NASB — Psalms 40 — KJV

God Sustains His Servant.

For the choir director. A Psalm of David.

  1 I awaited° Ipatiently° for the LORD°;
  And He inclined° to me and bheard° my cry°.
  2 He brought° me up out of the apit° of destruction°, out of the Imiry° clay°,
  And bHe set° my feet° upon a rock° cmaking° my footsteps° firm°.
  3 He put° a anew° song° in my mouth°, a song° of praise° to our God°;
  Many° will bsee° and fear°
  And will trust° in the LORD°.

[1] IOr intently aPs 25:5; 27:14; 37:7 bPs 34:15
[2] ILit mud of the mire aPs 69:2, 14; Jr 38:6 bPs 27:5 cPs 37:23
[3] aPs 32:7; 33:3 bPs 52:6; 64:9

  4 ¶ How ablessed° is the man° who° has made° the LORD° his trust°,
  And bhas not Iturned° to the proud°, nor to those who clapse° into falsehood°.
  5 Many°, O LORD° my God°, are athe wonders° which You have done°,
  And Your bthoughts° toward° us;
  There° is none° to compare° with You.
  If I would declare° and speak° of them,
  They cwould be too° numerous° to count°.

[4] ILit regard aPs 34:8; 84:12 bJb 37:24 cPs 125:5
[5] aJb 5:9; Ps 136:4 bPs 139:17; Is 55:8 cPs 71:15; 139:18

  6IaSacrifice° and meal° offering° You have not desired°;
  My ears° You have IIopened°;
  Burnt° offering° and sin° offering° You have not required°.
  7 Then° I said°, “Behold°, I come°;
  In the scroll° of the book° it is Iwritten° of me.
  8 aI delight° to do° Your will°, O my God°;
  bYour Law° is within° my heart°.”

[6] II.e. Blood sacrifice IILit dug; or possibly pierced a1S 15:22; Ps 51:16; Is 1:11; Jr 6:20; 7:22, 23; Am 5:22; Mi 6:6-8; He 10:5-7
[7] IOr prescribed for
[8] aJn 4:34 bPs 37:31; Jr 31:33; 2Co 3:3

  9 ¶ I have aproclaimed° glad° tidings° of righteousness° in the great° congregation°;
  Behold°, I will bnot restrain° my lips°,
  O LORD°, cYou know°.
  10 I have anot hidden° Your righteousness° within° my heart°;
  I have bspoken° of Your faithfulness° and Your salvation°;
  I have not concealed° Your lovingkindness° and Your truth° from the great° congregation°.

[9] aPs 22:22, 25 bPs 119:13 cJsh 22:22; Ps 139:4
[10] aAc 20:20, 27 bPs 89:1

  11 ¶ You, O LORD°, will not withhold° Your compassion° from me;
  IYour alovingkindness° and Your truth° will continually° preserve° me.
  12 For evils° beyond°° number° have asurrounded° me;
  My biniquities° have overtaken° me, so that I am not able° to see°;
  They are cmore° numerous° than° the hairs° of my head°,
  And my dheart° has Ifailed° me.

[11] IOr May...preserve aPs 43:3; 57:3; 61:7; Pv 20:28
[12] ILit forsaken aPs 18:5; 116:3 bPs 38:4; 65:3 cPs 69:4 dPs 73:26

  13aBe pleased°, O LORD°, to deliver° me;
  Make° bhaste°, O LORD°, to help° me.
  14 Let those be aashamed° and humiliated° together°
  Who bseek° my Ilife° to destroy° it;
  Let those be turned° back° and dishonored°
  Who° delight° IIin my hurt°.
  15 Let those abe Iappalled° because°° of their shame°
  Who bsay° to me, “Aha°, aha°!”
  16 aLet all° who seek° You rejoice° and be glad° in You;
  Let those who love° Your salvation° bsay° continually°,
  “The LORD° be magnified°!”
  17 Since aI am afflicted° and needy°,
  IbLet the Lord° be mindful° of me.
  You are my help° and my deliverer°;
  Do not delay°, O my God°.

[13] aPs 70:1 bPs 22:19; 71:12
[14] IOr soul IIOr to injure me aPs 35:4, 26; 70:2; 71:13 bPs 63:9
[15] IOr desolated aPs 70:3 bPs 35:21; 70:3
[16] aPs 70:4 bPs 35:27
[17] IOr The Lord is mindful aPs 70:5; 86:1; 109:22 bPs 40:5; 1P 5:7

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The benefit of confidence in God.

1 ¶ [[To the chief Musician,ºª A Psalmº of David.]]º I waitedºª patientlyºª for the LORD;º and he inclinedºª unto² me, and heardºª my cry.º 2 He brought me upºª also out of an horribleº pit,º² out of the miryº clay,º² and setºª my feetº upon² a rock,º [and] establishedºª my goings.º 3 And he hath putºª a newº songº in my mouth,º [even] praiseº unto our God:º manyº shall seeºª [it], and fear,ºª and shall trustºª in the LORD.º 4 Blessedº [is] that manº that² makethºª the LORDº his trust,º and respectethºª² not² the proud,º nor such as turn asideºª to lies.º 5 Many,º O LORDº my God,º [are] thy wonderful¹ª works² [which] thou² hast done,ºª and thy thoughtsº [which are] to² us-ward: they cannot² be reckoned up in orderºª unto thee:² [if] I would declareºª and speakºª [of them], they are moreºª than can be numbered.ºª²

