NASB — 2 Thessalonians 3 — KJV


1 aFinally°, brethren°, bpray° for us that cthe word° of the Lord° will Ispread° rapidly° and be glorified°, just° as [it did] also° with you; 2 and that we will be arescued° from Iperverse° and evil° men°; for not all° have IIfaith°. 3 But athe Lord° is faithful°, Iand He will strengthen° and protect° you IIfrom bthe evil° [one]. 4 We have° aconfidence° in the Lord° concerning° you, that you bare doing° and will [continue to] do° what° we command°. 5 May the Lord° adirect° your hearts° into the love° of God° and into the steadfastness° of Christ°.

[1] ILit run a1Th 4:1 b1Th 5:25 c1Th 1:8
[2] ILit improper IIOr the faith aRo 15:31
[3] ILit who will IIOr from evil a1Co 1:9; 1Th 5:24 bMt 5:37
[4] a2Co 2:3 b1Th 4:10
[5] a1Th 3:11

6 ¶ Now° we command° you, brethren°, ain the name° of our Lord° Jesus° Christ°, that you Ibkeep° away° from every° brother° who IIleads° an IIIcunruly° life° and not according° to dthe tradition° which° IVyou received° from us. 7 For you yourselves° know° how° you ought° to Iafollow° our example°, because° we did not act° in an undisciplined° manner° among° you, 8 nor° did we aeat° Ianyone’s°° bread° IIwithout° paying° for it, but with blabor° and hardship° we [kept] cworking° night° and day° so° that we would not be a burden° to any° of you; 9 not because° we do not have° athe right° [to this], but in order° to offer° ourselves° bas a model° for you, so° that you would Ifollow° our example°. 10 For even° awhen° we were with you, we used to give° you this° order°: bif° anyone° is not willing° to work°, then° he is not to eat°, either°. 11 For we hear° that some° among° you are aleading° an undisciplined° life°, doing° no° work° at all°, but acting° like° bbusybodies°. 12 Now° such° persons° we command° and aexhort° in the Lord° Jesus° Christ° to bwork° in quiet° fashion° and eat° their own° bread°. 13 But as for you, abrethren°, bdo not grow° weary° of doing° good°.

[6] IOr avoid IILit walks disorderly IIIOr undisciplined IVOne early ms reads they a1Co 5:4 bRo 16:17; 1Co 5:11; 2Th 3:14 c1Th 5:14; 2Th 3:7, 11 d1Co 11:2; 2Th 2:15
[7] ILit imitate us a1Th 1:6; 2Th 3:9
[8] ILit from anyone IILit freely a1Co 9:4 b1Th 2:9 cAc 18:3; Ep 4:28
[9] ILit imitate us a1Co 9:4ff b2Th 3:7
[10] a1Th 3:4 b1Th 4:11
[11] a2Th 3:6 b1Ti 5:13; 1P 4:15
[12] a1Th 4:1 b1Th 4:11
[13] a1Th 4:1 b2Co 4:1; Ga 6:9

14 ¶ If° anyone° does not obey° our Iinstruction° IIain this° letter°, take° special° note° of that person° IIIband do not associate° with him, so° that he will be cput° to shame°. 15 [Yet] ado not regard° him as an enemy°, but Ibadmonish° him as a cbrother°.

[14] ILit word IILit through IIILit not to associate aCol 4:16 b2Th 3:6 c1Co 4:14
[15] IOr keep admonishing aGa 6:1 b1Th 5:14 c2Th 3:6, 13

16 ¶ Now° amay the Lord° of peace° bHimself° continually°° grant° you peace° in every° Icircumstance°. cThe Lord° be with you all°!

[16] ILit way aRo 15:33 b1Th 3:11 cRu 2:4

17II, Paul°, write this° greeting° awith my own° hand°, and this° is a distinguishing° mark° in every° letter°; this° is the way° I write°. 18 aThe grace° of our Lord° Jesus° Christ° be with you all°.

