NASB — Psalms 50 — KJV

God the Judge of the Righteous and the Wicked.

A Psalm of Asaph.

  1 aThe Mighty° One°, God°, the LORD°, has spoken°,
  And summoned° the earth° bfrom the rising° of the sun° to its setting°.
  2 Out of Zion°, athe perfection° of beauty°,
  God° bhas shone° forth°.
  3 May our God° acome° and not keep° silence°;
  bFire° devours° before° Him,
  And it is very° ctempestuous° around° Him.
  4 He asummons° the heavens° above°°,
  And the earth°, to judge° His people°:
  5 “Gather° My agodly° ones° to Me,
  Those who have made° a bcovenant° with Me by csacrifice°.”
  6 And the aheavens° declare° His righteousness°,
  For bGod° Himself° is judge°.

[1] 1Ch 15:17; 2Ch 29:30 aJsh 22:22 bPs 113:3
[2] aPs 48:2; Lm 2:15 bDt 33:2; Ps 80:1; 94:1
[3] aPs 96:13 bLv 10:2; Nu 16:35; Ps 97:3; Dn 7:10 cPs 18:12, 13
[4] aDt 4:26; 31:28; 32:1; Is 1:2
[5] aPs 30:4; 37:28; 52:9 bEx 24:7; 2Ch 6:11; Ps 25:10 cPs 50:8
[6] ISelah may mean: Pause, Crescendo or Musical interlude aPs 89:5; 97:6 bPs 75:7; 96:13

  7 ¶ “aHear°, O My people°, and I will speak°;
  O Israel°, I will testify° Iagainst you;
  I am God°, byour God°.
  8 “I do anot reprove° you for your sacrifices°,
  And your burnt° offerings° are continually° before° Me.
  9 “I shall take° no° ayoung° bull° out of your house°
  Nor male° goats° out of your folds°.
  10 “For aevery° beast° of the forest° is Mine,
  The cattle° on a thousand° hills°.
  11 “I know° every° abird° of the mountains°,
  And everything° that moves° in the field° is IMine°.
  12 “If° I were hungry° I would not tell° you,
  For the aworld° is Mine, and Iall° it contains°.
  13 “Shall I eat° the flesh° of Iabulls°
  Or drink° the blood° of male° goats°?
  14 “Offer° to God° aa sacrifice° of thanksgiving°
  And bpay° your vows° to the Most° High°;
  15 aCall° upon Me in the day° of trouble°;
  I shall brescue° you, and you will chonor° Me.”

[7] IOr to aPs 49:1; 81:8 bEx 20:2; Ps 48:14
[8] aPs 40:6; 51:16; Is 1:11; Ho 6:6
[9] aPs 69:31
[10] aPs 104:24
[11] IOr in My mind; lit with Me aMt 6:26
[12] ILit its fullness aEx 19:5; Dt 10:14; Ps 24:1; 1Co 10:26
[13] ILit strong ones aPs 50:9
[14] aPs 27:6; 69:30; 107:22; 116:17; Ho 14:2; Ro 12:1; He 13:15 bNu 30:2; Dt 23:21; Ps 22:25; 56:12; 61:8; 65:1; 76:11
[15] aPs 91:15; 107:6, 13; Zc 13:9 bPs 81:7 cPs 22:23

  16 ¶ But to the wicked° God° says°,
  “What° right have you to tell° of My statutes°
  And to take° aMy covenant° in your mouth°?
  17 “For you ahate° discipline°,
  And you bcast° My words° behind° you.
  18 “When° you see° a thief°, you Iaare pleased° with him,
  And IIyou bassociate° with adulterers°.
  19 “You Ialet° your mouth° loose° in evil°
  And your btongue° frames° deceit°.
  20 “You sit° and aspeak° against your brother°;
  You slander°° your own mother’s° son°.
  21 “These° things° you have done° and aI kept° silence°;
  You thought° that I was just like° you;
  I will breprove° you and state° [the case] in order° before your eyes°.

[16] aIs 29:13
[17] aPv 5:12; 12:1; Ro 2:21, 22 b1K 14:9; Ne 9:26
[18] ISome ancient versions read run together IILit your part is with aRo 1:32 b1Ti 5:22
[19] ILit send aPs 10:7 bPs 36:3; 52:2
[20] aJb 19:18; Mt 10:21
[21] aEc 8:11; Is 42:14; 57:11 bPs 90:8

  22 ¶ “Now° consider° this°, you who aforget° God°,
  Or° I will btear° [you] in pieces, and there° will be none° to deliver°.
  23 “He who aoffers° a sacrifice° of thanksgiving° honors° Me;
  And to him who Iborders° [his] way° [aright]
  I shall cshow° the salvation° of God°.”