[1] Ps 27:13; 37:7; 116:2; 130:2; Dn 9:18; Jm 5:7.
[2] Ps 17:5; 18:16, 36; 27:5; 37:23; 61:2; 69:2, 14; 71:20; 86:13; 116:3; 119:133; 142:6; 143:3; Is 24:22; Jr 38:6; Lm 3:53; Jna 2:5; Zc 9:11; Mt 7:24; 13:50; Ac 2:24, 27.
[3] Ps 33:3; 34:1; 35:27; 52:6; 64:9; 103:1; 142:7; 144:9; Is 12:1; Ho 3:5; Ac 2:31; 4:4; Rv 5:9; 14:3.
[4] Ps 2:12; 15:4; 34:8; 84:11; 101:3; 118:8; 119:21; 125:5; Is 44:18; Jr 10:14; 17:7; Jna 2:8; Ro 15:12; 2Th 2:9.
[5] Ex 11:8; 15:11; Jb 5:9; 9:10; 26:14; 37:19; Ps 71:15; 92:5; 136:4; 139:6, 17; Is 55:8; Jr 29:11.

Obedience is the best sacrifice.

6 Sacrificeº and offeringº thou didst not² desire;ºª mine earsº hast thou opened:ºª burnt offeringº and sin offeringº hast thou not² required.ºª 7 Then² saidºª I, Lo,² I come:ºª in the volumeº of the bookº [it is] writtenºª of² me, 8 I delightºª to doºª thy will,º O my God:º yea, thy lawº [is] withinº my heart.º 9 I have preachedºª righteousnessº in the greatº congregation:º lo,² I have not² refrainedºª my lips,º O LORD,º thou² knowest.ºª 10 I have not² hidºª thy righteousnessº withinº my heart;º I have declaredºª thy faithfulnessº and thy salvation:º I have not² concealedºª thy lovingkindnessº and thy truthº from the greatº congregation.º

[6] Ex 21:6; 1S 15:22; Jb 33:16; Ps 50:8; 51:16; Is 1:11; 50:4; 66:3; Jr 7:21; Ho 6:6; Mt 9:13; 12:7; He 10:5.
[7] Gn 3:15; Lk 24:27, 44; Jn 5:39; Ac 10:43; 1Co 15:3; He 10:7; 1P 1:10; Rv 19:10.
[8] Jb 23:12; Ps 37:30; 112:1; 119:16, 24, 47, 92; Pv 3:1; Jr 15:16; 31:33; Jn 4:34; Ro 7:22; 8:29; 2Co 3:3.
[9] Ps 22:22, 25; 35:18; 71:15; 119:13, 171; 139:2; Mk 16:15; Lk 4:16; Jn 21:17; He 2:12.
[10] Ps 25:10; 34:6; Is 49:6; Ezk 2:7; 3:17; Mi 7:20; Lk 2:30; 3:6; Jn 1:17; 3:16; Ac 13:32; 20:20, 26; Ro 1:16; 3:22; 10:3, 9; 15:8; Php 3:9; 1Th 1:8; 1Ti 1:15; Rv 22:17.

The sense of David's evils inflameth his prayer.

11 Withholdºª not² thou² thy tender merciesº from² me, O LORD:º let thy lovingkindnessº and thy truthº continuallyº preserveºª me. 12 For² innumerableº²² evilsº have compassed¹ª me about:²² mine iniquitiesº have taken holdºª upon me, so that I am not² ableºª to look up;ºª they are moreºª than the hairsº² of mine head:º therefore my heartº failethºª me. 13 Be pleased,ºª O LORD,º to deliverºª me: O LORD,º make hasteºª to helpº me. 14 Let them be ashamedºª and confoundedºª togetherº that seek¹ª after² my soulº to destroyºª it; let them be drivenºª backwardº and put to shameºª that wishº me evil.º 15 Let them be desolateºª for² a rewardº of their shameº that sayºª unto me, Aha,º aha.º 16 Let all² those that seekºª thee rejoiceºª and be gladºª in thee: let such as loveºª thy salvationº sayºª continually,º The LORDº be magnified.ºª 17 But I² [am] poorº and needy;º [yet] the Lordº thinkethºª upon me: thou² [art] my helpº and my deliverer;ºª make no² tarrying,ºª O my God.º

[11] Ps 23:6; 43:3; 57:3; 61:7; 69:13, 16; 85:10; He 5:7.
[12] Gn 42:28; Ps 19:12; 22:11; 38:4; 69:4; 73:26; Is 53:6; Lk 18:13; 21:26; He 4:15; 1P 3:18.
[13] Ps 25:17; 38:22; 70:1; Mt 26:36.
[14] Ps 9:3; 31:17; 35:4, 26; 70:2; 71:13; Is 41:11; 45:24; Mt 21:38; Jn 18:6; Ac 9:4; 12:23.
[15] Ps 35:21, 25; 69:24; 70:3; 73:19; 109:6; Lk 19:43; 21:23.
[16] Ps 22:26; 35:27; 68:3; 105:3; 119:81, 111, 123, 166; Is 65:13; Mt 13:45; Lk 1:46; Ac 19:17; Php 3:7.
[17] Ps 34:6; 40:5; 54:4; 69:33; 70:5; 143:7; Is 41:17; 50:7; Mt 8:20; 2Co 8:9; He 13:6; Jm 2:5; 1P 2:23; 5:7; Rv 22:20.

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