after the judgmentº of Urimº beforeº the LORD:º at² his wordº shall they go out,ºª and at² his wordº they shall come in,ºª [both] he,² and all² the childrenº of Israelº with² him, even all² the congregation.º 22 And Mosesº didºª as² the LORDº commandedºª him: and he tookºª² Joshua,º and setºª him beforeº Eleazarº the priest,º and beforeº all² the congregation:º 23 And he laidºª² his handsº upon² him, and gave him a charge,ºª as² the LORDº commandedºª by the handº of Moses.º

[18] Gn 41:38; Ex 17:9; Nu 11:17, 28; 13:8, 16; 27:23; Dt 3:28; 31:7, 23; 34:9; Jg 3:10; 11:29; 1S 16:13, 18; Dn 5:14; Jn 3:34; Ac 6:3, 6; 8:15; 13:3; 19:6; 1Co 12:4; 1Ti 4:14; 5:22; He 6:2.
[19] Dt 31:7; Lk 9:1; 10:2; Ac 20:28; Col 4:17; 1Ti 5:21; 6:13; 2Ti 4:1.
[20] Nu 11:17, 28; Jsh 1:16; 1S 10:6, 9; 2K 2:9, 15; 1Ch 29:23, 25.
[21] Ex 28:30; Lv 8:8; Nu 27:17; Dt 33:8; Jsh 9:14; Jg 1:1; 20:18, 23, 26; 1S 22:10; 23:9; 28:6; 30:7; Ezr 2:63; Ne 7:65.
[23] Nu 27:19; Dt 3:28; 31:7.

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