[17] ILit The greeting by my hand of Paul a1Co 16:21
[18] aRo 16:20; 1Th 5:28

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He craveth their prayers for himself,

1 ¶ Finally,º brethren,º prayºª forº us,º thatº the² wordº of the² Lordº may have [free] course,ºª andº be glorified,ºª evenº asº [it is] withº you:º 2 Andº thatº we may be deliveredºª fromº unreasonableº andº wickedº men:º forº allº [men] have notº faith.º

[1] Ps 138:2; Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2; Ac 6:7; 12:24; 13:48, 49; 19:20; Ro 15:30; 1Co 16:9; 2Co 1:11; Ep 6:19; Col 4:3; 1Th 1:5; 2:1, 13; 5:17, 25; 2Ti 2:9; He 13:18.
[2] Dt 32:20; Mt 17:17; 23:23; Lk 18:8; Jn 2:23; Ac 13:45, 50; 14:2; 17:5; 28:24; Ro 10:16; 15:31; 1Co 15:32; 2Co 1:8; 4:3; 1Th 2:18; 2Ti 4:17.

testifieth what confidence he hath in them,

3 Butº the² Lordº isºª faithful,º whoº shall stablishºª you,º andº keepºª [you] fromº evil.º 4 Andº we have confidenceºª inº the Lordº touchingº you,º thatº ye bothº doºª andº will doºª the things whichº we commandºª you.º

[3] Gn 48:16; 1Ch 4:10; Ps 19:13; 121:7; Mt 6:13; Lk 11:4; Jn 17:15; 1Co 1:9; 10:13; 1Th 5:24; 2Th 2:17; 2Ti 4:18; 2P 2:9; Jde 1:24.
[4] Mt 28:20; Ro 2:7; 15:14, 18; 1Co 7:19; 14:37; 2Co 2:3, 9; 7:15, 16; 8:22; Ga 5:10; Php 1:6; 2:12; 1Th 4:1, 10; 2Th 3:6, 12; Phm 1:21.

maketh request to God in their behalf,

5 Andº the² Lordº directºª yourº heartsº intoº the² loveº of God,º andº intoº the² patient waitingº for Christ.º²

[5] Dt 30:6; 1K 8:58; 1Ch 29:18; Ps 40:1; 119:5, 36; 130:5; Pv 3:6; Jr 10:23; 31:33; Lm 3:26; Lk 12:36; Ro 5:5; 8:25, 28; 1Co 8:3; Ga 5:22; Php 3:20; 1Th 1:3, 10; 2Ti 4:8; Tit 2:13; He 9:28; 12:2; Jm 1:16; 2:5; 1P 4:1; 2P 3:12; 1Jn 4:19; Rv 3:10; 13:10.

giveth them divers precepts, especially to shun idleness, and ill company,

6 Nowº we commandºª you,º brethren,º inº the nameº of ourº Lordº Jesusº Christ,º that ye² withdraw¹ª yourselves¹² fromº everyº brotherº that walkethºª disorderly,º andº notº afterº the² traditionº whichº he receivedºª ofº us.º 7 Forº yourselvesº knowºª howº ye oughtºª to followºª us:º forº we behaved¹ª not¹ ourselves disorderlyºª² amongº you;º 8 Neitherº did we eatºª any² man'sº¹ breadº for nought;º butº wroughtºª withº labourº andº travailº nightº andº day,º that¹ we might¹ª notº be chargeableºª to anyº of you:º 9 Notº becauseº we haveºª notº power,º butº toº makeºª ourselvesº an ensampleº unto youº to¹ followºª us.º 10 Forº evenº whenº we wereºª withº you,º thisº we commandedºª you,º thatº if anyº wouldºª notº work,ºª neitherº should he eat.ºª 11 Forº we hearºª that there are someº which walkºª amongº youº disorderly,º workingºª not at all,º butº are busybodies.ºª 12 Nowº them that are suchº we commandºª andº exhortºª byº ourº Lordº Jesusº Christ,º thatº withº quietnessº they work,ºª and eatºª their ownº bread.º 13 Butº ye,º brethren,º be¹ª not¹ wearyºª² in well doing.ºª 14 Andº if² any man¹² obeyºª notº ourº wordº byº this epistle,º noteºª that¹ man,² andº have¹ª no¹ company²² with¹ª him,º thatº he may be ashamed.ºª 15 Yetº countºª [him] notº asº an enemy,º butº admonishºª [him] asº a brother.º