[22] aJb 8:13; Ps 9:17 bPs 7:2
[23] ILit sets aPs 50:14 bPs 85:13 cPs 91:16

New American Standard Bible
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by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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The majesty of God in the Church.

1 ¶ [[A Psalmº of Asaph.]]º The mightyº God,º [even] the LORD,º hath spoken,ºª and calledºª the earthº from the risingº² of the sunº unto² the going downº thereof. 2 Out of Zion,º² the perfectionº of beauty,º Godº hath shined.ºª 3 Our Godº shall come,ºª and shall not² keep silence:ºª a fireº shall devourºª beforeº him, and it shall be veryº tempestuousºª round aboutº him. 4 He shall callºª to² the heavensº from above,º² and to² the earth,º that he may judgeºª his people.º

[1] Gn 17:1; Jsh 22:22; 1K 18:21, 36; Ne 9:6, 32; Ps 49:1; 113:3; 145:3; Is 1:2; 9:6; 37:20; 54:5; Jr 10:6; 32:18; Am 3:8; Mal 1:11; Mt 25:32.
[2] Dt 33:2; Ps 48:2; 68:24; 80:1, 17; 87:2; So 5:16; Is 12:6; 26:21; Ho 5:15; Hab 2:20; 3:3; Zc 9:17; He 12:22; Rv 1:16; 21:23.
[3] Ex 19:18; Lv 10:2; Nu 16:35; Dt 9:3; 1K 19:11; Ps 18:7; 48:14; 50:21; 68:20; 83:1; 97:3, 4; Is 42:13; 65:6; Dn 7:10; Na 1:5; Hab 3:5; Mal 3:2; 4:1; Mt 3:12; 2Th 1:8; He 2:3; 10:28; 12:18, 29; Rv 22:20.
[4] Dt 4:36; 30:19; 31:28; 32:1; Ps 50:6; 96:13; 98:9; Is 1:2; 11:3; Mi 6:1; Jn 5:22.

His order to gather saints.

5 Gather¹ª my saints¹ together²² unto me; those that have madeºª a covenantº with me by² sacrifice.º 6 And the heavensº shall declareºª his righteousness:º for² Godº [is] judgeºª himself.² Selah.º

[5] Ex 24:3; Dt 33:2; Ps 97:10; Pv 2:8; Is 13:3; Zc 14:5; Mt 24:31; 26:28; 1Co 6:2; 1Th 3:13; 4:16; 2Th 2:1; He 9:10; 12:24; 13:20; Jde 1:14.
[6] Gn 18:25; Ps 7:3; 9:16; 75:7; 97:6; Jn 5:22; Ro 2:5; 14:9; 2Co 5:10; Rv 16:5; 19:2; 20:11.

The pleasure of God is not in ceremonies,

7 Hear,ºª O my people,º and I will speak;ºª O Israel,º and I will testifyºª against thee: I² [am] God,º [even] thy God.º 8 I will not² reproveºª thee for² thy sacrificesº or thy burnt offerings,º [to have been] continuallyº before² me. 9 I will takeºª no² bullockº out of thy house,º² [nor] he goatsº out of thy folds.º² 10 For² every² beastº of the forestº [is] mine, [and] the cattleº upon a thousandº hills.º 11 I knowºª all² the fowlsº of the mountains:º and the wild beastsº of the fieldº [are] mine.º 12 If² I were hungry,ºª I would not² tellºª thee: for² the worldº [is] mine, and the fulnessº thereof. 13 Will I eatºª the fleshº of bulls,º or drinkºª the bloodº of goats?º

[7] Ex 19:5; 20:2; Dt 26:17; 31:19; 1S 12:22; 2K 17:13; 2Ch 28:5; Ne 9:29; Ps 81:8, 10; Is 1:18; Jr 2:4, 9; Ezk 20:5, 7, 19; Mi 6:1; Zc 13:9; Mal 3:5.
[8] Ps 40:6; 51:16; Is 1:11; Jr 7:21; Ho 6:6; He 10:4.
[9] Is 43:23; Mi 6:6; Ac 17:25; He 10:4.
[10] Gn 1:24; 2:19; 8:17; 9:2; 31:9; 1Ch 29:14; Jb 40:15; Ps 8:6; 104:14, 24; Jr 27:5; Dn 2:38; Jna 4:11.
[11] Gn 1:20; Jb 38:41; 39:13, 26; Ps 104:12; 147:9; Is 56:9; Ezk 14:15; Mt 6:26; 10:29; Lk 12:24.
[12] Gn 1:11, 28; 8:17; Ex 19:5; Dt 10:14; Jb 41:11; Ps 24:1; 104:24; 115:15; 145:15; 1Co 10:26.

but in sincerity of obedience.

14 Offerºª unto Godº thanksgiving;º and payºª thy vowsº unto the most High:º 15 And call¹ª upon² me in the dayº of trouble:º I will deliverºª thee, and thou shalt glorifyºª me. 16 But unto the wickedº Godº saith,ºª What² hast thou to do to declareºª my statutes,º or [that] thou shouldest takeºª my covenantº in² thy mouth?º 17 Seeing thou² hatestºª instruction,º and castestºª my wordsº behindº thee. 18 When² thou sawestºª a thief,º then thou consentedstºª with² him, and hast been partakerº with² adulterers.ºª 19 Thou givestºª thy mouthº to evil,º and thy tongueº framethºª deceit.º 20 Thou sittestºª [and] speakestºª against thy brother;º thou¹ª slanderestº² thine own mother'sº son.º 21 These² [things] hast thou done,ºª and I kept silence;ºª thou thoughtestºª that I was² altogetherºª [such an one] as thyself:² [but] I will reproveºª thee, and set [them] in orderºª before thine eyes.º 22 Now² considerºª this,² ye that forgetºª God,º lest² I tear [you] in pieces,ºª and [there be] none² to deliver.ºª 23 Whoso offerethºª praiseº glorifiethºª me: and to him that orderethºª [his] conversationº [aright] will I shewºª the salvationº of God.º

[14] Lv 27:2; Nu 30:2; Dt 23:21; Ps 50:23; 56:12; 69:30; 76:11; 107:21; 116:12, 17; 147:1; Ec 5:4; Ho 14:2; Na 1:15; 1Th 5:18; He 13:15; 1P 2:5, 9.
[15] 2Ch 33:12; Jb 22:27; Ps 22:23; 34:3; 50:23; 66:13; 77:2; 91:15; 107:6, 19, 28; Zc 13:9; Mt 5:16; Lk 17:15; 22:44; Jn 15:8; Ac 16:25; Jm 5:13; 1P 4:11, 14.
[16] Ps 25:14; 78:36; Pv 26:7; Is 1:11; 48:1, 22; 55:6; 58:1; Jr 7:4; Ezk 18:27; 20:37; Mt 7:3, 22; Jn 4:24; Ac 19:13; Ro 2:17; 1Co 9:27; He 8:9; 2P 2:15.
[17] Ne 9:26; Pv 1:7, 28; 5:12; 8:36; 12:1; Is 5:23; Jr 8:9; 18:12; 36:23; Jn 3:20; Ro 1:28; 2:21, 23; 2Th 2:10; 2Ti 4:3.
[18] Lv 20:10; Jb 31:9; Pv 1:10; 2:16; 7:19; Is 5:23; Jr 5:8; Mi 7:3; Mt 23:30; Ro 1:32; Ep 5:11; 1Ti 5:22; He 13:4.
[19] Ps 5:9; 10:7; 12:2; 36:3; 52:3; 55:12, 21; 64:3; Is 59:3; Jr 9:5; Ho 4:2; Ro 3:13; Jm 3:5; Rv 21:8.
[20] Lv 19:16; Ps 31:18; Pv 10:18; Mt 5:11; 10:21; Lk 22:65; 1Ti 3:11; Tit 2:3; Rv 12:10.
[21] Ex 3:14; Nu 23:19; Ps 50:3, 8; 73:11; 90:8; 94:7; 109:1; Pv 29:1; Ec 8:11; 12:14; Is 26:10; 40:15; 57:11; Am 8:7; Ro 2:4; 1Co 4:5; 2P 3:9; Rv 3:19.
[22] Dt 32:18; 2S 22:42; Jb 8:13; Ps 7:2; 9:17; 10:4; Ec 7:14; Is 51:13; Jr 2:32; Ezk 18:28; Ho 4:6; 5:14; 13:8; Am 2:14; Mi 5:8; Hg 1:5; Lk 15:17; Rv 6:16.
[23] Ps 22:23; 24:4; 25:14; 27:6; 50:14; 85:9; 86:9, 12; 91:16; Is 12:2; 45:17; 49:6; 51:5; Lk 2:30; Jn 7:17; 8:31; Ac 10:2; 11:14; 13:26; Ro 12:1; 15:6, 9; Ga 1:24; 6:16; Php 1:27; Jm 3:13; 1P 1:15; 2:9.

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