[6] Mt 18:17; Ro 16:17; 1Co 5:4, 11; 2Co 2:10; Ep 4:17; Col 3:17; 1Th 4:1, 11; 5:14; 2Th 2:15; 3:7, 10, 11, 14; 1Ti 5:21; 6:5, 13; 2Ti 3:5; 4:1; He 12:15, 16; 3Jn 1:10.
[7] 1Co 4:16; 11:1; Php 3:17; 4:9; 1Th 1:6; 2:10; 2Th 3:6, 9; 1Ti 4:12; Tit 2:7; 1P 5:3.
[8] Pv 31:27; Mt 6:11; Ac 18:3; 20:34; 1Co 4:12; 2Co 11:9; 1Th 2:9; 4:11; 2Th 3:12.
[9] Mt 10:10; Jn 13:15; 1Co 9:4; Ga 6:6; 1Th 2:6; 2Th 3:7; 1P 2:21.
[10] Gn 3:19; Pv 13:4; 20:4; 21:25; 24:30; Lk 24:44; Jn 16:4; Ac 20:18; 1Th 4:11.
[11] 1Th 4:11; 2Th 3:6; 1Ti 5:13; 1P 4:15.
[12] Gn 49:14; Pv 17:1; Ec 4:6; Lk 11:3; Ep 4:28; 1Th 4:11; 2Th 3:6, 8; 1Ti 2:2.
[13] Dt 20:8; Ps 27:13; Is 40:29, 30; Zp 3:16; Mal 1:13; Lk 18:1; Ro 2:7; 1Co 15:28; 2Co 4:1, 16; Ga 6:9; Php 1:9; 1Th 4:1; He 12:3, 5; Rv 2:3.
[14] Nu 12:14; Dt 16:12; Ezr 9:6; Ps 83:16; Pv 5:13; Jr 3:3; 6:15; 31:18; Ezk 16:61; 36:31; Zp 3:2; Mt 18:17; Lk 15:18; Ro 16:17; 1Co 5:9, 11; 2Co 2:9; 7:15; 10:6; Php 2:12; 1Th 4:8; 2Th 3:6; Tit 3:10; Phm 1:21; He 13:17.
[15] Lv 19:17; Ps 141:5; Pv 9:9; 25:12; Mt 18:15; 1Co 4:14; 5:5; 2Co 2:6; 10:8; 13:10; Ga 6:1; 1Th 5:14; Tit 3:10; Jm 5:19; Jde 1:22.

and last of all concludeth with prayer and salutation.

16 Nowº the² Lordº of peaceº himselfº giveºª youº peaceº alwaysºº byº allº means.º The² Lordº [be] withº youº all.º 17 The² salutationº of Paulº with mine ownº hand,º whichº isºª the tokenº inº everyº epistle:º soº I write.ºª 18 The² graceº of ourº Lordº Jesusº Christº [be] withº youº all.º Amen.º [[[The second¹ [epistle] to¹ the Thessalonians¹ was written¹ª from¹ Athens.]]]¹

[16] Nu 6:26; Jg 6:24; 1S 17:37; 20:13; Ps 29:11; 46:7, 11; 72:3, 7; 85:8; Is 8:10; 9:6; 26:12; 45:7; 54:10; 66:12; Hg 2:9; Zc 6:13; Mt 1:23; 28:20; Lk 2:14; Jn 14:27; 16:33; Ro 1:7; 15:33; 16:20; 1Co 14:33; 2Co 5:19; 13:11; Ep 2:14; Php 4:7; 1Th 5:23; 2Th 3:18; 2Ti 4:22; Phm 1:25; He 7:2; 13:20.
[17] Jsh 2:12; 1S 17:18; 1Co 16:21; Col 4:18; 2Th 1:5.
[18] Ro 16:20, 24.

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